Trinity:Jikuu A-I: Difference between revisions

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   the initiative count on which this jikuu is used, the creature goes on that count next round. In addition, until its next turn,
   the initiative count on which this jikuu is used, the creature goes on that count next round. In addition, until its next turn,
   the creature is considered flatfooted. A successful Will save negates both these effects.
   the creature is considered flatfooted. A successful Will save negates both these effects.
  However, the timeline is resilient, as are the individual timelines of creatures that occupy it. As such, you cannot use this
  jikuu on a creature two turns in a row.

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   When this jikuu ends, any creatures that were occupying the created space now occupy the initial space; if there was more than
   When this jikuu ends, any creatures that were occupying the created space now occupy the initial space; if there was more than
   one creature, all the creatures are considered squeezing and prone.
   one creature, all the creatures are considered squeezing and prone.
<div id="False_Gravity">
'''False Gravity'''
  '''''Spatial''''' (Modification)
  '''Level:''' Tmp 3
  '''Casting Time:''' 1 standard action
  '''Range:''' Touch
  '''Targets:''' Creature touched
  '''Duration:''' 1 minute/level (D)
  '''Saving Throw:''' Will negates (harmless)
  '''Temporal Opposition:''' Yes (harmless)
  '''Jikuu Points:''' 3
  The subject of this jikuu can travel on any solid surface as though that surface possessed its own gravity. For example, the
  subject could walk or even run up a wall as though the wall were a perfectly level floor. The subject can switch “down” as often
  as it likes during the jikuu’s duration, though only once per round, as a free action. Unattended objects fall, as normal.
  The subject of false gravity can fly by choosing a solid surface and letting itself fall through the air toward it. A character
  “flying” in this fashion moves at 30 feet per round and can make one turn, in any direction, once per round, by redefining its
  personal gravity. A creature falling in this fashion loses all “downward” momentum when it changes its gravity.

Latest revision as of 19:47, 16 November 2007

This is a list of Jikuu for the Trinity campaign setting. The list has gotten too long for a single page, and as such, the Jikuu have been split onto three pages.

A - I | J - R | S - Z

Jikuu (A - I)[edit]

The following is an alphabetical list of Jikuu, from A to I.

20 Minutes
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 7
  Jikuu Points: 7
  As per time to act, but the target can take 20.
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (Harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 1
  The targeted creature moves through space at an increased rate. It gains a +30 haste bonus to its primary movement rate for one
Accelerate Metabolism
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: 1 minute/level
  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You weaken the target creature by rapidly accelerating its metabolism, causing it physical pain. If the creature fails its
  saving throw, it becomes fatigued, and suffers a 2 points of temporary ability damage to Strength and Dexterity.
Adjust Flow
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 round
  Range: 0 ft.
  Area: 30 ft radius emanation, centered on you
  Duration: 1 hour (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You remove the area around yourself from the actual timestream, allowing you to dictate the rate at which time flows around you in
  respect to the actual timeline.

  You can increase the flow of time within the area by a factor of 10 (so that 1 minute in the area is 1 round outside it), or slow
  time down by a factor of 10 (so that 1 round in the area is 1 minute outside it).

  The effect does not move with you; while the initial area is centered on you, it does not move if you do. If you leave the area,
  the effect immediately ends.

  This area lasts for up to 1 hour of actual time (so those inside have experienced up to 10 hours, but at least 6 minutes).

  Vision and hearing across the boundary of the area is affected, such that creatures inside will appear to be moving faster or
  slower to those outside, and vice-versa.

  Force effects cannot pass through the boundary of the area (though they can be used inside, as normal). Attacks across the
  boundary are impossible, due to the time difference.
Age Creature
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 4
  Casting Time: 1 move action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 4
  You temporarily cause a creature to suffer through physical aging; however, this effect is not permanent. The creature suffers
  all the penalties of aging (though if it is a creature such as a dragon, that gains physical benefits from aging, it gains those,
  as well), but does not gain any mental benefits from doing so.

  The creature ages one category; a creature that is already venerable instead takes 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage.

  This jikuu has no effect on the following creature types: Constructs, Elementals, Fey, Ooze, Outsiders, and Undead.

  Age Creature counters and negates Restore Creature.
Age Item
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 move action
  Range: Touch
  Targets: One object, no more than 1 cubic foot/level
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (object)
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You rapidly accelerate an item's journey forward in time, causing it to rapidly rust, corrode, and otherwise decay.

  The types of materials you can affect - and how much you can cause them to decay with a single use of this jikuu - is based
  upon your level.

  					-- Material --
  Lvl	Food	Soft Plant	Wood / Clay	Stone		Metal (weak)	Metal (strong)
  3	Rotten							
  4		Faded				
  5				Faded				
  6	Dust	Fragile						
  7				Fragile		Faded		
  8		Deteriorated			
  9				Deteriorated			Faded
  10		1/3 Ruined			Fragile				
  11				1/3 Ruined					Faded
  12		2/3 Ruined			Deteriorated	Fragile		
  13				2/3 Ruined				
  14		Dust						Deteriorated	Fragile
  15				Dust		1/3 Ruined		
  17						2/3 Ruined	1/3 Ruined	Deteriorated
  19								2/3 Ruined
  20						Dust				1/3 Ruined

  Rotten: Food only; this status indicates that the food is now putrefied and completely inedible. Any foodstuffs can be
  decayed to this level.

  Faded: The coloring, mural paints, ink text, and similar have disappeared, but the item is otherwise intact.

  Fragile: The item is showing clear signs of being worn. It suffers a 20% reduction in Hardness, HP, and break DC.

  Deteriorated: The item retains its basic shape, but is otherwise badly worn out, unusuable and generally unidentifiable (an
  Int check at DC 12 can identify the item's purpose). The item may break upon handling, and carvings in stone or metal has almost
  disappeared. The item's Hardness, HP, and break DC are decreased by 40%.

  1/3 Ruined: The item is crumbling, its surface eroded or rusted away, and is roughly 2/3 of its original size. An Int check
  against DC 18 allows an onlooker to guess as to the item's original function. The item's Hardness, HP, and break DC are decreased
  by 60%.

  2/3 Ruined: The item is in an advanced state of disintegration; an Intelligence check against DC 22 allows an onlooker to
  identify what sort of item it may have been in the past. Such an item has its Hardness, HP, and break DC reduced by 80%.

  Dust: There is nothing left of the item save a small pile of dust.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You imbue the chosen creature with a burst of haste. The creature gains the benefits of the haste jikuu for 1 round.
Bestow Time
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 partial action
  Range: Touch
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round
  Saving Throw: Will negates (Harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (Harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You touch a creature, bestowing upon it some of your perception of time. On its next action, it gains an additional partial
  Spatial [Compression, Magnetic]
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Reflex half
  Temporal Opposition: No 
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You cause space to collapse around a single creature. This effect deals 1d8+1/level (max +5) magnetic damage. A successful 
  Reflex save halves this damage.
Borrow Time
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 9
  Casting Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: All actions not taken by creatures within range
  Duration: Until your next turn
  Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 9
  You focus your mind on all of the individual timelines of all the creatures within range, gathering up their unused time and
  adding it to your own personal timeline.

  On each creature's turn, if it has not used its full allotment of actions, it must make a Will save. If it fails, on your next
  turn, you gain all of the creature's actions that it did not take. You cannot gain immediate, free, or swift actions with this
  jikuu; only move, partial, standard, and full actions can be gained.

  If a creature opts to delay, it must make a Will save, or else you gain its full allotment of actions, and the creature has
  effectively passed on its turn to act. If a creature opts to ready, it must make a Will save, or else lose the readied action, and
  you gain an action of the type that was readied.
Bullet Time
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 3
  Casting Time: 1 swift action
  Range: Personal
  Area: Thirty-foot radius spread, centered on you
  Duration: 1 round (D)
  Saving Throw: No
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 3
  Your perception of time slows down considerably, to the point where even bullets travel slowly enough for you to calmly avoid

  When you use this jikuu, your perception of all the creatures in the area of effect slows down. You gain a +6 dodge bonus to AC, a
  50% miss chance due to your seemingly rapid movement, a +4 dodge bonus to Reflex saves, and you treat all creatures in the area as

  Actions creatures take seem to take one action longer than they actually do, for purposes of you reacting to them. For instance,
  a creature performing a move action seems to be performing a standard action, while a creature performing a standard action seems
  to be performing a full-round action. This has no effect on the time the creature actually spends performing the action, but may
  allow you to react to some actions in some ways that you normally could not.
Chrono Break
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 9
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 9
  You accelerate your perception of the timeline, allowing you to fracture it and experience time as two somewhat distinct times.

  Roll a new initiative. You have a turn each round on both of your initiative counts. Effects that affect one of your initiatives
  does not affect the other (ie, you could delay in one turn, without affecting the other).
Chrono Cross
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 3
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal; see text
  Targets: You
  Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 3
  You bring forth vaguely illusionary copies of yourself. While they are figments, they are actually echoes of alternative
  timelines, giving you slightly more options than mirror image.

  Chrono Cross creates 1d4 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum eight images total). These figments separate from
  you; during your turn, you may dictate the actions and movements of these figments. You can move into and through an image. When
  you and the image separate, observers can’t use vision or hearing to tell which one is you and which the image. The figments may
  also move through each other. The figments may mimic your actions, pretending to cast spells when you cast a spell, drink potions
  when you drink a potion, levitate when you levitate, and so on, or they may "take" entirely different actions, at your discretion.
  Their actions have no actual effect.

  At any time during your turn, as a swift action, you may decide to exchange places with an image; this is not an actual spatial
  swap, but a switching of timelines. As such, effects that block spatial travel does not stop this effect, but effects that block
  temporal travel do.
Chrono Trigger
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: At least 10 minutes; see text
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Duration: One day/level (D) or until discharged
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You can place another jikuu upon your person so that it comes into effect under some condition you dictate when using chrono
  trigger. The chrono trigger and the companion jikuu are used at the same time. The 10-minute casting time is the minimum total for
  both castings; if the companion jikuu has a casting time longer than 10 minutes, use that instead.

  The jikuu to be brought into effect by the chrono trigger must be one that affects your person and be of a jikuu level no higher
  than one-third your caster level (rounded down, maximum 6th level).

  The conditions needed to bring the jikuu into effect must be clear, although they can be general. In all cases, the chrono trigger
  immediately brings into effect the companion jikuu, the latter being “cast” instantaneously when the prescribed circumstances
  occur. If complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the whole jikuu combination (chrono trigger and the companion
  jikuu) may fail when called on. The companion jikuu occurs based solely on the stated conditions, regardless of whether you want
  it to.

  You can use only one chrono trigger jikuu at a time; if a second is used, the first one (if still active) is undone. 
  Temporal (Detection)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 swift action
  Range: Personal
  Area: 60 ft radius emanation
  Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You sense time passing. When you first use this jikuu, you immediately sense your awareness of time passing relative to actual 
  time passing; after the first round, you can sense the amount of time passing for other creatures or objects within the area of
  effect relative to actual time.

  You are also able to detect potential temporal energy; this allows you to ascertain the initiative modifier of all creatures
  within range, whether or not you are in an encounter. If you spend a move action to focus on a specific creature in range, you can
  determine the types of bonuses the creature contributing to its initiative modifier (Dex, feat, haste, etc).

  In addition to sensing these effects, you also learn the initiative order of all creatures within range.
  Spatial (Celestial)
  Level: Tmp 5
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Area: 20-foot radius burst
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Reflex negates
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 5
  You reach through space, finding a celestial body roughly the size of a comet, and bring it hurtling into the targeted location.

  All creatures in the area take 1d6/level (max 15d6) points of damage, a third of which is fire, a third of which is cold, and a
  third of which is impact (physical) damage. A successful Reflex save halves the damage (divided evenly amongst the three types of
  damage dealt).

  After damage is dealt, all squares that were in the area of effect are now considered difficult terrain.
Compress Time
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 4
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 4
  You cause the target to experience time at a slightly increased rate - his relative passage through time is slightly shorter than
  it normally is. On the target's turn each round, it increases its initiative by 2; this is not a bonus of any sort, but an
Day's Rest
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 5
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Touch
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 5
  This jikuu greatly accelerates the creature's body, allowing them to experience a single day's worth of rest. The target receives
  the benefits of a full day of rest, including hit point recovery, ability damage repair, and so on.

  This jikuu also causes the creature to age a full day. Any effects that the creature was experiencing - such as a disease, or
  similar internal force - are also progressed an entire day. If the creature was bleeding, this jikuu kills them.

  Due to this being a manipulative effect, rather than a modification effect, this jikuu does not allow a Force user to recover
  expended spells, power points, jikuu slots, or similar abilities.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 5
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 5
  You cause the targeted creature's body to rapidly decay. This effect is essentially Fast Healing in reverse: rather than healing
  damage, the target instead takes 2d4 points of damage at the beginning of each of its turns for the duration of the effect.
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 1
  The targeted creature's ability to move through space is hampered. Its speed is halved (round down to the nearest 5 ft) 
  for one round/level. 
Defensive Precognition
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Duration: One hour/level (D)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You perceive time a split-second before others, allowing you to better manage your defenses. You gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and
  a +2 insight bonus on Reflex saves.
Deja Vu
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes 
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You manipulate the creature's perception of the time stream, such that it attempts to repeat its last action. If the 
  situation has changed in such a way that the subject can’t take the same actions again (if its foe is dead, or the subject 
  has run out of power points, and so on), the subject stands still and takes no actions for 1 round. In any event, the subject 
  can still defend itself, and it retains its Dexterity bonus to AC even if it stands still.
  Spatial (Manipulation) [Compression]
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Fort negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes 
  Jikuu Points: 6

  You cause space to rapidly compress and decompress on the target. This effect causes the creature to lose half of its hit points,
  rounded down. If the creature is at 1 hp, it takes 1 point of damage instead.
Detect Force
  Temporal (Detection)
  Level: Tmp 5
  Jikuu Points: 5
  This jikuu functions as detect jikuu, but allows you to detect Force effects produced by any Force.

  Remember that if you are Time-aligned and detect a Blue or Chaos effect, that there is a possibility you will be stunned. See the
  modified detect spells rules for more details.
Detect Jikuu
  Temporal (Detection)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 move action
  Range: 60 ft.
  Area: Cone-shaped emanation
  Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You detect manipulations of time and space. You can sense the relative amount of time passing for yourself, as well as any 
  objects or creatures in the area of effect. If you concentrate on an area, item, or creature, you can determine more about it.
  1st round
  Presence or absence of spatial or temporal manipulation.
  2nd round
  Number of different jikuu auras and the power of the most potent.
  3rd round
   The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of sight, you can make 
  Jikuucraft skill checks to determine the sphere of jikuu involved in each. (Make one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or 
  15 + half caster level for a nonjikuu effect.)
  This jikuu is more powerful than it seems; consult the modified detect spells rules for more details.
Detect Remembrance
  Temporal (Detection)
  Level: Tmp 3
  Jikuu Points: 3
  This jikuu functions as detect jikuu, but allows you to detect Force effects produced by any Force in the Trinity of 
  Remembrance - Blue, Chaos, or Time.

  Remember that if you are Time-aligned and detect a Blue or Chaos effect, that there is a possibility you will be stunned. See the
  modified detect spells rules for more details.
Dimension Door
  Spatial (Movement)
  Level: Tmp 4
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Long (400 feet + 40 feet/level)
  Targets: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (object)
  Jikuu Points: 4
  You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot
  desired - whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. After using this jikuu, you can’t take any other actions
  until your next turn. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one
  additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster
  levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All
  creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you.

  If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of
  damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location.

  If there is no free space within 100 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 2d6 points of damage and
  are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you and each creature travelling with
  you take an additional 4d6 points of damage and the jikuu simply fails. 
Dimension Swap
  Spatial (Movement)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: You and one ally in range, or any two allies in range; see text
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless, object)
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You instantly swap positions between your current position and that of a designated ally in range. Alternatively, you can swap 
  the positions of any two allies in range. This jikuu affects creatures of Large or smaller size. You can bring along objects, 
  but not other creatures.
Discrete Time
  Temporal (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 8
  Casting Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Area: 20 ft radius emanation
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 8
  You force the actual timeline to become discrete points of time, rather than a constant flow, within the area of effect.

  For the duration of this jikuu, creatures within the area cannot take immediate actions. In addition, creatures cannot make
  attacks of opportunity, nor can they ready actions.

  In addition, effects that would alter effects prohibited by this jikuu - immediate actions, attacks of opportunity, or readied
  actions - have no effect in the area affected by this jikuu.

  A creature entering the area for the first time, or a creature initially in the area of effect, is allowed a Will save. Success
  indicates that the creature's personal timeline ignores this effect for its duration. A creature is only allowed a single Will
  save against this effect, regardless of how many times it enters the area.

  You can center this jikuu on an intersection or a creature. If the creature it is centered on makes its Will save, the entire 
  jikuu is negated.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You tug on the timeline of a creature within range, causing it to become temporally disoriented.

  The targeted creature rolls a new initiative. If it has already gone this round, or the result of its initiative is higher than
  the initiative count on which this jikuu is used, the creature goes on that count next round. In addition, until its next turn,
  the creature is considered flatfooted. A successful Will save negates both these effects.

  However, the timeline is resilient, as are the individual timelines of creatures that occupy it. As such, you cannot use this
  jikuu on a creature two turns in a row.
Divert Teleport
  Spatial (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 7
  Casting Time: 1 immediate action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Area: A circle, centered on you, with a radius of 50 ft. + 10 ft./level
  Effect: Diverts the teleportation of any object or creature whose weight does not exceed your maximum load
  Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (foils diversion)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (foils diversion)
  Jikuu Points: 7
  Similar to detect teleportation, except that you know the intended destination, and you can divert the final destination of any
  teleportation attempt made by others within the area. This is an immediate action. You can use this jikuu even if it is not your

  You can divert the destination of both incoming and outgoing teleportations, of any sort. You must overcome the temporal
  opposition of creatures that possess it to make a successful diversion, and the teleporting creature can make a Will save to foil
  the diversion as well.

  For the purpose of this jikuu, “divert” means you choose the actual destination of any teleportation attempt you can affect, as if
  you yourself were teleporting to that location, regardless of the teleportation range of the effect you are diverting. The
  destination you choose must be a location with which you are very familiar or that you have studied carefully. 
  Temporal (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Effect: A copy of the target; see text
  Duration: 2 rounds/level (D); see text
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You cause a creature's timeline to bend back upon itself, essentially causing it to live through the same period of time twice at
  the cost of some future time.

  The creature to be doubled gets a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, a duplicate of the creature appears next
  to the creature. The duplicate rolls a new initiative. Which creature is the original and which is the duplicate must be tracked.

  Any damage or effect that affects the original creature while this jikuu is in effect also affects the duplicate; however, effects
  that affect the duplicate do not affect the original creature.

  After half the duration, both copies of the creature disappear; nothing can prevent these disappearances. At the end of the
  duration, the duplicate creature appears in the square in which it last was, in the same condition as when it disappeared.
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 immediate action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One Medium or smaller freefalling object or creature/level, no two of which may be more than 20 ft. apart
  Duration: Until landing or 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Reflex negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 1
  The affected creatures or objects fall faster. Drag instantly changes the rate at which the targets fall, doubling their
  normal rate of falling. Due to this, the subjects take double the normal damage they would take upon landing (this doubling
  can increase the damage over the normal maximums for falling damage).

  The jikuu affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures (including gear and carried objects up to each creature’s maximum
  load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or 
  objects, a Huge creature or object counts as two Large creatures or objects, and so forth.

  You can use this jikuu in an instant, quickly enough to affect another creature or object once it has begun falling.

  This jikuu has no special effect on ranged weapons unless they are falling quite a distance. If the jikuu is used on a
  falling item, the object does double normal damage based on its weight, with normal bonuses for the height of the drop.

  Drag works on upon free-falling objects and flying creatures. Flying creatures have their maneuverability category reduced
  by one step; if they would go below clumsy, they remain at clumsy.

  Drag counters and negates Float and similar effects.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You manipulate a creature's view of the timestream, causing it to suffer through the effects of its last round all over again.

  Unless the creature makes a successful will save, it suffers through every event that it was the target of or affected by since
  your last turn. This includes damage, healing, and other spells or similar effects. The creature is not allowed any new saves; it
  is essentially experiencing that time again, though it is not traveling backwards in time.
  Spatial (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Ref negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You cause space to fold in itself, capturing a creature in the folded space.

  All of the squares the target creature occupies become non-existent, as per fold space; however, unlike that jikuu, the creature
  occupying those squares may be trapped in the folded space. The creature is allowed a Reflex save; success indicates that the 
  creature is shunted out of the squares it is currently occupying, in a direction of its choosing. If it fails, it instead
  continues to occupy the non-existent squares, and cannot move from them until the duration of this jikuu expires.
  Spatial (Movement)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 move action
  Range: Touch
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates (Willing only)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (Harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 1
  You teleport yourself or a touched creature a short distance through space, to a target square within Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2
  levels) range. You must be able to see the square you or the creature you are teleporting is going to.

  The teleported creature does not provoke attacks of opportunity when they arrive at the destination.
Expand Space
  Spatial (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 4
  Casting Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Area: See text
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 4
  You cause space to expand, creating more space than there should be.

  Select a square. That square expands into more squares, which continue to occupy the initial square's space. The amount of extra
  space you can create is dependent upon your level.

  Level		Extra Space
  7		10 ft x 10 ft
  10		15 ft x 15 ft
  13		20 ft x 20 ft
  16		25 ft x 25 ft

  Creatures that were occupying the initial square now occupy one of the squares in the newly-created space, of their choice.

  When this jikuu ends, any creatures that were occupying the created space now occupy the initial space; if there was more than
  one creature, all the creatures are considered squeezing and prone.
False Gravity
  Spatial (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 3
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Touch
  Targets: Creature touched
  Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 3
  The subject of this jikuu can travel on any solid surface as though that surface possessed its own gravity. For example, the
  subject could walk or even run up a wall as though the wall were a perfectly level floor. The subject can switch “down” as often
  as it likes during the jikuu’s duration, though only once per round, as a free action. Unattended objects fall, as normal.

  The subject of false gravity can fly by choosing a solid surface and letting itself fall through the air toward it. A character
  “flying” in this fashion moves at 30 feet per round and can make one turn, in any direction, once per round, by redefining its
  personal gravity. A creature falling in this fashion loses all “downward” momentum when it changes its gravity.
Fate of One
  Temporal (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 7
  Casting Time: 1 immediate action
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 7
  You modify the timestream a split-second after the fact, allowing you to remake a past decision with the knowledge of the next
  moment or two, allowing you to reroll a saving throw, attack roll, or skill check. Whatever the result of the reroll, you must use
  it even if it is worse than the original roll.
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 1
  Casting Time: 1 immediate action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One Medium or smaller freefalling object or creature/level, no two of which may be more than 20 ft. apart
  Duration: Until landing or 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (object)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (object)
  Jikuu Points: 1
  The affected creatures or objects fall slowly. Float instantly changes the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 60 feet 
  per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet), and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the jikuu is
  in effect. However, when the jikuu duration expires, a normal rate of falling resumes.

  The jikuu affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures (including gear and carried objects up to each creature’s maximum
  load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: A Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or 
  objects, a Huge creature or object counts as two Large creatures or objects, and so forth.

  You can use this jikuu in an instant, quickly enough to save yourself if you unexpectedly fall.

  This jikuu has no special effect on ranged weapons unless they are falling quite a distance. If the jikuu is used on a
  falling item the object does half normal damage based on its weight, with no bonus for the height of the drop.

  Float works only upon free-falling objects. It does not affect a sword blow or a charging or flying creature.

  Float counters and negates Drag and similar effects.
Fold Space
  Spatial (Modification)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 full-round action
  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Area: Up to one 5-ft square/level (S)
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (object)
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You cause space to fold in on itself.

  When you use this jikuu, you designate a number of 5-foot squares up to your caster level. These squares need not be contiguous.
  Once you have chosen your target squares, you fold space in such a way as to temporarily remove the chosen squares from the
  space-time continuum for 1 round/level.

  Creatures that were in these squares are shunted to the nearest "existing" square. For game purposes, movement through these
  squares requires 0 squares of movement (however, creatures cannot end their movement in a "non-existing" square - they must move
  to an "existing" square before taking any other action, or ending their turn); spell ranges and ranged attacks do not count these
  squares against their range increments; and area-of-effect effects do not count these squares against their area. 
Fracture Flow
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: One round/level
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You cause a creature's perception of time to fracture. On its initiative, it may opt to delay parts of its action until later.

  This jikuu essentially allows a creature to take the delay action, but with parts of their turn, rather than the entire turn. 
  The creature must specify which actions it is delaying if it chooses to do so.

  Effects that manipulate or otherwise change the creature's initiative affect only one of its actions: swift, move, or standard.
  If the creature has additional actions, these are also possibly affected. Which action is affected is determined randomly, unless
  the origin of the effect is enjoying the benefits of the chronosense jikuu, in which case the originator of the effect may
  choose which action to affect.
Freedom of Movement
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 5
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Personal or Touch
  Target: You or creature touched
  Duration: 10 min/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes (harmless)
  Jikuu Points: 5
  You relax space around a creature, such that it is nearly impossible for that creature to be held or grasped firmly.

  This jikuu enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the jikuu, even under the influence
  of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The subject automatically succeeds on any
  grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a

  The jikuu also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords
  or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than
  hurled. The freedom of movement jikuu does not, however, allow water breathing. 
  Spatial [Compression]
  Level: Tmp 3
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: Fort negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes 
  Jikuu Points: 3
  You cause space to rapidly compress and decompress on the target. This effect causes the creature to lose a quarter of its hit
  points, rounded down. If the creature is at 1 hp, it takes 1 point of damage.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 3
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
  Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
  Duration: 1 round/level
  Saving Throw: Fort negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes 
  Jikuu Points: 3
  The affected creatures move and act more quickly than normal. This extra speed has several effects.

  When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack with any weapon he is holding. The attack is made
  using the creature’s full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with
  similar effects, such as that provided by a weapon of speed, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can’t use it to
  cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.)

  A hasted creature gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose
  your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses.

  All of the hasted creature’s modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a
  maximum of twice the subject’s normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it
  affects the creature’s jumping distance as normal for increased speed.

  Multiple haste effects don’t stack. Haste dispels and counters slow. 
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/2 levels)
  Targets: One creature
  Effect: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You cause the creature's perception of time to slow down, allowing them to take more actions than they normally should be capable

  The creature enjoys the benefits of the haste jikuu; in addition, on each of its turns, it gains an additional partial action.
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 1 swift action
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Effect: 1 extra move action
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 2
  You gain an additional move action in the current round. Taking a full round’s worth of attacks and then using this jikuu to 
  move away from your foe does provoke attacks of opportunity.
Identify Jikuu
  Level: Tmp 2
  Casting Time: 5 minutes
  Range: Touch 
  Targets: One touched object
  Duration: Instantaneous
  Saving Throw: None
  Temporal Opposition: No
  Jikuu Points: 2
  The jikuu determines all temporal properties of a single temporal item, including how to activate those functions (if
  appropriate), and how many charges are left (if any).

  Identify Jikuu does not function when used on an artifact. 
  Temporal (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 6
  Casting Time: 1 immediate action
  Range: Personal
  Targets: You
  Effect: 1 extra move action
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 6
  You gain an additional move action immediately, quickly enough to interrupt another action being taken.
  Spatial (Manipulation)
  Level: Tmp 4
  Casting Time: 1 standard action
  Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
  Targets: One creature
  Duration: 1 round/level (D)
  Saving Throw: Will negates
  Temporal Opposition: Yes
  Jikuu Points: 4
  You cause space to wrap around the target, holding them fast. Unless the creature makes a Will save, the creature cannot move
  from its current square, and is considered flat-footed.