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Shofei Lynndra
'''Shofei Lynndra'''
The Warrior with the Mind of a Child
The Warrior with the Mind of a Child
Motivation: To recover what the Fair Folk took from me.
Motivation: To recover what the Fair Folk took from me.
Line 69: Line 69:
Resources 2
Resources 2

16 of 10 Background Dots assigned. 7 Bonus Points spent.
16 of 10 Background Dots assigned. 6 Bonus Points spent.

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Essence 4
Essence 4 Personal 22  Periphreal 40 +(10 Committed to Grand Daiklaive)

Line 90: Line 90:
Essence 4 of 3. 7 Bonus Points spent.
Essence 4 of 3. 7 Bonus Points spent.

Health -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, I


Revision as of 22:24, 9 June 2009

Shofei Lynndra The Warrior with the Mind of a Child Motivation: To recover what the Fair Folk took from me. Caste: Dawn

Anima: A golden Lion, with a mane of fire.

Strength 4 Dexterity 5 Stamina 5

Charisma 5 Manipulation 1 Appearance 5

Perception 4 Intelligence 1 Wits 4

Social (5 of 6) (Flaw: Diminished Attribute) Mental (3 of 4) (Flaw: Diminished Attribute).

+6 Bonus Points.

Caste Archery 5 Martial Arts 5 Melee 5 Thrown 3 War 3

Favoured Awareness 5 Resistance 5 Athletics 4 Dodge 4 Ride 1 Linguistics 2 Performance 2

Other Integrity 4 Pressence 1 Occult 2 Survival 1 Stealth 1

Specialties Swords (Melee) 3 Song (performance) 1 Knives (Thrown) 1 Gymnastics (Athletics) 1

56 of 42 Ability Dots assigned. 6 Caste or Favored Specialties. 14 Bonus Points spent.


Artifact 5 (Orichalcum Grand Daiklive) (The Fang of the Fox General) Manse 4 (Seven Leaping Dragon Stone) Manse 3 (Resilience of Bamboo) Cult 2 Resources 2

16 of 10 Background Dots assigned. 6 Bonus Points spent.


Compassion 5 Conviction 1 Temperance 1 Valour 5

Willpower 10

Essence 4 Personal 22 Periphreal 40 +(10 Committed to Grand Daiklaive)

8 of 7 Virtues assigned. 3 Bonus Points spent. Essence 4 of 3. 7 Bonus Points spent.

Health -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -2, -2, -4, I



-There is No Wind

Martial Arts

-Thunderclap Rush Attack -Fists of Iron Technique


-Dipping Swallow Defence -Bulwark Stance -Heavenly Guardian Defence -Hungry Tiger Technique -5 Fold Bulwark Stance -Call the Blade -Summon the Loyal Steel


-Spirit-Maintaining Manoeuvre


-Ox Body -Ox Body -Unbreakable Warrior Mastery -Durability of Oak Meditation

-Immunity to Everything Technique


-Spirit Detecting Glance -Spirit Cutting Attack


Graceful Crane Technique


Surprise Anticipation Method

20 of 15 Charms. 20 Bonus Points spent.


Ghost Smiting Blow -Hungry Tiger Technique, Spirit Cutting Attack 2-Charm Combo. 2 Bonus Points spent.

Flaws Enemy - The dragon blood I cut, should have died but made deal with fell powers, now wants to kill me, she wants to do that very, very badly Level 2 Wanted for the Murder of several Terrestrials, her enemy did not tell anyone that their slayer was an Anathema, but she could not cover up the murders themselves. Level 2 +4 Bonus Points.

Quote: Merits: Hidden Manse The one for her Seven Leaping Dragon Stone, perhaps a monestary like manse on a high mountain, hidden by the mists. 2 Bonus Points Ambidextrous 1 Bonus Point 3 Bonus Points

Shofei Lynndra, a malcontent in An Teng, always looking for a fight, always willing to stand up to the Dragonblooded who had come to her country, treating it as if it were there only for their pleasure. A less beautiful woman might have ended up dead, but a less beautiful woman would not have been forced onto her back so often. She was tough, but she was still mortal.

A day came when she had pushed the Dragonblood too far. She had cut one, a young, recently Exalted young woman, led to An Teng for some enjoyment. Shofei cut her across the face, took out one of her eyes.

The wounded Terrestrial and her friend beat her, planning on dragging out her death. She refused to give them any pleasure, spitting blood and curses into their faces. 'If I had the power I would kill you all," she told them, even as the Daiklaive of one cut her.

Then she had the power.

And then she killed them all.

She left An Teng, a hard, angry woman. She fought and killed those who would abuse people, like the Dragonbloods abused her, but she had no sympathy for those she helped. 'You're weak. You should have fought back," she would tell the scared villagers and people she interacted with.

And then she went into the Wyld, seeking out another monster.

This time she did not achive victory.

The Shofei that left the Wyld had the mind of child, most of her memories gone. She was simple, and yet, she was kinder. Now she fights for people because she wants them to happy.

How old are you? I'm 6! But magic has made me look older, so I got to pretend to be an adult. Some people say I'm really a twenty year old woman and it's magic that makes me think I'm young... I don't believe them. (I am twenty years old, and in most of those years have seen the cruelty that people are capable of.)

What was your family life like? Mommy and daddy are always busy, they got to work hard for the Blooded that come to the Inn, but they and my older sister have time to take care of me. I wanna go back there, but I guess I can't until I deal with the Fair Folk Magic. (My parents and older sister slaved away for the damn terrestrials, running and Inn, little time for anything but serving those damn Dragon Bloods, and giving them anything that they wanted, which included me and my sister. A terrible way to grow up.)

Where are you From? I'm from the forests of An Teng, near the river Pisha, in the middle lands. It's beautiful there. My parents own the Inn called the Crane's Rest, which is the best Inn there is. There's a temple to the Golden Lord up the hill which is bigger than anything else! (A piss poor little village called Pisharee, in the middle forests of An Teng.)

How were you Exalted? I (pauses) I don't remember. I guess I got in a fight with a monster. (I stood up to a group of Terrestrials who had come to help one of their little bastard friends get her thrills in An Teng. I remember standing in front of them, bleeding, but unwilling to fall, charging them. Not one of them walked away alive.)

When did you meet your companions? I met Ziyad when I was leaving the Wyld, after the magic that made me a grown up. He was nice to me. I met Nuwa later, in a bath house after some mean women forced me to fight them. (I've met people on my travels, none of whom I would call a companion.)

How has the power changed you? It hasn't. I always wanted to help people! Now I can. I try to be really nice because I got this power. (I am strong enough to do what is right now. I have the power to bring the justice of the blade onto those that deserve it. I am now an instrument of the Unconquered Sun's justice.)

What do you think of Mortals? I like mortals, and I try to help them as much as I can. (Mortals are weak. I respect those that are willing to fight, but most are cowards.)

What Motivates you to be a Hero? I want to help people! (To destroy those who deserve it.)

Who or What do you Worship? My parents took me to pray at the Golden Lord's temple, and I learned the words for the prayers to the Dragons, but I pray every day to the Unconquered Sun. (I worship the Unconquered Sun through my actions. Every time I lift my blade, that is a prayer to him.)

What would drive you to Murder? If someone is really, really bad, and they would hurt other people, then I got to kill them cause I'm a hero, but I hope I don't have to. (It would not and had not taken much. Death is the best solution to many problems.)