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== Combat ==
== Combat ==
AC 15
AC 17

HP 4/4
HP 4/4

Latest revision as of 16:07, 6 December 2024

Godborn: Earth Genasi



Earth Genasi 1

XP 252/625

Alignment Neutral.

XP Modifier +5%

Max Level 12


STR 17 (+2)

INT 10


DEX 15 (+1)

CON 11

CHA 14 (+1)

Class abilities/ Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills[edit]

Class Abilities[edit]

The children of elemental beings enjoy the following benefits:

⮚ They attack and save as clerics and possess the Hardy quality (already included in their saving throw table).

⮚ Resistance. Genasi are resistant to damage or spell effects from the element to which they belong and are vulnerable to the element that is dominant (see Djinn entry).

⮚ Divine intervention. Once per day, as an instant action during a round, a genasi can change any one 1d20 roll made within 5’ of them to either a “1” or a “20”. This range is increased by 5’ per Hit Die. Once it is used, the genasi does not regain the use of this ability until they roll their level or higher on 1d20; this roll is made at the beginning of each subsequent day.

⮚ Infravision. Genasi can see with infravision with a 30’ range. Alternatively, if infravision is not used in the Referee’s game, they may see in dim conditions as if it were daylight.

Upon reaching 2nd level the genasi gains the following abilities:

Earth. Suffers no penalty from moving over uneven terrain, shifting floors, etc., does an extra +1 damage with melee attacks when standing on the ground, and can detect secret doors and construction as a dwarf.


Jade arrived in Dry Gulch worse for wear. Her erstwhile career as a caravan guard looked to be at its end courtesy of the Redfoot Gang - she had been lucky to escape the raid on her caravan with her life. Resentful of her failure and with little reputation left to sell her services as a guard after the demise of her previous employer, she's thrown her lot in as an adventurer for one last shot at wealth and perhaps revenge.




Toughness. The genasi has 1d10 hp per HD instead of 1d8. This Knack can be selected at any level.



AC 17

HP 4/4

HD 1d10

Movement Rate 90' (30')

Initiative Modifier +1


  • Primary Melee Attack: Spear (1d6+2), +2 to hit
  • Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (1d4+2), +2 to hit
  • Primary Ranged Attack: Spear (1d6+2), +1 to hit, 5-20/21-40/41-60


  • Poison 11
  • Wands 12
  • Paralysis 14
  • Breath 16
  • Spells 15


  • Money: 13 pp 8 gp
  • Encumbrence (current/next tier): 687/600
  • Readied:
    • Plate armor (500 cn)
    • Sword (60 cn)
    • Dagger (10 cn)
    • Sling w/20 bullets (20 cn)
    • Everburning torch
  • Packed
    • Backpack (309 of 400 remaining) (80 cn)
    • 6 torches
    • waterskin
    • 1 wk iron rations
    • 50' rope