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==General Information==

I quite like the idea of courting behaviors defined by Aspect. Ended up jotting down some ideas along those lines; was considering trying for Ascending, Resplendent, and Descending aspects, too (maybe based on what type of month the Dynast Exalted in, maybe just based on age), but ended up only doing them for Air. For ideas, though, I envision Ascending aspects as frequently the showy ones, who try to become the center of attention and attract flocks of suitors. Resplendent aspects are more often the go-getters, the ones who court others rather than waiting for suitors to come to them. Descending aspects are expected to be the least sentimental of the lot, and are split about fifty-fifty when it comes to being courted or doing the pursuing.  
I quite like the idea of courting behaviors defined by Aspect. Ended up jotting down some ideas along those lines; was considering trying for Ascending, Resplendent, and Descending aspects, too (maybe based on what type of month the Dynast Exalted in, maybe just based on age), but ended up only doing them for Air. For ideas, though, I envision Ascending aspects as frequently the showy ones, who try to become the center of attention and attract flocks of suitors. Resplendent aspects are more often the go-getters, the ones who court others rather than waiting for suitors to come to them. Descending aspects are expected to be the least sentimental of the lot, and are split about fifty-fifty when it comes to being courted or doing the pursuing.  
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The most decadent of the lot, Wood aspects are expected to be the initiators of intimate contact (whether it be a kiss or sex), and also the most likely to move a courtship from meeting to bed swiftly--which, considering the usual efficiency of a Dynast when he wants to get laid, says a lot. Juggling multiple lovers at a time is not unexpected for a Wood, and if one of the lovers gets offended, why, the usual response is raised eyebrows and, "What do you expect? She's a Wood." How much he or she advertises that sexuality varies from type to type, though. Arranging shared activities is an expected gift from a Wood, whether it be a picnic, a concert (or a duet), or a practice bout in the ring. Gifts of animals and plant life are also to be expected.
The most decadent of the lot, Wood aspects are expected to be the initiators of intimate contact (whether it be a kiss or sex), and also the most likely to move a courtship from meeting to bed swiftly--which, considering the usual efficiency of a Dynast when he wants to get laid, says a lot. Juggling multiple lovers at a time is not unexpected for a Wood, and if one of the lovers gets offended, why, the usual response is raised eyebrows and, "What do you expect? She's a Wood." How much he or she advertises that sexuality varies from type to type, though. Arranging shared activities is an expected gift from a Wood, whether it be a picnic, a concert (or a duet), or a practice bout in the ring. Gifts of animals and plant life are also to be expected.

The majority of the credit for the material should go to Autumnflame with some credit going to Similarian. The ideas were pulled from this thread:
The majority of the credit for the material should go to Autumnflame with some credit going to Similarian. The ideas were pulled from this thread:

Latest revision as of 06:21, 16 December 2007

While I can't take credit for creating it, I did find some setting material the other day that I thought you might find useful.

General Information[edit]

I quite like the idea of courting behaviors defined by Aspect. Ended up jotting down some ideas along those lines; was considering trying for Ascending, Resplendent, and Descending aspects, too (maybe based on what type of month the Dynast Exalted in, maybe just based on age), but ended up only doing them for Air. For ideas, though, I envision Ascending aspects as frequently the showy ones, who try to become the center of attention and attract flocks of suitors. Resplendent aspects are more often the go-getters, the ones who court others rather than waiting for suitors to come to them. Descending aspects are expected to be the least sentimental of the lot, and are split about fifty-fifty when it comes to being courted or doing the pursuing.

These are, of course, ideas for the stereotyped roles, if all other factors are equal; as ever, individuals vary. Social status is probably a more important factor than anything else in determining who makes the initial approach, who showers whom with gifts, and the like; those of higher status are expected to be wealthier, and so frequently offer the more material things. Frequently, they also bedeck themselves out more, displaying their wealth and status on their bodies. On the other hand, those of higher status are also more sought, so they tend to be flirted with and invited to many a "friendly gathering among friends," and make their choice there--but the lower-status courtiers do so discreetly, since the higher person is also supposed to be the first to make any overt proposition. All other things being equal, the female would probably be more expected to make the initial advance, but no great stigma (except among the very conservative) would be attached to a male who initiated the first step.


Idealistic, grandiose, chivalrous to the extreme; think courtly love, wherein love was not really about anything so physical as lust as it was about adoration from afar, and the imagination to take the slightest hints of affection and run away with them. These are the sorts liable to write poetry and serenade their objects of affection, to whom the merest smile will be enough to send them into a rapture. They also talk in bed. A lot. (... Romeo was totally an Air in the beginning of the play.) They're the least expected to make the approach, and an Air who is too forward gets odd glances; on the other hand, they're also expected to be one of the most flirtatious, only surpassed, perhaps, by Fire.

Ascending: However high-minded and grandiose their adoration, Ascending Airs are also fickle, and liable to change their mind on who has the brightest eye and the lightest step between one week and the next. While in the grips of adoration, though, they will frequently arrange 'accidental' meetings, rather juvenile in their coyness, in an attempt to cause the object of their affect to approach them first.

Resplendent: A little more focused than their Ascending companions, Resplendent Airs frequently have longer affairs, and are more liable to initiate contact rather than making anonymous gestures or accidental meetings. They are given to romantic gestures like sonnets, songs, and airy, delicate, and frequently impractical gifts, but frequently private ones rather than shocking, grandstanding ones.

Descending: Like gentle zephyrs after a storm, these Air aspects are not so passionate in their approach as their brethren; they appreciate the spice that a romance brings, but they are not often the ones to initiate contact. Cool-minded, they appreciate intellectual stimulation as much as physical; purely extravagant gestures with no mental content to them isn't their kind of thing. If one invites you to a private Gateway match in her home, chances are she's interested in more than just your mind. That mind frequently means great inventiveness in bed.


Earth-aspected lovers have stamina. They're also the sort to be careful about whom they decide to favor, but once they fall in love, they remain steadfast for years. The least given to romantic gestures of the five aspects, they instead show their caring and courtship in other ways--practical gifts, favors done, or direct, blunt statements (usually in private). Hand-crafted items, or other things made specifically by the Earth aspect himself, is an accepted traditional courting-gift. Ultimately, however, because House and family is more important to the Dynasty than love or marriage, when push comes to shove, an Earth aspect is expected to choose the House. An Earth aspect running away with an unsuitable lover would cause far more scandal than a Fire aspect doing the same.

Ascending: Ascending Earths are best know for their stately displays focusing on displaying their bodies in a harmonious whole. Rather than falling in love with one person, an Ascending Earth is likely to flirt with many potential lovers before choosing someone as the focus of their romantic hopes, and for such reasons they're often considered excellent guests at parties if unattached. They're also known for the great appetite for drink and

Resplendent: Quiet and careful, Resplendent Earths observe their fellows for the qualities that would make good lovers. Once they have determined who suits them they are like a landslide in finding a way to express their feelings. While they may attempt at subtlety by leaving with their lover, others are prone simply telling their lover and getting on with it regardless of the circumstances. Getting in the way of a Resplendent Earth is said like to be like trying to push a landslide away, fruitless, difficult, and prone to leaving one with broken bones.

Descending: The most practical of the three aspects, Descending Earths' are like the mountains themselves in their loves. Quiet, soft, and enduring for ages. In an affair there is not showy or prone to any sort of grand displays, focusing instead on the "simple" pleasures of the affair. However, of the three aspects they are the most likely to break tradition if pushed and go to an extreme in doing so, although the least inclined to do so without some provocation. Their gifts tend to the very small and practical, with occasional bursts of grandiose creations such as entire houses designed and built buy them.


Fire aspects are, of course, the first aspect one thinks of when thinking of a passionate, ardor-filled lover. More than any other aspect, Fires are expected to be the one to make the initial advance and express overt interest. Fire aspects are all about the grand gestures--the hundred birds trained to sing the beloved's name when she walks into the room, the dozens of slaves prepared for months to cater to the courted's tastes, the flashy trick pulled off in the middle of a grand fete to get the guests talking and gain the attention of that beautiful patriarch. Dueling for someone's favor is a frequent sight when two Fire aspects don't wish to share said someone's affections, as are other physical displays of prowess. Nothing can be just a gesture, it has to be a Gesture, or sometimes even a GESTURE--which sometimes means the arguments can be as tempestuous as the sex. However, Fire aspects are also seen as fickle lovers--maybe not quite as fickle as an Ascending Air, but the passions of the body can flare up and die down quickly.


More than any other, Waters are said to keep their affairs discreet, perhaps for the thrill of it; they also make the most successful adulterers because of that. But while the surface may appear calm, the emotions can run deep and turbulent. They're known for making unique courting-gifts. That forbidden backpacking trip up the side of Mt. Meru after being "kidnapped?" The Water's idea. The underwater dinner in a private bubble-city carefully engineered with breathing-spells for weeks? Look to the Water. And if you ever find all your faucets suddenly run pink lavender-scented water that softly hums your name, well... Clandestine meetings by moonlight and anonymous gifts with meanings known only to the lovers are to be expected, as well. If an issue of money comes up--say, they're out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, or go impulse shopping--the Water is usually expected to do the paying, as well.


The most decadent of the lot, Wood aspects are expected to be the initiators of intimate contact (whether it be a kiss or sex), and also the most likely to move a courtship from meeting to bed swiftly--which, considering the usual efficiency of a Dynast when he wants to get laid, says a lot. Juggling multiple lovers at a time is not unexpected for a Wood, and if one of the lovers gets offended, why, the usual response is raised eyebrows and, "What do you expect? She's a Wood." How much he or she advertises that sexuality varies from type to type, though. Arranging shared activities is an expected gift from a Wood, whether it be a picnic, a concert (or a duet), or a practice bout in the ring. Gifts of animals and plant life are also to be expected.

The majority of the credit for the material should go to Autumnflame with some credit going to Similarian. The ideas were pulled from this thread:

Bound Devil Chambers Conspiracy Exalted PbP game in