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<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:31] <br>[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Main/Desktop/Logs/>.
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:31] <br>[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Main/Desktop/Logs/>.
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:31] <br>[INFO] Channel view for ``#PineFalls'' opened.
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:31] <br>[INFO] Channel view for ``#PineFalls'' opened.
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:35] -->| YOU (Astra) have joined #PineFalls
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:55] -->| The_Lady (~Registere@99.9.199.IP) has joined #PineFalls
<br>[2009-01-09 17:43:55] <The_Lady> The Lady's shadow falls upon the room
<br>[2009-01-09 17:52:05] <br>[ERROR] Connection to irc:// (irc:// reset. <br>[<br>[Help]<br>[Get more information about this error online]<br>[faq connection.reset]]
<br>[2009-01-09 17:53:06] -->| YOU (Astra_) have joined #PineFalls
<br>[2009-01-09 17:53:06] -->| YOU (Astra_) have joined #PineFalls
<br>[2009-01-09 17:53:12] |<-- Astra has left (Ping timeout)
<br>[2009-01-09 17:53:12] |<-- Astra has left (Ping timeout)

Latest revision as of 17:28, 10 January 2009

[2009-01-09 17:43:31]
[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Main/Desktop/Logs/>.
[2009-01-09 17:43:31]
[INFO] Channel view for ``#PineFalls opened.
[2009-01-09 17:53:06] -->| YOU (Astra_) have joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 17:53:12] |<-- Astra has left (Ping timeout)
[2009-01-09 17:53:20] =-= YOU are now known as Astra
[2009-01-09 17:53:20] *NickServ* This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
[2009-01-09 17:53:20] *NickServ* nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY -password- . Otherwise,
[2009-01-09 17:53:20] *NickServ* please choose a different nick.
[2009-01-09 17:53:31] *NickServ* Password accepted - you are now recognized.
[2009-01-09 17:53:41]
[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Main/Desktop/Logs/>.
[2009-01-09 17:54:07] >The_Lady< dismiss #Pinefalls
[2009-01-09 17:54:09] <The_Lady> You feel the universe shudder as the Lady passes...
[2009-01-09 17:54:09] <--| The_Lady has left #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 17:54:13] <--| YOU (Astra) have left #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 17:54:20]
[INFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Main/Desktop/Logs/>.
[2009-01-09 17:54:20]
[INFO] Channel view for ``#PineFalls opened.
[2009-01-09 17:54:21] -->| YOU (Astra) have joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 17:56:07] =-= Mode #PineFalls +s by Astra
[2009-01-09 17:56:14] >The_Lady< summon #Pinefalls
[2009-01-09 17:56:15] -->| The_Lady (~Registere@99.9.199.IP) has joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 17:56:15] <The_Lady> The Lady's shadow falls upon the room
[2009-01-09 18:41:53] -->| Khayin ( has joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 18:42:17] -->| Konpeito (~Kon@98.125.237.IP) has joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 18:42:27] =-= YOU are now known as Fu
[2009-01-09 18:42:44] =-= Mode #PineFalls +o Khayin by Fu
[2009-01-09 18:42:48] =-= Mode #PineFalls +h Fu by Fu
[2009-01-09 18:42:53] =-= Mode #PineFalls -o Fu by Fu
[2009-01-09 18:43:39] <Fu> (I think her net is coughing, but she'll probably be back)
[2009-01-09 18:44:11] <Khayin> 'Kay
[2009-01-09 18:44:15] <Khayin> I need to make myself some dinner
[2009-01-09 18:44:19] <Fu> Okay dokie.
[2009-01-09 18:51:02] -->| Seras ( has joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 18:51:26] <Fu> :D
[2009-01-09 18:52:57] <Fu> Khayin is getting dinner.
[2009-01-09 18:53:07] <Seras> k
[2009-01-09 18:53:30] =-= Fu has changed the topic to ``#peanutgallery for all your OoC needs
[2009-01-09 18:54:16] =-= Seras is now known as DrakeNero
[2009-01-09 18:55:05] =-= Konpeito is now known as Mala
[2009-01-09 18:58:26] <Khayin> Okey doke. Apologies for the delay
[2009-01-09 18:58:32] <DrakeNero> no prob.
[2009-01-09 18:58:37] <DrakeNero> Had a compy crash
[2009-01-09 18:58:40] <Khayin> Yikes
[2009-01-09 18:58:51] <Khayin> Things okay now or still buggy?
[2009-01-09 18:58:56] <DrakeNero> things ok, I think
[2009-01-09 18:59:14] <Khayin> Here's hoping, then
[2009-01-09 18:59:37] <Khayin> Okay, well, welcome back, first off. Hope everyone had a good holiday. :)
[2009-01-09 19:00:24] === Halfops cannot set mode h
[2009-01-09 19:00:43] <Fu> Good to be back.
[2009-01-09 19:01:00] <DrakeNero> Indeed
[2009-01-09 19:01:16] <Mala> ^^
[2009-01-09 19:01:42] <Khayin> Since the group is split at the moment, I will be handling it in two parts. First will be Drake and Mala and Fu will come afterward.
[2009-01-09 19:05:11] <Khayin> It's been two weeks, so I figure there is a bit of a memory lapse. Do we need a recap?
[2009-01-09 19:05:25] * DrakeNero has a pretty sharp memory, though it's a bit one-sided
[2009-01-09 19:05:26] <DrakeNero> so please.
[2009-01-09 19:05:40] <Khayin> Heh heh
[2009-01-09 19:05:49] <Mala> I believe we left Fu in charge of the Hollow o.o
[2009-01-09 19:05:55] <DrakeNero> we did.
[2009-01-09 19:05:57] <Khayin> That you did
[2009-01-09 19:06:03] <Fu> Well, you left him to clean, on his request.
[2009-01-09 19:06:06] <DrakeNero> I believe we were en route... somewhere
[2009-01-09 19:06:09] <DrakeNero> in a limo
[2009-01-09 19:06:13] <Fu> Because he felt bad for the Hollow.
[2009-01-09 19:06:15] <DrakeNero> Drake gained +1 shirt
[2009-01-09 19:06:23] <DrakeNero> after spending most of the previous session -1 shirt
[2009-01-09 19:06:34] <Fu> By the way, you probably won't see that shirt again.
[2009-01-09 19:06:52] <Khayin> Mala and Drake ended up in the Franklin mansion where you ran into a woman who called herself Anna or Abigail, depending on the time that Drake had met her.
[2009-01-09 19:08:06] <Khayin> She explained her interests in the recent events (mostly, you figure) and implied a relation to the Franklin family, though how was not specified.
[2009-01-09 19:08:26] <Khayin> The servants seemed to think she belong, though, so she probably wasn't lying.
[2009-01-09 19:11:39] <DrakeNero> Hopefully, anyway
[2009-01-09 19:11:43] <Khayin> The best clue that she gave you, however, was the connection between the victims -- they were each from one of the founding families of Pine Falls.
[2009-01-09 19:12:27] <Khayin> She also said that Orville Farnsworth -- whose last name was in the back of the book that you found in the chapel back in the hollow -- would be able to help with the book itself.
[2009-01-09 19:13:48] <Khayin> Farnsworth runs the little book shop bearing his name and also seems to have something to do with the university library as Mala has borrowed botany books from him on occasion.
[2009-01-09 19:14:16] <DrakeNero> ...Are we on a busy street?
[2009-01-09 19:14:21] <Mala> She heard about family trees and wanted to find hers. >.>
[2009-01-09 19:14:44] <Khayin> (XD)
[2009-01-09 19:14:57] <Khayin> Are you on a busy street heading home, you're asking?
[2009-01-09 19:15:04] <DrakeNero> Yes, there's a reason.
[2009-01-09 19:15:08] <Khayin> Not terribly.
[2009-01-09 19:15:37] * DrakeNero was going to request that the limo drivers cut the next person they see off.
[2009-01-09 19:15:41] <Khayin> Though the path home goes between usually busy steets and not so busy ones, so depending on your timing, you could be in either.
[2009-01-09 19:15:43] * DrakeNero needs glamor ;.;
[2009-01-09 19:15:46] <Khayin> XD
[2009-01-09 19:16:02] * DrakeNero gets the most glamor from ticked off people
[2009-01-09 19:16:10] <Fu> Hah!
[2009-01-09 19:17:04] <DrakeNero> If the opportunity arises, he *will* ask the drivers to be jerks for a bit.
[2009-01-09 19:17:20] <Khayin> (Roll Manipulation + Persuasion or Intimidation depending on how you want to ask)
[2009-01-09 19:18:52] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 3 8 10 Persuasion
[2009-01-09 19:18:53] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 19:18:53] <The_Lady> 1, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10
[2009-01-09 19:18:53] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 6 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 19:18:59] <DrakeNero> (Christ on a cracker.)
[2009-01-09 19:18:59] <Khayin> O_o
[2009-01-09 19:19:02] <Khayin> Off to a good start.
[2009-01-09 19:19:07] <DrakeNero> (there went all my luck)
[2009-01-09 19:20:21] <Khayin> The driver obliges with a "Yes, _sir_!" and happily weaves through traffic when passing through the busiest thoroughfare, cutting people off, tailgating, making sudden lane changes and turns.
[2009-01-09 19:20:36] <DrakeNero> Delicious, delicious angry glamour.
[2009-01-09 19:20:42] <Khayin> Much to the dragon's delight, the driver makes a lot of people very, very, pissed.
[2009-01-09 19:20:45] <DrakeNero> The rich guy in the back of the limo looks smug.
[2009-01-09 19:21:05] <Khayin> (Regain six points)
[2009-01-09 19:21:13] <DrakeNero> (nice.)
[2009-01-09 19:21:27] <Fu> (doesn't he get +1 for being Wrath court?)
[2009-01-09 19:21:36] <Khayin> (Regain seven XD)
[2009-01-09 19:21:59] <DrakeNero> (even better)
[2009-01-09 19:22:06] <DrakeNero> (thanks <3)
[2009-01-09 19:22:16] <DrakeNero> (oh wait, I think this makes me high)
[2009-01-09 19:22:16] <Khayin> "Ah, that was fun," the driver says, sighing contentedly. "So, where shall I be taking you, sir? Ma'am?"
[2009-01-09 19:22:34] <Khayin> (XD)
[2009-01-09 19:22:44] <DrakeNero> (Anyone know the You Get High rules offhand?)
[2009-01-09 19:23:33] <Khayin> (Not offhand)
[2009-01-09 19:24:08] <Fu> (where is it?
[2009-01-09 19:24:12] <DrakeNero> "What...what were we doin' again?"
[2009-01-09 19:24:12] <Khayin> (Did you want him to take you home or elsewhere?)
[2009-01-09 19:24:33] * DrakeNero will just wing it, tis funnier this way)
[2009-01-09 19:24:50] <Khayin> "Where to, sir? Where to, miss?"
[2009-01-09 19:24:54] <Mala> (Optional Rule: More Glam than Dots in Composure treated as though consumed a dose of one of the drugs lists on p177 of the WoD rulebook... truly epic harvests, six or more, get into kinesthesia. hallucinogenic properties kick in after 10)
[2009-01-09 19:26:30] <DrakeNero> (oh it's optional)
[2009-01-09 19:27:55] <Fu> (It's still funnier this way)
[2009-01-09 19:28:28] * DrakeNero is staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaring out the window
[2009-01-09 19:28:52] <Khayin> (How does Mala take the psycho driving? :P)
[2009-01-09 19:29:21] <Mala> O____O "I think we're going to Farnsworth's books?"
[2009-01-09 19:29:22] <Fu> (EAT UP THE FEAR)
[2009-01-09 19:29:51] <Mala> "Also can we please not do that crashing thing I've heard about, it doesn't sound fun... D: "
[2009-01-09 19:30:16] * DrakeNero has now taken to rubbing his horns on Mala's arm.
[2009-01-09 19:30:28] <Mala> ".....what are you doing, Drake. o_o "
[2009-01-09 19:30:30] <DrakeNero> Looks like he's brushing his gelled hair agianst her skin, under the Mask
[2009-01-09 19:30:35] <DrakeNero> "itchy."
[2009-01-09 19:30:49] <DrakeNero> "you're all barky"
[2009-01-09 19:30:53] <DrakeNero> Rubrubrub
[2009-01-09 19:30:58] <Mala> "Uhm....okay...."
[2009-01-09 19:31:27] <DrakeNero> rubrubrubrub
[2009-01-09 19:31:29] <Khayin> "As you wish. Oh, and don't worry about my driving, miss," the driver smiles, tipping his hat. "I do this all the time for the young Lady Franklin."
[2009-01-09 19:31:40] <DrakeNero> "Is that the hot one?"
[2009-01-09 19:31:53] <Khayin> "The hot one, sir?"
[2009-01-09 19:32:00] * DrakeNero looks at Mala, pupils totally dialated. "is it?"
[2009-01-09 19:32:07] <DrakeNero> *dilated
[2009-01-09 19:32:24] <Mala> "I dunno? D: " Mala's awfully confused by all of this x.x
[2009-01-09 19:32:47] <DrakeNero> "Think it is." He flops over in the seat.
[2009-01-09 19:34:28] <DrakeNero> "Where were we goin?"
[2009-01-09 19:34:32] <DrakeNero> "I don' remember."
[2009-01-09 19:34:58] <Khayin> After a few blocks, the driver pulls alongside the shops on Alabaster Street, right in front of a fire hydrant. Only feet away is the dim-looking Farnsworth Used Book Shop.
[2009-01-09 19:35:02] <Mala> "We're going to the bookstore, Drake. D: "
[2009-01-09 19:35:24] <DrakeNero> "Paper is made..... OF TREES!!!"
[2009-01-09 19:35:27] <DrakeNero> "It's..."
[2009-01-09 19:35:29] <DrakeNero> "It's like...."
[2009-01-09 19:35:33] <DrakeNero> "Like some kind of.."
[2009-01-09 19:35:37] <DrakeNero> "Kind of horror movie plot."
[2009-01-09 19:35:54] <DrakeNero> "Blaaaaaagh!" he makes a 'scary' face
[2009-01-09 19:36:10] <Mala> "...I try not to think about that. x.x "
[2009-01-09 19:36:39] <DrakeNero> "Blaaaaagh" he says, with less enthusiasm this time.
[2009-01-09 19:36:39] <Khayin> The driver stares at the two of you.
[2009-01-09 19:36:47] <Khayin> "... um..."
[2009-01-09 19:36:51] <Khayin> "... here we are... sir?"
[2009-01-09 19:37:04] <Khayin> "I'll be here to take you home when you're finished."
[2009-01-09 19:37:08] <DrakeNero> 'kay."
[2009-01-09 19:37:15] <Mala> "That's probably a good idea... >__>"
[2009-01-09 19:37:59] * DrakeNero sits up
[2009-01-09 19:38:07] * DrakeNero fumbles for the door handle.
[2009-01-09 19:39:56] * Mala gets it for him.
[2009-01-09 19:40:01] <Mala> "Are you sure you're okay, Drake? >_> "
[2009-01-09 19:41:01] <DrakeNero> "I'M A FUCKIN DRAAAAAAAAAGON!!!!!"
[2009-01-09 19:41:10] <Mala> "I...I know. o.o "
[2009-01-09 19:41:48] <DrakeNero> "I'm fine, yo."
[2009-01-09 19:41:52] <DrakeNero> "Just. fine."
[2009-01-09 19:41:56] <Mala> "Okay... o.o "
[2009-01-09 19:41:56] * DrakeNero falls out of the car.
[2009-01-09 19:42:04] <Khayin> The young couple that happened to pass by as Drake yelled looked flustered and scurried away.
[2009-01-09 19:44:01] <Khayin> (Entering the shop?)
[2009-01-09 19:44:07] <DrakeNero> More or less.
[2009-01-09 19:44:25] <Mala> Mala is, anyway. >_>
[2009-01-09 19:44:37] * DrakeNero is using Mala as a walking stick
[2009-01-09 19:45:16] <Mala> More like a shoulder to lean on... even if Mala's shoulder is about level with Drake's head at least >_>
[2009-01-09 19:45:51] <DrakeNero> Drake is only 2 inches shorter than Mala.
[2009-01-09 19:45:55] <DrakeNero> so more like draped on
[2009-01-09 19:46:35] <Khayin> The smell of old books wafts outward as the door swings open, eliciting a small jingle from the tiny bells on the door. The first thing you notice is that the layout of the shop is rather suboptimal -- bookcases up front block off the view of the rest of the store and require you to amble about before you can see the front counter.
[2009-01-09 19:47:18] * Mala tries to keep Drake from knocking anything over x.x
[2009-01-09 19:48:04] <Khayin> Behind the big oak table with a ton of books and a computer older than time sits a tall, fairly attractive young man with latin features. He almost does not notice you, so frustrated is he with the relic machine before him.

[2009-01-09 19:48:45] <Mala> "Uhm....hi. o.o"
[2009-01-09 19:48:52] <Khayin> "... oh? I'm sorry, I guess I didn't hear the bells," he says, turning in his chair and adopting a smile. "Can I help you?"
[2009-01-09 19:48:54] <DrakeNero> "deeeeaaaad treeeeeeees" he whispers rather loudly into her ear
[2009-01-09 19:50:19] <Mala> "Stop it, Drake. >.<"
[2009-01-09 19:50:51] <Khayin> The man raises an eyebrow, glancing at Drake only briefly before resting his gaze once again on the slightly more sane-looking Mala. "Er... if it helps, we can sell electronic copies of some books as well."
[2009-01-09 19:51:17] <DrakeNero> "Dead trees by proxy!" He stage whispers to Mala.
[2009-01-09 19:52:18] <Mala> "Oh, uhm... stoppit! >.< Uhm, no, we sorta found this book, and uhm, we wanted to see if you could tell us anything about it. o.o"
[2009-01-09 19:52:34] <DrakeNero> "Supposed to talk to someone"
[2009-01-09 19:52:39] <DrakeNero> "Buttersworth."
[2009-01-09 19:52:50] <DrakeNero> "No, no, that's the pancakes lady."
[2009-01-09 19:52:53] <DrakeNero> He rubs at his face.
[2009-01-09 19:53:09] <Khayin> "Oh?" he responds, apparently perking up a little. "Internet was no help?"
[2009-01-09 19:53:30] <Mala> "Mr. Farnsworth, Drake. But pancakes do sound good. Maybe later. >.> "
[2009-01-09 19:53:45] <DrakeNero> "I have internet on my PHONE!" He yanks his palm pilot out of his pocket and waves it around.
[2009-01-09 19:54:36] <Khayin> "Well, that's the name on the store," the young man smiles, gesturing supposedly to the sign outside. "But if you're talking about my grandfather, he isn't in right now. Maybe I can help you?" He smiles brightly.
[2009-01-09 19:56:39] * Mala takes the book from the somewhat distracted Drake. >.> "Uhm, okay. This is it..."
[2009-01-09 19:56:55] <DrakeNero> "SWIPER NO SWIPING."
[2009-01-09 19:57:04] <DrakeNero> He smacks her, ineffectively.
[2009-01-09 19:58:17] <Khayin> "... yeah..." the young man stares at Drake a moment before taking the book from Mala. He looks the cover over a bit and flips through the first several pages. "Hmm... Latin. I guess that would be what you need help with?"
[2009-01-09 19:58:33] <DrakeNero> "I like Latin music."
[2009-01-09 19:58:47] <Mala> "I listen to it on the radio sometimes, but it didn't help with this."
[2009-01-09 19:59:06] <DrakeNero> "No enough regaton in that book."
[2009-01-09 19:59:10] <DrakeNero> *Not
[2009-01-09 19:59:41] <Khayin> He is silent for a moment before chuckling a little bit. "Um... yeah, I can probably help you with this. A full translation will take a while, though."
[2009-01-09 20:00:50] <Khayin> "Is there anything in particular you wanted to know?"
[2009-01-09 20:01:03] <DrakeNero> "The meaning of life"
[2009-01-09 20:03:43] <DrakeNero> "It's s'posed to give us a clue."
[2009-01-09 20:04:05] <DrakeNero> "The bible is s'posed to give us a clue, too, but I found it *entirely* unhelpful."
[2009-01-09 20:04:25] <Mala> "I think we just need to know what it's about. Because we really don't know what's in it. o.o "
[2009-01-09 20:05:54] <Khayin> "Bible, huh?" He flips through it a bit more. "... actually, now that you mention it, this does kind of resemble a bible of some sort. I don't recognize most of what it's saying, though. Someone's home-made religion, maybe?"
[2009-01-09 20:06:16] <Khayin> "Where did you get this?"
[2009-01-09 20:06:27] <Mala> "I guess? Like I said we don't really know. Uhm. We found it at a friend's house. o.o "
[2009-01-09 20:06:33] <DrakeNero> "Crazy-ass cults." He looks at the guy with unfocused eyes, his face going rather serious. "don't drink the kool-aid"
[2009-01-09 20:07:11] <DrakeNero> "Fell outta a pew ... pew pew" he makes laser gun motions.
[2009-01-09 20:07:28] <Khayin> He flips through to the end and double-takes when he spies the back cover. "... what the...?"
[2009-01-09 20:07:43] <Mala> "What? o.o"
[2009-01-09 20:07:50] <Khayin> "... this has my family's imprint on the back cover."
[2009-01-09 20:08:02] <Mala> "Oh.."
[2009-01-09 20:08:10] <DrakeNero> "The BUTTERSWORTH CREST!~"
[2009-01-09 20:09:53] <Khayin> "Farnsworth," he says, glancing at Drake with a bit of disapproval. "And it's not our crest, it's our imprint. My family used to run the local printing press and they would stamp this in the back of the books."
[2009-01-09 20:10:09] <DrakeNero> "The noble pancake family!"
[2009-01-09 20:10:30] <Mala> "So the book comes from...excuse me." She swats Drake. "From here?"
[2009-01-09 20:12:59] * DrakeNero has decided to space out, now
[2009-01-09 20:13:19] <Khayin> Ignoring Drake entirely now, the young man faces Mala, holding the book so she can see it. "Sort of. It was printed by my family, so it didn't come from the store per se -- it came from the press. Incidentally, that makes it pretty old -- we stopped printing books back in 1942."
[2009-01-09 20:13:57] <Khayin> "It's remarkably well-preserved for book that's probably around seventy years old."
[2009-01-09 20:14:27] * DrakeNero very quietly goes "pew pew"
[2009-01-09 20:14:52] <Mala> "Wow. I think I played that game once. It was hard. o.o Huh. Would you, uhm, have records and stuff about what you printed? I know the library has a bunch of these little cards even though everyone uses the computerboxes now but I like the little cards.. >.> "
[2009-01-09 20:17:36] <Khayin> "Well, we probably do, but we don't keep those records here. I'll have to look into the archives at the university. Let's see..." He flips the book over and looks at the front cover. "... 'His Word.' I should be able to track it down. Maybe my grandfather knows about it. Would it be okay if I kept this for a while?"
[2009-01-09 20:18:34] <Mala> "I guess so. I mean, we can't read it so I dunno what else we'd do with it. >.> "
[2009-01-09 20:20:23] <Khayin> He shrugs. "Some people dig up old books and think they found something worth a whole lot of money, so they don't trust anyone else with it. Most people around here don't have anything of value, though. To tell the truth, I doubt this thing is worth much, but I'm actually rather interested in finding out more. I've never heard of it."
[2009-01-09 20:20:34] * DrakeNero has started humming 'California Dreaming' very offkey
[2009-01-09 20:21:45] <Mala> "We're interested too. Even Drake, he's just being weird right now. >_> "
[2009-01-09 20:22:04] <DrakeNero> "Stopped into a chuurch ~ I passed aloong the way~"
[2009-01-09 20:22:45] <Khayin> "Glad to hear it," he says, smiling again. He puts the book down on the counter and holds out his hand to Mala. "I'm Martin, by the way. Martin Farnsworth."
[2009-01-09 20:22:58] <DrakeNero> "I was kinda hoping you'd be Bob!"
[2009-01-09 20:23:01] * Mala shakes it, having learned that this is The Thing To Do. "I'm Mala. :D "
[2009-01-09 20:23:13] <Mala> "And Drake is being weird. =_= "
[2009-01-09 20:23:53] <DrakeNero> "Do you know a Bob?"
[2009-01-09 20:24:02] <DrakeNero> "Bobs in your family? Got an infestation f Bobs?"
[2009-01-09 20:24:11] * Mala swats Drake again.
[2009-01-09 20:24:18] <DrakeNero> "Bitch, please."
[2009-01-09 20:24:25] <Khayin> "Yeah, I got that impression," he says, waving to Drake. "No, I have no Bobs in my family."
[2009-01-09 20:24:43] <DrakeNero> "Damn. No Bobs."
[2009-01-09 20:24:53] * DrakeNero looks disappointed.
[2009-01-09 20:25:57] <Khayin> "I'd give you a business card or something if I had one, but I don't. You don't look like you're from around here, so I'm going to guess you'll need a number to reach me in case you have any questions..." He searches around the counter and spies a stray receipt, pulls it out and writes a number on it, then hands it to Mala.
[2009-01-09 20:26:19] <Mala> "That'd be great. I'm sure I can find a phone somewhere to call you."
[2009-01-09 20:26:40] * Mala is excited, she doesn't have a lot of phone numbers >.>
[2009-01-09 20:26:42] * DrakeNero waves his phone at her
[2009-01-09 20:27:23] <Khayin> "My grandfather is usually at the university, so he can probably answer any questions for you, too. I'll let him see the book later tonight."
[2009-01-09 20:28:08] <DrakeNero> "Have him callll me... I'll answer once the room stops spinning."
[2009-01-09 20:29:00] <Mala> "Okay. :D"
[2009-01-09 20:29:25] <Khayin> After giving Drake another weird look, he asks, "Anything else I can do for you?"
[2009-01-09 20:30:08] <Mala> "No, we just wanted to know about the book... thanks for taking a look at it. ^^ I think I should get Drake home, though. >.> "
[2009-01-09 20:31:00] <Khayin> "I can see... well, take care," he says giving them a warm smile in parting as he puts his nose into the strange book.
[2009-01-09 20:31:25] * Mala waves ^_^
[2009-01-09 20:31:36] <Mala> "Okay now Drake, back to the car."
[2009-01-09 20:31:42] <DrakeNero> "Lead the way"
[2009-01-09 20:32:38] <Khayin> As you head back to the car, the driver hangs up his cell phone and pockets it, turning back to ask, "Where to next, sir? Miss?"
[2009-01-09 20:33:01] * Mala helps Drake out. "Uhm. I think we need to take Drake home."
[2009-01-09 20:33:12] <DrakeNero> "you can go home first... unless you know where I live."
[2009-01-09 20:33:33] <DrakeNero> "wait, that's on my license, isnnit"
[2009-01-09 20:34:37] <Mala> "What's with you anyway? You're acting weirder than me. I think. >_>; "
[2009-01-09 20:35:45] <DrakeNero> "GLAMMAH"
[2009-01-09 20:37:19] <Khayin> The driver patiently awaits directions or an address, almost bemused by Drake's antics.
[2009-01-09 20:37:43] <Mala> "Uhm. Why don't you give me your license, Drake, so we can get you home. >_> "
[2009-01-09 20:37:55] * DrakeNero throws his wallet at her
[2009-01-09 20:39:19] -->| DrakeNero_ ( has joined #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 20:39:25] <Mala> "Ack! Uhm...." Mala flips through it, pulling out cards. "Uhm... This says American Express Platinum. That means it's from America, right? Like the government? Is this big number your address? o.o"
[2009-01-09 20:39:46] <DrakeNero_> "No, that's my card made of money"
[2009-01-09 20:39:51] <DrakeNero_> "Put that away"
[2009-01-09 20:40:14] <DrakeNero_> "it's the one with the picture of the handsome devil on it
[2009-01-09 20:40:21] <DrakeNero_> He jabs at his licence
[2009-01-09 20:40:23] <DrakeNero_> license
[2009-01-09 20:41:10] |<-- DrakeNero has left (Ping timeout)
[2009-01-09 20:41:12] =-= DrakeNero_ is now known as DrakeNero
[2009-01-09 20:41:35] =-= DrakeNero is now known as Seras
[2009-01-09 20:41:52] =-= Seras is now known as DrakeNero
[2009-01-09 20:43:24] <Mala> "This is made of money? o.o I thought money was green. This says platinum." Mala obediently combs through all the plasticy cards that are entirely too alike. "And I thought you were a dragon. You said look for a devil but there aren't any of those either..."
[2009-01-09 20:43:49] <DrakeNero> "Handsome dragon, then"
[2009-01-09 20:44:26] <Mala> "But I don't see any! Ths one has a picture on it though." Mala holds up the driver's license at last, with a picture of Drake's Mask on it, of course.
[2009-01-09 20:45:39] <Khayin> "Looks like the one," the driver says, looking at it from the front.
[2009-01-09 20:45:50] <DrakeNero> "blaaaaaagh" he reiterates.
[2009-01-09 20:46:20] <Khayin> After getting Drake's address, the driver nods and begins heading westward through the residential areas. The trip is relatively quiet and passes by rather quickly. Before long, the limo pulls up in front of the dragon's lair.
[2009-01-09 20:46:52] <Mala> "Do you think you can get inside on your own. I put all your money cards and things back in here." She hands him back his wallet.
[2009-01-09 20:48:23] <DrakeNero> "yeah I should be good.. I think"
[2009-01-09 20:49:28] <Mala> "Okay. I'm gonna go back to the greenhouse now. You just... rest. And stuff. >_>"
[2009-01-09 20:49:35] <DrakeNero> "kay"
[2009-01-09 20:49:41] <DrakeNero> He fumbles with his keys
[2009-01-09 20:49:49] <Khayin> "Oh, sir," the driver says before Drake steps out. "Lady Franklin asked that I tell you as you leave that you left something in your computer."
[2009-01-09 20:49:58] <DrakeNero> "wha?"
[2009-01-09 20:50:10] <DrakeNero> "in it?"
[2009-01-09 20:50:19] <Khayin> "That is what she said, sir."
[2009-01-09 20:50:26] <DrakeNero> "kay"
[2009-01-09 20:50:52] <DrakeNero> "muh phone or computer?"
[2009-01-09 20:51:23] <Khayin> "I believe she said 'your computer," sir," he says, getting out to open the door for you.
[2009-01-09 20:51:42] <DrakeNero> "well ok
[2009-01-09 20:52:29] <Khayin> Closing the limo door after you, the driver gives you a slight bow before returning to the car and backing out of the driveway.
[2009-01-09 20:52:56] * DrakeNero waves
[2009-01-09 20:53:54] <Khayin> (Roll Perception +2, Drake)
[2009-01-09 20:54:11] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2009-01-09 20:54:12] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 20:54:12] <The_Lady> 1, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6
[2009-01-09 20:54:12] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 0 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 20:55:00] <Khayin> "And where will I be taking you, Miss?" the driver asks, leaving Drake's upscale neighborhood.
[2009-01-09 20:55:34] * DrakeNero flops on his leather couch. Stops. Gets up, throws some of his DVDs on the couch. Flops on them. :3
[2009-01-09 20:55:43] <Khayin> (XD)
[2009-01-09 20:56:28] <Mala> (heee)
[2009-01-09 20:56:37] <Mala> "Uhm. The University, please. o.o "
[2009-01-09 20:58:32] * DrakeNero eyes his laptop.
[2009-01-09 20:59:04] * DrakeNero worms along the couch, DVDs dropping to the floor as he does so. He rests his chin on the armrest and makes a =_= face at his laptop.
[2009-01-09 20:59:08] <DrakeNero> "Tell me your secrets."
[2009-01-09 20:59:10] <Khayin> The trip back to the university is as uneventful as the journey to Drake's place. The limo pulls up to the front and parks, where the driver gets out and quickly moves around to open the door for Mala.
[2009-01-09 20:59:34] <Mala> "Oh. Thank you. :D "
[2009-01-09 20:59:53] <Khayin> (Wits + Computers, Drake)
[2009-01-09 21:00:13] <DrakeNero> !roll_ww 3 8 10
[2009-01-09 21:00:14] <The_Lady> DrakeNero invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 21:00:14] <The_Lady> 6, 7, 9
[2009-01-09 21:00:14] <The_Lady> rolled 3d10. Got 1 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 21:01:56] <Khayin> "You're very welcome, Miss. Lady Franklin also asked me to tell you as you leave that your friend has a problem."
[2009-01-09 21:02:57] <Mala> "Well, yeah, he kinda did, but he's not usually like that, and I think he'll get better. I'm really sorry about that. >_>"
[2009-01-09 21:03:21] <Khayin> As Drake tries to convince the slick machine to tell him its secrets, the dragon takes note of something odd.
[2009-01-09 21:03:45] <DrakeNero> "?"
[2009-01-09 21:04:16] <Khayin> The machine isn't off -- it's in sleep mode.
[2009-01-09 21:04:26] <DrakeNero> o.O
[2009-01-09 21:04:32] <DrakeNero> "You are not allowed to sleepwalk."
[2009-01-09 21:04:39] <DrakeNero> "...."
[2009-01-09 21:04:49] <DrakeNero> "It's YOU who's been pissing all over the toilet seat at night!"
[2009-01-09 21:05:42] <Khayin> "I'm sure," the driver says, giving her a slight bow. "Please have a pleasant day, miss." With that, he goes around the car again, enters and drives off, leaving Mala in front of the school.
[2009-01-09 21:05:53] <DrakeNero> "I knew it." He whispers.
[2009-01-09 21:06:19] * Mala waves. o.o
[2009-01-09 21:06:34] <Mala> (Poor Fu. Mala totally thinks he meant Drake. X3 )
[2009-01-09 21:06:58] <DrakeNero> He opens the computer.
[2009-01-09 21:07:02] <Fu> (Honestly, I can't decide if it's Fu or Drake she is talking about.)
[2009-01-09 21:08:28] <Khayin> Waking up, the machine returns to life and displays an empty desktop. No immediate sign of tampering.
[2009-01-09 21:08:54] * DrakeNero opens his email
[2009-01-09 21:10:42] <Khayin> It all seems to be in order.
[2009-01-09 21:11:04] <DrakeNero> "Tell me your seeeecreeeets"
[2009-01-09 21:11:36] <DrakeNero> He pounds his fist on the keys randomly
[2009-01-09 21:12:10] <Khayin> Tap-tap-tap-tap-thud-tap-tap
[2009-01-09 21:12:44] <DrakeNero> =_=
[2009-01-09 21:13:56] * DrakeNero opens Windows Media Player and queues up everything he has by Fair to Midland
[2009-01-09 21:14:26] * DrakeNero flops over. "Fine. Don't tell me."
[2009-01-09 21:16:00] <Khayin> The computer retains its silence, instead soothing the savage beast with music.
[2009-01-09 21:16:33] <Khayin> All right -- here I will leave Mala and Drake to enjoy the rest of their day while I get Fu up to speed.
[2009-01-09 21:17:26] <Fu> AKA, fuck with him immensely.
[2009-01-09 21:17:29] <Khayin> I case Seras wants to take off for the evening, the two of you get 4 ecks-pee.
[2009-01-09 21:18:10] * DrakeNero is flopped out in bed, and is good for a while longer
[2009-01-09 21:18:20] <Mala> Mala will happily put down her roots in the greenhouse and tell all her friends how weird her day has been. If the barrel cactus will stop her yammering, that is (that plant never shuts up I swear).
[2009-01-09 21:18:33] <Khayin> (XD)
[2009-01-09 21:19:02] <Khayin> Meanwhile, in the hollow...
[2009-01-09 21:19:42] <Fu> There is one unconscious fae.
[2009-01-09 21:19:48] <Fu> And a pretty clean Hollow.
[2009-01-09 21:20:34] <Khayin> The abode in the hedge has been... strange. Though perhaps not so strange considering it is, in fact, in the hedge. In the beginning, things seemed to just be where he needed them to be when he expressed an interest in them. Now it seemed as if the house was actively attempting to alter itself to suit Fu's requests.
[2009-01-09 21:21:14] <Fu> Which... well, Fu sort of expected it, after openly admitting he was there to clean up the place and to help out a bit.
[2009-01-09 21:22:02] <Khayin> When he awoke, the place seemed a bit cleaner than he left in when he went to sleep. Though it was a bit hard to say since it was a little difficult keeping track of time here.
[2009-01-09 21:22:23] <Khayin> All the clocks in the house were stopped at thirteen.
[2009-01-09 21:22:33] <Fu> ...
[2009-01-09 21:22:49] * Fu really doesn't like that number.
[2009-01-09 21:23:17] * Fu rubs his eyes and looks for his 'security blanket,' aka glasses.
[2009-01-09 21:24:42] <Khayin> (Well, 13 is pretty auspicious to the Chinese -- it represents long life. Not so bad when the place starts looking good.)
[2009-01-09 21:25:33] <Khayin> Fu finds his glasses soon enough. He could have sworn they weren't there a moment ago, though.
[2009-01-09 21:26:04] <Fu> (He isn't wholly Chinese, remember? He gets mixed feelings around it)
[2009-01-09 21:26:22] * Fu puts his glasses on and rubs his head.
[2009-01-09 21:27:57] <Fu> "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long..." He stretches.
[2009-01-09 21:28:13] * Fu checks Drake's shirt to see just how much of a nightmare it is.
[2009-01-09 21:29:09] <Khayin> (Did he sleep in it?)
[2009-01-09 21:30:10] <Fu> (He would have)
[2009-01-09 21:30:29] <Fu> (He pretty much leaned against a wall and knocked out)
[2009-01-09 21:30:50] <Khayin> Hard to say. He's not wearing it.
[2009-01-09 21:31:28] <Fu> ...
[2009-01-09 21:32:03] <Fu> Then what the hell is he wearing? He doesn't exactly remove it, but he IS heading for a mirror.
[2009-01-09 21:32:50] <Khayin> Where Fu expected a dirty dress shirt to be, he found a rather swanky (and perhaps a little old-fashioned) vestments.
[2009-01-09 21:33:18] <Fu> In Chinese: "What the fuck... Oh dear god, /who changed me?/"
[2009-01-09 21:33:49] * Fu can't help grinning anyways. The clothes do look good...
[2009-01-09 21:34:50] <Fu> "... Is anyone else here?"
[2009-01-09 21:34:54] <Fu> (English)
[2009-01-09 21:36:14] <Khayin> Fu's question is met by a long stretch of silence... then a series of quick footsteps bounding across the floor above him, ending with the sound of a door being slammed shut.
[2009-01-09 21:36:36] * Fu heads upstairs, speaking.
[2009-01-09 21:37:22] <Fu> "Please, whoever you are, can you stop messing around?"
[2009-01-09 21:38:59] <Fu> "I don't want to end up running all over this damn place."
[2009-01-09 21:39:14] <Fu> "I'll end up rotting on the floor and Drake and Mala won't be too happy."
[2009-01-09 21:40:44] <Fu> Up the stairs, listening for the feet.
[2009-01-09 21:40:46] <Khayin> Silence was once again Fu's response. This hadn't been a strange occurrence, he'd discovered -- every few hours it seemed someone was running around and slamming doors in some other part of the house. Whenever he tried to see who they were, he found the doors locked, which made it hard to clean the whole house. He wasn't sure how much of the house was closed off to him at the moment.
[2009-01-09 21:41:15] <Fu> "And I really don't like the inability to not get everywhere. >:<"
[2009-01-09 21:42:59] * Fu is getting rather pissed off about this.
[2009-01-09 21:43:11] <Fu> "Fuck this, I'm going to find something to eat."
[2009-01-09 21:43:26] <Khayin> (Perception)
[2009-01-09 21:43:35] <Fu> "And if the kitchen is locked, I'm very sorry, but I will find an axe and cut the door down."
[2009-01-09 21:43:40] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2009-01-09 21:43:43] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 21:43:43] <The_Lady> 2, 2, 6, 8, 8, 8
[2009-01-09 21:43:43] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 21:44:59] <Khayin> As he turns around to go back downstairs, Fu notices something at the other end of the hall.
[2009-01-09 21:45:05] <Fu> ?
[2009-01-09 21:45:15] <Khayin> An open door and he could swear someone's head poking just a little bit out.
[2009-01-09 21:45:21] * Fu looks over his shoulder and smiles.
[2009-01-09 21:45:41] <Fu> "If you don't close the kitchen, I think I can make something to eat for both of us."
[2009-01-09 21:45:56] <Khayin> It doesn't move.
[2009-01-09 21:46:47] * Fu smiles and turns enough to offer his hand. "Don't be shy."
[2009-01-09 21:49:30] <Khayin> The head seems to retreat inside the door for a moment before slowly emerging. Little by little, Fu watches an odd young woman with a very outdated sense of clothing style creep out of the room, staring at him with unblinking eyes and an unreadable expression.
[2009-01-09 21:49:44] <Fu> (Matching his clothes? :P )
[2009-01-09 21:50:28] <Khayin> Sort of. Her clothes don't seem to match themselves. They're like a hodgepodge of different old styles.
[2009-01-09 21:51:02] * Fu keeps his hand out as he smiles. "Hello."
[2009-01-09 21:53:02] <Khayin> Slowly, the girl extends her hand out in front of her, though from forty feet away the gesture was a bit pointless on her part. She mostly just appeared to be mimicking him.
[2009-01-09 21:53:33] <Fu> "Who are you?"
[2009-01-09 21:53:52] * Fu gestures her closer.
[2009-01-09 21:55:06] <Khayin> "... who... ?" the girl asks -- or says -- as she slowly comes to the conclusion that Fu's gesture means for her to come closer.
[2009-01-09 21:55:40] * Fu nods encouragingly. (Shoudl I do a Int + Occ now?)
[2009-01-09 21:57:42] <Khayin> (Go for it)
[2009-01-09 21:58:04] <Khayin> (Make a Perception roll also)
[2009-01-09 21:58:31] <Fu> !roll_ww 4 8 10 (Occult)
[2009-01-09 21:58:33] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 21:58:33] <The_Lady> 4, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10
[2009-01-09 21:58:33] <The_Lady> rolled 4d10. Got 4 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 21:58:47] <Fu> !roll_ww 6 8 10
[2009-01-09 21:58:49] <The_Lady> Fu invokes the Lady...
[2009-01-09 21:58:49] <The_Lady> 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9
[2009-01-09 21:58:49] <The_Lady> rolled 6d10. Got 3 Successes against a TN of 8, rerolling on 10 or better
[2009-01-09 22:01:56] <Khayin> As she drew closer, Fu thought she looked familiar. He just couldn't put his finger on what part at first. After a few moments, he realized it was because all of her features looked familiar -- they were just mismatched. She had Myrtle's build, Mala's hair... and a face that somewhat reminded him of Theresa.
[2009-01-09 22:02:04] <Khayin> At that point he realized what he was looking at.
[2009-01-09 22:02:56] <Khayin> The hedge -- or the hollow, perhaps -- was attempting to produce something familiar. If he were outside, he'd have thought it was a trap. In here, though, it was hard to say.
[2009-01-09 22:03:30] <Fu> His cheeks turn mildly pink at the recognition, and he can't help to keep smiling.
[2009-01-09 22:04:07] <Fu> "Don't be scared, I'm here to help how I can."
[2009-01-09 22:04:29] <Khayin> "... I..." she continued hesitantly. "... I'm... here..."
[2009-01-09 22:04:39] <Fu> "Yes, you are."
[2009-01-09 22:05:05] <Khayin> "... I... who... here..."
[2009-01-09 22:05:41] <Fu> "You are the Hollow, huh?"
[2009-01-09 22:07:05] <Khayin> She gave Fu a smile then that he figured probably resembled his own. She then began to offer him the same "come closer" gesture he had given her.
[2009-01-09 22:07:31] * Fu approaches to be about ten feet from her, his hands in his pockets.
[2009-01-09 22:08:02] <Fu> "Then I think a formal introduction of myself, beyond well, the ongoing monologue is in order?"
[2009-01-09 22:09:02] <Fu> "My name is Fu. I'm a Changeling." He runs his fingers though his hair for a moment as his stomach growls quietly.
[2009-01-09 22:09:39] <Khayin> She tenses up a bit at the sound from his midsection. She looks past him with a strange expression again.
[2009-01-09 22:09:50] <Fu> "It's okay, I'm just hungry."
[2009-01-09 22:10:17] <Fu> He shifts so he can turn while still looking at her. "I'm not just a painting, I'm a person too."
[2009-01-09 22:10:43] <Khayin> "... food." She looks down the side of the banister. "Kitchen..."
[2009-01-09 22:11:26] <Fu> "That's correct." He offers his hand again, smiling.
[2009-01-09 22:11:41] <Fu> "Would you like to come with me? The company would be nice."
[2009-01-09 22:12:00] <Khayin> Cautiously, she walks forward, hand still extended as if she needed it for balance.
[2009-01-09 22:13:37] <Fu> (Parents home, so this will be a bit more awkward, as a note)
[2009-01-09 22:14:29] * Fu takes her hand and gently leads her down, being rather careful to make sure she didn't fall. "Do you have a name?"
[2009-01-09 22:15:20] <Khayin> Looking down at his hand grasping hers, she takes a moment before looking -- staring, really -- into his eyes and shaking her head.
[2009-01-09 22:16:30] <Fu> "Why don't you pick one now, then?" He smiles slightly as he heads for the kitchen, his hand on one banister.
[2009-01-09 22:18:22] <Khayin> "... Fu...?"
[2009-01-09 22:18:43] <Fu> "That's my name. People may get confused if you use it."
[2009-01-09 22:19:18] * Fu is a bit smug though.
[2009-01-09 22:20:02] <Khayin> "... Mala...?"
[2009-01-09 22:22:14] <Fu> "Mala will be staying here sometimes too. And before you start, Myrtle and Theresa are people I know as well, and Franklin is a family."
[2009-01-09 22:22:36] <Fu> "Good to know you did hear me, though. :D"
[2009-01-09 22:22:52] <Khayin> She is silent for a few moments before turning back to him. "... Anna."
[2009-01-09 22:24:11] <Fu> "I haven't heard that one before..." Fu seems thoughtful, "Other than in this Hollow. Very well then, that's your name."
[2009-01-09 22:25:07] <Khayin> "Bob loves Anna," she says, more completely than anything else so far, as if by rote. "Fu... loves Anna?"
[2009-01-09 22:25:20] <Fu> "Who is Bob?"
[2009-01-09 22:25:33] <Khayin> "... who... ?"
[2009-01-09 22:25:45] <Fu> "You said 'Bob loves Anna.'"
[2009-01-09 22:25:59] <Khayin> "... yes. Bob loves Anna."
[2009-01-09 22:26:10] <Fu> "I'm curious on who Bob is." He has stopped walking, asking his questions.
[2009-01-09 22:26:36] <Khayin> Anna pauses and continues staring in his eyes, but seems unable to say anything.
[2009-01-09 22:27:20] * Fu sighs slightly and keeps walking. "Fu sympathizes with Anna. I was... something, an object, once."
[2009-01-09 22:27:59] <Khayin> After a few moments of walking, Anna squeezes his hand a bit.
[2009-01-09 22:28:14] * Fu squeezes back lightly.
[2009-01-09 22:28:56] <Khayin> (I should be closing up soon anyway, so if you wish we can just consign the scene to write-ups)
[2009-01-09 22:29:09] <Fu> (*nod* It's fine.)
[2009-01-09 22:29:46] <Fu> (He'll eat and fuss over Anna while he is cleaning, explaining more about school, and mentioning he said he'd wait until Drake comes back)
[2009-01-09 22:31:32] <Khayin> ('Kay)
[2009-01-09 22:31:47] <Khayin> All right, I'd better get to steppin'
[2009-01-09 22:32:26] <DrakeNero> later!
[2009-01-09 22:32:26] <DrakeNero> thanks for game
[2009-01-09 22:32:37] <Khayin> No prob! Thanks for your patience. :)
[2009-01-09 22:32:51] <Fu> *nod*
[2009-01-09 22:32:55] =-= YOU are now known as Astra
[2009-01-09 22:33:08] >The_Lady< dismiss #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 22:33:10] <The_Lady> You feel the universe shudder as the Lady passes...
[2009-01-09 22:33:10] <--| The_Lady has left #PineFalls
[2009-01-09 22:33:16] <--| YOU (Astra) have left #PineFalls