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==Jack Bennet OPINIONS==
==[[Jack Bennett]] OPINIONS==
* ''On Brian Jaffe'':  Brians cool, I mean for a suit and all. Sure hes a bit of a school principle tell me your problems and let me give you the benifet of some "guidance" type. But hes not to liberal and not to conservative and seems to have taken his job out of a true passion for Law and peoples rights, I can relate to that. I can say if I had my choice of any kind of lawyer it'd be his kind. Sorta reminds me of my dad only not an asshole. Now if hed stop trying to be everyones big brother... Well I guess I dont blame him. Still hes good people.
* ''On [[Brian Jaffe]]'':  "Brian's coolI mean, for a suit and all. Sure he's a bit of a school principle "tell me your problems and let me give you the benifet of some 'guidance,'" type, but he's not too liberal and not too conservative and seems to have taken his job out of a true passion for Law and people's rightsI can relate to that. I can say if I had my choice of any kind of lawyer, it'd be his kind. Sorta reminds me of my dad, only not an asshole. Now if he'd stop trying to be everyone's big brother... Well, I guess I don't blame him. Still he's good people."
**      "Brian's a good guy, he's probably held it together the best of us the longest.  But lately he's starting to crack up.  I think it's becuase he's trying to hold to much in; he wants to see himself as the glue holding us all together.  That's good, I'm glad he cares, but lately he seems to be losing his priorities, his direction.  Me and Aurther are getting real sick of "Plausable Deniablity."  Eventually he's just going to have admit 'hey, I'm in this,' or else he may make the mistakes of the future."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I used to think Brian could do no wrong, but it's hard for me to stomach that he tries as hard as he can to keep from getting his hands dirty.  It's like until recently, he hadn't really decided if he was in this or not.  I've talked about it with Arthur a lot.  I still respect Brian, and I still think of him as my "go to" guy; he's got a good heart and is trying to do the right thing, but he gets blinded sometimes along the way. <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;But, push come to shove, no one can deny that, qualms or not, Brian's been there for his friends each and every time we've needed him.  No matter how frustrated I get with him, that makes him my friend for life.  I'm worried, though, about Brian's growing 'war' with Milos; it's like the two are mirrors of each other."

* ''On Arthur Redford'':  YEah one word for you "Psycho" I mean damnd! Arthur isnt a bad guy mind you I like him hes got style and a great sense of humour but the Boy needs to do a little slam dancing and get the testosterone out of his system. Why is it exmilitary guys allways seem to run hot on a hair trigger? set off so easy? what happens to all that discipline? Oh well In the end given everything hes going through he keeps his cool pretty good. I think if the world decides to go to war with us that ill just hide behind authur and make faces at them. Id much reather be on his side then aginst him you know?
* ''On [[Arthur Redford]]'':  "Yeah one word for you: "psycho." I mean, damn! Arthur isn't a bad guy, mind youI like him; he's got style and a great sense of humour.  But the boy needs to do a little slam dancing and get the testosterone out of his system. Why is it ex-military guys always seem to run hot on a hair trigger? Set off so easy? What happens to all that discipline? Oh wellIn the end, given everything he's going through, he keeps his cool pretty good. I think if the world decides to go to war with us that I'll just hide behind Arthur and make faces at them. I'd much rather be on his side then aginst him, you know?"
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I'm worried about Arthur.  He keeps to himself a lot lately.  This thing with the Reaper's had him real shook, and not just because it turned out to be Harley.  I really think Arthur thought it was himself, that he's afraid it would be too easy to become like that.  He's been trying so hard to make up for what he lost, pushing himself to prove to us he's still in this... when we never doubted it.  Still, I think it's hard on him.  But I think he's starting to take a look around at life for a direction."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Arther is my best friend.  How that happened is hard to say, but he and I've been together one way or another for so long, having Arthur around is a given.  I already lost him once, all those memories I had of our future together, just gone...  I'm worried I'll lose him again.  I guess I'm a bit protective of him, like he's my brother.  Only a brother I can actually relate to, not like my real brothers.  Pretty far cry from my original opinion: PSYCHO!!!"
* ''On Mandy Smith'':  Mandy? Wow I mean she runs into burning buildings for a living. Fuck you wana talk X-treem?!! Shit i couldnt do that shit. Shes a genuine bonified hero did you see the way she took charge and kept people alive on the plane? I mean if theres any one of us that its inevitable will become some kinda Super hero its gotta be her. Saving lives has got to be like second nature to her, I wish I ever felt so strongly about something in my life so as to cleary know what I wanted to do with my life as she does.. But shes had some rough times what with loosing her family, Some might say shes better prepared to handle it as a firefighter used to the idea of loosing friends and family. But I think it makes it harder for her I mean amn she lost her family and friends in a huge desaster she wasnt therefore and shes suposed to be tough so she cant talk about it. I know if I was her id feel like it was my fault I wasnt there and that had I been I coulda done something and even if i coulda savefd just one it would have madea diferance can you imagine how heavy that kinda shit would be to carry around?
* ''On [[Mandy Smith]]'':  "Mandy? WowI mean, she runs into burning buildings for a living. Fuck!  You wana talk X-treem?!Shit, I couldn't do that shit. She's a genuine bonified hero.  Did you see the way she took charge and kept people alive on the plane? I mean if there's any one of us that it's inevitable will become some kinda superhero, it's gotta be her. Saving lives has got to be like second nature to herI wish I ever felt so strongly about something in my life so as to cleary know what I wanted to do with my life as she does...  <br>  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"But she's had some rough times, what with loosing her familySome might say she's better prepared to handle it as a firefighter, used to the idea of loosing friends and family. But I think it makes it harder for herI mean, man, she lost her family and friends in a huge disaster she wasn't there for and she's suposed to be tough, so she can't talk about it. I know if I was her, I'd feel like it was my fault I wasn't there and that had I been I coulda done something and even if I coulda saved just one it would have made a difference.  Can you imagine how heavy that kinda shit would be to carry around?"
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I guess my attitude on Mandy's chanrged radically in the past year.  I first saw her as an idealized hero from the plane; a firefighting hero, rescuer of people who could do no wrong.  Then she killed that but and I saw her as human and vulnerable.  I thought I couldn't reconcile what she did and her reasons for it.  But it's just made my view of her more real and that's lead to a closer relationship between us than I haver would've had with her on the pedistal ser relationship then he would ever have had with her on the pedestal I first put her on.  I've loved watching her blossom into her own during our rescue work in Pakistan.  Of us all, she seems the most stable these days.

* ''Beth Manley'': Beth.. poor beth, She umm Shes not so well after everything that happened got no family and that fuckin Psychopath Booth craved up her baby and cloned it.. I think hes alive somewhere I mean the rest of us all lived I think Booth stole her kid. Im not saying it in front of her but Ill make it my mission to find out the truth and when im done Ill ruin booth he wont have enough change for a bigmac meal when im done with that sick perverted little fucker, I mean you can hind behind science but Beth is just a kid her self Damn and thats her baby, What the hell! she most of all needs us right now, I mean without us to look after her whos she got?
* ''[ On the NPCs]''

==Brian Jaffe OPINIONS==
==[[Brian Jaffe]] OPINIONS==
* ''On Jack Bennet'':  "He's a good kid, but I think he's lead a sheltered life.  He's too used to letting his name and his money speak for him; it'd be nice to see him speak for himself, instead.  Because the field he's playing in now, there are people with more money than him and his name doesn't count for a whole lot.  It's going to take something more to keep us out of the messes we're about to get into."
* ''On [[Jack Bennett]]'':  "He's a good kid, but I think he's lead a sheltered life.  He's too used to letting his name and his money speak for him; it'd be nice to see him speak for himself, instead.  Because the field he's playing in now, there are people with more money than him and his name doesn't count for a whole lot.  It's going to take something more to keep us out of the messes we're about to get into."
**  "'The messes we're about to get into.'  I really didn't know the half of it, did I?  And super powers didn't even come into play; Jack's alive because of dumb luck and the space of half an inch, and even that's not certain.  The doctors can't say right now if his body will last the night.  <br>  "From what I know of Jack's powers, I think he'll be able to live on even if his body dies.  If you can still call him alive at that point.  Body or not, I hope Jack gets to keep going.  The kid gets on my nerves a lot, but I'd miss him if he weren't around.  <br>  "Jack deserves better than he got.  But someone out there, through intention or accident, kept him from getting it.  There are a lot of other Survivors who could be in that situation way too easily.  I can stop it.  I was right in front of Jack.  The bullet wouldn't have hurt me.  If I were faster, if I were better with these powers...  <br>  "I've been taking things slow since we woke up, getting my feet back under me, feeling out the climate of the world.  That's amateur hour, and I'm done with it.  Now it's time to play hard-ball.  Jack deserves it."
**  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"'The messes we're about to get into.'  I really didn't know the half of it, did I?  And super powers didn't even come into play; Jack's alive because of dumb luck and the space of half an inch, and even that's not certain.  The doctors can't say right now if his body will last the night.  <br>  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"From what I know of Jack's powers, I think he'll be able to live on even if his body dies.  If you can still call him alive at that point.  Body or not, I hope Jack gets to keep going.  The kid gets on my nerves a lot, but I'd miss him if he weren't around.  <br>  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Jack deserves better than he got.  But someone out there, through intention or accident, kept him from getting it.  There are a lot of other Survivors who could be in that situation way too easily.  I can stop it.  I was right in front of Jack.  The bullet wouldn't have hurt me.  If I were faster, if I were better with these powers...  <br>  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I've been taking things slow since we woke up, getting my feet back under me, feeling out the climate of the world.  That's amateur hour, and I'm done with it.  Now it's time to play hard-ball.  Jack deserves it."
**  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"What the hell does he expect me to do?  Am I supposed to break down the doors to a secret government base to get his stupid metal?  He'd have his body then, free and clear.  For the five minutes it'll take them to kick down our doors.  I hate the way we've been treated, I disagree with what the administration's doing to the world, but I'm not going to war against my own country.  Jack's just going to have to wait. <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;It's not that I don't feel bad for him; he's in a horrible situation.  But there are other people to think about, too.  He scares the crap out of the office staff and they shouldn't have to put up with that.  What's more, they won't.  He keeps this up, they're going to quit.  And then what happens to all of the good we can do?"  

* ''On Arthur Redford'':  "Out of everyone I've met since I got on that plane, Arthur's the one I'm happiest to have around.  I know a bit about his life before our flight together and I can see how hurt it's left him, but when I look at him, I can see how hard he's fighting to be a better man.  Maybe it's that old pain, that old danger, still sitting inside him, but so far it seems like he's been dealing the best with everything we've been hit with...  A level head, a good sense of humor...  I think what it comes down to is that Arthur's a guy I'm willing to trust."
* ''On [[Arthur Redford]]'':  "Out of everyone I've met since I got on that plane, Arthur's the one I'm happiest to have around.  I know a bit about his life before our flight together and I can see how hurt it's left him, but when I look at him, I can see how hard he's fighting to be a better man.  Maybe it's that old pain, that old danger, still sitting inside him, but so far it seems like he's been dealing the best with everything we've been hit with...  A level head, a good sense of humor...  I think what it comes down to is that Arthur's a guy I'm willing to trust."

* ''On Mandy Smith'':  "She's been so all over the map that she scares me just a little; sometimes she's mothering, sometimes she's angry and sometimes she just shuts down.  Not that she doesn't have a reason for it.  Out of all of us, I think Mandy's going to have the longest road back to normal.  I wish I could do something to help her get there."
* ''On [[Mandy Smith]]'':  "She's been so all over the map that she scares me just a little; sometimes she's mothering, sometimes she's angry and sometimes she just shuts down.  Not that she doesn't have a reason for it.  Out of all of us, I think Mandy's going to have the longest road back to normal.  I wish I could do something to help her get there."
**  "Mandy killed a boy today.  I want to be angry with her.  I want to stand on some high ground and condemn what she did as a moral failure, as a step backwards in keeping us all safe.  But the truth is, if I'd found the dead girl first, instead of Mandy, I probably would've done the same thing. <br> "Me being angry wouldn't help her, anyway.  The look she gave me on the way to meet Arthur, what she said to me, 'if you want to drop me off, I'll understand,' she knows that she did something wrong.  I'm just not sure she knows how to stop herself.  She needs help, and I'm not qualified to give it to her.  I hope Arthur can say something."
**  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Mandy killed a boy today.  I want to be angry with her.  I want to stand on some high ground and condemn what she did as a moral failure, as a step backwards in keeping us all safe.  But the truth is, if I'd found the dead girl first, instead of Mandy, I probably would've done the same thing. <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Me being angry wouldn't help her, anyway.  The look she gave me on the way to meet Arthur, what she said to me, 'if you want to drop me off, I'll understand,' she knows that she did something wrong.  I'm just not sure she knows how to stop herself.  She needs help, and I'm not qualified to give it to her.  I hope Arthur can say something."
**  &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I'm proud of what Mandy did today; it takes guts to turn yourself in like she did, to go peacefully even when you doubt the law's going to give you a fair shake.  It takes a lot of strength to trust the system, to let it support you, to work within it for justice.  I hope she knows how proud I am and that I plan on standing by her every step of the way to see her through."

* ''On David Jaffe'': "It's not that David and Miriam got divorced that bothers me.  It's not that David remarried, or even that he had another son. They're my parents and if they're happier apart than they are together then I'm happy for them. What bothers me is that things changed at all. Maybe it's naive of me, but after more than thirty years I'd just sort of assumed that, no matter how much things changed for me, they'd stay basically the same.  But now, with things changed, if I'd have to get to know these two people from scratch.  I don't know if I can do that now."
* ''[ On the NPCs]''

* ''On Vivian Janell'':  "I have the world's best secretary.  I really hate her, sometimesVivian's insanely competent at her job, too good to work for me; if she has any sense at all, she'll jump ship for a management position somewhere else within a year, or at least demand one at HopewellBut, of course, Vivian hasn't got any senseThat's what makes her so frustrating; she can keep track of the positions of a hundred Senators on a thousand issues, but it's a wonder if she doesn't lock herself out of her apartment every morningIf there's anything out there that can kill me, it'd have to be her."
==[[Arthur Redford]] OPINIONS==
* ''On [[Jack Bennett]]'':  "It's hard to get a real take on Jack.  I think that Jack himself hasn't figured himself out yetHe's brash and impulsive and just a little arrogant, which considering that he is an 18 year old boy in a 22 year old body is understandable.  Out of all of us I think he is the one who will be the first to take a stand against something he feels is wrongI just wish that he'd learn to pick his fights a little better.  So far I see him as adapting to our situation the least on the surfaceHe's a good kid, just needs to grow up a bit."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Wow, It's amazing how much a year can change a person.  I think out of all of us Jack has had to do the most growing up of allIt's hard to reconcile the two images I have of him.  One is this smartass kid from georgetown that is still a bit innocent of how the world really works.  On the other hand I see Jack from 50 years hence.  Sober, tired, and long divested of his body and forced to stay astral at all times, yet has all the memories and knowledge of hundreds of failed alternate world attempts. He is kinda like a kid brother pain in the ass and long time friend and mentor all in one.  If only he could stop hiding behind the banner of being a Kennedy and be his own man..."

* ''On Beth Manly'':  "I'm not even going to pretend that I can understand the pain that Beth's going through right now; I've never lost anything as big, as important, as she hasI don't know her story - if she has a boyfriend out there, parents who are looking for her; right now, we're all she's got and we're going to have to do our best to take care of her. <br> "But right now, much as I hate to even think this, Beth is our worst enemyShe may be getting control over her powers, but she doesn't have control over her mindHer reaction at the Lincoln Memorial..we should've seen that coming, we should've been fast enough to stop herWe weren't, and look what happened to JackWe can do a better job of it in the future, but if we always have to have one eye on Beth, what else is out there that we're going to miss?"
* ''On [[Brian Jaffe]]'':  "A true oxymoron.  He appears to be an honest lawyer.  If asked to describe Brian the only phrase that comes to mind is "middle of the road"He dosen't seem to have an extreme view on any subject (except when it came to our personal rights).  Neither very liberal nor conservative.  I like him.  He is one of those rare people who would prefer to have a situation be resolved as a win-win.  Instead of going for the throat. The only time that he seems to lose his cool is when the really wierd shit with our new "abilities" manifest."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Holy shitAnd I mean itBrian as Vice-PresidentNot sure how to handle that oneI like the man and he is sure as hell a better choice than Milos...but is the world ready for this? Personally, I think its a mistake.  While I believe that we need someone like Brian involved in the Government, putting one of us is such a position based on our powers is a bad idea.  While we have special abilities this does not mean we should have special treatment.  I hope that Brian is capable of making them see the man, and not the power."

* ''On Julie Young'':  "Julie's the reason I got into politicsOr people just like her, at leastPeople who have kids to raise, jobs and relationships to worry about; who don't have time to follow every bit of bullshit that goes through Washington; real peopleThe sort of people who can get by in life, but just wish things could be a little easierThat's why I want Julie on Hopewell's board so badly; she's the only one of us who has any real perspective on what's normal."
* ''On [[Mandy Smith]]'':  "Tough as nails and highly adaptable.  Unfortunatly that adaptability has been pushed over the edge this last week.  In one blow she lost her Father, two brothers, her livelihood, most of the friends she worked with, four years of her life, and most of her freedom.  That is enough to push anybody over the edge.  Now add on the fact that she's got some very destructive powers that are partially linked to her emotional state, and this is a dangerous mixA meltdown is inevitable, and I just hope that we are able to help contain the damage, both physically and to Mandy's psycheI think we need to sit down and have a long chat one of these days soon."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Damn it God!!  Haven't you fucked with this poor girl enough?  Just when she was getting over the death of her family you have to let her get teased with them againMandy is strong, but too many blows like this and she may just go dead inside, or explode...possibly literally.  I almost hope that this world we are in is real, so that I can tell her to stay here with her family.  She deserves it.  But I believe deep down that this has got to be fake.  Hang in there girl, you have more family than you might realize.

==Arthur Redford OPINIONS==
* ''[ On the NPCs]''
* ''On Jack Bennet'':  "It's hard to get a real take on Jack.  I think that Jack himself hasn't figured himself out yet.  He's brash and impulsive and just a little arrogant, which considering that he is an 18 year old boy in a 22 year old body is understandable.  Out of all of us I think he is the one who will be the first to take a stand against something he feels is wrong.  I just wish that he'd learn to pick his fights a little better.  So far I see him as adapting to our situation the least on the surface.  He's a good kid, just needs to grow up a bit.
* ''On Brian Jaffe'':  A true oxy moron.  He appears to be an honest lawyer.  If asked to describe Brian the only phrase that comes to mind is "middle of the road".  He dosen't seem to have an extreme view on any subject (except when it came to our personal rights).  Neither very liberal nor conservative.  I like him.  He is one of those rare people who would prefer to have a situation be resolved as a win-win.  Instead of going for the throat.  The only time that he seems to lose his cool is when the really wierd shit with our new "abilities" manifest.
* ''On Mandy Smith'': Tough as nails and highly adaptable.  Unfortunatly that adaptability has been pushed over the edge this last week.  In one blow she lost her Father, two brothers, her livelihood, most of the friends she worked with, four years of her life, and most of her freedom.  That is enough to push anybody over the edge. Now add on the fact that she's got some very destructive powers that are partially linked to her emotional state, and this is a dangerous mix. A meltdown is inevitable, and I just hope that we are able to help contain the damage, both physically and to Mandy's psyche. I think we need to sit down and have a long chat one of these days soon. 
* ''On Agent Marx'':  If there is anybody in this whole mess that I will have a problem liking and getting along with it'll be him.  He's a good man, and very competant at his job.  He is not lacking in the courage department nor is he undisiplined.  However, there has always been a longstanding rivaly and bad blood between Secret Service and the Militart service.  Part of it is the mentality.  Both of us are trained very similarly.  Only his job is to protect a single person or family, and mine is to protect the whole country.  Plus in general the SS has a bit of a superiority complex about their job and tend to think of themselves as above a regular serviceman.  His parting line said it all.  "Rein in your dog Jack."  *Yes, I know Arthur is being a little hypecritical about this*  He's a good man, we just won't get along.

==Mandy Smith OPINIONS==
==[[Mandy Smith]] OPINIONS==
* ''On Jack Bennet'': "He's one caring young man who seems to hate everything to do with authority.  He's rich, but I can't take advantage of that. I hope he stays a good friend."   
* ''On [[Jack Bennett]]'': "He's one caring young man who seems to hate everything to do with authority.  He's rich, but I can't take advantage of that. I hope he stays a good friend."
* ''On Brian Jaffe'':  "Very articulate lawyer, one who seems to buck the stereotype.  He's a good leader and all, but I think he needs to lighten up on the whole 'don't mess up anything' attitude."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Ok, a true ghost in the machine. I can see him when the others can't and sometimes I think that gains me an advantage. He is young, brash and very opinionated. I think that when he matures he will be a force to be reconed with. I thought I was the heart of this team, and he's the soul. I have seen him die and have helped him be resurrected. I would stand by him for a very long time."   
* ''On Arthur Redford'':  "I don't really know anything about him, but he's giving me room and board, he can't be all bad."
* ''On Julia Lee'': "Waste of good female space."
* ''On [[Brian Jaffe]]'':  "Very articulate lawyer, one who seems to buck the stereotype.  He's a good leader and all, but I think he needs to lighten up on the whole 'don't mess up anything' attitude."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"I've learned alot about this guy. He's a natural leader, very strong minded and holds a very powerful personality. I follow his lead and make what he wants happen.  I've watched him loose it over a small child and seen him fight toe-to-tectonic plate with the very Earth herself. He can fly, he's invincible and he has a strange facination with the Red Sox. I hope he sees the care I hold for him and he feels my support as he struggles to make Hopewell work and grow. Remember what I said to you in the far distant future, Brian, Hold on to that axe."
* ''On [[Arthur Redford]]'':  "I don't really know anything about him, but he's giving me room and board, he can't be all bad."
** &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Arthur has really tried to keep me out, but that never works when you fight on the same team. He's seen me loose my control, he saw it before anyone else, and he's pulled be back from the edge. I may have been a hero before this all happened, but firefighting doesn't teach you how to handle killing someone. Arthur can and does know. After my crisis of faith with the burned girl of Athens, he showed me what I might become.  If there is anyone in our group that deserves some TLC and some good ol' fashioned luck, it's Arthur. I hope he finds what he's looking for."
* ''[ On the NPCs]''


Latest revision as of 08:33, 31 May 2006

This page is open for the main cast (and NPCs) to list thoughts in or out of character regarding their fellow player characters. Thoughts should be directed only toward the actions of the character (not the actions of his/her player). For example: Listing how your character feels about each other PC and any NPCs you'd like to mention is appropriate. Noting that a player needs to stop taking off his shoes at the game is NOT appropriate.

Jack Bennett OPINIONS[edit]

  • On Brian Jaffe: "Brian's cool. I mean, for a suit and all. Sure he's a bit of a school principle "tell me your problems and let me give you the benifet of some 'guidance,'" type, but he's not too liberal and not too conservative and seems to have taken his job out of a true passion for Law and people's rights. I can relate to that. I can say if I had my choice of any kind of lawyer, it'd be his kind. Sorta reminds me of my dad, only not an asshole. Now if he'd stop trying to be everyone's big brother... Well, I guess I don't blame him. Still he's good people."
    •      "Brian's a good guy, he's probably held it together the best of us the longest. But lately he's starting to crack up. I think it's becuase he's trying to hold to much in; he wants to see himself as the glue holding us all together. That's good, I'm glad he cares, but lately he seems to be losing his priorities, his direction. Me and Aurther are getting real sick of "Plausable Deniablity." Eventually he's just going to have admit 'hey, I'm in this,' or else he may make the mistakes of the future."
    •      "I used to think Brian could do no wrong, but it's hard for me to stomach that he tries as hard as he can to keep from getting his hands dirty. It's like until recently, he hadn't really decided if he was in this or not. I've talked about it with Arthur a lot. I still respect Brian, and I still think of him as my "go to" guy; he's got a good heart and is trying to do the right thing, but he gets blinded sometimes along the way.
           But, push come to shove, no one can deny that, qualms or not, Brian's been there for his friends each and every time we've needed him. No matter how frustrated I get with him, that makes him my friend for life. I'm worried, though, about Brian's growing 'war' with Milos; it's like the two are mirrors of each other."
  • On Arthur Redford: "Yeah one word for you: "psycho." I mean, damn! Arthur isn't a bad guy, mind you. I like him; he's got style and a great sense of humour. But the boy needs to do a little slam dancing and get the testosterone out of his system. Why is it ex-military guys always seem to run hot on a hair trigger? Set off so easy? What happens to all that discipline? Oh well. In the end, given everything he's going through, he keeps his cool pretty good. I think if the world decides to go to war with us that I'll just hide behind Arthur and make faces at them. I'd much rather be on his side then aginst him, you know?"
    •      "I'm worried about Arthur. He keeps to himself a lot lately. This thing with the Reaper's had him real shook, and not just because it turned out to be Harley. I really think Arthur thought it was himself, that he's afraid it would be too easy to become like that. He's been trying so hard to make up for what he lost, pushing himself to prove to us he's still in this... when we never doubted it. Still, I think it's hard on him. But I think he's starting to take a look around at life for a direction."
    •      "Arther is my best friend. How that happened is hard to say, but he and I've been together one way or another for so long, having Arthur around is a given. I already lost him once, all those memories I had of our future together, just gone... I'm worried I'll lose him again. I guess I'm a bit protective of him, like he's my brother. Only a brother I can actually relate to, not like my real brothers. Pretty far cry from my original opinion: PSYCHO!!!"
  • On Mandy Smith: "Mandy? Wow! I mean, she runs into burning buildings for a living. Fuck! You wana talk X-treem?!? Shit, I couldn't do that shit. She's a genuine bonified hero. Did you see the way she took charge and kept people alive on the plane? I mean if there's any one of us that it's inevitable will become some kinda superhero, it's gotta be her. Saving lives has got to be like second nature to her. I wish I ever felt so strongly about something in my life so as to cleary know what I wanted to do with my life as she does...
         "But she's had some rough times, what with loosing her family. Some might say she's better prepared to handle it as a firefighter, used to the idea of loosing friends and family. But I think it makes it harder for her. I mean, man, she lost her family and friends in a huge disaster she wasn't there for and she's suposed to be tough, so she can't talk about it. I know if I was her, I'd feel like it was my fault I wasn't there and that had I been I coulda done something and even if I coulda saved just one it would have made a difference. Can you imagine how heavy that kinda shit would be to carry around?"
    •      "I guess my attitude on Mandy's chanrged radically in the past year. I first saw her as an idealized hero from the plane; a firefighting hero, rescuer of people who could do no wrong. Then she killed that but and I saw her as human and vulnerable. I thought I couldn't reconcile what she did and her reasons for it. But it's just made my view of her more real and that's lead to a closer relationship between us than I haver would've had with her on the pedistal ser relationship then he would ever have had with her on the pedestal I first put her on. I've loved watching her blossom into her own during our rescue work in Pakistan. Of us all, she seems the most stable these days.

Brian Jaffe OPINIONS[edit]

  • On Jack Bennett: "He's a good kid, but I think he's lead a sheltered life. He's too used to letting his name and his money speak for him; it'd be nice to see him speak for himself, instead. Because the field he's playing in now, there are people with more money than him and his name doesn't count for a whole lot. It's going to take something more to keep us out of the messes we're about to get into."
    •      "'The messes we're about to get into.' I really didn't know the half of it, did I? And super powers didn't even come into play; Jack's alive because of dumb luck and the space of half an inch, and even that's not certain. The doctors can't say right now if his body will last the night.
           "From what I know of Jack's powers, I think he'll be able to live on even if his body dies. If you can still call him alive at that point. Body or not, I hope Jack gets to keep going. The kid gets on my nerves a lot, but I'd miss him if he weren't around.
           "Jack deserves better than he got. But someone out there, through intention or accident, kept him from getting it. There are a lot of other Survivors who could be in that situation way too easily. I can stop it. I was right in front of Jack. The bullet wouldn't have hurt me. If I were faster, if I were better with these powers...
           "I've been taking things slow since we woke up, getting my feet back under me, feeling out the climate of the world. That's amateur hour, and I'm done with it. Now it's time to play hard-ball. Jack deserves it."
    •      "What the hell does he expect me to do? Am I supposed to break down the doors to a secret government base to get his stupid metal? He'd have his body then, free and clear. For the five minutes it'll take them to kick down our doors. I hate the way we've been treated, I disagree with what the administration's doing to the world, but I'm not going to war against my own country. Jack's just going to have to wait.
           It's not that I don't feel bad for him; he's in a horrible situation. But there are other people to think about, too. He scares the crap out of the office staff and they shouldn't have to put up with that. What's more, they won't. He keeps this up, they're going to quit. And then what happens to all of the good we can do?"
  • On Arthur Redford: "Out of everyone I've met since I got on that plane, Arthur's the one I'm happiest to have around. I know a bit about his life before our flight together and I can see how hurt it's left him, but when I look at him, I can see how hard he's fighting to be a better man. Maybe it's that old pain, that old danger, still sitting inside him, but so far it seems like he's been dealing the best with everything we've been hit with... A level head, a good sense of humor... I think what it comes down to is that Arthur's a guy I'm willing to trust."
  • On Mandy Smith: "She's been so all over the map that she scares me just a little; sometimes she's mothering, sometimes she's angry and sometimes she just shuts down. Not that she doesn't have a reason for it. Out of all of us, I think Mandy's going to have the longest road back to normal. I wish I could do something to help her get there."
    •      "Mandy killed a boy today. I want to be angry with her. I want to stand on some high ground and condemn what she did as a moral failure, as a step backwards in keeping us all safe. But the truth is, if I'd found the dead girl first, instead of Mandy, I probably would've done the same thing.
           "Me being angry wouldn't help her, anyway. The look she gave me on the way to meet Arthur, what she said to me, 'if you want to drop me off, I'll understand,' she knows that she did something wrong. I'm just not sure she knows how to stop herself. She needs help, and I'm not qualified to give it to her. I hope Arthur can say something."
    •      "I'm proud of what Mandy did today; it takes guts to turn yourself in like she did, to go peacefully even when you doubt the law's going to give you a fair shake. It takes a lot of strength to trust the system, to let it support you, to work within it for justice. I hope she knows how proud I am and that I plan on standing by her every step of the way to see her through."

Arthur Redford OPINIONS[edit]

  • On Jack Bennett: "It's hard to get a real take on Jack. I think that Jack himself hasn't figured himself out yet. He's brash and impulsive and just a little arrogant, which considering that he is an 18 year old boy in a 22 year old body is understandable. Out of all of us I think he is the one who will be the first to take a stand against something he feels is wrong. I just wish that he'd learn to pick his fights a little better. So far I see him as adapting to our situation the least on the surface. He's a good kid, just needs to grow up a bit."
    •      "Wow, It's amazing how much a year can change a person. I think out of all of us Jack has had to do the most growing up of all. It's hard to reconcile the two images I have of him. One is this smartass kid from georgetown that is still a bit innocent of how the world really works. On the other hand I see Jack from 50 years hence. Sober, tired, and long divested of his body and forced to stay astral at all times, yet has all the memories and knowledge of hundreds of failed alternate world attempts. He is kinda like a kid brother pain in the ass and long time friend and mentor all in one. If only he could stop hiding behind the banner of being a Kennedy and be his own man..."
  • On Brian Jaffe: "A true oxymoron. He appears to be an honest lawyer. If asked to describe Brian the only phrase that comes to mind is "middle of the road". He dosen't seem to have an extreme view on any subject (except when it came to our personal rights). Neither very liberal nor conservative. I like him. He is one of those rare people who would prefer to have a situation be resolved as a win-win. Instead of going for the throat. The only time that he seems to lose his cool is when the really wierd shit with our new "abilities" manifest."
    •      "Holy shit. And I mean it. Brian as Vice-President. Not sure how to handle that one. I like the man and he is sure as hell a better choice than Milos...but is the world ready for this? Personally, I think its a mistake. While I believe that we need someone like Brian involved in the Government, putting one of us is such a position based on our powers is a bad idea. While we have special abilities this does not mean we should have special treatment. I hope that Brian is capable of making them see the man, and not the power."
  • On Mandy Smith: "Tough as nails and highly adaptable. Unfortunatly that adaptability has been pushed over the edge this last week. In one blow she lost her Father, two brothers, her livelihood, most of the friends she worked with, four years of her life, and most of her freedom. That is enough to push anybody over the edge. Now add on the fact that she's got some very destructive powers that are partially linked to her emotional state, and this is a dangerous mix. A meltdown is inevitable, and I just hope that we are able to help contain the damage, both physically and to Mandy's psyche. I think we need to sit down and have a long chat one of these days soon."
    •      "Damn it God!! Haven't you fucked with this poor girl enough? Just when she was getting over the death of her family you have to let her get teased with them again. Mandy is strong, but too many blows like this and she may just go dead inside, or explode...possibly literally. I almost hope that this world we are in is real, so that I can tell her to stay here with her family. She deserves it. But I believe deep down that this has got to be fake. Hang in there girl, you have more family than you might realize.

Mandy Smith OPINIONS[edit]

  • On Jack Bennett: "He's one caring young man who seems to hate everything to do with authority. He's rich, but I can't take advantage of that. I hope he stays a good friend."
    •      "Ok, a true ghost in the machine. I can see him when the others can't and sometimes I think that gains me an advantage. He is young, brash and very opinionated. I think that when he matures he will be a force to be reconed with. I thought I was the heart of this team, and he's the soul. I have seen him die and have helped him be resurrected. I would stand by him for a very long time."
  • On Brian Jaffe: "Very articulate lawyer, one who seems to buck the stereotype. He's a good leader and all, but I think he needs to lighten up on the whole 'don't mess up anything' attitude."
    •      "I've learned alot about this guy. He's a natural leader, very strong minded and holds a very powerful personality. I follow his lead and make what he wants happen. I've watched him loose it over a small child and seen him fight toe-to-tectonic plate with the very Earth herself. He can fly, he's invincible and he has a strange facination with the Red Sox. I hope he sees the care I hold for him and he feels my support as he struggles to make Hopewell work and grow. Remember what I said to you in the far distant future, Brian, Hold on to that axe."
  • On Arthur Redford: "I don't really know anything about him, but he's giving me room and board, he can't be all bad."
    •      "Arthur has really tried to keep me out, but that never works when you fight on the same team. He's seen me loose my control, he saw it before anyone else, and he's pulled be back from the edge. I may have been a hero before this all happened, but firefighting doesn't teach you how to handle killing someone. Arthur can and does know. After my crisis of faith with the burned girl of Athens, he showed me what I might become. If there is anyone in our group that deserves some TLC and some good ol' fashioned luck, it's Arthur. I hope he finds what he's looking for."
  • On the NPCs