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Unfortunately, there are so many options available that it can be difficult to navigate the program to find exactly what one wants for one's character; browsing at random can be enjoyable, but is also time-consuming. And it doesn't help that the in-program categories are somewhat inconsistent. Hence this handy index, to help you guide your search inputs.  
Unfortunately, there are so many options available that it can be difficult to navigate the program to find exactly what one wants for one's character; browsing at random can be enjoyable, but is also time-consuming. And it doesn't help that the in-program categories are somewhat inconsistent. Hence this handy index, to help you guide your search inputs.  

The format should be clear: first my name for the item in '''boldface''', followed by the actual name in ''italics''. Wildcards are listed in [brackets], with the variations listed after. Items marked [M] are male only; items marked [F] are female only.  
For ease of updating, it is split into several sections.
:[[DreamAvatarsBasics]] - Skin and hair.
:[[DreamAvatarsParts]] - Body parts, facial features, full-body costumes, etc.
:[[DreamAvatarsClothingTops1]] - Long-sleeve shirts, blouses, and overcoats.
:[[DreamAvatarsClothingTops2]] - Short-sleeve t-shirts, tank tops, bikini tops, bras, etc.
:[[DreamAvatarsClothingBottoms]] - Pants and shorts.
:[[DreamAvatarsClothingLoose]] - Skirts, dresses, and robes.
:[[DreamAvatarsClothingOther]] - Coveralls, armor, cloaks, belts, and other clothing items.
:[[DreamAvatarsFootwear]] - Shoes, boots, stockings, and other footwear.
:[[DreamAvatarsHeadgear]] - Hats, helmets, caps, crowns, masks, etc.
:[[DreamAvatarsAccessories]] - Glasses, gloves, jewelry, make-up, and other fashion accessories.
:[[DreamAvatarsProps]] - Weapons, toys, special background effects, and other miscellany.
:[[DreamAvatarsFriends]] - Pets, sidekicks, and other non-player characters.
The old format should be clear: first my name for the item in '''boldface''', followed by the actual name in ''italics''. Wildcards are listed in [brackets], with the variations listed after. Items marked [M] are male only; items marked [F] are female only.
The new format simply gives an illustration, with the recommended search term as a caption beneath. Items marked [M] are male only; items marked [F] are female only; items with a number (e.g. [2] or [3]) have multiple poses (e.g., a hood raised or lowered) of which, usually, only one is shown.  

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– [[User:Shadowjack|Shadowjack]]
– [[User:Shadowjack|Shadowjack]]

Last updated:
17 August 2008
Redoing the image links, with a Photobucket account to hold the images. The first four sections are now complete, but have not been updated with the last two months of additions—I'm saving that for the end.

= Body Parts =
9 July 2008
== Full-Body Conversions & Costumes ==
Discovered a thing I'd feared would happen – the image links, still in progress, are all broken. Time to devise a new format. This will take time.
* '''Big Bugs'''
** '''Bee Movie''' -- ''Bee Movie Suit'' -- with Antenna and Wings
** '''The Fly''' -- ''The Fly Suit'' -- with Wings
* [M] '''Fatty''' -- ''Fatty'' -- with T-Shirt
* '''Drome''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Skin)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tawny, White -- with Tail
* '''Ghost Sheet''' -- ''[pose] Ghost Sheet'' -- 12 poses: Angel, Big, Burdened, Dumb, Fighter, Frightened, Happy, Horned, Howling, Monkey, Pumpkin, Regular
* '''Giant Eggshell''' -- ''Giant [color] Eggshell ([position]) -- 2 colors: Green, White -- 2 positions: Cracked, Peek
* '''Mecha VXS'''
** '''Humanoid''' -- ''Mecha Form (VXS Torso)'' -- Torso and Arms
** '''Space Fighter''' -- ''Mecha Form (VXS [component] Fighter)'' -- 4 components: body (Torso), cockpit (Helmet), under jets/launchers (Legs), Wings
* '''Penguin''' -- ''Natures Tuxedo''
* '''Robot''' -- ''The Robot''
* '''Skeleton''' -- ''Skeleton''
* '''Snowman''' -- ''Snowman Suit''
* '''Sumo Wrestler''' -- ''Sumo Suit''
* '''Tetris Piece''' -- ''[type] Blox'' -- 10 types: Inverted L (purple), Inverted Red L, L (purple), Left T (green), Long (yellow), Red L, Right T (green), S (blue), Square (dark blue), Z (blue)
* '''Xmas Present''' -- ''The Gift''
=== Alternate Forms ===
* '''Assassin's Guise Eye''' -- ''Assassin's Guise (Eye)''
* '''Cheshire Cat's Grin''' -- ''Wonderland''
* '''Drome''' -- ''White Drome (Self)''
* '''Frog''' -- ''Summoner's Tome (Backfired Spell - Frog)''
* '''Grunny''' -- ''Grunny (You Are Grunny)''
* '''Hermes' Rabbit''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Luxuriae (You Are Rabbit)''
* '''Little Black Bat''' -- ''Little Black Bat (Self)''
* '''Longcat''' -- ''Longcat Scarf [color]'' -- 2 colors: black (Emgnol), white (Longme)
* '''Mochi Rabbit''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Luxuriae (You Are Mochi)''
* '''Pantheracorax''' -- ''Pantheracorax (Self)''
* '''Toad''' -- ''Summoner's Tome (Backfired Spell - Frog)''
== Skin ==
* '''Damaged Android''' -- ''Android Damage Prosthetic''
* '''Dead Doll''' -- ''Superior Form (Dead Doll)''
* '''Dragon Scales''' -- ''Superior Form (Dragon)''
* '''Feline''' -- ''Superior Form (Feline)''
* '''Fire Elemental''' -- ''Superior Form''
* '''Jointed Puppet''' -- ''Superior Form (Joint Puppet)''
* '''Marble Statue'''
** '''Hairless''' -- ''Masterpieces (Skin)''
** '''Michelangelo's David''' -- ''Masterpieces'' -- with Hair
* '''Platinum Robot''' -- ''Superior Form (Platinum)''
* '''Shadow Possession''' -- ''Shadow Spirit (Dark Possession)''
== Head & Face ==
=== Ears ===
==== Animal ====
* '''Bunny'''
** '''Bunny Luv''' -- ''Bunny Luv''
** '''Easter Bunny''' -- ''Easter Bunny Ears''
* '''Cat'''
** '''Pointed''' -- ''Deluxe Cat Ears''
** '''Rounded''' -- ''Cat Band''
* '''Fox''' -- ''Fox Ears''
* '''Puppy''' -- ''Puppy Ears''
* '''Rat''' -- ''Rat Ears''
==== Humanoid ====
* '''Elven''' -- ''Elven Ears ([color])'' -- 11 colors: the 6 basic skintones, Dead Doll, Dragon, Feline, Magma, Platinum
* '''Enlightened Earlobes''' -- ''Ears of Enlightenment''
* '''Troll Ears''' -- ''[color] Troll Ears'' -- 21 colors: 3 each of Cave, Forest, Frost, Hill, Night, Sea, Storm
=== Eyes ===
* '''Adowable'''
** '''Kira Kira''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Kira Kira)'' -- with Background
** '''Ponies & Rainbows''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Ponies and Rainbows)'' --  with Background
* '''Baggy / Goth''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Baggy)''
* '''Black Eyes''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Busted)''
* '''Butterfly Fairy''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Flutter)''
* '''Crazy Eyes & Smudged Mouth''' -- ''Pink Heart Chocolate Cake (Face) (2)'' -- with Face Makeup
* '''Crimson Cross''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Crimson Cross)''
* '''Cyclops''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Cyclops)''
* '''Dazzled'''
** '''Lovestruck''' -- ''My Friend Cupid (Eyes)''
** '''Pwetty Biwdies''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Pwetty Biwdies)'' -- with Halo
* '''Devilish'''
** '''Basic Evil''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Devil)''
** '''Crazed''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Phoenix)''
** '''Darth Maul''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Devilish)'
** '''Streaked Makeup''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Devilish Streak)''
* '''Empty Black''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Soulless)''
* '''Empty Blue''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Empty)''
* '''Eyebeams'''
** '''Electrica''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Electrica)''
** '''Fira''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Fira)''
* '''Fish''' -- ''[color] Fish Eyes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
* '''Gouged Out''' -- ''Oculus Magica (No Eyes)
* '''Ice Fairy''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Ice Fairy)''
* '''Insect''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Insect)''
* '''Inverse''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Inverse)''
* '''Magica DeSpell''' -- ''Oculus Magica''
* '''Old-Fashioned Cartoon''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Old-fashioned)''
* '''Picasso Face''' -- ''Masterpieces (Picasso Face)''
* '''Predatory''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Eyes)'' -- 4 colors: blue (default), Gold, Green, Red
* '''Serpent''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Serpent)''
* '''Twinkle''' -- ''Twinkle'' -- with Particles
* '''Wall-eyed''' -- ''Unibrow''
* '''Water Meat''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Water Meat)''
=== Head Fins & Wings ===
* '''Angel Wings'''
** '''Big''' -- ''Angelic Headband''
** '''Mini''' -- ''Mini Angel Wings''
* '''Dorsal Fin''' -- ''Dorsal Fin''
* '''Dragon Fins''' -- ''Gwee the Dragon (Behind Head)''
* '''Fish Fins''' -- ''[color] Head Fins'' -- 3 colors: Dark, Green, Pale
* '''Gold Bug''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Temporis (Ougon Mimi)''
* '''Hermes''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Luxuriae''
* '''Nitemare Wings'''
** '''Big''' -- ''Nitemare Headband''
** '''Mini''' -- ''Mini Nitemare Wings''
* '''Pale Dragon''' -- ''Gwee the Dragon (Behind Head)''
* '''Phoenix''' -- ''Phoenix Circlet (Rising)''
=== Horns & Antennae ===
* '''Alien Antenna Horns''' -- ''Alien Antenna Horns''
* '''Aries''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Horns of Aries)''
* '''Bouncy Antenna''' -- ''Bouncy Antenna''
* '''Bull''' -- ''Long Bull Horns''
* '''Cancer Eyes''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Cancer Goggles)''
* '''Capricorn''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Horns of Capricorn)''
* '''Dark''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Horns of Darkness)''
* '''Demon''' -- ''Horns of the Demon (Long)''
* '''Devil''' -- ''Horns of the Demon''
* '''Moth''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Monkey King's Headdress)''
* '''Newsprint Stars''' -- ''Newsprint Stars''
* '''Raptor''' -- ''Raptor [color] Horns'' -- 3 colors: Fire, Ice, Wind
* '''Reindeer Antlers''' -- ''Reindeer Antlers''
* '''Taurus''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Horns of Taurus)''
* '''Unicorn Horn'''
** '''Narwhal''' -- ''Tuga the Narwhal Plush (Horn)''
** '''White Unicorn''' -- ''Unicorn Horn''
=== Nose & Mouth ===
* '''Buck Teeth''' -- ''Buck Teeth''
* '''Gold Teeth''' -- ''[pose] Gold Grill'' -- 3 poses: Frowning, Grinning, Smiling
* '''Hooked Nose''' -- ''Sharaku Nose'' -- 11 colors: the six base shades, Dragon, Feline, Magma, marble (Superior Form), Platinum
* '''Pinocchio Nose''' -- ''Pinocchio Nose [length]'' -- 6 colors (matching the six base shades) -- 3 lengths: long (default), Longer, Longest
* '''Shark's Teeth''' -- ''Sharp Fish Teeth''
* '''Steel-Trap Jaw''' -- ''Trap Jaw''
* '''Troll Nose''' -- ''Troll Nose'' -- 2 varieties: Large, Small
==== Beaks & Bills ====
* '''Crow''' -- ''Crow's Bill''
* '''Duck''' -- ''Duck's Beak''
* '''Parrot''' -- ''Parrot's Beak''
==== Snouts & Muzzles ====
* '''Pig''' -- ''Pig's Snout''
* '''Puppy''' -- ''Puppy's Mask''
* '''Rat''' -- ''Rat Snout''
* '''Reindeer''' -- ''[color] Reindeer Mask'' -- 2 colors: plain (black nose), Red Nose
* '''Wulf''' -- ''Wulf Muzzle'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
== Hair ==
* '''Chest Fur''' -- ''Reindeer Chest Fur''
=== Hairstyles & Wigs ===
* '''Egyptian'''
** '''Braided''' -- ''Egyptian Braided Wig''
** '''Braided & Gilded''' -- ''Egyptian Braided Wig (Gilded)''
** '''Short''' -- ''Egyptian Short Wig''
** '''Short with Gold Band''' -- ''Egyptian Short Wig (Gold Band)''
* '''Feather Wig''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Feather Wig)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tawny, White
* '''Geisha''' -- ''[color] Geisha Wig'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow -- with Headdress
* '''Heavy Metal Wig''' -- ''[color] Yamanba Wig'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blonde, Red, White
* '''Island Girl''' -- ''Island Girl Wig''
* '''Lion's Mane''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Mane of Leo)'' -- with Ears
* '''Magical Girl''' -- ''Magical Girl Wig''
* '''Michelangelo's David''' -- ''Masterpieces (David's Hair)''
* '''Newsprint Fro''' -- ''Newsprint Fro''
* '''Oni's Mane''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Oni's Mane)''
* '''Powdered Wigs'''
** '''Courted''' -- ''Courted Wig''
** '''Biancamella''' -- ''Biancamella ([variation] Taffy Wig)'' -- 2 variations: plain, Pulled
** '''Elegant Antoinette''' -- ''Elegant Antoinette Wig ([color])'' -- 4 colors: Cream, Light Blue, Powdered, Rose
** '''Elegant Lord's''' -- ''Elegant Lord's Wig ([color])'' -- 2 colors: Cream, Powdered
** '''Parisian''' -- ''Parisian Wig''
* '''Rainbow Clown Wig''' -- ''Rainbow Clown Wig''
* '''Ronin''' -- ''Benkei Wig''
* '''Samurai''' -- ''Samurai Wig''
* '''Sumo''' -- ''Sumo Wig''
=== Eyebrows ===
* '''Buddhist Monk's Tonsure''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Tonsure''
* '''Buddhist Nun's Tonsure''' -- ''Buddhist Nun's Tonsure''
* '''Emperor's''' -- ''Emperor's Brow''
* '''Unibrow''' -- ''Troll's Brow''
=== Facial Hair ===
* '''Batstache''' -- ''Demonic Anklets (Batstache)''
* '''Big White Beard''' -- ''Big White Beard''
* '''Catfish Whiskers''' -- ''Catfish Whiskers''
* '''Egyptian Pharaoh's Beard''' -- ''Egyptian Pharaoh's [color] Beard'' -- 4 colors: Crimson, Onyx, Sapphire, Turquoise
* '''Emperor's Beard''' -- ''Emperor's Beard''
* '''General's Beard''' -- ''General's Beard''
* '''Handlebar Mustache''' -- ''The Moustache''
* '''Jack's Beard''' -- ''Jack's Beard''
* '''King's Beard''' -- ''King's Beard''
* '''Octopus Beard''' -- ''Octo Beard''
=== Magical Hair ===
* '''Angel Wing'''
** '''Longer''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Angels)''
** '''Shorter''' -- ''Mythic Hair''
* '''Breeze''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Breeze)''
* '''Burning Soul''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Burning Soul - Head)''
* '''Earth''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Earth)''
* '''Flame''' -- ''Elemental Hair''
* '''Flare''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Flare)''
* '''Gold''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Gold)''
* '''Ice''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Ice)''
* '''Life''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Life)''
* '''Luna''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Luna)''
* '''Moonlight''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Moonlight)''
* '''Newspaper''' -- ''[color] Newspaper Combover'' -- 3 colors: plain, Dirty, Old
* '''Poison'''
** '''Unadorned''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Poison)''
** '''With Floating Eyes''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Poisonous Gaze)'' -- with Option
* '''Treasure'''
** '''Unadorned''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Treasure)''
** '''With Treasure Chest''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Treasure Abound)'' -- with Crown
* '''Venom'''
** '''Unadorned''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Venom)''
** '''With Floating Eyes''' -- ''Mythic Hair (Essence of Venomous Gaze)'' -- with Option
* '''Volcano'''
** '''Dormant''' -- ''Fire Flower (Hot Head)''
** '''Erupting''' -- ''Fire Flower (Hot Head Erupting)''
* '''Water''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Water)''
* '''Wind''' -- ''Elemental Hair (Essence of Wind)''
== Arms and Legs ==
* '''Demona Arm''' -- ''Guitar of Demona (Arm)''
* '''Drome Legs and Tail''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Bottom)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tawny, White
* '''Durga's Four Arms''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Durga's Divine Grasp)'' -- with Possessions
* '''Mecha Form'''
** '''NEKO Legs''' -- ''Mecha Form (Neko Legs) -- 2 variations: tailless (plain) and Tail
** '''VXS Legs''' -- ''Mecha Form (VXS Legs)''
* '''Merperson'''
** '''Blue''' -- ''Aquatica''
** '''Shark''' -- ''Aquatica (Shark Tail)''
* '''Squid'''
** '''Arms''' -- ''[color] SQUID Top'' -- 3 colors: Green, Orange, Pink
** '''Legs''' -- ''[color] SQUID Pants'' -- 3 colors: Green, Orange, Pink
* '''Tentacle Monster Legs''' -- ''The Experiment (Part 5 - Legs)''
== Tails ==
* '''Cat'''
** '''Longhair''' -- ''[color] Cat Tail'' -- 3 colors: Charcoal, Cheshire, Sandy
** '''Shorthair''' -- ''Cat Tail''
* '''Chain Tail Blade''' -- ''Chain Of Command (Chain Tail Blade)''
* '''Demonic''' -- ''Dark Halo (Dark Tail)''
* '''Devil''' -- ''Devil Tail''
* '''Dog or Wolf'''
** '''Dog''' -- ''Year of the Dog (Tail)''
** '''Doggy''' -- ''Doggy Style [color] Tail'' -- 3 colors: Brownspiral, grey (Steamer), olive (Scrowl)
** '''Were''' -- ''Were Tail''
** '''Wulf''' -- ''[color] Wulf Tail'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Dragon'''
** '''Blue Dragon''' -- ''Blue Dragon Tail''
** '''Chinese Dragon''' -- ''Year of the Dragon (Tail)''
* '''Fox'''
** '''Normal''' -- ''Fox Tail''
** '''Kitsune's Nine Tails''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Kitsune's Nine Tails)''
* '''Horse''' -- ''Year of the Horse (Tail)''
* '''Lion''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Tail of Leo)''
* '''Monkey''' -- ''Year of the Monkey (Tail)''
* '''Mouse''' -- ''Year of the Rat (Tail)''
* '''Ox''' -- ''Year of the Ox (Tail)''
* '''Pig''' -- ''Year of the Pig (Tail)''
* '''Rabbit'''
** '''Bunny''' -- ''Bunny Tail'' -- Note: You can't see it!
** '''Rabbit''' -- ''Year of the Rabbit (Tail)''
* '''Raccoon''' -- ''Coon Tail''
* '''Raptor''' -- ''Raptor [color] Tail'' -- 3 colors: Fire, Ice, Wind -- with Decorative Belt
* '''Rat''' -- ''Rat Tail''
* '''Rooster''' -- ''Year of the Rooster (Tail)''
* '''Scorpion''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Tail of Scorpio)''
* '''Sheep''' -- ''Year of the Sheep (Tail)''
* '''Snake''' -- ''Year of the Snake (Tail)''
* '''Squid Tentacle''' -- ''[color] SQUID Tail'' -- 3 colors: Green, Orange, Pink
* '''Thorns''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Tail of Thorns)''
* '''Tiger''' -- ''Year of the Tiger (Tail)''
* '''Troll''' -- ''[color] Troll Tail'' -- 21 colors: 3 each of Cave, Forest, Frost, Hill, Night, Sea, Storm
== Wings ==
* '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelbow (Back)''
* '''Candy''' -- ''Biancamella (Candy Wings)''
* '''Clockwork''' -- ''TM (Wings [position])'' -- 2 positions: at rest (Down) and extended (Out)
* '''Dark Arch''' -- ''Dark Halo ([position] Arch) -- 2 halves: left (West) and right (East) sides
* '''Demonic''' -- ''Demonbow (Back)''
* '''Fairy''' -- ''Fairy Wings''
* '''Fire''' -- ''Flame Sword ([type] [side])'' -- 3 types: Blaze, Flare, Inferno, Scorch -- 2 halves: left and right sides
* '''Frostbite''' -- ''Frostbite Wing'' -- 2 halves: left and right sides
* '''Isis' Royal''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Isis' Royal Wings [position])'' -- 2 positions: at rest, and extended (Flight)
* '''Lovebird''' -- ''Lovebird Plush (Back)'' -- with Particles
* '''Mecha VXS''' -- ''Mecha Form (VXS Wings)''
* '''Prism Butterfly''' -- ''Prism Butterfly Mantilla'' -- 2 positions: at rest, and extended (Up)
* '''Skull''' -- ''Rock Hard (Skull Wings)''
* '''Spirit Falcon''' -- ''Spirit Falcon (Falcon Wings)''
* '''Tiny Pixie''' -- ''Tiny Pixie Wings''
* '''Vestigial Demon''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Nymp Back)''
* '''Widdle Dwagon''' -- ''Gwee the Dragon (Behind)'' -- with Tail
== Miscellaneous Other Parts ==
* '''Demon Spikes''' -- ''Dark Halo (Demonspike)'' -- with Horns and Armlets
=== Botanical ===
* '''Autumn Boughs''' -- ''Autumn Glory (Autumn Boughs)''
* '''DandiiDooDad Symbiont''' -- ''DandiiDooDad [variation] (Symbiont)'' -- 2 variations: Homunculus, Spore
* '''Head for Botany'''
** '''Clover''' -- ''Floppy Clover''
** '''Daisy''' -- ''Flower On My Head''
** '''Dionaesil''' -- ''Dionaesil ([stage] on Head)'' -- 3 stages: Sprout, Flower, Three Flower
** '''Xmas Tree''' -- ''Tiny Christmas Head-Tree''
* '''Nest of Rose Thorns''' -- ''Winter Rose (Nest of Thorns)''
* '''Vines''' -- ''DandiDooDad Defector (Legs)''
= Clothing =
== Armor ==
* '''Arachne Chestplate''' -- ''Chestplate of Arachne'' -- 3 states: retracted (normal), with inward-facing spines (In), and with extended spines (Out).
* '''Bone Dragon Armor'''
** '''Belt''' -- ''Bone Dragon Armor Belt''
** '''Chestplate''' -- ''Bone Dragon Armor Chestplate''
** '''Leggings''' -- ''Bone Dragon Armor Boots''
* '''Chainmail Tunic''' -- ''Blade's [color] Chainmail Tunic'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Chinese Scale Armor'''
** '''Shirt''' -- ''[color] Tatsu Scale Torso Armor'' -- 3 colors: Azure, Crimson, Obsidian
** '''Skirt and Leggings''' -- ''[color] Tatsu Scale Skirt Armor'' -- 3 colors: Azure, Crimson, Obsidian
* '''Damascus Dark Armor'''
** '''Breastplate & Shoulders''' -- ''Damascus Armor'' -- 2 colors: plain, Dark Energy
** '''Belt''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark [color] Belt)'' -- 2 colors: plain, Energy
** '''Leggings & Boots''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark [color] Boots)'' -- 2 colors: plain, Energy -- with Boots
** '''Sleeves & Gauntlets''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark [color] Grip)'' -- 2 colors: plain, Energy -- with Gauntlets
* '''Exalted Rook Chestguard''' -- ''Exalted Rook ([color] Chestguard)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Leather Top''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Royal
* '''Mythrill Armor'''
** '''Back & Breast''' -- ''Mythrill Armor''
** '''Belt''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Belt)''
** '''Gauntlets''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Guards)''
** '''Shinguards''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Shinguards)''
** '''Shoulders''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Shoulders)''
** '''Skirt''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Skirt)''
* '''Odyssey Armor''' -- ''Lost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor)''
* '''Police Protective Vest''' -- ''[color] GPD Protective Vest'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Samurai Yoroi'''
** '''Banner''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi (Banner)''
** '''Body & Arms''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi''
** '''Skirt''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi (Lower)''
* '''Sharkplate Back & Breast''' -- ''Aquatica (Sharkplate)''
* '''Spartan Belted Bottoms''' -- ''Spartan Belted Bottoms''
== Bottoms ==
=== Briefs & Panties ===
* '''Bubbles Tankini Bottom''' -- ''[color] Bubbles Tankini Bottom'' -- 5 colors: Aqua, Blue, Charcoal, Cocoa, Violet
* [F] '''Cave''' -- ''Cave Bottom''
* '''Checkered Kerchief Bikini Bottom''' -- ''[pattern] Checkered Kerchief Bikini Bottom'' -- 4 patterns: Pink Lemonade, Prairie Sky, Spring Grass, Summer Sun
* [M] '''Dancer Bottom''' -- ''Dancer Bottom''
* '''Designer Underwear''' -- ''[designer]'s Underwear'' -- 6 colors: black (Edmund's), blue (Louie's), burgundy (Zhivago's), leopard spots (Liam's), purple (Gino's), white (Ian's)
* '''Fundoshi''' -- ''[color] Fundoshi'' -- 3 colors: Indigo, Red, White
* '''Fur-Trimmed Underwear''' -- ''[color] Fur-Trimmed Underwear'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White
* [F] '''Skimpy Swim Bottom''' -- ''[color] Skimpy Swim Bottom'' -- 3 colors: Blacklisted, Luscious Red, Wet Blue
* [F] '''Soft Underwear''' -- ''Soft [color] Underwear'' or ''Female Underwear'' -- 4 colors: plain (Female), Black, Blue, Pink
* '''Speedies Bottom''' -- ''[pattern] Speedies Bottom'' -- 5 patterns: Black & White Checkered, Blue and White Trim, Gold Metallic, Rainbow Stripes, Red Tiger-print
=== Pants ===
==== Cargo Pants ====
* '''Anti-Terror Camouflage''' -- ''Anti-Terror [pattern] camo Pants'' -- 3 patterns: Arctic, Desert, Forest
* [M] '''Carpenter's''' -- ''[color] Carpenters Pants'' -- 3 colors: Beige, dark aqua (Black), Brown
* '''Glacier''' -- ''Glacier [color] Pants'' -- 3 patterns: black (Sleet), blue (Ice), red (Avalanche)
* '''Loose Cotton''' -- ''[color] Loose Cotton Cargo Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Olive
* [M] '''Plain''' -- ''[color] Cargo Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black Steel, Brown, Forest
* '''Skater''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Girl Cargo Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), brown (Warm)
* '''Slick''' -- ''[color] Slick Cargo Pants'' -- 3 colors: Crimson, Gray, Navy
==== Jeans & Casual Trousers ====
===== Baggy =====
* '''Aero-D Pants''' -- ''[color] Aero-D Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
* '''Baggy Jeans''' -- ''[color] Baggy Starter Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue (Cool), Gray (Neutral), Red (Warm)
* [F] '''Complex Pants''' -- ''[color] Complex Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (#000000), blue (#0000FF), brown (#603913)
* [M] '''Overalls''' -- ''[color] Overalls'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Green -- with top
* '''Snowbored Pants''' -- ''Snowbored Pants [color]'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [M] '''Split Pants''' -- ''Split [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blackpearl, Fuschia, Teal
===== Casual =====
* '''Buttoned Down Pants''' -- ''Buttoned Down [color] Pants'' -- 4 colors: brown (Feather), grey (Fauna), orange (Foliage), yellow (Flora)
* [M] '''Colored Slacks''' -- ''[color] Slacks'' -- 2 colors: Maroone, Mustard
* [M] '''Embroidered Stitch''' -- ''Embroidered Stitch [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: beige (Pebble), Blue, Brown
* [M] '''Goth Pants''' -- ''[color] Goth Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Green, Red
* '''Goth Belted Pants''' -- ''[color] Male Goth Starter Pants'' -- 3 colors: aqua (Cool), blue (Neutral), red (Warm)
* [F] '''Loose Jeans''' -- ''Baggy Jeans'' -- 3 colors: aqua (Coal), blue (Black), Sandy
* '''Retro Scholar Pants''' -- ''Retro Scholar [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Cloudy, Grain, Rawleather
* '''Rocker Jeans''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Guy Jeans'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), brown (Warm), gray (Neutral)
* [M] '''R0x0rbilly Pants''' -- ''[color] R0x0rbilly Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (High Noon), gilded (Sunrise), green (Sunset)
* '''Rough Jeans''' -- ''Rough [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, offBlue
* '''Skater Jeans''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Guy Jeans'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), tan (Warm)
* '''Streaked Jeans''' -- ''Streaked [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Denim
* [M] '''Skull Biker Leather Strides''' -- ''Skull Biker [color] Leather Strides'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Steel), Oxblood
* [M] '''Vintage Wash Bootcut Jeans''' -- ''Vintage Wash Bootcut [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Work Jeans''' -- ''[color] Workjeans'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Purple
===== Flared =====
* [M] '''Complex Pants''' -- ''[color] Complex Pants M'' -- 3 colors: blue (#0000FF), red (#FF0000), yellow (#603913)
* [M] '''Dark Trousers''' -- ''Dark Trousers''
* [F] '''Embroidered''' -- ''Embroidered [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: beige (Pebble), Blue, Brown
* '''Flared Jeans'''
** [F] '''Female''' -- ''Flared [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Denim, Sepia, Stonewash
** [M] '''Male''' -- ''Flared [color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: dark blue (Black), Blue, Brown
* '''Gaian''' -- ''8 for all Gaians [color] Jeans'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Tan
* '''Hippy Pants''' -- ''[color] Hippy Pants'' -- 3 colors: Moss, Tan, Wine
* [M] '''Hipster Slacks''' -- ''[color] Trim HIPster Slacks'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Kill Pants''' -- ''Kill [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: orange (L0cke), red (VO), yellow (Lanzer)
* '''Leather Native Pants''' -- ''[color] Leather Native Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (Dark), spinach (plain)
* [M] '''Pimpin' Pants''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Pants'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Red Wine, Royale Purple
* '''Pinstripe Trousers''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Pinstripe Trousers''
* '''Polyester Pants''' -- ''[color] Polyester Pants'' -- 4 colors: Antarctic White, Cherry Red, Peacock Blue, Stallion Black
* '''Shark Stripe Pants''' -- ''[color]SS Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (B), green (G), yellow (S)
* '''Slotted Pants''' -- ''Slotted [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Aqua, Black, Maroon
* '''Those 70s Pants''' -- ''Those 70s [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, White
* '''Those 90s Pants''' -- ''Those [color] 90s Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Torque Pants''' -- ''[color] Torque Pants'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Brown, Gray, Green
===== Holey =====
* '''Cache Pants''' -- ''[color] Cache Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Aoi), green (Midori), orange (Chairo)
* '''Dead Sexy Trousers''' -- ''Dead Sexy [color] Trousers'' -- 4 colors: Dusk, Midnight, Moonlight, Twilight
* '''KoNfUzEd PaNtZ (Jeans)''' -- ''KoNfUzEd [color] PaNtZ'' -- 3 colors: BLaCk, BLoO, PiNk
* '''MehTRO Jeans''' -- ''[color] MehTRO Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue (Acid Wash), Tan
* '''Outlaw Biker Pants''' -- ''Outlaw Biker Pants - [color]'' -- 3 colors: ash grey (Ashe), Coal, green (Burn)
===== Tight =====
* '''Amigo Pants''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (Lucki), brown (Dusti), green (Guappa)
* '''Glam Trousers''' -- ''[color] Starter Glam Guy Trousers'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), tan (Warm)
* '''Plain Jeans''' -- ''[color] Jeans'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, dark blue (Black) [M], light blue (Slate) [F]
* '''Preppy Pants''' -- ''[color] Starter Preppy Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), red (Warm), yellow (Neutral)
* '''Punk Pants''' -- ''[color] Punk Starter Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), red (Warm)
* '''Trendy Skinny Jeans''' -- ''Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans''
* '''Tundra Pants''' -- ''[color] Tundra Pants'' -- 4 colors: black (Charred), green (Lichen), red (Enforced), yellow (Leather)
* [M] '''Tuxedo Pants''' -- ''[color] Tuxedo Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, White
* '''Vinyl Strap Pants''' -- ''[color] Vinyl Strap Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), brown (Hide), white (Wind)
* '''White Xmas Jeans''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Jeans''
==== Pantaloons, Pajamas & Sweats ====
===== Bulky =====
* '''In Da Hood Sweatpants''' -- ''In Da Hood [color] Sweatpants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Grey, White
* '''Jack Uniform Pants''' -- ''Jack Uniform Pants''
* '''Jolly Pants''' -- ''Jolly Pants''
* '''Polar Expedition Barrier Pants''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Barrier Pants'' -- 5 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Urban Pants''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Guy Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
===== Loose-Fitting =====
* '''Autumn Stripes Pants''' -- ''Autumn Stripes [color] Pants'' -- 4 colors: Eggplant, Grapefruit, Husk, Pumpkin
* '''Benkei's Trousers''' -- ''Benkei's Trousers [color]'' -- 4 colors: Black, Cream, Green, Red
* [M] '''Checker Pants''' -- ''[color] Checker Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green
* '''Elf Pants''' -- ''Elf Style Pants''
* '''Embroidered Harem Pants''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Embroidered Harem Pants'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow
* '''Flame Pants''' -- ''[color] Flame Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, orange (plain)
* '''Gung Xi Pants''' -- ''Gung Xi Pants''
* [M] '''Martial Arts Pants''' -- ''Martial Arts Pants''
* [M] '''Peasant's Pants''' -- ''[color] Peasant's Pants'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Jade, Tan
* '''Musketeer Pants''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Royal), Brown
* '''Plaid Ska Pants''' -- ''[color] Plaid Ska Pants'' -- 3 colors: Asphalt, Navy, red (Sauce)
* '''Rain Pants''' -- ''[color] Rainy Shorts'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Teal, White, Yellow
* '''Shinto Priest's Trousers''' -- ''Shinto Priest's Trousers [color]'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Cream, Green, Red
* [M] '''SLIK Slacks''' -- ''[color] SLIK Slacks'' -- 4 colors: blue (Royal), green (Envy), grey (Gloom), tan (Snazzy)
* [M] '''Street Pants''' -- ''[color] Street Pants – M'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
* [M] '''SuperStar Pants''' -- ''SuperStar [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Green, Purple, Red
* '''Taj Pants''' -- ''[color] Taj Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Fresh), green (Ripe), red (Blush)
* '''Wingin' It Pants''' -- ''Wingin It [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
* '''Xmas Spirit Pants''' -- ''Spirited Pants''
* '''Zebra Pants''' -- ''[color] Zebra Pants'' -- 3 colors: red (Dusk), slate (Cloud), teal (Rain)
* '''Zoot Suit Tramas''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Tramas'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
===== Close-Fitting =====
* '''Athletic Pants''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Guy Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), gray (Warm), white (Neutral)
* '''Chess Pants''' -- ''[color] Chess Pants'' -- 3 colors: Flare, Rustic, Slate
* [M] '''Flashion''' -- ''Flashion Pants [color] Trim'' -- 3 colors: Aqua, Emerald, Pink
* '''Gaia Pajamas''' -- ''Gaia Store PJ Pants''
* '''Gunner Pants''' -- ''[color] Gunner Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Dark Slate
* '''Inverse Pants''' -- ''Inverse [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Jump Pants''' -- ''[color] Jump Pants'' -- 3 colors: Ballin' Black, Bompin' Blue, Old Skewl Orange
* '''Medical Scrub Pants''' -- ''[color] Medical Scrub Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* [F] '''Mink Pants''' -- ''[color] Mink Pants'' -- 3 colors: brown (Suede), Crimson, Violet
* '''Mocha Lounge Pants''' -- ''Mocha Lounge Pants''
* '''Pajama Pants''' -- ''[pattern] Pajama Pants'' -- 9 patterns: Blue Hibiscus, Green Hibiscus, Red Hibiscus; Blue Pawprint, Green Pawprint, Red Pawprint; Striped Blue, Striped Green, Striped Red
* '''Satin Pajama Pants''' -- ''Satin [color] Pajama Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Sporty Track Pants''' -- ''[color] Sporty Track Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Teal
* [F] '''Street Pants''' -- ''[color] Street Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
* [F] '''Vintage Stretch Pants''' -- ''[color] Vintage Stretch Pants'' -- 3 colors: Beige, black (Gardenia), Lilac
===== Skintight =====
* [F] '''Hoochie Pants''' -- ''[color] Hoochie Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blacklight, Dirty Brown, White Neon
* '''Keyboard Leggings''' -- ''[color] Keyboard Leggings'' -- 3 colors: Classic, Golden, Orchid
* '''Multipants''' -- ''MUltipants [variation]'' -- 2 variations: normal, feather tail (Glory) -- with Tail
* '''Stealth Pants''' -- ''Stealth [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: EvoBlack, InfraRed, UltraViolet
* '''Tiger Pants''' -- ''[color] Tiger Pants'' -- 4 colors: Gold, Pink, Red, White
==== Formal Slacks & Trousers ====
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Tuxedo Trousers''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman's [color] Tuxedo Trousers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Marble, Onyx
* '''Dress Slacks''' -- ''[color] Dress Starter Slacks'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), brown (Warm), gray (Neutral)
* '''Gold Mountain Uniform Pants''' -- ''Gold Mountain Uniform Pants''
* '''High Fashion Trousers''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Trousers [color]'' -- 4 colors: Black, Dark Umber, Gold, Umber
* '''Pinstripe Pants''' -- ''[color] Pinstripe Pants'' -- 3 colors: Copper Penny, Platinum Grey, Purple
* '''Romani Slacks''' -- ''Romani [color] Slacks'' -- 3 colors: Black, Grey, Tan
* '''School Uniform Pants'''
** [M] '''Black High School Wide Bottom Pants''' -- ''Black High School Wide Bottom Pants''
** [M] '''Blue Middle School Pants''' -- ''Blue Middle School Pants''
** [M] '''Grey University Pants''' -- ''University Pants''
==== Costume & Specialty ====
* '''Belted Pants''' -- ''Belted Pants''
* '''Catscratch Pants''' -- ''[color] Catscratch Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, Tan
* '''Mummy Bandages''' -- ''Mami Pants''
* [M] '''Nut Buster Pants''' -- ''Nut Buster Pants'' -- with Boots
* '''Police Pants with Holster''' -- ''Lawl And Order [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Tan, White -- with Belt
* '''Prisoner's Pants''' -- ''Prisoner's Pants''
* '''Pumpkin Jack'''
** '''Flared Pants''' -- ''Jack'd Pants 2k6''
** '''Really Jacked Up Pants''' -- ''Really Jacked Up Pants''
** '''Sweat Pants''' -- ''Jacked-up Pants''
* '''Skeleton Pants''' -- ''Skeleton Pants''
* '''Strait Jacket Pants''' -- ''Str8 Pants''
* '''Striped Clown Pants''' -- ''[pattern] Striped Clown Pants'' -- 3 patterns: Berry Lemonade, Bubblegum Lime, Cherry Punch
=== Shorts ===
==== Short Shorts ====
* '''Athletic Shorts''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Girl Shorts'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), red (Warm)
* [F] '''Castaway Shorts''' -- ''Castaway [color] Shorts'' -- 3 colors: aqua (Stone), Blue, brown (Rust)
* '''Cut Off Shorts''' -- ''[color] Cut Off Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Ocean, purple (Flashy), Sand
* '''Lex's Shorts''' -- ''Lex's [color] Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Dark, White
* [F] '''Ocean Shorts''' -- ''Ohh~Cean Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Snowflake Boxers''' -- ''[color] Snowflake Boxers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Xmas Spirit Boxers''' -- ''Spirited Boxers''
==== Long Shorts ====
* '''Anti-Fashion Blood Sugar Magic Shorts''' -- ''Anti-Fashion Blood Sugar Shorts Magic ([color])'' -- 3 colors: Aqua-Pink, Blue-Lilac, Green-Orange
* '''Board Shorts''' -- ''[color] Board Shorts'' -- 6 colors: Black CHOMP!, Brown CHOMP!, green (Brilliant), Grey CHOMP!, orange (Blazing), yellow (Bright)
* [M] '''Boxers''' -- ''[color] Boxers'' -- 4 patterns: Black Silk, Heart, plain gray (Male), Striped
* [M] '''Castaway Shorts''' -- ''Castaway [color] Shorts - M'' -- 3 colors: aqua (Stone), Blue, brown (Rust)
* '''Fitted Shorts''' -- ''Fitted [color] Shorts [2nd color] trim'' -- 3 colors: Black / black, White / grey, White / Tan
* [F] '''Grecian Shorts''' -- ''Grecian Shorts [color]'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown with Rose trim, Green
* '''Khaki Shorts''' -- ''Starter Khaki Shorts'' -- 3 colors: black (Cool), green (Neutral), pink (Warm)
* '''Pirate Britches''' -- ''Ahhrr!! [color] Britches'' -- 3 colors: black (Poopdeck), green (Seasick), purple (Swashy)
* [M] '''Plain Swimtrunks''' -- ''[color] Swimtrunks'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Plumeria Swim Trunks''' -- ''[color] Plumeria Swim Trunks'' -- 3 colors: lime (Lush), pink (Tropical), red (Volcanic)
* [M] '''Radicool Shorts''' -- ''Radicool [color] Trim Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Blackout, Chill, Pink
* '''Raptor Pants''' -- ''Raptor [color] Pants'' -- 3 colors: Fire, Ice, Wind
* [M]  '''Sport Swimtrunks''' -- ''[color] Sport Swimtrunks'' -- 3 colors: Blu, Redd, Yelo
* '''Sporty Shorts''' -- ''[color] Sporty Starter Shorts'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), grey (Neutral), orange (Warm)
* '''Surfer Shorts''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Guy Shorts'' -- 3 colors: black (Cool), grey (Neutral), orange (Warm)
* '''Tight Board Shorts''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Girl Board Shorts'' -- 3 colors: green (Cool), grey (Neutral), orange (Warm)
* '''Wave Swim Trunks''' -- ''[color] Wave Swim Trunks'' -- 3 colors: dark blue (Ocean Wave), light blue (Shoreline Wave), purple (Deep Sea)
* [M] '''Whatever Shorts''' -- ''Whatever [color] Jean Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
==== Short Pants ====
* [M] '''Cargo Shorts''' -- ''[color] Cargo Shorts'' -- 3 colors: Brown, DarkBlue, GreenBlue
* '''Elegant Knee-Length Trousers''' -- ''Elegant [color] Knee-Length Trousers'' -- 2 colors: Black, Brown
* [M] '''Greco Roman Pants''' -- ''Greco Roman Pants [color]'' -- 3 colors: Maroone, Olive, Steel
* [F] '''Hot Pants''' -- ''[color] Hot Pants'' -- 3 colors: blue (Opal), pink (Pearl), red (Rouge)
* [F] '''Plain Capri''' -- ''[color] Capri'' -- 3 colors: Cream, Dark Red, Wool
* '''Ribbed with Kneepads''' -- ''[color] Ribbed Pants'' -- 3 colors: brown (Suede), Charcoal, purple (Sky)
* '''Rocker Capri Jeans''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Girl Capri Jeans'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), brown (Warm), gray (Neutral)
* '''Soldat Pants''' -- ''[color] Soldat Pants'' -- 3 colors: Alpine, Sand, Steel
* '''Snug Lacy Leggings''' -- ''[color] Snug Lacy Leggings'' -- 3 colors: brown (Berry), grey (Icy), tan (Citrus)
* '''Urban Shorts''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Girl Pants'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Wrinkled''' -- ''[color] Wrinkled Pants'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
=== Skirts ===
==== Above-the-Knee (Minis) ====
* '''Basic Skirt''' -- ''[color] Basic Skirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), Brownie, red (Warm)
* '''Black Teddy''' -- ''Pink Bow Minidress''
* '''Celebrity Miniskirt''' -- ''Celebrity Miniskirt''
* [F] '''Checker Skirt''' -- ''[color] Checker Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green
* '''Coffee Pinstripe Skirt''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Coffee Pinstripe Skirt''
* [F] '''Couture Skirt''' -- ''[color] Couture Skirt'' -- 4 colors: Blush, Coal, Leather, Slate
* '''Devoted Pawn Tassets''' -- ''Devoted Pawn ([color] Tassets)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* [F] '''Flashion Skirt''' -- ''Flashion [color] Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Mistress Skirt''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Mistress Skirt'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), blue (Bruise), red (Blood)
* [F] '''Glamrock Jean Skirt''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Jean Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, White
* '''Goth Studded Skirt''' -- ''[color] Female Goth Starter Skirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* [F] '''Goth Woven Skirt''' -- ''[color] Goth Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Green, Red
* [F] '''Leather Mini Skirt''' -- ''[color] Leather Mini Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Natural, Red
* [F] '''Nurse Skirt''' -- ''[color] Nurse Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* '''Pumpkin Jack Skirt''' -- ''Jack'd Skirt 2k6''
* [F] '''Punk Mini Skirt''' -- ''[color] Punk Miniskirt'' -- 3 colors: Blacklight, Leather, magenta (Neo)
* [F] '''Ribbon Skirt''' -- ''[color] Ribbon Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brownie, Pink
* [F] '''School Uniform Skirt'''
** [F] '''Blue Middle School''' -- ''Blue Middle School Skirt''
** [F] '''Grey University''' -- ''Grey University Skirt''
* [F] '''Snug Balloon Skirt''' -- ''[color] Snug Balloon Skirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Icy), green (Citrus), red (Berry)
* [F] '''Stylish Winter Skirt''' -- ''Stylish [color] Winter Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Auburn, Charcoal, Ochre
* [F] '''Xmas Spirit Flared Skirt''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Flared Skirt''
==== Knee-Length ====
* [F] '''Buttoned Down Skirt''' -- ''Buttoned Down [color] Skirt'' -- 4 colors: black (Fauna), brown/orange (Foliage), green/yellow (Flora), red/black (Feather)
* '''Denim Button Skirt''' -- ''[color] Denim Button Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, light blue (Light)
* '''Egyptian Linen Wrap''' -- ''Egyptian [color] Linen Wrap'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Ivory, Rose, White
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Dollie Skirt''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Skirt'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark Dollie), blue (Dark Choke), green (Gangrene Dollie)
* '''Grass Skirt''' -- ''[color] Grass Skirt'' -- 2 types: Dried, Fresh
* '''Kilt''' -- ''[color] Kilt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [F] '''Plaid Classroom Skirt''' -- ''[color] Plaid Classroom Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Charcoal, Ruby, Violet
* [F] '''SuperStar Skirt''' -- ''SuperStar [color] Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Green, Purple, Red
* '''Towel Wrap''' -- ''[color] Waist Towel Wrap'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* [F] '''Whatever Jean Skirt''' -- ''Whatever [color] Jean Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
* '''White Tangerine Dot Dress''' -- ''White Tangerine Dot Dress''
==== Below-the-Knee ====
* '''Autumn Stripes Skirt''' -- ''Autumn Stripes [color] Skirt'' -- 4 colors: Eggplant, Grapefruit, Husk, Pumpkin
* [F] '''Beatnik Skirt''' -- ''[color] Beatnik Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Purple
* [F] '''Blue High School Uniform Skirt''' -- ''Blue High School Skirt''
* [F] '''Forbidden Skirt''' -- ''[color] Forbidden Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* [F] '''GetaGRIP Skirt''' -- ''[color] GetaGRIP Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Maroon, Purple
* '''Hakama''' -- ''[color] Hakama'' -- 10 colors: beige (Chairo), black (Kuro), black and gold (Kinzakura), dark blue (Aiiro), pale blue (Hakuun), blue scales (Seikai), green (Matsumori), orange (Akajima), red (Aka), silver (Haiiro)
* [F] '''Hipster Skirt''' -- ''[color] Trim HIPster Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Layered Skirt''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Layered Skirt''
* [F] '''Long Skirt''' -- ''Long [color] Skirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Jean), brown (Suede), yellow (Silk)
* [F] '''Ruffled Skirt''' -- ''[color] Ruffled Skirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Breeze), Sienna, Violet
* [F] '''Sarong''' -- ''[color] Sarong'' -- 3 colors: Mid day Yellow, Ocean Blue, Sunset Lavender
* [F] '''SLIK Skirt''' -- ''[color] SLIK Skirt'' -- 4 colors: blue (Royal), green (Envy), grey (Gloom), tan (Snazzy)
==== Floor-Length ====
* '''Bridal Skirt''' -- ''Blushing Bride's Embroidered Skirt''
* '''Elegant Satin Skirt''' -- ''Elegant[color] Satin Skirt'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Emerald, Red, Violet
* '''Milady Skirt''' -- ''[color] Milady Skirt'' -- 6 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Tavern Wench's Skirt'''
** '''Gathered''' -- ''[upper color] [lower color] Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt'' -- 7 upper colors: Berry, Coal, Indigo, Leafy, Leather, Wine, Woolen -- 4 lower colors: Brown, Coal, Sky, White
** '''Loose''' -- ''[color] Tavern Wench's Skirt'' -- 4 colors: Clean White, Coal Black, Creamy Brown, Sky Blue
==== Frontless Overskirts ====
* '''Bridal Overskirts'''
** '''Billowy''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Billowy Skirt)''
** '''Stylish''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Stylish Skirt)''
* '''Gothic Belted Overskirt''' -- ''Gothic Veil (Belted Overskirt)''
* [F] '''Pimpin' Skirt''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Skirt'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Crimson Red, Royale Purple
==== Costume & Specialty ====
* '''Belt of Anubis''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Belt of Anubis)''
* '''Clockwork Skirt''' -- '' TM (Gear Skirt)''
* '''Pixie Dust Skirt''' -- ''Pixie (Dust Skirt)''
* '''Sugerplum Tutu''' -- ''[color] Sugarplum Tutu'' -- 4 patterns: Berry, Iced, Mint, Powdered
=== Dresses & Robes ===
==== Above-the-Knee & Knee-Length ====
* [F] '''Ballerina Swan Tutu''' -- ''Dress of the Swan''
* '''Black Sparkle Top''' -- ''Long Black Sparkle Top''
* '''Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top''' -- ''[color] Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top'' -- 7 colors: Apple, Ebony, Goldenrod, Grape, Periwinkle, Ruby, Sea Green
* [F] '''Daisy's Dress''' -- ''Daisy's [color] Dress'' -- 3 colors: blue (Breeze), orange (Warm), yellow (Sunny)
* '''Dotted Party Dress''' -- ''Dotted Party Dress''
* '''Emerald Beaded Halter Dress''' -- ''Emerald Beaded Halter Dress''
* '''Glam Dress''' -- ''[color] Starter Glam Girl Dress'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), purple (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Missy Dress''' -- ''Missy [color] Dress'' -- 4 colors: Emerald, Lavender, Pearl, Sapphire
* '''One Piece Bathing Suit''' -- ''[color] One Piece Swimsuit'' -- 4 colors: Lime, Strawberry, Tangerine, Yellow Watermelon
* '''Preppy Dress''' -- ''[color] Female Starter Preppy Dress'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), yellow (Warm)
* '''Ruffled Pink Dress''' -- ''Ruffled Pink Dress''
* '''Slick Maroon Dress''' -- ''Slick Maroon Dress''
* '''Sparkle Empire Shift''' -- ''Sparkle Empire Dress'' -- 7 colors: Lemon, Lilac, Lime, Marmalade, Pearl, Pink, Sky
* [F] '''Sun Daze Dress''' -- ''Sun Daze [color] Dress'' -- 3 colors: Golden, Marine, purple (Velvetine)
==== Below-the-Knee ====
* '''Biancamella Dress''' -- ''Biancamella ([variation] Dress)'' -- 2 variations: Corset, Sugar
* [F] '''Classic Evening Dress by Alice''' -- ''Alice's [color] Dress'' -- 3 colors: Azure, Crimson, Emerald
* [F] '''Dragon Gown''' -- ''[color] Dragon Gown'' -- 4 colors: Firestorm, Icemist, Jadeleaf, Nightwind
* '''Egyptian Linen Dress''' -- ''Egyptian [color] Linen Dress'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Ivory, Rose, White
* [F] '''Felicia's Gown''' -- ''Felicia's [color] Gown'' -- 3 colors: black (Wise), blue (Graceful), red (Beautiful)
* '''Jenny's A-Line Dress''' -- ''Jenny's [color] A-line Dress'' -- 6 colors: black (Secretive), blue (Sentimental), green (Youthful), pink (Sweet), purple (Mysterious), white (Innocent)
* [F] '''Morgana's Dress''' -- ''Morgana's Dress''
* '''Sari''' -- ''Sari'' -- 4 colors: blue (Rili Sari), green (Veli Sari), purple (Soh Sari), red (Sari Asoo)
* '''Servant Dress''' -- ''Servant Dress''
* '''Slinky Split Dress''' -- ''[color] Slinky Split Dress'' -- 7 colors: Caribbean Jade, Celestial Gold, Deep Azure, Fiery Crimson, Rich Copper, Romantic Mauve, Verdant Jungle
* [F] '''Summer Dress''' -- ''[color] Dress'' -- 3 colors: Elegant Blue, Golden, pink (Fancy Virgin)
* '''Voluptuous Wrap Dress''' -- ''[color] Voluptuous Wrap Dress'' -- 7 colors: Caribbean Jade, Celestial Gold, Deep Azure, Fiery Crimson, Rich Copper, Romantic Mauve, Verdant Jungle
==== Floor-Length ====
* '''Black Lace Gown''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Black Lace Gown''
* '''Drop Dead Gorgeous Gown''' -- ''Drop Dead Gorgeous [color] Gown'' -- 4 colors: Dusk, Midnight, Moonlight, Twilight
* '''Elegant Magenta Gown''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Magenta Flow Gown''
* '''Flowing Prom Dress''' -- ''[color] Flow Prom Dress'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Teal, White
* '''Gorgeous Wrap-Around Gown''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Pink Flow Dress''
* '''Gothic Wrap-Around Gown''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Purple Black Gown''
* '''Imperial Queen Gown''' -- ''Imperial Queen ([color] Gown)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Pumpkin Ball Gown''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Pumpkin Ballgown''
* '''Red Queen's Gown''' -- ''Wonderland''
* '''Regal Pink and Black Gown''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Pink And Black Dress''
* '''Winter Rose Gown''' -- ''Winter Rose (Floral Gown)''
==== Dresses with Blouses or Short Sleeves ====
* '''Alice's Dress''' -- ''Wonderland''
* [F] '''Colonial Dress''' -- ''Colonial Dress''
* [F] '''Fairy Dress''' -- ''Fairy Cloth''
* [F] '''Maid's Uniform''' -- ''Maids Dress''
* '''Magical Girl's Uniform'''
** '''Leader's''' -- ''Magical Girl (Uniform)''
** '''Soldier's''' -- ''Magical Girl's [color] Uniform'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow
* [F] '''Peasant's Top''' -- ''[color] Peasant's Top'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Jade, Tan
==== Longsleeve Gowns & Robes ====
* '''Academic Robes'''
** '''Bachelor's''' -- ''Bachelors Gown''
** '''Master's''' -- ''Masters Gown''
** '''Doctoral''' -- ''Doctorate Gown''
* '''Bathrobe''' -- ''[color] Fuzzy Bathrobe'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Gown''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Gown'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Orange, Pink
* '''Japanese'''
** '''Buddhist Monk's Robe'''
*** '''Solid Color''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Robe [color]'' -- 4 colors: Black, Cream, Red, White
*** '''Sashed''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Sashed Robe [base] [accent]'' -- 4 bases: Black, Cream, Red, White -- 4 accents: Black, Purple, Red, Saffron
** '''Furisode''' -- ''[color] Furisode'' -- 5 colors: black (Kingyo), blue (Sora), green (Tonbo), pink (Sakura), purple (Tsuru)
** [F] '''Kimono''' -- ''[color] Kimono'' -- 5 colors: Autumn Leaf, Inner Fire, Royal, Spring Green, Wild Orchid
** '''Kosode''' -- ''[color] Kosode'' -- 11 colors: beige (Chairo), black (Kuro), black and gold (Kinzakura), dark blue (Aiiro), pale blue (Hakuun), blue scales (Seikai), green (Matsumori), orange (Akajima), red (Aka), silver (Haiiro), white (Byaku-e)
** '''Shinto Priest's Jacket''' -- ''Shinto Priest's Jacket [color]'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Cream, Green, Red
** [M] '''Yukata''' -- ''[color] Yukata'' -- 5 patterns: blue (Ronin), brown (Kanji), green (Crane), purple (Diamond), red (Royal)
* '''Minister's Stole''' -- ''Minister's Stole''
==== Unusual ====
* '''Assassin's Protection''' -- ''Assassin's Guise (Protection)''
* [M] '''Caveman Toga''' -- ''Cave Toga''
* '''Thor's Megingjord and Pelt''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Thor's Megingjord and Pelt)''
* '''Towel Wrap''' -- ''[color] Torso Towel Wrap'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* '''Yurei's Robes''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Yurei's Robes)''
== Lingerie & Fetish Wear ==
* [F] '''Angelic Camisole''' -- ''Angelic Camisole''
* '''Bridal Embroidered Bodice''' -- ''Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice''
* '''Chain of Command''' -- ''Chain of Command''
* '''Chastity Belt''' -- ''Chain of Command (Belt of Chaste)''
* '''Darkhold''' -- ''Dark Halo (Darkhold)''
* '''Glorious Leaves'''
** '''Bottom''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Glorious Leaf)''
** '''Top''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Glorious Leaves)''
* '''Gothic Corset Dress''' -- ''Gothic Veil (Corset Dress)''
* '''Heartbreaker Jacket''' -- ''[color] Heartbreaker Jacket'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blue, Red, White
* '''Leather Strapped Manties''' -- ''[color] Leather Strapped Manties'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* [F] '''Nitemare Bustier''' -- ''Nitemare Bustier''
* '''Nympet''' -- ''Alruna's Rose Nympet (Body)''
* '''Red Heart Bodice''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Flirty Top"
* '''Spartan Chest Guard''' -- ''Spartan Chest Guard''
* '''Stylish White Bodice''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Stylish Top)''
* '''Xmas Spirit Bustier''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Bustier''
== One-Piece Suits ==
* '''Aminal Pajamas'''
** '''Bear''' -- ''Bear Pajamas'' -- 2 styles: fat (plain) and Thin
** '''Monkey''' -- ''Monkey Pajamas'' -- 2 styles: fat (plain) and Thin
* [F] '''Basic One Piece Swimsuit''' -- ''[color] One Piece Swimsuit'' -- 3 colors: Basic Black, Lifeguard Red, Ocean Blue
* '''Ghost Hunter Jumpsuit''' -- ''[color] Ghost Hunter Jumpsuit'' -- 4 colors: black (Shade), brown (Grounded), grey (Metallic), orange (Rust)
* '''Long Johns''' -- ''[color] Longjohns'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Pink, Red
* [F] '''Sport Swimsuit''' -- ''[color] Sport Swimsuit'' -- 3 colors: Blu, Redd, Yello
* '''Starman Suit''' -- ''[color] Starman Suit'' -- 4 colors: blue (Psychedelic Shimmer), green (Crazy Cool), red (Raving Red), silver (Ghostly Glimmer)
* [M] '''Wetsuit''' -- ''[color] Wetsuit'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yello
== Tops ==
=== Long Sleeve Tops ===
==== Collared ====
===== Overshirts & Suit Jackets =====
* [M] '''Blue Middle School Uniform Jacket''' -- ''Blue Middle School Jacket''
* [M] '''Colonial ''' -- ''Colonial Top''
* '''Glam Coat''' -- ''[color] Start Glam Guy Coat'' -- 3 colors: black and white (Neutral), powder blue (Cool), tan (Warm)
* '''High Fashion Longcoat''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Grey Coat and Shirt''
* '''Hipster Shirt''' -- ''[color] HIPster Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [F] '''Mink Jacket''' -- ''[color] Mink Jacket'' -- 3 colors: brown (Suede), Crimson, Violet
* '''Pinstripe Coat''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Pinstripe Coat''
* [M] '''Romani Jacket''' -- ''Romani [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Gray
* '''Ski Jacket''' -- ''[color] Ski Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Purple
* '''SLIK Shirt''' -- ''[color] SLIK Shirt'' -- 3 colors: black (Gloom), blue (Snazzy), green (Envy), purple (Royal)
* [M] '''Split Jacket''' -- ''Split [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Blackpearl, Fuschia, Teal
* [M] '''Tuxedo Coat''' -- ''Dark Tuxedo Coat''
* [M] '''Tuxedo Jacket''' -- ''[color] Tuxedo Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, White
===== Undershirts & Work Shirts =====
* '''Amigo Shirt''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: green (Guappa), reddish (Lucki), yellow (Dusti)
* '''Chess Shirt''' -- ''[color] Chess Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Flare, Rustic, Slate
* '''Class Shirt''' -- ''[color] Class Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, White
* '''Cuppuccino Shirt''' -- ''Cuppuccino Long Sleeve Shirt''
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Dress Shirt''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [style] Dress Shirt'' -- 3 styles: Classic, Dickey, Frilled
* '''Paisley Top Black Shirt''' -- ''Paisley Top Black Shirt''
* '''Pajama Shirt''' -- ''[pattern] Pajama Shirt'' -- 9 patterns: Blue Hibiscus, Green Hibiscus, Red Hibiscus; Blue Pawprint, Green Pawprint, Red Pawprint; Striped Blue, Striped Green, Striped Red
* [M] '''Peasant's Shirt''' -- ''[color] Peasant's Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Jade, Tan
* '''Pinstripe Shirt''' -- ''[color] Pinstripe Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Creme, Red, Skyblue
* '''Polyester Shirt''' -- ''[pattern] Polyester Shirt'' -- 4 patterns: Black Checked, Peacock Pinstriped, Red Pinstriped, White Pinstriped
* '''Punctured Plaid Button-up''' -- ''[color] Punctured Plaid Button-up'' -- 3 colors: blue (Air), green (Earth), red (Light)
* '''Satin Pajama Shirt''' -- ''Satin [color] Pajama Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Scott Shirt w/Bowtie''' -- ''[color] Scott Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Cream, Pink
* '''Zoot Suit Shirt''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
====== Bared Chest ======
* '''Complex Shirt''' -- ''[color] Complex Shirt'' -- 3 colors: black (#0000FF), red (#FF0000), white (#FFFFFF) -- note: appearance differs with gender
* '''Musketeer Shirt''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Red, Tan, White
* '''Outlaw Biker Shirt''' -- ''Outlaw Biker Shirt - [color]'' -- 3 colors: black (Burn), Coal, purple (Ashe)
* '''Pimpin' Shirt''' -- ''Pimpin' [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Red, White, Yellow
===== Undershirts with Vests =====
* [M] '''Argyle Shirt''' -- ''[color] Argyle Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Cloud, Moss, Sea
* '''Buttoned Down Shirt and Sweater''' -- ''Buttoned Down [color] Shirt 'n' Sweater'' -- 4 colors: black (Fauna), brown (Foliage), green (Flora), red (Feather)
* '''Gold Mountain Vest and Shirt''' -- ''Gold Mountain [color] Vest And Shirt [pose]'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Red -- 2 poses: normal and sleeves Rolled Up
* '''Ruffled Shirt and Red Vest''' -- ''Christian Sirano's Ruffled Red Shirt and Vest''
* '''That 70s Shirt''' -- ''That [color] 70s Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, White
* [M] '''University Shirt and Vest''' -- ''University Shirt and Vest''
* '''Urban Vest''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Guy Vest'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), Red (Warm)
==== Collarless ====
===== Baggy =====
* '''Bunny Hoodie''' -- ''[color] Bunny Hoodie [pose]'' -- 3 colors: blue (plain), Brown, White -- 4 poses: plain, hood Down, hands in Pockets, and Down Pockets
* '''Catscratch Sweater''' -- ''[color] Catscratch Sweater'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, Tan
* '''Chicky Hoodie''' -- ''Chickie Hoodie [pose]'' -- 4 poses: plain, hood Down, hands in Pockets, and Down Pockets
* [F] '''Classroom Sweater''' -- ''[color] Classroom Sweater Vest'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Tan
* '''Fishy Sweatshirt''' -- ''[color] Top'' -- 3 colors: blue (BSS), green (GSS), yellow (SSS)
* '''In Da Hood Sweatshirt''' -- ''In Da Hood [color] Sweater [style]'' -- 7 colors: Black, Blue, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, White -- 2 styles: hoodie (normal) and hoodless (No Hood)
* '''Letterman Jacket''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Guy Letterman Jacket'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Lounge Jacket''' -- ''Lounge Jacket''
* '''MehTRO Sports Jacket''' -- ''[color] MehTRO Sports Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Phat Sweater''' -- ''[color] Phat Sweater'' -- 3 colors: blue (Dark Green), Burnt Umber, Dark Red
* '''Pumpkin Jack Sweater''' -- ''Jack'd Sweater 2k6''
* '''Ugly Orphan Sweater''' -- ''Ugly Orphan Sweater''
* '''Zig-Zag Skater Jacket''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Guy Jacket'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
===== Loose =====
* '''Autumn Stripes Shirt''' -- ''Autumn Stripes [color] Shirt'' -- 4 colors: Eggplant, Grapefruit, Husk, Pumpkin
* [M] '''Classroom Sweater''' -- ''[color] V-neck Classroom Sweater'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
* '''Haori''' -- ''[color] Haori'' -- 10 colors: beige (Chairo), black (Kuro), black and gold (Kinzakura), dark blue (Aiiro), pale blue (Hakuun), blue scales (Seikai), green (Matsumori), orange (Akajima), red (Aka), silver (Haiiro)
* '''KoNfuZeD SHiRT''' -- ''[variation] KoNfuZeD SHiRT'' -- 3 variations: plain, MoRe, and EvEn MoRe
* '''Sports Jacket''' -- ''[color] Sports Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Ballin' Black, Bompin' Blue, Old Skewl Orange
* '''Sporty Shirt''' -- ''[color] Sporty Starter Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), grey (Neutral), red (Warm)
* '''Sunshine Puffy Tunic''' -- ''Sunshine Puffy Tunic''
* [M] '''Unbuttoned Flashion Top''' -- ''Guys Flashion [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
===== Snug =====
* '''Aero-D Top''' -- ''[color] Aero-D Top'' -- 3 colors: Green, Plum, Red
* '''Banded Shirt''' -- ''[color] Bannded Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [F] '''Bare Midriff Wool Sweater''' -- ''Longsleeve [color] Wool Sweater'' -- 3 colors: blue (Black), brown (plain), White
* '''Blade's Black Shirt''' -- ''Blade's Shirt''
* '''Cotton Stripe Sweater''' -- ''[color] Cotton Stripe Sweater'' -- 3 colors: Blu, Orange, Yello
* '''Dayglo Striped-Sleeve Shirt''' -- ''[color] Male Goth Starter Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* [F] '''Flashion Top''' -- ''Flashion [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow
* '''Grunny Shirt''' -- ''Grunny Shirt''
* [F] '''Jersey Top''' -- ''[color] Jersey Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Leather Native Top''' -- ''[color] Leather Native Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (Dark), green (plain)
* [M] '''Radicool Top''' -- ''Radicool [color] Trim Top'' -- 3 colors: Blackout, blue (Chill), Pink
* '''Snug Layered Tees''' -- ''[combination] Snug Layered Tees'' -- 3 combinations: Berry, Citrus, Icy
* '''Stylish Winter Sweater''' -- ''Stylish [color] Winter Sweater'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Tan, White
* '''Turtleneck Sweater''' -- ''[color] Turtleneck Sweater'' -- 4 colors: Blood Wine, Charcoal, Dark Slate, Dark Umber
* [M] '''V-Neck Wool Sweater''' -- ''[color] V Neck Wool Sweater'' -- 3 colors: orange (Monks), Tan, white (Pure Wool)
* '''Winter Snow Sweater''' -- ''Winter [color] Sweater'' -- 3 colors: gray (Wind Snow), green (Green Snow), white (Snow Flake)
* '''Wool Top''' -- ''[color] Wool Top'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Xmas Spirit Shirt''' -- ''Spirited Shirt''
====== Zippered ======
* '''Bare Midriff Skater Jacket''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Girl Jacket'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), cyan (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Kill Top''' -- ''Kill [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: orange (L0cke), red (VO), yellow (Lanzer)
* '''Navy Black Checkered Hoodie''' -- ''Navy Black Checkered Hoodie'' -- 2 poses: hood down or hood Up
* '''Pink Knit Jacket''' -- ''Pink Knit Jacket''
* '''Ska Coat''' -- ''[color] Ska Coat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [M] '''Skull Biker Leather Jacket''' -- ''Skull Biker [color] Leather Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Steel), Oxblood
* '''Soft Ivory Hoodie''' -- ''Soft Ivory Hoodie''
* '''Stripe Sleeve Sweater''' -- ''[color] Stripe Sleeve Sweater'' -- 3 colors: Grass, mauve (Pool), Sun
* '''UpsideDown Coat''' -- ''[color] UpsideDown Coat'' -- 4 colors: Brown, Dark, Green, Purple
* '''VOX Jacket''' -- ''[color] VOX Jacket'' -- 3 colors: black (Noir), blue (Blurry), brown (Barq)
==== Fashion Sleeves ====
* '''Elegant Satin Corset''' -- ''Elegant [color] Satin Corset'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Emerald, Red, Violet
* '''Eloquent Tunic''' -- ''[color] Eloquent Tunic'' -- 5 colors: black (Treacherous), blue (Serene), green (Rustic), red (Ardent), white (Sincere)
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Dollie Top''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Dollie Top'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), blue (Choke), green (Gangrene)
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Mistress Top''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Mistress Top'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), purple (Bruise), red (Blood)
* '''Gung Xi Top''' -- ''Gung Xi Top'' --  note: appearance differs with gender
* '''High Fashion Blouse''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Black and Cream Blouse''
* '''Milady Bodice''' -- ''[color] Milady Bodice'' -- 6 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire
==== Heavy Coats ====
* '''Buttoned-Down Peacoat''' -- ''Buttoned Down [color] Peacoat'' -- 4 colors: black (Fauna), brown (Foliage), green (Flora), red (Feather)
* '''Glacier Jacket''' -- ''Glacier [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: black (Sleet), blue (Ice), red (Avalanche)
* '''Puffy Street Jacket''' -- ''Puffy [color] Street Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Beige, Black, Blue
* '''Snowbored Jacket''' -- ''Snowbored Jacket [color]'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Tundra Coat''' -- ''[color] Tundra Coat'' -- 4 colors: black (Charred), green (Lichen), red (Enforced), yellow (Leather) -- with Hood
* '''Xmas Elf Peacoat''' -- ''Pine Peacoat''
==== Uniforms ====
* '''Bandmeister's Coat''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Red Coat''
* '''Chef's Coat''' -- ''Navy Trimmed Chef's Coat''
* '''Commodore's Coat''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Black Coat''
* '''Nutcracker Prince Coat''' -- ''[color] Nutcracker Prince Coat'' -- 4 colors: Black, Green, Red, White
* [M] '''Nutcracker Uniform''' -- ''Nut Buster Uniform''
* '''Police Uniform Top''' -- ''Lawl And Order [color] Uniform Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Tan, White
* '''School Uniform Tops'''
** [F] '''Blue High School''' -- ''Blue High School Uniform Top''
** [F] '''Blue Middle School''' -- ''Blue Middle School Uniform Top''
** [F] '''Grey University''' -- ''Grey University Uniform Top''
* '''Soldat Uniform Top''' -- ''Soldat [color] Uniform Top'' -- 3 colors: Alpine, Sand, Steel
* '''Waitress Dress''' -- ''[color] Tea Time Waitress Dress'' -- 4 colors: Earl Grey, green (Matcha), orange (Chai), Rose
==== Costume Tops ====
* '''Belted Top''' -- ''Belted Top''
* '''Fishnet Shirt'''
** '''with bare chest''' -- ''[color] Net Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Green, Red
** '''with tank-top under''' -- ''[color] Female Goth Starter Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Black Skeleton Shirt''' -- ''Black Skeleton Shirt''
* '''Jolly Xmas Jacket''' -- ''Jolly Jacket''
* '''Mecha Form NEKO''' -- ''Mecha Form (Neko Suit)'' -- 2 variations: unpowered and Paws (emanations)
* '''Mummy Top''' -- ''Mami Top''
* '''Prisoner's Top''' -- ''Prisoner's Top''
* '''Strait-Jacket''' -- ''Str8 Jacket'' -- with Sleeves
* '''Xmas Elf Shirt''' -- ''Elf Style Shirt''
* '''Web Shirt''' -- ''[color] Web Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
==== Jackets & Coats (Open) ====
===== Light =====
* '''Amigo Coat''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Coat'' -- 3 colors: black (Lucki), brown (Dusti), green (Guappa)
* '''Autumn Stripes Jacket''' -- ''Autumn Stripes [color] Jacket'' -- 4 colors: Eggplant, Grapefruit, Husk, Pumpkin
* '''Canvas Jacket''' -- ''[color] Canvas Jacket'' -- 3 colors: green (Texture), red (Rough), tan (Natural)
* '''Castaway Jacket''' -- ''Castaway [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: gray (Rust), green (Stone), white (Wash)
* '''Couture Jacket''' -- ''[color] Couture Jacket'' -- 4 colors: Blush, Coal, Leather, Slate
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Tail Coat''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman's [color] Tail Coat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Marble, Onyx
* '''Fancy Gray Coat''' -- ''Fancy Gray Coat''
* '''Glamrock Coat''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Coat'' -- 3 colors: Copper, Obsidian, Silver
* '''Missy Mini Jacket''' -- ''Missy [color] Mini Jacket'' -- 4 colors: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Shade
* '''Polyester Suit Jacket''' -- ''[color] Polyester Suit Jacket'' -- 4 colors: Antarctic White, Cherry Red, Peacock Blue, Stallion Black
* '''Retro Scholar Coat''' -- ''Retro Scholar [color] Coat'' -- 3 colors: Cloudy, Grain, Rawleather
* '''Scott Formal Coat''' -- ''Scott Coat''
* [M] '''Suede Jacket''' -- ''[color] Suede Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Bark, blue (Plate), Rawhide
* '''Taj Jacket''' -- ''[color] Taj Jacket'' -- 3 colors: blue (Fresh), green (Ripe), red (Blush)
* '''That 70s Jacket''' -- ''That [color] 70s Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, White
* '''Woven Abalone Button Blazer''' -- ''[color] Woven Abalone Button Blazer'' -- 3 colors: Cream, Green, Reddish
===== Heavy =====
* '''Active Jacket''' -- ''[color]-lined Active Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Teal
* '''Anti-Terror Jacket''' -- ''Anti-Terror [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Arctic, Desert, Forest
* '''Cache Coat''' -- ''[color] Cache Coat'' -- 3 colors: blue (Aoi), brown (Chairo), green (Midori)
* '''Complex Jacket''' -- ''[color] Complex Jacket'' -- 3 colors: black (#000000), blue (#0000FF), brown (#603913)
* '''Jack Uniform Coat''' -- ''Jack Uniform Coat''
* '''Outlaw Biker Jacket''' -- ''Outlaw Biker Jacket - [color]'' -- 3 colors: Coal, green (Burn), grey (Ashe)
* '''Polar Expedition Pile Jacket''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Pile Jacket'' -- 5 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 positions: hood down, and hood Up
* '''Rough Jacket''' -- ''Rough [color] Jacket'' -- 3 colors: blue (Stratus), khaki (Cumulus), olive (Cirrus)
* '''Straw Raincoat''' -- ''Straw Raincoat''
===== Long Overcoats =====
* '''Anti-Fashion Technically Colored Dreamcoat''' -- ''Anti-Fashion Technically Colored Dreamcoat ([color])'' -- 3 combinations: Bright, Pastel, Rain
* [M] '''Black High School Uniform Long Coat''' -- ''Black High School Long Coat''
* '''Dead Sexy Coat''' -- ''Dead Sexy [color] Coat'' -- 4 colors: Dusk, Midnight, Moonlight, Twilight
* '''Elegant Satin Coat''' -- ''Elegant [color] Satin Coat'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Emerald, Red, Violet
* '''Fai Winter Coat''' -- ''Fai Coat [position]'' -- 2 positions: hood down and hood Up
* '''Gunner Coat''' -- ''[color] Gunner Coat'' -- 3 colors: Coal, Dark Slate, Red
* '''Labcoat (Buttoned Up) ''' -- ''[variation] G CORP Labcoat'' -- 2 variations: Human, Zombie
* '''Long Coat''' -- ''[color] Long Coat'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Gun Metal Black), Tan
* '''Magician's Coat''' -- ''[color] Magic Coat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Pimpin' Jacket''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Jacket'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Red Wine, Royale Purple
* '''Pirate Coat''' -- ''Arrhh!! [combination] Coat'' -- 4 combinations: blue/yellow (Seasick), Midnight, red/teal (Ruby), yellow/blue (FlapJack)
* '''Pumpkin Jack Long Coat''' -- ''The Jack-et''
* '''Raincoat''' -- ''[color] Raincoat [position'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Teal, White, Yellow -- 2 positions: hood down (default), hood Up
* '''Santa Baby Coat''' -- ''Santa Baby Coat''
* '''Soldat Overcoat (Buttoned Up)''' -- ''Soldat [color] Overcoat'' -- 3 colors: Alpine, Midnight, Steel
* '''Stylish Winter Coat''' -- ''Stylish [color] Winter Coat'' -- 3 colors: Auburn, Charcoal, Ochre
* [F] '''Vintage Town Coat''' -- ''[color] Vintage Town Coat'' -- 3 colors: Beige, Lilac, white (Gardenia)
* '''Zoot Suit Carlango''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Carlango'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
=== Short Sleeve Tops ===
==== Collared ====
* '''Aloha Shirt''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Guy Aloha Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), red (Warm)
* '''Basic Shirt''' -- ''[color] Basic Shirt'' -- 3 colors: khaki (Cool), olive (Brownie), pink (Hot)
* '''Geostripe Polo''' -- ''Geostripe Polo''
* '''Labcoat''' -- ''S-Corp Labcoat''
* '''Multi-Color Polo''' -- ''[color] Starter Polo'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), purple (Warm)
* [M] '''Nice Shirt''' -- ''Nice [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Grey, Olive, White
* [F] '''Nurse Shirt''' -- ''Womens [color] Nurse Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* '''Preppy Shirt''' -- ''[color] Starter Preppy Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), orange (Warm)
* [M] '''Racer Shirt''' -- ''[color] Racer Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Retro Scholar Shirt''' -- ''Retro Scholar [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cloudy), brown (Stone), green (Slate)
* '''Striped Polo'''
** [M] '''Dark''' -- ''[color] Striped Polo'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
** '''Light''' -- ''Striped [color] Polo'' -- 3 colors: Blue, White, Yellow
* [M] '''Vacation Shirt''' -- ''[color] Vacation Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Orange, Red, White
* [M] '''Vintage Wash Shirt''' -- ''Vintage Wash [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
==== Collarless ====
===== Loose =====
* '''Anti-Fashion Hoony Tee''' -- ''Anti-Fashion [color] Hoony Tee'' -- 3 colors: Aqua, Lavender, Orange
* '''Baggy T-Shirt''' -- ''[color] Baggy Starter Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue-ish (Cool), grey (Neutral), yellowed (Warm)
* '''Blade Tunic''' -- ''Blade Of The [color] Tunic'' -- 8 colors: black (Silver Moon's), blue (Old Empire's), cyan (Angel's Wing), gray (Devil Tail's), green (Sacred Forest's), purple (Royal Guard's), red (New Republic's), white (Golden Sun's)
* '''Hippie Shirt''' -- ''[color] Hippie Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Stacy), green (Maryjane), purple (Cid)
* [M] '''Martial Arts Top''' -- ''[color] Martial Arts Top'' -- 4 colors: Crimson, Flame, Onyx, Verdant
* '''Medical Scrubs''' -- ''[color] Medical Scrubs'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* '''Pumpkin Jack Rags''' -- ''Really Jacked Up Shirt''
* '''SuperStarStripe Shirt''' -- ''SuperStar [color]Stripe Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Purple
* '''Tavern Wench's Blouse''' -- ''[color] Tavern Wench's Blouse'' -- 4 colors: Clean White, Coal Black, Creamy Brown, Sky Blue
* '''Wrinkled Shirt''' -- ''Wrinkled [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Green, Orange, Yellow
===== Snug =====
* '''Athletic Shirt''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Girl Shirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), green (Neutral), red (Warm)
* '''Beatnik Top''' -- ''[color] Beatnik Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green
* '''Checker Shirt''' -- ''[color] Checker Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green
* '''Fitted T-Shirt''' -- ''Fitted [color] Tshirt'' -- 3 colors: Maroon, Mustard, Olive
* [M] '''Flare Top''' -- ''[color]Flare Top'' -- 3 colors: green (warp), red (nova), yellow (sun) -- with Vest
* '''GetaGRIP Top''' -- ''[color] GetaGRIP Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Maroon, Purple
* [F] '''Grecian Top''' -- ''[color] Grecian Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (''Grecian Top Brown with Rose trim''), Green
* [F] '''Loose Knit Top''' -- ''Loose Knit [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Light Violet, White
* '''MehTRO T-Shirt''' -- ''[color] MehTRO T with Cross'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Nike Sparq Shirt''' -- ''Nike Sparq Shirt''
* '''Ocean Fitted Swim Top''' -- ''Ohh~cean [color] Fitted Swimtop'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* [M] '''Plain T-Shirt''' -- ''[color] T-Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
* '''Ribbed Shirt''' -- ''[color] Ribbed Shirt'' -- 3 colors: brown (Suede), gray (Smoke), purple (Blacklight)
* '''Ribbon-tied Top''' -- ''[color] Ruffled Ribbon Tie Top'' -- 3 colors: Aqua, Olive, Rose
* [F] '''Sport T-Shirt''' -- ''Sport T-shirt ([color])'' -- 3 colors: blue (04), grey (13), yellow (77)
* '''Star Ska T-Shirt''' -- ''[color] SKA Tshirt'' -- 3 colors: blue (Red Star), purple (Yellow Star), red (Green Star)
* [M] '''Striped Shirt''' -- ''[color] Striped Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Red
* '''Taj Top''' -- ''[color] Taj Top'' -- 3 colors: blue (Fresh), green (Ripe), pink (Blush)
* '''That 90s Top''' -- ''That [color] 90s Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown -- with Vest
* '''Zebra Top''' -- ''[color] Zebra Top'' -- 3 colors: blue (Rain), gray (Cloud), red (Dusk)
===== Printed T-Shirts =====
* '''Army Star''' -- ''Dont ask Dont tell Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Brown, Gray, Olive
* '''Bullseye''' -- ''Bullseye Shirt''
* '''Cary Brothers''' -- ''Cary Brothers Shirt''
* '''Easter Bunny''' -- ''Easter Bunny Shirt''
* '''Gaia Online Community''' -- ''[color] Gaia Tshirt'' -- 3 sizes: S, M, XL
* '''Musical Notes''' -- ''[color] Partition Top'' -- 3 colors: Classic, Gold, Orchid
* '''Olympics''' -- ''Olympic Tshirt'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Pumpkin Jack''' -- ''Jacked-up Shirt''
* '''Skull''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Guy Tee'' -- 3 colors: green (Cool), blue (Neutral), red (Warm)
* '''Trim Work Shirt''' -- ''[color] Trim Work Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Green, Red
* '''Water Festival''' -- ''[pattern] Water Festival Shirt'' -- 4 patterns: black/white (Aekea), blue (Gambino), red (Durem), yellow (Barton)
* '''Wingin' It''' -- ''Winging It [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Tan
* '''Zohan''' -- ''Zohan T-shirt''
=== Sleeveless Tops ===
==== Bikini Tops & Bras ====
* '''Aquatica Mermaid Brassiere''' -- ''Aquatica (Mermaid Brassiere)''
* '''Checkered Kerchief Bikini Top''' -- ''[color] Checkered Kerchief Bikini Top'' -- 4 colors: Pink Lemonade, Prairie Sky, Spring Grass, Summer Sun
* [F] '''Coconut Bra''' -- ''Coconut Bra''
* [F] '''Criss Cross Swim Top''' -- ''[color] Criss Cross Swim Top'' -- 3 colors: Blazing Blue, Gorgeous Green, Noir
* [F] '''Crossed Sports Bra''' -- ''Crossed Sports Bra''
* '''Fur-Trimmed Bra''' -- ''[color] Fur-Trimmed Bra'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Red, White
* '''Lovely Genie's Bangled Bra''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Bangled Bra'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow
* [F] '''Ruffled Top''' -- ''[color] Ruffled Top'' -- 3 colors: Mustard, Salsa, White
* [F] '''Simple Chest Wrap''' -- ''Female Bra''
* [F] '''Skimpy Swim Top''' -- ''[color] Skimpy Swim Top'' -- 3 colors: Blacklisted, Luscious Red, Wet Blue
* '''Speedies Top''' -- ''[pattern] Speedies Top'' -- 5 patterns: Black & White, Blue With White Trim, Gold Metallic, Rainbow Stripes, Red Tiger-print
* [F] '''Tied Top''' -- ''[color] Tied Top'' -- 3 colors: Red, Violet, White
* [F] '''Tube Top''' -- ''[color] Tube Top'' -- 3 colors: pink (Neo), purple (Blacklight), yellow (Leather)
* [F] '''Wrap''' -- ''color Wrap'' -- 3 colors: Mid day Yellow, Ocean Blue, Sunset Lavender
==== Bodices & Corsets ====
* '''Biancamella Corset''' -- ''Biancamella (Corset)''
* '''Clockwork Corset''' -- ''TM (Corset)''
* '''Gunner Top''' -- ''[color] Gunner Top'' -- 3 colors: gray (Steel), Hay, purple (Slate)
* '''Sugarplum Bodice''' -- ''[color] Sugarplum Bodice'' -- 4 colors: Berry, Iced, Mint, Powdered
* '''Tavern Wench's Bustier''' -- ''[color] Tavern Wench's Bustier'' -- 7 colors: Berry, Coal, Indigo, Leafy, Leather, Wine, Woolen
* '''Tavern Wench's Cincher''' -- ''[color] Tavern Wench's Cincher'' -- 7 colors: Berry, Coal, Indigo, Leafy, Leather, Wine, Woolen
==== Shoulder Strap or Halter Tops ====
* '''Bubbles Tankini Top''' -- ''[color] Bubbles Tankini Top'' -- 5 colors: Aqua, Blue, Charcoal, Cocoa, Violet
* [F] '''Castaway Top''' -- ''[color] Castaway Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Pearl, White
* [F] '''Cave Top''' -- ''Cave Top''
* '''Crinkle Drawstring Top''' -- ''Crinkle Drawstring Top [patterns]'' -- 3 patterns: blue/purple (Pansy), green/red (Watermelon), red/green (Sunset)
* [F] '''Fitted Top''' -- ''Fitted [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Red
* '''Hibiscus Halter''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Girl Hibiscus Halter'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), green (Cool), yellow (Warm)
* [F] '''Hoochie Top''' -- ''[pattern] Hoochie Top'' -- 3 patterns: Leopard Print, Raving Red, Subsonic Silver
* [F] '''Hot Top''' -- ''[color] Hot Top'' -- 3 colors: Ash, red (Burn), White
* [F] '''Knot Top''' -- ''Knot [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Green, Purple
* '''Rocker Girl Top''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Girl Top'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), purple (Warm)
* '''Summer Top''' -- ''[color] Summer Top'' -- 3 colors: Ocean, red (Flashy), Sand
* '''Urban Girl Top''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Girl Top'' -- 3 colors: green (Cool), grey (Neutral), red (Warm)
==== Skintight Tops ====
* '''Raptor Top''' -- ''Raptor [pattern] Top'' -- 3 patterns: Fire, Ice, Wind
* '''Stealth Top''' -- ''Stealth [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: EvoBlack, InfraRed, UltraViolet
* '''UpsideDown Top''' -- ''[color] UpsideDown Top'' -- 4 colors: Aquamarine, light blue (Neos), Purplemarine, Redhot
* '''Web Bustier''' -- ''[color] Web Bustier'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
==== Sleeveless Shirts & Tank Tops ====
* '''Athletic Top (No. 27)''' -- ''[color] Sleeveless Rough Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Red
* [M] '''Castaway Shirt''' -- ''Castaway [color] Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Pearl, White
* [F] '''Cotton Top''' -- ''Sleeveless Cotton Top''
* '''Elegant Wrap''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Wrapped Top)''
* '''Flame Shirt''' -- ''[color] Flame Shirt'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, orange (plain)
* '''FLEX Top''' -- ''[color] FLEX Top'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Gray, Purple, Red
* '''G CORP Tank Top'''
** '''Clean White''' -- ''Human G CORP Tshirt''
** '''Ragged Black''' -- ''Zombie G CORP Tshirt''
* '''Glamrock Top''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Sleeveless Top'' -- 3 colors: Bleach, Chalk, Smoke
* [M] '''Greco-Roman Top''' -- ''Greco Roman Top [color]'' -- 3 colors: Maroone, Olive, Steel
* [M] '''Hand Knit Top''' -- ''[color] Hand Knit Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* [F] '''Highlighted Top''' -- ''[color] Tank Top with Highlight'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Pink
* '''Inverse Top''' -- ''Inverse [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''JACKSMOCK'''-- ''[color] JACKtASS'' -- 3 colors: Purple, Red, Yellow
* '''Lunar Tide''' -- ''Lunar Cowl (Tide)'' -- with Face Art
* '''Punk Skull-Pattern Top''' -- ''[color] Punk Starter Top'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
* [F] '''Silk Top''' -- ''[color] Sleeveless Silk Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Red
* [M] '''Slotted Top''' -- ''Slotted [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Red
* [M] '''Split Top''' -- ''[color] Split Top'' -- 3 colors: Cobalt, Fuchsia, Teal
* '''Street Top''' -- ''[color] Street Top'' -- 3 colors: Orange, Red, White
* '''Union Jack Top''' -- ''Rock Hard (Union Jack Top)''
* '''Vinyl Strap Top''' -- ''[color] Vinyl Strap Top'' -- 3 colors: Black Pearl, Rawhide, Red Ruby
* '''Whatever Heart Top''' -- ''Whatever [color]Heart Top'' -- 3 colors: Black, Bloo, Limey
==== Vests ====
===== Closed Front =====
* '''Cream Ruffled Hoodie''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Cream Ruffled Hoodie'' -- 2 positions: hood down (default), hood Up
* [F] '''Cutoff Pocket Vest''' -- ''Lex's [color] Top'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), Blue, White
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Vest''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [color] Vest'' -- 5 colors: Aquamarine, Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire, white (Diamond)
* '''Elegant Satin Vest''' -- ''Elegant [color] Satin Vest'' -- 5 colors: Black, Blue, Emerald, Red, Violet
* '''Jack Uniform Sweater Vest''' -- ''Jack Uniform Shirt''
* '''Pinstripe Vest''' -- ''[color] Pinstripe Vest'' -- 3 colors: Copper Penny, Platinum Gray, Purple
* '''Pirate Vest''' -- ''Ahhrr!! [color] Vest'' -- 3 colors: blue (Decor), brown (Fancy), purple (Splendid)
* '''Polar Expedition Down Vest''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Down Vest'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Ski Fun Vest''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Puff Vest (Zipped)''
* '''Sport Vest''' -- ''[color] Sport Vest'' -- 3 colors: Black, Sea Green, White
* '''Torque Top''' -- ''[color] Torque Top'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Red
* '''Work Harness''' -- ''[color] Work Harness'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
===== Open Front =====
* '''Benkei's Sash''' -- ''Benkei's Sash ([color] Pompoms)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Green, Red, White
* '''Benkei's Vest''' -- ''Benkei's Vest [color'' -- 4 colors: Black, Cream, Green, Red
* '''Lovely Genie's Embroidered Vest''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Embroidered Vest'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow
* '''Onitaro's Vest''' -- ''Onitaro's Vest''
* [M] '''Plain Vest''' -- ''[color] Vest'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
* '''Pop Top Coat''' -- ''Pop Top [color] Coat'' -- 3 colors: Gold, gray (Class), Orchid
* [M] '''R0x0rbilly Vest''' -- ''[color] R0x0rbilly Vest'' -- 3 colors: blue (High Noon), gold -tinged (Sunrise), red-tinged (Sunset)
* '''Ski Fun Vest''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Puff Vest''
* '''That 90s Vest''' -- ''That [color] 90s Vest'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Orange, Red
* '''Wrinkled Vest''' -- ''[color] Wrinkled Vest'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
== Accessories ==
=== Aprons ===
* '''Checkered Apron''' -- ''[color] Checkered Apron'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Floral Apron''' -- ''[color] Floral Apron'' -- 3 colors: Lavender, Pink, Sunshine
* '''Professional-Grade Bib''' -- ''Professional Grade Bib Apron''
=== Belts ===
==== Decorative ====
* '''Aphrodite's Girdle''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite (Girdle)''
* '''Biancamella''' -- ''Biancamella (Belt)''
* '''Chain Link''' -- ''Chain Link Belt''
* '''Crossed Double''' -- ''Crossed Belt''
* '''Halloween Jack'''
** '''Jacked''' -- ''Jacked Belt''
** '''Jack's Bat Clip''' -- ''Jack's Bat Clip (Belt [position])'' -- 2 positions: high and low
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Belt)''
* '''Milady Surcoat''' -- ''[color] Milady Surcoat'' -- 6 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Multipants Tie-On''' -- ''MUltipants (Hitcher)''
* '''Mythrill Armor Belt''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Belt)''
* '''Single Loop Tied''' -- ''[color] Single Loop Tied Belt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Tan
* '''Ska''' -- ''Ska [pattern] Belt'' -- 3 patterns: Prism, Rainbow, Spectrum
* '''Skittles''' -- ''Skittles Belt [color]'' -- 2 colors: red (plain), Chocolate
* '''Solar''' -- ''Solar Headdress (Belt)''
* '''Tartan''' -- ''[color] Tartan'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Thor's Megingjord''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Thor's Megingjord)''
* '''Winter Fox/Mink''' -- ''Winter Fox Mink (Belt)''
===== Codpieces =====
* '''Family Jewels''' -- ''The Family Jewels [color]" -- 3 colors: Gold, Onyx, Silver
* '''Lunar''' -- ''Lunar Cowl (Belt)''
* '''Sporran''' -- ''Sporran''
==== Practical ====
* '''Blade's''' -- ''Blade's [color] Belt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Sash''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [color] Sash'' -- 5 colors: Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire
* '''Glamrock''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Belt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Rawhide, Sandleather
* '''Large Buckle''' -- ''Large [color] Buckle Belt'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Leather''' -- ''[color] Leather Belt'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
* '''Police Belt & Holsters''' -- ''Lawl And Order Belt''
* '''Silver Heart''' -- ''Silver Heart Belt''
===== Shoulder & Chest =====
* '''Bandolier''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Stake Strap''
* '''Cross Belts''' -- ''[color] Cross Belts'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''JACKSASH''' -- ''[color] JACKsASSh'' -- 3 colors: Purple, Red, Yellow
* '''Spartan Chest Guard''' -- ''Spartan Chest Guard''
* [M] '''Suspenders''' -- ''Suspenders''
=== Cloaks & Capes ===
==== Magical ====
* '''Athena's Enlightened Cape''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Athena's Enlightened Cape)'' -- with Pets
* '''Celestial Wrap''' -- ''Celestial Wrap''
* '''Fire Flower Cloak''' -- ''Fire Flower (Fire Cloak)''
* '''Ghost Cape''' -- ''Ghost Cape'' -- 2 positions: hood down, and hood Up
* '''Hermes' Moon Cape''' -- ''Hermes' Moon [state]'' -- 6 states: plain (Scarf), (Mortis Scarf), Luxuriae Cape, Luxuriae Cape with Wings, sleeping rabbit cape (Rabbit Scarf), sleeping rabbit moon (Mortis)
* '''Lunar Enchanted Cloak''' -- ''Lunar Cloak [state]'' -- 2 states: Full Moon, Twin Moon -- with Backgrounds
* '''Pixie Dust Cloak''' -- ''Pixie (Dust Cloak)''
* '''Pumpkin Jack Cape''' -- ''Jacked Up Cape''
* '''Solar Enchanted Cloak''' -- ''Solar Cloak ([state])'' -- 2 states: Sunrise, Sunset
* '''Wraith Cloak''' -- ''Wraith Cloak'' -- with Hood and Mask
==== Mundane ====
* '''Assassin's Guise''' -- ''Assassin's Guise'' -- with Hood
* '''Dramatic Kingly Mantle''' -- ''Christian Siriano's Cape''
* '''Green Corallus''' -- ''Green Corallus (Cape)''
* '''Embroidered Mantle''' -- ''Masterpieces (Embroidered Mantle)'' -- also Sleeves
* '''Immaculate Bishop Cloak''' -- ''Immaculate Bishop ([color] Cloak)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Klimt Robe''' -- ''Masterpieces (Klimt Robe)''
* '''Lunar Cloak''' -- ''Lunar Cloak''
* '''Majestic King Cloak''' -- ''Majestic King ([color] Cloak)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Multipants Tie-On''' -- ''MUltipants (Super)''
* '''Musketeer Cape''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Cape'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Royal
* '''Mythrill Mantle''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Mantle)''
* '''Pantheracorax Cloak''' -- ''Pantheracorax (Cloak)'' -- with Collar
* '''Preppy Sweater''' -- ''[color] Female Starter Preppy Sweater'' -- 3 colors: beige (Neutral), pink (Warm), white (Cool)
* '''Pumpkin King's Cape''' -- ''Jack'd Cape 2k6'' -- with Collar
* '''Ranger Cloak''' -- ''Syaoran's Cloak''
* '''Royal Cloak''' -- ''Royal Cloak [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Sakura's Cloak''' -- ''Sakura's Cloak''
* '''Snow Witch's Battle Cloak''' -- ''Snow Witch (Battle Cloak) [position]'' -- 2 positions: hood down, and hood Up
* '''Snow Witch's Cape''' -- ''Snow Witch''
* '''Solar Cloak''' -- ''Solar Cloak''
* '''Spartan Cloak''' -- ''Spartan Cloak''
* '''Tatty Fur Cloak''' -- ''Orindae (Orin's Cape)''
* '''Vampire's Cape''' -- ''Dark Cape''
* '''Wind Security Blanket''' -- ''Wine Security Blanket [position]'' -- 3 positions: around body, covering face and body (Cover), over head as hood (Up)
* '''Witch's Cape''' -- ''Witch Cape''
=== Scarves ===
==== Magical ====
* '''Abominable''' -- ''[color] Abominable Scarf'' -- 3 colors: Green, Purple, White
* '''Angellus Caress''' -- ''Guitar of Angellus (Caress)''
* '''Autumn Glory''' -- ''Autumn Glory (Leafy Scarf)''
* '''Bright Starry Night''' -- ''Masterpieces (Bright Starry Night Scarf)'' -- with Aura and Background
* '''Burning Soul''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Burning Soul - Scarf)''
* '''Cosmic''' -- ''Celestial Wrap (Cosmic Scarf)''
* '''Gothic Veil''' -- ''Gothic Veil (Scarf)''
* '''Hermes' Moon''' -- ''Hermes' Moon [variation]'' -- 3 variations: Autumni Sash, Doloris Scarf, Hiemalis Sash
* '''Longcat Animated''' -- ''Longcat Scarf [color] Serpentine'' -- 2 colors: Black (Tacgnol), white (plain)
* '''Lucky Star''' -- ''Lucky Star'' -- with Aura
* '''Nitemare''' -- ''Nitemare Scarf''
* '''Pixie Dust''' -- ''Pixie (Dust Scarf)''
* '''Tentacles''' -- ''The Experiment (Part 5 - Scarf)''
* '''Whip of Fire''' -- ''Whip of Fire''  -- with Tail
* '''Whip of Ice''' -- ''Whip of Ice''  -- with Tail
* '''Wings of Pearl''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Wings of Pearl)''
==== Mundane ====
* '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelic Scarf''
* '''Angelic Sash''' -- ''Angelic Sash''
* '''Chyaku Norisu''' -- ''Chyaku Norisu Scarf'' -- with Cape
* '''Longcat''' -- ''Longcat Scarf [color] [variation]'' -- 2 colors: Black (Tacgnol), white (plain) -- 2 variations: medium (plain), Long
* '''Plain''' -- ''[color] Scarf'' -- 6 colors: Blue [M] or Dark Blue [F], Light Violet, Pale Blue, Pink, Red [F] or Salmon [M], Yellow
* [F] '''Pom-Pom''' -- ''[color] PomPom Scarf'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Violet
* '''Ragged Ugly''' -- ''Ragged Ugly Scarf''
* '''Snowflake''' -- ''[color] Snowflake Scarf'' -- 4 colors: Green, Purple, Red, White
* '''Starry Night''' -- ''Masterpieces (Starry Night Scarf)''
* '''Waldo''' -- ''Spirited Scarf''
* '''Winter''' -- ''[color] Winter Scarf'' -- 3 colors: Green-Blue, Orange-Green, Purple-Red
* '''Winter Fox/Mink''' -- ''Winter Fox Mink [position]'' -- 2 positions: tied (default) and loose (Scarf)
* '''Xmas'''
** '''Heavy''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Scarf''
** '''Knitted''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Scarf''
=== Shoulder Pads ===
* '''Damascus Dark Mantle'''
** '''Quiescent''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark Mantle)''
** '''Energized''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark Energy Mantle)'' -- with Emanation
* '''Devoted Pawn''' -- ''Devoted Pawn ([color] Collar)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Mythrill Armor''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Shoulders)''
* '''Ookami Wolf Shoulder Plates''' -- ''[material] Ookami Armor'' -- 4 materials: Bronze, Ebony, Gold, Ivory
* '''Pumpkin Jack Armor''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Armor Plate''
* '''Snow Witch''' -- ''Snow Witch (Shoulders)''
=== Sleeves ===
* '''Biancamella Bolero'''
** '''Long Sleeve''' -- ''Biancamella (Long Sleeve Bolero)''
** '''Short Sleeve''' -- ''Biancemella (Puff Sleeve Bolero)''
* '''Biancamella Sugar Stole''' -- ''Biancamella (Sugar Stole)''
* '''Graceful Arms''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Graceful Hands)''
* '''Kaguya's Celestial Robe''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Kaguya's Celestial Robe)'' -- 2 variations: plain and Escort -- with Pets
* '''Ribbon Luv Sleeves''' -- ''Ribbon Luv Sleeves [color'' -- 6 colors: Black, Gold, Green, red (plain), Violet, White
* '''Snow Witch Sleeves''' -- ''Snow Witch (Gloves)''
* '''Stealth Sleeves''' -- ''Stealth [color] Sleeves'' -- 3 colors: EvoBlack, InfraRed, UltraViolet
=== Miscellaneous ===
* '''Knee Pads''' -- ''Knee Pads''
* '''Magical Girl Super-Long Bow Train''' -- ''Magical Girl (Super-Long Bow Train)''
* '''Phoenix Tail''' -- ''Phoenix Circlet (Tail)''
= Footwear =
== Slippers ==
* '''Ballet Shoes'''
** [F] '''Simple Toe Shoes''' -- ''Ballet Toe Shoes''
** '''Sugarplum Slippers''' -- ''Sugarplum Slippers''
* '''Fuzzy Slippers''' -- ''[animal] Slippers'' -- 9 animals: Baby Seal, Bunny, Chicky, Cloud, Grunny, kitty - black (Coco), kitty - white (Kitty), penguin (Fuzzy Penguin), Reindeer
* '''Loafers''' -- ''[color] Loafers'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Pink, Red
* '''Mummy Wrap''' -- ''Mami Feet''
* '''Pajama Slippers''' -- ''[color] Pajama Slippers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Pink
* '''Tabi''' -- ''[color] Tabi'' -- 3 colors: Black, Gray, White
== Sandals ==
* '''Basic Sandals''' -- ''[color] Starter Sandals'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), red (Warm), yellow (Neutral)
* '''Bathing Sandals''' -- ''[color] Fuzzy Bath Slippers'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* [F] '''Beach Sandals''' -- ''[color] Beach Sandals'' -- 3 colors: blue (Ocean), green (Tropical), Ruby
* '''Beatnik Sandals''' -- ''[color] Beatnik Sandals'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Purple
* '''Darkstep''' -- ''Dark Halo (Darkstep)''
* '''Flame Shoes''' -- ''[color] Flame Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [F] '''Grecian Sandals''' -- ''[color] Grecian Sandals'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (''Grecian Sandals Brown with Rose trim''), Green
* [M] '''High Tek Sandals''' -- ''[color] High Tek Sandals'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, brown (Raw)
* [F] '''Hot Sandals''' -- ''[color] Hot Sandals'' -- 3 colors: blue (Liquid), Red, Wood
* '''Japanese Wooden Sandals''' -- ''Wooden Sandals'' -- note: appearance differs with gender
* '''Lace-up Cork Sandals''' -- ''[color] Lace-up Cork Sandals'' -- 5 colors: Aqua, Black, Brown, Green, Purple
* '''Rhinestone Flip-Flops''' -- ''Rhinestone Flip-Flops''
* '''Rocker Flats''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Girl Flats'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Spartan Sandals''' -- ''Spartan Sandals'' -- with Greaves
* '''Straw Sandals''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals''
* [M] '''Sun Daze Sandals''' -- ''[color] Sun Daze Sandals'' -- 3 colors: blue (Jade), purple (Cloud), yellow (Brown)
* '''Surfer Flip-Flops''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Girl Flip-Flops'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), green (Cool), yellow (Warm)
* '''Taj Shoes''' -- ''[color] Taj Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Fresh), green (Ripe), red (Blush)
* '''Velcro Sandals''' -- ''[color] Velcro Sandals'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Charcoal, Green, Leather, Red
== Shoes & Boots ==
=== Light ===
==== High Heels ====
* '''Classic Black Mary Janes''' -- ''Classic Black Mary Janes''
* '''Dainty Black Peek-Toes''' -- ''Dainty Black Peek-Toes''
* '''Drop Dead Gorgeous Heels''' -- ''Drop Dead Gorgeous [color] Heels'' -- 4 colors: Dusk, Midnight, Moonlight, Twilight
* '''Glam Heels''' -- ''[color] Starter Glam Girl Heels'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), purple (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Glamorous Pumps''' -- ''Celestial Gold Glamorous Pumps''
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Slippers''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Slippers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Orange, Pink
* '''Jenny's Open-Toe Shoes''' -- ''Jenny's [color] Open-Toe Shoes'' -- 6 colors: black (Secretive), blue (Sentimental), green (Youthful), pink (Sweet), purple (Mysterious), white (Innocent)
* '''Missy Strap-Ons''' -- ''Missy [color] Shoes'' -- 4 colors: Emerald, Ruby, Saphire [sic], Shade
* [F] '''Plain Slip-Ons''' -- ''[color] Slippers'' -- 3 colors: Elegant Blue, Golden, pink (Fancy)
* [F] '''Pointed Buckle Slipper''' -- ''[color] Pointed Buckle Heel Slipper'' -- 3 colors: Blaque, Brahown, Poiple
* [F] '''Spike Heels''' -- ''[color] Spike Heels'' -- 3 colors: Blacklight, Leather, pink (Neo)
* [F] '''Vintage Closed-Toe Mid Heel''' -- ''[color] Vintage Closed-Toe Mid Heel'' -- 2 colors: Black, Lilac
* '''Web Strap Shoes''' -- ''[color] Web Strap Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
==== Flats and Slip-Ons ====
* '''Aquasox''' -- ''[color] Aquasox'' -- 3 colors: Blu, Redd, Yello
* '''Beat Slim Shoes''' -- ''Beat Slim [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Gold, Orchid
* [F] '''Daisy's Shoes''' -- ''Daisy's Shoes''
* [F] '''Dragon Slippers''' -- ''[color] Dragon Slippers'' -- 4 colors: Firestorm, Icemist, Jadeleaf, Nightwind
* [F] '''Fairy Shoes''' -- ''Fairy Shoes''
* [F] '''Flashion Shoes''' -- ''Flashion [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow
* [F] '''Gung Xi Shoes''' -- ''Gung Xi Shoes''
* [F] '''High Tek Shoes''' -- ''[color] High Tek Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, green (Neon), peach (Lazer)
* '''Hippie Shoes''' -- ''[color] Hippie Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Moss, Tan, Wine
* '''Lace-Up Soft Flats''' -- ''[color] Mink Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Cobalt, Crimson, Suede
* '''Lovely Genie's Pointed Slippers''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Pointed Slippers'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Maid's Shoes''' -- ''Maid Shoes''
* '''Snug Slip-On Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Snug Slip-On Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Berry, blue (Ice), green (Citrus)
=== Medium ===
==== Dress Shoes ====
* '''Basic Dress Shoes''' -- ''[color] Dress Starter Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), brown (Warm)
* '''Blue Middle School Shoes''' -- ''Grey Middle School Shoes''
* [M] '''Educate Shoes''' -- ''[color] Educate Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Dark), brown (Rum), green (Mist)
* [M] '''Gentleman's Slippers''' -- ''[color] Complex Shoes M'' -- 3 colors: black (#000000), blue (#0000FF), brown (#603913)
* '''Glam Dress Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Glam Guy Dress Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), brown (Warm)
* '''Gold Mountain Uniform Shoes''' -- ''Gold Mountain Dress Shoes'' -- note: appearance differs with gender
* [M] '''Grey University Shoes''' -- ''Grey University Shoe''
* '''Heel Shoes'''
** [M] '''Dark Footwear''' -- ''Dark Footwear''
** '''Those 70s Shoes''' -- ''Those 70s Shoes''
* [M] '''Kick Shoes''' -- ''Shoes That Have Kicked Many A Butt''
* [M] '''Pinstripe Shoes''' -- ''[color] Pinstripe Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Purple
* '''Police Shoes''' -- ''Lawl And Order Shoes''
* '''VOX Sneakers''' -- ''[color] VOX Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Barq, blue (Blurry), Noir
* '''Zoot Suit Calcos''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Calcos'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
==== Loafers & Clogs ====
* [F] '''Black Leather Buckle Shoes'''
* [F] '''Brown Hush Kittys''' -- ''Brown Hush Kittys''
* [F] '''Clogs''' -- ''[color] Clog'' -- 3 colors: Black, Victorian Rose, Wood
* '''Dr. Nash Walking Shoes''' -- ''Dr. Nash Walking Shoe - [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, White
* [F] '''Felicia's Shoes''' -- ''Felicia's [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Wise), blue (Beautiful), red (Graceful) -- with Stockings
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Dollie Shoes''' -- ''G-Lol [color] Dollie Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), blue (Choke), green (Gangrene)
* '''Medical Shoes''' -- ''[color] Medical Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* '''Preppy Loafers''' -- ''[color] Make Starter Preppy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: beige (Neutral), blue (Cool), brown (Warm)
* '''Preppy Shoes''' -- ''[color] Female Starter Preppy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: beige (Neutral), blue (Cool), pink (Warm) -- with Socks
* '''Retro Scholar Shoes''' -- ''Retro Scholar [color] Shoe'' -- 3 colors: Cloudy, Grain, Rawleather
* '''Shinto Priest's Clogs''' -- ''Shinto Priest's Clogs''
* '''Street Shoes''' -- ''[color] Street Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
* [F] '''Sun Daze Shoes''' -- ''Sun Daze [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: dark blue (Marine), light blue (Velvetine), Golden
* '''Tavern Wench's Wooden Shoes''' -- ''Tavern Wench's [color] Wooden Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Maple, Oak, Walnut
* '''Those 90s Shoes''' -- ''Those [color] 90s Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
==== Sneakers ====
* '''Aero-D Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Aero-D Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
* '''Athletic Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Guy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), gray (Neutral), yellow (Warm)
* [F] '''Blue & White School Shoes''' -- ''Blue and White School Shoes''
* '''Classroom Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Classroom Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Salmon, Tan
* [M] '''Fat Lace Sneakers''' -- ''Fat Lace Sneakers Fuzzy [color'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Green
* [M] '''Flare Shoes''' -- ''[color]Flare Shoes'' -- 3 colors: green (warp), red (nova), yellow (sun)
* [M] '''Flashion Shoes''' -- ''Flashion [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Magenta, Orange
* '''Freakstyle Shoes''' -- ''Freakstyle Boot [color'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Hip Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Hip Starter Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: blue (Cool), dirty brown (Warm), gray (Neutral)
* '''Hipster Sneakers''' -- [color] Trim HIPster Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* [M] '''Jumpin' Sneakaz''' -- ''[color] SneaKAZ M'' -- 3 colors: Bompin' Blue, Old Skewl Orange, TYT White
* [F] '''Jump Shoes''' -- ''[color] Jump Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue Fade, O-range, Olive
* '''Kill Sneakers''' -- ''Kill [color] Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: orange (L0cke), red (VO), yellow (Lanzer)
* '''Phat Platform Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Phat Platform Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Gray, Red
* '''Prison Sneakers''' -- ''Str8 Shoes''
* '''Rocker Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Rocker Guy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Cool), brown (Warm), white (Neutral)
* '''Rough Walking Shoes''' -- ''[color] Rough Walking Shoe'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Pale Green, Tan
* '''Ska Shoes''' -- ''[color] SKA Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Gray
* '''Skater Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Guy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: green (Cool), grey (Neutral), red (Warm)
* [M] '''Sport Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Sport Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Black, Gold Green, white (plain)
* [F] '''Sporty Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Sporty Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Gold, Navy, White
* '''Urban Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Guy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Whatever Sneakers''' -- ''Whatever [color]tech Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: blu, red, yello
* '''Wingin' Shoes''' -- ''Wingin [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Tan
==== High Fashion ====
* '''Anti-Fashion Air Runs''' -- ''Anti-Fashion [color] Air Runs'' -- 3 colors: blue (Ocean), green (Field), purple (Sunset)
* '''Belted Shoes''' -- ''Belted Shoes''
* '''Black Skeleton Shoes''' -- ''Black Skeleton Shoes''
* '''Catscratch Shoes''' -- ''[color] Catscratch Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, Tan
* '''Checker Shoes''' -- ''[color] Checker Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green [F]
* '''Clown Shoes''' -- ''[color] Clown Shoes'' -- 8 colors: blue (Berry), Cherry, Grape, Lemon, Licorice, Lime, Orange, pink (Strawberry)
** '''Pumpkin Jack Clown Shoes''' -- ''Jacked-Up Shoes''
* '''Curly Elf Shoes''' -- ''Curly Elf Shoes''
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Shoes with Spats''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Onyx, Slate
* '''Eloquent Boots''' -- ''[color] Eloquent Boots'' -- 5 colors: black (Treacherous), green (Rustic), red (Ardent), teal (Serene), white (Sincere)
* '''Fish Shoes''' -- ''[color]SS Shoe'' -- 3 colors: blue (B), green (G), yellow (S)
* '''Inverse Shoes''' -- ''Inverse [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Magical Girl Wing Shoes''' -- ''Magical Girl's [color] Uniform (Shoes)'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow
* '''Pimpin' Platforms''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Platforms'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Red Wine, Royale Purple
* [M] '''R0x0rbilly Shoes''' -- ''[color] R0x0rbilly Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Sunrise), brown (High Noon), green (Sunset)
* '''Slip-On Ankle Boots''' -- ''Lex's [color] Boots'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* [M] '''Split Shoes''' -- ''Split [color] Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blackpearl, Fuschia, Teal
* '''SuperStar Stripe Shoes''' -- ''SuperStar [color] Stripe Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Green, Purple, Red
* '''Xmas Puff Slippers''' -- ''Jolly Slippers''
* '''Zebra Shoes''' -- ''[color] Zebra Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Cloud), blue (Rain), red (Dusk)
==== Miscellaneous ====
* [F] '''Baby Shoes''' -- ''Casual [color] Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: Baby Blue, Gray, Red
* '''Chess Shoes''' -- ''[color] Chess Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Sky, Violet, Wooden
* '''Cleats'''
** '''Athletic''' -- ''[color] Starter Athletic Girl Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), gray (Cool), red (Warm)
** '''Sporty''' -- ''[color] Sporty Starter Sneakers'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
* [M] '''Clodhopper Workshoe''' -- ''[color] Dairy Workshoe'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
* [F] '''Colonial Leather Shoe''' -- ''Colonial Leather Shoe''
* [F] '''Complex Moccasins''' -- ''[color] Complex Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (#000000), blue (#0000FF), brown (#603913)
* '''Dayglo Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Male Goth Starter Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Deck Shoes''' -- ''[color] Starter Surfer Guy Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Elegant Lord's Shoes''' -- ''Elegant Lord's [color] Shoes'' -- 2 colors: Black, Brown
* [M] '''Expensive Sneakers''' -- ''Expensive Sneakers [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, Leather, White
* '''GetaGRIP Shoes''' -- ''[color] GetaGRIP Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Maroon, Purple
* '''Jack Uniform Shoes''' -- ''Jack Uniform Shoes''
* '''Leather Moccasins''' -- ''[color] Leather Moccasins'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (Dark), plain
* '''Leather Shoes with Loose Socks''' -- ''[color] Shoes with Loose Socks'' -- 3 colors: Black Leather, Brownie, Purple -- note: appearance differs with gender
* '''Ocean Wetshoes''' -- ''Ohh~cean [color] Wetshoes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Platform Shoes''' -- ''[color] Platform Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Hide), brown (Dark), white (Wind)
* '''Scott Shoes with Garters''' -- ''Scott Shoes''
* '''Silver Buckle Shoes''' -- ''SLIK Shoes''
* '''Torque Sneakers''' -- ''[color] Torque Sneakers'' -- 4 colors: Blue Accent, Bronze, Red Accent, Yellow Accent
=== Heavy ===
==== Rugged Boots ====
* '''Anti-Terror Steel Toe Boots''' -- ''Anti-Terror Steel Toe Boots''
* '''Buttoned-Down Boots''' -- ''Buttoned Down [color] Boots'' -- 4 colors: black (Fauna), brown (Foliage), green (Flora), red (Feather)
* '''Cache Walking Shoes''' -- ''[color] Cache Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Aoi), brown (Chairo), green (Midori) -- with Socks
* '''Castaway Boots''' -- ''Castaway [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Leather, Rust
* '''Ghost Hunter Utility Boots''' -- ''[color] Ghost Hunter Utility Boots'' -- 4 colors: black (Shade), brown (Grounded), gray (Metallic), white (Titan)
* '''Glacier Ice-Spike Boots''' -- ''Glacier [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Sleet), red (Avalanche), purple (Ice)
* '''Gunner Boots''' -- ''[color] Gunner Boots'' -- 3 colors: blue (Dark Slate), Coal, Red
* [F] '''Hiking Shoes''' -- ''[color] Hiking Shoes'' -- 3 colors: blue (Sky), Brown, red (Bark)
* '''Outlaw Biker Boots''' -- ''Outlaw Biker Boots - [color]'' -- 3 colors: dark black (Ashe), green (Burn), light black (Coal)
* '''Polar Expedition Boots''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Boots'' -- 5 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Work Shoes''' -- ''[color] Work Shoes'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
==== Supple Boots ====
* '''Amigo Boots''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Lucki), green (Guappa), red (Dusti)
* '''Blade's Boots''' -- ''Blade's [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
* '''Dress Boots''' -- ''[color] Dress Boot'' -- 2 colors: Black, Brown
* '''Galoshes''' -- ''[color] Galoshes'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Teal, White, Yellow
* [M] '''Gung Xi Shoes''' -- ''Gung Xi Shoes''
* '''Jolly Boots''' -- ''Jolly Boots''
* '''Musketeer Boots''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Royal
* '''Pirate Boots''' -- ''Arrhh!! Boots''
* [F] '''Plain Boots''' -- ''[color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Leather), Oxblood Leather, Silver
* '''Prince's Boots''' -- ''[color] Prince's Boots'' -- 3 colors: Bronze, Gold, Silver
* [F] '''Slip-On Calf Boots''' -- ''Alice's [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Ivory
* '''Soldat Boots''' -- ''Soldat [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Midnight, Sand, Steel
* '''Stylish Winter Boots''' -- ''Stylish [color] Winter Boots'' -- 3 colors: Auburn, Charcoal, Ochre -- note: appearance differs with gender
* '''Tundra Boots''' -- ''[color] Tundra Boots'' -- 4 colors: black (charred), red (Enforced), green (Lichen), yellow (Leather)
==== Fashion Boots (Calf to Knee) ====
* '''Autumn Stripes Boots''' -- ''Autumn Stripes [color] Boots'' -- 4 colors: Eggplant, Grapefruit, Husk, Pumpkin
* '''Black Cross Lace Boots''' -- ''Black Cross Lace Shoes''
* '''Fashionable Zipper Boots''' -- ''Fashionable Zipper Boot [color'' -- 3 colors: Black, Oxblood, yellow (Suede)
* '''Fleece Boots''' -- ''[color] Couture Boots'' -- 4 colors: Blush, Coal, Leather, Slate
* '''Glamrock Boots''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Boots'' -- 3 colors: Copper, Golden, Obsidian
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Mistress Boots''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Mistress Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), red (Blood), purple (Bruise)
* '''KoNfuZeD SHoEz''' -- ''KoNfuZeD [color] SHoEz'' -- 3 colors: PiNk, ReD, YeLLoW
* '''Leather Elf Boots''' -- ''Leather Elf Shoes''
* '''Leather Pom-Pom Boots''' -- ''[color] Leather Pom-Pom Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Light
* '''Leather Stiletto Boots''' -- ''[color] Leather Stiletto Boots'' -- 6 colors: Black, Brown, Dark Violet, Dark Wine, Evergreen, Navy
* '''Patchwork Boots''' -- ''Patchwork Boots''
* '''Platform Boots''' -- ''[color] Starter Boots'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), purple (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Pumpkin Jack Ragged Boots''' -- ''Jacked Up Boots''
* '''Raptor Claw Boots''' -- ''Raptor [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Fire, Ice, Wind
* '''Ribbed Boots''' -- ''[color] Ribbed Boots'' -- 3 colors: purple (Blacklight), Smoke, Suede
* [M] '''Skull Biker Boots''' -- ''Skull Biker [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Steel), Oxblood
* '''Starman Boots''' -- ''[color] Starman Boots'' -- 4 colors: Raving Red, teal (Psychedelic Shimmer), white (Ghostly Glimmer), yellow (Crazy Cool)
* '''Timewalk Boots''' -- ''TM Boots''
* '''Those 80s High-Heel Boots''' -- ''[color] Starter Urban Girl Shoes'' -- 3 colors: black (Cool), red (Warm), yellow (Neutral)
* '''Xmas Spirit Boots'''
** '''Folded-Over''' -- ''Holly Jolly Boots''
** '''Fur-Lined''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Boots''
** '''Pom-Pom''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Boots''
==== Fetish Boots (Knee to Thigh) ====
* '''Clunky Goth Boots''' -- ''[color] Female Goth Starter Boots'' -- 3 colors: blue (Neutral), green (Cool), red (Warm)
* '''Damascus Dark Armor''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark [color] Boots)'' -- 2 colors: plain, Energy
* '''Nitemare Boots''' -- ''Nitemare Boots''
* '''Pumpkin Jack Armor Boots''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Armor Boots''
* '''Santa Baby Boots''' -- ''Santa Baby Boots''
* '''Skull Boots''' -- ''Rock Hard (Skull Boots)''
* '''Stealth Boots''' -- ''[color] Stealth Boots'' -- 3 colors: EvoBlack, InfraRed, UltraViolet
* '''Svelte Goth Boots''' -- ''[color] Goth Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Green, Red
* '''UpsideDown Boots''' -- ''[color] UpsideDown Boots'' -- 4 colors: Aquamarine, black (Neos), Purplemarine, Redhot
* '''Young Mrs. Claus's Boots''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Boots''
== Socks & Stockings ==
=== Ankle ===
* '''Chess Socks''' -- ''[color] Chess Socks'' -- 3 colors: blue (Slate), orange (Flare), purple (Rustic)
* [M] '''Flare Socks''' -- ''[color]Flare Socks'' -- 3 colors: green (warp), red (nova), yellow (sun)
* '''Peasant Booties''' -- ''[color] Peasant Booties'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Jade, Tan -- note: appearance differs with gender
* [M] '''Radicool Socks''' -- ''Radicool [color] Socks'' -- 3 colors: blue (Baby), pink (Blush), white (Fluff)
* [M] '''Short Socks''' -- ''Short [color] Socks'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White
=== Calf ===
* '''Cache Socks''' -- ''[color] Cache Socks'' -- 3 colors: blue (Aoi), brown (Chairo), green (Midori)
* '''Class Socks''' -- ''[color] Class Sock'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White [M]
* '''Partition Socks''' -- ''[color] Partition Socks'' -- 3 colors: Classic, Golden, Orchid
* [F] '''Plain White Socks''' -- ''White Mid Sock''
* '''Scott Socks''' -- ''[color] Scott Socks'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Cream, Pink
* [M] '''Split Socks''' -- ''Split [color] Socks'' -- 3 colors: Cobalt, Fuschia, Teal
* '''Thick Winter Socks''' -- ''Thick [color] Winter Socks'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Brown, Green, Pink
* '''Waldo's Socks''' -- ''Spirited Socks''
* '''Xmas Spirit Socks''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Socks''
=== Knee ===
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Dollie Socks''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Dollie Socks'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), blue (Choke), green (Gangrene)
* '''KoNfUzEd ToE SoX''' -- ''KoNfUzEd [pattern] ToE SoX'' -- 3 colors: DiRtAy, MoNoChRoMe, rAiNbOw
* '''Magical Girl's Uniform Socks with Garters''' -- ''Magical Girl's [color] Uniform (Socks)'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow
* [F] '''Punk Sock''' -- ''[color] Punk Sock'' -- 3 colors: pink (Neo), purple (Blacklight), yellow (Leather)
* '''Red Open-Toe Socks''' -- ''Holly Jolly Socks''
=== Thigh ===
* [F] '''Black Fishnet Stockings''' -- ''Black Fishnet Stockings''
* [F] '''Candy Striped Stockings''' -- ''[color] Candy Striped Stockings'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Embroidered Stockings''' -- ''Biancamella (Embroidered Stockings)''
* [F] '''Flashion Star Stockings''' -- ''Flashion [color] Star Stockings'' -- 3 colors: Purple, Red, Yellow
* [F] '''Gothic Lolita Mistress Stockings''' -- ''G-LOL [color] Mistress Stockings'' -- 3 colors: black (Dark), red (Blood), purple (Bruise)
* [F] '''Plain Stockings''' -- ''[color] Stockings'' -- 7 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Red, Sheer, Striped, White
* '''Web Stockings''' -- ''[color] Web Stockings'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
=== Waist (Leggings & Hose) ===
* '''Blade's Leggings''' -- ''Blade's Leggings''
* [F] '''Colonial Stockings''' -- ''Colonial Stockings''
* '''Elegant Snowy Leggings''' -- ''Elegant Snowy Leggings''
* '''Red Leggings''' -- ''Santa Baby Leggings''
== Unusual Footwear ==
* '''Angelic Winged Boots''' -- ''Angelic Boots''
* '''Cave Boots''' -- ''Cave Boots''
* '''Pumpkin Jack Toes''' -- ''Jack'd Shoes 2k6''
* '''Swim Flippers''' -- ''Basic [color] Flippers'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Pink, Red, Teal, Yellow
* '''Winged Sandals''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Athena's Enlightened Shoes)''
=== Aminal Feets ===
* '''Cat Toes''' -- ''[color] Cat Toes'' -- 3 colors: Black, Cheshire, Sandy
* '''Deer Hooves''' -- ''Deer Hoof Shoes''
* '''Doggy Paws''' -- ''Doggy Style [color] Boots'' -- 3 colors: Brownspiral, green (Scrowling), grey (Steamer)
* '''Drome Claws''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Feet)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tawny, White
* '''Duck Feet''' -- ''Pingu Feet''
* '''Leap Frog Feet''' -- ''Leap Year Frog (Feet)''
* '''Tiger Paws''' -- ''Cat Boots''
* '''Werewolf Feet''' -- ''Were Feet''
* '''Wulf Feet''' -- ''[color] Wulf Boots'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
= Headwear =
== Hats & Caps ==
=== Serious Hats ===
==== Soft Caps ====
* '''Anti-Fashion Turban''' -- ''Anti-Fashion [color] Head Wrap'' -- 3 colors: Aqua-Pink, Blue-Lilac, Green-Orange
* '''Beanies'''
** '''Glacier Beanie''' -- ''[color] Glacier Beanie'' -- 3 colors: black (Sleet), blue (Ice), red (Avalanche)
** '''Plain Beanie''' -- ''[color] Beanie'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Red
** '''Skater Beanie''' -- ''[color] Starter Skater Girl Beanie'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), blue (Cool), purple (Warm)
** '''Winter Beanie''' -- ''[color] Winter Beanie'' -- 3 colors: Green-Blue, Orange-Green, Purple-Red
* '''Beret''' -- ''[color] Beret'' -- 3 colors: Green, Grey, White
* '''Elf Cap''' -- ''Elftech Hat''
* '''Fur Hat''' -- ''[color] Fur Hat'' -- 3 colors: Amber Dawn, Dark Cloud, Polar Ice
* '''JACKHAT''' -- ''[color] JACKhAtSS'' -- 3 colors: purple, red, yellow
* '''Jester Hat with Bells''' -- ''Joker Hat [color] -- 3 colors: red-black, white-black, yellow-blue
* '''Polar Expedition Thermal Hat''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Thermal Hat'' -- 5 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Puffy Hat''' -- ''[color] Puffy Hat'' -- 3 colors: Brown, Gray, White
* '''Pumpkin Jack Hood''' -- ''Jack'd Hat''
* '''Scott Hat''' -- ''[color] Scott Hat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Shower Cap''' -- ''[color] Shower Cap'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* '''Ski Hat''' -- ''[color] Ski Hat'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Purple
* '''Sleeping Cap''' -- ''[color] Sleeping Cap'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Pink, Red
==== Stiff-Brimmed Hats ====
* '''Amigo Hat''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Hat'' -- 3 colors: black (Lucki), brown (Dusti), green (Guappa)
* '''Black Brim Hat''' -- ''Chess Hat''
* '''Cowboy Hat'''
** '''R0x0rBilly Hat''' -- ''[color] R0x0rBilly Hat'' -- 3 colors: black (High Noon), brown (Sunrise), green (Sunset)
** '''Western Style''' -- ''Western Style''
* '''Fedora''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Tapa'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
* '''Gunner Hat''' -- ''[color] Gunner Hat'' -- 3 colors: blue (Dark Slate), Brown, Coal
* '''Musketeer Hat''' -- ''[color] Musketeer Hat'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, Royal
* '''Pimpin' Hat''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Hat'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Red Wine, Royale Purple
* '''Simple Sun Hat''' -- ''The [color] Hat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, yellow (Brown)
* [F] '''Sun Daze Hat''' -- ''Sun Daze [color] Hat'' -- 3 colors: Golden, Marine, Velvetine
* '''Top Hat''' -- ''[color] Top Hat'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
** '''Upside Down''' -- ''Epic Fail Hat (Tah Pot)''
* '''Trench Hat''' -- ''[color] Buckle Trench Hat'' -- 6 colors: Beige, Blue, Gray, Green, Lilac, Rose
* '''Wrinkled Hat''' -- ''Wrinkled [color] Hat'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
==== Billed Caps ====
* '''Checker Cap''' -- ''[color] Checker Cap'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Green
* '''Inverse Cap''' -- ''Inverse [color] Cap'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Jack Uniform Cap''' -- ''Jack Uniform Cap''
* '''Logo Caps'''
** '''Guppy''' -- ''[color] Guppy Cap'' -- 3 colors: Orange, Red, Yellow
** '''Pebbo''' -- ''[color] Pebbo Cap'' -- 3 colors: Black, gray (Brown), White
** '''Seedkin''' -- ''[color] Seedkin Cap'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Pink
* '''Sport Cap''' -- ''[color] Sport Cap'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blue, Red, White
* '''Visor'''
** '''Card Shark Visor''' -- ''Card Shark Visor''
** '''That 90s Visor''' -- ''That [color] 90s Visor'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
==== Uniform Caps ====
* '''Academic Caps'''
** '''Bachelor's''' -- ''Bachelors Cap''
** '''Master's''' -- ''Masters Cap''
** '''Doctoral''' -- ''Doctorate Cap''
* '''Camouflage Cap''' -- ''John Cena's Cap''
* '''Chef's Hat'''
** '''Simple''' -- ''Chef Hat''
** '''Detailed''' -- ''Master Chef's Hat''
* '''Dairy Worker Cap''' -- ''Dairy Worker Cap''
* '''Maid's Headband''' -- ''Maid Headband''
* '''Nurse's Cap''' -- ''Nurses Hat''
* '''Police Officer's Cap''' -- ''Lawl And Order [color] Officers Cap'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Tan, White
* '''Soldat Officer's Cap''' -- ''Soldat [color] Officers Cap'' -- 3 colors: Midnight, Steel, Tan
=== Fancy Hats ===
* '''Autumn Glory Leaves''' -- ''Autumn Glory (Leafy Cap)''
* '''Benkei's Cap''' -- ''Benkei's Cap''
* '''Clockwork Top Hat''' -- ''TM (Top Hat)''
* '''Eloquent Hat with Feather''' -- ''Eloquent Cap''
* '''Gung Xi Hat''' -- ''Gung Xi Hat'' -- note: appearance differs with gender
* '''Japanese Flat Hat''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure ([color] Hat)'' -- 2 colors: black (Kuro), red (Aka)
* '''Leprechaun Hat''' -- ''Luck o' the Gairish''
* '''Mad Hatter''' -- ''Wonderland''
* '''Magic Hat''' -- ''[color] Magic Hat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Mitre''' -- ''Mitre''
* '''Nutcracker Prince Cap''' -- ''[color] Nutcracker Prince Cap'' -- 3 colors: Bronze, Gold, Silver
* '''Pirate Hat''' -- ''Ahhrr!! Hat [color]'' -- 4 colors: black (Midnight), Ocean Blue, orange/blue (Maroone), Royal Purple
* '''Shade Hat''' -- ''[color] Shade Hat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Goldenrod, White
* '''Shinto Priest's Cap''' -- ''Shinto Priest's Cap''
* '''Straw Hat'''
** '''Buddhist Monk's''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Straw Hat''
** '''Coolie Hat''' -- ''Straw Hat''
** '''Grass Hat''' -- ''[color] Grass Hat'' -- 2 colors: Dried, Fresh
* '''Tin Hat''' -- ''Tin Hat''
* '''Vampire Hunter Hat''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Hat''
* '''Winter Fox Mink Hat''' -- ''Winter Fox Mink (Hat)''
* '''Winter Rose Cap''' -- ''Winter Rose (Rosy Cap)''
* '''Witch's Hat''' -- ''Morgana's Hat''
* '''WTF Hat'''
** '''Bao Cap''' -- ''WTF Hat (Bao Bao)''
** '''Sonic Hood''' -- ''WTF Hat''
** '''Spiky''' -- ''WTF Hat (Spiky)'' -- with Mask and Orbits
* '''Zebra Hat''' -- ''[color] Zebra Hat'' -- 3 colors: Cloud, Dusk, Rain
=== Silly Hats ===
* '''Invisible Hat''' -- ''Epic Fail Hat (BRB)''
* '''Multipants''' -- ''MUltipants (Headache)''
==== Aminal & Monster Hats ====
* '''Bear''' -- ''Kodiac Grizzly Bear''
* '''Blockatiel''' -- ''YARLY! Hat (Blockatiel)'' -- 2 poses
* '''Bunny'''
** '''Easter Bunny''' -- ''Bunny Hat''
* '''Catscratch''' -- ''[color] Catscratch Hat'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, Tan
* '''Chicky''' -- ''Chicky Hat''
* '''Ducky''' -- ''Ducky'' -- with Pets
* '''Epic Fail''' -- ''Epic Fail Hat''
* '''Frog''' -- ''Leap Year Frog (Head)''
* '''Ghost Bunny''' -- 2 colors: black (''OMFG'') and white (''BTK'') -- 2 positions: normal, and Down over face
* '''Ghost Cthulhu''' -- ''WTF Hat (IDK)'' -- 2 positions: tongue down and tongue extended -- with Mask
* '''Hamster''' -- 2 characters: ''Bammi'' and ''Hammi''
* '''Kappa''' -- ''YHBT Hat (KAPPALOCK)''
* '''Kitty''' -- ''AFK''
* '''Mokona''' -- ''Mokona Hat'' -- 3 poses
* '''OMG''' -- ''OMG''
* '''omnomnom''' -- ''omnomnom Hat [variation]'' -- 6 poses -- with Scarf
* '''Owl'''
** '''Black''' -- ''YARLY! Hat'' -- 4 poses
** '''White''' -- ''ORLY? Hat'' -- 4 poses
** '''White Ragged''' -- ''YARLY! Hat (No Wai!)''
* '''Panda''' -- ''Panda Hat''
* '''Purple Meme Fiend''' -- ''YHBT hat (Meme Fiend)''
* '''Sabertooth Cat''' -- ''YHBT hat (smiLOLdon)''
* '''TLDR Pom-Pom Cap''' -- ''TLDR Hat'' -- 7 variations -- with Shirt or Train
* '''Triceratops''' -- ''YHBT hat (tmiceratops)''
* '''Troll''' -- ''YHBT Hat''
==== Food Hats ====
* '''Kandy Korn Kap''' -- ''Kandy Korn Hat''
* '''Piece of Eggshell''' -- ''Giant [color] Eggshell'' -- 2 colors: Green, White
* '''Pineapple Hat''' -- ''Pineapple Hat''
* '''Pumpkin Stump''' -- ''Pumpkin Stump''
* '''Soft Serve Hat''' -- ''[flavor] Soft Serve Hat'' -- 3 flavors: Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla -- 2 variations: plain and cherry on top (Cherry)
* '''Watermelon Hat''' -- ''Watermelon Hat''
==== Party Hats ====
* '''FAQ Hat''' -- ''FAQ Hat'' -- 6 poses
* '''Gaia Winged Hat''' -- ''Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat''
* '''Paper Bag Cap''' -- ''Paperbag Cap''
* '''Paper Bag Hood''' -- ''Paperbag Hoodie''
* '''Paper Crown''' -- ''[color] Paper Crown'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Paper Headband''' -- ''[color] Paper Band'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Goldenrod, White
* '''Paper Party Hat''' -- ''Paper Party Hat''
* '''Paper Spiky Hat''' -- ''[color] Paper Spiky Hat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Tin Foil Hat''' -- ''Tin Foil Hat''
==== Xmas Hats ====
* '''Big Who Hat''' -- ''Jingle Me Hat''
* '''Cowhide Santa Hat''' -- ''Cowhide Santa Hat''
* '''Cunning Hat''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Hat''
* '''Elf Hat''' -- ''Elf Hat''
* '''Hood''' -- ''Spirited Hat''
* '''Jester Cap''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Hat''
* '''Saint Nick Cap''' -- ''Santa Baby Cap''
* '''Santa Hat''' -- ''Jolly Hat''
== Helmets ==
=== Medieval / Fantasy ===
* '''Chozo Skull''' -- ''YHBT hat (rotfl Skull)''
* '''Damascus Dark Helm''' -- ''Damascus Armor ([color] Helm)'' -- 2 colors: plain (Dark) and glowing (Dark Energy)
* '''Devoted Pawn Helm''' -- ''Devoted Pawn'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Helmet) -- with Orbit
* '''Exalted Rook Full Helm''' -- ''Exalted Rook'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Helmet)
* '''Hades' Helm''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Helm of Hades)''
* '''Lion Helm''' -- ''[color] Tatsu Helm'' -- 3 colors: Azure, Crimson, Obsidian
* '''Majestic King's Helm''' -- ''Majestic King'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Crown)
* '''Mythrill Helm''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Helmet)''
* '''Panzer Helm''' -- ''WTF Hat (Panzer)''
* '''Rock Puppy Hard Hat''' -- ''Rock Puppy [variation]'' -- 3 variations: Hard Hat, LOL Hard Hat, Visor Helm
* '''Samurai Helmet''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi ([symbol] Helmet [position]) -- 3 symbols: O, U, V -- 2 positions: closed face (default) and open face (Open)
* '''Skull Helm''' -- ''Skull Hellmet''
* '''Speed Demon''' -- ''WTF Hat (Speed Demon)''
* '''Valiant Knight Horse Helm''' -- ''Valiant Knight'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Helmet)
* '''Valkyrie Helmet''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Helm of Thor)''
* '''Viking Helmet''' -- ''Helm of the Vikings''
=== Modern / Military ===
* '''Anti-Terror Helmet''' -- ''Anti-Terror [pattern] Helmet'' -- 3 patterns: Arctic, Desert, Forest
* '''Green Army Helmet''' -- ''Army Helmet''
* '''Miner's Helmet''' -- ''Miners Helmet''
* '''Skull Biker Helmet''' -- ''Skull Biker Helmet [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Steel), red (Blood)
* '''Spiked Coal Scuttle Helmet''' -- ''Outlaw Biker Helmet - [color]'' -- 3 colors: Ashe, Coal, green (Burn)
* '''SuperStar Helmet''' -- ''SuperStar [color] Stripe Helmet'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Purple
* '''S.W.A.T. Helmet''' -- ''S.W.A.T. Helmet''
=== Padded ===
* '''Boxer's Head Padding''' -- ''[color] Head Gear'' -- 3 colors: Ballin' Black, Bompin' Blue, Old Skewl Orange
* '''Pilot's Cap and Goggles''' -- ''Pilot's Goggles''
=== Space / Robot ===
* '''Bee Helmet''' -- ''Bee Movie Helmet''
* '''Cylon Helmet''' -- ''G-BOT (Helmet Shielded)''
* '''Four-Eyed Shark Helmet''' -- ''4x [color] Helm'' -- 3 colors: Blackrocque, Bluestone, Pyrite
* '''G-BOT Helmet''' -- ''G-BOT (Helmet [images])'' -- 6 images: '_' (Default), >_< (&gt;_&lt;), -_-, alien letters (Logo), kitty (Kiki), Skull
* '''Mecha NEKO Helmet''' -- ''Mecha Form (Neko Helm)''
* '''Mecha VXS Helm''' -- ''Mecha Form (VXS Helmet)''
* '''Space Bubble Helmet''' -- ''Space Bubble''
=== Fish ===
* '''Bass Helmet''' -- ''[color] Bass Helm'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
* '''Boldur Helmet''' -- ''[color] Boldur Helmet'' -- 3 colors: Sand, Slate, Stone
* '''Rainbow Trout Helmet''' -- ''[color] Rainbow Helm'' -- 3 colors: Cool, Frozen, Warm
* '''Stonefish Helmet''' -- ''[color] Helm'' -- 3 colors: Black Rocque, Blue Stone, Pyrite
* '''Striper Helmet''' -- ''[color] Striper Helmet'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Gray, Green, red (Candy)
* '''Three-Eyed Guppy Helmet''' -- ''3x [color] Guppy Helmet'' -- 3 colors: Orange, Red, Yellow
* '''Tuna Helmet''' -- ''[color] Tuna Helmet'' -- 3 colors: Dicy, Icy, Spicy
=== Fun & Strange ===
* '''GO Aminal Helmet''' -- ''GO Helmet (critter)'' -- 6 critters: bird (Red), cat - blue (default), fish (Purple), lizard (Green), panda (Black and White), puppy (Orange)
* '''Mini UFO Mind Controller''' -- ''Mini UFO (Mind Control)''
* '''Rotating Light Helmet''' -- ''[color] Light Helmet'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow
== Hoods, Bonnets & Veils ==
* '''Animal Hood'''
** '''Bunny''' -- ''[color] Bunny Hoodie (Head)'' -- 3 colors: blue (plain), Brown, White
** '''Chicky''' -- ''Chicky Hoodie (Head)''
** '''Dog''' -- ''Year of the Dog''
** '''Monkey''' -- ''Year of the Monkey''
** '''Mouse''' -- ''Year of the Rat''
** '''Pig''' -- ''Year of the Pig''
** '''Rabbit''' -- ''Year of the Rabbit''
** '''Sheep''' -- ''Year of the Sheep''
** '''Snake''' -- ''Green Corallus (Final)''
** '''Wonderland White Rabbit''' -- ''Wonderland''
* [F] '''Colonial Bonnet''' -- ''Colonial Bonnet''
* '''Elegant Veil''' -- ''Elegant Veil''
* '''Gothic Veil''' -- ''Gothic Veil''
* '''Head Warmer''' -- ''[color] Head Warmer'' -- 4 colors: Blush, Coal, Leather, Slate
* '''Hero Scarf'''
** '''Peasant''' -- ''Chyaku Norisu Scarf (Proper Hero)'' -- with Sash
** '''Prince''' -- ''Chyaku Norisu Scarf (Regal Hero)'' -- with Cape
* '''Liripipe Hood''' -- ''Brown Liripipe Hood''
* '''Lunar Cowl''' -- ''Lunar Cowl [variation]'' -- 3 variations: open face (default), Eclipse, Shade -- with Mask
* '''Pingu Hood and Mask''' -- ''Pingu Mask'' -- with Mask
* '''Ocean Head Wrap''' -- ''Ohh~Cean [color] Head Wrap'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Punk Ninja''' -- ''WTF Hat (Punk Ninja)'' -- with Mask and Scarf
* '''Towel Turban''' -- ''[color] Towel Turban'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* '''Virgo's Veil''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Virgo's Veil)''
* '''Winter Fox Mink Head Warmer''' -- ''Winter Fox Mink (Ears)''
* [F] '''Winter Wrap''' -- ''[color] Winter Wrap'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Violet
== Masks ==
=== Simple Masks ===
* '''Executioner's Hood''' -- ''Executioner Mask'' -- with Hood
* '''Gemini Mask''' -- ''Western Zodiac ([variation] Gemini Mask)'' -- 3 variations: Black, Dual, White
* '''Mask of the Red Death''' -- ''THE MASQUE''
* '''Red Kerchief''' -- ''Rebellion Face Mask''
* '''Simple Burglar's Mask''' -- ''Mod Squad Mask''
* '''Unknown Hero''' -- ''Chyaku Norisu Scarf (Unknown Hero)'' -- with Scarf
* '''Zorro Mask''' -- ''Zorro Mask''
=== Utilitarian Masks ===
* '''Anti-Bite Mask''' -- ''Anti Bite Mask''
* '''HiTek Gas Mask''' -- ''HiTek Gas Mask''
* '''Snorkel''' -- ''[color] Snorkel & Mask'' -- 8 colors: Black Skull, Deep Blue, Green, orange (Jack), Pink, Red Cross, Sky Blue, Yellow
=== Fashionable Masks ===
* '''Elegant Ballroom Mask''' -- ''Elegant Lord's Mask ([variation])'' -- 8 patterns: Amethyst Studs, Black Falcon, Diamond Gold Falcon, Diamond Studs, Emerald Studs, Gold Falcon, Ruby Studs, Sapphire Studs
* '''Elegant Feathered Mask''' -- ''Elegant Feathered Mask ([color] Pinions)'' -- 10 colors: Blue, Cream, Emerald, Lavender, Onyx, Red, Rose, Sky, Violet, White
* '''Harem Face Veil''' -- ''Face Veil''
=== Phantastic Masks ===
* '''Chain Wrap-Around''' -- ''Chain of Command (Chain Mask)''
* '''Eye of the Demon''' -- ''Dark Halo (Eye of the Demon)'' -- with Halo
* '''Face of the Sun''' -- ''Sun Staff (Face of the [variation])'' -- 2 variations: Sun and Sunburst -- with Emanation
* '''Fire Flower Tribal Mask''' -- ''Fire Flower ([variation])'' -- 2 variations: Tribal Mask and Flaming Tribal Mask
* '''Ice Mask''' -- ''Ice Tiara (Glasses)'' -- with Orbit
=== Costume & Funny Masks ===
* '''Blockhead''' -- ''Blockhead''
* '''Emote Head''' -- ''[emotion] Emote Mask'' -- 9 emotions: Crying, Gonk, Happy, Neutral, Ninja, Pirate, Scream, Shocked, Sweat
* '''Garbage Mask''' -- ''Garbage Mask''
* '''Giant Eyeball''' -- ''Giant [color] Eyeball'' -- 13 colors: Aqua+Navy, Black, Blue, Brown, Brown+Green, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Red Bloodshot, Red+Umber, Yellow
* '''Mothership and Child''' -- ''Mini UFO (Mothership and Child)''
* '''Nutcracker''' -- ''Nut Buster Mask''
* '''Pumpkin Jack Superhero Mask'''
** '''Eyes Only''' -- ''Jack Visor''
** '''Full-Head''' -- ''Jack'd Mask''
* '''Snowman Mask''' -- ''Snowman Mask''
* '''Steel Pinball Head''' -- ''Steel Pinball Head''
* '''SQUID Tentacle''' -- ''[color] SQUID Head'' -- 3 colors: Green, Orange, Pink
* '''TV Head''' -- ''TV Head''
* '''Vendetta Mask''' -- ''Epic Fail Mask (Unforgivable)''
==== Animals ====
* '''Big Fish''' -- ''[fish] Mask'' -- 2 fish: Big Mouth Bass'terd, Motha Guppa
* '''Chicken Head''' -- ''Chicken Mask''
* '''Chinese Dragon Head''' -- ''Year of the Dragon''
* '''Drome Head''' -- ''White Drome ([color] Head)'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tawny, White
* '''Horse Head''' -- ''Year of the Horse''
* '''Jumpin' Fish Mask''' -- ''[color] Mask'' -- 3 colors: blue (Tootin' Tino), red (Chargin' Chino), yellow (Buckin' Bino)
* '''Lion Fish Mask''' -- ''[color]back Lion Mask'' -- 3 colors: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby
* '''Ox Head''' -- ''Year of the Ox''
* '''Rooster Head''' -- ''Year of the Rooster''
* '''Snake Head''' -- ''Year of the Snake''
* '''Tiger Head''' -- ''Year of the Tiger''
==== Homemade ====
* '''Bat Mask''' -- ''Homemade Bat Mask''
* '''Brown Paper Bag'''
** '''Cut-Out Eyes''' -- ''Brown Paper Bag With Holes''
** '''Emoticon Doodle''' -- ''[emoticon] Brown Paper Bag'' -- 10 emoticons: -_-, :), :3, :B, :P, :], >.<, O_O, XD, ^_^
** '''Monster Doodle''' -- ''Monster Brown Paper Bag''
* '''Bunny Mask''' -- ''Bani Mask''
* '''Cat Mask''' -- ''Homemade Cat Mask''
* '''Chickie Mask''' -- ''Chickie Mask''
* '''Ghost Mask''' -- ''Homemade Ghost Mask''
* '''Owl Mask''' -- ''Homemade Owl Mask''
* '''Pumpkin Mask''' -- ''Homemade Pumpkin Mask''
=== Monster Masks ===
==== Halloween ====
* '''The Fly''' -- ''The Fly Mask''
* '''Frankenstein's Monster''' -- ''The Phrankster''
* '''Ghosty''' -- ''Mask Ghost Sheet''
* '''Gorilla''' -- ''Gorilla Mask''
* '''Grey Alien''' -- ''Alien Mask''
* '''Grim Alien''' -- ''Space Monster Hunter Mask''
* '''Hockey Mask''' -- ''Hockey Mask''
* '''Jack-o-Lantern'''
** '''Angry Jack''' -- ''Jack's Anger''
** '''Baby Jack''' -- ''Baby Jack Mask''
** '''Disgusted Jack''' -- ''Jack's Disgust''
** '''Happy Jack''' -- ''Jack's Joy''
** '''Sad Jack''' -- ''Jack's Despair''
* '''Mantis''' -- ''Mantis Mask''
* '''Mummy''' -- ''Mummy Mask''
* '''Mutated Second Head''' -- ''The Mistake''
* '''Pale Shade''' -- ''The Mask''
* '''Phantom Death (Donnie Darko)''' -- ''Phantom Death Masque''
* '''Robot''' -- ''The Robot Mask''
* '''Skeleton''' -- ''Black Skeleton Mask''
* '''Tentacle Monster''' -- ''The Experiment (Part 5 - Head)''
* '''Xenomorph''' -- ''Space Monster Mask''
* '''Werewolf''' -- ''Were Mask''
==== Japanese ====
* '''Hannya''' -- ''Hannya Mask'' -- 3 positions: normal, Side, and Up
* '''Kitsune''' -- ''Kitsune Mask'' -- 2 emotions: happy and fierce -- 2 positions: normal and Side
* '''Kotengu''' -- ''Kotengu Mask'' -- 3 positions: normal, Side, and Up
* '''Mononoke''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure''
* '''Oni''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Oni Mask)''
* '''Otafuku''' -- ''Otafuku Mask'' -- 3 positions: normal, Side, and Up
* '''Tengu''' -- ''Tengu Mask'' -- 3 positions: normal, Side, and Up
* '''Yurei''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Yurei Mask)''
== Regalia ==
=== Circlets & Tiaras ===
* [F] '''Ballerina's Circlet''' -- ''Ballerinas Circlet''
* '''Basic Tiara'''
** '''Plain''' -- ''[metal] Tiara'' -- 2 metals: Gold, Silver
** '''Jewelled''' -- ''[metal] Tiara With [gem]'' -- 2 metals: Gold, Silver -- 5 gems: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Dark Mask''' -- ''Demonic Anklets (Dark Mask)''
* '''Demon Headdress''' -- ''Dark Halo (Demon Headdress)''
* '''Ice Tiara''' -- ''Ice Tiara'' -- with Earrings
* '''Laurels'''
** '''Golden''' -- ''Golden Laurels'' -- 2 states: normal and Sparkle
** '''Green''' -- ''Laurels''
** '''Winged''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Athena's Enlightened Laurel)''
* '''Monkey King's Circlet''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Monkey King's Circlet)''
* '''Mythrill Circlet''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Circlet)''
* '''Orin's Circlet''' -- ''Orindae (Orin's Crown)''
* '''Phoenix Circlet''' -- ''Phoenix Circlet''
* '''Pixie Dust Circlet''' -- ''Pixie (Dust Circlet)'' -- with Earrings
=== Crowns ===
* '''Aquatica Sharp Shell Crown''' -- ''Aquatica (Sharp Shell Crown)''
* '''Birthday Crown''' -- ''Birthday Crown [color] [position]'' -- 2 colors: Blue, red (default) -- 2 positions: straight, Tilted
* '''Birthstone Crown''' -- ''[color] Birthstone Crown'' -- 9 colors: blue (September), cyan (March), green (May), orange (November), pink (October), purple (February), red (January), teal (December), white (April) -- 2 positions: tilted left and tilted right
* '''Fire Flower Wreath''' -- ''Fire Flower (Wreath)''
* '''Flower Crown''' -- ''Flower Crown''
* '''Holly Crown'''
** '''Plain''' -- ''[color] Holly Crown'' -- 2 colors: green (plain) and Gilded
** '''Candles''' -- ''[color] Holly Candle Crown'' -- 2 colors: green (plain) and Gilded
* '''Monkey King's Headdress''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Monkey King's Headdress Crown)''
* '''Royal Crown''' -- ''Royal Crown [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Sugarplum Tiara''' -- ''[color] Sugarplum Tiara'' -- 4 colors: Berry, Iced, Mint, Powdered
* '''Virgo's Crown''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Virgo's Crown)''
=== Elaborate Headdresses ===
* '''Animal Form'''
** '''Cat''' -- ''[color] Cat Mask'' -- 3 colors: Charcoal, Cheshire, Sandy
** '''Doggy''' -- ''Doggy Style [color] Headgear'' -- 3 colors: Brownspiral, green (Scrowl), grey (Steamer)
** '''Wulf''' -- ''[color] Wulf Headpiece'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
* '''Anubis Head''' -- ''Gift of the Gods''
* '''Chain Circlet with Bladed Pigtails''' -- ''Bladed Pigtails''
* '''DandiDooDad Bloom''' -- ''DandiDooDad Defector (Trichome)''
* '''Durga's Divine Crown''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Durga's Divine Crown)''
* '''Emperor's Headdress''' -- ''Emperors Headdress''
* '''Green Corallus Hood''' -- ''Green Corallus (Hood)''
* '''Immaculate Bishop's Mitre''' -- ''Immaculate Bishop'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Hat)
* '''Imperial Queen's Crown''' -- ''Imperial Queen'' -- 2 colors: black (plain) and white (White Crown) -- with Veil
* '''Internettengu Hat''' -- ''YHBT Hat (Internettengu)''
* '''Isis' Crown''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess''
* '''Kurogane's Mask''' -- ''Kurogane's Mask''
* '''Milady Headpiece''' -- ''[color] Milady Headpiece'' -- 6 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Snow Witch Crown''' -- ''Snow Witch (Crown)''
* '''Solar Headdress''' -- ''Solar Headdress'' -- 3 states: plain, Eclipse, and Shade -- with Mask
* '''Winter Rose Crown''' -- ''Winter Rose (Floral Crown)''
=== Simple Headbands ===
* '''Armored'''
** '''Ninja's''' -- ''Steel-plated Ninja Band'' -- 2 positions: high and Low
** '''Samurai's''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi (Headband)'' -- 2 varieties: plain and V (''V Headband'')
* '''Cat Ears Headband''' -- ''[color] Paper Cat Band'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Goldenrod, White
* '''Doctor's Parabolic Reflector''' -- ''Doctors Parabolic Reflector''
* '''Feather Headband''' -- ''[color] Feather Headband'' -- 3 colors: Blue, brown (Dark), yellow (plain)
* '''GetaGRIP Headband''' -- ''[color] GetaGRIP Headband'' -- 3 colors: Black, Maroon, Purple
* '''Golden Headband''' -- ''Headband''
* '''Hachimaki''' -- ''[style] Hachimaki'' -- 4 styles: Certain Victory, Nihon, Polka-dot, White
* '''Heartstring''' -- ''Heartstring (Head)''
* '''Hippie Headband''' -- ''[color] Hippie Headband'' -- 3 colors: Moss, Tan, Wine
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Headband)''
* '''Lovely Genie's Headpiece''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Headpiece'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow
* '''Rocker Bandanna''' -- ''[color] Glamrock Headband'' -- 3 colors: black (Waste), blue (Tide), red (Clot)
* [F] '''Rose Band''' -- ''[color] Rose Band'' -- 3 colors: Black, Deep Purple, White
* [F] '''Simple Band''' -- ''[color] Complex Band'' -- 3 colors: blue (#000000), yellow (#E8E629), white (#FFFFFF)
= Jewelry & Accessories =
== Arms ==
=== Armlets ===
* '''Egyptian Gold Armlet''' -- ''Egyptian Gold Armlet'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Chain Striker''' -- ''Chain of Command ([location] Strike)'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Demon Mini-Wing Armlets''' -- ''Demonic Winged Armlets''
* '''Lovely Genie's Arm Bangle''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Arm Bangle'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either arm
=== Bracelets & Wrist Bands ===
* '''Angelic Bracelets''' -- ''Angelic Bracelet''
* '''Darkbinds''' -- ''Dark Halo (Darkbinds)''
* '''Egyptian Gold Bracelet''' -- ''Egyptian Gold Bracelet'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Flower Wrist Band''' -- ''Flower Wrist Band''
* '''Ice Bracelet''' -- ''Ice Tiara (Bracelet)''
** '''Arm Blade''' -- ''Ice Tiara (Spike)''
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Ojuzu Wrap)'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Lovely Genie's Bangle Bracelets''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Bangle Bracelets'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Martial Artist's Wristbands''' -- ''Martial Arts Bracers''
* '''Natural Oblong Beads''' -- ''Natural [color] Oblong Beads'' -- 3 colors: Amethyst, Coral, Jade
* '''Oversized Bangles''' -- ''Black and Gold Oversize Bangles'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Pearl Strand Bracelet''' -- ''Elegant Pearl Strand Bracelet''
* '''Roco Rochel Costume Bracelets''' -- ''Roco Rachel Costume Bracelet''
* '''Rose Wristlet Corsage''' -- ''[color] Rose Wristlet Corsage'' -- 4 colors: Pink, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Simple Bracelet''' -- ''[color] Bracelet'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Ska Wristband''' -- ''SKA wristband''
* '''Spiked Armbands''' -- ''Rock Hard (Spiked Armbands)''
* '''Wrist Watch''' -- ''[color] Wrist Watch'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
=== Bracers ===
* '''Demon Wing Bracers''' -- ''Demonic Studded Bracers''
* '''Leather Bracers''' -- ''Spartan Gloves''
* '''Mythrill Bracers''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Guards)''
=== Shackles ===
* '''Chain Shackles''' -- ''Chain of Command (False Locke)''
* '''Nitemare Shackles''' -- ''Demonic Anklets (Nitemare Shackles)''
* '''Prisoner's Shackles''' -- ''Prisoner's Shackles''
=== Soft Wraps & Garters ===
* '''Arm Bandages'''
** '''Forearm''' -- ''[variation] Arm Bandage'' -- 2 variations: clean (default) and Bloody
** '''Upper Arm''' -- ''[variation] Upper Arm Bandage'' -- 2 variations: clean (default) and Bloody
* '''Card Shark Garters''' -- ''Card Shark Bands''
* '''Heartstring''' -- ''Heartstring (Arm)'' -- 2 locations: either arm
* '''Inflatable Water Wings''' -- ''[color] Inflatable Water Wings'' -- 5 colors: Magenta, Orange, Red, Teal, Yellow
* '''Sugarplum Puff Sleeves''' -- ''[color] Sugarplum Puff Sleeves'' -- 4 colors: Berry, Iced, Mint, Powdered
* '''Zebra Wrap''' -- ''[color] Zebra Wrap'' -- 3 colors: Cloud, Dusk, Rain
=== Tattoos ===
* '''Angel Wing''' -- ''Angel Wing Arm Tattoo''
* '''Bat Wing''' -- ''Bat Wing Arm Tattoo''
* '''Flame Spiral''' -- ''[color] Flame Spiral Arm Tattoo'' -- 4 colors: Green Yellow, Orange Yellow, Purple Blue, Red Pink
* '''Heart''' -- ''[color] Heart Arm Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Rose''' -- ''[color] Roses Arm Tattoo'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Skull & Bones''' -- ''[color] Skull & Bones Arm Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Star''' -- ''[color] Star Arm Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Tribal''' -- ''[color] Tribal [side] Arm Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 sides: Left, Right
== Bags ==
* '''Chain Wallet''' -- ''Chain Wallet''
* '''Compact Briefcase''' -- ''[color] Compact Briefcase'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue Vinyl, Leather
* '''Violin Case''' -- ''Violin Case'' -- 2 positions: either hand
* '''Xmas Gift Basket''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Gift Bag'' -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Backpacks ===
* '''Ghost Hunter Neutron Blaster''' -- ''Ghost Hunter Neutron Blaster 2007''
* '''Panda Pack''' -- ''Pandy Pack'' -- 2 locations: chest and Back
* '''Sweetheart Teddy Pack''' -- ''[color] Sweetheart Teddy (Pack)'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Pink
* '''Turtle Shell''' -- ''Hard Shell Pack [variation]'' -- 2 variations: plain and Spiked
=== Purses ===
* '''Clamshell Purse''' -- ''Jenny's [color] Clamshell Purse'' -- 6 colors: black (Secretive), blue (Sentimental), green (Youthful), pink (Sweet), purple (Mysterious), white (Innocent) -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Designer Handbag''' -- ''MTV [color] Designer Handbag'' -- 3 colors: Black, Gold, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Glam Purse''' -- ''[color] Starter Glam Girl Purse'' -- 3 colors: black (Neutral), red (Warm), purple (Cool) -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Shoulder Bags ===
* '''Angelic Bag''' -- ''Angelic Microphone (Speaker Bag)''
* '''Leather Courier Bag''' -- ''Detective Kit''
* '''Messenger Bag''' -- ''[color] Messenger Bag'' -- 4 colors: blue (Lift), cyan (Grip), green (Sway), purple (Rush)
* '''ORLY? Owl Tote''' -- ''ORLY? Tooooote''
* '''Simple Black Bag''' -- ''Emo Bag''
== Body Art ==
* '''Belly Gem''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Gem'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow
* '''Black Spider''' -- ''Black Spider Chest Tattoo''
* '''Claw Marks''' -- ''White Drome (Claw [type])'' -- 2 types: Scars, Wounds
* '''Dragon''' -- ''[color] Dragon Torso Tattoo'' -- 3 colors: Blue Pink, Red Green, Red Turquoise -- with Arms
* '''Flame Spiral''' -- ''[color] Flame Spiral [side] Tattoo'' -- 4 colors: Green Yellow, Orange Yellow, Purple Blue, Red Pink -- 2 sides: Back, Chest -- note: back doesn't show!
* '''Letter''' -- ''[color] [letter] Chest Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 letters: G, S
* '''Roses''' -- ''[color] Roses [side] Tattoo'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Orange, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 sides: Back, Chest -- note: back doesn't show!
* '''Skull & Bones''' -- ''[color] Skull & Bones [side] Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 sides: Back, Chest -- note: back doesn't show!
* '''Solar Flare Belly''' -- ''[color] Solar Flare Belly Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Star''' -- ''[color] Star [side] Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow -- 2 sides: Back, Chest -- note: back doesn't show!
* '''Tribal''' -- ''[color] Tribal Torso Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
== Brooches & Pins ==
* '''Blood Drop Brooch''' -- ''Blood Drop Brooch''
* '''G Buckle''' -- ''G Buckle''
* '''G Pin''' -- ''G Pin''
* '''Police Officer's Badge''' -- ''[color] Officers Badge'' -- 3 colors: Bronze, Gold, Silver
* '''Scarab Pin''' -- ''Egyptian Gold [variation] Scarab Pin'' -- 2 variations: Chubby, Skinny
* '''Skull Pin''' -- ''Dead Sexy [color] Skull Pin'' -- 4 colors: plain, Onyx, Rose, Stone
* '''V Pin''' -- ''V Pin ([side] half)'' -- 2 sides: left and right
=== Flowers ===
* '''Black Orchid''' -- ''Black Orchid Brooch''
* [F] '''Flashion Rose''' -- ''Flashion Rose''
* '''Four-Leaf Clover''' -- ''4 Leaf Clover Pin''
* '''Holly''' -- ''Holly Pin''
* '''Lily Boutonniere''' -- ''[color] Lily Boutonniere'' -- 4 colors: Pink, Purple, White, Yellow
* '''Lily Corsage''' -- ''[color] Lily Corsage'' -- 4 colors: Pink, Purple, White, Yellow
* [F] '''Red Rose''' -- ''Red Rose Corsage''
* '''Soulburner Rose''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Corsage)''
* '''Xmas Medley''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Corsage''
* '''Winter Rose''' -- ''Winter Rose''
== Ears ==
=== Behind the Ear ===
* '''DandiDooDad Spore''' -- ''DandiDooDad Spore (Behind Ear)'' -- 2 locations: left and right sides
* '''Feather Quill''' -- ''Grace of Eros''
=== Ear Clips ===
* '''Bani''' -- ''Bani Clips (Ears)''
* '''Doll Ears''' -- ''Doll Ears''
* '''Enchanted Strings G-clef''' -- ''Enchanted Strings (G-clef [color])'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Goti''' -- ''Goti Clips (Ears)''
* '''Plasma Gear''' -- ''Plasma Gear [color]'' -- 2 colors: blue (plain) and Red
* '''UFO''' -- ''Mini UFO (Headphone Home)''
=== Earmuffs ===
* '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelic Earmuffs''
* '''Demonic''' -- ''Demonic Earmuffs''
* '''Xmas''' -- ''Holly Jolly Poinsettia Earmuffs''
=== Earrings ===
* '''Ball Ornament''' -- ''[color] Ball Ornament Earrings'' -- 6 colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Purple, Red, Silver
* '''Diamond''' -- ''NPC: Labtech Gene's Earrings''
* '''Double-Ring''' -- ''Lovely Genie Double [color] Earrings'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Gemstone''' -- ''Pearl And [color] Earrings'' -- 5 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Glass Drop''' -- ''Drop Earrings''
* '''Heart''' -- ''Sweetheart [color] Earrings'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Hoop''' -- ''[color] Hoop Earrings'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Pearl''' -- ''Pearl Earrings''
* '''Pearl Drop''' -- ''Pearl Drop Earrings''
* '''Pumpkin''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Pumpkin Earrings''
* '''Record''' -- ''[color] Record Earrings'' -- 3 colors: Classic, Gold, Platinum
* '''Simple''' -- ''[color] Starman Earring'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Snowball''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Earrings''
=== Headphones ===
* '''Angelic Headset'''
** '''Hairband style''' -- ''Angelic Microphone (Winged Headset)''
** '''Headband style''' -- ''Angelic Microphone (Winged Headband)''
* '''GO Headphones''' -- ''GO Headphones ([color])'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Green, Red, white (default)
* '''Pumpkin Jack Headphones''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Headphones''
* '''Studio Headphones''' -- ''DJ Studio Headphones''
* '''White Microphone Headset''' -- ''Angelic Microphone (Mic Headset)''
* '''Wrap-Around Headphones''' -- ''Portable Stereo Headphones''
==== Player Included ====
* '''GO Cellphone w/Headset''' -- ''GO Phone ([color] [variation])'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blue, red (default), White -- 2 variations: normal and Emote -- belt clip
* '''GO Player w/Earbuds''' -- ''GO Player [location] ([color])'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Green, Red, white (default) -- 3 locations: belt (default), on the ground (Pet), or Hand
* '''ZONY Discman''' -- ''ZONY Discman''
* '''ZONY MP3 Player''' -- ''ZONY MP3 Player''
== Eyes ==
* '''Blindfolds'''
** '''Elegant Blindfold''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Love Is Blind)''
** '''Gothic Blindfold''' -- ''Gothic Veil (Blindfold)''
* '''Magic Eyes'''
** '''Dark Star Monocle''' -- ''Dark Star (Starry-eyed Surprise)''
** '''Sapphire Seeing Stone''' -- ''Seeing Stone''
=== Eye Patches ===
* '''Band-style''' -- ''[color] Band Style Eye Patch'' -- 4 colors: Black, Red, Tan, White
* '''Bat''' -- ''Bat Eye Patch''
* '''Bandages'''
** '''Eye''' -- ''[variation] Eye Bandage'' -- 2 variations: clean (default) and Bloody -- 2 positions: left and right eyes
** '''Head''' -- ''[variation] Head Bandage'' -- 2 variations: clean (default) and Bloody
* '''Heart''' -- ''Heart Eye Patch''
* '''Pirate''' -- ''Pirate Patch''
* '''Pumpkin''' -- ''Pumpkin Eye Patch''
* '''Skull''' -- ''Skull Eye Patch''
* '''Steel-Plated''' -- ''Steel-plated Ninja Band (Tilted)''
=== Glasses & Goggles ===
* '''3D Glasses''' -- ''3D Glasses''
* '''Adventurer's Goggles''' -- ''Syaoran's Goggles'' -- 3 locations: over eyes, around neck, on top of head
* '''Emo Glasses''' -- ''Emo Glasses''
* '''Emoticon Glasses''' -- ''[emoticon] Glasses'' -- 11 emoticons: -_-, .-_.-, ._., >_<, Heart, n_n, o_o, Smile, Swirl, U_U, x_x
* '''Heart Glasses''' -- ''Red Heart Glasses [color]'' -- 4 colors: Pink, Purple, red (plain), White
* '''Gaia Party Glasses''' -- ''G Shades [color]'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Pink, Yellow
* '''Monocle''' -- ''Monocle''
* '''Plain Glasses''' -- ''Glasses''
* '''Sport Diver Goggles''' -- ''[color] Sport Diver Goggles'' -- 3 colors: Blu, Redd, Yello
* '''Stylish Glasses''' -- ''NPC: Labtech Gene's Glasses''
==== High Tech Goggles ====
* '''Alien 4D Goggles''' -- ''Alien 4d Goggles''
* '''Holographic Eyepiece''' -- ''[color] Holographic Eyepiece'' -- 8 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Night Vision Goggles''' -- ''[color] Goggles'' -- 2 colors: green (Night Vision), red (Infrared)
* '''Plasma Gear Neon Visor''' -- ''Plasma Gear ([color] Neon Visor'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Red -- with Ear Clips
* '''Stealth Evo Nightvision''' -- ''Stealth Evo Nightvision''
==== Sunglasses ====
* '''21 Shades''' -- ''21 Shades''
* '''Cache''' -- ''[color] Cache Shades'' -- 3 colors: blue (Aoi), green (Midori), yellow (Chairo)
* '''Celebrity''' -- ''Celebrity Sunglasses''
* '''Hipster''' -- ''HIPster [color] Tint Shades'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Mirror Shades''' -- ''Mirror Shades''
* '''Plain''' -- ''Shades''
* '''Psychle''' -- ''[color] PSYchle Shades'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, Red
* '''Romani''' -- ''Romani Glasses''
* '''SLIK''' -- ''SLIK Shades''
* '''Sun Visor''' -- ''[color] Sun Visor'' -- 3 colors: Green/Yellow, Purple/Blue, Red/Orange
* '''SuperStar''' -- ''SuperStar [color] Tint Shades'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Orange, Red
* '''Torque''' -- ''[color] Torque Shades'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Orange, Yellow
== Face ==
=== Face Art & Markings ===
* '''Cake on Face''' -- 2 colors: brown (''Pink Heart Chocolate Cake (Face)''), white (''Deluxe Wedding Cake (Face)'')
* '''Clown Makeup'''
** '''Blue Tear''' -- ''Blue Tear Clown Makeup''
** '''Blush''' -- ''Blush Clown Makeup [position]'' -- 2 positions: high and low
** '''Green Triangles''' -- ''Green Triangles Clown Makeup [position]'' -- 2 positions: high and low
** '''Smile''' -- ''Clown Grin Makeup''
** '''Sparkling Eyes''' -- ''Sparkling Eyes Clown Makeup''
** '''White Face''' -- ''White Clown Makeup''
* '''Dashing Scar''' -- ''Scar of [type]'' -- 2 types: Duelist, Hero
* '''Exfoliating Cream''' -- ''Exfoliating Algae Facial Mask [color]'' -- 2 colors: Green, White
* '''Eye Stripe''' -- ''[color] Eye Stripe Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Geisha Makeup''' -- ''Geisha Makeup''
* '''Gills''' -- ''Gills''
* '''Heart''' -- ''[color] Heart Face Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Kiss''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite''
* '''Kumadori Makeup''' -- ''[variation] Kumadori Makeup'' -- 3 variations: plain, Heroic, Villainous
* '''Mole''' -- ''The Mole''
* '''Ohaguro Lipstick''' -- ''Ohaguro Smile''
* '''Soot Blackened Face''' -- ''Soot Face Explode [state]'' -- 2 states: still smoking (default) and plain (Original)
* '''Star''' -- ''[color] Star Face Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Tribal Head Tattoos''' -- ''[color] Tribal Head Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Vampire Bite Marks''' -- ''Vampire Bite Marks'' -- note: almost invisible
=== Jewelry ===
* '''Forehead Jewel''' -- ''[color] Forehead Jewel'' -- 3 colors: Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Forehead Pearl''' -- ''Flashy Starman Forehead Gem''
* '''Nose Ring''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Nose Ring'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
== Hair Accents ==
=== Flowers & Leaves ===
* '''Cherry Blossom''' -- ''Sakura Blossom Hairpin''
* '''Decorative Daisy''' -- ''Decorative Daisy''
* '''Fire Flower''' -- ''Fire Flower''
* '''Ginkgo Leaf''' -- ''Ginkgo Leaf Hairpin''
* '''Holly''' -- ''Holly Hairpiece''
* '''Plumeria''' -- ''Plumeria Headpiece''
* '''Poinsettia''' -- ''[color] Poinsettia Hairpiece'' -- 2 colors: red (default) and White
* '''Pumpkin Vine''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Pumpkin Beret''
* '''Sacred Leaf''' -- ''Sacred Leaf''
* '''Ume Blossom''' -- ''Ume Blossom Hairpin''
=== Hairpins & Clips ===
* '''Aquatica Sea Jewels''' -- ''Aquatica (Sea Jewels)''
* '''Bani Clips''' -- ''Bani Clips''
* '''Biancamella Comb''' -- ''Biancamella (Candy Comb)''
* '''Goti Clips''' -- ''Goti Clips''
* '''Halloween Bat Clip'''
** '''Hair Clip''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Bat Clip'' -- 2 positions: high and Head Low
** '''Headband''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Bat Clip Headband'' -- 2 positions: high and Low
* '''Inari Fire Spirit''' -- ''Inari's Beads [type]'' -- 2 types: dormant (Head) and flaming (Hairpin) -- 2 positions: left and right sides
* '''Kiku Flower''' -- ''Kiku Flower Hairpin''
* '''Milady Cauls''' -- ''[color] Milady Cauls'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Ninja Stars''' -- ''Dark Star (Mini Star)''
* '''Pixie Dust Clips''' -- ''Pixie (Pixie Clips)''
* '''Hermes' Rabbit Pins''' -- ''Hermes' Moon (Usamimi)''
* '''Skull & Crossbones Hairpin''' -- ''Drop Dead Gorgeous [color] Skull Hairpin'' -- 4 colors: plain, Onyx, Rose, Stone
=== Ribbons ===
* '''Bao''' -- ''Bao''
* '''Blushing Bride's Veil''' -- ''Blushing Bride's Veil''
* '''Elegant Ribbons''' -- ''Elegant Veil (Ribbons)''
* '''Gothic Ruffled Ribbons''' -- ''Gothic Veil (Ruffled Ribbons)''
* '''Missy Ribbon''' -- ''Missy [color] Ribbon'' -- 4 colors: Emerald, Lavender, Pearl, Sapphire
* '''Plain Ribbon''' -- ''[color] Ribbon'' -- 3 colors: Elegant Blue, Golden, pink (Fancy)
* '''Pretty Heroine Ribbon''' -- ''Chyaku Norisu Scarf (Pretty Heroine)''
== Hands ==
=== Claws ===
* '''Dark Claws''' -- ''Dark Halo (Darkclaws)''
* '''Freddy Claws''' -- ''Freddy Claws''
* '''Hook''' -- ''Hook Hand''
* '''Nitemare Claws''' -- ''Nitemare Claws''
* '''Pumpkin Jack Claws''' -- ''Jack's 2k7 Armor Gloves''
* '''Werewolf Claws''' -- ''Were Claws''
=== Elbow-length Gloves ===
* '''Angelic Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''Angelic Gloves''
* '''Coal-and-Snow Flared Gloves''' -- ''Santa Baby Gloves''
* [F] '''Daisy's Gloves''' -- ''Daisy's [color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: blue (Breeze), orange (Warm), yellow (Sunny)
* [F] '''Felicia's White Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''Felicia's Gloves''
* [F] '''Flashion Gloves''' -- ''[color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Elegant Blue, Golden, pink (Fancy)
* [F] '''Lex's Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''Lex's [color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Dark, White
* '''Magical Girl's Gloves''' -- ''Magical Girl's Lovely Heart Gloves''
* '''Red and White Striped Knit Gloves''' -- ''Spirited Gloves''
* '''Xmas Gloves''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Gloves''
=== Fancy Gloves ===
* '''Black Skeleton Gloves''' -- ''Black Skeleton Gloves''
* '''Morgana's Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''Morgana's Gloves''
* '''Mummy Wrap''' -- ''Mami Hands''
* '''Pumpkin Gloves''' -- ''Jacked-up Gloves''
* '''Pumpkin Scarecrow Gloves''' -- ''Jack's Gloves 2k6''
* '''Really Jacked Up Gloves''' -- ''Really Jacked Up Gloves''
* '''Xmas Gloves''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Gloves''
=== Gauntlets ===
* '''Damascus Dark Gauntlets''' -- ''Damascus Armor (Dark [color] Grip)'' -- 2 colors: plain, Energy
* '''Fire Gauntlet''' -- ''Fire Gauntlet'' -- 2 locations: either hands
* '''Ice Gauntlet''' -- ''Ice Gauntlet'' -- 2 locations: either hands
* '''Mythrill Gauntlets''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Guards)''
* '''Spirit Falcon Gauntlet''' -- ''Spirit Falcon'' -- 2 states: normal and Summon Energy
* '''Valiant Knight Gauntlets''' -- ''Valiant Knight ([color] Gauntlets)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White
* '''Vampire Hunter's Bladed Glove and Leg Strap''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Bladed Glove and Leg Strap''
=== Mitts ===
* '''Oven Mitts''' -- ''Professional Grade [color] Oven Mitts'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Polar Mittens''' -- ''[color] Polar Expedition Barrier Mitts'' -- 5 colors: Gray, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
* '''Xmas Mittens''' -- ''Holly Jolly Mitten''
=== Ordinary Gloves ===
* '''Biker Gloves''' -- ''Skull Biker [color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Black, blue (Steel), Oxblood
* '''Cartoon Character Gloves''' -- ''Elftech Gloves''
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Pristine White Gloves''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves''
* '''GetaGRIP Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''[color] GetaGRIP Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Black, Maroon, Purple
* '''Glacier Gloves''' -- ''Glacier [color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: black (Sleet), blue (Ice), red (Avalanche)
* '''Heavy Protective Gloves''' -- ''[color] Ghost Hunter Protective Gloves'' -- 4 colors: black (Shade), brown (Grounded), gray (Metallic), white (Titan)
* '''Jack Uniform Gloves''' -- ''Jack Uniform Gloves''
* '''Medical Gloves''' -- ''[color] Medical Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Purple, White
* [F] '''Peasant Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''[color] Peasant Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Jade, Tan
* '''Plain Black Gloves''' -- ''Black Gloves''
* '''PomPom Gloves''' -- ''[color] PomPom Gloves'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Green, Pink, Violet
* '''Red and White Striped Knit Gloves''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Gloves''
* '''Snowbored Gloves''' -- ''Snowbored Gloves [color]'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Those 90s Gloves (fingerless)''' -- ''Those [color] 90s Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Brown
* '''Work Gloves''' -- ''[color] Work Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Brown, Green
=== Paws ===
* '''Cat Paws''' -- ''[color] Cat Paws'' -- 3 colors: Charcoal, Cheshire, Sandy
* '''Doggy Paws''' -- ''Doggy Style [color] Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Brownspiral, green (Scrowling), grey (Steamer)
* '''Reindeer Hooves''' -- ''Reindeer Gloves''
* '''Tiger Claws''' -- ''Cat Gloves''
* '''Wulf Paws''' -- ''[color] Wulf Gloves'' -- 3 colors: Black, Blue, Red
=== Rings ===
* '''Promise Ring''' -- ''[color] Promise Ring'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Ruby Ring''' -- ''Roco Rochel Costume Ring''
== Legs ==
=== Anklets ===
* '''Demon Wing Anklets'''
** '''Mini''' -- ''Demonic Anklets''
** '''Big''' -- ''Demonic Anklets (Nitemare Wing)''
* '''Egyptian Gold Anklet''' -- ''Egyptian Gold Anklet ([side])'' -- 2 sides: left and right
* '''Flower Ankle Bands''' -- ''Flower Ankle Bands''
* '''Grace of Aphrodite Anklets''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite (Anklets)''
* '''Ice Anklet''' -- ''Ice Tiara (Ankle)''
* '''Prisoner's Ball and Chain''' -- ''Prisoner's Ball and Chain''
* '''Winged Anklets''' -- ''Winged Anklets''
=== Shinguards ===
* '''Bone Dragon Legs''' -- ''Bone Dragon Boots''
* '''Mythrill Shinguards''' -- ''Mythrill Armor (Armor Shinguards)''
=== Soft ===
* '''Dance Hall Garter''' -- ''Young Mrs. Claus' Garter''
* '''Heartstring Garter''' -- ''Heartstring (Leg)''
* [F] '''Leg Warmers''' -- ''Light [color] Leg Warmers'' -- 3 colors: Gray, Purple, Tanbark
* '''Tentacles and Teeth''' -- ''The Experiment (Part 5 - Feet)''
* '''Winter Fox Mink Leg Wrap''' -- ''Winter Fox Mink (Leg)''
=== Tattoos ===
* '''Dragon''' -- ''[color] Dragon Bottom Tattoo'' -- 3 colors: Blue Pink, Red Green, Red Turquoise
* '''Tribal''' -- ''[color] Tribal Bottom Tattoo'' -- 9 colors: Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
== Neck ==
=== Collars ===
* '''Angelic Collar''' -- ''Angelic Collar''
* '''Bone Collar''' -- Alruna's Rose (Collar)
** '''with Demon Wings''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Collar and Wings)''
* '''Courted Ruff''' -- ''Courted Ruff''
* '''Demonic Neckpiece''' -- ''Dark Halo (Demon Neckpiece)''
* '''Durga's Divine Collar''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Durga's Divine Collar)''
* '''Ice Wings''' -- ''Ice Tiara (Wings)'' -- with Orbits
* '''Isis' Royal Adornment''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Isis' Royal Adornment)''
* '''Jester's Collar''' -- ''Joker Collar [color]'' -- 3 colors: red-black, white-black, yellow-blue
* '''Phoenix Heart''' -- ''Phoenix Circlet (Heart)''
=== Cravats ===
* '''Amigo Tie''' -- ''The 4th Amigo [color] Tie'' -- 3 colors: green (Guappa), red (Lucki), yellow (Dusti)
* '''Dead Bat Cravat''' -- ''Dead Sexy [color] Bat Cravat'' -- 4 colors: Blood, Evening, Gold, Wine
* '''Elegant Snowy Cravat''' -- ''Elegant Snowy Cravat''
* '''Luck o' the Gairish Bow Tie''' -- ''Luck o' the Gairish (Bowtie)''
* '''Magical Girl's Ribbon''' -- ''Magical Girl's [color] Uniform (Ribbon)'' -- 6 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red (''Magical Girl (Source of Magical Power)''), Yellow
* '''Neck Ruffle''' -- ''Neck Ruffle''
=== Necklaces & Chokers ===
* '''Cat Collar''' -- ''[color] Cat Collar'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Green, Purple, Red
* '''Colorful Beads''' -- ''Anti-Fashion [color] Anti-Accessory'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red
* '''Doggy Bell Collar''' -- ''Holly Jolly Collar''
* '''Drop Necklace''' -- ''Drop Necklace''
* '''Gold Necklace''' -- ''In Da Hood Gold Necklace''
* '''Jingle Bell Collar''' -- ''Reindeer Collar''
* '''Kukui Beads''' -- ''Burnished [color] Kukui Necklace'' -- 2 colors: Black, Brown
* [F] '''Leather Collar with Cross''' -- ''Leather Collar with Cross''
* [F] '''Maid's Collar''' -- ''Maid Collar Necklace''
* [F] '''Neck Ribbon''' -- ''[color] Neck Ribbon'' -- 3 colors: Marine, Velvetine, Yellow
* '''Pearl and Gem Necklace''' -- ''Pearl And [color] Necklace'' -- 5 colors: Amethyst, Emerald, Onyx, Ruby, Sapphire
* '''Pearl Drop Choker''' -- ''Elegant Pearl Drop Choker''
* '''Pearl Necklace''' -- ''Pearl Necklace''
* '''Skull Choker''' -- ''Drop Dead Gorgeous [color] Skull Choker'' -- 4 colors: plain, Onyx, Rose, Stone
* '''Spiked Collar''' -- ''Nitemare Collar''
* [M] '''Studded Leather Collar''' -- ''Studded Leather Collar''
=== Neckties & Kerchiefs ===
* [M] '''Bow Tie''' -- ''[color] Bowtie'' -- 4 colors: Black (''Black Bow Tie''), Blue, Red, White
* '''Clown Tie''' -- ''Pink Polkadot Clown Tie''
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Necktie''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [color] Tie'' -- 5 colors: Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Onyx, Sapphire
* '''Gold Mountain Necktie''' -- ''Gold Mountain Tie [color] [suit]'' -- 2 colors: black, red -- 4 suits: Clover, Diamond, Heart, Spade
* '''Heartstring''' -- ''Heartstring''
* '''Plain Necktie''' -- ''[color] Tie'' -- 3 colors: Black, Bluegray, Red
* '''Polyester Necktie''' -- ''[color] Polyester Necktie'' -- 4 colors: Antarctic White, Cherry Red, Peacock Blue, Stallion Black
* '''Starman Neckerchief''' -- ''[color] Starman Neckerchief'' -- 4 colors: blue (Psychedelic Shimmer), grey (Ghostly Glimmer), green (Crazy Cool), Raving Red
* '''Zoot Suit Necktie''' -- ''[color] Zoot Suit Tie'' -- 3 colors: Black, Brown, White
=== Pendants ===
* '''Angelic Pendant''' -- ''Angelic Pendant'' -- 2 states: normal and Glow
* '''Angelic Speaker''' -- ''Angelic Microphone (Necklace Speaker)''
* '''BFF Heart Chain''' -- ''[color] BFF Heart Chain [side]'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver -- 3 sides: complete (default), Left, Right
* '''Biancamella Cameo Brooch''' -- ''Biancamella (Cameo Brooch)''
* '''Cow Bell''' -- ''Cow Bell''
* '''DandiDooDad Spore''' -- ''DandiDooDad Spore'' -- 2 states: normal and Glow -- with Emanation
* '''Demonic Pendant''' -- ''Demonic Pendant'' -- 2 states: normal and Glow
* '''Dog Tags''' -- ''Dog Tags''
* '''Easter Mascot''' -- ''Easter 2k6 [aminal] Tie'' -- 2 aminals: Bunny, Chicky
* '''Egyptian Ankh Pendant''' -- ''Egyptian [color] Ankh Pendant'' -- 3 colors: Crimson, Sapphire, Turquoise
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads''
* '''Jingle Bells''' -- ''Jingle Bells''
* '''Locket''' -- ''[color] Locket'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Medal''' -- ''[color] Medal'' -- 3 colors: Bronze, Gold, Silver
* '''Natural Pendant''' -- ''Natural [color] Pendant'' -- 3 colors: Amethyst, Coral, Jade
* '''Red Heart Pendant''' -- ''Labu Necklace''
* '''Scion Bling Necklace''' -- ''Scion Bling Necklace'' -- 2 states: normal and Shiny
*'''Soap on a Rope''' -- ''[color] Soap On A Rope (Neck)'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* '''Solar Flare Pendant and Armlets''' -- ''Solar Headdress (Flare)'' -- with Armlets
* '''Stethoscope''' -- ''Stethoscope''
* '''Sweetheart Pendant''' -- ''Sweetheart [color] Pendant'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
= Props =
== Companions ==
=== Pets ===
==== Birds ====
* '''Blue Birds''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Birds)''
* '''Chickies'''
** '''Baby Chicky''' -- ''Baby Chicky'' -- 3 positions: arm, shoulder, toe
** '''Chubby Chicky''' -- ''Chubby Chicky'' -- 3 positions: chest, floor, head
** '''Cutie Chicky''' -- ''Cutie Chicky'' -- 3 positions: chest x2, floor
* '''Kaguya's Celestial Cranes''' -- ''Gift of the Goddess (Kaguya's Celestial Cranes)''
* '''Korora the Little Blue Penguin''' -- ''Korora the Little Blue Penguin Plush'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
* '''Lovebird''' -- ''Lovebird Plush'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
* '''Owlda''' -- ''Summoning Tome (Owlda)'' -- 3 positions: individual on head, individual on shoulder, parliament on head
* '''Pantheracorax Griffon'''
** '''Adult''' -- ''Pantheracorax (Griffon)'' -- 2 positions: appraising, screaming
** '''Baby''' -- ''Pantheracorax Agate'' -- 5 positions: by leg, hatching, in hand, on floor, on head
* '''Parrot''' -- 3 colors: ''The Blue Parrot'', ''The Red Parrot'', ''Yelliott''
* '''Poe the Raven''' -- ''Poe'' -- 2 positions: on head, on shoulder
* '''Rubber Ducky''' --  ''[type] the Rubber Ducky'' -- 2 types: plain yellow (Chucky), devilish red (Larry) -- 3 positions: in hand, on head, on floor
* '''Spirit Falcon'''
** '''Adult''' -- ''Spirit Falcon'' -- 4 positions: diving, on shoulder, summoned, swooping
** '''Newborn''' -- ''Spirit Falcon (Newborn Falcon)''
* '''White Drome'''
** '''Adult''' -- ''White Drome'' -- 5 positions: attacking, biting, cuddling, screaming, saddled up
** '''Baby''' -- ''White Drome Egg (Baby)'' -- 3 positions: carried, on floor, on head
==== Mammals ====
* '''Armadillo''' -- ''Armadillo Pinball'' -- 2 positions: on feet, rolled up
* '''Bape Cow''' -- ''Bape Cow'' -- 2 positions: carried in either hand
* '''Bats'''
** '''Alruna's Bat''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Bat)'' -- 5 positions: flying nearby, on chest, on either arm, on head
** '''Little Black Bat''' -- ''Little Black Bat'' -- 3 positions: flying nearby, on arm, on chest
* '''Bun-Bun''' -- ''[color] Bun-Bun Plushie'' -- 3 colors: blue (plain), Brown, White -- 4 positions: carried in either hand, on floor, on head
* '''Fausto the Pegasus''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle''
** '''Adult''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle Stage 6 -- 2 positions: behind, in front
** '''Angry Teen''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle (Descent)''
** '''Child''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle (Freedom)'' -- 4 positions: by leg, flying nearby, in arm, on head -- with Artifact
** '''Baby''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle (Genesis)'' -- 3 positions: flying nearby, on chest, on head
* '''Grunny''' -- ''Grunny'' -- 5 positions: lunging, on floor (piddling on your leg), on floor (sitting), on floor (sleeping), on shoulder
* '''Hermes' Rabbit''' -- ''Hermes' Moon'' -- 6 positions: fly by, leaving mochi, offering mochi, sleeping in hand, standing on floor, working on floor
* '''Kitties'''
** '''Cheshire Kat''' -- ''Wonderland''
** '''Coco''' -- ''Coco Kitty Plush'' -- 6 positions: on back (peeking out), on chest, on face, on head (relaxed, or pointing a charge), on shoulder
** '''Kaya from Outer Space''' -- ''Kaya the Cat'' -- 3 positions: behind leg, on floor, on head
** '''Kiki''' -- ''Kiki Kitty Plush'' -- 3 positions: hand chomp, in hand, on head
** '''Lucy''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Lucy the Cat)''
** '''Lolcats'''
*** '''Ceiling Cat''' -- ''LOLcat - Ceiling Cat''
*** '''Cheezburger''' -- ''LOLcat - Cheezburger''
*** '''Longcat''' -- ''Longcat Scarf ([color] for You)'' -- 2 colors: black (Gnoling), white (Longing)
*** '''Monorail Cat''' -- ''LOLcat - Monorail Cat halo''
* '''Mimzy the Rabbit''' -- ''Mimzy''
* '''MoMo the Monkey''' -- ''MoMo the Monkey'' -- 5 positions: on head, on leg, see no spam, hear no spam, speak no spam
* '''"Mr. Raccoon"''' -- ''Mr. Raccoon'' -- 2 poses: fierce, spooky
* '''Orphan's Elephant Doll''' -- ''Orphan's Elephant Doll''
* '''Piggy''' -- ''Piggy Plush'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
* '''Pora Bear'''
** '''Baby''' -- ''Pora Ice Baby Bear'' -- 3 positions: on head, on leg, tripped on floor
** '''Child''' -- ''Pora Ice, Napora'' -- 3 positions: hanging on back, sleeping on floor, sitting on floor
** '''Young''' -- ''Pora Ice (Napora Growing)'' -- 2 positions: being carried, on floor, on leg
* '''Puppies'''
** '''Benny''' -- ''Benny the Puppy'' -- 4 positions: on floor (begging, heeled, or sleeping), on head
** '''Mochi''' -- ''Mochi the Puppy'' -- 2 positions: on floor, on head
** '''RoRo Robo-Puppy''' -- ''RoRo Robo-puppy'' -- 3 positions: on chest, on floor, on head
* '''Rat''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Rat)'' -- 4 positions: floor, head, shoulder, all three (Rats)
* '''Red Panda''' -- ''Tama's Basket'' -- 5 positions: hatching in hand, leaping, on head (awake or sleeping), on shoulders
** '''Warrior''' -- ''Tama's Basket (Final) (Warrior)'' -- 2 positions: on guard, resting
* '''Sno Yeti''' -- ''Sno Yeti Pillow Plush'' -- 5 positions: following, holding hand, on head (arms in or out), on leg
* '''Sweetheart Teddy''' -- ''[color] Sweetheart Teddy'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Pink -- 2 positions: lying by leg, standing on floor
* '''Tuga the Narwhal''' -- ''Tuga the Narwhal Plush'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
==== Reptiles, Fish, and Other Cold-Blooded ====
* '''Fish''' -- ''Aquatica (Fish Are Friends!)''
* '''Flying Fish''' -- ''Pisces''
* '''Goldfish in a Bag''' -- ''[color] Goldfish in a Bag'' -- 3 colors: Black, Calico, gold (plain)
* '''Great Dragon''' -- ''Summoning Tome (Dragon of [breed])'' -- 2 breeds: Darkness, Light
* '''Green Corallus Snake''' -- ''Green Corallus Egg'' -- 4 states: hatching, small, medium, frighteningly large
* '''Gwee the Dragon''' -- ''Gwee the Dragon'' -- 4 positions: flying nearby, on shoulder breathing flame, sleeping on head
* '''Langer the Chinese Dragon''' -- ''Langer the Dragon Plush'' -- 4 positions: by feet, drape across neck, in hand, on head
* '''Orindae Frog''' -- ''Orindae'' -- 7 stages: egg in a jar, pollywog in a jar, busting out of the jar, growing even more, on head, huge and on the floor, huge and filling the panel
* '''Water Meat''' -- ''Water Meat'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
==== Monsters & Aliens ====
* '''Cerberus Spirit''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Cerberus)''
* '''DandiDooDad Spore
** '''Homunculus''' -- ''DandiDooDad Homunculus'' -- 3 positions: standing on the floor (two places), rooted
** '''Neophyte''' -- ''DandiDooDad Spore (Neophyte)'' -- 5 positions: flying nearby, on floor (three places), on head
** '''Zoophyte''' -- ''DandiDooDad Spore (Zoophyte)'' -- 4 positions: on floor (three places and poses), on head
** '''Blooming''' -- ''DandiDooDad Defector'' -- 3 positions: on floor (two places and poses), on back
* '''The Experiment''' -- ''The Experiment'' -- 6 positions: birthed in test tube, tube tentacles, exiting tube, on floor, on leg, on head
* '''Face Spider''' -- ''Spider on my face''
* '''G-BOT''' -- ''G-BOT'' -- 2 modes: normal and Shielded
* '''Head Ghoul''' -- ''[color] Ghoul on my head'' -- 6 colors: Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red
* '''Inari Fire Spirit''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Hand)''
* '''Kappa''' -- ''Kappa Plush'' -- 3 positions: either hand, on head
* '''Leprechaun''' -- ''Luck o' the Gairish (Leprechaun)'' -- 5 positions: in either hand, on floor, on head, on shoulder
* '''Little Grey Alien Baby''' -- ''Mini UFO (Child Support)''
* '''Marshmallow Snowman''' -- ''Marshmallow Snowman''
* '''Mini Ghost''' -- ''Mini Ghost Sheet''
* '''Nymp''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Nymp)'' -- 6 positions: on chest, on head, on leg, flying by (3 different moods)
* '''Nympet''' -- ''Alruna's Rose Nympet'' -- 5 positions: on head, kissing, sitting on air (3 poses)
* '''Phee-Chan''' -- ''Magical Girl (Phee-Chan)''
* '''Pora Iceball''' -- ''Pora Ice (on my head)''
* '''Reaper Shadow''' -- ''Shadow Spirit (Reaper Shadow)''
* '''Rock Puppy''' -- ''Rock Puppy'' -- 3 positions: on the floor (two poses), leaping in air
* '''Shadow of Doubt''' -- ''Shadow Spirit (Shadow of Doubt)''
* '''Shadow Spirit''' -- ''Shadow Spirit''
* '''Slime''' -- ''Slime''
* '''Snowman''' -- ''Let it snow (Snowman)''
=== Mounts & Vehicles ===
* '''Chocobo''' -- ''Wild Things [position]'' -- 2 positions: normal (Roc), calling (Roc's Call)
** '''Goggles''' -- ''Wild Armor (Roc Goggles)''
** '''Head Armor''' -- ''Wild Armor (Rocs Armor)''
* '''Drome''' -- ''White Drome (Mount)''
* '''Fenrir Wolf''' -- ''Wild Things [position]'' -- 2 positions: normal, howling (Fenrir's Call)
** '''Body Armor''' -- ''Wild Armor (Fenrirs Body Armor)''
** '''Head Armor''' -- ''Wild Armor (Fenrirs Head Armor)'' -- 2 positions
** '''Leg Armor''' -- ''Wild Armor (Fenrirs Foot Armor)''
* '''Khan Tiger''' -- ''Wild Things [position]'' -- 2 positions: quiet (Khan), yowling (Khan's Call)
** '''Collar''' -- ''Wild Armor (Khans Collar)''
** '''Head Armor''' -- ''Wild Armor (Khan Armor)''
* '''Mini UFO''' -- ''Mini UFO (Kart Rider)''
* '''Pantheracorax Griffon''' -- ''Pantheracorax (Mount)''
=== Sidekicks ===
==== Adult Dates ====
* '''Adriana the Red''' -- ''Celebrity Date''
* '''Anonymous Boy''' -- ''Celebrity Date''
* '''Ines, Goth Rocker''' -- ''Celebrity Date (Ines)''
* '''Lond, Super Spy''' -- ''Celebrity Date (Lond)''
* '''Orin, Frog Prince''' -- ''Orindae [pose]'' -- 5 poses: Prince Orin, Old Habits…, Orin's Kiss, Orin's Pledge, Time Paradox
* '''Ren, Punk Rocker''' -- ''Celebrity Date (Ren)''
* '''Swimp and his cats''' -- ''Swimp'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Wicked Stepmother''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Wicked Stepmother)''
* '''Yuki the Sweet''' -- ''Celebrity Date (Yuki)''
==== Deities ====
* '''Aphrodite''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite (Goddess)''
* '''Bear-Headed Boy''' -- ''Bear'' -- 2 versions: naked or clothed
* '''Biancamella''' -- ''Biancamella (Biancamella [state])'' -- 2 states: normal and Halo
* '''Cupid''' -- ''My Friend Cupid''
* '''Eros''' -- ''Grace of Eros (God)''
==== Kids ====
* '''Angela the Cripple''' -- ''Angela'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Barph the Pudgy''' -- ''Barph'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Damp Dan''' -- ''Damp Dan'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Dogbrain''' -- ''Dogbrain'' -- 2 versions: happy crazy and scary crazy
* '''Eustace & Ethel''' -- ''Eustace & Ethel'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Gwendy the Creepy''' -- ''Gwendy'' -- 2 versions: living owl and dead owl
* '''Jackie, Winter Child''' -- ''Jackie'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Jay and her cat''' -- ''Jay'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Misasma, Evil Tears Child''' -- ''Misasma'' -- 2 versions: with or without Pora Ice Bears
* '''Mothbite the Pale''' -- ''Mothbite'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Scuppers the Brash''' -- ''Scuppers'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Sunako, Strange Girl''' -- ''Sunako'' -- 2 versions: angry and happy
* '''Tiny Tom''' -- ''Tiny Tom'' -- 2 versions: low class and high class
* '''Woody the Suspicious''' -- ''Woody'' -- 2 versions: barrel and bad suit
== FX ==
=== Auras ===
* '''Biancamella''' -- ''Biancamella [state]'' -- states: Carmelize, Dissolve, Growing, Pull, Slowing
* '''Golden Rays''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Luxuriae (Rays)''
* '''Mini UFO Abduction''' -- ''Mini UFO (Abduction)''
* '''Mist''' -- ''Cloud (Mist)''
* '''Plasma Gear Neon Wings''' -- ''Plasma Gear ([color] Neon Wings)'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Red
* '''Purple Fire''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Aura [stage])'' -- 2 stages: default, Complete
* '''Rain Cloud''' -- ''Cloud (Rainy)''
* '''Spirit Falcon''' -- ''Spirit Falcon (Spirit Call)''
* '''Spirit Flame''' -- ''Shadow Spirit (Flame Aura)''
* '''White Fire Circle''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Tsuchibi)''
=== Backgrounds ===
* '''Le Cercle De Nouveau D'Art''' -- ''Masterpieces (Le Cercle De Nouveau D'Art)''
* '''Dark Star''' -- ''Dark Star [position]'' -- 2 positions: diagonal (default) or cross (Southern Cross)
* '''Four Horses of the Apocalypse''' -- ''Four Horsemen [character]'' -- 5 characters: group, Conquest, Death, Famine, War
* '''Hermes' Moon''' -- ''Hermes' Moon [state]'' -- 3 states: plain, Somniorum, Spei, Veris
* '''Let It Snow''' -- ''Let It Snow''
* '''Pixie Dust Cloud''' -- ''Pixie (Dust Cloud)''
* '''Rainbow''' -- ''Cloud (Rainbow)''
* '''Rising Sun of Japan''' -- ''Samurai Yoroi (Rising Sun)''
=== Bolts ===
* '''Lunar Scythe Slash''' -- ''Lunar Scythe ([variation] Slash)'' -- 2 variations: Crescent, Gibbous
* '''Spirit Falcon Power''' -- ''Spirit Falcon (Falcon Power [attack])'' -- 2 attacks: Dive, Swoop
=== Emanations ===
* '''Aphrodite's Allure''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite (Allure)''
* '''Biancamella Spark''' -- ''Biancamella (Floating)''
* '''Breath in Cold Air''' -- ''Let it snow (Cold Air)''
* '''Burning Soul Wrap''' -- ''Alruna's Rose (Burning Soul)''
* '''Demonic Feet Flames/Wings''' -- ''Demonic Anklets (Open Wing)''
* '''Dripping Wet''' -- ''Water Puddle''
* '''Green Gas''' -- ''Orindae (Where's the Frog)''
* '''Green Goo''' -- ''Epic Fail Hat (Green Goo)''
* '''Magic Element''' -- ''Magic [land] Orb (Element)'' -- 5 lands: Forest, Island, Mountain, Plains, Swamp
* '''Mimzy Hand''' -- ''Mimzy Aura''
* '''Pillar of Shadows''' -- ''Shadow Spirit (Pillar of Shadows)''
* '''Strategically-Placed Clouds''' -- ''Cloud (Partly Cloudy)''
=== Fairies ===
* '''Biancamella Spark''' -- ''Biancamella (Materialize)''
* '''Heart of Gold''' -- ''Heart of Gold [position]'' -- 2 positions: normal, Tipped
* '''Pixie''' -- ''Pixie''
* '''Spiderwick Sprite''' -- ''Spiderwick Sprite''
=== Halos ===
* '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelic Halo''
* '''Cosmic''' -- ''Celestial Wrap (Cosmic Wreath)''
* '''Crystallized''' -- ''Biancamella (Crystallized Halo)''
* '''Dark''' -- ''Dark Halo''
* '''Frostbite''' -- ''Frostbite Aura''
* '''Mini UFO''' -- ''Mini UFO (Scanning for Life)''
* '''Phoenix''' -- ''Phoenix Circlet (Halo)''
* '''Wedding Doves and Ribbons''' -- ''Wedding Doves And Ribbons''
* '''White''' -- ''Mythrill Halo''
=== Mood Bubbles ===
* '''...''' -- ''... Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelic Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Angry Vein''' -- ''Angry Vein Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Broken Heart''' -- ''Broken Heart Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Death Skull''' -- ''Deadly Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Demonic''' -- ''Demonic Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Heart''' -- ''Loving Heart'' -- 5 positions
* '''Light Bulb''' -- ''Brilliant Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Musical Note''' -- ''Music Note Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Screw''' -- ''Screw Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
* '''Sweat Drop''' -- ''Sweat Drop Mood Bubble'' -- 5 positions
=== Orbits ===
* '''Angelic Speakers''' -- ''Angelic Microphone [component]'' -- 2 components: Tweeters, Woofers
* '''Chain Ring''' -- ''Chain of Command ([position] Ring D)'' -- 2 positions: Upper, Lower
* '''Dark Star Assault Formation''' -- ''Dark Star (Assault Formation)''
* '''Fire Spirits''' -- ''Inari's Beads'' -- 4 positions: dormant, 3 swirls
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Nagai)''
* '''Juggling Ball''' -- ''[color] Juggling Ball'' -- 11 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Light Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, White, Yellow -- 4 positions
* '''Orbital Rings''' -- ''Celestial Wrap (Orbital Rings)''
* '''Orion's Belt''' -- ''Celestial Wrap (Orion's Belt)''
* '''Scale of Anubis''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Scale of Anubis)''
* '''Spirit Flame Ring''' -- ''Shadow Spirit [position]'' -- 2 positions: horizontal (Shadow Flame), vertical (Flame Ring)
* '''Time''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Temporis [type]'' -- 2 types: blue (default) and Golden
=== Particles ===
* '''Autumn Leaves''' -- ''Autumn Glory''
* '''Bubbles''' -- ''[color] Bubbles'' -- 2 colors: blue (plain), Green
* '''Color Drops''' -- ''Furugasa [color]'' -- 2 colors: blue (Kitsunebi), red (Onibi)
* '''Flower Petals''' -- 2 colors: pink (''Grace of Aphrodite (Petals)''), white (''Winter Rose (Petal Rain)'')
* '''Hearts''' -- ''Labu Necklace (Hearts)''
* '''Hearts & Bubbles''' -- ''Magical Girl (Aura)''
* '''Musical Notes''' -- ''GO Phones [type]'' -- 2 types: Beats, Flow
* '''Snowflakes''' -- ''Let it Snow [variation]'' -- 3 variations: Blizzard, Flake, Snowfall
* '''Sound Waves''' -- ''GO Phones (Bounce)''
=== Stages ===
* '''Autumn Leaf Pile''' -- ''Autumn Glory (Leafy Pile)''
* '''Bamboo Forest''' -- ''Tama's Basket (Final) (Bamboo)''
* '''City at your feet''' -- ''Smashing Cities [variation]'' -- 4 variations: Hollywood or Hollywood Fire, Tokyo (plain) or Tokyo Fire
* '''Cloud Rider''' -- ''Cloud''
* '''Evil Pentacle''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Hex Soul Stealer''
* '''Field of Clover''' -- ''Luck o' the Gairish (Cloverfield)''
* '''Forest at your feet''' -- ''Smashing Cities [variation]'' -- 2 variations: quiet forest (Forest), haunted forest (Forest Fire)
* '''Thumbelina Rose''' -- ''Winter Rose (Thumbelina)''
* '''Venus Shell''' -- ''Masterpieces (Venus Shell)''
== Party Gags ==
* '''Dead Rat Hat''' -- ''Dead Rat Hat''
* '''Face Mosaic''' -- ''Oculus Magica (Mosaic)''
* '''False Noses'''
** '''Carrot''' -- ''Carrot Nose''
** '''Clown''' -- ''Clown Nose''
* '''Groucho Glasses''' -- ''Groucho Glasses''
* '''Inner Tube''' -- ''[pattern] Inner Tube'' -- 11 patterns: Black Polka Dotted, Flamingo, kitty - black (Coco), kitty - white (Kiki), Life Preserver, pumpkin jack (Jack's), Purple Polka Dotted, Skull & Bones, T-Rex, True Blue, Yellow Polka Dotted
* '''Lethal Cloud''' -- ''Cloudy (Lethal Cloud)''
* '''Mini UFO Crash Site''' -- ''Mini UFO (Crash Site)''
* '''Spare Tire''' -- ''Tire on my Head''
* '''Underwear on Head''' -- ''[designer]'s Underwear (Head)'' -- 6 colors: black (Edmund's), blue (Louie's), burgundy (Zhivago's), leopard spots (Liam's), purple (Gino's), white (Ian's)
=== Caught in the Bathroom ===
* '''Cucumber Eye Covers''' -- ''Cucumber Eye Covers''
* '''Shampoo Bubbles''' -- ''[color] Shampoo (Head)'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow
* '''Shaving Cream''' -- ''Shaving Cream''
* '''Toothpaste Mouth Foam''' -- ''Toothpaste Mouth Foam''
=== Insults & Injuries ===
* '''Anvil''' -- ''Anvil On The Head''
* '''Arrow Through The Head''' -- ''Arrow In My Head''
* '''Bird Stuff''' -- ''Spirit Falcon (Ahh Shi-)''
* '''Cupid's Arrow''' -- ''My Friend Cupid [variation]'' -- 2 variations: bloody (Arrow), flaming (Fire Arrow)
* '''Dark Star'''
** '''Back Stabbed''' -- ''Dark Star (Back Stab)''
** '''Sticking Into Chest''' -- ''Dark Star (PWNED)''
* '''Demon Knife''' -- ''Death Whisper (Stabbed)''
* '''Epic Fail Puke''' -- ''Epic Fail Hat (Puke)''
* '''Food Chain''' -- ''Food Chain [color] Striper-Bass-Guppy'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Silver
* '''Mutant Frog Gorp''' -- ''Orindae (Bad End)''
* '''Pantsed''' -- ''MUltipants (Whoops)''
* '''Ramen Accident''' -- ''Ubi Ramen (Head)''
* '''Rock Puppy Poo''' -- ''Rocky Puppy (Coprolite)'' -- 2 variations: on ground, on head
* '''Snowed In''' -- ''Let it snow (Snowed In)''
* '''Water Balloon''' -- ''Water Splash''
== Possessions ==
=== Artifacts ===
* '''Apocalypse Scales''' -- ''Four Horsemen (Scales)''
* '''Aquarius' Bottle''' -- ''Western Zodiac'' -- with Emanation
* '''Biancamella Crown''' -- ''Biancamella [state]'' -- 2 states: plain, Warm Glow
* '''Clock Egg''' -- ''Clock Egg'' -- 2 locations: in hand, on head
* '''Cross to Bear''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Cross to Bear''
* '''Fausto's Bottle''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle [state]'' -- 6 states: plain, 9th gen., Apocalypse, Descent, Release, Yearning
* '''Genie's Lamp''' -- ''Lovely Genie [color] Lamp'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Golden Compass''' -- ''Golden Compass'' -- 2 positions: closed in either hand, Active
* '''Guitar of Angellus''' -- ''Guitar of Angellus (Wing)''
* '''Guitar of Demona''' -- ''Guitar of Demona (Wing)''
* '''Pantheracorax Cup''' -- ''Pantheracorax (Cup)''
* '''Scale of Libra''' -- ''Western Zodiac (Scale of Libra)''
* '''Tama's Basket''' -- ''Tama's Basket [variation]'' -- 3 variations: plain, Peekaboo, 3rd gen.
* '''Timepiece''' -- ''TM (Time Piece)''
* '''White Drome Egg''' -- ''White Drome Egg'' -- 2 states: plain, hatching -- on back
=== Arts & Crafts ===
* '''Hammer''' -- ''Basic [color] Hammer'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blue, Red, Wood
* '''Paintbrush''' -- ''[color] Paintbrush'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, Wooden
* '''Pencil''' -- ''Number 2 Pencil'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Trowel''' -- ''Garden Shovel''
* '''Yarn and Needles''' -- ''[color] Yarn and Needles [state]'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Green, Red, Purple, White -- 2 states: ready (plain) and Knitting
=== Books & Other Media ===
* '''Alchemyst''' -- ''Alchemyst [variation]'' -- 2 variations: normal, bookmarked (Signed) -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Cary Brothers CD''' -- ''Cary Brothers CD''
* '''Enchanted Book''' -- ''Enchanted Book'' -- 3 positions: either hand, open in hand
** '''…casting Spells''' -- ''Enchanted Book [spell]'' -- 7 spells: Enchanted Birds, Enchanted Broom, Enchanted Mop, Enchanted Rat, Pages Taking Form, Sparkles, Swirls
* '''Scroll''' -- ''Caroling Sheet Music'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Sketchbook''' -- ''[color] Sketchbook'' -- 3 colors: Charcoal, Leather, Red
* '''Sorcerer's Book''' -- ''[color] Sorcerer's Book'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Spiderwick Field Guide''' -- ''Spiderwick Field Guide''
* '''Summoning Tome''' -- ''Summoning Tome [color]'' -- 2 colors: black (Tome of Darkness), white (plain) -- 3 positions: either hand, floating to be read
=== Canes, Fans, and Umbrellas ===
* '''Angelic Parasol''' -- ''Angelic Parasol'' -- 3 positions: furled in either hand, open and held low
* '''Biancamella Parasol''' -- ''Biancamella Parasol'' -- 2 positions: furled in either hand
* '''Dashing Gentleman's Cane''' -- ''Dashing Gentleman [color] And Black Cane'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Egyptian Feather Fan''' -- ''Egyptian Feather Fan'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Elegant Fan''' -- ''Elegant [pattern] Fan'' -- 5 patterns: Black Lace, Blue Lace, Emerald Lace, Floral, Violet Lace
* '''Japanese Umbrella''' -- ''Furugasa [color]'' -- 2 colors: plain brown, blue (Yorugasa) -- 3 positions: furled in either hand, open and held high
* '''Nitemare Parasol''' -- ''Nitemare Parasol'' -- 2 positions: furled in either hand, open and held low
* '''Parisian Fan''' -- ''Parisian [color] Fan'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Yellow
* '''Pimpin' Cane''' -- ''[color] Pimpin' Cane'' -- 3 colors: Canary Yellow, Crimson Red, Royale Purple
* '''Plain Umbrella''' -- ''[color] Umbrella'' -- 10 colors: Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, Rose, Teal, White, Yellow -- 3 positions: furled in either hand, open and held low
* '''Ubi Fan''' -- ''Ubi Fan'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Ubi Parasol''' -- ''Ubi Parasol'' -- 3 colors: furled in either hand, open and held low
* '''Uchiwa Fan''' -- ''[color] Uchiwa Fan'' -- 6 colors: Blue, Green, Pink, Red Sun, Red, White -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Consumables ===
==== Drinks ====
* '''Acorn Mug''' -- ''Autumn Glory (Acorn Mug)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Bottled Cooler''' -- ''[flavor] Bottled Cooler'' -- 4 flavors: BLUE CRUSH!, GRRRRR-APE!, REBEL YELLO!, RED RAGE! -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Ceramic Mug''' -- ''[color] Ceramic Mug'' -- 4 colors: Navy, Red, Teal, Turquoise -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Eggnog''' -- ''Eggnog with Cinnamon Stick''
* '''The Experiment''' -- ''The Experiment''
* '''Gourd''' -- ''[variation] Hyotan Tokkuri'' -- 2 variations: plain, Mizu, Sake -- 2 positions: on belt, in hand
* '''Hot Cocoa''' -- ''[color] Hot Cocoa'' -- 3 mug colors: green (Festive), red (Jolly), white (Wintery)
* '''Love Potion''' -- ''Grace of Aphrodite (Love Potion)''
* '''Margarita''' -- ''[flavor] Margarita'' -- 2 flavors: Classic, Strawberry
* '''Martini''' -- ''Dirty Martini''
* '''Milk''' -- ''Glass of Milk''
==== Food ====
* '''Big Egg''' -- 2 colors: green (''Green Corallus Egg''), purple (''Pantheracorax Agate'', plain or Cracked)
* '''Birthday Cupcake''' -- ''Birthday Cupcake ([flavor] Frosting)'' -- 3 flavors: chocolate (default), Strawberry, Vanilla -- 3 positions: in hand, on head, on head and sparkling
* '''Box of Sweets''' -- ''Heart Shaped Box of Sweets''
* '''Bubblegum''' -- ''[flavor] BubbleNum Bubble'' -- 5 flavors: blue Berry, Grape, Orange, Strawberry, Watermelon -- 2 states: bubble, popped
* '''Candy Cane''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Candy Floss''' -- ''Biancamella (Fairy Floss)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Cookies''' -- ''Plate of Cookies''
* '''Deluxe Wedding Cake''' -- ''Deluxe Wedding Cake''
* '''Fish''' -- ''Taiyaki''
* '''Fried Squid on a Stick''' -- ''Ikayaki'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Gingerbread Man''' -- ''Gingerbread Man Cookie [state]'' -- 2 states: uneaten, Bite
* '''Mochi, Pile of''' -- ''Hermes' Moon Luxuriae (Yamahodo Mochi)''
* '''Peppermint Lollipop''' -- ''Spirited 2k7 Peppermint Lollipop'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Pink Heart Chocolate Cake''' -- ''Pink Heart Chocolate Cake'' -- 3 positions: Box, full cake (plain), slice on Plate
* '''Rice Ball''' -- ''Onigiri'' -- 3 locations: either hand, ready to eat
* '''Tavern Wench's Tray'''
** '''Empty''' -- ''Maple Tavern Wench's Tray'' -- 3 positions: held out, under either arm
** '''Japanese''' -- ''Takoyaki'' -- 2 variations
** '''Meal''' -- ''Maple Tavern Wench's [meal] Tray'' -- 5 meals: Apple Cider, Bread and Cheese, Fish, Honey Cake, Roasted Chicken
* '''Toothpick Olive''' -- ''Orindae (Best Buddy)''
* '''Ubi Ramen''' -- ''Ubi Ramen'' -- 2 positions: chopsticks in bowl, chopsticks in hand
* '''Yakitori''' -- ''Yakitori'' -- 2 locations: either hand
==== Smokes ====
* '''Cigar''' -- ''Cigar'' -- 3 locations: in hand, in mouth (up or down)
* '''Cigarette''' -- ''Cig''
* '''Cigarette Holder''' -- ''Long Drag'' -- 2 positions: up or down
* '''Pipe''' -- ''Smoker''
==== Toiletries ====
* '''Shampoo''' -- ''[color] Shampoo'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Soap'''
**'''Bar of Soap''' -- ''[color] Bar Of Soap'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
**'''Soap on a Rope''' -- ''[color] Soap On A Rope'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Sunblock''' -- ''Sunblock'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Toilet Paper''' -- ''Toilet Paper''
* '''Toothpaste''' -- ''Toothpaste'' -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Flowers & Other Plants ===
* '''Dionaesil''' -- ''Dionaesil'' -- 4 stages: seedling, Sprout, Flower, Three Flower -- 2 positions: in hand, on Ground
* '''Lily''' -- ''Lonely Lily'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Long-Stem Rose''' -- ''Long-Stem [color] Rose'' -- 7 colors: Black, Blue, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Winter (lips only), Yellow -- in quantities x1 to x5, or in Lips
* '''Lucky Four-Leaf Clover''' -- ''Lucky 4Leaf Clover''
* '''Mistletoe''' -- ''Spirited 2k6 Mistletoe''
* '''Phalaenopsis Bouquet''' -- ''Phalaenopsis Bouquet'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Poinsettia''' -- ''[color] Poinsettia Pot'' -- 2 colors: red (plain), White
* '''Winter Rose Grand Bouquet''' -- ''Winter Rose (Grand Bouquet)''
=== Gadgets & Tools ===
* '''Alien Probe''' -- ''Alien Probe'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Binoculars''' -- ''Nancy Draw Binoculars''
* '''Blow Dryer''' -- ''Blow Dryer'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Broom''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Broom)''
* '''Coin Changer''' -- ''Coin Changer''
* '''Flashlight''' -- ''Detective's Flashlight''
* '''GO Phone''' -- ''GO Phone ([color] Hand [state])'' -- 4 colors: Black, Blue, Red, White -- 2 states: plain, Emote
* '''Laptop Computer''' -- ''G9 Laptop'' -- 3 positions: carried in either hand, open in hand
* '''Magnifying Glass''' -- ''Detective's Magnifier''
* '''Microphone Stand'''
** '''Angelic''' -- ''Angelic Microphone''
** '''Demonic''' -- ''Rock Hard''
* '''Mini Boombox''' -- ''[color] Mini Boombox'' -- 4 colors: Blue, Purple, Red, Yellow
* '''Mop''' -- ''Enchanted Book (Mop)''
* '''Pocket Watch''' -- ''[color] Pocket Watch'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Silver
* '''Styling Tool''' -- ''Zohan T-shirt''
=== Just Stuff ===
* '''Bathroom Items'''
** '''Loofah Pad''' -- ''[color] Loofah Pad'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
** '''Razor''' -- ''[color] Razor'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Pink -- 2 locations: either hand
** '''Toothbrush''' -- ''[color] Toothbrush'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Buddhist Monk's Rosary''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Rosary [color]'' -- 3 colors: Black, Red, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Designer Underwear in hand''' -- ''[designer]'s Underwear'' -- 6 colors: black (Edmund's), blue (Louie's), burgundy (Zhivago's), leopard spots (Liam's), purple (Gino's), white (Ian's)
* '''Dog Tags''' -- ''Dog Tags (Hand)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Holly Candle''' -- ''Holly Candle''
* '''Inari's Beads''' -- ''Inari's Beads (Bracelet)''
* '''Paper Lantern'''
** '''Round''' -- ''Round Paper Lantern [color] [state]'' -- 5 colors: Blue, Green, Red, Red & White, White -- 2 states: dim, Glow -- 2 locations: either hand
** '''Tall''' -- ''Tall Paper Lantern [color] [state]'' -- 3 colors: Pink, Red, White -- 2 states: dim, Glow -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Picket Sign''' -- ''Anti [name] Picket Sign'' -- 2 names: Gambino, Vol Helson
* '''Severed Wax Head''' -- ''Severed Wax Head [sex]'' -- 2 sexes: Female, Male -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Stress Relief Candles''' -- ''Stress Relief Candles''
* '''Towel''' -- ''[color] Towel'' -- 7 colors: Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Clean White, Midnight Black, Soft Lavender, Spring Green, Sunny Yellow -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Musical Instruments ===
* '''Drum Set''' -- ''Rock Hard (Drum set)''
* '''Guitar'''
** '''Cary's''' -- ''Cary's Guitar''
** '''Classical''' -- ''Enchanted Strings [position] [state]'' -- 2 positions: in front (Guitar), in back (Back) -- 2 states: normal (plain), playing (Strings) -- with Aura
** '''Rocker''' -- ''Rock Hard (Guitar)''
* '''Harp''' -- ''Enchanted Strings (Harp [state])'' -- 2 states: normal (plain), playing (Strings) -- with Aura
* '''Lute''' -- ''Eloquent Lute'' -- 3 positions: carried in either hand, ready to play
* '''Noise Maker''' -- ''Noise Maka''
* '''Violin''' -- ''Enchanted Strings [state]'' -- 2 states: normal (Violin), playing (plain) -- with Aura
=== Scepters & Wands ===
* '''Alruna's Rose''' -- ''Alruna's Rose [state]'' -- 3 states: plain, Blooming, Dark Birth -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Angelic Staff''' -- ''Staff of the Angels'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Black Skull Staff''' -- ''White Drome (Sacrifical Staff)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Buddhist Monk's Staff''' -- ''Buddhist Monk's Staff'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''DandiDooDad Spore''' -- ''DandiDooDad Spore [state]'' -- 3 states: Clock, Phase 3, Phase 3 Glow
* '''Egyptian Golden Ankh''' -- ''Egyptian Golden Ankh'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Egyptian Golden Crook''' -- ''Egyptian Golden Crook'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Egyptian Golden Flail''' -- ''Egyptian Golden Flail'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Fairy Wand''' -- ''Fairy Wand'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Fire Staff''' -- ''Fire Flower (Fire Staff)''
* '''Frostbite Staff''' -- ''Frostbite Staff'' -- 2 locations: either hand -- 2 states: plain or Aura
* '''Hades' Scepter''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Scepter of Hades)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Immaculate Bishop's Crook''' -- ''Immaculate Bishop ([color] Crook)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Imperial Queen's Scepter''' -- ''Imperial Queen ([color] Scepter)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Joker Wand''' -- ''Joker Wand [color]'' -- 3 colors: red-black, white-black, yellow-blue
* '''Kiseru''' -- ''[color] Kiseru'' -- 3 colors: Black, Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Magical Girl's Staff''' -- ''Magical Girl'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Magician's Wand''' -- ''Magician's Wand'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Majestic King's Scepter''' -- ''Majestic King ([color] Scepter)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Neon Glow Stick''' -- ''Plasma Gear ([color] Neon Stick)'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Red -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Roman Candle''' -- ''4th Anniversary [color] Roman Candle'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Red, Super
* '''Royal Scepter''' -- ''Royal Scepter [color]'' -- 3 colors: Gold, Onyx, Silver
* '''Shinto Priest's Wand''' -- ''Shinto Priest's Wand'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Sun Staff''' -- ''Sun Staff'' -- 4 locations: either hand, slung on back (normal or Sunburst)
* '''Wizard's Wand''' -- ''Wizard's Wand'' -- 2 locations: either hand
=== Toys & Games ===
* '''Ace of Spades''' -- ''Ace of Spades''
* '''Balloons'''
** '''Animal Balloon''' -- ''[color] Doggie Animal Balloon'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Orange
** '''Gaia Balloon''' -- ''Gaia 2nd Anniversary Balloon''
** '''Heart Balloon''' -- ''[color] Heart Balloon'' -- 4 colors: Pink, Purple, Red, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Butterfly Net''' -- ''Bug Catching Net''
* '''Christmas Stocking''' -- ''Christmas Stocking''
* '''Flamingo Croquet Mallet''' -- ''Wonderland'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Heart of Gold with Key''' -- ''Heart of Gold (Unlock)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Hedgehog Croquet Ball''' -- ''Wonderland'' -- 3 locations: in hand, on floor (normal or sweating)
* '''Magic Orb''' -- ''Magic [land] Orb'' -- 5 lands: Forest, Island, Mountain, Plains, Swamp
* '''Soccer Ball''' -- ''Gracie's Soccer Ball'' -- 3 locations: either hand, on head
* '''Toy Boat''' -- ''[color] Toy Boat'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red -- 2 locations: in hand, on floor
=== Weapons ===
==== Blades ====
* '''Aegis Sword''' -- ''Sword of Aegis [state]'' -- 4 locations: either hand, slung on back on either side -- 2 states: normal and alive (Stone Gaze)
* '''Apocalypse Sword''' -- ''Four Horseman (Sword)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Dark Star Cross Blade''' -- ''Dark Star (Cross Blade)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Dark Star Throwing Dart''' -- ''Dark Star (Shuriken Blade)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Death Whisper Knife''' -- ''Death Whisper'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Defector's Dagger''' -- ''DandiDooDad Defector (Dagger)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Devoted Pawn's Short Sword''' -- ''Devoted Pawn ([color] Sword)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Flame Sword''' -- ''Flame Sword'' -- 4 location: either hand, sheathed on back on either side -- 2 states: plain or Flame on! (in hand only)
* '''Frostbite Blade''' -- ''Frostbite Blade'' -- 2 locations: either hand -- 2 states: plain or Aura
* '''Katana''' -- ''Ancient Katana'' -- 7 locations: sheathed on back in three positions, sheathed on belt in either side, unsheathed in either hand
* '''Kunai''' -- ''Naruto Kunai'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Machete''' -- ''Old Machete'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Omega Sword''' -- ''Fausto's Bottle Omega'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Prince's Sword''' -- ''[color] Prince's Rapier'' -- 3 colors: Bronze, Gold, Silver -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Punch Dagger''' -- ''Assassin's Guise (Silence)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Scalpel''' -- ''NPC: Labtech Gene's Scalpel''
==== Bludgeoning ====
* '''Exalted Rook's Mace''' -- ''Exalted Rook ([color] Mace)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Mjolnir''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Thor's Mjolnir)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Monkey King's Staff''' -- ''Gift of the Gods (Monkey King's Staff)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Oni's Club''' -- ''Yokai's Treasure (Oni's Club)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Sledgehammer''' -- ''Sledgehammer''
* '''Steel Chair''' -- ''Randy Orton's Steel Chair''
* '''Wooden Baseball Bat''' -- ''Wooden Baseball Bat''
==== Bows ====
* '''Angelic Bow''' -- ''Angelbow'' -- 3 locations: either hand, slung on back
* '''Apocalypse Bow''' -- ''Four Horseman (Bow)''
* '''Demonic Bow''' -- ''Demonbow'' -- 5 locations: either hand (low or tilted up), slung on back
* '''Eros' Bow''' -- ''Grace of Eros (Bow)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
** '''Eros' Arrow''' -- ''Grace of Eros ([color] Arrow)'' -- 2 colors: Gold, Lead -- 2 locations: either hand
** '''Strike Prepared''' -- ''Grace of Eros (Strike of [charm])'' -- 3 charms: gold (Love), lead (Indifference), both gold and lead (Frustration)
* '''Saggitarius' Bow and Quiver''' -- ''Bow and quiver of Saggitarius''
==== Polearms ====
* '''Bamboo Spear''' -- ''Tama's Basket (Final) (Spear)''
* '''Covenant Scythe''' -- ''Lunar Scythe (Lunar Covenant)''
* '''Death Scythe''' -- ''Four Horseman (Scythe)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Devil's Pitchwork''' -- ''Demonic Pitchfork'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Frostbite Lance''' -- ''Frostbite Lance'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Lunar Scythe''' -- ''Lunar Scythe'' -- 6 locations: either hand, slung on back in four positions
* '''Spartan Spear''' -- ''Spartan Spear'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Talon Halberd''' -- ''White Drome (Talon Halberd)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Valiant Knight's Lance''' -- ''Valiant Knight ([color] Lance)'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
==== Shields ====
* '''Ice Shield''' -- ''Pora Ice Shield'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Spartan Shield''' -- ''Spartan Shield'' -- 3 locations: either hand, held in front, slung across back
==== Technological ====
* '''Chainsaw''' -- ''Used Chainsaw'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Crossbow''' -- ''Vampire Hunter Crossbow'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Heavy Rifle''' -- ''Assassin's Guise (Executioner)''
* '''Plasma Blade''' -- ''Plasma Gear ([color] Plasma Blade)'' -- 2 colors: Blue, Red -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Submachine Gun''' -- ''Assassin's Guise (Pain)'' -- 2 locations: either hand
==== Miscellaneous Weapons ====
* '''Flyswatter''' -- ''[color] Flyswatter'' -- 3 colors: Blue, Green, Red -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Gun Blade''' -- ''G Blade'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Rock''' -- ''Lump of [color] Coal'' -- 2 colors: Black, White -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Whip of Fire''' -- ''Whip of Fire'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Whip of Ice''' -- ''Whip of Ice'' -- 2 locations: either hand
* '''Wooden Stake''' -- ''Wooden Stake'' -- 2 locations: either hand

Latest revision as of 05:37, 15 September 2008

The Dream Avatar Maker was intended as a tool for the Gaia Online e-community, but we role-playing gamers have discovered that it's a wonderful way to generate character portraits (of the somewhat humorous chibi variety) for any game. It's basically an electronic paper doll program; one selects a basic body, with hairstyle and facial expressions, then adds clothing and other props until it looks right. At present, the inventory is oriented toward modern-day and vaguely-anime-influenced fantasy adventure garb, but its already considerable selection continues to grow with every month. It's great fun to play with.

Unfortunately, there are so many options available that it can be difficult to navigate the program to find exactly what one wants for one's character; browsing at random can be enjoyable, but is also time-consuming. And it doesn't help that the in-program categories are somewhat inconsistent. Hence this handy index, to help you guide your search inputs.

For ease of updating, it is split into several sections.

DreamAvatarsBasics - Skin and hair.
DreamAvatarsParts - Body parts, facial features, full-body costumes, etc.
DreamAvatarsClothingTops1 - Long-sleeve shirts, blouses, and overcoats.
DreamAvatarsClothingTops2 - Short-sleeve t-shirts, tank tops, bikini tops, bras, etc.
DreamAvatarsClothingBottoms - Pants and shorts.
DreamAvatarsClothingLoose - Skirts, dresses, and robes.
DreamAvatarsClothingOther - Coveralls, armor, cloaks, belts, and other clothing items.
DreamAvatarsFootwear - Shoes, boots, stockings, and other footwear.
DreamAvatarsHeadgear - Hats, helmets, caps, crowns, masks, etc.
DreamAvatarsAccessories - Glasses, gloves, jewelry, make-up, and other fashion accessories.
DreamAvatarsProps - Weapons, toys, special background effects, and other miscellany.
DreamAvatarsFriends - Pets, sidekicks, and other non-player characters.

The old format should be clear: first my name for the item in boldface, followed by the actual name in italics. Wildcards are listed in [brackets], with the variations listed after. Items marked [M] are male only; items marked [F] are female only.

The new format simply gives an illustration, with the recommended search term as a caption beneath. Items marked [M] are male only; items marked [F] are female only; items with a number (e.g. [2] or [3]) have multiple poses (e.g., a hood raised or lowered) of which, usually, only one is shown.



Last updated: 17 August 2008 Redoing the image links, with a Photobucket account to hold the images. The first four sections are now complete, but have not been updated with the last two months of additions—I'm saving that for the end.

9 July 2008 Discovered a thing I'd feared would happen – the image links, still in progress, are all broken. Time to devise a new format. This will take time.