Character:Silveria Arc: Difference between revisions
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1 Man: Deceitful •••<br> | 1 Man: Deceitful •••<br> | ||
3 Manse (Lunar) •••<br> | 3 Manse (Lunar) •••<br> | ||
3 Artifact Infinite Resplendent Amulet<br> | 3 Artifact Infinite Resplendent Amulet<br><br> | ||
126/166 XP | 126/166 XP |
Revision as of 21:53, 31 August 2009
Character Name: Silveria Arc
Old Name: Cathak Mina
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Concept: Lovely, Seductive, Awesome, (in her opinion) Assassin for hire (She's a troubleshooter got a problem she'll fix it for a price.
Exalted: Once More With Feeling!
--Silveria is an exotic woman even for her birthplace, her light mocha colored complexion and black hair is more seen in other places than the Blessed Isle but it has never bothered her. Tall, slender, buxom, with wavy, thigh long, dark blue hair while bright blue eyes glitter mischievously with an equal smile on a lovely face. She dresses in jewelry (Egypt-India Style), or in loose skirts, and adorned bra, the latter which she wears more than the former. She choose her outfits outside the glittery seductive jewels in various blues. Its rare that she would deviate. On her right arm is a golden armlet, she wears a set of necklaces, a set of bracelets, and a diadem that has a single ruby over her forehead. Her Caste mark regardless shines through it.
To Eventually and subtly conquer the Realm and rule it herself in a move to Protect Creation that she feels needs the power that the Realm has provided until the Scarlet Empress 'abandoned' it.
Her home former home +
Loyalty +
Radiance +
Solar Bond +
An indigo serpent wraps around a beautiful crafted sword its mouth opening to bite with sharp looking fangs in a field of indigo.
Spirit Shape/Totem and Tell
- Spirit Shape: A black snake, with scales that are speckled with red. An imperfect red star pattern sits near the narrow sharp head, green intense eyes.
- Tell: Scales along her inner thighs and a band on her upper arms, the imperfect red scaled star shape lies along the nape of her neck and shows on her shadow.
- Strength: 4 (+1 Pinning) *Dexterity: 5 (+3 Graceful) Stamina: 4 (+1 Endurance)
- Charisma: 4 (+1 Charming) Manipulation: 5 (+3 Deceitful) Appearance: 5 (+1 Alluring)
- Perception: 3 Intelligence: 3 *Wits: 5 (+1 Alert)
Favored Abilities
Dodge: 5, Presence 5 (+3 Seduction), Survival 3
Unfavored Abilities
Archery 4, Awareness 3, Integrity 3, Martial Arts 3, Melee 5, Resistance 1
Larceny 3, Linguistics 2, Performance 5 (+3 Alluring Dances), Socialize 2, Stealth 5
Bureaucracy 2, Investigation 1, Lore 1
Languages- Native: Low Realm. Learned: Riverspeak (Learned from her time in Nexus before exalting), Old Realm (Learned from Shatar Nagi)
Solar Bond 5 (Eternal Vow)
Silveria was formerly bound to Radiance, a charming Solar who might have been too charming for his own good. Silveria had fallen in love him, either by the bond or the subsequent use of a charm or two. However that happened it was seared in her heart. When the Mask of Winters took Nexus Silveria lost him when her very heart, mind, and body was acting on a similar charm on a sexy deathknight. She regrets her weakness then, as still feels the pain he must have felt upon dying. Regardless Radiance's Solar Shard ended up rather swiftly in the body of Aesin. Unlike before Silveria cannot find the same power of love for her new Bondmate and the Lunar knows by pain of heart that as she, herself, suffers the loss of Radiance that Aesin suffers through Silveria insensitive feelings. Silveria likely may never recover from this as she blames herself mostly as well as directs this blame at the forces of the Mask of Winters. This may prove to be the young Lunar's downfall if she cannot reconcile her feelings for a man she hardly knew.
Artifact 2 Moonsilver Daiklave: Silver Arc
5m Attune
The Moonsilver Daiklave Silver Arc was found by the Changing Moon Lunar on her Trials. In her spoils she located the weapon that she carries with her everywhere... or rather in Elsewhere. The weapon is a pretty long but not overly much sword with a split blade, the split is slender and gives the weapon a prong look. Near the hilt a single hearthstone mount has been placed, this mount is made of fine metal and designed to be graceful and simple while being at the same time complicated in design. Whether the swords name came from Silveria or Silveria took the name from the sword one may never know.
Artifact 5 Infinite Resplenent Amulet (all Four Modules)
5m Attune
Silveria found this peculiar amulet in her recently acquired Manse, taking it to a few No Moons she learned of the various setting and abilities. Her outfit is formed from this, allowing her to carry less and have more.
- Orichalcum abilities +4 Appearance and Inhibits Stealth as per 8-11 Mote range (Generally used in Social Interactions)
- Moonsilver- 5B/5L and +2 to Stealth and +2 to Larceny Based disguises (Common Setting)
- Starmetal- Elsewhere Pockets (Generally merged with the above settings.)
- Jade- Communication assistance to Unit Magnitudes +1 to Might (Creates a Dragon blooded style Uniform, obvious her less used mode)
Resource 4
She has a very lucrative business (And only a few flaws would make it more worthwhile XD) as she takes jobs for cold hard coin. Only when she is helping the less fortunate does she not take a fee for her services. This work ranges from contract breaking (Slave freeing XD) to Assassinating corrupt people. She calls it Troubleshooting, its just Assassin for Hire with more to it.
Reputation 1
Not many can claim turning two warlords against each other, only to steal their forces right under their noses. Not many can even claim they gained the loyalty of those men and sent them away to guard a section of the forest from raiders and slavers. And only the respect of these feats are garnered by her fellow Changing Moons.
Manse: 3 (Lunar) Orb of the Unnoticed Predator
This Manse is covered by the jungles between places. It took her a bit of her own cash to get it functional and she has since attuned to it. This is her home away from home.
Compassion 2- Her Compassion was reduced through her life, but its not gone, she does care for sob story but she is prudent.
Conviction 3- She believes in what she believes in and she will not relinquish it unless she is convinced its not worth it.
Temperance 4- She is quite strong of will vs temptation however this alone makes her focus on such things higher
Valor 2- Brave but not stupid, she hates backing down but if its not worth it she will.
Silveria becomes a creature of impulse and ignorance. She is a slave to her desires, unable to control herself long enough to resist temptation. Silveria acts without thinking and does not consider the consequences of her actions. She gorges her appetites without restraint and ignores dangerous situations in the heat of the moment—but will drop any indulgence the moment some new temptation presents itself.
Partial Control: Silveria may give vague attention to the next day, provided it doesn’t interfere with his pursuit of pleasure. She will still drink herself into a stupor, for example, but she might ask a close friend to watch out for her first.
Willpower and Essence:
Willpower: 5/7
Essence: 5
Personal: 19/19
Peripheral: 38/50
(Commit: 5m Silver Arc, 5m Infinite Resplendent Amulet, 2m for Silver Arc in Elsewhere)
Limit 3/10
Prey's Skin Disguise
Changing Plumage Mastery
Quicksilver Second Face
Lightning Chance Style
Constant Quicksilver Rearrangement
Deadly Beastman Transformation (9pts)
--Serpent's Body
--Serpentine Tongue
(See Warform)
Finding the Needle's Eye || 2m or 3m, Instant, Reflexive || Lunars 150
Golden Tiger Stance || 2m, Instant, Reflexive (Step 2) || Lunars 151
Wind Dancing Method || 3m, Instant, Reflexive (Step 9) || Lunars 151
Wary Swallow Method || 1m, Instant, Reflexive (Step 2) || Lunars 151
Flowing Body Evasion|| 4m, Instant, Reflexive (Step 2) || Flaw: Conviction || Lunars 151
-Bruise Relift Method || 1m, Instant, Reflexive || Lunars 159
Ox-Body Tech x2 -1x2 and -2x4 boosts x1 (x4 Death) || Lunars 156
-Glance-Oration Technique || 5m 1wp One Scene, Simple || Lunars pg 177
-Perfect Symmetry || 4m Once Scene || Lunars pg 176
-Observed Predator Instinct || 4m One Scene, Simple || Lunars pg 177
Hide of the Cunning Hunter || 2m Indefinite, Reflexive || Lunars pg 176
-Mask of White Jade || 2m Instant, Reflexive || Lunars pg 172
-Cat-Faced Presentation (Future Purchase)
-Labyrinth of the Beast (Future Purchase)
-Commanded to Fly (Future Purchase
-The Spider's Trap Door || 4m Instant, Supplemental || Lunars 190
-Thieving Magpie Prana || 3m Instant, Instant, Simple || Lunars 191
-Many-Pockets Meditation || 2m Instant, Simple || Lunars 191
-Silver Arc- Moonsilver Daiklave
-Infinite Resplendent Amulet
-Perfect Knifex6
-Perfect Whip
Silver Arc- Daiklave (Speed: 5, ACC: +5/18, DMG: +6/10L, Rate: 3)
Perfect Knife (Speed: 5, ACC: +2/15, DMG: +4/8L, Rate: 3)
Perfect Whip (Speed: 5, ACC: +2/15, DMG: +3/7B, Rate: 2)
Punch---(Speed: 5, ACC: +1/12, DMG: +0/4B, Rate: 3)
Kick---(Speed: 5, ACC: +0/11, DMG: +3/7B, Rate: 2)
Clinch---(Speed: 6, ACC: +0/11, DMG: +0/4B, Rate: 1)
Combat Stats
Natural Soak
Bash: 5 Lethal: 2
Bash: 10 Lethal: 7 Aggravated: 10
- -0 [X]
- -1 [X] [X] [X] [X]
- -2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- -4 [ ]
- I [ ]
- D [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Join Battle/Debate/War 8
Dodge MDV 8
Parry MDV 6 (Socialize), 8 (Seduction), 5 (Presence), 6 (Performance), 4 (Investigate)
Dodge DV 9
Parry DV 9 (Silver Arc) 8 (P.Knife) 8 (P.Whip)
War Form
Str 7/Dex 6 (+3)/Sta 7 (+1)
Cha 4/Man 5/App 5
Per 3/Int 3/Wis 5
Silver Arc- Daiklave (Speed: 5, ACC: +5/19, DMG: +6/13L, Rate: 3)
Perfect Knife (Speed: 5, ACC: +2/16, DMG: +4/11L, Rate: 3)
Perfect Whip (Speed: 5, ACC: +2/16, DMG: +3/10B, Rate: 2)
Punch---(Speed: 5, ACC: +1/13, DMG: +0/7B, Rate: 3)
Clinch---(Speed: 6, ACC: +0/12, DMG: +0/7B, Rate: 1)
Her legs change into a long serpent's tail of which the scales are black with fine red lines running in odd patterns. The scales cover her waist, but dips low enough to leave her belly and navel clear. She grows larger to about 11'6", and her blue hair falls down as usual behind her pale, lightly tan body. While her bracelets sit on her slender wrists and the diamond upon her head.
Natural Soak
Bash: 8 Lethal: 4
Bash: 13 Lethal: 9 Aggravated: 13
- -0 [ ] [ ]
- -1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- -2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
- -4 [ ]
- I [ ]
- D [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Serpentine Tongue
Huge (+2 Str/Sta +1 -1HL & 0HL)
Serpent's Body (+4 Dex for Movement, +4 grapple with tail, -3 for Jump)
BPs and XP
20 For Essence ••• to •••••
1.5 For Specialty Seduction •••
3 Performance Specialty •••
12 For Abilities
2 Dex: Graceful • to •••
1 Man: Deceitful •••
3 Manse (Lunar) •••
3 Artifact Infinite Resplendent Amulet
126/166 XP
10 Charm: Golden Tiger Stance
10 Charm: Wind Dancing Method
10 Charm: Wary Swallow Method
10 Charm: Flowing Body Evasion
Background Questions Answered and Personality
I am a young 23 year old female, born during the month of Ascending Wood. I'm an attractive alluring young woman, with long blue-black hair, and a fair gentle complexion. I have a shapely form, well endowed perhaps.
My family was a wealthy trading family, but jealousy set about the destruction of my family by those of one of the Great Houses. Or so I have been thus far led to believe. I was taken in by the House of Ledaal as a just a pretty face. I had one sister who disappeared and my brother died in protecting me. All of this happened before my 12th year. As far as I know the family has been destroyed and its assets given away. I have yet to marry, finding it could be a hindrance to my lofty goals, but then I haven't found anyone worthy of my heart.
I was born in a city on the Eastern Blessed Isle Coast, our home was surrounded by lotus' and cherry blossoming trees. Gentle hills of flowers and grasses lay nearby, a pure blue stream was one I visited. It was a place that has held my childhood love for it. For it was a place that allowed me to learn and grow and appreciate the beauty that Creation has for the people.
I was Exalted during a troubling time, a time where my skills as child were changed to survive. Abandoned and lost I was forced to survive by myself. But my desire to protect my home has held my heart. Still though it was a village that I stumbled upon, one not so too different than the city was born in. As I came closer I noticed that it was under attack by slavers or bandits, either way they were bad. Angry at their wanton destruction of family and peace I sneak in looking for their leader. Finding him I attacked him, but no use of my slight frame and body could save me from his brutal attacks. Still it was my desire to protect this place that must of endeared Luna who granted me her blessing, or well I suppose, being very close to death that is what I saw. Being infused with such power. I attacked the leader the leader then most of them surprised by the moonlight that had fallen on me, and with my sharp and quick strikes, like that of a serpent, I decimated him. It was such a terrifying yet exhilarating affair, one that has been kept close to my heart.
I have met people from time to time, before my Exaltation and after, but none I have trusted or kept close to me. Even the Lunar that trained me, gave me my trails, and sent me on short mission to assassinate some lord there, sneak in and take secrets there. I have remained guarded and alone. But sometimes I do regret it, I don't like being alone, as it must be some part of my childhood that keeps this desire there.
I have gained power, massive amounts, tempted, and taunted, I have taken it though, and I seek to keep it. I shall protect all I can with it, complete with guile, and manipulation, for now nothing can stop me. And since I find that the Dragonblooded have long since fallen to decadence by their power, and the Solars were so corrupted that they were destroyed that I feel, that if I can, I shall take up the crown of Empress and rebuild and protect all of Creation, I shall use my powers to do so.
I was once a mortal, weak and frail, unable to fight the evils of the creation by my own power, but I feel that one day they can do so, with their own power. I feel for now, they need my protection, to help nurture them and help them grow to be able to fight things that none of them have dreamed of doing. The Exalted are there for this, not for our gain but for theirs.
I seek to protect Creation, a Creation that was wronged, a Creation that caused tragedies is flawed, but I will fix that flaw, I will make it better, with my new strength, with my new power. To do this though, the heart of Creation, the Realm, must be fixed, the hole that is there must be patched, the betrayal and vacuum of power that the Scarlet Empress left Creation must be tossed aside and in its place a new power must be installed. The Solars, the Lunars, the Dragon Blood must make Creation strong and whole before the new threats can tear it asunder, already the Shadowlands show the blight that show the weakening Creation. At first I didn't have much desire, just to protect people, but then I learned of the 1000 Streams Experiments, and felt incensed, abandon the Realm? Not I! For now though none of them know of my scheme. At least I hope, to deceive as I have done, is to be open to deception. It’s only a matter of time before I fall into a trap that could get me in trouble for my blasphemous scheme
I do not worship, though I do respect and honor Luna for her gift to me. I offer Luna things from time to time, as I cannot forget what she has given me. Otherwise, I feel a twinge of bitterness to the Divine and would rather not be one myself.
When I gained the power by Luna, and set upon the path to kill and manipulate, I learned early that I can kill easily. However that has saddened me, and has caused me to leave the Lunar Exalted. From time to time I will slay another mortal, one who has committed crimes against another so heinous that even the Mortal Laws cannot protect them. I will take their lives. It is the same for Gods and other Exalt, should they be so corrupt that the Mortals are oppressed or hurt, I will seek to remove those abominations to Creation.
First 18 years
I grew up in a wealthy trading family, and cared for by my mother while father and my brother worked. As a child I learned the customs for women, and I was raised to be an adviser for whoever I married. Learning the ways of court amongst sword play and defense, I was well on my way to being what I raised for. However I usually escaped some days to just enjoy the outside. Then one day my peaceful life was destroyed, my sister was to be married, when some men attacked our residence. They hunted and killed anyone they could find. I was stunned gathered up and taken away. I was found by Ledaal family members and I was take in by them, it was a life I hated and so after a short time I fled. I'm not sure how, but I snuck onto a ship and made it to the Scavenger Lands where I strove to survive in the streets of Nexus. It was a very tough life, not one fit for a pretty and pampered girl of 14. Eventually I was found by some rather unscrupulous men, and I knew what happened to pretty girls like myself in situations like this. Cornered, hungry, and desperate, I was almost taken, a strange event transpired. A cat faced my captors caught their eye and held them fast. They were still for a long time and I found myself released, but I was at the end of my rope, what else could I do? This cat grabbed their money pouches giving them to me then lead me away. For awhile I learned that to survive I would have to steal, to kill if I must, and I did so, timidly at first but with increasing courage. When I became 18, I left Nexus under a desire to see what the trees held in their dark shrouds. It was there that I found a that village that would forever change my life.
The Silver Arc, was a weapon that I stumbled upon, in a cache of weapons that some power hungry warlord had been amassing for some assault somewhere. As a part of my trial set forth by the cantankerous Shatar Nagi, I was take out this leader and scatter his forces with as much deceit as a young Lunar like myself could muster. But the strangest and what would make my claim to my caste stronger than many seen in awhile I found the Daiklaive called to me, its silvery light a beacon to my very soul. After dispatching the leader using my feminine charm and sharp manipulative methods, I found the weapon. Taking it, it felt right in my hand, and with it I became to these good for nothing warriors the 'Avenging Spirit of the Forest'. Their cries brought me pleasure as they fled from me some getting cut down as if they were just blades of grass in their defiance. When it was all said and done, I had accomplished my trial, perhaps not in the same scope as other have done before me, but with the Silver Arc in my hands I knew that whatever destiny that was to be set before me would be faced by deceit and sharp blade.
Mentor Shatar Nagi
Mentor Shatar Nagi, is an old Lunar, having seen much strife across the East and South. A No-Moon Lunar she has given rise to many young Lunars for the various Paths, but none have brought her as much grief as I, Silveria Arc of the Changing Moon Caste, have. She is a strict, and regrettably beautiful woman, with no sense of gentleness in her centuries frame, she is also stubborn and has little humility, as not many Lunar's under her can outright tell him no, which must be why she has a thing for me I told her no. Sometimes I wonder if she likes to control pretty young women like myself. Still though she was my mentor and she did train me my abilities to date. Sometimes I wonder if I should have stayed with her.
I was born along the eastern shores of the Blessed Isle, in a decent village in the Scarlet Province. Then I was named Cathak Mina, a child of a patrician who ran the merchant systems in this corner of the province. We were a strong family, though our rate of Dragon Blooded exaltation were quite and disgracefully low. I was the youngest child as well, my brother Cathak Eldran and my sister Cathak Nonami were older and more experienced with many things. Their prospects in the family were quite assured, in fact for years it was said that Nonami would be married to someone in the Great House, most of us paid it little mind.
I grew up along the gentle land and sea, cherry blossom trees, flowers, and lotus’ were the plants that I grew acquainted with. My young days were spent amongst these, and of course those days were not to last. I was soon trained to be an advisor as well as defend my chosen husband should the case arise. Mother made sure of this while father ran the business. For years I learned bearing, and other courtly things among sword skill and other means of defense. It was an okay life, and every so often it would improve just a bit. The Empress was a woman, a powerful woman who kept everyone safe. I admired her like no one else, or at least I hoped. Still I felt nothing could go wrong with her on the throne.
And yet all sorts of things went wrong ten years ago. I was just turning thirteen when my peaceful life was torn asunder. Nonami was getting married in a few days and she was sent away to the main house, the rest of us were happy for her and wished her well. It was the second night after her departure when it happened. I had been sleeping fitfully, the moon shining through my window, while a tense thick feeling filled the warm air. And then cries filled the other end of the house. I sat up frightened and quickly came to my feet just as a shadowed figure appeared at my window. With a scream the figure flinches and strikes towards me. My brother must of heard the cry as he flung the door open as I threw myself to the side. There was a moment of swords striking each other then a cry of pain. I looked up to see the shadow gone and my brother holding gingerly one of his shoulders. He turned to me and smiled gently. “Come,” he told me with a hand outstretched and I took it. We fled the house and behind us we heard the shouts of men. Confused and frightened I held tightly to my brother as he ran inland. Before long I realized that he was bleeding and his grip was weakening on my hand. After a moment he stops and looks to me. He told me to run, to hide myself away from here and not come back. It took a moment and a second shout and I ran. I hated myself for this, I was trained to defend and here I was hiding myself away from would be attackers. As I got further away I slowed until I heard a cry, my brother’s cry. I closed my eyes for a moment and bolted further away.
It was the next morning, I was dirtied, and my clothes were torn. Tired and my eyes red with crying I crawled out from my hiding place in the bushes and made my numb way back to the house. The house was gone, burned to the ground, of my brother and my parents there was no sign. Distraught I fell to my knees and sat there too stunned to move, to sadden to consider my options of survival. It was midday when I was found. A handsome man in red jade armor approached me with a frown on his face, and he cupped my chin in his broad strong hand. After checking me over he decided to take me home. Taking my by the hand he pulled me to my feet and took me away. I would forever miss the Cherry Blossoms.
I found myself a servant to a house of Ledaal. Continuously reminded of my fortune I worked to please my masters. I hated this life, controlled, enslaved, even if it was survival granted by the so called friendliness of the Ledaal Household. I didn’t do much work for sure. I was prettied up and maintained in such a likeness, they were happy to just have a girl that would draw away the attentions of their acquaintances. I cursed the gods at this time, everything with power that could make life better for everyone allowed others to abuse the weaker people. I cursed them a lot! And finally in desperation to be more than a beautiful face, to be leered at, to be an object to eventually be placed on a bed of silk sheets and ravaged. This was the fate I fled in fear, a fate that I believed would eventually be true. I managed my way, and stowed away on a ship for Nexus.
Life got worse for me, I strove hard to survive. I evaded every possible fate that could befall a young girl of my age. I was fourteen, then. Living off of what I could find. Desperately finding my strength waning as hunger sought to destroy me. It was then that I was found, by some rough looking men that I nearly succumbed to a fate I sought to avoid. Weakened from hunger, despairing and fearful of dying in such a fashion I almost gave myself to them. But then a strange thing happened, a cat, a common urban wild cat leapt from the shadows and placed itself between us. It faced my would be captors and held them with its green eyes. I looked at them both, worried at what was happening, I just wanted to live is all. The cat then leapt at the still men swiping from them their money pouches and dropping them before me. For a bit I regarded the pouches then I almost decided to give them back, but then a thought struck me. I took the pouches and fled. I raced into the streets of Nexus and made good my escape. Behind me the cat followed, and lost were a bunch of angry men. For awhile I survived on the coins, but I knew then, to survive, I would have to steal.
It was a rough start. I was nearly caught several times, but as each day came and went, and each month passed I learned tricks, and ways. I only stole what I needed nothing more, though every so often difficulty brought a more cruel aspect to my life. Sometimes I would have to kill to steal, and sometimes I did. Four years I survived in the streets of Nexus, I wasn’t well liked, I was getting to be well known, and it was getting harder. Many other groups wanted to be rid of me. But that was fine. I had now a small cache of funds. I would leave Nexus for a time. I went East, further away from civilization than perhaps I should have. My new outlook on life kept me from dying in the wild, and before long after avoiding and sometimes having for dinner, large snakes and other critters that sometimes thought me better in their tummies, I came upon a village.
I was a little happy to see some form of civilization, primitive or otherwise and raced to towards, but no sooner do I get there than do I see a group of men attacking the village. Already I could see young women being carried off to someplace nearby. I really am not sure what came over me, but seeing a place being destroyed, family and friends being separated and removed from each other, seeing homes burn, I grew furiously angry and entered the village with one thought in mind. To make these people pay. Slinking from shadow to shadow I found their leader, a powerful looking man with pieces of armor hanging on him. With sword in hand I lunged at his back intent to slay him in one go, but he was quite aware of me and turned and grabbed my threatening wrist. Holding me by one arm I struggled to escape him and brought me to eye level with him. A few lewd comments and threats later I changed weapon hands and sliced it at him, cutting a nice gash across his face. One eyes cut, a face bleeding profusely I managed to bound away but then the worse came. He was strong and brutal and even my agility wasn’t enough to keep me from being forced to the ground.
I stared up at him in defiance, his men watched in glee, he stood over me with a broad sword ready to impale me. And then I saw that cat again, it leapt on me and sat staring not the oncoming death that would take us both, but at me with eyes, knowing eyes. It was then that I noticed it, a ray of moonlight gleaming on my face and I gasped as arched my back as power flooded into me, visions and strange and wondrous things flitted by in just a mere heartbeat. I rolled away from the attack, an attack that seemed slow, held protectively in my arms the cat remained silent. Quickly I placed the cat on the leaf strewn ground and struck at the large man. My sword, my body, was like a snake, striking in quick sharp and potentially deadly strikes. A piece of armor fell there, another followed and soon the man was there, covered in cuts and bleeding his weapon trembling in his hands. Coldly I ended him, driving the weapon through his heart. He twitched there while my sword covered in spurting blood was held in his chest, covered in his blood I look with a flat stare at the other slavers and raiders. They bolted, but I was far from done. I chased them to the cages and wagons that they had been planning to use to take the captured villagers and with brutal skill I slew another man and then freed the villagers. The raiders fled.
It was the next morning near a river where I had retreated too. I had cleaned my body and hair, and treated my own cuts, when the cat arrived watching me. I glanced at the feline and then smiled. We had been together it seemed forever. It chagrin when the cat changed formed into a woman, a seductive beautiful woman with skin a light mocha color, and hair as black as night. She told me her name was Shatar Nagi and that I was a Lunar.
Well learning that was the least of my concern, there was dangers by not following Lunar Traditions and so I came with her to her pack that resided nearby. I was trained and learned for a few years their ways, and in the end I was set upon my Trials.
Lunar Trials are pretty strange, go and do them, we’ll be watching is how Shatar Nagi, a No Moon Lunar told me. So I did. I left the pack, I wandered the forest and found to my surprise a pair of warlords. And not any warlords, a Rival set. Oh this was going to be interestingly hard. But it wasn’t so hard. I snuck into one at night after observing the other, promised the one an advantage over the other. It didn’t take long for me to play both sides against the other, not even much time before I became the favorite of one of them, and then in a manipulated structure, I turned the men against them, united them then sent them off under a proxy to protect the lands near the forests. Watching it work so smoothly brought to me a sense of power and joy, if I could do this two small armies, then what could I do with nations! It was during the aftermath that I located in the cache of weapons and armor, a weapon among others. It was a Moonsilver Daiklave, and in my hands it felt good. So I took for myself one of the various artifacts therein and handed the rest to Shatar. Accordingly I was tattooed a Changing Moon, though my completion of the Trails was so strong and well determined, that other Changing Moons were surprised and awed. Though I suspect some Elders were rather unhappy.
For a few years till I was twenty years old, I did work of the pack and usually it was harsh work. Assassinate, manipulate, torment, if the pack declared it so I would do it. But as I did it, and every death grew, I started to notice a peculiar pattern. Not all the people I killed deserved to be killed, their crimes were so minor it wasn’t worth noticing. It was during one of these that I learned of the Thousands Streams Projects, and I was quite angry. The Lunars didn’t want to help everyone, they were quite ready to discard the Dragon Blooded and the Realm. Not I, I still loved my former home, the Cherry Blossoms, the lotus’, and not everyone was as bad as I remembered them. With a firm leader the elements people hated there could be removed. I would do it! I would. But sadly Shatar Nagi told me I was foolish and insane, my abilities could be best suited to helping the Thousand Streams Projects. It was then that in anger I turned my back on the Lunars. I would do things my way, I would gain power, I would gain prestige, and I would take the Realm and make Creation strong again! Why not use the concepts of the Thousand Streams on the Realm? Before I left though I told Nagi that their projects were safe, I wouldn’t betray a Lunar to any other force. Perhaps I should have felt uneasy if I had seen Nagi’s smirk and glittering eyes.
For now I travel the East and Scavenger Lands, I have selectively taken jobs of mortals, I have taken many. I rescue the kidnapped, I have freed slaves, I have punished the slaver, raider and warlord. Corrupt Bureaucrats have learned the error of their ways on the edge of Silver Arc, my Daiklave. It’s been awhile since I have manipulated groups, but I have yet had need to do so, my goals are set and one day I will be sitting on that throne, controlling Creation for its betterment. Lately however, I have a pull, a strong one, towards... someplace. Its distracting, annoying, and vexing, and yet why do I find myself sighing contentedly when I'm resting?
So I have met with several Lunars and Solars, one of which was the charming Radiance. Immediately I recognized him as the source of my sighs, and fell in love. A Love that was cut tragically short. I met him and the others in an Bathhouse, and after that we moved to an tavern to discuss all sorts of things. We met a Sidereal or two, one might have been on our side, the other wasn't and he sent the townsfolk to attack us. And once that was dealt did everything irrevocably change. The Mask of Winters attacks and sends his Deathknights after us. I nearly succumb to the sexy one, but I break away and as we attempt to retreat I feel Radiance die, and the bond shift to the newly exalted woman that Anshu had defeated. Confusion, guilt, anger races through me but I fight it back, we had to survive.
We do manage to escape, powerful magics and perhaps a bunch of luck, but Nexus was lost. Falling into despair only efforts of those I have escaped with attempt to help. Solitary Talon has helped and Aesin, my new Bondmate tries in her way. Nuwa did her best but she too seems wounded by Radiance's death. She might even blame me. But for now we head to Great Forks, to warn them of the coming threat. Will we lose another city?
Goals and Motivations
Combined with the knowledge of the 1000 Streams River Experiment and her knowledge of the might of a healthy Realm, she knows that by taking the Realm, the Power it holds, and expand it to the whole of creation she knows then that she can protect the mortals of Creation from the things that seek to destroy or corrupt it. She will take help for this, but doesn't expect it.