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'''Agility''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Smarts''' [[file:d10a.png|20px]] || '''Spirit''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] ||  '''Strength''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]] || '''Vigor''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]]
'''Agility''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] || '''Smarts''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Spirit''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] ||  '''Strength''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]] || '''Vigor''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]]

==Derived Stats==
==Derived Stats==
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==Core Skills==
==Core Skills==
'''Athletics''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Common Knowledge''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]] || '''Notice''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]] + [[file:d2b.png|20px]] || '''Persuasion''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Stealth''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]]
'''Athletics''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Common Knowledge''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]] || '''Notice''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] + [[file:d2b.png|20px]] || '''Persuasion''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] + [[file:d1b.png|20px]] || '''Stealth''' [[file:d4a.png|20px]]

==Other Skills==
==Other Skills==
'''Fighting''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] || '''Hacking''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] + [[file:d2b.png|20px]] || '''Research''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] || '''Science''' [[file:d12a.png|20px]] + [[file:d3b.png|20px]]
'''Focus''' [[file:d12a.png|20px]] + [[file:d2b.png|20px]] || '''Fighting''' [[file:d8a.png|20px]] || '''Performance''' [[file:d6a.png|20px]] + [[file:d1b.png|20px]]

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:'''Adaptable''' - Characters start with a free Novice Edge of their choice (and must meet all the Edge’s Requirements).
:'''Enhanced Attribute (Smarts)''': One attribute based on the animal’s strong point starts at d6 instead of d4 and can be raised to d12+1.
::Characters start with a free Novice Edge of their choice (and must meet all the Edge’s Requirements).
:'''Enhanced Attribute (Smarts)'''
::One attribute based on the animal’s strong point starts at d6 instead of d4 and can be raised to d12+1.
:'''Heightened Senses'''
:'''Heightened Senses'''
::''Hearing'': The character can hear a whisper up to a mile away if he knows to listen for it. It also gives him +2 to Notice rolls based on hearing.
::''Low-Light Vision'': The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).  
::''Low-Light Vision'': The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).  
:'''Wall Walker''': The species may walk on vertical surfaces normally, or inverted surfaces at half Pace.
::''Smell'': A keen sense of smell gives the hero +2 to Survival rolls made to track if the target had a scent and the trail is no more than a day old.
:'''Small (Minor)''': Size and Toughness are reduced by 1. Size cannot be reduced below –1.
:'''Wall Walker'''
:'''Quirk (Minor)''': The character collects random objects.
::The species may walk on vertical surfaces normally, or inverted surfaces at half Pace.
:'''Awkward Shape''' (Minor): Mutant animals are humanoid, but they are not necessarily proportioned like humans. Mutant animals must disguise themselves while in public or risk panic (see the Mutants in Disguise rules below). Clothing must be specially made, as off-the-shelf clothing never fits right. Any gear that is worn costs twice as much as standard.
:'''Small''' (Minor)
:'''Outsider''' (Major): Mutant animals are not human and have no legal rights. Undisguised mutant animals take a -2 penalty on Persuasion rolls when interacting with most humans.
::Size and Toughness are reduced by 1. Size cannot be reduced below –1.
:'''Greedy''' (Minor)
::The individual is obsessed with wealth and material possessions.
:'''Awkward Shape''' (Minor)
::Mutant animals are humanoid, but they are not necessarily proportioned like humans. Mutant animals must disguise themselves while in public or risk panic (see the Mutants in Disguise rules below). Clothing must be specially made, as off-the-shelf clothing never fits right. Any gear that is worn costs twice as much as standard.
:'''Outsider''' (Major)
::Mutant animals are not human and have no legal rights. Undisguised mutant animals take a -2 penalty on Persuasion rolls when interacting with most humans.

:'''Super Powers''' (free)
:'''Super Powers''' (free): 30 points
:'''Alertness''' (Ancestry) - +2 to Notice rolls.
:'''Alertness''' (Ancestry): +2 to Notice rolls.
:'''Best there Is''' (Hindrance Points) - Teleport can use up to 15 points.
:'''Attractive''': +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls.
:'''Scholar''' - +2 to Science
:'''Charismatic''': free reroll on Persuasion rolls.
:'''Elan''': +2 when spending a Benny to reroll a Trait roll.

==Super Powers==
==Super Powers==
:'''Additional Actions''' | Points: 3
:'''Chameleon''' | Points: 3+2-2-1=2
::-2 MAP or +1 to One Action.
::Assume the appearance of another humanoid up to two sizes different, whom she's observed or studied.
:'''Gifted''' | Points: 2+1=3
::Changing appearance takes an action and a Focus roll.
::The character gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills.
::''Obscurement'' (+2): Obscure actual location; -2 to direct attacks against Roxy.
::''FAST LEARNER'' (+1): The hero ignores the –2 penalty when making Smarts-based default skill rolls.
::''Limitation'' (-2): Visual disguise only. Doesn't cover any other senses. Restricted to humanoid shapes.
:'''Intangibility''' | Points: 5-1+1=5
::''Device'' (-1): Infiltration Suit
:'''Intangibility''' | Points: 5-1=4
::Intangibility makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally.
::Intangibility makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally.
::The power allows a super to walk through walls or other barriers.
::The power allows a super to walk through walls or other barriers.
::Becoming intangible is an action. While intangible, any items the character carries also become intangible and don't function. Beings carried by the character are dropped.Becoming tangible is a free action.
::Becoming intangible requires an Focus roll as an action. Becoming tangible is a free action.
::''Phasing'': An intangible character can make an attack then become intangible again. Opponents who want to attack a "phaser" can go on Hold and successfully interrupt to attack, if they wish.
::''Phasing'': An intangible character can make an attack then become intangible again. Opponents who want to attack a "phaser" can go on Hold and successfully interrupt to attack, if they wish.
::''Wounding'': An intangible hero can cause damage to an enemy by phasing into a foe's form (usually a hand to the chest). This is an opposed Focus roll versus the target's Athletics or Vigor (defender's choice). If the attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (two with a raise).
::''Wounding'': An intangible hero can cause damage to an enemy by phasing into a foe's form. This is an opposed Focus roll versus the target's Athletics or Vigor (defender's choice). If the attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (two with a raise).
::If the attacker's Focus roll is a Critical Failure, he takes a Wound instead!
::If the attacker's Focus roll is a Critical Failure, he takes a Wound instead!
::''REQUIRES ACTIVATION'' (–1): The hero must make a Focus roll as an action to activate this ability. If he loses concentration, it Powers Down and must be reactivated.
::''Requires Activation'' (–1)
::''ALTERNATE TRAIT'' (+1): Uses '''Science''' instead of Focus.
:'''Super Edge''': Sidekick | Points: 2+8=10
:'''Interface''' | Points: 2
:: Byte is a Wildcard who can gain advances along with the party.
::Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls.
::'''Super Powers''' (+8): Byte has 30 points of Super Powers.
:'''Super Skill''' | Points: 2
:'''Super Skill''': Focus x 2 | Points: 2
::Super skill buys or increases a skill (and its maximum) one die type per level.
:'''Telekinesis''' | Points: 3 -2 -2 -1 + 4 = 2
::+2 Science
::Teleport inanimate objects. Opposed Focus vs Str roll if held.
:'''Teleport''' | Points: 2+2+5+1+2+3=15
::''Power'' (+4): Strength is d10, or maximum object weight of 320 lbs.
::Teleport allows a character to disappear and instantly reappear up to 12” (24 yards) distant. This is an action, and may be combined with normalmovement in any way the teleporter desires.
::''Limitation'' (-2): Only affects inanimate objects.
::Adjacent opponents don't get a free attack against the teleporting character as he exits, but those with First Strike do if the teleporter appears next to them.
::''Limitation'' (-2): Instantaneous movement only. Orientation and Momentum are maintained.
::The teleporter must be able to see his destination to teleport with no roll. If he’s teleporting to a place he’s previously seen, he may do so safely with a Focus roll. If he wishes to teleport to a previously unseen location, he rolls at −4. Failure means the character does not teleport and is Shaken, or Stunned with a Critical Failure.
::''Requires Activation'' (-1): Each use of the power requires a focus roll and an action.
::The teleporter can never enter a solid space, even if he tries. The power instantly returns him to his starting location as above.
:'''Teleport''' | Points: 2+2-1+2+5=10
::''PORTAL'' (+2): The hero can open an entry and exit portal within her teleport Range, allowing anyone adjacent to the entry portal to act as if adjacent to the exit portal.
::Teleport up to 12" as an action without provoking free attacks.  
::This allows them to make melee attacks, angle ranged attacks from different directions, pass items, etc. It does not grant a Gang Up bonus for melee attacks, however.
:: No roll necessary if she can see the destination. Focus roll to teleport to a previously seen location. Focus at -4 to a previously unseen location. Failure means the character does not teleport and is Shaken, or Stunned with a Critical Failure.
::''RANGE'' (+2): For +2 points, her range increases to 48”.
::May bring willing person(s) with you, Focus -x; x=# of additional teleporties.
::''REDIRECT'' (+4): The hero must have the Portal modification to take this ability. If the hero is on Hold while being attacked, he may make an opposed Focus roll at –2 versus an opponent's Smarts. If successful, the enemy's attack is redirected through the portal at himself. If the Focus roll is successful, use the enemy's attack roll against his normal defenses.
::''PORTAL'' (+2): Open bidirectional portals within teleport range, allowing one to act as if adjacent to another.
::''TELEPORT OTHER'' (+5): The teleporter can teleport allies and enemies within his Range to anywhere else within his Range.
::''LIMITATION'' (-1): Portals are bidirectional rather than "entry" and "exit" portals.
::This is an action, and requires a Focus roll at –1 for each target he wishes to teleport. Hostile foes may make a Spirit roll (at –2 with a raise on the Focus roll) to resist. If the super teleports an enemy up into the air, he takes Falling damage as usual (see Savage Worlds).
::''Range'' (+2): Teleport range is 48".
::''TRAVERSE'' (+3): With a Focus roll at –2, she can teleport up to 1,000 miles. With a Focus roll at –4 she can teleport anywhere on the planet.
::''TELEPORT OTHER'' (+5): Teleport foe(s) with cumulative penalty of -1/foe. Resist with Spirit, or Spirit @ -2 if Focus resulted in raise.
::''ALTERNATE TRAIT'' (+1): Uses '''Science''' instead of Focus.

:Pepper Spray | Weight: 0.5 | $15
:Stun Baton | Str+d4 | 2 lb | $260 | Notes: Nonlethal, Stun.
::Notes: Use Shooting (or Fighting if engaged). No Range penalty but max range is 2″ (about 10 feet), Shots 5, victim must make Vigor roll at –2 or be Stunned (page 106).
::After resolving damage, the target must make a Vigor check (at −2 with a raise on the attack) or be Stunned.

:Laptop - integrated into arm. "Screen" projected into retinal display.
:Oversized Backpack
:First Aid Kit
:Oversized Sunglasses
:Zip Ties
:Zip Ties
:Pocket Knife
:Pocket Knife
:Compact Binoculars​

:Hidden Compartment: The character has a concealed internal space that can hold up to two pounds of objects. Finding it requires close examination and a Notice roll at –4.
:Artificial Limb (right arm)
:Comms: An integrated communications suite that can connect to other comm devices within 20 miles.
:Integrated Gear: computing gear integrated into head/arm.

==Byte (Wild Card)==
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4-3, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d8+2, FIghting d4, Focus d12+1, Hacking d8+2, Notice d8+2, Stealth d6* +2/+4
Ancestry (Scout Drone):
Camouflage (Any), Doesn't Eat, Doesn't Sleep, Doesn't Breathe, Immune to Disease/Poison, Diminutive (Tiny), Flight (6")= +16
Can't Heal (Repair Only), Dependency (Charging), Mute, No Manipulators, Unusual Form, Pacifist (Major), Reduced Pace (1" on ground) = -14
Edges: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Dodge
Hindrances: Loyal, Timid (Danger Avoidance Protocols; Major), Quirk (Haughty)
:Broadcast = 2(Detect wireless signals)
:Force Field 6+4+1-1= 10 (LBT Area Effect, Selective, Requires Activation) (Reduces incomming damage by 6)
:Gifted = 2 (Free reroll on Smarts or Smarts linked skills.)
:Heightened Senses (Darkvision, Eagle Eyes) = 2
:Interface = 2
:Malfunction = 3
:Super Edge: Dodge & Improved Dodge = 4
:Super Skill Focus x1 = 1
:Telepathy 2+1-2=1 point
::Conduit* (Can be used as a sight line for Teleport) +1 point​
::Limitation (Roxy only) -2​
:Uncanny Reflexes = 3 (Ignore -2 Agility penalty when evading. May evade area attacks that don't allow it at -2).
Pace: 1/6; Parry: 4*; Toughness: 5-4=1
#Common Bond

Roxy Ringstrike, until recently an inhabitant of Earth 357 (a parallel universe where everyone is a human animal hybrid), was an intern for a prestigious project. She and her mentor were aiming to send a tiny particle across dimensions; they got more than they bargained for.
Roxy Ringstrike, an inhabitant of Earth 357, a parallel universe where human-animal hybrids thrived in a society of immense technological advancements, was an undercover agent working for a covert government agency tasked with dismantling dangerous corporations. Her latest mission was to infiltrate Nexatech Industries, which was rumored to be experimenting with reality-bending technology. Roxy uncovered that Nexatech’s ultimate goal was to open portals to alternate dimensions. She realized the catastrophic potential this posed, not only to her world but to countless others.
Posing as intern, Roxy gained access to the groundbreaking project secretly funded by Nexatech Industries meant to send a single particle across dimensions. During a daring heist to steal the experimental device, something went horribly wrong. As Roxy attempted to disable the device, it activated unexpectedly, tearing open a dimensional rift. She was caught in the crossfire, thrown into the chaotic void between dimensions, her body absorbing strange, otherworldly energies. She woke up disoriented in an alternate reality—a busy department store, where panicked humans stared at her strange, hybrid form.

After the sound of space itself tearing apart, Roxy awoke in the middle of a busy department store (the same physical location her lab was housed in her native universe) to humans panicking and generally being a nuisance.
Now trapped in a universe where she is one of a handful of human-animal hybrids, Roxy quickly fled, realizing Nexatech's experiments had ripped her away from Earth 357. To make matters worse, her body had become fundamentally altered by the chaotic dimensional energy. This anomaly granted her the ability to manipulate dimensional rifts, allowing her to phase through solid objects and teleport across vast distances.

She quickly realized she was the only human animal hybrid, and wisely fled the scene.

Earth 357 is significantly more advanced than the world she finds herself on now; Roxy's whole generation has imbedded CPU, computer interface, and petabytes of storage, all housed in their craniums. That, and the fact that her atoms aren't quite lined up with those around her, lets her walk between them at will, or even teleport herself and others great distances instantaneously.
Though Earth Prime's technology is far behind that of Earth 357, Roxy's enhanced abilities, due to her world's biotech implants—embedded CPUs, advanced interfaces, and vast storage capacities in her brain—make her a force to be reckoned with. Now, armed with both her native tech and her new powers, she fights to stop Nexatech from exploiting dimensional travel.

Now, she's trying to make the best of her situation, helping others wherever possible and looking for a way home.

With each use of her abilities, however, Roxy becomes more entangled with the unstable energies of the multiverse. The line between dimensions—and even her own reality—begins to blur, threatening her connection to who she once was. Yet, despite the dangers, she remains determined to make the best of her situation, protect innocent lives, and prevent Nexatech’s grand design from tearing the multiverse apart.
:'''How did you become a superhero/mutant?​'''
:'''How did you become a superhero/mutant?​'''
:: Unintentionally dimension hopping.
:: Unintentionally dimension hopping.

Latest revision as of 22:49, 4 March 2025

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Roxy Ringstrike[edit]

  • I'm stuck in this parallel dimension and need to get home. But here I have powers. Here I can make a difference. So, do I really want to leave?


Agility || Smarts || Spirit || Strength || Vigor

Derived Stats[edit]

Pace 6" Run || Parry || Toughness

Core Skills[edit]

Athletics || Common Knowledge || Notice + || Persuasion + || Stealth

Other Skills[edit]

Focus + || Fighting || Performance +


Heroic (Major): The character always helps those in need.
Enemy (Major): The character has a recurring nemesis.


Characters start with a free Novice Edge of their choice (and must meet all the Edge’s Requirements).
Enhanced Attribute (Smarts)
One attribute based on the animal’s strong point starts at d6 instead of d4 and can be raised to d12+1.
Heightened Senses
Low-Light Vision: The being ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).
Smell: A keen sense of smell gives the hero +2 to Survival rolls made to track if the target had a scent and the trail is no more than a day old.
Wall Walker
The species may walk on vertical surfaces normally, or inverted surfaces at half Pace.
Small (Minor)
Size and Toughness are reduced by 1. Size cannot be reduced below –1.
Greedy (Minor)
The individual is obsessed with wealth and material possessions.
Awkward Shape (Minor)
Mutant animals are humanoid, but they are not necessarily proportioned like humans. Mutant animals must disguise themselves while in public or risk panic (see the Mutants in Disguise rules below). Clothing must be specially made, as off-the-shelf clothing never fits right. Any gear that is worn costs twice as much as standard.
Outsider (Major)
Mutant animals are not human and have no legal rights. Undisguised mutant animals take a -2 penalty on Persuasion rolls when interacting with most humans.


Super Powers (free): 30 points
Alertness (Ancestry): +2 to Notice rolls.
Attractive: +1 to Performance and Persuasion rolls.
Charismatic: free reroll on Persuasion rolls.
Elan: +2 when spending a Benny to reroll a Trait roll.

Super Powers[edit]

Chameleon | Points: 3+2-2-1=2
Assume the appearance of another humanoid up to two sizes different, whom she's observed or studied.
Changing appearance takes an action and a Focus roll.
Obscurement (+2): Obscure actual location; -2 to direct attacks against Roxy.
Limitation (-2): Visual disguise only. Doesn't cover any other senses. Restricted to humanoid shapes.
Device (-1): Infiltration Suit
Intangibility | Points: 5-1=4
Intangibility makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally.
The power allows a super to walk through walls or other barriers.
Becoming intangible requires an Focus roll as an action. Becoming tangible is a free action.
Phasing: An intangible character can make an attack then become intangible again. Opponents who want to attack a "phaser" can go on Hold and successfully interrupt to attack, if they wish.
Wounding: An intangible hero can cause damage to an enemy by phasing into a foe's form. This is an opposed Focus roll versus the target's Athletics or Vigor (defender's choice). If the attacker wins, the victim takes a Wound (two with a raise).
If the attacker's Focus roll is a Critical Failure, he takes a Wound instead!
Requires Activation (–1)
Super Edge: Sidekick | Points: 2+8=10
Byte is a Wildcard who can gain advances along with the party.
Super Powers (+8): Byte has 30 points of Super Powers.
Super Skill: Focus x 2 | Points: 2
Telekinesis | Points: 3 -2 -2 -1 + 4 = 2
Teleport inanimate objects. Opposed Focus vs Str roll if held.
Power (+4): Strength is d10, or maximum object weight of 320 lbs.
Limitation (-2): Only affects inanimate objects.
Limitation (-2): Instantaneous movement only. Orientation and Momentum are maintained.
Requires Activation (-1): Each use of the power requires a focus roll and an action.
Teleport | Points: 2+2-1+2+5=10
Teleport up to 12" as an action without provoking free attacks.
No roll necessary if she can see the destination. Focus roll to teleport to a previously seen location. Focus at -4 to a previously unseen location. Failure means the character does not teleport and is Shaken, or Stunned with a Critical Failure.
May bring willing person(s) with you, Focus -x; x=# of additional teleporties.
PORTAL (+2): Open bidirectional portals within teleport range, allowing one to act as if adjacent to another.
LIMITATION (-1): Portals are bidirectional rather than "entry" and "exit" portals.
Range (+2): Teleport range is 48".
TELEPORT OTHER (+5): Teleport foe(s) with cumulative penalty of -1/foe. Resist with Spirit, or Spirit @ -2 if Focus resulted in raise.


Pepper Spray | Weight: 0.5 | $15
Notes: Use Shooting (or Fighting if engaged). No Range penalty but max range is 2″ (about 10 feet), Shots 5, victim must make Vigor roll at –2 or be Stunned (page 106).
Laptop - integrated into arm. "Screen" projected into retinal display.
Zip Ties
Pocket Knife
Compact Binoculars​


Hidden Compartment: The character has a concealed internal space that can hold up to two pounds of objects. Finding it requires close examination and a Notice roll at –4.
Artificial Limb (right arm)
Comms: An integrated communications suite that can connect to other comm devices within 20 miles.
Integrated Gear: computing gear integrated into head/arm.


  1. Charismatic
  2. Vigor

Byte (Wild Card)[edit]

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4-3, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d8+2, FIghting d4, Focus d12+1, Hacking d8+2, Notice d8+2, Stealth d6* +2/+4

Ancestry (Scout Drone): Camouflage (Any), Doesn't Eat, Doesn't Sleep, Doesn't Breathe, Immune to Disease/Poison, Diminutive (Tiny), Flight (6")= +16

Can't Heal (Repair Only), Dependency (Charging), Mute, No Manipulators, Unusual Form, Pacifist (Major), Reduced Pace (1" on ground) = -14

Edges: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Dodge

Hindrances: Loyal, Timid (Danger Avoidance Protocols; Major), Quirk (Haughty)


Broadcast = 2(Detect wireless signals)
Force Field 6+4+1-1= 10 (LBT Area Effect, Selective, Requires Activation) (Reduces incomming damage by 6)
Gifted = 2 (Free reroll on Smarts or Smarts linked skills.)
Heightened Senses (Darkvision, Eagle Eyes) = 2
Interface = 2
Malfunction = 3
Super Edge: Dodge & Improved Dodge = 4
Super Skill Focus x1 = 1
Telepathy 2+1-2=1 point
Conduit* (Can be used as a sight line for Teleport) +1 point​
Limitation (Roxy only) -2​
Uncanny Reflexes = 3 (Ignore -2 Agility penalty when evading. May evade area attacks that don't allow it at -2).

Pace: 1/6; Parry: 4*; Toughness: 5-4=1


  1. Focus
  2. Common Bond


Roxy Ringstrike, an inhabitant of Earth 357, a parallel universe where human-animal hybrids thrived in a society of immense technological advancements, was an undercover agent working for a covert government agency tasked with dismantling dangerous corporations. Her latest mission was to infiltrate Nexatech Industries, which was rumored to be experimenting with reality-bending technology. Roxy uncovered that Nexatech’s ultimate goal was to open portals to alternate dimensions. She realized the catastrophic potential this posed, not only to her world but to countless others.

Posing as intern, Roxy gained access to the groundbreaking project secretly funded by Nexatech Industries meant to send a single particle across dimensions. During a daring heist to steal the experimental device, something went horribly wrong. As Roxy attempted to disable the device, it activated unexpectedly, tearing open a dimensional rift. She was caught in the crossfire, thrown into the chaotic void between dimensions, her body absorbing strange, otherworldly energies. She woke up disoriented in an alternate reality—a busy department store, where panicked humans stared at her strange, hybrid form.

Now trapped in a universe where she is one of a handful of human-animal hybrids, Roxy quickly fled, realizing Nexatech's experiments had ripped her away from Earth 357. To make matters worse, her body had become fundamentally altered by the chaotic dimensional energy. This anomaly granted her the ability to manipulate dimensional rifts, allowing her to phase through solid objects and teleport across vast distances.

Though Earth Prime's technology is far behind that of Earth 357, Roxy's enhanced abilities, due to her world's biotech implants—embedded CPUs, advanced interfaces, and vast storage capacities in her brain—make her a force to be reckoned with. Now, armed with both her native tech and her new powers, she fights to stop Nexatech from exploiting dimensional travel.

With each use of her abilities, however, Roxy becomes more entangled with the unstable energies of the multiverse. The line between dimensions—and even her own reality—begins to blur, threatening her connection to who she once was. Yet, despite the dangers, she remains determined to make the best of her situation, protect innocent lives, and prevent Nexatech’s grand design from tearing the multiverse apart.

How did you become a superhero/mutant?​
Unintentionally dimension hopping.
Who knows your secrets?​
Dr Cross and the members of MMMC.
Name an enemy or rival.​
Roxy has had many run ins with the Black Lotus Syndicate. She has stopped several of their high stakes deals from going through, and, unfortunately, was seen by a few scoundrels that got away while doing it.
A powerful criminal empire with deep roots in illegal arms trade, human trafficking, and black market cybernetics. Led by the enigmatic and ruthless "Empress Lotus," they specialize in high-tech weaponry and cybernetic enhancements for criminals. The syndicate has infiltrated major corporations, manipulating technology to their advantage. Their influence stretches from street gangs to high-level political figures.
Goals: Control of the city's underground economy and technological superiority.
Key Threat: Advanced weaponry and tech-savvy mercenaries.
Name a contact​
Dr. Elias Cross
Role: Scientist and Gadget Expert
Backstory: A brilliant but reclusive inventor who helps equip vigilantes with cutting-edge technology. Once a government scientist, Elias grew disillusioned with bureaucracy and now operates out of a hidden lab. He can create anything from advanced suits to weapons, but he has a strict code against killing.
Personality: Eccentric, socially awkward, and highly ethical.

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