Character:Litheroy-The Smiling Sage: Difference between revisions

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*Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Thing
*Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Thing
**After spending a scene watching an opponent fight and then meditating then making a roll.  Extra successes become bonuses on martial arts attack.
**After spending a scene watching an opponent fight and then meditating then making a roll.  Extra successes become bonuses on martial arts attack.
***Scroll of the Monk pg. 86

*Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm
*Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm

Revision as of 08:38, 29 July 2009

Character Name: Litheroy - The Smiling Sage
Caste: Night
Concept: Divine Fool

First Impression and Appearance Text


  • To spend eternity enjoying the nuances of life


  • One Intimacy
  • Another


Night Caste: One mote surcharge, per charm, obvious or not, to prevent the motes spent from counting towards the Night's anima banner. The difficulty of the muting effect is equal to the Night's permanent essence AND cloaks the exalt from the eyes of heaven (Outside of Fate) for the duration.

Golden six wing Seraphim in flowing white robes


PHYSICAL: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5
SOCIAL: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
MENTAL: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5


Caste Abilities

  • Athletics 3
  • Awareness 4
  • Dodge 4
  • Larceny 3
  • Stealth 5

Favored Abilities

  • Martial Arts 5 (Fighting Unarmed +2)
  • Integrity 5
  • Presence 3
  • Resistance 3
  • Lore 3
  • Medicine 3
  • Socialize 3

Unfavored Abilities

  • Linguistics 2 (Native: Riverspeak, Others: Old Realm, Foresttongue)
  • Survival 1


Artifact 1 - Orichalcum Hearthstone Amulet

Artifact 4 - Blue Jade Perfected Kata Bracers

Acquired from an Elder Ex-Immaculate monk who became Litheroy's mentor and teacher.

Cult 2 - Cult of the Illuminated

Several cells of the cult have learned about Smiling Sage and honor him with prayers. Whenever he meets those he tries to persuaded them not to, but his humbleness doesn't see to stop them.

Solar Manse 4 - Seven Leaping Dragon Stone

While traveling through the East, Litheroy came across an old abandoned ruin long overgrown by foliage. At the heart of the ruins he found this old manse dedicated to the Unconquered Sun. From the outside it appears wasted away but the manse itself still looks like new within.

Wood Manse 2 - The Monkey Stone

Litheroy discovered the Wood Aspected Manse some time ago. Hidden inside a sacred grove of trees.

Mentor 2

Sifu 4

Resources 3


Martial Arts Charms

  • First Martial Arts Excellency
    • Adds one dice for each Martial Arts roll per mote spent.
      • Exalted pg. 182
  • Monkey Tail Distraction Strike
    • Make a Martial Arts. Target makes a reflexive (Perception+Awareness) difficulty equal to martial artist's Essence. If failure the target does not apply his Dodge or Parry DV. If successful the target defends normally. Then Join Battle rolls begin.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 85
  • Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique
    • Opponents suffer a -2 Accuracy. The martial arts adds his Essence to join battle rolls and subtracting one tick from the Speed of his attacks.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 85
  • Body of War Meditation
    • Mediates for 20 minutes. Spent 4 motes for increase Strength or Stamina by 1 or spend 6 motes to increase Dexterity by 1. Can not be used in combat.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 85-86
  • Withering Paw Strike
    • Martial artist makes a Dexterity+Martial Arts roll at a difficulty 1 without the -2 penalty to disarm. Target's DV applies but penalty equal to Martial Arts Essence.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 86
  • Celestial Monkey Style
    • For the scene the martial arts does not need to make Virtue Tests. He is immune to all forms of natural mental influence, gaining a +1 to resist unnatural mental influences. He does not gain Limit from using Willpower to resist.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 86
  • Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Thing
    • After spending a scene watching an opponent fight and then meditating then making a roll. Extra successes become bonuses on martial arts attack.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 86
  • Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm
    • Make a martial arts attack against the head, sternum, stomach or groin. If attack succeeds, that target receives additional lethal damage equal to a specific virtue.
      • Scroll of the Monk pg. 86-87

Resistance Charms

  • Essence-Gathering Temper
    • Rolls 2 die per damage dice that exceeds his Hardness. Each success up to his stamina yields Essence worth of motes. can not exceed more then 20 motes during a single action.
      • Exalted pg. 207
  • Willpower-Enhancing Spirit
    • For each health level lost roll one-die. For each success restores a point of willpower.
      • Exalted pg. 207-208
  • Ox-Body Technique
    • Grant additional health levels (one -1 and two -2)
      • Exalted pg. 208
  • Ox-Body Technique
    • Grant additional health levels (one -1 and two -2)
      • Exalted pg. 208
  • Ox-Body Technique
    • Grant additional health levels (one -1 and two -2)
      • Exalted pg. 208

Athletic Charms

  • Increasing Strength Exercise
    • Adds one dot to the character's strength per 3 motes spent.
      • Exalted pg. 225
  • Graceful Crane Stance
    • Automatically succeed on valid Athletic actions to keep his balance.
      • Exalted pg. 222-223

Dodge Charms

  • First Dodge Excellency
    • Adds one dice for each Dodge roll per mote spent.
      • Exalted pg. 182
  • Shadow Over Water
    • Ignore all penalties to Dodge DV.
      • Exalted pg. 227
  • Reflex Sidestep Technique
    • This charm responds to an unexpected attack. The attack is no loner unexpected.
      • Exalted pg. 227

Stealth Charms

  • Easily Overlooked Presence Method
    • It causes Awareness and Investigation rolls to notice the Solar automatically fail, unless the Solar is in battle or has a +2 or greater bonus from circumstances
      • Exalted pg. 230
  • Mental Invisibility Technique
    • Roll [Dex or Mani]+Stealth, adds Essence automatic successes. Exerts an unnatural mental influence if it exceeds the target's MDV. The target must spend 4 Willpower to resist or 1 if someone draws attention to the Solar
      • Exalted pg. 230


Essence: 5
Personal: 23/23
Peripheral: 36/54
Committed: 18


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  • -0
  • -1
  • -1
  • -1
  • -1
  • -1
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -2
  • -4
  • Incapacitated


Compassion: 2
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 3
Valor: 3

Limit Break

Temperance Virtue Flaw - Overindulgence


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons

Merits and Flaws

Each Merit and Flaw


Omnidexterity -3pts


Known Anathema +7pts

Bonus Points

+30 Bonus Points

-14 Essence 4&5
-4 Resistance Charm - Ox-Body Technique
-4 Martial Arts Charm - Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Thing
-4 Martial Arts Charm - Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm
-2 Artifact 4 - Jade Perfected Kata Bracers
-2 Solar Manse 4 - Seven Leaping Dragon Stone

+15 Bonus Points

+7 Flaw - Known Anathema
-2 Willpower
-2 Willpower
-3 Merit - Omnidexterity
-3 Resources
-1 Martial Arts Specialty - Fighting Unarmed 1-2
-2 Stealth 4&5
-1 Awareness 4
-1 Dodge 4
-1 Survival 1
-3 Sifu 1-3

+04 Points from Flaws

-2 Sifu 4
-2 Mentor 1-2


Questions & Answers

How old are you? Litheroy is 18 years old. He Exalted 5 years when he was 13 years old.

What was your family life like? Litheroy was orphaned from a young age at 10 years. The memories he has were happy and joyful. After his family was killed due to the Fair Folk attack, he turned to thievery to sustain himself. Stealing a few fruits and other small things to subsit on.

Where are you from? Originally? Litheroy was born in Greyfalls.

How were you Exalted? Litheroy had been homeless for several years and knew the secret trails and roads that someone like himself could use. One night during Calibration he heard some commotion from nearby his current sleeping place. What he found was someone being attacked, one of the few friends an orphan child could have. He tried to assist but was no match for the adults. He Exalted and using his new found powers he was able to best the adults but doing so outted him as an Anathema and within several days a Wyld Hunt forced him to feel Grayfalls and

When did you meet your companions? He will be meeting them shortly :)

How has power changed you? He has become more cavalier about the world. The world is a great open place, and to be enjoyed and protected. Power is a useful tool but other then that he could take it or leave it.

What do you think of mortals? People are interesting. So many of them want different and contrasting things. Worst of all many people are to serious sometimes a little deflation will work to ease the world.

What motivates you to be a hero? He sees the world as too serious. Something needs to be done to return joy to the world.

Who or what do you worship? He honors the Unconquered Sun.

What would drive you to commit murder?


Give at least one short paragraph