Warmarshal Adricus Primus: Difference between revisions

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(I have stolen this formatting wholesale from John_C's character in this game and will be converting the sheet to my own purposes over time)
[[Eberron Rise of the Lord of Blades]]
Warmarshal Adricus: Character in the [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=384854 Eberron: Lord of Blades] campaign.

([http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=384855 OOC Thread])
([http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=384855 OOC Thread])
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|- align="center" style="background:silver"
|- align="center" style="background:silver"
! Dexterity
! Dexterity
| 18 || +4
| 16 || +3
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Constitution
! Constitution
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* Action Points: 15 (3d6, choose best)
* Action Points: 15 (3d6, choose best)
* Hit Points: 130
* Hit Points: 130
* Initiative: +4
* Initiative: +3
* Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
* Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
* AC: 31 (+4 Dex +10 armour +2 natural +5 shield), touch 14, flat-footed 25
* AC: 31 (+3 Dex +10 armour +2 natural +4 shield +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 28
* Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +11/+15
* Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +11/+15

=== Melee ===
=== Melee ===
* Longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+7, 19-20/x2) and Slam +10 (1d4+2)
* Longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+7, 19-20/x2) and Slam +10 (1d4+2, 20/x2)

=== Ranged ===
=== Ranged ===
* Shortbow +16/+11/+6 increment 70' (1d6+5 plus 1d6 electricity, 20/x3)
* Shortbow +15/+10/+5 increment 70' (1d6+5 plus 1d6 electricity, 20/x3)

===Saving Throws===
===Saving Throws===
* Fort +13 (5 base +4 Con +4 resistance)
* Fort +13 (5 base +4 Con +4 resistance)
* Ref +17 (9 base +4 Dex +4 resistance)
* Ref +16 (9 base +3 Dex +4 resistance)
* Will +13 (9 base +0 Wis +4 resistance)
* Will +13 (9 base +0 Wis +4 resistance)

== Skills ==
== Skills ==
Bluff +27 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence)<br>
Bluff +29 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance)<br>
Concentration +20 (16 ranks +4 Con)<br>
Concentration +24 (18 ranks +4 Con +2 circumstance)<br>
Craft (armoursmithing) +21 (18 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)<br>
Craft (armoursmithing) +21 (18 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)<br>
Diplomacy +31 (18 ranks +6 Cha +4 synergy +3 competence)<br>
Diplomacy +33 (18 ranks +6 Cha +4 synergy +3 competence +2 circumstance)<br>
Perform (oratory) +27 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence)<br>
Listen +2 (0 ranks +0 Wis +2 Item Familiar)<br>
Sense Motive +18 (18 ranks +0 Wis)<br>
Perform (oratory) +29 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance)<br>
Spellcraft +19 (18 ranks +1 Int)<br>
Sense Motive +20 (18 ranks +0 Wis +2 circumstance)<br>
Spellcraft +11 (8 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)<br>
Spot +2 (0 ranks +0 Wis +2 Item Familiar)<br>
Use Magic Device +31 (10 ranks, +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance +10 Item Familiar)

Languages: Common
Languages: Common
Line 75: Line 76:

== Class Features ==
== Class Features ==
* Spontaneous Casting: Can spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells, by sacrificing a pre-prepared spell of equal or higher level.
*Bardic Knowledge +16
* Animal Companion(Ex): You have selected a Celestial Dire Ape as your companion.
*Bardic Music 15/day:
* Nature Sense(Ex): You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge(nature) and Survival checks.
**Countersong (Su): allies within 30', versus [sonic] or [language-dependent] magical attacks may use Perform check in place of saving throw if higher, or Perform check as result of new saving throw if already under effect
* Wild Empathy(Ex): You can make a check(1d20+16) to improve the attitude of an animal. You must be within 30 feet of it, and it generally takes one minute to perform the action.
**Fascinate (Sp): 5 targets within 90', Will save (DC = Perform check +1)
* Woodland Stride(Ex): You can move through natural thorns, briars, etc. at full speed and without suffering damage or impairment. Magically altered areas still hamper you.
**Inspire Courage (Su): +4 morale bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls, saves vs charm and fear
* Trackless Step(Ex): You leave no trail in natural surroundings, and cannot be tracked unless you choose to.
**Inspire Competence (Su): single target within 30' gains +3 competence bonus to a skill
* Resist Nature's Lure(Ex): +4 to saving throws against the spell-like abilities of fey creatures.
**''Suggestion'' (Sp): fascinated target, Will save DC 24 negates (does not use a Bardic Music)
* Wild Shape(Su): You can turn yourself into a Tiny to Huge animal or plant (and back) 5 times per day for 15 hour(s). The new form's Hit Dice cannot exceed 15.
**Inspire Greatness (Su): 3 targets within 30' gain +3d10+(3xCon) temporary hp (counts as +3 HD for spell effects), +3 competence to attack rolls, +2 competence bonus on Fort saves
* Venom Immunity(Ex): You are immune to all poisons.
**Inspire Freedom (Sp): 1 minute; target within 30' gains ''break enchantment'', CL=Bard level
* A Thousand Faces(Su): You can change your appearance at will, as if using the spell alter self.
**Inspire Heroics (Su): full-round; 1 target within 30' gains +5 morale bonus on saves, +5 dodge bonus to AC.
* Timeless Body(Ex): You no longer suffer additional penalties for aging, and cannot be magically aged. Your lifespan is not increased.

== Spells ==
== Spells ==
Spells: 4/6/5/4/4/3 per day, save DC 16+level, CL 15th<br>
Spells: 4/6/5/5/4/3 per day, save DC 16+level, CL 15th<br>
Spells Known: 6/4/4/4/4/3<br>
Spells Known: 6/4/4/4/4/3<br>
5th - Greater Dispel Magic, Shadow Walk, Mass Cure Light Wounds<br>
5th - Greater Dispel Magic, Shadow Walk, Mass Cure Light Wounds<br>
4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Legend Lore, TBC, TBC<br>
4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Legend Lore, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door<br>
3rd - Glibness, Haste, See Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere<br>
3rd - Glibness, Haste, See Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere<br>
2nd - Elation (BoED), Pyrotechnics, Glitterdust, Tongues<br>
2nd - Elation (BoED), Pyrotechnics, Tongues, Mirror Image<br>
1st - Feather Fall, Grease, Alarm, TBC<br>
1st - Feather Fall, Grease, Alarm, Silent Image<br>
Cantrips - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Message, Light, Know Direction
Cantrips - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Message, Light, Know Direction
== Item Familiar ==
Adricus' own Mithral Plating has awoken as his familiar. His investigations suggest that his creation forge used new technology from a doomed expedition to Xen'Drik similar to that used in the creation of Docent components.<br>
*Invested Skill Points: Adricus' plating stands firm in the face of all assaults and he dreams of ancient magics. Adricus has invested 12 ranks of Concentration, 13 ranks of Craft (armoursmithing) and 5 ranks of Use Magic Device in exchange for a +10 bonus to Use Magic Device.
*Invested Spell Slot: Adricus has invested a 5th level spell slot in return for an extra 3rd level spell slot per day.
*Sapience: Adricus' plating has awoken as a semisentient component in its own right. It has Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 and an Ego score of 8. It is considered to be NG in alignment.
*Senses: The base mind of Adricus' plating can sense things in a 60' radius, granting Adricus the benefit of the Alertness feat.
*Communication: Adricus' plating can communicate with him by empathy, transmitting basic emotions or feelings.
*Special Ability: Orisons - Adricus' plating can cast 6 Clerical Orisons per day that do not have expensive material components (1gp or more) or an XP cost. It can cast these spells only at Adricus' command, either as one of his free actions or when one of up to seven contingencies occurs; Adricus has currently set only the following standing orders:
# "If I am inert, cast ''cure minor wounds'' on me."
# "If I am staggered, cast ''virtue'' on me."
# "If I am on fire, cast ''create water'' to create a downpour centred on me."
*Special Ability: Lesser Power - Can cast ''faerie fire'' 3/day. This costs 1100gp.
Because it has an Enhancement Bonus of +5, Adricus' plating has a Caster Level of 15 for all purposes.

== Equipment ==
== Equipment ==
+3 Longsword (18315)<br>
+1 Shock Mighty (+3) Composite Shortbow (8600)<br>
20 arrows (1)<br>
+5 enhancement bonus to Mithral Body (9375)<br>
Lesser Power: Faerie Fire for plating (1100)<br>
+3 Mithral Buckler (10015)<br>
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36000)<br>
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36000)<br>
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)<br>
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)<br>
Amulet of Health +4 and Natural Armour +2 (24000)<br>
Amulet of Health +4 and Natural Armour +2 (16000+8000=24000)<br>
Cloak of Charisma +6 and Resistance +4 (52000)<br>
Cloak of Charisma +6 and Resistance +4 (36000+16000=52000)<br>
Circlet of Persuasion (4500)<br>
Circlet of Persuasion (4500)<br>
+5 enhancement bonus to Mithral Body (9375)<br>
Embedded Component: Wand Bracer (4000)<br>
+1 Mighty (+4) Composite Shortbow (2675)<br>
+4 Mithral Buckler (17015)<br>
Wand of Repair Light Damage (750)<br>
Wand of Repair Moderate Damage (4500)<br>
+3 Longsword (18315)<br>
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend Spell (3000)<br>
Ring of Protection +2 (8000)<br>
Ring of Protection +2 (8000)<br>
Handy Haversack (2000)<br>
Wand of Cure Light Damage, CL1, 50 charges (750)<br>
Wand of Cure Moderate Damage, CL3, 50 charges (4500)<br>
"Arcane Techniques of Khorvaire" (150) [MW Spellcraft, Use Magic Device and Concentration tool]<br>
"Tactics at Court" (150) [MW Sense Motive, Bluff, and Perform (oratory) tool]<br>
MW Armoursmithing tools (50)<br>
Diplomatic Seal (50) [MW Diplomacy tool]<br>

444gp remain

== Description ==
== Description ==
* Age: 42
* Age:  
* Height: 6'1"  
* Height: 6'10"  
* Weight: 160 lbs.  
* Weight: 204lbs.  
His clothing is ragged, his gaze unnervingly intense, his stride slow but sure. Very, very sure. Kurrik looks like a vagabond at first glance, but no one who meets his eyes is able to pretend that he is anything less than a hero.<BR/>
Rather more foul-mouthed and rude than most heroes, it must be admitted. And much dirtier. But even so, there's an indefinable aura of Power that accompanies him. Enough so that it generally takes a moment before observes notice the giant snow-white ape that shambles along beside him.<BR/>

And is that a necklace of flowers the beast wears 'round its neck? By the gods, so it is....<BR/>
To come.

== History ==
== History ==
"I'm a wanderer. Always have been. My mother used to joke that I was born walking; perhaps I was. It's been years since last I saw her, or any of my family. They liked living in a home, having a room over their heads. I didn't. Never have. You need to be able to see the stars when you lay your head down, if there's stars to be seen. Who wants to look at a ceiling? Not I, friend. Not I. <BR/>
To come.
"I was born in Droaam, but I left the marshes behind the year I turned ten. It's not safe, being on the road as such an age, but the road called to me, and I chose to listen. It took me to a great many place over the years, that road, but in the end I found myself in the Eldeen Reaches, and in the company of an Orc older than the hills themselves. <BR/>
"Or so he claimed. He was probably lying; he did that a lot, Torad did. But he had things to teach me, and again...I chose to listen. He taught me a lot, over the years. Secret names and secret paths, and how to speak that the World might hear. He told me of the Things that lay outside the world and wish to lay waste to it, and how they might be defeated by a man with a strong will and a willing heart. <BR/>
"He laid a charge upon me, and I accepted it. It was the least I could do, after all the things the World had done for me. And then we went our separate ways, as fate would have it. Perhaps we'll meet again, eventually. Perhaps not. However fate wills it.<BR/>
"I've seen much in the past few years, and faced death more often that I care to remember. But I have survived, and prevailed, and I have served the World in my way. But there is much more to be done, if life is to endure...." <BR/>

Latest revision as of 11:42, 26 March 2008

Eberron Rise of the Lord of Blades

(OOC Thread)


  • Warmarshal Adricus Primus
  • Neutral Good Warforged Bard 15
  • Experience:


Ability Score Modifier
Strength 18 +4
Dexterity 16 +3
Constitution 18 +4
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10 +0
Charisma 22 +6


  • Action Points: 15 (3d6, choose best)
  • Hit Points: 130
  • Initiative: +3
  • Speed: 30 ft (run x4)
  • AC: 31 (+3 Dex +10 armour +2 natural +4 shield +2 deflection), touch 15, flat-footed 28
  • Base Attack Bonus/Grapple: +11/+15


  • Longsword +18/+13/+8 (1d8+7, 19-20/x2) and Slam +10 (1d4+2, 20/x2)


  • Shortbow +15/+10/+5 increment 70' (1d6+5 plus 1d6 electricity, 20/x3)

Saving Throws[edit]

  • Fort +13 (5 base +4 Con +4 resistance)
  • Ref +16 (9 base +3 Dex +4 resistance)
  • Will +13 (9 base +0 Wis +4 resistance)


Bluff +29 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance)
Concentration +24 (18 ranks +4 Con +2 circumstance)
Craft (armoursmithing) +21 (18 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)
Diplomacy +33 (18 ranks +6 Cha +4 synergy +3 competence +2 circumstance)
Listen +2 (0 ranks +0 Wis +2 Item Familiar)
Perform (oratory) +29 (18 ranks +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance)
Sense Motive +20 (18 ranks +0 Wis +2 circumstance)
Spellcraft +11 (8 ranks +1 Int +2 circumstance)
Spot +2 (0 ranks +0 Wis +2 Item Familiar)
Use Magic Device +31 (10 ranks, +6 Cha +3 competence +2 circumstance +10 Item Familiar)

Languages: Common


1 Mithral Body
3 Item Familiar (composite plating)
6 Song of the Heart
9 Action Surge
12 Improved Toughness
15 Heroic Spirit

Class Features[edit]

  • Bardic Knowledge +16
  • Bardic Music 15/day:
    • Countersong (Su): allies within 30', versus [sonic] or [language-dependent] magical attacks may use Perform check in place of saving throw if higher, or Perform check as result of new saving throw if already under effect
    • Fascinate (Sp): 5 targets within 90', Will save (DC = Perform check +1)
    • Inspire Courage (Su): +4 morale bonus to weapon attack and damage rolls, saves vs charm and fear
    • Inspire Competence (Su): single target within 30' gains +3 competence bonus to a skill
    • Suggestion (Sp): fascinated target, Will save DC 24 negates (does not use a Bardic Music)
    • Inspire Greatness (Su): 3 targets within 30' gain +3d10+(3xCon) temporary hp (counts as +3 HD for spell effects), +3 competence to attack rolls, +2 competence bonus on Fort saves
    • Inspire Freedom (Sp): 1 minute; target within 30' gains break enchantment, CL=Bard level
    • Inspire Heroics (Su): full-round; 1 target within 30' gains +5 morale bonus on saves, +5 dodge bonus to AC.


Spells: 4/6/5/5/4/3 per day, save DC 16+level, CL 15th
Spells Known: 6/4/4/4/4/3
5th - Greater Dispel Magic, Shadow Walk, Mass Cure Light Wounds
4th - Cure Critical Wounds, Legend Lore, Freedom of Movement, Dimension Door
3rd - Glibness, Haste, See Invisibility, Invisibility Sphere
2nd - Elation (BoED), Pyrotechnics, Tongues, Mirror Image
1st - Feather Fall, Grease, Alarm, Silent Image
Cantrips - Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mending, Message, Light, Know Direction

Item Familiar[edit]

Adricus' own Mithral Plating has awoken as his familiar. His investigations suggest that his creation forge used new technology from a doomed expedition to Xen'Drik similar to that used in the creation of Docent components.

  • Invested Skill Points: Adricus' plating stands firm in the face of all assaults and he dreams of ancient magics. Adricus has invested 12 ranks of Concentration, 13 ranks of Craft (armoursmithing) and 5 ranks of Use Magic Device in exchange for a +10 bonus to Use Magic Device.
  • Invested Spell Slot: Adricus has invested a 5th level spell slot in return for an extra 3rd level spell slot per day.
  • Sapience: Adricus' plating has awoken as a semisentient component in its own right. It has Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 and an Ego score of 8. It is considered to be NG in alignment.
  • Senses: The base mind of Adricus' plating can sense things in a 60' radius, granting Adricus the benefit of the Alertness feat.
  • Communication: Adricus' plating can communicate with him by empathy, transmitting basic emotions or feelings.
  • Special Ability: Orisons - Adricus' plating can cast 6 Clerical Orisons per day that do not have expensive material components (1gp or more) or an XP cost. It can cast these spells only at Adricus' command, either as one of his free actions or when one of up to seven contingencies occurs; Adricus has currently set only the following standing orders:
  1. "If I am inert, cast cure minor wounds on me."
  2. "If I am staggered, cast virtue on me."
  3. "If I am on fire, cast create water to create a downpour centred on me."
  • Special Ability: Lesser Power - Can cast faerie fire 3/day. This costs 1100gp.

Because it has an Enhancement Bonus of +5, Adricus' plating has a Caster Level of 15 for all purposes.



+3 Longsword (18315)
+1 Shock Mighty (+3) Composite Shortbow (8600)
20 arrows (1)


+5 enhancement bonus to Mithral Body (9375)
Lesser Power: Faerie Fire for plating (1100)
+3 Mithral Buckler (10015)


Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36000)
Gloves of Dexterity +4 (16000)
Amulet of Health +4 and Natural Armour +2 (16000+8000=24000)
Cloak of Charisma +6 and Resistance +4 (36000+16000=52000)
Circlet of Persuasion (4500)
Embedded Component: Wand Bracer (4000)
Ring of Protection +2 (8000)


Handy Haversack (2000)
Wand of Cure Light Damage, CL1, 50 charges (750)
Wand of Cure Moderate Damage, CL3, 50 charges (4500)
"Arcane Techniques of Khorvaire" (150) [MW Spellcraft, Use Magic Device and Concentration tool]
"Tactics at Court" (150) [MW Sense Motive, Bluff, and Perform (oratory) tool]
MW Armoursmithing tools (50)
Diplomatic Seal (50) [MW Diplomacy tool]

444gp remain


  • Age:
  • Height: 6'10"
  • Weight: 204lbs.

To come.


To come.