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near the cave is a small village, we are to get information about the cave and the events that have ocured here. the people seem to be more then willing to help us, we even gooten free drinks. well not everyone was helpfull, but after a small barfight (i didnt even got to join) they where unconsius outside. Billy leyed there bodys in some unhonerble posion in the streat as a suprise when they wake up.
the creatues from the cave are discribed as a mix of a frog and a large bear. you know what they say, love is blind.
the three army men had arrived just after the first attack and had taken the sherif withthem to the hole. the sherif was found near the enterence of the cave heavyly burned and the armymen where nowhere to be seen.
seeing as Billy and wong arnt about to do anything other then drink for a while i better go and heal the sherif so that we might get some better info.
it took me a few tryes to find the right house, maby i should have lissend to the barlady that told me exacly which house it was.
after some tiredsome and boring healing of the weak little human he wasnt even able to tell us anything good. but he was prepered to show us where the cave was if i healed him fully.a full 4 seconds later i was done.

Latest revision as of 04:05, 31 July 2008