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Line 64: Line 64:
  0000000000  Helplessness  00000
  0000000000  Helplessness  00000
  0000000000   Violence      00000
  000000000X   Violence      00000
  0000000000  Unnatural      00000
  0000000000  Unnatural      00000

Revision as of 14:00, 17 September 2009

CodexArcanum/Reynold "Rey" Morgan

At about age 14, Rey ran away from home and hid for a week inside any old derelict building or rusting hulk he could find. Though he finally returned home, the urban decay never moved out from him. Now 26, Rey holds down a decent job working at an electronics and entertainment store. He does okay at it, but spends most days thinking about the new places he's going to explore that evening. He went to college and got his Master's in Architecture, but hasn't designed any buildings since college. No, he prefers them crumbling, decayed, and overgrown.

Obsession: Urban decay -- Rey loves the slow take-over of an abandoned building by vines and mold. He lives for rust, broken windows, and hidden ruins of modern eras.

Fear Passion: (Isolation) Being Trapped -- Caught in a fence, fell in a hole, police on his tail: Rey is terrified he might get stuck and never run free again.

Rage Passion: Back-alley crime. -- People who use the hidden places of the world for theft, murder, and rape are violating their sanctity.

Noble Passion: The Homeless -- Rey cares for abandoned things, so he cares about the homeless. He'll always give out spare change, goes on Habitat for Humanity builds, and that kind of thing.

Body 65 (Athletic)

Struggle: 30

Parkour: 45 (General Athletics) **Obsession Skill**

Insomnia: 20

Speed 65 (Grace in motion)

Drive: 15

Initiative: 42

Dodge: 20

Snatch: 30

Pick Pocket: 15

Move Silent: 15

Mind 50 (Witty)

Architecture: 40 (General Education)

Notice: 35

Conceal: 25

Soul 40 (Kind of an asshole)

Charm: 15

Lying: 40

Drawing: 15

Skill Notes: Rey uses Parkour (mixed with a bit of buildering) to climb and explore old buildings; he's also pretty quiet and sneaky so he can avoid trouble. He can lie his way out of most trouble he does get into, and lie customers into buying crap they don't need at all. He likes to sketch nature and buildings and things.

Madness Meter

 Hardened                   Failed
0000000000   Self           00000
0000000000   Isolation      00000
0000000000   Helplessness   00000
000000000X   Violence       00000
0000000000   Unnatural      00000

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