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#redirect [[Arkady K. Tchaikovsky]]
'''Code name:''' None - though he has nicknames.
'''Real name:''' Arkady Konstantinovitch Tchaikovsky.
'''Age:''' 19 - looks close to 30.
'''Race:''' Enhanced Human (Kinda Frankenstein monster).
'''Secret Identity:''' No.
'''Power Level:''' 11-12.
'''Powers:''' Following his death and subsequent resurrection/reconstruction, Arkady possess greatly enhanced strength and damage resistance. This is as a result of a large amount of titanium being surgically grafted to his bones, as well as exchanged organs from other animals, such as grafted muscles, the lungs from a gorilla, as well as a combination of three hearts meaning that Arkady is capable of greatly enhanced feats of endurance and is extremely slow to tire. He also possesses boosted olfactory senses as a result of the procedures carried out on him. He now ages at a slightly slower pace due to his cells rejuvenating quickly (3:1 ratio).
His muscles are so dense that he has since been proven able to withstand knife and gunshot wounds, as well as emerging largely unscathed from a car crash and subsequent explosion.
It is possible that Arkady himself does not know the exact limits of his abilities, as he was once seen crushing a man to death when attempting to give him a "friendly" hug, hurling a fork lift through the air and jumping unto the roof of a truck.
Despite having no formal training in the art of combat, Arkady is a world class brawler and street fighter. He almost never uses weapons, as he favors decimating his opponents in a sustained and brutal beating.
'''Weaknesses:''' He's color blind, quite seriously, he can only see in black, white and shades of grey, no other colors are properly recorded by his eyes or brain.
'''Appearance:''' Pale blue eyes adorn his stern face, and his body is covered by pale Caucasian skin, large amounts of bodyhair and possess broad shoulders and a heavy musculature. His long blond hair always hangs loose, his bushy eyebrows are often fixed into a pondering expression and his face sprouts a thick pair of sideburns.
Arkady has a large, athletic build, seemingly the type of man who would rather train then sit still. He weighs a 692 pounds due to the titanium, organs and the like, he has a ripped core of powerful abs, toned biceps and pecs, as well as powerful thighs and calves. He reach the upper 7'2”. His hands sprout sharp fingernails, though by no means capable of cutting or slicing to any unnatural degree.
Arkady can often be found in his casual wear consisting of dark cargo pants and a black or white t-shirt as well as black boots.
All over his body are small, barely visible surgical scars, the most visible one being the Y-incision on his torso.
'''Personality:''' He’s is a great listener and, if allowed, can be a devoted friend. He’s a bit of meddler though, and he’s always encouraging those that he sees are having troubles to share their burdens with him, but when it comes to himself, he can be very evasive about answering personal questions and will usually change the subject if a conversation takes an uncomfortable turn.
He’s great in one-on-one situations, but he doesn't do so well with a group of people that he is unfamiliar with, he becomes shy and more introverted than he really is. When he gets comfortable though, his playful and more extroverted side shines through.
He tends to take the cares and worries of the world onto his shoulders, and seeks to right almost every wrong that he sees. As such, he often sticks his nose into circumstances that he shouldn’t. Since he is used to being the person giving the advice, he often does not listen to other’s warnings, and is occasionally rash as well.
When angered, his mind reverts to a highly feral state, likely due to a chemical imbalance in his brain from the many chemicals used to stabilize his new organs.
'''History:''' Little is known of the younger years of the man known as Arkady Tchaikovsky. A Siberian hunter and trapper, Arkady was once the target of one of the biggest manhunts in Russian history. Originally, it took three platoons of Spetsnaz Special Forces to capture him, but they couldn’t keep him captive for long and he soon broke free, slaughtering his way out of Russia’s most secretive and brutal gulag prison, and fleeing on foot across hundreds of miles of frozen tundra wilderness.
Military helicopters were sent in pursuit, snipers aboard were given orders to shoot to kill. After several hours, they finally tracked Arkady down and fired shot after shot into the fugitive figure - finally sending him down, bleeding unto the tundra.
Arkady had been killed; his body was shipped to a a secret military installation in the wastes of Siberia - there, he had his organs removed with precision tools, his muscular system was stripped from his body and his skeleton was grafted with titanium to make it more durable - following that, he was neatly implanted with the organs of other animals to replace his own, such as the lungs from a mountain gorilla, and a triple heart; three hearts combined - new muscles were crafted unto his skeleton. Creating a Frankenstein monster made from the parts of animals and a human.
When they had finally refitted his skin, they gave him liters of chemical and hormone injections to kickstart the abomination - it had the side effect of turning Arkady functionally colorblind. When Arkady finally awoke again, it was screaming and kicking, which killed five guards before they managed to inject enough tranquilizer into him to be able to talk to him - disgusted at what had been done to him, and wanting no part in their twisted plans, even if it had brought him back to life, he went ballistic, killing the doctors and scientists at the base - as well as a few dozen guards who tried to stop him.
When he came to his senses, he realized it did little to help what he had become, choosing to become what all boys had dreamt off, a superhero, his abomination of a body had given him the abilities to become a hero, and it made him feel better about still existing.
It started out in small European groups, then he hit it off as a solo and went to Freedom City to make a name of himself - he now works as a dock-worker, loading and unloading ships - and in his free time, chases around Freedom, causing a minor ruckus when he stops criminal activities.
'''Motivation:''' He has nothing else to live for and after realizing that vengeance could only get him so far, he decided to exploit his abilities for the better.
'''Quote:''' "Tell your troubles, comrade." - Arkady requesting someone to tell him about their problems.
[[Halt Evil Doer!]]

Latest revision as of 12:00, 9 May 2010