VGO Org Proposal: Difference between revisions

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expanded, added policy section, some reformatting
Page removed for review, by order of VGO board of directors.
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==Versus Gloria Omnes [VGO] Proposed Corporate Charter==
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This is a proposal only.
# Open - Open-access swap space, and free corp-provided materials. Take what you need, donate what you don't. Will be cleared out and reprocessed occasionally.
# Secure - Audited (via containers) secure storage for corp-owned materials. Available for temporary use by members, but should be returned.
# R&D - Secure storage for blueprints.
# Engineering - Secure storage for working mineral stockpile, construction materials, and invention materials.
# Reprocessing - Holding area for ores, alloys, and modules due for reprocessing. Should only be emptied by characters with perfect or near-perfect skills.
# Sales - Holding area for goods to be sold for the corp wallet.
# Lockdown - Dual-purpose secure storage.
#* HQ: Emergency mineral reserve and extremely high-value materials. Director access ONLY.
#* Others: POS materials.
# Master Wallet
# Research & Development - For renting corp factory and lab slots.
# Raw Materials - For the corp mineral deal.
Others unused at this time.
Where possible, all roles should be granted through titles. If someone needs a role that is not on a title, it is preferable to create a new title with that role, and assign it.
NB: All characters except Citizens should have "Talent" to provide base hangar access. Titles may stack if a character acts in multiple capacities.
#Citizen - New, probationary members.
#* QUERY: Open
#* TAKE: Open
#Talent - Full members.
#* QUERY: Open, Secure, Reprocessing, Sales
#* TAKE: Open, Secure
#* ROLES: Starbase Defense Technician, Starbase Fuel Technician
#Miner - Mining-oriented industrialists. Should have at least Refining Efficiency IV.
#* QUERY: Engineering, Reprocessing
#* TAKE: Reprocessing
#Mining Operations Lead - Mining officer. Tracks mineral JBP and JSP, decides on locations for mining ops, and manages corp mining assets.
#* '''These characters can buy and sell on behalf of the corp.'''
#* QUERY: Engineering, Reprocessing
#* TAKE: Reprocessing
#* WALLETS: Raw Materials
#* ROLES: Junior Accountant, Trader
#Engineer - Construction-oriented industrialists. Should have at least Production Efficiency IV.
#* QUERY: R&D, Engineering
#* TAKE: Engineering
#* WALLETS: Research & Development
#* ROLES: Rent Factory, Factory Manager
#Researcher - Blueprint researchers. Should have at least Science IV.
#* QUERY: R&D, Engineering
#* TAKE: Engineering
#* WALLETS: Research & Development
#* ROLES: Rent Research Facility, Factory Manager
#Research Lead - Research officer. Manages blueprint storage.
#* '''These characters can remove blueprints from corporate control.'''
#* QUERY: R&D, Engineering
#* TAKE: R&D, Engineering
#* WALLETS: Research & Development
#* ROLES: Rent Research Facility, Factory Manager
#Trader - Corporate market traders.
#* '''These characters can buy and sell on behalf of the corp, and have master wallet access.'''
#* TAKE: Sales
#* WALLETS: Master Wallet
#* ROLES: Trader, Security Officer
#Logistics Manager - Corporate asset managers and trade officers
#* '''These characters have direct access to all corp wallets.'''
#* TAKE: Sales
#* TAKE CONTAINER: Secure, Sales
#* ROLES: Accountant, Auditor, Personnel Manager, Config Equipment, Rent Office, Security Officer
#Tower Manager - POS managers.
#* '''These characters have access to all POS resources.'''
#* QUERY: Lockdown (Others only)
#* TAKE: Lockdown (Others only)
#* ROLES: Config Equipment, Config Starbase Equipment
NB: These positions do not necessarily require the Director role. They are organizational titles.
* CEO - Is the CEO.
* Research Director - decides blueprint priorities (to meet corp-wide goals), manages high-value blueprints, manages invention and research assets, sets budget for research needs
* Engineering Director - decides construction priorities (to meet corp-wide goals), manages construction assets and components, sets budget for industry needs
* Diplomacy Director - handles extracorp diplomacy, COAD bullshit, etc.
* Security Director - handles internal security and PVP operations
* Special Directors - no defined responsibilities, appointed for management or miscellaneous purposes
===Corp Policies===
* Members
** Any member in good standing may join as a Citizen, or as a Talent if sponsored by an existing Talent.
** The probationary period as a Citizen is a maximum of three weeks.
* Non-Members
** members should join the RPGnet public channel if they are interested in applying to the corporation.
** An invitation will be extended by an officer or Director if the prospective member seems like a good fit for the corporation. They will join as a Citizen.
** As above, the probationary period as a Citizen is a maxium of three weeks.
* Sanction
** Members who act against the best interests of the corporation or its other members may be demoted to Citizen by an officer or director, provided there is compelling evidence of such. Chat and/or combat logs are encouraged.
** Citizens who continue to do so may be asked to leave the corporation.
====Shares and Voting====
All Talent members should receive 100 corporate shares for purposes of settling corporate votes.
* The corp leadership council is comprised of the CEO and all Directors. The council will set corp daily policy, including research and construction priorities.
* The leadership council should meet no less often than once weekly to discuss corporate policy. Policy should be formulated to support the primary goal of providing a support network for corp members, and a secondary goal of advancing the interests and assets of the corporation.
* A "state of the corp" meeting should be held no less often than once monthly, to discuss the corp's current situation and goals with the membership at large, and to solicit feedback from the membership.
* The following policy changes require a corporate vote to be scheduled of a duration no less than three days; to pass, they must command 51% of shares voted, with at least 40% of corporate shares cast:
** Any amendment to the corporate charter.
** Any purchase or sale of assets over 1 billion ISK.
** Any policy decision that exposes the corp to potential loss of more than 1 billion ISK.
** Appointing a new Director to a vacant office.
** Appointing a character to Special Director.
* The following policy changes require a corporate vote to be scheduled of a duration no less than one week; to pass, they must command 66% of shares voted, with at least 60% of corporate shares cast:
** Any proposal to move primary or major corporate operations from highsec to lowsec, or from lowsec to 0.0.
** Any motion of no confidence against a member of the leadership council.
** Appointing a new CEO should that office become vacant.
====Corp Operations====
* Acronyms
** JBP: Jita Buy Price - the highest priced "buy" order of 1m+ units on the Jita market (updated weekly)
** JSP: Jita Sell Price - the lowest priced "sell" order of 1m+ units on the Jita market (updated weekly)
* Tax: Tax should remain between 5-15%, in order to keep the corp wallet funded.
* Mining: There should be at least one specific corporate mining operation per week. The corporation will assess the value of the minerals based on their JBP - 80% of this value will be paid out to the participants from the corp wallet, and the corp will keep the minerals for use or sale.
* Mineral Sales: Corp members may purchase minerals from the corporate stockpile at the JSP, or sell them at the JBP, subject to availability of funds and minerals. This should be handled through contracts for accounting.
* Drone Alloys: The corp will buy drone alloys for reprocessing at JBP of the minerals they contain assuming perfect refining, subject to the state of the corp wallet. As with mineral sales, this should be handled through contracts.
* Blueprints: All blueprints should remain under corp control at all times except in extreme circumstances, as authorized by a Director or Research Lead.
* Construction: Tech 1 frigates, ammunition, and many Tech 1 modules are constructed for the benefit of all members, and will be dumped into the Open hangar. More advanced items may be ordered from the corp, as long as the requirements are provided or paid for at the JSP. These items are for the use of corp members, and should not be sold. Anything else built by the corp remains corp property.
* Standings
** Any instance of aggression towards a VGO member, including ore theft, should be reported to a member of the leadership council, so that corp standings can be adjusted appropriately. In most cases, this will be toward an individual, unless there is reason to believe that a substantial majority of the aggressor's corporation is involved in similar behavior. If possible, chat and/or combat logs should be provided.
** All other diplomatic correspondence, including inquiries about corp politics and standings, should go through the Diplomacy Director, or the CEO if that office is vacant.
* Piracy: VGO is not an aggressor corp, and "piracy" (defined here as an unprovoked attack against an individual or corp for financial gain, intimidation, or entertainment) is not permitted by VGO members; it has a strong negative impact on the corp's reputation and tends to provoke war declarations and counterattacks.

Latest revision as of 04:04, 20 April 2009

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