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Supersenses 6
Supersenses 6
- Distance Sense (1), Direction Sense (1), Infravision (1), Mental Awareness (1) Tech Vision - detects superscience and devices (1), Alienvision - detects extraterrestrials (1)  
- Distance Sense (1), Direction Sense (1), Infravision (1), Low-Light Vision (1) Tech Vision - detects superscience and devices (1), Alienvision - detects extraterrestrials, though not what kind (1)  

''Her glasses have also been modified to the Center's purposes. In addition to correcting her longsightedness, they also have a built-in GPS and provide an array of alternate visual modes. Due to the miniaturization needed, however, only someone with a jeweler's loupe and very small tweezers can switch between the various sight options... or you could simply use telekinesis with very precise control. ''
''Her glasses have also been modified to the Center's purposes. In addition to correcting her longsightedness, they also have a built-in GPS and provide an array of alternate visual modes. Due to the miniaturization needed, however, only someone with a jeweler's loupe and very small tweezers can switch between the various sight options... or you could simply use telekinesis with very precise control. ''

Revision as of 02:15, 26 August 2009



Like most of her team-mates, Kuromi's powers were gained through SCIENCE!. Unlike most of her team-mates, she didn't ask for them; they spontaneously manifested when she was 11, when she was about to be attacked by a drunken businessman. She slammed the guy into a nearby wall and the impact almost took the entire building down with it. Shocked by what she had done, Kuromi tried to repress her memories of the incident... and she might well have, if not for the black-suited men knocking on her door one evening.

They were from the Center for Esper Development, and they had apparently observed what Kuromi had done that night when she first used her powers. They wanted her to join them, so they could study her and she could learn to control her abilities better. They'd leave her alone as much as possible - she wasn't going to be a lab rat, after all - though occasionally they'd ask her to do a few things for them.

And of course, there would be ample financial compensation.

Needless to say, Kuromi and her parents accepted. Ever since, she's been working with the Center, improving her control over her powers (which would appear to be a form of telekinesis, it would seem) and generally living a normal life apart from that. However, recently, she's been asked to approach a group of other superhumans...

Real Name: Kuromi Yumizuka
Gender: Female
Age: 16

PL: 10 (140/156)
Ability Scores (14)
Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 16
Charisma 14

Bonuses (3)
Attack +0
Defense +6 (tradeoff: -4 defense, +4 Toughness)

Saves (11)
Toughness: +0 (+14 Impervious from Forcefield)
Fortitude: +5 (5 PP)
Reflex: +7 (6 PP)
Will: +3 (+7 Impervious from Mental Shield)

Skills (7)
Computers 4 (+11 from Device +2 from INT)
Concentration 12 (+3 from WIS)
Drive 1 (+1 from DEX)
Diplomacy 5 (+2 from CHA +4 from Attractive)
Disable Device +15 (+12 from Device, +2 from INT) Gather Information +15 (+13 from Device, +2 from CHA) Stealth 6 (+1 from DEX)

Feats (6)
Luck x5

Powers (99)

(Easily Removed) Device 6 (30 PP value, 18 PP cost) Data Link 4 (Machine Control) (5)


Supersenses 9 (4) - Direction Sense (1), Distance Sense (1), Radio Sense + Extended Range 5 miles (6), Communication Link with "Snake" (1)


Quickness 12 (Augment Datalink actions only) (4)


Computers 11 Disable Device 12 Gather Information 13 (total 9)


Contacts Well Informed (total 2)

Kuromi's been issued a milspec Agent Interface (it takes the form of a sleek white plastic hairband) so she can better keep in touch with "Snake", and through him, HQ. It also allows him to bring his considerable computer talents and information access to bear through the Device, which is represented by her increased manipulation skills and feats when using the item.

Supersenses 6 - Distance Sense (1), Direction Sense (1), Infravision (1), Low-Light Vision (1) Tech Vision - detects superscience and devices (1), Alienvision - detects extraterrestrials, though not what kind (1)

Her glasses have also been modified to the Center's purposes. In addition to correcting her longsightedness, they also have a built-in GPS and provide an array of alternate visual modes. Due to the miniaturization needed, however, only someone with a jeweler's loupe and very small tweezers can switch between the various sight options... or you could simply use telekinesis with very precise control.

Forcefield 14 (total 16 PP)
- Impervious (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Power Feats: Subtle x2

One can't protect others without learning how to protect oneself. Kuromi can project a field of defensive force that's been proofed even against anti-armor weaponry, though it was kind of scary for her to use it at first.

Mental Shield 7 (total 7 PP)

Telekinesis 10 (base 60PP, feats +10, total 70 PP)
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
- Damaging (+1/rank)
- Perception (+1/rank)
- Selective (+1/rank)
- Range: Perception (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Power Feats: Precise, Affects Insubstantial x2, Subtle, Indirect, Area Progression x2, Alternate Power x3

Telekinesis is Kuromi's primary superpower. Over long years of training, she's managed to refine her technique such that she can do almost anything she wants with it, from dressing herself in the morning to flipping cars with nothing but her mind. She doesn't really have to gesture reaching out and grabbing objects in order to manipulate them, but she does it anyway.

Alternate Powers:

Rho Aias: Shiten oou Nanatsu no Enkan - Deflect All Ranged 10 (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
(tradeoff: +5 attack, -5 damage)
- Reaction Deflect (+2/rank)
- Automatic Deflect (+1/rank)
- Ranged Deflect (+1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Feats: Range Progression x3, Accurate x3, Affects Insubstantial x2, Triggered x2 (when attacked at range)

Kuromi is most proud of this power that she developed; now she can protect many people at once, like a true hero should. If she focuses all her efforts on defense, she can attempt to potentially shelter up to an entire city block from attack or disaster at once, though she has best results if she only needs to protect the area around herself.

Azi Dahaka: Nikushimi no Hyakuman Tsurugi - Telekinetic Blast 10 (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
Tradeoff: +5 Attack, -5 Damage
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
- Autofire 2 (+2/rank)
- Penetrating (+1/rank)
- Uncontrolled (-1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)
Feats: Accurate x8, Improved Critical x10, Affects Insubstantial x2

This power is... an aberration. Unlike her normal telekinesis (which is almost impossible to notice under normal circumstances), Azi Dahaka fires off a massive spread of telekinetic cutting blades which can turn even case-hardened steel to shavings in seconds. It randomly manifests and Kuromi has no control over it; while it is a nasty weapon, it is not a heroic or particularly party-friendly one.

Heaven's Fall: Shuusoukai Taizou Mandala (60 PP value, 1 PP cost)
Mental Blast 10 (32 PP)
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
- Range: Touch (-2/rank)
Power Feat: Progression x2

LINKED TO (+0/rank):

Snare 10 (48 PP)
- Engulf (+0/rank)
- Area: Burst (+1/rank)
Power Feat: Progression x2, Accurate x5, Reversible

Both powers are:

- Uncontrolled (-1/rank)
- Distracting (-1/rank)

Heaven's Fall is also another aberrant power. A flood of darkness rushes out of Kuromi like a tidal wave, splashing the ground like a massive shadow and binding everything within its range if they cannot somehow avoid it. At the same time, a piercing psychic scream damages the minds of everyone within its range, friend and foe alike. Kuromi can't manifest this power at will, but at the same time, it means she can't keep it from manifesting either.

Involuntary Transformation: The Dark Half 4 (Uncommon Frequency +1, Irresistible Change +3)

Recurring Nightmares (from Mecha and Manga) 2 (10% chance every night to have a nightmare which leaves her fatigued for the rest of the day)

Girl and Guy Magnet