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Be the Breeze, Blind Fight, Breaking Blow, The Calm of Shinsei, Choke Hold, Cleansing Spirit, Death Touch, Defensive Strike, Defensive Throw, Deflect Arrows, Double Chi, Eagle Claw Attack, Earth’s Embrace, Elemental Shock, Falling Star Strike, Fists of Iron, Flee the Darkness, Flying Kick, Fortune’s Breath, Freezing the Lifeblood, Gift of the Water Dragon, Grappling Block, Greater Ki Shout, Heart of Stone, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Karmic Strike, Karmic Unison, Ki Shout, Pain Touch, Palm of Fire, Power of Nothing, Remember the Mountain, Roundabout Kick, Ryoku, Self/No Self, Shatter the Elements, Soul of the Four Winds, Snatch Arrows, Spirit Strike, Stunning Fist, Tao Mastery, The Thunder’s Clap, Thunderstroke, Weakening Strike, Zanji.
Be the Breeze, Blind Fight, Breaking Blow, The Calm of Shinsei, Choke Hold, Cleansing Spirit, Death Touch, Defensive Strike, Defensive Throw, Deflect Arrows, Double Chi, Eagle Claw Attack, Earth’s Embrace, Elemental Shock, Falling Star Strike, Fists of Iron, Flee the Darkness, Flying Kick, Fortune’s Breath, Freezing the Lifeblood, Gift of the Water Dragon, Grappling Block, Greater Ki Shout, Heart of Stone, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Karmic Strike, Karmic Unison, Ki Shout, Pain Touch, Palm of Fire, Power of Nothing, Remember the Mountain, Roundabout Kick, Ryoku, Self/No Self, Shatter the Elements, Soul of the Four Winds, Snatch Arrows, Spirit Strike, Stunning Fist, Tao Mastery, The Thunder’s Clap, Thunderstroke, Weakening Strike, Zanji.

<span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">==New Kiho== These Feats do not appear in the '''SRD'''.</span> == == Nouveau Kiho Ces Feats ne figurent pas dans le'' 'SRD'''.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Breaking Blow :Requires: BAB +5, Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Fists of Iron.</span> ; Breaking Blow: Nécessite: BAB +5, Str 15, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Fists de fer.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: If you spend an entire round preparing an unarmed melee attack, you may inflict 1d6 times your Strength modifier in additional damage if you hit.</span> : Avantage: Si vous passez toute une série de préparer une attaque en mêlée non armés, vous mai infliger 1D6 de votre modificateur de force dans dégâts supplémentaires si vous cliquez.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This damage is doubled against inanimate objects.</span> Ce dommage est doublé contre des objets inanimés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">During the round spent preparing the strike, you may defend yourself normally but cannot make any attack nor move.</span> Au cours de ce cycle consacré à la préparation de la grève, vous défendre vous-mai normalement, mais ne peux faire aucune attaque ni bouger.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Choke Hold :Requires: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Choke Hold: Nécessite: Amélioration de grève non armés, l'amélioration du grappin, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: If you pin your opponent while grappling and maintain the pin for one full round, at the end of the round your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or fall unconscious for 1d3 rounds.</span> : Avantage: Si vous broches de votre adversaire tout en prises et de maintenir la cheville pour un tour complet, à la fin du tour de votre adversaire doit faire un Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 / 2 de votre personnage niveau + votre modificateur de Sagesse) ou à l'automne inconscient pour 1d3 tours.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Cleansing Spirit :Requires: Inkyo or monk level 1+.</span> ; Nettoyage Esprit: Nécessite: Inkyo ou moine de niveau 1 +.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 Void bonus on any save vs. poison or disease.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai Void passer un point de gagner un bonus de 10 Void sur tout mettre c. poison ou maladie.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may enter a meditative trance four hours per day for a week and succeed on a DC 25 Concentration check each day.</span> Vous entrez mai une transe méditative quatre heures par jour pendant une semaine et obtenir gain de cause sur un DC 25 de concentration vérifier chaque jour.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you do so, you may remove 1d6 Shadow Points or Shadowlands Taint points at the end of the week.</span> Si vous le faites, vous annulez mai 1D6 Shadow Points ou Shadowlands Taint points à la fin de la semaine.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Unlike most cures, this will remove your last point of Taint.</span> Contrairement à la plupart des traitements, cela aura retiré votre dernier point de Taint.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Death Touch :Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 13+, Wis 19, Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, Void Use.</span> ; Death Touch: Nécessite: Monk ou Inkyo niveau 13 +, Sg 19, les profondeurs du vide, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt).</span> : Avantage: Vous devez déclarer que vous utilisez cet exploit avant de faire une attaque rouleau (donc, une attaque manquée ruines de la tentative).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may spend 5 Void Points when making an unarmed attack to deliver the Death Touch.</span> Vous passez 5 mai Void Points en faisant une attaque non armés à fournir la mort Touch.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If struck, the victim must make an immediate Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or begin to suffer damage equal to your character level every twelve hours.</span> Si frappé, la victime doit immédiatement faire un Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 / 2 de votre personnage niveau + votre modificateur de Sagesse) ou commencer à subir des dommages correspondant à votre personnage niveau tous les douze heures.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This damage cannot be healed by any means while the Death Touch is active.</span> Ces dommages ne peut être guéri par quelque moyen que ce soit alors que la mort Touch est actif.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may remove the Death Touch by making another unarmed attack against the target.</span> Vous mai supprimer la mort Touch en faisant une autre attaque non armés contre la cible.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Another character may remove the Touch by making a successful Heal check (DC 50) - if the character has the Death Touch feat, they receive a +20 bonus on this roll.</span> Un autre personnage mai retirer le Touch en faisant un succès de vérifier Heal (DC 50) - si le personnage a la mort Touch exploit, ils reçoivent un bonus de 20 sur ce rouleau.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Defensive Strike :Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.</span> ; Défensif Strike: Nécessite: Dex 13, Int 13, la lutte contre le Expertise, Dodge.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: If you declare the total defense action, whenever an opponent attacks you and misses, you may attack that opponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus to the attack roll.</span> : Avantage: Si vous déclarez le total des mesures de défense, chaque fois qu'un adversaire vous attaque et rate, vous mai adversaire attaque que lors de votre prochain tour avec une prime de 4 à l'attaque rouleau.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Defensive Throw :Requires: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike.</span> ; Défensif Throw: Nécessite: Dex 13, Réflexes de combat, Dodge, l'amélioration de voyage, l'amélioration de grève non armés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: If the opponent against whom you have chosen to receive your AC bonus from Dodge attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against that opponent.</span> : Avantage: Si l'adversaire contre laquelle vous avez choisi de recevoir votre bonus de AC Dodge attaques et vous manque, vous mai faire un voyage d'attaque immédiate contre cette adversaire.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity.</span> Ce compte sur votre permis nombre d'attaques des chances.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Double Chi :Requires: BAB +7, Cha 13, Weapon Focus, Void Use, Concentration 5 ranks.</span> ; Double Chi: Nécessite: +7 BAB, Cha 13, d'armes Focus, Void utilisation, Concentration 5 rangs.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point and make a Concentration check as a free action to add an insight bonus to your attack and damage rolls when using your Weapon Focus weapon.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai passer un point vide et de faire une concentration vérifier que la liberté d'action d'ajouter un aperçu de votre bonus d'attaque et des dommages lors de l'utilisation de rouleaux d'armes Focus votre arme.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level.</span> Le bonus dure pour un nombre de tours égal au niveau de votre personnage.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The size of the bonus is determined by the result of the Concentration check: ::10-14: +1 ::15-19: +2 ::20-24: +3 ::25-29:  +4 ::30+:  +5 :Special: In a formal iaijutsu duel, you may add the bonus to the result of your Iaijutsu Focus checks as well.</span> La taille de la prime est déterminé par le résultat de la concentration vérifier:: :10-14: +1: :15-19: +2: :20-24: +3: :25-29: +4:: 30 +: +5: Spécial: Dans une mise en Iaijutsu duel, vous mai ajouter la prime au résultat de votre Iaijutsu Focus contrôles ainsi.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you have 5 or more ranks of Iaijutsu Focus, you gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks when using this feat.</span> Si vous avez 5 ou plusieurs rangs de Iaijutsu Focus, vous gagnez un bonus de +2 sur la concentration des contrôles lors de l'utilisation de cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This is a Technique feat for Crane Clan characters.</span> C'est une prouesse technique pour Crane Clan caractères.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Eagle Claw Attack :Requires: Wis 13, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike.</span> ; Eagle Claw Attack: Nécessite: Sg 13, l'amélioration de Sunder, l'amélioration de grève non armés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: When you make an unarmed strike against an object, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt to the object.</span> : Avantage: Lorsque vous faites une grève non armés contre un objet, vous ajouter votre mai Sagesse de modification à la dégâts infligés à l'objet.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Earth's Embrace :Requires: Str 15, Improved Grapple or improved grab ability, Improved Unarmed Strike.</span> ; Terre Embrace: Nécessite: Str 15, l'amélioration du grappin ou l'amélioration de saisir la capacité, l'amélioration de grève non armés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: When grappling, if you pin your opponent you deal an extra 1d12 damage every round you maintain the pin.</span> : Avantage: Quand aux prises, si vous broches de votre adversaire que vous infligez un dommage supplémentaire 1d12 chaque tour vous maintenir la broche.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You keep your victim immobile, but must remain immobile yourself, giving other attackers a +4 bonus on attacks against you (but you're not helpless).</span> Vous gardez votre victime immobile, mais doit rester immobile vous-même, permettre à d'autres attaquants +4 un bonus sur les attaques contre vous (mais vous n'êtes pas sans défense).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This additional damage does not apply against opponents who are immune to critical hits.</span> Cette dégâts supplémentaires ne s'applique pas contre les adversaires qui sont à l'abri de critiques visites.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Falling Star Strike :Requires: BAB +4, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Falling Star Strike: Nécessite: BAB +4, Sg 17, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect).</span> : Avantage: Vous muse déclarer que vous utilisez cet exploit avant de faire une attaque rouleau (donc, une attaque manquée ruines l'effet).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you successfully attack a humanoid opponent, your target must make Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to your character level.</span> Si vous attaque avec succès un adversaire humanoïde, votre objectif doit faire Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 / 2 de votre personnage niveau + votre modificateur de Sagesse) ou être aveugle pour un nombre de tours égal au niveau de votre personnage.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.</span> Chaque utilisation de cette capacité est considéré comme un usage quotidien du Stunning Fist feat.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Fists of Iron :Requires: BAB +2, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Fists de fer: Nécessite: BAB +2, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may declare that you are using Fists of Iron before making an unarmed attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt).</span> : Avantage: Vous mai déclarer que vous utilisez Fists de fer avant de faire une attaque non armés rouleau (donc, une attaque manquée ruines de la tentative).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you strike your target, you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage.</span> Si vous trouver votre cible, vous infligez une supplémentaire 1D6 points de dégâts.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.</span> Chaque utilisation de cette capacité est considéré comme un usage quotidien du Stunning Fist feat.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Flee the Darkness :Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 3+, Wis 18, Void Use.</span> ; Fuyez les ténèbres: Nécessite: Monk ou Inkyo niveau 3 +, Sg 18, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 bonus to any Will save.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai Void passer un point de gagner un bonus de 10 à toute Will Save.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Flying Kick :Requires: Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Jump 4 ranks.</span> ; Flying Kick: Nécessite: Str 13, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Puissance d'attaque, saut 4 rangs.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: When using the charge action, you deal an additional 1d12 points of damage with a successful unarmed attack.</span> : Avantage: Lorsque vous utilisez l'accusation d'action, vous traiter un plus 1d12 points de dégâts avec succès une attaque non armés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Fortune's Breath :Requires: Monk or inkyo level 1+, Wis 15.</span> ; Fortune's Breath: Nécessite: Monk ou inkyo niveau 1 +, Sg 15.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may hold your breath for one minute per point of Constitution.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai retenir votre respiration pendant une minute par point de Constitution.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Normal: You may hold your breath for two rounds per point of Constitution.</span> : Normal: Vous mai retenir votre respiration pendant deux tours par point de Constitution.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Freezing the Lifeblood :Requires: BAB +10, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Le gel de vie: Nécessite: +10 BAB, Sg 17, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect).</span> : Avantage: Vous muse déclarer que vous utilisez cet exploit avant de faire une attaque rouleau (donc, une attaque manquée ruines l'effet).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Against a humanoid target, you may make an unarmed strike using this feat that does no damage but forces the target, if struck, to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds.</span> Contre une cible humanoïde, mai vous faire une grève non armés en utilisant cet exploit qui n'a pas de dommages mais les forces de la cible, si frappé, à faire un Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 / 2 de votre personnage niveau + votre modificateur de Sagesse) ou être paralysée pour 1d4 +1 tours.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each use of this feat counts against your daily uses of the Stunning Fist feat.</span> Chaque utilisation de cet exploit contre votre compte utilise tous les jours de la Stunning Fist feat.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Creatures immune to stunning are also immune to this feat.</span> Créatures à l'abri de l'étourdissement sont également à l'abri de cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Grappling Block :Requires: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike.</span> ; Grappling Block: Nécessite: Int 13, la lutte contre l'expertise, la lutte contre le Réflexes, Deflect Arrows, l'amélioration de désarmer, l'amélioration de grève non armés.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You must have both hands free or be using weapons (such as the sai or jitte) specifically designed to catch other weapons to use this feat.</span> : Avantage: Vous devez avoir les deux mains libres ou d'utiliser des armes (comme l'ISC ou jitte) spécifiquement conçus pour capter d'autres armes à utiliser cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Once per round when you would normally be hit by a weapon you may make a special disarm attempt against your opponent.</span> Une fois par tour quand vous le feriez normalement être touchés par une arme mai vous faire une tentative contre désarmer votre adversaire.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This attempt counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity this round.</span> Cette tentative contre votre compte a permis nombre d'attaques de chances de ce cycle.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You make an attack roll (DC equal to the attacker's attack roll).</span> Vous faites une attaque rouleau (DC égal à l'attaquant de l'attaque rouleau).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you succeed, you grab the weapon away from the opponent (if you are unarmed) or knock it to the ground (if you are armed).</span> Si vous réussissez, vous prenez l'arme loin de l'adversaire (si vous ne sont pas armées) ou frappe au sol (si vous êtes armé).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may only use this feat against weapons up to two sizes larger than you.</span> Vous mai seulement utiliser cet exploit contre les armes à deux tailles plus grandes que vous.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Greater Ki Shout :Requires: BAB +9, Cha 13, Ki Shout.</span> ; Grand Ki Shout: Nécessite: BAB +9, Cha 13, Ki Shout.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: When you make a ki shout, your opponents are panicked for 2d6 rounds unless they make their Will saves.</span> : Avantage: Lorsque vous effectuez un ki crier, vos adversaires sont pris de panique pour 2D6 tours à moins qu'ils ne rendent leur volonté de gagner.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The effects of being panicked supercede those of being shaken.</span> Les effets d'être pris de panique remplacent ceux d'être ébranlée.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You still may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice than you have.</span> Il vous reste seulement une incidence sur mai opposants avec moins de réussite en dés que vous avez.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Heart of Stone :Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 10+, Con 15, Void Use.</span> ; Heart of Stone: Nécessite: Monk ou Inkyo niveau 10 +, Con 15, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain damage reduction equal to X/-, where X is equal to one-third of your character level, rounded down.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai Void passer un point d'obtenir l'égalité de réduction des dommages à X / -, où X est égal à un tiers de votre personnage, arrondi vers le bas.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This DR lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier.</span> Ce projet de résolution dure un nombre de minutes égal à modifier votre Constitution.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Karmic Strike :Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.</span> ; Karmique Strike: Nécessite: Dex 13, Int 13, la lutte contre le Expertise, Dodge.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against any character that hits you in melee.</span> : Avantage: Vous faire mai une occasion de l'attaque contre n'importe quel caractère qui vous frappe en mêlée.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You take a -4 penalty to AC on your turn in order to use this feat, and the penalty and benefit apply until the beginning of your next turn.</span> Vous prenez une peine de -4 à AC sur votre tour pour utiliser cet exploit, et la peine et de prestations applicable jusqu'au début de votre prochain tour.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The opponent must be within your threatened area when they strike you.</span> L'opposant doit être menacé dans votre région lors de leur grève.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you hit with your attack of opportunity, both of you deal damage simultaneously.</span> Si vous cliquez avec votre attaque de chances, tant de dégâts que vous infligez en même temps.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Ki Shout :Requires: BAB +1, Cha 13.</span> ; Ki Shout: Nécessite: BAB +1, Cha 13.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: Three times per day, you may make a ki shout as a standard action.</span> : Avantage: Trois fois par jour, vous faire un mai ki crier comme une norme d'action.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have who can hear you and are within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1d6 rounds.</span> Les opposants avec moins de réussite en dés ou des niveaux que vous avez qui peuvent vous entendre et sont à 30 pieds doit faire un testament save (DC 10 + 1 / 2 de votre personnage niveau + votre modificateur de Charisme) ou devenir agiter pendant 1D6 tours.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Pain Touch :Requires: BAB +2, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Douleur Touch: Nécessite: BAB +2, Sg 15, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: Victims of your stunning attack are nauseated for one round after they are stunned.</span> : Avantage: les victimes de votre superbe attaque nausées sont pour un aller-après, ils sont étourdis.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Creatures immune to stunning are immune to this effect as well, as are creatures more than one size larger than you.</span> À l'abri de créatures étonnantes sont à l'abri de ce genre, car bien, de même que les créatures plus d'une taille plus grande que vous.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Roundabout Kick :Requires: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.</span> ; Kick rond-point: Nécessite: Str 15, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Power Attack.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: If you make a critical hit against an opponent with an unarmed attack, you may make an immediate additional unarmed attack at the same attack bonus against the same target, as though you had not used your attack for the critical strike.</span> : Avantage: Si vous faites un coup critique contre un adversaire avec une attaque non armés, mai vous faire immédiatement une attaque supplémentaire non armés dans le même bonus d'attaque contre la même cible, comme si vous n'avez pas utilisé votre attaque de coup critique.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Ryoku :Requires: BAB +3, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.</span> ; Ryoku: Nécessite: BAB +3, Sg 15, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: After a successful unarmed attack, you may spend any number of Void Points to activate this feat.</span> : Avantage: Après une attaque réussie sans armes, vous mai passer un certain nombre de points de Void pour activer cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The target of the attack must immediately spend an equal number of Void Points.</span> La cible de l'attaque doit immédiatement passer un nombre égal de points vide.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If he or she cannot do so, they cannot recover Void Points for a number of days equal to the difference.</span> Si il ou elle ne peut pas le faire, ils ne peuvent pas récupérer Void Points pour un nombre de jours égal à la différence.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Self/No Self :Requires: Void Use.</span> ; Auto / pas de soi: Nécessite: Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: Once per day, you may meditate for 5 minutes and make a Concentration check (DC 15) to return your Void Points to maximum.</span> : Avantage: une fois par jour, vous mai méditer pendant 5 minutes et faire un contrôle de concentration (DC 15) à votre retour Void points au maximum.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Normal: Regaining Void Points requires a full night's rest or an hour's worth of meditation and a Concentration check (DC 15).</span> : Normal: La Void Points exige une bonne nuit de repos ou une heure de la valeur de la méditation et la concentration d'un chèque (DC 15).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Soul of the Four Winds :Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.</span> ; Soul of the Four Winds: Nécessite: Depths of the Void, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point as a free action on your turn to gain an insight bonus to your AC equal to your maximum Void.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai passer un vide comme un point libre sur votre tour de gagner un aperçu de bonus à votre AC égal à votre maximum de Void.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This AC bonus is not cumulative with any Wisdom-based bonuses to AC, and does not protect against touch attacks.</span> Cette AC prime de départ n'est pas cumulable avec toute la sagesse fondée sur les primes à AC, et ne pas protéger contre les attaques toucher.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may not use this feat while wearing armor.</span> Vous mai pas utiliser cet exploit tout en portant des armures.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">The bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to your character level.</span> Le bonus dure pour un nombre de minutes égal au niveau de votre personnage.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Spirit Strike :Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, any two other kiho feats.</span> ; Esprit Strike: Nécessite: Depths of the Void, l'amélioration de grève non armés, Void emploi, deux autres kiho exploits.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit:  You may spend a Void Point as a free action in order to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes for a number of minutes equal to your character level.</span> : Avantage: Vous mai Void passer une borne libre une action afin d'obtenir la mise en valeur a +1 bonus à votre non armés grève pour un nombre de minutes égal au niveau de votre personnage.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If you attack an opponent in the same round, you gain a +2 Void bonus to your first unarmed attack roll.<br>  While this feat is active, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.</span> Si vous attaquez un adversaire dans le même tour, vous gagnez un bonus de +2 Void à votre première attaque non armés rouleau. <br> Bien que cet exploit est active, votre grèves non armés sont considérés comme magique aux fins de surmonter réduction des dommages.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">If your strikes are already considered magical, they are instead considered Void strikes as well.</span> Si votre grèves sont déjà considérées magique, ils sont plutôt considérés comme nuls les grèves ainsi.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Tao Mastery :Requires: Elemental ability score 10, Depths of the Void, Void Use.</span> ; Maîtrise Tao: Nécessite: Elemental capacité client 10, les profondeurs du vide, Void utilisation.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You may select either three 0-level shugenja spells or one 1st level shugenja spell (excluding Void or maho spells).</span> : Avantage: Vous sélectionnez mai, soit trois 0-niveau shugenja sorts ou un 1er niveau shugenja sort (à l'exclusion de Void ou Maho sorts).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may cast these spells once per day each as spell-like abilities.</span> Vous mai exprimés ces sorts une fois par jour chacune en sort-comme capacités.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Your caster level is equal to your character level.</span> Votre niveau de lanceur de sorts est égal au niveau de votre personnage.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">None of the spells may be from opposing elements or from the element opposed to your Element Focus (if you have one), and you must have an ability score for the spell's element equal to 10 + the spell's level.</span> Aucun des sorts mai être de s'opposer à des éléments ou de l'élément opposé à votre élément Focus (si vous en avez un), et vous devez disposer d'une capacité de client pour le sort de l'élément égal à 10 + le sort de niveau.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">See the shugenja class description for elemental focus ability scores.</span> Voir la description shugenja classe élémentaire pour se concentrer capacité évaluations.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Special: You may take this feat multiple times, selecting new spells each time.</span> : Spécial: Vous mai prendre cet exploit à plusieurs reprises, la sélection de nouveaux sorts à chaque fois.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You must have taken Depths of the Void at least once for every time you have taken this feat.</span> Vous devez avoir pris Depths of the Void au moins une fois pour chaque fois que vous avez pris cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Weakening Touch :Requires: BAB +2, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> ; Affaiblissement Touch: Nécessite: BAB +2, Sg 17, l'amélioration de non armés Strike, Stunning Fist.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect).</span> : Avantage: Vous muse déclarer que vous utilisez cet exploit avant de faire une attaque rouleau (donc, une attaque manquée ruines l'effet).</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">You may make an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but instead applies a –6 penalty to the target’s Strength for one minute.</span> Vous mai faire une attaque non armés qui traite aucun dommage, mais applique une peine de -6 à la cible de force pour une minute.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Multiple weakening touches are not cumulative.</span> Affaiblissement de multiples touches ne sont pas cumulables.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Creatures who are immune to stunning are also immune to this feat.</span> Les créatures qui sont à l'abri de l'étourdissement sont également à l'abri de cet exploit.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.</span> Chaque utilisation de cette capacité est considéré comme un usage quotidien du Stunning Fist feat.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">;Zanji :Requires: Concentration 10 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks, any two kiho feats.</span> ; Zanji: Nécessite: Concentration 10 rangs, Sense Motive 10 rangs, deux kiho exploits.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">:Benefit: As a move action, you may make a Concentration check (DC 25) to become aware of the exact locations of all living creatures within a 20 foot radius, regardless of obstruction.</span> : Avantage: Comme un mouvement d'action, mai vous faire un contrôle de concentration (DC 25) de devenir conscient de l'emplacement exact de toutes les créatures vivantes dans un rayon de 20 pieds, indépendamment de l'obstruction.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">During the round this feat is used, you can clearly perceive invisible, incorporeal or concealed creatures and may attack them with no visibility penalty or miss chance, though you must still be able to strike them if they are intangible.</span> Au cours de la ronde cet exploit est utilisée, vous pouvez clairement percevoir invisible, caché ou incorporels et mai créatures les attaquent sans visibilité ou peine de manquer la chance, mais vous devez toujours être en mesure de grève si elles sont de nature immatérielle.</span> <span onmouseover="_tipon(this)" onmouseout="_tipoff()"><span class="google-src-text" style="direction: ltr; text-align: left">This feat is strongly tied to the elements, and does not function against creatures with the Shadowlands or Lying Darkness subtypes.</span> Cet exploit est fortement liée aux éléments, et ne fonctionne pas contre les créatures avec le Shadowlands Darkness Visible ou sous-types.</span>
==New Kiho==
These Feats do not appear in the '''SRD'''.
;Breaking Blow
:Requires: BAB +5, Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Fists of Iron.
:Benefit: If you spend an entire round preparing an unarmed melee attack, you may inflict 1d6 times your Strength modifier in additional damage if you hit. This damage is doubled against inanimate objects. During the round spent preparing the strike, you may defend yourself normally but cannot make any attack nor move.
;Choke Hold
:Requires: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: If you pin your opponent while grappling and maintain the pin for one full round, at the end of the round your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or fall unconscious for 1d3 rounds.
;Cleansing Spirit
:Requires: Inkyo or monk level 1+.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 Void bonus on any save vs. poison or disease. You may enter a meditative trance four hours per day for a week and succeed on a DC 25 Concentration check each day.  If you do so, you may remove 1d6 Shadow Points or Shadowlands Taint points at the end of the week.  Unlike most cures, this will remove your last point of Taint.
;Death Touch
:Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 13+, Wis 19, Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, Void Use.
:Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt)You may spend 5 Void Points when making an unarmed attack to deliver the Death Touch.  If struck, the victim must make an immediate Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or begin to suffer damage equal to your character level every twelve hours. This damage cannot be healed by any means while the Death Touch is active.  You may remove the Death Touch by making another unarmed attack against the target. Another character may remove the Touch by making a successful Heal check (DC 50) - if the character has the Death Touch feat, they receive a +20 bonus on this roll.
;Defensive Strike
:Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
:Benefit: If you declare the total defense action, whenever an opponent attacks you and misses, you may attack that opponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus to the attack roll.
;Defensive Throw
:Requires: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike.
:Benefit: If the opponent against whom you have chosen to receive your AC bonus from Dodge attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against that opponent. This counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity.
;Double Chi
:Requires: BAB +7, Cha 13, Weapon Focus, Void Use, Concentration 5 ranks.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point and make a Concentration check as a free action to add an insight bonus to your attack and damage rolls when using your Weapon Focus weapon. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level. The size of the bonus is determined by the result of the Concentration check:
::10-14: +1
::15-19: +2
::20-24: +3
::25-29: +4
::30+: +5
:Special: In a formal iaijutsu duel, you may add the bonus to the result of your Iaijutsu Focus checks as well. If you have 5 or more ranks of Iaijutsu Focus, you gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks when using this feat.  This is a Technique feat for Crane Clan characters.
;Eagle Claw Attack
:Requires: Wis 13, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike.
:Benefit: When you make an unarmed strike against an object, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt to the object.
;Earth's Embrace
:Requires: Str 15, Improved Grapple or improved grab ability, Improved Unarmed Strike.
:Benefit: When grappling, if you pin your opponent you deal an extra 1d12 damage every round you maintain the pin. You keep your victim immobile, but must remain immobile yourself, giving other attackers a +4 bonus on attacks against you (but you're not helpless).  This additional damage does not apply against opponents who are immune to critical hits.
;Falling Star Strike
:Requires: BAB +4, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect). If you successfully attack a humanoid opponent, your target must make Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to your character level.  Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
;Fists of Iron
:Requires: BAB +2, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: You may declare that you are using Fists of Iron before making an unarmed attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt).  If you strike your target, you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
;Flee the Darkness
:Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 3+, Wis 18, Void Use.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 bonus to any Will save.
;Flying Kick
:Requires: Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Jump 4 ranks.
:Benefit: When using the charge action, you deal an additional 1d12 points of damage with a successful unarmed attack.
;Fortune's Breath
:Requires: Monk or inkyo level 1+, Wis 15.
:Benefit: You may hold your breath for one minute per point of Constitution.
:Normal: You may hold your breath for two rounds per point of Constitution.
;Freezing the Lifeblood
:Requires: BAB +10, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect).  Against a humanoid target, you may make an unarmed strike using this feat that does no damage but forces the target, if struck, to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds.  Each use of this feat counts against your daily uses of the Stunning Fist feat. Creatures immune to stunning are also immune to this feat.
;Grappling Block
:Requires: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike.
:Benefit: You must have both hands free or be using weapons (such as the sai or jitte) specifically designed to catch other weapons to use this feat.  Once per round when you would normally be hit by a weapon you may make a special disarm attempt against your opponent.  This attempt counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity this round. You make an attack roll (DC equal to the attacker's attack roll). If you succeed, you grab the weapon away from the opponent (if you are unarmed) or knock it to the ground (if you are armed).  You may only use this feat against weapons up to two sizes larger than you.
;Greater Ki Shout
:Requires: BAB +9, Cha 13, Ki Shout.
:Benefit: When you make a ki shout, your opponents are panicked for 2d6 rounds unless they make their Will saves.  The effects of being panicked supercede those of being shaken. You still may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice than you have.
;Heart of Stone
:Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 10+, Con 15, Void Use.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain damage reduction equal to X/-, where X is equal to one-third of your character level, rounded down.  This DR lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier.
;Karmic Strike
:Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
:Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against any character that hits you in melee.  You take a -4 penalty to AC on your turn in order to use this feat, and the penalty and benefit apply until the beginning of your next turn. The opponent must be within your threatened area when they strike you.  If you hit with your attack of opportunity, both of you deal damage simultaneously.
;Ki Shout
:Requires: BAB +1, Cha 13.
:Benefit: Three times per day, you may make a ki shout as a standard action. Opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have who can hear you and are within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1d6 rounds.
;Pain Touch
:Requires: BAB +2, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: Victims of your stunning attack are nauseated for one round after they are stunned. Creatures immune to stunning are immune to this effect as well, as are creatures more than one size larger than you.
;Roundabout Kick
:Requires: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.
:Benefit: If you make a critical hit against an opponent with an unarmed attack, you may make an immediate additional unarmed attack at the same attack bonus against the same target, as though you had not used your attack for the critical strike.
:Requires: BAB +3, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.
:Benefit: After a successful unarmed attack, you may spend any number of Void Points to activate this feat. The target of the attack must immediately spend an equal number of Void Points.  If he or she cannot do so, they cannot recover Void Points for a number of days equal to the difference.
;Self/No Self
:Requires: Void Use.
:Benefit: Once per day, you may meditate for 5 minutes and make a Concentration check (DC 15) to return your Void Points to maximum.
:Normal: Regaining Void Points requires a full night's rest or an hour's worth of meditation and a Concentration check (DC 15).
;Soul of the Four Winds
:Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point as a free action on your turn to gain an insight bonus to your AC equal to your maximum Void.  This AC bonus is not cumulative with any Wisdom-based bonuses to AC, and does not protect against touch attacks. You may not use this feat while wearing armor.  The bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to your character level.
;Spirit Strike
:Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, any two other kiho feats.
:Benefit: You may spend a Void Point as a free action in order to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes for a number of minutes equal to your character level.  If you attack an opponent in the same round, you gain a +2 Void bonus to your first unarmed attack roll.<br> While this feat is active, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.  If your strikes are already considered magical, they are instead considered Void strikes as well.
;Tao Mastery
:Requires: Elemental ability score 10, Depths of the Void, Void Use.
:Benefit: You may select either three 0-level shugenja spells or one 1st level shugenja spell (excluding Void or maho spells).   You may cast these spells once per day each as spell-like abilities. Your caster level is equal to your character level. None of the spells may be from opposing elements or from the element opposed to your Element Focus (if you have one), and you must have an ability score for the spell's element equal to 10 + the spell's level.  See the shugenja class description for elemental focus ability scores.
:Special: You may take this feat multiple times, selecting new spells each time.  You must have taken Depths of the Void at least once for every time you have taken this feat.
;Weakening Touch
:Requires: BAB +2, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
:Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect). You may make an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but instead applies a –6 penalty to the target’s Strength for one minute. Multiple weakening touches are not cumulative.  Creatures who are immune to stunning are also immune to this feat.  Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
:Requires: Concentration 10 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks, any two kiho feats.
:Benefit: As a move action, you may make a Concentration check (DC 25) to become aware of the exact locations of all living creatures within a 20 foot radius, regardless of obstruction. During the round this feat is used, you can clearly perceive invisible, incorporeal or concealed creatures and may attack them with no visibility penalty or miss chance, though you must still be able to strike them if they are intangible.  This feat is strongly tied to the elements, and does not function against creatures with the Shadowlands or Lying Darkness subtypes.

Latest revision as of 00:45, 19 February 2010

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Kiho Feats for 3.5[edit]

This is a complete list of all kiho feats generically available to characters in d20 3.5 L5R. As mentioned in Rokugan, kiho feats that have appeared elsewhere without the [Kiho] descriptor that appear on this list should be considered to have the [Kiho] descriptor.

Available Kiho[edit]

Be the Breeze, Blind Fight, Breaking Blow, The Calm of Shinsei, Choke Hold, Cleansing Spirit, Death Touch, Defensive Strike, Defensive Throw, Deflect Arrows, Double Chi, Eagle Claw Attack, Earth’s Embrace, Elemental Shock, Falling Star Strike, Fists of Iron, Flee the Darkness, Flying Kick, Fortune’s Breath, Freezing the Lifeblood, Gift of the Water Dragon, Grappling Block, Greater Ki Shout, Heart of Stone, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Karmic Strike, Karmic Unison, Ki Shout, Pain Touch, Palm of Fire, Power of Nothing, Remember the Mountain, Roundabout Kick, Ryoku, Self/No Self, Shatter the Elements, Soul of the Four Winds, Snatch Arrows, Spirit Strike, Stunning Fist, Tao Mastery, The Thunder’s Clap, Thunderstroke, Weakening Strike, Zanji.

New Kiho[edit]

These Feats do not appear in the SRD.

Breaking Blow
Requires: BAB +5, Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Fists of Iron.
Benefit: If you spend an entire round preparing an unarmed melee attack, you may inflict 1d6 times your Strength modifier in additional damage if you hit. This damage is doubled against inanimate objects. During the round spent preparing the strike, you may defend yourself normally but cannot make any attack nor move.
Choke Hold
Requires: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: If you pin your opponent while grappling and maintain the pin for one full round, at the end of the round your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or fall unconscious for 1d3 rounds.
Cleansing Spirit
Requires: Inkyo or monk level 1+.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 Void bonus on any save vs. poison or disease. You may enter a meditative trance four hours per day for a week and succeed on a DC 25 Concentration check each day. If you do so, you may remove 1d6 Shadow Points or Shadowlands Taint points at the end of the week. Unlike most cures, this will remove your last point of Taint.
Death Touch
Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 13+, Wis 19, Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pain Touch, Stunning Fist, Void Use.
Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt). You may spend 5 Void Points when making an unarmed attack to deliver the Death Touch. If struck, the victim must make an immediate Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or begin to suffer damage equal to your character level every twelve hours. This damage cannot be healed by any means while the Death Touch is active. You may remove the Death Touch by making another unarmed attack against the target. Another character may remove the Touch by making a successful Heal check (DC 50) - if the character has the Death Touch feat, they receive a +20 bonus on this roll.
Defensive Strike
Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
Benefit: If you declare the total defense action, whenever an opponent attacks you and misses, you may attack that opponent on your next turn with a +4 bonus to the attack roll.
Defensive Throw
Requires: Dex 13, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: If the opponent against whom you have chosen to receive your AC bonus from Dodge attacks you and misses, you may make an immediate trip attack against that opponent. This counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity.
Double Chi
Requires: BAB +7, Cha 13, Weapon Focus, Void Use, Concentration 5 ranks.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point and make a Concentration check as a free action to add an insight bonus to your attack and damage rolls when using your Weapon Focus weapon. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level. The size of the bonus is determined by the result of the Concentration check:
10-14: +1
15-19: +2
20-24: +3
25-29: +4
30+: +5
Special: In a formal iaijutsu duel, you may add the bonus to the result of your Iaijutsu Focus checks as well. If you have 5 or more ranks of Iaijutsu Focus, you gain a +2 bonus on Concentration checks when using this feat. This is a Technique feat for Crane Clan characters.
Eagle Claw Attack
Requires: Wis 13, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: When you make an unarmed strike against an object, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt to the object.
Earth's Embrace
Requires: Str 15, Improved Grapple or improved grab ability, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: When grappling, if you pin your opponent you deal an extra 1d12 damage every round you maintain the pin. You keep your victim immobile, but must remain immobile yourself, giving other attackers a +4 bonus on attacks against you (but you're not helpless). This additional damage does not apply against opponents who are immune to critical hits.
Falling Star Strike
Requires: BAB +4, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect). If you successfully attack a humanoid opponent, your target must make Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to your character level. Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
Fists of Iron
Requires: BAB +2, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: You may declare that you are using Fists of Iron before making an unarmed attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the attempt). If you strike your target, you deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
Flee the Darkness
Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 3+, Wis 18, Void Use.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain a +10 bonus to any Will save.
Flying Kick
Requires: Str 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Jump 4 ranks.
Benefit: When using the charge action, you deal an additional 1d12 points of damage with a successful unarmed attack.
Fortune's Breath
Requires: Monk or inkyo level 1+, Wis 15.
Benefit: You may hold your breath for one minute per point of Constitution.
Normal: You may hold your breath for two rounds per point of Constitution.
Freezing the Lifeblood
Requires: BAB +10, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect). Against a humanoid target, you may make an unarmed strike using this feat that does no damage but forces the target, if struck, to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Each use of this feat counts against your daily uses of the Stunning Fist feat. Creatures immune to stunning are also immune to this feat.
Grappling Block
Requires: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Improved Disarm, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: You must have both hands free or be using weapons (such as the sai or jitte) specifically designed to catch other weapons to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit by a weapon you may make a special disarm attempt against your opponent. This attempt counts against your allowed number of attacks of opportunity this round. You make an attack roll (DC equal to the attacker's attack roll). If you succeed, you grab the weapon away from the opponent (if you are unarmed) or knock it to the ground (if you are armed). You may only use this feat against weapons up to two sizes larger than you.
Greater Ki Shout
Requires: BAB +9, Cha 13, Ki Shout.
Benefit: When you make a ki shout, your opponents are panicked for 2d6 rounds unless they make their Will saves. The effects of being panicked supercede those of being shaken. You still may only affect opponents with fewer Hit Dice than you have.
Heart of Stone
Requires: Monk or Inkyo level 10+, Con 15, Void Use.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point to gain damage reduction equal to X/-, where X is equal to one-third of your character level, rounded down. This DR lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier.
Karmic Strike
Requires: Dex 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Dodge.
Benefit: You may make an attack of opportunity against any character that hits you in melee. You take a -4 penalty to AC on your turn in order to use this feat, and the penalty and benefit apply until the beginning of your next turn. The opponent must be within your threatened area when they strike you. If you hit with your attack of opportunity, both of you deal damage simultaneously.
Ki Shout
Requires: BAB +1, Cha 13.
Benefit: Three times per day, you may make a ki shout as a standard action. Opponents with fewer Hit Dice or levels than you have who can hear you and are within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1d6 rounds.
Pain Touch
Requires: BAB +2, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: Victims of your stunning attack are nauseated for one round after they are stunned. Creatures immune to stunning are immune to this effect as well, as are creatures more than one size larger than you.
Roundabout Kick
Requires: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.
Benefit: If you make a critical hit against an opponent with an unarmed attack, you may make an immediate additional unarmed attack at the same attack bonus against the same target, as though you had not used your attack for the critical strike.
Requires: BAB +3, Wis 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.
Benefit: After a successful unarmed attack, you may spend any number of Void Points to activate this feat. The target of the attack must immediately spend an equal number of Void Points. If he or she cannot do so, they cannot recover Void Points for a number of days equal to the difference.
Self/No Self
Requires: Void Use.
Benefit: Once per day, you may meditate for 5 minutes and make a Concentration check (DC 15) to return your Void Points to maximum.
Normal: Regaining Void Points requires a full night's rest or an hour's worth of meditation and a Concentration check (DC 15).
Soul of the Four Winds
Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point as a free action on your turn to gain an insight bonus to your AC equal to your maximum Void. This AC bonus is not cumulative with any Wisdom-based bonuses to AC, and does not protect against touch attacks. You may not use this feat while wearing armor. The bonus lasts for a number of minutes equal to your character level.
Spirit Strike
Requires: Depths of the Void, Improved Unarmed Strike, Void Use, any two other kiho feats.
Benefit: You may spend a Void Point as a free action in order to gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your unarmed strikes for a number of minutes equal to your character level. If you attack an opponent in the same round, you gain a +2 Void bonus to your first unarmed attack roll.
While this feat is active, your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. If your strikes are already considered magical, they are instead considered Void strikes as well.
Tao Mastery
Requires: Elemental ability score 10, Depths of the Void, Void Use.
Benefit: You may select either three 0-level shugenja spells or one 1st level shugenja spell (excluding Void or maho spells). You may cast these spells once per day each as spell-like abilities. Your caster level is equal to your character level. None of the spells may be from opposing elements or from the element opposed to your Element Focus (if you have one), and you must have an ability score for the spell's element equal to 10 + the spell's level. See the shugenja class description for elemental focus ability scores.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, selecting new spells each time. You must have taken Depths of the Void at least once for every time you have taken this feat.
Weakening Touch
Requires: BAB +2, Wis 17, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: You muse declare that you are using this feat before making an attack roll (thus, a missed attack ruins the effect). You may make an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but instead applies a –6 penalty to the target’s Strength for one minute. Multiple weakening touches are not cumulative. Creatures who are immune to stunning are also immune to this feat. Each use of this ability counts as a daily use of the Stunning Fist feat.
Requires: Concentration 10 ranks, Sense Motive 10 ranks, any two kiho feats.
Benefit: As a move action, you may make a Concentration check (DC 25) to become aware of the exact locations of all living creatures within a 20 foot radius, regardless of obstruction. During the round this feat is used, you can clearly perceive invisible, incorporeal or concealed creatures and may attack them with no visibility penalty or miss chance, though you must still be able to strike them if they are intangible. This feat is strongly tied to the elements, and does not function against creatures with the Shadowlands or Lying Darkness subtypes.