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[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']
[http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/TheStarsAreRight:RedlandJack '''Return to Redland Jack's page''']
'''Low Priority'''
'''''Low Priority'''''
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow1.html Who was the woman behind Henrik in Laura's vision?]<br>
'''Who was the woman behind Henrik in Laura's vision?'''<br>
Not important. <br>
This is probably nothing. I'd guess that it was simply one of the patients or one of the hospital staff. It could also have been some sort of spirit, though. Should follow up with Henrik when I get a chance.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow2.html Was there anything specific going on with 'Kansas City Flu' in Sandoo?]<br>
'''ABANDONED'''  <br>
Not important. <br>
'''Was there anything specific going on with 'Kansas City Flu' in Sandoo?'''<br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow3.html Talk to Lydia Strickly.]<br>
It's my understanding that the 'Kansas City Flu' has something to do with ponic energy. When we were on the island of Torshavn, there was a strange incidence of illness. Though we dismissed it as a 'normal' disease, follow-up in Tibet indicated it was, in fact, 'Kansas City flu'. It's been awhile, but I recall a private investigator was sent there looking for someone, a boy, I believe. I believe the boy was killed by the flu. Is it just a coincidence that a P.I. was sent to find someone found dead from ponics poisoning?
Not important. <br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow4.html Find out war plans of Germany.]<br>
'''Talk to Lydia Strickly.'''<br>
Not my problem. <br>
I found a note in my journal referring to Lydia Strickly as Donal's god-daughter. I wonder which Donal? This is probably not significant in any way, but if we are near Switzerland, this may be something worth a few minutes of our time.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow5.html Find Roxanne's 'third'.]<br>
'''ABANDONED''' <br>
Boris can handle this. <br>
'''Find out war plans of Germany.'''<br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityLow6.html Contact Emma Hamilton.]<br>
My original thought, was that the Germans would quickly overwhelm the French in a surprise attack, since France is the only continental power that could oppose them. Once France has fallen, the Germans should easily be able to move from Portugal to the Russian border. This would be even easier if they could coordinate with former allies from the Great War.
No value to this.
Even Russia, in my opinion, would not have been much of a threat, with their outdated technology, faltering economy, and poor morale. However, I do not know what to make of a 'zombie' army. Morale is probably not a problem with zombies, and I don't know if they need weapons to be effective.
The inability to push through Russia to the Caucasus oil fields could be crippling. As a side benefit, the Scandanavian countries might be saved.
I presume the Germans would make some sort of treaty with the English. Attacking across the channel would be difficult and would be nearly certain to bring the United States into the conflict.
'''Find Roxanne's 'third'.'''<br>
Apparently, Roxanne is the product of some Russian experiment. She has powerful 'magical' abilities. However, she can only use them when she is part of a three-person 'coterie'. Until this group is formed, she is a danger to herself (and maybe others?) Her difficulties with socialization also seem to stem from this.
This is low priority for me, since it is my understanding that Boris is already spending considerable effort looking into this.
'''''Medium Priority'''''<br>
'''Find Laura's 'Agent of Change'.'''<br>
Maybe move this back to Current Priorities
Apparently, it's not enough that we have all of these Kings and Queens and Principles and whatnot. Each of them also has to have a court (and then the court has to have a court).
Anyway, Laura apparently had her break with reality after witnessing her parents being murdered by some horrible mystical creature. It would seem that she needs to overcome this to fully regain her grip on reality.
It seems to me, though it is not certain that her so-called "Agent of Change" would be the one to help her overcome her 'insanity.'
'''Find out location of Elders to break bond.'''<br>
'''Medium Priority'''
Auda and Rebecca determined at some point that it would be a good idea if they formed a 'mystical' bond. A couple months down the line, it's looking like that was a bad idea.
My research has led me to the conclusion that the only effective way to break this bond (that will keep everyone happy) is to have the 'Elders' perform a miracle.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed1.html Meet with Cecil Becker.]<br>
I've uncovered several leads on how to find these Elders. I'd call this a medium priority, because it really should be something that Auda/Rebecca/Henrik should be doing.
Probably best done by KoL. <br>
'''ALREADY (mostly) COMPLETED''' <br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed2.html Find Laura's 'Agent of Change'.]<br>
'''Find out who was responsible for 'stain on the wall.''''<br>
I have no way of doing this. <br>
In the case of the 3 Donals, one of the three was murdered by powerful 'mystical' forces. Since the Donal's seem to have some relevance to Pentheus and the PoA, we should probably try to ascertain what killed him and why.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed3.html Find out about Donal.]<br>
Still outstanding. <br>
'''Locate Principle of Compassion.'''<br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed4.html Find out location of Elders to break bond.]<br>
I guess I just don't care that much about this. If no one else wants to prioritize it, I'm not going to worry about it.
Should be solved by Auda/Rebecca/Henrik. <br>
It is unclear to me why it is important to recruit the Principles. That aside, we've gone through some trouble to locate and 'acquire' them. Since KoL killed the previous incarnation of 'The Lady' a.k.a. the PoC, it would seem reasonable to attempt to recruit the newest incarnation. It is my understanding that she will be back in the Sandoo Islands.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed5.html Find out who was responsible for 'stain on the wall.']<br>
'''ABANDONED''' <br>
Still outstanding. <br>
'''Meet with Roderick Usher.'''<br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed6.html Locate Principle of Compassion.]<br>
Done and done.
Doesn't seem like there's much value in this. <br>
There are two types of Faeries: the Nightsiders and the Fae. Roderick Usher is one of the few Nightsiders left that we know about. After the rise in the ambient, most of the Nightsiders can no longer safely dwell on our world.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityMed7.html Meet with Roderick Usher.]<br>
Usher is coming to New york sometime late March. KoL indicates that the Nightsiders could be very powerful allies and that I may need to be the one to negotiate with them. Usher may very well have a great deal of information about other matters as well.
Probably best done by KoL.
'''High Priority'''
'''High Priority'''
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityHigh1.html Find out why Fae feel abandoned.]<br>
'''Find out why Fae feel abandoned.'''<br>
Completed. <br>
When I met with a woman named Meredin Kane (a lawyer for the Fae), she indicated to me that the Fae felt abandoned/betrayed by humans/KoL. There is probably nothing worse than the feeling of betrayal.
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityHigh2.html Witness field trial.]<br>
The Fae are potentially important allies in the battle to save the world. we should shore up this problem as soon as possible.
I don't think I add value here. <br>
[http://www.geocities.com/redland_jack/Cthulhu/PriorityHigh3.html Stop KoF from capping 'Well of Souls'.]<br>
Still outstanding.
'''Witness field trial.'''<br>'''Stop KoF from capping 'Well of Souls'.'''<br>
Sounds like the issue resolved itself.
The KoF and his lackeys are considering capping the 'Well of Souls'. While it is somewhat unclear to me what this is (some mysical mumbo-jumbo referring to reincarnation or some danged thing), it does factor in to one of the four probable outcomes for the 'end of the world.'
According to GoB and KoL, this outcome is pretty unpleasant. Given that it involves the vile KoF, I can believe that we wish to halt this activity, posthaste.
'''Witness field trial.'''<br>
There are 4 probable scenarios for the 'end of the world.' Currently, the best of these scenarios involves the Pentheus Corporation. They have asked for our assistance in some field trials they are going to be undertaking soon. The field trials sound unpleasant. They will involve voluntary human sacrifice. Despite this unpleasantness, it is imperative that we maintain good relations with Pentheus and help them if we can.
It sounds like our plan for this is going to involve just a small number of us officially observing the trials, probably just me and Boris. The others will, presumably, try to watch unobserved by Pentheus. I'm not really on-board with this plan, but what can I do? It seems to me that this risks angering a potential ally. The thought is that they will learn something more than we would learn just going the official route, but it strikes me as unlikely. If they want to spy on Pentheus, this does not seem like the best opportunity.
Also, I believe that the KoF's team has already undertaken some espionage against Pentheus. I'm not sure if we've talked to them and discovered what it is, but, if we're going to be acting in a underhanded manner with them, it seems that this would be relevant information, as there is no sense in duplicating effort that has already been undertaken.<br>

Latest revision as of 16:53, 3 August 2009

Return to Redland Jack's page

Low Priority

Who was the woman behind Henrik in Laura's vision?
This is probably nothing. I'd guess that it was simply one of the patients or one of the hospital staff. It could also have been some sort of spirit, though. Should follow up with Henrik when I get a chance. ABANDONED
Was there anything specific going on with 'Kansas City Flu' in Sandoo?
It's my understanding that the 'Kansas City Flu' has something to do with ponic energy. When we were on the island of Torshavn, there was a strange incidence of illness. Though we dismissed it as a 'normal' disease, follow-up in Tibet indicated it was, in fact, 'Kansas City flu'. It's been awhile, but I recall a private investigator was sent there looking for someone, a boy, I believe. I believe the boy was killed by the flu. Is it just a coincidence that a P.I. was sent to find someone found dead from ponics poisoning? ABANDONED
Talk to Lydia Strickly.
I found a note in my journal referring to Lydia Strickly as Donal's god-daughter. I wonder which Donal? This is probably not significant in any way, but if we are near Switzerland, this may be something worth a few minutes of our time. ABANDONED
Find out war plans of Germany.
My original thought, was that the Germans would quickly overwhelm the French in a surprise attack, since France is the only continental power that could oppose them. Once France has fallen, the Germans should easily be able to move from Portugal to the Russian border. This would be even easier if they could coordinate with former allies from the Great War. Even Russia, in my opinion, would not have been much of a threat, with their outdated technology, faltering economy, and poor morale. However, I do not know what to make of a 'zombie' army. Morale is probably not a problem with zombies, and I don't know if they need weapons to be effective.

The inability to push through Russia to the Caucasus oil fields could be crippling. As a side benefit, the Scandanavian countries might be saved.

I presume the Germans would make some sort of treaty with the English. Attacking across the channel would be difficult and would be nearly certain to bring the United States into the conflict. ABANDONED
Find Roxanne's 'third'.
Apparently, Roxanne is the product of some Russian experiment. She has powerful 'magical' abilities. However, she can only use them when she is part of a three-person 'coterie'. Until this group is formed, she is a danger to herself (and maybe others?) Her difficulties with socialization also seem to stem from this. This is low priority for me, since it is my understanding that Boris is already spending considerable effort looking into this. ALREADY SOLVED BY BORIS
Medium Priority
Find Laura's 'Agent of Change'.
Maybe move this back to Current Priorities Apparently, it's not enough that we have all of these Kings and Queens and Principles and whatnot. Each of them also has to have a court (and then the court has to have a court). Anyway, Laura apparently had her break with reality after witnessing her parents being murdered by some horrible mystical creature. It would seem that she needs to overcome this to fully regain her grip on reality.

It seems to me, though it is not certain that her so-called "Agent of Change" would be the one to help her overcome her 'insanity.' MOVED AND INCORPORATED INTO DIFFERENT PRIORITY
Find out location of Elders to break bond.

Auda and Rebecca determined at some point that it would be a good idea if they formed a 'mystical' bond. A couple months down the line, it's looking like that was a bad idea. My research has led me to the conclusion that the only effective way to break this bond (that will keep everyone happy) is to have the 'Elders' perform a miracle.

I've uncovered several leads on how to find these Elders. I'd call this a medium priority, because it really should be something that Auda/Rebecca/Henrik should be doing. ALREADY (mostly) COMPLETED
Find out who was responsible for 'stain on the wall.'
In the case of the 3 Donals, one of the three was murdered by powerful 'mystical' forces. Since the Donal's seem to have some relevance to Pentheus and the PoA, we should probably try to ascertain what killed him and why. MOVED AND INCORPORATED INTO DIFFERENT PRIORITY
Locate Principle of Compassion.
I guess I just don't care that much about this. If no one else wants to prioritize it, I'm not going to worry about it. It is unclear to me why it is important to recruit the Principles. That aside, we've gone through some trouble to locate and 'acquire' them. Since KoL killed the previous incarnation of 'The Lady' a.k.a. the PoC, it would seem reasonable to attempt to recruit the newest incarnation. It is my understanding that she will be back in the Sandoo Islands. ABANDONED
Meet with Roderick Usher.
Done and done. There are two types of Faeries: the Nightsiders and the Fae. Roderick Usher is one of the few Nightsiders left that we know about. After the rise in the ambient, most of the Nightsiders can no longer safely dwell on our world. Usher is coming to New york sometime late March. KoL indicates that the Nightsiders could be very powerful allies and that I may need to be the one to negotiate with them. Usher may very well have a great deal of information about other matters as well. COMPLETED

High Priority

Find out why Fae feel abandoned.
When I met with a woman named Meredin Kane (a lawyer for the Fae), she indicated to me that the Fae felt abandoned/betrayed by humans/KoL. There is probably nothing worse than the feeling of betrayal. The Fae are potentially important allies in the battle to save the world. we should shore up this problem as soon as possible. COMPLETED
Witness field trial.
Stop KoF from capping 'Well of Souls'.
Sounds like the issue resolved itself. The KoF and his lackeys are considering capping the 'Well of Souls'. While it is somewhat unclear to me what this is (some mysical mumbo-jumbo referring to reincarnation or some danged thing), it does factor in to one of the four probable outcomes for the 'end of the world.' According to GoB and KoL, this outcome is pretty unpleasant. Given that it involves the vile KoF, I can believe that we wish to halt this activity, posthaste. ABANDONED/COMPLETED

Witness field trial.
There are 4 probable scenarios for the 'end of the world.' Currently, the best of these scenarios involves the Pentheus Corporation. They have asked for our assistance in some field trials they are going to be undertaking soon. The field trials sound unpleasant. They will involve voluntary human sacrifice. Despite this unpleasantness, it is imperative that we maintain good relations with Pentheus and help them if we can. It sounds like our plan for this is going to involve just a small number of us officially observing the trials, probably just me and Boris. The others will, presumably, try to watch unobserved by Pentheus. I'm not really on-board with this plan, but what can I do? It seems to me that this risks angering a potential ally. The thought is that they will learn something more than we would learn just going the official route, but it strikes me as unlikely. If they want to spy on Pentheus, this does not seem like the best opportunity. Also, I believe that the KoF's team has already undertaken some espionage against Pentheus. I'm not sure if we've talked to them and discovered what it is, but, if we're going to be acting in a underhanded manner with them, it seems that this would be relevant information, as there is no sense in duplicating effort that has already been undertaken.