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[[File:Mal 2.jpg|300px]]


==Ancestry :: Shapeshifter (variant) ==
'''Ancestry Features:''' Charismatic || Limited Mystic Power: Shape Change || Secret

'''Agility''' [[file:d10a.png|24px]] || '''Smarts''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]] || '''Spirit''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]] ||  '''Strength''' [[file:d4a.png|24px]] || '''Vigor''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]] || '''Wealth''' [[file:d6a.png|24px]]

==Qinan Kirendre==
==Derived Stats==
Pace [[file:d6a.png|24px]] ||  Parry [[file:d4a.png|24px]] || Size [[file:d0a.png|24px]] || Toughness [[file:d8a.png|24px]] (2)

'''Alignment:''' Neutral Good <br>
==Core Skills==
'''Gender:''' Male <br>
'''Athletics''' [[file:d10a.png|24px]] || '''Common Knowledge''' [[file:d6a.png|24px]] || '''Notice''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]] || '''Persuasion''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]] || '''Stealth''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]]
'''Race:''' Half Elf (Hollow One)<br>
'''Class:''' Cleric (Grave Domain)<br>
'''Level:''' 5 <br>
'''Age:''' 25 <br>

'''Description:''' A young male half-elf with pale skin, blonde hair, and grey eyes. When at rest he's unsettlingly still, almost like an abandoned doll.
==Other Skills==
'''Fighting''' [[file:d4a.png|24px]] || '''Healing''' [[file:d4a.png|24px]] || '''Riding''' [[file:d4a.png|24px]]  || '''Survival''' [[file:d4a.png|24px]]|| '''Thievery''' [[file:d8a.png|24px]]

==Ability Scores==
'''Strength:''' 14 (+2) (+1 for Half-Elf) <br>
:'''Can't Swim''' - ''Campaign''  
'''Dexterity:'''14 (+2) (+2 for Half-Elf moved here) <br>
:'''Secret''' - ''Ancestry'' (Major) - As a child Malakai accidentally killed someone while shifted.
'''Constitution:''' 14 (+2)<br>
::If this should ever be discovered by anyone but the closest allies, trade this Hindrance for Enemy, Shamed, Wanted, or another appropriate Hindrance approved by the GM.
'''Intelligence:''' 10 (+0) <br>
:'''Cautious''' - ''Minor'' - His tendency to run up the side of buildings notwithstanding, Malakai prefers to plan than make rash decisions.
'''Wisdom:''' 18 (+4) (+1 for Half Elf, +2 ASI) <br>
:'''Loyal''' - ''Minor'' - While he's not happy using violence, Malakai will absolutely put his life on the line for those he considers family and friends.
'''Charisma:''' 8 (-1)<br>
:'''Pacifist''' - ''Minor'' - Malakai hates violence and will only fight when given no other choice, and won't allow the killing of prisoners or other defenseless victims.
:'''Quirk''' - ''Minor'' - Malakai doesn't like to be touched.
'''AC:''' 15 (17 with shield)<br>
'''HP:''' 38<br>
'''Hit Dice:''' 5 d8<br>
'''Speed:''' 30'<br>
'''Proficiency: +3'''<br>
'''Melee Attack:''' +2 (Str) / +2 (Dex) if the weapon has Finesse<br>
'''Ranged Attack:''' +2 <br>
'''Spell Attack:''' +7<br>
'''Spell Save DC:''' 15<br>

'''Initiative Bonus'''<br>
:(2 points spent on Attribute Increase (Agility), 2 points spent on Attribute Increase (Vigor))
'''Passive Perception''' 13<br>
'''Passive Insight''' 16<br>

==Edges and Powers==
:'''Charismatic''' (Ancestry) - You get one free reroll on Persuasion rolls.
:'''Limited Mystic Power''' (10 pp) (Ancestry)
::'''Shape Change (Variant)''' As a limited free action you may use the Change Shape power. Automatic success | PP: special | Duration: 1 day (can be ended at will)
:'''Dodge''' (free chargen) - The hero can anticipate attacks or move erratically under fire. Unless the victim of a surprise attack and taken completely unaware, Dodge subtracts 2 from all ranged attacks made against the character. Dodge does not stack with actual cover, however.
:'''Free Runner''' - Your character practices “parkour” or is just very skilled at running, jumping, swinging, scampering up walls, and over obstacles. As long as there are obstacles he can bound on, bounce off, or swing on, he moves at his full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot. He also adds +2 to his Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot Full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot, +2 to Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot chases.

'''Spell Slots:'''<br>
Level 1: 4<br>
Level 2: 3<br>
:'''First Advance:''' Free Runner
Level 3: 3<br>
:'''Second Advance:''' Smarts d6->d8<br>
:'''Third Advance:''' Notice d6->d8; Thievery d6->d8<br>
:'''Fourth Advance: '''Vigor d6->d8


'''Cantrips known:''' 4<br>
Neat but worn and patched clothes<br>
Message (High Elf)<br>
Good boots<br>
Spare the Dying (30', Bonus Action)(Grave Domain)<br>
Heavy leather jacket and leggings +2<br>
Sacred Flame<br>
Wooden baton (Using light club stats) | Damage Str + d4 | Min Str D4 | Weight 2<br>
Utility knife | Damage Str + d4 | Min Str D4 | Weight 1<br>
Canteen of water<br>
Toll the Dead<br>
Spare clothes and boots<br>
Grappling hook and rope or oher climbing gear?<br>

'''Spells Known/Prepared:''' 8 selection TBC<br>
'''1st Level'''<br>
Malakai's gift manifested in puberty. His mother was "a mean drunk, but only in private" and during an altercation with her he shifted into canine form. She was drunk and Mal - unable to figure out how to change back - panicked. It was a deadly combination.
''Bane (Domain feature)'',
Create or Destroy Water,
Cure Wounds,
Detect Evil and Good,
Detect Magic,
Detect Poison and Disease,
Guiding Bolt,
Healing Word,
Inflict Wounds,
Protection from Evil and Good,
Purify Food and Drink,
Shield of Faith,
''False Life (Domain feature)''

'''2nd Level'''<br>
When Mal's father got home, he covered up Mal's mother's death and pretended it was caused by a wild animal. To protect his son he forbade Mal from shifting or telling anyone about his gift. Afraid of getting "stuck" again Mal practiced in private, and learned free running to explain how he was able to get places most folks couldn't - and to get back down when he was in human form.
Calm Emotions,
Continual Flame,
Enhance Ability,
Find Traps,
''Gentle Repose (Domain feature)'',
Hold Person,
Lesser Restoration,
Life Transference,
Locate Object,
Prayer of Healing,
Protection from Poison,
Spiritual Weapon,
Warding Bond,
Zone of Truth,
''Ray of Enfeeblement (Domain feature)'',

'''3rd Level'''<br>
==Power Detail ==
Animate Dead,
:'''Shape Change​''' available as a Limited Free Action
Aura of Vitality,
::Rank: Novice| Power Points: Special | Range: Self | Duration: one day (Fantasy Companion variant)
Beacon of Hope,
::Description: This power allows the caster to take the form of other living creatures. He can only turn into the base form of such beings, not elite or alternative versions. With a raise, the caster can increase the creature’s Strength and Vigor by one die type each. The Size of the new form is limited by the caster’s Rank.
Bestow Curse,
::A character’s held and worn items are assumed into the new form and reappear when the power ends.
::While transformed, the character retains his Edges and Hindrances, and his Smarts, Spirit, and their linked skills. He gains the creature’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills, as well as any powers common to that creature but not their Power Points, or any additional wounds or wound reduction abilities. His ability to use devices and communicate is limited to those of his form. The caster may maintain any powers cast before the shape change regardless of form.
Create Food and Water,
:: None
Dispel Magic,
Feign Death,
Glyph of Warding,
Life Transference,
Magic Circle,
Mass Healing Word,
Meld into Stone,
Protection from Energy,
Remove Curse,
''Revivify (Domain feature)'',
Speak with Dead,
Spirit Guardians,
Spirit Shroud,
Water Walk,
''Vampiric Touch (Domain feature)''
==Saving Throws==
'''Strength:''' +1 <br>
'''Dexterity:''' +2<br>
'''Constitution:''' +2 <br>
'''Intelligence:''' +0<br>
'''Wisdom:''' +7 (PR) <br>
'''Charisma:''' +2 (PR) <br>
==Languages Known==
Common, Elvish, +1 TBC
Light armour<br>
Medium armour<br>
Simple weapons<br>
Perception +7<br>
Insight x2 +10<br>
Medicine +7<br>
Religion +3<br>
History +3<br>
Persuasion +2<br>
''War Caster''<br>
- You have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration.<br>
- You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have weapons or a shield in both hands.<br>
- When a hostile creature provokes an opporuntiy attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell rather than an attack - casting time of 1 action and target only that creature.<br>
*Darkvision 60'
*''Keen Senses'' - Proficiency in Perception
*''Fey Ancestry'' - You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
*''Trance'' - You don’t need to sleep. Instead, you meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can still dream; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a person normally gets from 8 hours of sleep.  
*Cantrip (wizard)<br>
*Ritual casting<br>
*'''Saving Throws:''' - Wis, Cha<br>
*'''Domain:''' Grave<br>
*''Channel Divinity'' 1/rest:<br>
:*''Destroy Undead'' - Each undead that can see/hear you within 30' makes as Wis saving throw. If fails must move as far away as it can and canlt willingly move to a space within 30' of you.  Can't take reactions and actions = Dash only. Ends after 1 min or when damaged. Creatures with CR1/2 of lower are destroyed instead<br>
:*''Path to the Grave'' - Creature within 30' cursed with vulnerability to all attack damage of the next attack, until earliest of damaged or the end of your next turn<br>
:*''Circle of Mortality'' - when rolling dice to restore a creature at 0 hit points, use the highest number possible for each die. You also gain the Spare the Dying Cantrip as a Bonus Action with 30' range (doesn't count against number of known cantrips).<br>
:*''Eyes of the Grave'' - Detect Undead within 60' and not behind total cover/protected from divination magic. Wis modifier/long rest.<br>
:*''Domain Spells:'' Spare the Dying, Bane, False Life, Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement, Revivify, Vampiric Touch<br>
*'''Supernatural Gift: Hollow One'''<br>
:*''Ageless'' - You don't age, and effects that would cause you to age don't work on you.<br>
:*''Cling to Life'' - When you make a death saving throw and roll 16 or higher, you regain 1 hit point.<br>
:*''Revenance'' - You retain your creature type, yet you register as undead to spells and other effects that detect the presence of the undead creature type.<br>
:*''Unsettling Presence'' - As an action, you can unsettle a creature you can see within 15 feet of you. The target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes within the next minute. Constructs, undead, and creatures that can't be frightened are immune to this feature. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.<br>
Holy symbol<br>
Prayer book<br>
5 sticks of incense<br>
Common clothes<br>
Explorer pack: backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50' feet of hempen rope<br>
Healer's kit<br>
Longsword 1d8 (1d10)<br>
Shortbow 1d6 (range 80/320)<br>
Chain shirt 13+dex
Shield (currently worn covered on back)
==Character Backstory==
There was nothing noteable about Qinan's life or career as a cleric, until the day he clawed himself out of a shallow grave with no idea how he got there. Somehow his body has carried on despite his soul having departed - an abomination in the eyes of his own faith - although in most respects he passes as a living creature. Not knowing the how or why of it, he's attending the Festival of Masks in search of answers.
==Table format==
! '''Injury'''
! '''First'''
! '''Second'''
| Minor
| Major
| Severe
| Critical
| Fatal

Latest revision as of 19:45, 27 February 2025

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Ancestry :: Shapeshifter (variant)[edit]

Ancestry Features: Charismatic || Limited Mystic Power: Shape Change || Secret


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor || Wealth

Derived Stats[edit]

Pace || Parry || Size || Toughness (2)

Core Skills[edit]

Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice || Persuasion || Stealth

Other Skills[edit]

Fighting || Healing || Riding || Survival || Thievery


Can't Swim - Campaign
Secret - Ancestry (Major) - As a child Malakai accidentally killed someone while shifted.
If this should ever be discovered by anyone but the closest allies, trade this Hindrance for Enemy, Shamed, Wanted, or another appropriate Hindrance approved by the GM.
Cautious - Minor - His tendency to run up the side of buildings notwithstanding, Malakai prefers to plan than make rash decisions.
Loyal - Minor - While he's not happy using violence, Malakai will absolutely put his life on the line for those he considers family and friends.
Pacifist - Minor - Malakai hates violence and will only fight when given no other choice, and won't allow the killing of prisoners or other defenseless victims.
Quirk - Minor - Malakai doesn't like to be touched.
(2 points spent on Attribute Increase (Agility), 2 points spent on Attribute Increase (Vigor))

Edges and Powers[edit]

Charismatic (Ancestry) - You get one free reroll on Persuasion rolls.
Limited Mystic Power (10 pp) (Ancestry)
Shape Change (Variant) As a limited free action you may use the Change Shape power. Automatic success | PP: special | Duration: 1 day (can be ended at will)
Dodge (free chargen) - The hero can anticipate attacks or move erratically under fire. Unless the victim of a surprise attack and taken completely unaware, Dodge subtracts 2 from all ranged attacks made against the character. Dodge does not stack with actual cover, however.
Free Runner - Your character practices “parkour” or is just very skilled at running, jumping, swinging, scampering up walls, and over obstacles. As long as there are obstacles he can bound on, bounce off, or swing on, he moves at his full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot. He also adds +2 to his Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot Full Pace on Difficult Ground when on foot, +2 to Athletics rolls when climbing and in foot chases.



First Advance: Free Runner
Second Advance: Smarts d6->d8
Third Advance: Notice d6->d8; Thievery d6->d8


Fourth Advance: Vigor d6->d8


Neat but worn and patched clothes
Good boots
Heavy leather jacket and leggings +2
Wooden baton (Using light club stats) | Damage Str + d4 | Min Str D4 | Weight 2
Utility knife | Damage Str + d4 | Min Str D4 | Weight 1
Canteen of water
Spare clothes and boots
Grappling hook and rope or oher climbing gear?


Malakai's gift manifested in puberty. His mother was "a mean drunk, but only in private" and during an altercation with her he shifted into canine form. She was drunk and Mal - unable to figure out how to change back - panicked. It was a deadly combination.

When Mal's father got home, he covered up Mal's mother's death and pretended it was caused by a wild animal. To protect his son he forbade Mal from shifting or telling anyone about his gift. Afraid of getting "stuck" again Mal practiced in private, and learned free running to explain how he was able to get places most folks couldn't - and to get back down when he was in human form.

Power Detail[edit]

Shape Change​ available as a Limited Free Action
Rank: Novice| Power Points: Special | Range: Self | Duration: one day (Fantasy Companion variant)
Description: This power allows the caster to take the form of other living creatures. He can only turn into the base form of such beings, not elite or alternative versions. With a raise, the caster can increase the creature’s Strength and Vigor by one die type each. The Size of the new form is limited by the caster’s Rank.
A character’s held and worn items are assumed into the new form and reappear when the power ends.
While transformed, the character retains his Edges and Hindrances, and his Smarts, Spirit, and their linked skills. He gains the creature’s Agility, Strength, Vigor, and linked skills, as well as any powers common to that creature but not their Power Points, or any additional wounds or wound reduction abilities. His ability to use devices and communicate is limited to those of his form. The caster may maintain any powers cast before the shape change regardless of form.