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(Creating Artificial Characters)
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==New Item Generation System==
===Creating Artificial Characters===
I think our example character should have armor. This would lengthen the character generation and combat examples, but I think this is important enough to warrant the extra effort.
Artificial characters are characters manufactured by other characters. Examples from popular fiction include the monster created by Dr. Frakenstein, and Robby the Robot created by Dr. Morbius. Creating artificial characters works like creating a weapons & armor, except:
:I am currently working on the Squawk RPG book, once the first rough draft is together I'll revisit MaM for this and other editorial enhancements.  (I'm waiting for the rough draft to get done so I know what '''I''' need MaM to do.)[BFG]
* The difficulty modifier is 1% of the new artificial character's CP. For example, creating a new artificial character who will have 2000 character points will have a difficulty modifier of 20.
* A more appropriate ability is used in the place of craftsmanship. A game which allows characters to create artificial characters needs to state which abilities can be used for this. For example, if a character might use an ability called "robotics" to build a lunar rover robot.
* Players may have to create a new template if there is no appropriate template for the new artificial character. The new artificial character may be a unique life form or machine. If the artificial character requires a new template, increase the difficulty modifier by 2.
* If the character is in a culture where artificial characters created with the same ability are common, add 2 to the success modifier. If the character is in a culture which avoids creating artificial characters, add 2 to the difficulty modifier.
* The difficulty modifier is increased by 2 if the type of technology being used to create artificial characters is undeveloped compared to the culture's other technology.
===Character makes a Character===
I have re-ordered the sections on the [[Mano a Mano|Table of Contents]] and [[Mano a Mano:Complete System|Complete System on One Page]] to reflect this. The broad overview of Gameplay is still first, followed by Action, Character Development, Character Creation and finally Game Design. We will probably want to make further changes so that the system makes sense when presented in this order. We may even want to move the example Ability and Equipment lists into Character Creation or even Character Development. [SL]
1. Design the Character
: Yeah, that's what I figured. Now it looks to me like perhaps even example occupations may need to be moved forward to at least character generation, and possibly into character development (since it's hard to imagine character development in MaM without the potential for new abilities, equipment, or occupations.) [BFG]
Modre decides to make a synthetic clone of himself.  Therefore no new Template (or character design) is needed.  The clone will therefore have 2500 character points.
==Editing Character Sheet==
2. Determine Difficulty Modifier
If you change the character sheet format when editing any of the following, you must update the others:
Because the Clone's CP is 2500, Modre's difficulty modifier for making it is 25.
* [[Mano a Mano:Example Template|Example Template]]
* [[Mano a Mano:Example Character|Example Character]]
* '''Clone''' character sheet in the [[Mano a Mano:Combat Example|Combat Example]]!
3. Determine Success Modifier
Be sure you know which character sheet you are updating:
We start with Modre's +2 craftsmanship ability modifier. Modre happens to have recently discovered an alien cloning laboratory not far from his home, so for the purposes of making this clone he is futuristic technology add a +7 modifier (for a total modifier of +9 so far.) The brain-wave reading cloning vat he uses is considered "state of the art" even by alien standards, giving him another +5 modifier and making the total success modifier +14.
* The template creation example includes both the blank character sheet and the example template.
* The character creation example includes both the example template and the example character sheet.
4. Determine Time Modifier
The Time modifier is the Difficulty Modifier with the Success Modifier subtracted from it. Modre's difficulty modifier is 25, and his Success Modifier is 14, so his Time Modifier is 11 (25 - 14 = 11.) Looking at the Time modifier chart, we can extrapolate it will take Modre 512 hours to make his Clone (over 10 weeks if he works 50-hour work weeks.)
===Artificial Modifications===
Characters can modify the physical characteristics of a weapon, a piece of armor or even another character:
First find out weather or not the modification can be made. Determine the character points the modified thing will have after it is modified. If the character making the modification to the thing could not create a thing with that many character points, then this character can't do the modification.
The time it takes to make a modification is the difference between the time it would take to make the modified thing and the time it would take to make the original thing.  If the character can create the modified thing in less than an hour, the character can make the modifications in 15 minutes. Otherwise use the time it would take to create the modified weapon and the CP value of the modifications to find the modification time on this table:
time to                        CP value of modifications
create    1-100  101-200  201-300  301-400  401-500  501-600  601-700  701 or more
1 hour      0:30    0:45    0:45    0:45    0:45    0:45    0:45    0:45
2 hours    1:00    1:30    1:45    1:45    1:45    1:45    1:45    1:45
4 hours    2:00    3:00    3:30    3:45    3:45    3:45    3:45    3:45
8 hours    4:00    6:00    7:00    7:30    7:45    7:45    7:45    7:45
16 hours    8:00    12:00    14:00    15:00    15:30    15:45    15:45    15:45
32 hours  16:00    24:00    28:00    30:00    31:00    31:30    31:45    31:45
64 hours  32:00    48:00    56:00    60:00    62:00    63:00    63:30    63:45
If the thing being modified is a character:
* A more appropriate ability might be used in the place of craftsmanship.  For example, a game might have a "robotics" ability that allows you to mount a gun on a lunar-rover robot.
* When character modifications affect things the character inherits from their template (such as limbs, natural weapons and armor, speed, agility, power, health modifier, etc.) use the template CP rules to determine the CP value of the modifications. For example, if an extra limb is added to a character the CP value is the difference adding the extra limb would make to the CP of the character's template.
* If character being modified is an organism, a medicine roll must be made to determine how much healing is required. If the roll succeeds, the healing does not affect the character's performance. If the roll fails, the character must spend an extra month healing.  If the roll fails by more than 5, the character dies.
! Difficulty !! width="10" | || align="left" | Type of Modification
| align="center" | 0 || || no living tissue affected (sharpening claws)
| align="center" | 2 || || no significant effect on organs, muscles or bones (implanting an explosive device.)
| align="center" | 4 || || modifications to non-vital organs (removing an appendix)
| align="center" | 6 || || significant muscle or skeleton modification (amputation, limb lengthening)
| align="center" | 8 || || modification to vital organs or peripheral nervous system (heart transplant, new limbs)
| align="center" | 10 || || major modifications involving centeral nervous system (add a new head and spinal column)
==Mechanical vs. Organic Characters==
It's worth noting that there is a difference between Mechanical and Organic characters.  The main differences are:
*Mechanical Characters do not require medical roles when modified to see if they survive the operation.
*Mechanical Characters don't heal, they are repaired, so:
**They can be repaired faster then the required time for Organic characters to heal from injury, but
**They don't heal on their own, they must be repaired before they can again be fully functional.
*Death is more permanent for organic characters, since their brain begins to rot very shortly after death.  Mechanical characters can sometimes be more easily revived.
There is a question as to weather or not the characteristic of being organic vs. being mechanical should have a Character Point value.  For the time being we are just trying to balance out the advantages so that this characteristic is character-point neutral.
==Combat Abilities==
Currently we only have two kinds of combat abilities:
;Weapon Proficiency: Abilities which modify combat modifiers are weapon proficiencies, because you have one combat modifier per weapon.  Weapon Proficiencies can be as specific as a single weapon or as broad as you like (you could have a weapon proficiency which applies to all weapons) but they apply to any use of the weapon's combat modifier.
;Athletic Abilities: Athletic abilities improve your health, allowing you to fight longer even when you get hurt.  Your best two athletic abilities affect your health, and it doesn't really matter which athletic abilities they are.
The most obvious thing missing is abilities that affect ''how'' you fight with a given weapon - abilities which give you an advantage to using certain classes of actions over others.  For example experience competing in wrestling might improve your grappling more than it improves your striking ability.  How would these abilities work?  Would they add another column to the equipment list, or would they give you special modifiers (like the Grp, Atk, Par modifiers.) or would they be added directly to combat rolls?  Would we have some combat modifiers be independent of the equipment list, and not affected by which weapon you use?
We need to expand the coverage of limitations to character creation and development in the Game Design section.
* CP Allowance (How much CP for heroic or super-heroic characters?)
* Sex (based on template?  Should templates have a "sexes" property?)
* Age
* Templates (PC vs. NPC)
* Build (depends on templates. Dogs vary more than cats, and birds even less)
* Missing limbs
* Disabilities
** A game should allow no disabilities beyond those built into the templates, or at least have limitations like one disability per character, no more than -1000 CP of disabilities, and only those disabilities that have unavoidable consequences.
** A game with a GM may have a bigger disability list because he GM can moderate the role-playing of those disabilities. Players need the GM's permission to give characters disabilities beyond template disabilities. The GM may have stricter limitations than the game requires, not allow some disabilities, or decide on a case-by-case basis.
* Ability levels (character creation and training)
* Equipment (character creation and shopping)
* Occupations?
** limitations are basically built-in to occupations
** but the occupations section feels like it needs work
* Reach? (requires a rule allowing characters to have more or less reach than their template)
==Ability Checks in Combat==
At times a GM might ask players to perform an ability check during a round of combat.  My opinion is that players should not add their ability bonus to the check unless they specifically have established that they are using the ability.  If the check is called before the player's turn and the player stated the use of the ability before the beginning of combat.  The player would be allowed to add their ability bonus.  If the check is called after the player's turn then the player would not be allowed to add their ability bonus the unless they specifically use at least a quick action to use the ability. --[[User:Ulrich|ulrich]] 11:00, 2005 Jul 2 (CEST)
:A classic example is watching out for traps during combat. If the traps are so well hidden that an ability roll is required, at least one of the PCs should spend a whole turn looking for traps instead of fighting. If the story requires the characters to fall into a trap, it should be impossible to find (or impossible to avoid if you do find it.) If this is not a good time in the story for the characters to fall into a trap, or if the characters have been specifically looking for traps as they go along, it doesn't make sense to ask them to make routine checks for traps. --[[User:SerpLord|SerpLord]] 15:17, 8 December 2005 (CET)

Latest revision as of 06:10, 27 September 2009


I think our example character should have armor. This would lengthen the character generation and combat examples, but I think this is important enough to warrant the extra effort.

I am currently working on the Squawk RPG book, once the first rough draft is together I'll revisit MaM for this and other editorial enhancements. (I'm waiting for the rough draft to get done so I know what I need MaM to do.)[BFG]


I have re-ordered the sections on the Table of Contents and Complete System on One Page to reflect this. The broad overview of Gameplay is still first, followed by Action, Character Development, Character Creation and finally Game Design. We will probably want to make further changes so that the system makes sense when presented in this order. We may even want to move the example Ability and Equipment lists into Character Creation or even Character Development. [SL]

Yeah, that's what I figured. Now it looks to me like perhaps even example occupations may need to be moved forward to at least character generation, and possibly into character development (since it's hard to imagine character development in MaM without the potential for new abilities, equipment, or occupations.) [BFG]

Editing Character Sheet[edit]

If you change the character sheet format when editing any of the following, you must update the others:

Be sure you know which character sheet you are updating:

  • The template creation example includes both the blank character sheet and the example template.
  • The character creation example includes both the example template and the example character sheet.