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Weight: 5<br>
Weight: 5<br>
Notes: Adequate supplies for Heal checks. Five uses.<br>
Notes: Adequate supplies for Heal checks. Five uses.<br>
'''Tool Kit:''' A standard set of tools and replacement parts of dealing with military machinery. If something is broken, this gives you a decent shot at getting it going again.<br>
Weight: 10<br>
Notes: Allows for the use of the repair skill with no penalties for missing tools<br>
'''Chemlight:''' A very cheap, and very lightweight, solution for low light situations. Very effective at providing enough light for passive NVG use.<br>
'''Chemlight:''' A very cheap, and very lightweight, solution for low light situations. Very effective at providing enough light for passive NVG use.<br>
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Weight: 25<br>
Weight: 25<br>
Notes: +2 bonus to athletics checks for climbing<br>
Notes: +2 bonus to athletics checks for climbing<br>
'''Lightweight climbing Gear:''' A simpler, cut down set of climbing gear. Grappling hook, rope, grapple gun and a simplified harness. It weights less, but lacks some of the specialized gear for non standard surfaces.<br>
Weight: 10<br>
Notes: +2 bonus to athletics checks for climbing. Provides no benefit for ice or slippery surfaces<br>
'''Plasma Torch:''' A small hand-held cutting torch that will burn through anything, even rock. It incorporates a windowed shield, and holds enough power for fifteen minutes of continuous use. Attaching a welding rod and reducing its output power effectively turns the device into an arc welder, also extending its battery duration by another fifteen minutes.<br>
'''Plasma Torch:''' A small hand-held cutting torch that will burn through anything, even rock. It incorporates a windowed shield, and holds enough power for fifteen minutes of continuous use. Attaching a welding rod and reducing its output power effectively turns the device into an arc welder, also extending its battery duration by another fifteen minutes.<br>
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Weight: 3<br>
Weight: 3<br>
Notes: Personal canteen, contains plenty of drinking water. Draining a canteen can remove one level of fatigue; can only be done once per mission. Takes one action.<br>
Notes: Personal canteen, contains plenty of drinking water. Draining a canteen can remove one level of fatigue; can only be done once per mission. Takes one action.<br>
'''MRE: Meal, Ready-to-Eat.''' Military issue food for survival. Taste takes a back seat to nutrition and caloric count, unfortunately. While X-COM has excellent cook staff at the commissary on base for morale purposes, troops going on extended deployments should take some food with them.<br>
Weight: 3<br>
Notes: Provides food for one person for one day. Taking five minutes to eat one can remove a level of fatigue. Can only happen once per mission.
'''Crowbar:''' A titanium grade military issue crowbar, for opening things that are stuck, which occasionally includes heads. <br>
'''Crowbar:''' A titanium grade military issue crowbar, for opening things that are stuck, which occasionally includes heads. <br>
Weight: 3<br>
Weight: 3<br>
Notes: +1 to Strength checks to open or break something<br>
Notes: +1 to Strength checks to open or break something<br>
'''Boltcutters:''' High grade steel industrial bolt cutters; can open up chain link fences or remove padlocks relatively quietly (compared to a shotgun) <br>
Weight: 3<br>
Notes: Can be used to cut through padlocks and fences<br>
'''Flashlight:''' A sturdy, military flashlight with a titanium casing. Useful for casting light into the dark places, and bludgeoning the things you find.<br>
'''Flashlight:''' A sturdy, military flashlight with a titanium casing. Useful for casting light into the dark places, and bludgeoning the things you find.<br>
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Weight: 4<br>
Weight: 4<br>
Notes: Allows operator to easily dig up dirt and soil<br>
Notes: Allows operator to easily dig up dirt and soil<br>
'''Military Laptop:''' A hardened set of military electronics, designed to be used in hazardous field conditions. Can run most software in the field and interface with the team’s personal network. In addition, it can serve as a satellite uplink and it contains a suite of cyberwarfare programs for gaining illicit access to other computers. X-COM issue laptops contain access codes for most Eastern and Western military networks, in order to ease the task of interfacing with local units. They also contain a thermite charge, and a remote self destruction mechanism. They cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands.<br>
Weight: 8<br>
Notes: Allows for satellite communications and execution of software in the field. Can be used to connect to human computer networks and perform hacking checks with a +1 bonus on civilian networks.<br>
'''Encrypted smartphone:''' Affectionately referred to as the "X-Phone" by some agents, this smartphone appears and functions as a regular device. It can sync with the team's network, It is equipped with a military-grade encryption software (–6 to hack or jam the signal) and can be turned into an emergency beacon with a free action. As well, the smartphone allows satellite communications and a direct access to the X-COM’s secured database: UFOPedia. If anyone, besides its dedicated user, tries to unlock it without the right facial recognition and fingerprint, the smartphone fries itself.<br>
Weight: 1<br>
Notes: Most smartphone functions. Can act as an emergency beacon and be used to hack human networks.<br>
'''Advanced Trauma Kit:''' A highly advanced medical kit containing the latest in development in healing gels and nano sized wound closures. Not only is it highly effecitve at stabilizing injured operatives; it can get a soldier back in fighting condition in the field. Three uses per kit, allows the user to treat wounds as a standard action instead of ten minutes.<br>
Quantity: 4<br>
Weight: 7<br>

Latest revision as of 02:39, 13 June 2024

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Field Medical Kit: The field med-kit is an assortment of medical supplies that may be necessary on the battlefield, such as tourniquets, dressings, sutures, and sterile water, all contained in a small back pack than can be worn over top of normal body armor. It's no substitute for proper medical care, but it can keep someone alive long enough to get it.
Weight: 5
Notes: Adequate supplies for Heal checks. Five uses.

Tool Kit: A standard set of tools and replacement parts of dealing with military machinery. If something is broken, this gives you a decent shot at getting it going again.
Weight: 10
Notes: Allows for the use of the repair skill with no penalties for missing tools

Chemlight: A very cheap, and very lightweight, solution for low light situations. Very effective at providing enough light for passive NVG use.
Weight: 0.2
Notes: Provides dim illumination in a small burst template

Flare: A magnesium flare that provides a superior illumination solution than chemlights.
Weight: 1
Notes: Provides bright illumination in a large burst template

Tactical Universal Unmanned Vehicle Controller: The TUUVC is the latest development in drone technology, a universal tablet, remote control and encrypted radio that can be distributed across a soldier's loadout. It allows for direct feedback from drones and constant video feeds and control, without compromising a front line operative's combat ability.
Weight: 15
Notes: Allow control of one drone. Can sync to multiple drones, but can only run one at a time unless the user has Multitasker

Gas Mask: Standard issue US Military M50 Gask Mask, in use across the world. It protects against harmful gases, but is hot and uncomfortable wear.
Weight: 4
Notes: Renders wearer immune to harmful gases and vapors, -1 to Vigor rolls, increase penalty for long range attacks by 1, Running die decreased one size

Night Vision goggles: The latest GEN IV night vision goggles, they include passive and active modes for use in complete darkness.
Weight: 2
Notes: Passive mode eliminates penalties for dim or low light. Active negates penalties for no light but causes the goggles to glow slightly

AN/PED 1 Laser Designator: The LLDR provides a unique capability to Forward Observers, Forward Air Controllers and Naval Gunfire Spot Teams. The system can recognize targets in day/night/obscurant conditions, range to the target at an eye safe wavelength, and calculate grid coordinates with its own GPS/Elevation/Azimuth capability.

The system then provides this information to other members of the Digital Battlefield. Also included is a NATO coded laser designator for use with Semi-Active Laser Guided Missiles and Laser Spot Trackers.

To make a long story short, the AN/PED allows an X-COM operator to lase a target, which can then be used to guide in missiles or artillery from support units.
Weight: 10
Notes: Designates targets for air and drone strikes

Radio Headset: X-COM uses state of the art dual communication tactical headsets that provide increased situational awareness and sound-attenuation using digital sound processing to enable talk through capability. Hazardous sounds are compressed to a safe level, while not cutting off low-level ambient sounds. All critical electronics are EMP hardened, and the device is capable of broadcasting on several hundred different frequencies. The headsets have a maximum range of two miles but can interface with the communications suite aboard a Skyranger for global communication via X-COM's network. The device also transmits video and audio footage from the operators armor and gun cameras.
Weight: 1
Notes: Allows radio communication, +1 to notice checks for listening

Motion Scanner: A hand-held device that measures movement by making use of the pulse Doppler principle using high-powered ultrasound waves in a 120-degree arc to the front, with an effective range of roughly 45 yards. The moving objects are then displayed on a scaled-down map on the device’s screen. Works best when the user stands still, and no moving vegetation is in the vicinity. Outdoors, it tends to produce many false signals due to the aforementioned ambient movement. It can also measure movement behind obstacles, though these signals tend to be weaker. The device’s rechargeable batteries supply power for about two hours’ worth of continuous operation.
Weight: 4
Notes: Allows the user to spend an action to make a notice check at +2 to detect any motion within 45 yards. Requires the user to stand still for one round.

Multi-scanner: The spectrochemical multi-scanner is a compact, versatile sensor device that can analyze air, water and radiation, incorporates advanced spectroscopy, and has the ability to inform the user immediately if there is any biological, chemical or radiation hazards in the direction it was pointed. Its practical range is only about 20 yards, however.
Weight: 10
Notes: Detects hazards within twenty yards

Binoculars: Modern hybrid electronic/optical field glasses. Magnification rating: 30x. Incorporates digital night vision.
Weight: 2
Notes: +2 to vision based Notice rolls at long range. Ignores lighting vision penalties as long as some light is present. Cannot be used while attacking.

Restraints: A form of physical restrain for the hands that use plastic strips. They function like handcuffs, but are cheaper and easier to use than metal ones. They cannot be reused.
Weight: 0.1
Notes: Allows for restraint of helpless characters.

Climbing Gear: While most soldiers can scale a fence without help, there are some obstacles that require specialized gear to overcome. 150 feet of nylon rope that can lift up to 600 pounds, standard grappling hook, a high-performance grapple gun, a pair of ice axes and a complete climbing harness, with everything tucked away in a handy backpack.
Weight: 25
Notes: +2 bonus to athletics checks for climbing

Lightweight climbing Gear: A simpler, cut down set of climbing gear. Grappling hook, rope, grapple gun and a simplified harness. It weights less, but lacks some of the specialized gear for non standard surfaces.
Weight: 10
Notes: +2 bonus to athletics checks for climbing. Provides no benefit for ice or slippery surfaces

Plasma Torch: A small hand-held cutting torch that will burn through anything, even rock. It incorporates a windowed shield, and holds enough power for fifteen minutes of continuous use. Attaching a welding rod and reducing its output power effectively turns the device into an arc welder, also extending its battery duration by another fifteen minutes.
Weight: 4
Notes: Cuts through most metals

Lockpicks: Standard issue SWAT lockpick set and gun, including interfaces for keycards and keypads. Very doubtful that it will have any use in alien facilities or craft, but it will allow troops to silently bypass locked doors during urban combat situations.
Weight: 2
Notes: Allows the character to pick locks with no penalty for lack of tools. Does not work on alien locks.

Sticky Cam: The Gyro Cam Mk2 is a quick deployment sticky camera that can stick to any surface, which then transmits a feed to standard issue combat tablets. These cameras have a wide field of view, capable of rotating 360 degrees when placed
Weight: 2
Notes: Deploy using the athletics skill; sticks to hard surfaces and provides remote video feed

Flash Goggles: These goggles protect the wearing from any blinding effects from bright light, whether natural or technological. They respond to incoming illumination and darken within 0.0005 seconds
Weight: 1
Notes: Halves penalties from flash bangs and eliminates penalties from bright lights

Field Survival Kit: A standard issue military long term survival kit, for use in natural environments for extended deployments. A number of them are kept in the skyranger, and they may be issued to troops for non-response missions, when they're expected to be in the field for a significant amount of time.
Weight: 12
Notes: Tent, sleeping gear, water purification, heater and other long term survival equipment

Camera: A small, high quality digital camera used by special forces for information retrieval. Easily portable, with high quality imagery and a significantly sized memory pack. Can connect to communications systems and upload recovered data directly back to the X-COM Network.
Weight: 1
Notes: High quality personal camera with high speed connection to X-COM's network

Canteen: A military issue canteen containing purified water. Useful for long term survival, and refreshing yourself during combat.
Weight: 3
Notes: Personal canteen, contains plenty of drinking water. Draining a canteen can remove one level of fatigue; can only be done once per mission. Takes one action.

MRE: Meal, Ready-to-Eat. Military issue food for survival. Taste takes a back seat to nutrition and caloric count, unfortunately. While X-COM has excellent cook staff at the commissary on base for morale purposes, troops going on extended deployments should take some food with them.
Weight: 3
Notes: Provides food for one person for one day. Taking five minutes to eat one can remove a level of fatigue. Can only happen once per mission.
Crowbar: A titanium grade military issue crowbar, for opening things that are stuck, which occasionally includes heads.
Weight: 3
Notes: +1 to Strength checks to open or break something

Boltcutters: High grade steel industrial bolt cutters; can open up chain link fences or remove padlocks relatively quietly (compared to a shotgun)
Weight: 3
Notes: Can be used to cut through padlocks and fences

Flashlight: A sturdy, military flashlight with a titanium casing. Useful for casting light into the dark places, and bludgeoning the things you find.
Weight: 2
Notes: Provides 10' of illumination in a cone shape.

Rope: Twenty yards of an excellent, Nylon rope. What can't it do?
Weight: 6
Notes: It's rope!

Shovel: A military issue entrenching tool used for constructing simple fortifications in the field. Can fold up and easily fit in a military rucksack. Like most other military tools, it makes for an excellent improvised weapon.
Weight: 4
Notes: Allows operator to easily dig up dirt and soil

Military Laptop: A hardened set of military electronics, designed to be used in hazardous field conditions. Can run most software in the field and interface with the team’s personal network. In addition, it can serve as a satellite uplink and it contains a suite of cyberwarfare programs for gaining illicit access to other computers. X-COM issue laptops contain access codes for most Eastern and Western military networks, in order to ease the task of interfacing with local units. They also contain a thermite charge, and a remote self destruction mechanism. They cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands.
Weight: 8
Notes: Allows for satellite communications and execution of software in the field. Can be used to connect to human computer networks and perform hacking checks with a +1 bonus on civilian networks.

Encrypted smartphone: Affectionately referred to as the "X-Phone" by some agents, this smartphone appears and functions as a regular device. It can sync with the team's network, It is equipped with a military-grade encryption software (–6 to hack or jam the signal) and can be turned into an emergency beacon with a free action. As well, the smartphone allows satellite communications and a direct access to the X-COM’s secured database: UFOPedia. If anyone, besides its dedicated user, tries to unlock it without the right facial recognition and fingerprint, the smartphone fries itself.
Weight: 1
Notes: Most smartphone functions. Can act as an emergency beacon and be used to hack human networks.

Advanced Trauma Kit: A highly advanced medical kit containing the latest in development in healing gels and nano sized wound closures. Not only is it highly effecitve at stabilizing injured operatives; it can get a soldier back in fighting condition in the field. Three uses per kit, allows the user to treat wounds as a standard action instead of ten minutes.
Quantity: 4
Weight: 7