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=Recent Timeline 1492-1624=
=Recent History 1492-1581=

* '''1492 – Sartar acclaimed Prince of Sartar'''
* '''1492 – Sartar acclaimed Prince of Sartar'''
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* '''1565 – Tarkalor becomes Prince of Sartar'''
* '''1565 – Tarkalor becomes Prince of Sartar'''
* '''1575 – Tarkalor becomes King of Dragon Pass'''
* '''1575 – Tarkalor becomes King of Dragon Pass'''
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=Recent Timeline 1582-1622 (Recent Ancestors)=
* '''1582 – Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen go to the aid of the Old Tarshites against the Lunar Empire. Meeting an army led by the Red Emperor himself, both die at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. The Far Point Tribes join the Kingdom of Sartar.'''
* '''1582 – Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen go to the aid of the Old Tarshites against the Lunar Empire. Meeting an army led by the Red Emperor himself, both die at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. The Far Point Tribes join the Kingdom of Sartar.'''
: - Ivartha's grandfather (the merchant Roganvarth Spear Eater) and Broalar's grandfather (Bryalor Bear-Killer, Warrior) fight and die with great honour defending King Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen, hence Ivartha's loyalty to the Feathered Horse Queen and Broalar's to Sartar. Rhann Redhawk's grandfather (a thief), also dies at Grizzly Peak, though no tales are told of his passing.
: - Ivartha's grandfather (the merchant Roganvarth Spear Eater) and Broalar's grandfather (Bryalor Bear-Killer, Warrior) fight and die with great honour defending King Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen, hence Ivartha's loyalty to the Feathered Horse Queen and Broalar's to Sartar. Rhann Redhawk's grandfather (a thief), also dies at Grizzly Peak, though no tales are told of his passing.
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* '''1621 – A Giant's Cradle floats down the Zola Fel to the sea; the Lunar army's attempts to take it are thwarted by defenders. Whitewall finally falls to the Lunars; Orlanth and Ernalda are proclaimed dead and the Great Winter begins. Final victory over Dragon Pass and the Storm God seem imminent.'''
* '''1621 – A Giant's Cradle floats down the Zola Fel to the sea; the Lunar army's attempts to take it are thwarted by defenders. Whitewall finally falls to the Lunars; Orlanth and Ernalda are proclaimed dead and the Great Winter begins. Final victory over Dragon Pass and the Storm God seem imminent.'''
: - While delivering some animals to Whitewall, Jarellyr finds herself caught in the Fall of Whitewall and is killed, an event that drives her daughter Andrasta into the cult of Babeester Gor.
: - While delivering some animals to Whitewall, Jarellyr finds herself caught in the Fall of Whitewall and is killed, an event that drives her daughter Andrasta into the cult of Babeester Gor.
: - Ivartha's older brother, Karos (Healer), and Rhann`s father starve and freeze to death in the Great Winter making sure others were fed.
: - Ivartha's older brother, Karos (Healer), and Rhann's father make sure others were fed, but themselves starve and freeze to death in the Great Winter  
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=Recent Timeline 1622-1624 (Our Heroes)=
* '''1622 – Tatius the Bright is the new Governor general of Dragon Pass. Broyan re-emerges, leading the Hendriking in rebellion. The Culbrea also rise in rebellion. Meanwhile, hordes of scorpion men emerge from Larnste's Footprint serving the Chaos demigoddess the Queen of Jab. At the Battle of Auroch Hills, Broyan ambushes and defeats the Lunars, partly reviving Orlanth and Ernalda. The pro-Lunar queen of Esrolia is overthrown, leading to civil war here. The Great Winter ends'''
* '''1622 – Tatius the Bright is the new Governor general of Dragon Pass. Broyan re-emerges, leading the Hendriking in rebellion. The Culbrea also rise in rebellion. Meanwhile, hordes of scorpion men emerge from Larnste's Footprint serving the Chaos demigoddess the Queen of Jab. At the Battle of Auroch Hills, Broyan ambushes and defeats the Lunars, partly reviving Orlanth and Ernalda. The pro-Lunar queen of Esrolia is overthrown, leading to civil war here. The Great Winter ends'''
: - Fingoll pillages Red Earth supporters
: - Fingoll pillages Red Earth supporters

Latest revision as of 19:10, 26 May 2024

Recruit | IC | OOC

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Recent History 1492-1581[edit]

  • 1492 – Sartar acclaimed Prince of Sartar
  • 1495 – Sartar becomes King of Dragon Pass
  • 1520 – Apotheosis of Sartar
  • 1565 – Tarkalor becomes Prince of Sartar
  • 1575 – Tarkalor becomes King of Dragon Pass

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Recent Timeline 1582-1622 (Recent Ancestors)[edit]

  • 1582 – Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen go to the aid of the Old Tarshites against the Lunar Empire. Meeting an army led by the Red Emperor himself, both die at the Battle of Grizzly Peak. The Far Point Tribes join the Kingdom of Sartar.
- Ivartha's grandfather (the merchant Roganvarth Spear Eater) and Broalar's grandfather (Bryalor Bear-Killer, Warrior) fight and die with great honour defending King Tarkalor and the Feathered Horse Queen, hence Ivartha's loyalty to the Feathered Horse Queen and Broalar's to Sartar. Rhann Redhawk's grandfather (a thief), also dies at Grizzly Peak, though no tales are told of his passing.
- At least one of Fingoll's ancestors is also present.
- Although Andrasta's grandfather Agrath is a warrior, he is busy that year, welcoming his first daughter into the family, and does not fight.
  • 1597 – Lunar assassins kill members of the Sartar Royal House in the Holy Country.
- Rhann's grandmother, a farmer who chose Vinga's path, and one of Fingoll's ancestors die heroically defending a member of the Sartar royal house.
- Again Agrath, now a father to many children, does not fight.
  • 1602 – The Lunar Empire invades Sartar, meeting little resistance. The Colymar suffer greatly, first when the Crimson Bat, aided by undead slaves of Delecti, devours the fortress of Runegate. Many more Colymar meet their end when Boldhome falls to the Lunars and Sartar is conquered. The red Emperor defiles the temple of Sartar, extinguishing the Flame of Sartar and ravages the city.
- Ivartha's grandmother (Brathe Catfinder, a thief) and Andrasta's grandfather Agrath both die with great glory at the Battle of Boldhome. Andrik's grandfather (a thief) survives to tell the tale but is killed trying to steal from the Telmori a few years later. Rhann's great-uncle, a Drogarsi entertainer and hawk breeder, also survives the battle.
  • 1603-4 - The Lunar Empire dominates Dragon Pass and encourages warfare between the Sartarite tribes. The Colymar maintain their autonomy through this first decade of Lunar rule.
  • 1605 – The Lunar Empire seeks to expand south into the Holy Country, led by General Fazzur Wideread. The Lunars suffer humiliating defeat at the Building Wall Battle.
- Andrasta's maternal grandmother Leika is in Karse and survives the Feint to the Sea campaign, avoiding such events for the next eight years.
  • 1606 – The Maboder Tribe (to the north of the Colymar) is destroyed by the Telmori
  • 1608 – The Lunar Empire now seeks to expand east to the sea, in the First Lunar Invasion of Prax. Many nomad ambushes slow the army and an accommodation is reached.
- Fingoll's mother Renna fights, while Rhann's mother, a noblewoman, witnesses the Lunar submission to the Paps.
  • 1610 – Better prepared, the Lunars launch the Second Invasion of Prax, defeating the nomads at the Battle of Moonbroth and taking Pavis. In Old Tarsh Jar-Eel the razoress liberates King Moirades.
- Ivartha's Father (Hendrick Roganvarthsson, another thief) is there, likely rooting around in the baggage train, while Broalar's Haranulf Storm-Caller, a Storm Bull Priest, acquits himself more honourably. Rhann's mother died in this battle with glory.
- Back in Dragon Pass, Andrik's Father (also a thief) is killed looking for riches in Snakepipe Hollow.
  • 1613 – The remnants of the Houshold of Sartar incite the Sartarites to rebel in strength, led by Kallyr Starbrow. King Kallai Rockbuster leads the Colymar and a thousand tribesmen, led by the King’s son Kangharl “Blackmoor”, defend the Hill of Orlanth Victorious. Despite the Sartarites' initial success in expelling the Lunar army, Fazzur Wideread regroups his forces and crushes the rebellion in a counterattack. Kallai and Kangharl are exiled and the Colymar are stripped of three clans (Zethnoring is given to the Locaem; Lysang & Namolding given to the Malani). Kallai’s kinswoman Leika Ballista becomes next tribal king. Fazzur Wideread is appointed Governor-General of Dragon Pass and appoints a puppet Prince, Temertain, in Boldhome. The Lunar College of Magic begins to construct a Templre of the reaching Moon in the foothills of the Storm Mountain, with the ultimate aim of extending the glowline and defeating Orlanth in the Middle Air.
- Fingoll's mother Renna and Broalar's father Haranulf aid Starbrow in her escape and Andrasta's mother Jarellyr and Rhann's father (a bandit) also participate in the rebellion.
  • 1615 - War breaks out beetween the Grazelanders - aided by King Ironhoof - and the Lunars. The mobile Grazelanders frustrate the Lunars. Leika Ballista, Queen of the Colymar, is exiled by the Lunars. She refuses to abdicate and leaves for Whitewall with the tribal Black Spear. Kangharl Blackmoor is recognized by the Lunars as the next King and rules for ten years in alliance with the Lunar Empire (though the Anmangarn clan never recognises him). The Seven Mothers cult is permitted to operate in Colymar territory.
- Ivartha's father Hendrick is eaten by ogres!
  • 1616 - Broalar's father Haranulf fights in the Lion King's Feast [he shouldn't have unless he is Esrolian]
  • 1619 – The Lunars invade Heortland, taking the city of Karse. King Broyan of the Hendrikings heroically withstands a Lunar siege at Whitewall. The Crimson bat is sent to Dragon Pass.
- Fingoll's mother Renna, Ivartha's mother Orande (a crafter) and Rhann's father all participate in the Hendriking Campaign.
- Broalar's father Haranulf is fed to the Crimson Bat
  • 1620 – Broyan continues to resist the Lunars, even the Crimson Bat. Jomes Wulf defeats the Telmori
- Andrasta's mother Jarellyr fights in the Heortland Campaign.
- So do Fingoll's mother Renna and Ivartha's mother Orande, but they are eaten by the Crimson Bat
  • 1621 – A Giant's Cradle floats down the Zola Fel to the sea; the Lunar army's attempts to take it are thwarted by defenders. Whitewall finally falls to the Lunars; Orlanth and Ernalda are proclaimed dead and the Great Winter begins. Final victory over Dragon Pass and the Storm God seem imminent.
- While delivering some animals to Whitewall, Jarellyr finds herself caught in the Fall of Whitewall and is killed, an event that drives her daughter Andrasta into the cult of Babeester Gor.
- Ivartha's older brother, Karos (Healer), and Rhann's father make sure others were fed, but themselves starve and freeze to death in the Great Winter

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Recent Timeline 1622-1624 (Our Heroes)[edit]

  • 1622 – Tatius the Bright is the new Governor general of Dragon Pass. Broyan re-emerges, leading the Hendriking in rebellion. The Culbrea also rise in rebellion. Meanwhile, hordes of scorpion men emerge from Larnste's Footprint serving the Chaos demigoddess the Queen of Jab. At the Battle of Auroch Hills, Broyan ambushes and defeats the Lunars, partly reviving Orlanth and Ernalda. The pro-Lunar queen of Esrolia is overthrown, leading to civil war here. The Great Winter ends
- Fingoll pillages Red Earth supporters
- Andrik, Ivartha, Rhann and Broalar participate in the Battle of Auroch Hills. Andrik fighting beside his older brother Kelf. Ivartha is wounded honourably in her left arm while Rhann, having only escaped freezing by joining the rebels, is also wounded. Broalar aids Kong Broyan in awakening Orlanth.
- Broalar moves on to to fight in the Battle of Esrolia.
- Andrasta only survives the second year of Winter with the aid of her cult.
  • 1623 - Broyan arrives in Esrolia and defeats the Grazeland Horse Army (the Feathered Horse Queen is killed by her bodyguard). He allies with the new Esrolian queen Samastina. They are then besieged in Nochet by the Lunar army. To the north, a massive swarm of Uz an, insects and darkness creatures cross Dragon Pass on their way to the Castle of Lead.
- Fingoll achieves a professional accomplishment (??)
- Ivartha takes part in the Siege of Nochet and is blessed by Queen Samastina.
- Andrik is blessed by Orlanth.
- In the civil strife, Rhann is waylaid by tuskriders and is sorely wounded, almost losing his life.
  • 1624 – The Boat Planet rises in the sky, prophesizing doom and change. Harrek and his Wolf Pirates arrive in the Holy Country and ally with Samastina and Broyan to rout the Lunars at the Battle of Pennel Ford. During the battle, Orlanth is freed from the Underworld and the constellation Orlanth's Ring appeared with additional stars, rising to the top of the sky. Argrath, who has been travelling with Harrek, travels to the border of Sartar and Prax and summons the Praxian demigod Jaldon Goldentooth to recognize him as the White Bull. In the winter, Harrek and Broyan sack the City of Wonders while Humakti kill the Lunar client king Temertain of Boldhome.
- Fingoll, Ivartha, Rhann and Broalar all take part in the Battle of Pennel Ford, Ivartha, Rhann and Broalar earning even greater glory. Andrasta remains with her temple.
- Broalar aids Harrek the Beserk in Sacking the City of Wonders and is nearly killed by Harrek, losing his finger and fearing Harrek for ever more.
- Ivartha and Rhann follow Argrath, Ivartha pledging undying loyalty to Argrath as the White Bull and to Jaldon Goldentooth. Rhann kills a Colymari who opposes the White Bull.
- Andrik befriends some Uz in a singing competition

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Timeline 1625- (Game Start)[edit]