GURPS Magical Styles Fan Netbook: Difference between revisions

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Required Spells: Beast Rouser, Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Scryguard, Simple Illusion, Sound.
Required Spells: Beast Rouser, Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Scryguard, Simple Illusion, Sound.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Better Magic items (Illusion), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Far Casting (Any), Flexible Ritual (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Huge Subjects, Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, Any type), Knower of Names, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Eyes of Morning Dew, The Fair Speech of Paths of the Red-Eared Fox).
Perks: Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Better Magic items (Illusion), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Far Casting (Any), Flexible Ritual (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Huge Subjects, Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, Any type), Knower of Names, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Sanctum 1-2, Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Eyes of Morning Dew, The Fair Speech or Paths of the Red-Eared Fox).

Optional Traits
Optional Traits
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Time to cast:  1d hours.
Time to cast:  1d hours.

=Words of the Child of Rowan    =
=Words of the Child of Rowan    =

Revision as of 18:39, 29 October 2009

This netbook is an open project consisting of GURPS Magical Styles (as defined by the official Steve Jackson Games supplement "GURPS Magical Styles") written by fans. Go ahead and add your own!

Ancient and Celestial Verses

Cost: 22 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Ancient and Celestial Verses are the magical/religious writings of the Order of the Oaken Wand. The Oaken Wand are self-described “wise folk”, offering their services as advisors, diviners and dream-interpreters to the powerful. Their vows forbid them from becoming rulers in their own right, but they often seek to be the power behind the throne, offering their expertise in the art of managing people, and in particular, of managing them in such a way that they do not attract ill-fortune or the disfavor of the gods. Their tradition is descended from nature magic and nature continues to lie at the heart of their religious and magical training. While they are not “nature worshippers”, the gods tend to be understood as personifications of natural forces and their holiest places are sites of natural beauty or wonder, not temples or cathedrals.

Required Skills: Diagnosis, Dreaming, Esoteric Medicine, First Aid, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Herb Lore, Hidden Lore (Spirits), History, Literature, Musical Instrument (Any), Naturalist, Occultism, Physician, Religious Ritual, Thaumatology, Theology, Veterinary, Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Beast-Soother, Seek Plant, Ward.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Blood Magic, Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Huge Subjects, Intimidating Curses, Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, any mundane), Knower of Names, Life Force Burn 1-5, Obscure True Name, Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Blood Dreaming, Rites of Harvest Sacrifice, Roar of Madness or Whisper of Leaves), Secret Words, Shaman’s Trance, Staff Attunement.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Religious Rank.

Advantages: Autotrance, Channeling, Luck, Medium, Oracle, Outdoorsman, Reputation (Wise Sage), True Faith, Voice.

Disadvantages: Dreamer, Enemies (Offended Spirits), Overconfidence, Reputation (Arrogant Dreamer), Vows (various personal ones).

Skills: Animal Husbandry, Cryptology, Farming, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire, Symbol Drawing, Teaching.

Apprentices enter the Order of the Oaken wand at the level of Supplicant. This entitles them to learn the following ten spells.


Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Find Direction, Seek Plant, Seek Water, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Sense Life, Ward.

A mage who has learned 6 Supplicant spells, including Beast-Soother, Seek Plant and Ward becomes an Acolyte, entitling them to learn the following twenty-three spells.


Amulet, Beast Summoning, Detect Poison, Foolishness, Forgetfulness, Great Ward, Haste, Identify Spell, Identify Plant, Ignite Fire, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Neutralize Poison, Night Vision, Purify Water, Quick March, Seek Food, Sense Emotion, Sense Mana, Sense Observation, Sense Spirit, Silence, Talisman.

A mage who has learned 8 Acolyte spells including Identify Plant and Neutralize Poison becomes one of the Blessed, entitling them to learn the following twenty-two spells.


Analyze Magic, Beast Speech, Bless Plants, Command, Heal Plant, Hide Path, Hush, Pathfinder, Permanent Forgetfulness, Plant Vision, Pollen Cloud, Plant Growth, Relieve Sickness, Remove Contagion, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Seeker, Shape Plant, Stop Bleeding, Trace, Truthsayer, Turn Spirit.

A mage who has learned 8 Blessed spells including Bless Plants and Turn Spirit becomes one of the Anointed, entitling them to learn the following twenty-two spells.


Blight, Blossom, Coolness, Cure Disease, Divination (Augury), Divination (Extispicy), Divination (Oneiromancy), False Tracks, Forest Warning, History, Pestilence, Plant Form, Plant Sense, Plant Speech, Predict Weather, Relieve Paralysis, Remember Path, Shapeshifting, Stop Paralysis, Tangle Growth, Walk Through Plants, Warmth.

A mage who has learned 8 Anointed spells, including Forest Warning and Predict Weather becomes an Elder, entitling them to learn the following eleven spells.


Ancient History, Delay, Enchant, Dispel Magic, Great Haste, Great Shapeshift, Lesser Geas, Powerstone, Remove Curse, Staff, Suspend Curse.

A mage who has learned 6 Elder spells becomes a Matriarch or Patriarch, entitling them to learn the following ten spells.

Patriarch / Matriarch

Bless, Blood Dreaming, Curse, Great Geas, Hang Spell, Link, Reflex, Rites of Harvest Sacrifice, Roar of Madness, Whisper of Leaves.

Secret Spell: Blood Dreaming (VH) Information

When a mage casts Blood Dreaming, they work themselves into a state of mystic ecstasy in order to gain insight. The ceremony climaxes with the mage drinking the blood of a bull, then passing out for a night of vivid dreams. The GM should never feel compelled to give information or to make the dreams clear – dreams sent by the gods are never as reliable as that. However, the spell will only be worth taking if it sometimes offers insights not available through ordinary divination.

The bull’s blood must be fresh. Anything taken over ten minutes ago will no longer suffice, regardless of mundane or magical attempts to preserve it.

Cost: 6

Time to Cast: 2 hours.

Secret Spell: Rites of Harvest Sacrifice (VH) Regular

By sacrificing an animal (or human!) to the gods of the underworld, a mage of the Oaken Wand brings good fortune to the harvest. A separate blessing may be offered to each “field” of land. For the sacrifice of a very small or unintelligent animal, such as a mouse, a snake or a fowl, farmers working that field will be at +1 to effective Farming skill (which may not sound like much, unless your Farming skill is what feeds your family). For the sacrifice of a larger mammal such as a badger, weasel, or cat, the bonus is +2. For the sacrifice of a dog, a cow, a pig, or such, the bonus is +3, for a fine horse or a bull +4 and for a sentient life form +5. Only young and healthy animals are sacrificed – to offer something old or sick would be an insult to the gods. Mages of the Oaken Wand are divided on the moral lines that should be drawn when using this spell.

Duration: Until the next harvest, or one year, whichever comes first.

Cost: 3

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

Secret Spell: Roar of Madness (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will+3

The mage unleashes a howl of rage that terrifies weak-minded enemies and sends allies into a violent fury. Enemies who fail their resistance must make a Fright Check at a penalty equal to the margin of failure. Allies who do not resist or fail their resistance may go berserk as if they had the Berserk Disadvantage (GURPS Characters p.124). For as long as they are berserk, they do +1 basic damage and enemies are at -1 to defend against their attacks. The roar affects everyone within twenty feet who can hear it.

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Whisper of Leaves (VH) Regular

The mage enters the forest alone at night and communes with the spirits of the trees, some of which are nature spirits and some of which are human ghosts. These spirits will not act on the mage’s behalf, but may have useful information if they feel like providing it. Generally indifferent to the concerns of others, the spirits can be difficult to motivate to help, particularly since making threats would undoubtably bring the mage bad luck. Human ghosts inhabiting trees no longer crave fleshly things, but may still be concerned about their families and descendents, so may be easiest to bribe. On the other hands, there are some things so secret that only the nature spirits know them.

As for what the tree spirits know, that is up to the GM. Certainly, they will have a long memory of things that have occurred right there in the forest, even if it was not in the immediate vicinity. After all, trees whisper all night and gossip about strange things happening in the forest travels fast. However, trees might know all sorts of interesting facts that have nothing to do with the forest. These dark and mysterious spirits are associated with the dead and the underworld, with the fae, and distantly with the gods, and may see into the past and future, or across dimensions.

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: 5

Time to Cast: 3 hours

Book of Elders

Cost: 5 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Book of Elders is a magical style originally developed by vampires but now studied by mortal mages as well. While vampires may have perfected it as an outgrowth of their cursed nature, others study it for the power it offers, particularly regarding the domination of other human beings. Mages of this school are rarely open about their training and may not admit to being mages at all. Temporal authorities may suspect them of being in league with the undead, a suspicion that in some cases would be perfectly true. However, there is no reason why a practitioner has to be evil or unwholesome and a few of them have, in fact, become hunters of the undead who protect mortals from being preyed upon.

Required Skills: Hidden Lore (Vampires), Occultism, Theology.

Required Spells: Beast-Rouser.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Better Magic Items (Necromantic), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Blood Magic, Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Knower of Names, Life Force Burn 1-5, Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Blood Slave, Eye of the Predator or Predator’s Kiss), Spell Bond (Weaken Blood), Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: Allies (Vampires), Night Vision, Voice.

Disadvantages: Callous, Enemies (Vampires and vampire hunters), Lecherousness, Nosy, Reputation (Callous, Mysterious), Secret (Book of Elders Magician).

Skills: Body Control, Hazardous Material (Magical), Herb Lore, Naturalist, Savoir-Faire, Shadowing, Stealth, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing.

A student begins their studies as one of the Known, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells.


Amulet, Beast-Rouser, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Itch, Touch, Ward, Talisman.

A mage who has learned 5 of the above spells, including Beast-Rouser, becomes a Night Walker, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells

Night Walker

Detect Poison, Forgetfulness, Great Ward, Hinder, Master, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Spasm, Steal Might.

A mage who has learned 5 of the above spells, including Steal Might, becomes a Watcher at the Gate, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells

Watcher at the Gate

Boost Health, Command, Fascinate, Hunger, Loyalty, Pain, Permanent Forgetfulness, Resist Poison, Rooted Feet, Steal Energy, Steal Vigor, Strike Dumb, Vigor.

A mage who has learned 7 of the above spells, including Steal Vigor, becomes a Grave Warden, entitling them to learn the following twenty-one spells.

Grave Warden

Choke, Control Person, Deathtouch, Enthrall, Foul Water, Nauseate, Paralyze Limb, Permanent Possession, Pestilence, Possession, Retch, Sickness, Slow Healing, Steal Beauty, Steal Vitality, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Strike Blind, Strike Numb, Total Paralysis, Weaken Blood.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells, including Steal Vitality, becomes a Toucher of Earth, entitling them to learn the following fifteen spells

Toucher of Earth

Charm, Delay, Dispel Magic, Drain Mana, Enchant, Enslave, Gauntness, Insignificance, Remove Curse, Presence, Rotting Death, Steal Dexterity, Steal Skill, Telecast, Steal Youth.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells becomes a Walker in Light, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells

Walker in Light

Blood Slave, Curse, Drain Magery, Exchange Bodies, Eye of the Predator, Hang Spell, Link, Predator’s Kiss, Reflex.

Secret Spell: Blood Slave (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

The subject becomes the caster’s slave, instinctively obeying their commands and accepting always that the caster is in the right. Bloodslave only has effects on subjects who already love or feel a strong loyalty towards the caster. The subject must be present and must provide a drop of blood of their own free will (though they don’t have to be told the truth about what the blood is for or what the spell does). The subject may try to resist again at any time that they are commanded to do something that violates their moral code.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 per Will the subject has.

Time to Cast: 4 hours

Secret Spell: Eye of the Predator (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

The spells subject falls in love with the caster if they fail their Will resistance, do not have an incompatible sexual orientation, and if the caster has fulfilled the following conditions. The caster must have

1. Established eye contact. 2. Engaged the subject in conversation on a topic the subject is interested in for at least five minutes. 3. Expressed sympathy for the subject on some point.

The caster must seem sincere and friendly or the spell will end. Eye of the Predator does not require gestures or incantations.

Duration: Until the next sunrise. Repeated doses of Eye of the Predator may result in a more permanent condition at the GM’s (or in the cast of PCs, player’s) discretion.

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Predator’s Kiss (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

While under the influence of this spell, the caster gains benefits from drinking fresh blood. If the blood is animal blood, the caster is at +1 ST, +1 HT, +1 Move, and heals 1 HP for every 2 HPs of animal blood consumed. If the blood is the blood of a human, the caster gains an energy reserve that may only be used to power magic spells of the Book of Elders style, at a level equal to half the HP of human blood consumed, rounded down, maximum 4. Drinking human blood will also heal the caster at a rate of 1 HP per HP. The caster may not be under the effects of more than one Predator’s Kiss at a time. Living vistims resist with Will when the caster attempts to drink their blood, whether the blood has already been taken from their body or not. Blood taken loses its potency at the next sunrise or sunset after it was removed from the body. Fangs are not provided.

Duration: 3 hour

Casting Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 3 seconds.

Breath of the Maker

Cost: 16 points

Style Prerequisite: Magery, (not One College Only).

Adepts of the Breath of the Maker style are magical artists, driven to create. The magic items they produce are prized, though many stylists have difficulty manufacturing work to order, as their personal artistic impulses tend to intrude. Graduates of the school are often very emotional people and are unusually likely to suffer from mental illness. There is no formal hierarchy and while members often keep in touch, they also tend to argue and feud. Students must endure an extremely demanding apprenticeship, during which they must master a wide variety of skills. This is often a very frustrating time for the apprentice, as the mentor simultaneously fosters the urge to create freely and oversees an endless regimen of study and practice. There is no doubt that mages of this style have produced work that is artistically inspiring, magically powerful, and just plain strange and wonderful. On the other hand, there is no doubt that mages of this style have produced work that is downright disturbing, a product of inner demons who perhaps should have remained within.

Required Skills: Alchemy, Artist (Any), Cryptology, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Hidden Lore (Magic Items), History, Jeweler, Occultism, Research, Smith, Symbol Drawing, Thaumatology.

Required Spells: Amulet, Scroll, Talisman.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Better Magic Items (Any), Brute Force Spell (Enchant), Brute Force Spell (Powerstone), Convenience Casting (Continual Light), Convenience Casting (Copy), Convenience Casting (Create Object) Convenience Casting (Create Water), Elixir Resistance, Intuitive Cantrip (Boost Enchantment), Intuitive Cantrip (Reinforce), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Magical Weapon Bond, Quick and Focused, Sanctum 1-2, Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Breath of the Maker, Forging the Resplendent Vessel of Everflowing Power or The Seventy-Nine Runes of Angelic Commandment), Speedy Enchantment.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved DX, Improved IQ..

Advantages: High Manual Dexterity, Reputation (Skillful Enchanter), Wealth.

Disadvantages: Enemies (Rival Enchanters), Low Empathy, Reputation (Amoral, Greedy, Mercenary), Workaholic.

Skills: Herb Lore, History, Thaumatology, any craft skill.

The student beings their studies at the level of Apprentice, entitling them to learn the following nineteen spells.


Amulet, Animation, Clean, Conceal Magic, Counterspell, Dancing Object, Dancing Shield, Defending Shield, Great Ward, Recover Energy, Reflect, Restore, Scroll, Scryguard, Scrywall, Seek Magic, Suspend Spell, Talisman, Ward.

An apprentice who has learned 8 of the above spells, including Amulet, Scroll and Talisman is promoted to Journeyman, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.


Analyze Magic, Banish, Copy, Control Zombie, Create Object, Dye, False Aura, Inscribe, Magic Resistance, Pentagram, Rejoin, Repair, Scryfool, Soilproof, Spell Shield, Spell Wall, Suspend Magic, Zombie.

A mage who learns 8 Journeyman spells is promoted to Artificer, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.


Charge Powerstone, Deflect, Displace Spell, Enchant, Fortify, Graceful Weapon, Lesser Wish, Lighten, Limit, Loyal Sword, Manastone, Name, Password, Quick-Draw, Remove Enchantment, Staff, Summon Demon, Suspend Enchantment.

A mage who learns 8 Artificer spells is promoted to Master or Mistress Artificer, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.

Master/Mistress Artificer

Attune, Bane, Dancing Weapon, Defending Weapon, Ensorcel, Hex, Impression Blocker, Power, Malifice, Penetrating Weapon, Powerstone, Resist Enchantment, Speed, Suspend Curse, Suspend Mana, Telecast, Temporary Enchantment, Weapon Spirit.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells is promoted to Savant, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.


Accuracy, Adjustable Clothing, Cornucopia, Crystal Ball, Delay, Dispel Magic, Drain Mana, Effigy, Golem, Ghost Weapon, Hideaway, Homunculus, Puissance, Quick-Aim, Remove Aura, Remove Curse, Restore Mana, Spellguard.

A mage who learns 8 Savant spells is recognized as a Genius, entitling them to learn the following twenty-one spells.


Blank Spell Arrow, Bless, Burning the Seventy- Nine Runes of Angelic Commandment, Breath of the Maker, Curse, Doppleganger, Forging the Resplendent Vessel of Everflowing Power, Great Wish, Hang Spell, Leak, Link, Maintain Spell, Rebuild, Reflex, Penetrating Spell, Simulacrum, Soul Stone, Speed Spell Arrow, Spell Arrow, Spell Stone, Wish.

Secret Spell: Burning The Seventy-Nine Runes of Angelic Commandment Enchantment (VH) Regular

By marking an item with mystic runes, the mage makes it more susceptible to enchantment. The next enchantment spell that the caster casts on the object will be at +1 to spell skill. The mage must actually imprint the item with the appropriate runes while casting the spell. The runes themselves are not secret – they are plain to see. The knowledge of how to use the runes corrects, on the other hand, is carefully guarded.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 3 hours.

Secret Spell: Forging The Resplendent Vessel of Everflowing Power (VH) Regular

The Breath of the Maker Powerstone technique is one of their most valuable secrets. When this spell is cast immediately before the caster casts Powerstone, the Powerstone spell is at an effective +3 to skill. The effects of this spell are cumulative with those of Burning the Seventy-Nine Runes of Angelic Commandment.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 3 hours.

Secret Spell: Breath of the Maker (VH) Enchantment

The mage creates a sentient soul in an item. The soul can think and see the world around it and can control any magic powers that the item possesses with a Will roll. In most cases, the personality is originally a blank slate and much of its nature will be determined by how it is treated. The souls of objects rarely get lonely, although they do tend to take a liking to people to treat them kindly. They are generally very content to be left alone, but without human contact, they tend to drift away from human conceptions of sanity. An item created with this spell is potentially a very useful Ally for the mage, but is a person with their own will, not simply a tool. Moreover, the more they are interacted with, the more likely they are to develop complexities in their personality.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 20 +2 for every point of IQ the soul has over 10, up to a maximum IQ of (10 + Magery).

Time to Cast: 6 hours.

Crown of Iron

Cost: 8 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Will 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Crown of Iron is the art of command and control, particularly of magical entities, but also of other human beings. The style’s philosophy emphasizes that nobody, no matter how capable, can achieve very much on their own and true power lies in the ability to harness the strengths of others. Some mages of this school have personality problems related to power, whether it be difficulty standing up to others, difficulty obeying authority, or being pushy and domineering. Apprentices often have complex and rather difficult relationships with their mentors. While mages of this school can make excellent hirelings, they can also be very difficult to control and quite prone to intrigue.

Required Skills: Mental Strength.

Required Spells: Apportation, Counterspell, Foolishness, Ignite Fire, Levitation, Shield.

Perks: Better Magic Items (Mind Control), Elixir Resistance, Huge Subjects, Knower of Names, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Chill of the Lady of Drowning, Howl of the Efrit, Roar of the Djin and Tremor of the Stone that Walks), Secret Words, Thaumatological Doublespeak, Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: Allies (dominated ones)

Disadvantages: Enemies (People Who Got Used), Megalomania, Overconfidence, Reputation (Power Crazy).

Skills: Administration, Intimidation, Symbol Drawing.

The student of Crown of Iron begins their studies at the level of Officer, requiring them to learn the following 6 spells.


Apportation, Counterspell, Foolishness, Ignite Fire, Levitation, Shield.

A mage who learns all 6 of these spells is promoted to Master or Mistress, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Master / Mistress

Animal Control, Beast Summoning, Bravery, Create Air, Dancing Object, Daze, Flight, Shape Earth, Shape Fire, Create Fire, Forgetfulness, Minor Healing, Recover Energy, Weaken Will.

A mage who learns 7 of the above spells is promoted to Dominus, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.


Animation, Berserker, Command, Create Earth, Create Water, Fascinate, Hawk Flight, Loyalty, Major Healing, Mass Daze, Mass Zombie, Shape Air, Shape Metal, Shape Water.

A mage who learns 7 of the above spells is promoted to Metahuman, entitling them to learn the following ten spells.


Control Limb, Control Person, Control Zombie, Create Acid, Create Ice, Create Plant, Enthrall, Turn Zombie, Wizard Hand, Zombie.

A mage who learns 5 of the above spells is promoted to Ascendant Lord or Lady, entitling them to learn the following twenty-three spells.

Ascendant Lord / Lady

Banish, Control Air Elemental, Control Creation, Control Earth Elemental, Control Fire Elemental, Control Water Elemental, Create Animal, Create Mount, Create Object, Create Servant, Create Steam, Create Warrior, Dancing Weapon, Delay, Dispel Creation, Dispel Magic, Lesser Geas, Staff, Summon Air Elemental, Summon Demon, Summon Earth Elemental, Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Water Elemental.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells is promoted to Leviathan, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells.


Chill of the Lady of Drowning, Enchant, Great Geas, Hang Spell, Howl of the Efrit, Link, Reflex, Roar of the Djin, Tremor of the Stone that Walks.

Chill of the Lady of Drowning Special, Resisted by Will

This spell is a version of Planar Summons (GURPS Magic, p. 82). The exact nature of the entity summoned is different for each mage and where the caster is a PC, it is assumed that the player will submit suitable designs for the GMs approval. The lady of drowning is associated with cold, despair, suicide, water and the ghosts of the drowned.

Howl of the Efrit. Special, Resisted by Will

See Chill of the Lady of Drowning above. The efrit is associated with destruction, fire, rage, the desert and the ghosts of those who died by fire or thirst.

Roar of the Djin Special, Resisted by Will

See Chill of the Lady of Drowning above. The Djin is associated with air, madness, magic, clouds and the sky and with the ghosts of those who fell to their deaths.

Tremor of the Stone that Walks Special, Resisted by Will

See Chill of the Lady of Drowning above. The Stone that Walks is associated with earth, plants, revenge, the cycle of life and those who died by suffocation.

Cycle of the Elements

Cost: 15 points

Style Prerequisite: Magery, (not One College Only).

Cycle of the Elements is an ancient style, originating in the Blackrock Mountains. The style is intended as an aid to the pursuit of enlightenment. It is not the only path to enlightenment, but practitioners regard it as the “purest” or “most direct”, appropriate for the most advanced minds. The monks of Blackrock will not teach the style to anyone who does not show a commitment to becoming enlightened, but the magic will work just as well for someone with no such commitment. The style teaches that the universe is in a constant state of flux, yet everything is the same thing. Flux occurs because the elements are always changing, and unity occurs because the elements cycle into one another. There is little in the way of formal philosophy, however, and the path to understanding the elements lies in close association with them. While the monks of Blackrock do not seek wealth, nor do they preach against it, and some practitioners of Cycle of the Elements have grown rich hiring out their skills. Other practitioners seek lives of danger and adventure, finding that their control over the elements makes them dangerous in combat and able to survive where others cannot.

Required Skills: Alchemy, Geology, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Meditation, Smith, Survival (Mountains), Swimming, Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Ignite Fire, Purify Air, Seek Air, Seek Earth, Seek Fire, Seek Water.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Area Spell Mastery (Any), Better Magic Items (Air), Better Magic Items (Earth), Better Magic Items (Fire), Better Magic Items (Water), Elixir Resistance, Intuitive Cantrip (Filter), Intuitive Cantrip (Kindle), Intuitive Cantrip (Pebble), Intuitive Cantrip (Rinse), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Secret Spell (Incarnation of Black Ashes, Incarnation of Burning Water, Incarnation of Flaming Stone, Incarnation of Raging Storm, Incarnation of Sucking Filth, Incarnation of Whirling Flame).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, Improved DX, Improved IQ, Improved HT.

Advantages: Reputation (Disciplined Monk).

Disadvantages: Loner, Pacifism, Reputation (Strange Sorcerer).

Skills: Artist, Body Control, Hidden Lore (Elementals), Symbol Drawing.

The student of the Cycle of the Elements begins their study at the level of apprentice. An apprentice is required to learn the following 6 spells.


Ignite Fire, Purify Air, Seek Air, Seek Earth, Seek Fire, Seek Water.

After learning all 6 Apprentice spells, the mage is promoted to Elementalist. This entitles them to learn the following 10 spells.


Create Air, Create Fire, Detect Magic, Extinguish Fire, Mage Sight, No-Smell, Purify Water, Recover Energy, Shape Earth, Shape Fire.

After learning 6 Elementalist spells, including Extinguish Fire and Purify Water, the mage is promoted to Shaper, entitling them to learn the following twenty spells.


Body of Air, Create Earth, Create Water, Destroy Water, Earth to Stone, Earth Vision, Fast Fire, Fireproof, Icy Weapon, Perfume, Resist Fire, Shape Air, Shape Metal, Shape Water, Smoke, Slow Fire, Stone to Earth, Wall of Wind, Walk on Air, Windstorm.

After learning 8 Shaper spells, the mage is promoted to Alcymist, entitling them to learn the following 20 spells.


Air Vortex, Body of Ice, Body of Stone, Body of Water, Breathe Water, Create Acid, Earth to Air, Earth to Water, Entombment, Essential Air, Essential Earth, Essential Flame, Essential Water, Flaming Armor, Foul Water, Rain of Acid, Steelwraith, Walk Through Earth, Warmth, Wind.

When a mage has learned 8 Alcymist spells, they are promoted to Lord or Lady of the Elements, entitling them to learn the following twenty-three spells.

Lord / Lady of the Elements

Acid Jet, Body of Flame, Body of Wind, Charge Powerstone, Control Air Elemental, Control Earth Elemental, Control Fire Elemental, Control Water Elemental, Create Air Elemental, Create Earth Elemental, Create Fire Elemental, Create Water Elemental, Delay, Enchant, Essential Acid, Link, Purify Earth, Powerstone, Sandstorm, Summon Air Elemental, Summon Earth Elemental, Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Water Elemental.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells, they become One Who Has Seen the Wheel, entitling them to learn the following 6 spells.

One Who Has Seen The Wheel

Incarnation of Black Ashes, Incarnation of Burning Water, Incarnation of Flaming Stone, Incarnation of Raging Storm, Incarnation of Sucking Filth, Incarnation of Whirling Flame.

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Black Ashes (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

The caster is transformed into a swirling cloud of black ash. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Wind (GURPS Magic, p.27), with the additional effects that people in the Area cannot breathe and are at -4 to all sense rolls and -2 to all skills that require vision.

Duration: 1 minute

Cost: 10/4

Time to Cast: 30 seconds

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Burning Water (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

The caster is transformed into a column or pool or steaming hot water. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Water (GURPS Magic, p. 185) with the additional effect that living things that are splashed will suffer 1d damage.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 7/2

Time to Cast: 30 seconds

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Flaming Stone (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

The caster is transformed into a hulk of burning rock. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Stone (GURPS Magic, p. 54) with the additional effect that their touch causes 1d6 burning damage and they set fire to any highly flammable object that touches them.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 12/6

Time to Cast: 30 seconds

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Raging Storm (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT.

The caster is transformed into a swirling storm-cloud. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Wind (GURPS Magic, p.27) with the additional effects that any Air, lightning or electrical spells may be cast with no incantations or gestures. While in this form, the caster is considered to have at least one point in the Lightning spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 10/4

Time to Cast: 30 seconds.

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Sucking Filth (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT.

The caster is transformed into a column or pool of mud. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Water (GURPS Magic, p. 185) with the additional effect that the caster may choose to grab anything touching its body with ST, dividing their ST between different grabbed items as desired. If the caster succeeds in pulling someone inside their body, that person will begin to suffocate (GURPS, p.428).

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 7/2

Time to Cast: 10 seconds

Secret Spell: Incarnation of Whirling Flame (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT.

The caster is transformed into a swirling cloud of flames. In rules terms, the caster is the subject of Body of Wind (GURPS Magic, p.27) with the additional effect that anything in the Area takes 1d burning damage and highly flammable objects will catch fire.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 10/4

Time to Cast: 30 seconds

Empty Vessel

Cost: 10 points

Style Prerequisite: Will 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Empty Vessel style is said to have been founded by a nameless philosopher who, in a fit of inspiration, realized that nothingness lies at the heart of reality, that everything is nothing, that substance is illusionary, and that change is only possible because everything is that which it is not. While this doctrine is impenetrable to outsiders, adepts of the Empty Vessel school use these doctrines as the foundation for their magic, while at the same time insisting that they are both true and false. Some are drawn to the school to find peace in emptiness, others to face up to darkness and hopelessness, and others for reasons that they themselves find impossible to express.

Required Skills: Meditation, Mental Strength, Thaumatology.

Required Spells: Counterspell, Detect Magic, Fear, Scryguard, Suspend Spell, Ward.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Area Spell Mastery (Any), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Covenant of Rest, Elixir Resistance, Kill Switch, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Emptiness Swallows the Burning Sun, Running Water Washes the Rock, Shining Prince Kisses the Dust), Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Autotrance, Longevity, Perfect Balance, Reputation (Disciplined Monk).

Disadvantages: Absent-Mindedness, Laziness.

Skills: Hazardous Materials (Magical), Survival (Any), Symbol Drawing, Teaching.

The student of the Empty Vessel begins their studies at the level of Sleeper, requiring them to learn the following 6 spells.


Counterspell, Detect Magic, Fear, Scryguard, Suspend Spell, Ward.

A mage who has learned all 6 Sleeper spells becomes a Waker, entitling them to learn the following sixteen spells.


Darkness, Destroy Air, Forgetfulness, Gloom, Hide, Remove Contagion, Great Ward, Know Illusion, Recover Energy, Reflect, Resist Water, Terror, Scrywall, Seek Magic, Permanent Forgetfulness, Repel Animal.

A mage who learns 8 Waker spells becomes a Vessel of Flesh, entitling them to learn the following eleven spells.

Vessel of Flesh

Blackout, Blur, Destroy Water, Resist Disease, Resist Fire, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Scryfool, Shape Darkness, Turn Spirit, Devitalize Air.

A mage who learns 6 of the above spells becomes a Vessel of Clay, entitling them to learn the following twenty spells.

Vessel of Clay

Banish, Body of Shadow, Dispel Illusion, Dispel Possession, Displace Spell, Enchant, Find Weakness, Magic Resistance, Pentagram, Resist Acid, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Resist Sound, Rune, Shatter, Spell Shield, Spell Wall, Suspend Magic, Turn Zombie, Weaken.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Zephyr of Dust, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.

Zephyr of Dust

Avoid, Delay, Dispel Creation, Dispel Magic, Insignificance, Remove Aura, Remove Curse, Remove Enchantment, Repel Spirits, Resist Enchantment, Spellguard, Suspend Curse, Suspend Mana.

A mage who learns 7 of the above spells becomes an Eye of the Void, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells.

Eye of the Void

Disintegrate, Emptiness Swallows the Burning Sun, Hang Spell, Link, Maintain Spell, Reflex, Running Water Washes the Rock, Shining God Kisses the Dust, Suspend Magery.

Secret Spell: Emptiness Swallows the Burning Sun (VH) Regular

The caster subdues their own ego to the point that it is difficult for supernatural effects directed at their mind or soul to find their target. This includes all Communication and Empathy and Mind Control spells, Necromantic spells that target the mind or soul, and Knowledge spells that target the caster as a person (as opposed to their body), as well as other powers with similar effects. Such effects target the caster at -3 to skill, -4 if the caster knows Emptiness Swallows the Burning Sun at 15+, -5 if they know it at 20+. These penalties apply regardless of whether the caster wishes them to or not.

Duration: Until the caster sleeps.

Cost: 2

Casting Time: 10 minutes.

Secret Spell: Running Water Washes the Rock (VH) Regular

This spell functions exactly like Ethereal Body except where noted. The subject must be the caster. While non-physical, the caster uses magic at -3 to skill, rather than -5.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Cost: 10 to cast, 5 to maintain.

Time to Cast: 1 minute.

Secret Spell: Shining Prince Kisses the Dust (VH) Regular, Special Resistance

The caster takes a good look at themselves and is overcome with humility. Except where noted, this spell functions like the Insignificance spell in GURPS Magic p.48.

Duration: Twelve hours or until the mage speaks, whichever comes first.

Cost: 6 to cast, 2 to maintain.

Time to Cast: 10 minutes.

Eyes of Twilight

Cost: 11 points

Style Prerequisite: Spirit Empathy, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Eyes of Twilight is the art of spirit magic. Combining a mystical sensibility with high academic standards, the style attracts those who seek deep understanding, those who love the weird, and those looking for particularly subtle or particularly frightening power. Dealing with intelligent beings comes with special hazards of course, and mages of the Eyes of Twilight style have been known to fall under the sway of those they sought to command. Others can grow to view all intelligent life as tools, or to become so enamored with the company of spirits that they grow alienated from other corporeal beings. Depending on the society in which they find themselves, mages of this school may or may not be open about what they are – it isn’t difficult for people to become hysterical over those who traffic with the unseen.

Required Skills: Cryptology, Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore), Mental Strength, Occultism, Research, Thaumatology, Theology.

Required Spells: Astral Block, Sense Spirit, Ward.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Better Magic items (Necromantic), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Intimidating Curses, Knower of Names, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Magical Lawyer, Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Cleansing of the Ten Spheres, Emerald Ritual of Summoning or Onyx Ritual of Banishment), Shaman’s Trance, Spirit Contract, Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: Allies (spirits), Autotrance, Channeling, Language, Medium, Oracle

Disadvantages: Cursed, Enemies (Spirits), Nightmares, Reputation (Creepy Spirit Mage).

Skills: Dreaming, Exorcism, Hazardous Materials (Magical), History, Survival (Any), Symbol Drawing.

The student beings their studies at the level of Gnostic, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Astral Block, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Fear, Final Rest, Light, Scryguard, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Sense Life, Sense Spirit, Spell Shield, Ward.

A mage who has learned 7 Gnostic spells including Astral Block, Sense Spirit and Ward is promoted to Initiate, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Great Ward, Continual Light, Nightingale, Night Vision, Panic, Recover Energy, Reflect, Scrywall, Sense Observation, Summon Spirit (Ghost), Summon Spirit (Natural), Terror, Watchdog.

A mage who learns 7 Initiate spells including Great Ward is promoted to Praefect, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Affect Spirits, Dark Vision, Divination (Dactylomancy), Dream Projection, Dream Sending, Dream Viewing, History, Materialize, Scryfool, See Invisible, Solidify, Turn Spirit, Turn Zombie.

A mage who has learned 7 Praefect spells, including Turn Spirit becomes one of the Ordained, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Ancient History, Animate Shadow, Astral Vision, Banish, Command Spirit (Ghost), Command Spirit (Natural), Magic Resistance, Nightmare, Projection, Skull-Spirit, Soul Jar, Spell Wall, Summon Demon.

A mage who has learned 7 of the above spells is promoted to Pontifex, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Bind Spirit (Ghost), Bind Spirit (Natural), Delay, Enchant, Entrap Spirit, Lesser Wish, Remove Curse, Repel Spirits, Spellguard, Suspend Curse, Weapon Spirit, Storm, Wish.

A mage who learns 7 of the above spells is promoted to Illuminatus, entitling them to learn the following 8 spells.


Bless, Cleansing of the Ten Spheres, Curse, Emerald Ritual of Summoning, Great Wish, Link, Onyx Ritual of Banishment, Reflex.

Secret Spell: Cleansing of the Ten Spheres (VH) Area, Resisted by Will

All spirits and demons within the area of the effect must flee as if under the influence of a Turn Spirit spell (GURPS Magic, p. 151). Casting this spell requires the mage to draw or paint a pentagram at least 3 yards wide.

Duration: A number of hours equal to the margin by which the caster defeated a subject’s Will.

Base Cost: 2, minimum 8. 4 to maintain.

Time to Cast: 30 seconds.

Secret Spell: Emerald Ritual of Summoning (VH) Area

+1 to all Spirit or Demon spells cast in the Area and +2 to spirit summoning spells. The GM should include any spells that are “spirit” or “demon” spells in nature, if not in name. Similarly, the GM should exclude spells that have “spirit” or “demon” in their names but not in their nature. Casting this spell requires the mage to draw or paint a pentagram at least 3 yards wide.

Duration: A number of hours equal to the margin of success.

Base Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 1 hour

Secret Spell: Onyx Ritual of Banishment (VH) Special, Resisted by Will.

Except where otherwise stated, this spell is identical to Banish (GURPS Magic, p. 156). The advantage of knowing the Onyx Ritual of Banishment is that it might succeed even if Banish has failed. Failed attempts to Banish cause no penalty for the Onyx Ritual of Banishment. Casting this spell requires the mage to draw or paint a pentagram at least 3 yards wide.

Time to Cast: 2 hours

Footsteps of the Cat

Cost: 9 points

Style Prerequisite: Cat Familiar, IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

It is said that Footsteps of the Cat was not invented by humans, but taught to humans by cats. While humans teach it to other humans today, only mages with cat familiars have ever successfully learned the style. The mage must closely associate with and observe their familiar, or they will never gain the understanding required to advance. If all cat familiars die, the mage’s powers will be suspended after one lunar month if they do not gain a new cat familiar. Gaining the new familiar immediately restores the mage’s power. Unsurprisingly, many mages of this school develop catlike personality traits themselves. They may be curious, affectionate, relaxed, greedy, unpredictable or vicious – or any other trait a cat might display. Mages of this school have a reputation for being insightful into the ways of magic, but acting in a chaotic and short-sighted manner. Mages of this school rarely associate, save as small groups of friends. The school has no hierarchy and no written rules. Cat mages who don’t like each other but share territory have a tendency to feud or fight. This alone can make even a naturally solitary adept seek the protection of a group.

Required Skills: Climbing, Dreaming, Hidden Lore (cat-related), Jumping, Stealth, Thaumatology.

Required Spells: Climbing, Keen Hearing.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Flexible Ritual (Any), Knower of Names, Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Gate Experience), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Felines), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Cat’s Slumber, First Instinct, Half-Dreaming, Killer’s Red Claws).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved DX and IQ.

Advantages: Absolute Timing, Acute Senses (Any except Vision), Catfall, Combat Reflexes, Double-Jointed, Hard to Kill, Luck, Night Vision, Perfect Balance.

Disadvantages: Callous, Cowardice, Enemies (Other Cats), Extra Sleep, Gluttony, Impulsiveness, Laziness, Lecherousness, Nosy, Reputation (Unreliable), Sadism, Selfish, Short Attention Span.

Skills: Acrobatics, Hidden Lore (Fae), Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes), Savoir-Faire, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing.

Mages commence their studies at the level of First Moon. This gives them access to the following ten spells.

First Moon

Climbing, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Keen Hearing, Scryguard, Seek Air, Seek Food, Seek Water, Sense Danger, Sense Foes.

The mage proceeds to study spells of the Second Moon when they have learned 5 spells of the First Moon, including Climbing and Keen Hearing. This gives them access to the following twenty-three spells.

Second Moon

Conceal Magic, Jump, Great Ward, Haste, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Night Vision, Seek Magic, Seek Pass, Sense Emotion, Sense Life, Sense Mana, Sense Observation, Sense Spirit, Shade, Simple Illusion, Sleep, Recover Energy, Silence, Slow Fall, Summon Spirit, Ward.

The mage proceeds to study spells of the Third Moon when they have learned 8 spells of the Second Moon. This gives them access to the following eighteen spells.

Third Moon

Alertness, Beast Speech, Blur, Darkness, False Aura, Gloom, Grace, Great Haste, Hide, Hide Emotion, Hide Path, Hide Thoughts, Hush, Light Tread, Mass Sleep, Scryfool, See Invisible, Shapeshifting (Cat).

The mage proceeds to study spells of the Fourth Moon when they have learned 8 spells of the Third Moon. This gives them access to the following 9 spells.

Fourth Moon

Balance, Body of Shadow, Boost Dexterity, Forest Warning, Invisibility, Peaceful Sleep, Reflexes, Shapeshifting (Great Cat), Teleport.

The mage proceeds to study spells of the Fifth Moon when they have learned 5 spells of the Fourth Moon. This gives them access to the following 8 spells.

Fifth Moon

Animate Shadow, Charm, Delay, Insignificance, Partial Shapeshifting, Plane Shift, Remove Aura, Seek Gate.

The mage proceeds to study spells of the Sixth Moon when they have learned 4 spells of the Fifth Moon. This gives them access to the following 8 spells.

Sixth Moon

Cat’s Slumber, Curse, Half-Dreaming, Hang Spell, Hunter’s Cunning, Killer’s Red Claws, Link, Reflex.

Secret Spell: Cat’s Slumber (VH) Regular

This ritual, performed prior to going to sleep, will give the mage +2 on any roll against the Dreaming Skill. The spell takes an hour to complete, but the mage can use much of this time simply making the sleeping area as inviting and comfortable as possible.

Duration: Until the mage wakes up.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

Secret Spell: First Instinct (VH) Blocking

When the mage is in imminent danger and has run out of other options, they may cast First Instinct in order to gain an extra second’s worth of actions right away. These actions may only be used to get the mage out of danger. Absolutely no offensive action is allowed – the mage has triggered a survival instinct based on the principle of flight. The spell may not be cast more than once per second.

Duration: Instant.

Cost: 3

Time to Cast: Instant.

Secret Spell Half-Dreaming (VH) (Regular)

The mage shapeshifts into the body of a domestic-sized cat, although the mage’s Half-Dreaming form must always look somewhat odd and distinctive – red ears for instance, or eyes that look just a little too human. A mage in half-dreaming form may use cat’s paws to perform spell gestures and may substitute cat noises for incantations when casting spells they know. They have Perfect Balance, are at +4 to Climbing and Stealth, and strongly radiate magic.

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: 8/2

Time to Cast: 4 seconds

Killer’s Red Claws (VH) (Regular)

The mage sprouts small or medium claws (only small is possible on a cat-sized body) on their hands and/or feet. They must attack with them the turn they appear – it is the act of striking to attack with the intention of drawing blood that causes them to unsheathe. This spell requires no gestures and no incantations, so tends to come as something of a surprise.

Duration: Instant.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Fount of Irrepressible Will

Cost: 9 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Will 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Fount of Irrepressible Will is magic of creation. The school teaches that magic is the fundamental force of creation, that the magician and the god do not differ in the power they use, only in their degree of mastery. To create is in and of itself a holy act, though one that is entirely at the disposal of the creator and their whims. In practice, this means that mages who master the Fount of Irrepressible Will are extremely good at making things and are particularly adept at creating something out of nothing at all. Creation is intended to be an end in itself and the school does not bother itself with the question of how its graduates are supposed to make a living. One easy option is to create and sell goods, though others prefer more exciting lines of work and some of the more dangerous offensive spells suit them well to a life of adventure.

Required Skills: Breath Control, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Meditation, Mental Strength.

Required Spells: Counterspell, Ignite Fire, Light, Shield.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Elixir Resistance, Intuitive Cantrip (Kindle), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Dominion, Forge of Souls or Material Edict), Secret Words, Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: Wealth.

Disadvantages: Delusions, Greed, Overconfidence, Megalomania, Reputation (Megalomaniac).

Skills: Innate Attack (Jet), Innate Attack (Projectile), Intimidation, Symbol Drawing.

The student begins their studies at the level of Apprentice, requiring them to learn the following 4 spells.


Counterspell, Ignite Fire, Light, Shield.

A mage who learns all 4 of the above spells becomes a Craftsman, entitling them to learn the following 6 spells.


Armor, Continual Light, Create Air, Create Fire, Recover Energy, Stench.

A mage who learns 3 of the above spells becomes a Sage, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.


Create Earth, Create Water, Create Water, Flash, Heat, Icy Weapon, Smoke.

A mage who learns 4 of the above spells becomes a Genius, entitling them to learn the following twenty-five spells.


Copy, Create Acid, Create Food, Create Ice, Create Plant, Essential Air, Essential Earth, Essential Flame, Essential Water, Essential Wood, Explosive Lightening, Ice Dagger, Ice Slick, Ice Sphere, Fog, Foul Water, Icy Missiles, Rain, Snow Jet, Rain of Stones, Sand Jet, Snow, Stone Missile, Warmth, Water Jet.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes an Angel of Creation, entitling them to learn the following twenty-five spells. Elementals summoned with this style are at +2 to IQ, but are immune to the Control (Elemental) spells.

Angel of Creation

Acid Ball, Acid Jet, Charge Powerstone, Create Air Elemental, Create Animal, Create Door, Create Earth Elemental, Create Fire Elemental, Create Mount, Create Object, Create Servant, Create Spring, Create Steam, Create Water Elemental, Create Warrior, Dispel Creation, Enchant, Essential Acid, Essential Food, Geyser, Hail, Mud Jet, Lightning, Spit Acid, Steam Jet.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Divine Craftsman, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.

Divine Craftsman

Create Gate, Delay, Dominion, Forge of Souls, Link, Material Edict, Powerstone.

Secret Spell: Dominion (VH) Regular

The caster creates a gate that only they may pass through. Through is a universe that functions according to their whims, a fantasy land of their very own. However, the caster cannot influence the outside world from their Dominion and what happens in the Dominion is only tenuously related to how things will be back in the “real” world. Items wished up in the Dominion or spells cast will simply evaporate in the real world, books and Information spells in the Dominion will provide dreamed information only, and the realm will generally function as if it is not real from the perspective of the “real world”. However, some things the caster may do will carry over. The caster has access to real warmth in their dominion, time spent resting or sleeping in the Dominion counts as real rest or sleep, food eaten and water drunk in the dominion will sustain the body in reality, and a mage who leaves the dominion while under the influence of intoxicating substances will continue to be under the influence when they return to the real world. While diseases suffered, poisons cured and curses lifted in the Dominion will not be removed in the real world, the caster is at least immune to their effects there. The Dominion lasts as long as the caster desires and the caster may leave at any time. While the caster is in their Dominion, the gate remains open and others may look, listen or smell in. What they see, hear or smell is up to the caster.

Duration: Until the caster returns to the real world.

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 1 hour

Secret Spell: Forge of Souls (VH) Enchantment

The mage creates a sentient soul in an item. The soul can think and see the world around it and can control any magic powers that the item possesses with a Will roll. In most cases, the personality is originally a blank slate and much of its nature will be determined by how it is treated. The souls of objects rarely get lonely, although they do tend to take a liking to people to treat them kindly. They are generally very content to be left alone, but without human contact, they tend to drift away from human conceptions of sanity. An item created with this spell is potentially a very useful Ally for the mage, but is a person with their own will, not simply a tool. Moreover, the more they are interacted with, the more likely they are to develop complexities in their personality.

Duration: Permanent

Cost: 20 +1 for every point of IQ the soul has over 10, up to a maximum IQ of (10 + Magery).

Time to Cast: 10 hours.

Secret Spell: Material Edict (VH) Regular

If cast immediately before the caster casts Create Air, Create Earth, Create Fire, Create Food, Create Object or Create Water, the fatigue cost for that spell is halved.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 3 seconds.

The Gentle Art

Cost: 17 points

Style Prerequisite: ST 10+, DX 12+, IQ 13+, HT 11+ Magery, (not One College Only).

The so called “Gentle Art” is designed to kill. It is a gruesome professional tool utilized by the assassin-magicians of the Red Lotus school. The Red Lotus is a criminal business operation, pure and simple, with no established religious, mystical or moral doctrine. The school doesn’t care who it does business with or what the job is, provided that the money is right. Individual mages trained at the school may or may not have greater scruples. The training is grueling for body and mind. Injuries are common and occasionally fatal. Despite this, being initiated into the Red Lotus remains a hotly-contested honor among ambitious young mages.

According to legend, the Red Lotus was founded by a pacifist philosopher-monk on pilgrimage to a nearby shrine. The monk suffered a series of misadventures on his journey. A farmer begged to borrow his donkey, then stole the donkey. Continuing on foot, the monk heard a cry for help from the forest, and upon leaving the path, was assaulted by thieves who took all his money. Passing through town, foot-sore, hurting and hungry, the monk spied an apple on the ground and picked it up. But across the street, he could see a skinny child begging and he could not help but cross the street and give her the apple. The town guard immediately arrested him for abetting public begging. Unable to pay the fine, the monk’s person was forfeit and he was sold into slavery. Years later, he returned, scarred from the lash. He tracked down the farmer, the thieves, and the captain of the guards, and politely thanked them for teaching him wisdom. Then he founded the Red Lotus and grew extremely rich.

Required Skills: Body Control, Broadsword, Camouflage, Climbing, Disguise, Forced Entry, Judo, Karate, Knife, Lockpicking, Poison, Stealth, Traps.

Required Spells: Climbing, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision.

Perks: Area Spell Mastery (Darkness), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Flexible Ritual (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Filter), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Intuitive Illusionist), Kill Switch, Magical Weapon Bond, Melee Spell Mastery (Any), Mighty Spell (Any), No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Offering No Resistance, Quiet Discipline, Standing Nowhere).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX, IQ and HT.

Advantages: Acute Senses (Any), Catfall, Combat Reflexes, Double-Jointed, Night Vision

Disadvantages: Enemies (Friends of Past Victims), Reputation (Ominously Mysterious), Secret (Professional Assassin).

Skills: Acrobatics, Axe/Mace, Garrote, Savoir-Faire, Staff, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing.

Apprentices are admitted at the level of Disciple of Wood, at which they are trained in basic assassination techniques and magical awareness. An apprentice has access to the following ten spells.

Disciple of Wood

Apportation, Climbing, Detect Magic, Haste, Keen Hearing, Levitation, Keen Vision, Magelock, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Shield.

A Disciple of Wood is promoted to Disciple of Earth when they have learned 5 Disciple of Wood spells, including Climbing, Keen Hearing and Keen Vision. This entitles them to learn any of the following twenty-eight spells.

Disciple of Earth

Daze, Deflect Missile, Flight, Foolishness, Forgetfulness, Grease, Great Haste, Hinder, Jump, Keen Taste and Smell, Lighten Burden, Lockmaster, Locksmith, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Might, Mystic Mist, Neutralize Poison, Permanent Forgetfulness, Quick March, Recover Energy, Sense Observation, Shade, Silence, Simple Illusion, Touch, Wall of Silence, Wallwalker.

A Disciple of Earth is promoted to Disciple of Metal when they have learned 8 Disciple of Earth spells. This entitles them to learn any of the following twenty-three spells.

Disciple of Metal

Alertness, Blur, Boost Health, Boost Strength, Darkness, Flash, Gloom, Grace, Hawk Flight, Hide, Hold Breath, Hush, Illusion Disguise, Light Tread, Mass Daze, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Return Missile, Rooted Feet, Slow, Strike Dumb, Stun, Vigor.

A Disciple of Metal is promoted to Disciple of Fire when they have learned 8 Disciple of Metal spells. This entitles them to learn any of the following eleven spells.

Disciple of Fire

Ambidexterity, Balance, Boost Dexterity, Deathtouch, False Memory, Invisibility, Iron Arm, Paralyze Limb, Reflexes, Strengthen Will, Total Paralysis.

A Disciple of Fire is promoted to Disciple of Water when they have learned 6 Disciple of Fire spells. This entitles them to learn any of the following 6 spells.

Disciple of Water

Insignificance, Offering No Resistance, Quiet Discipline, Sharpen, Standing Nowhere, Telecast.

Secret Spell: Offering No Resistance (VH) Regular

The Disciple of Water can walk through solid objects as if they were thin air. The mage must touch the wall with the palm of the hand. Upon a successful spell roll, they will determine how thick the wall is and can choose how much energy to devote to the spell (minimum 1). If they do not expend enough energy, the wall will remain solid. If the wall is too thick for them to run through in a second, they are expelled backwards the way they entered at whatever speed they were moving forwards.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1 per foot

Time to Cast: 1 second

Secret Spell: Quiet Discipline (VH) Regular

The Disciple of Water gets the benefits of both Invisibility and Mage-Stealth, while only having one spell “on”. The mage must know both Invisibility and Mage-Stealth to learn Quiet Discipline.

Duration: 1 minute

Cost: 7/4

Time to Cast: 4 seconds

Secret Spell: Standing Nowhere (VH) Regular

The Disciple of Water’s body and their worn possessions turns to black smoke of a vaguely humanoid shape. The mage may not be harmed by normal physical means though Air spells will inflict double damage. While Standing Nowhere, the mage may not exert physical force of any kind, including speaking and making attacks, although they can move along the ground at twice ordinary Move and may pass through any opening large enough not to be airtight. They cannot fly, but will fall no faster than a feather. The mage may not rest to regain fatigue while in this form.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Cost: 4/2

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Golden Sun

Cost: 6 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Golden Sun is a style founded on the simple philosophy that mages ought to benefit from their talents, and is dedicated to making the mage’s life as convenient, safe and fun as possible. Apprentices are taught that selfishness is a virtue and that anyone who says otherwise is participating in a system designed to keep the lucky gifted ones from realizing their full potential. Not all apprentices accept such a callous attitude, but most are more than willing to see personal indulgence as a fine use of a mage’s time. Wizards with a more serious attitude towards magic at sneered at as dupes – their skills may still be admired, but they lack the common sense to see how good the life of a mage can be.

Required Skills: Conisseur (any), First Aid, Savoir-Faire, Streetwise.

Required Spells: Scryguard.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Convenience Casting (Any legal), Elixir Resistance, Flexible Ritual (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, all ordinary domestic pets), Intuive Cantrip (Good with Animal, Horses), Intuitive Cantrip (Mystic Gesture), Intuitive Cantrip (Reinforce), No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Internal Alchemy of Perceptual Delight, Ritual of Seduction, Nose of the Critic and Pockets of Miserly Tightness), Wizardly Garb.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Alcohol Tolerance, Allies (Hedonists), Fashion Sense, Reputation (Fun), Status, Wealth.

Disadvantages: Addiction, Alcoholism, Enemies (Spurned Lovers and Their Spouses), Lecherousness, Reputation (Worthless Hedonist).

Skills: Artist, Carousing, Erotic Art, Fast Talk, Fortune Telling, Gambling, Literature, Musical Instrument, Symbol Drawing, Writing.

The student begins their studies as one of the Social, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Amulet, Apportation, Beast-Soother, Detect Magic, Levitation, Scroll, Scryguard, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Simple Illusion, Sound, Shield, Talisman.

A mage who has learned 7 of the above spells including Scryguard becomes one of the Civilized, entitling them to learn the following fifteen spells


Armor, Flight, Illusion Disguise, Illusion Shell, Identify Spell, Know Illusion, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Nightingale, Recover Energy, Season, Seek Magic, Sense Emotion, Sense Spirit, Watchdog.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells becomes a Celebrant, entitling them to learn the following twenty spells


Analyze Magic, Boost Health, Command, Complex Illusion, Cook, Create Water, False Aura, Fascinate, Hawk Flight, Hide Emotion, Hide Thoughts, Mind-Reading, Perfect Illusion, Persuasion, Prepare Game, Relieve Sickness, Scryfool, Seeker, Truthsayer, Vigor.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells becomes one of the Notorious, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells


Ancient History, Coolness, Create Food, Cure Disease, Drunkenness, Ecstasy, Enthrall, Glib Tongue, Hair Growth, History, Invisibility, Shapeshifting, Warmth, Water to Wine.

A mage who has learned 7 of the above spells becomes a Libertine, entitling them to learn the following ten spells


Charge Powerstone, Charm, Create Object, Create Servant, Delay, Enchant, Haircut, Powerstone, Staff, Steal Beauty.

A mage who has learned 5 of the above spells becomes one of the Decadent, entitling them to learn the following 8 spells


Hang Spell, Internal Alchemy of Perceptual Delight, Link, Nose of the Critic, Pockets of Miserly Tightness, Reflex, Ritual of Seduction, Steal Youth

Secret Spell: Internal Alchemy of Perceptual Delight (VH) Regular, resisted by Will.

Internal Alchemy of Perpetual Delight greatly extends the effects of the Ecstasy spell. If it is cast immediately before the caster casts the Ecstasy spell, Ecstasy will have Duration: 1 minute and Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: 2.

Time to Cast: 5 minutes

Secret Spell: Ritual of Seduction (VH) Regular, resisted by Will.

The subject feels a strong sexual attraction towards the caster if they fail a will roll. If they fail a second will roll, the subject will choose to engage in sexual activity with the caster (whereas if they succeed on their will roll, how they respond to their feelings is a roleplaying decision). This spell will not work if the caster is incompatible with the subject’s sexual orientation and the subject receives a fresh will roll if the caster does anything that upsets their moral code, which for most people will include mistreating them in any way. The morality of using this spell divides Golden Sun magicians. Some compare it to rape while others insist that since the subject desires to do everything that they do, use of the spell simply constitutes magical seduction. Ritual of Seduction does not require incantations or gestures. However, the spell will only work if the caster talks to the subject for at least 30 seconds and the subject believes that the caster is of higher Status, or Wealth, or is significantly more famous, or if the caster is both physically attractive and no less physically attractive than the subject.

Duration: Until the next time the subject goes to sleep.

Cost: 3

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Nose of the Critic (VH) Information

The caster can find the tastiest food around. The caster may hunt for one specific kind of food at a time and it must be food they would genuinely enjoy eating. Food in domestic quantities is unlikely to register if competing with restaurants in a city, but a hungry mage out in the woods might pick up the scent of any cooking going on in the area.

Duration: 2 hours.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 4 seconds

Secret Spell: Pockets of Miserly Tightness (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

While the caster is the subject of this spell, people will forget to charge the caster for food in eating establishments, provided that the caster is actually eating the food there and not taking it outside. If “buying” for friends, the mage will be able to feed a number of people equal to their margin of success. Every individual who is to be fooled may resist separately. Normal means of magic detection detect this spell at -4 to skill.

Duration: 1 meal.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 5 minutes.

Hands of Restoration

Cost: 11 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Hands of Restoration school teaches that those who have special gifts bear special responsibilities. To be a mage is to have a duty to help others and the special calling of those who master this style is to provide magical healing. Healers are in high demand everywhere so the mage should have little trouble selling their skills, but many prefer to focus on helping those with least ability to pay, the poor, the old and the disenfranchised. Some are openly political and criticize the injustices of their society, arguing that the rich should do more to promote the common good – an attitude that is prone to make powerful enemies. Others put ideals firmly behind them and enthusiastically get on with the business of making money from their craft.

Required Skills: Diagnosis, Esoteric Medicine, First Aid, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Herb Lore, Naturalist, Philosophy (Utilitarian), Physician, Veterinary.

Required Spells: Lend Energy.

Perks: Better Magic items (Healing), Elixir Resistance, Intuitive Cantrip (Aid), Intuitive Cantrip (Reinforce), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, Secret Spell (Testament to the Angel of Death, Touch of Solidarity, or Tread of the Living Earth), Secret Words, Spell Bond (Major Healing), Spell Bond (Cure Disease).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved HT.

Advantages: Allies (The grateful), Reputation (Kind Healer).

Disadvantages: Code of Honor, Pacifism, Reputation (Political Troublemaker), Selflessness.

Skills: Politics, Public Speaking, Stealth, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing.

The student begins their studies at the level of Watcher of the Poor, entitling them to learn the following 8 spells.

Watcher of the Poor

Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Final Rest, Lend Energy, Levitation, Simple Illusion, Sound.

A mage who learns 4 of the above spells including Lend Energy becomes a Watcher of the Sick, entitling them to learn the following eleven spells.

Watcher of the Sick

Detect Poison, Flight, Lend Vitality, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Minor Healing, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Restore, Share Energy, Sleep.

A mage who learns 6 of the above spells becomes a Watcher of the Aged, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Watcher of the Aged

Clean, Command, Hawk Flight, Instant Neutralize Poison, Major Healing, Mass Sleep, Mind-Reading, Relieve Sickness, Remove Contagion, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Restore Memory, Soilproof, Stop Bleeding.

A mage who learns 7 of the above spells becomes a Watcher of the Friendless, entitling them to learn the following twenty-two spells.

Watcher of the Friendless

Coolness, Cure Disease, Dye, Glib Tongue, Great Healing, Mass Suggestion, Mind-Search, Mind-Sending, Peaceful Sleep, Regeneration, Rejoin, Relieve Paralysis, Remember Path, Restoration, Restore Hearing, Restore Sight, Stop Paralysis, Suggestion, Telepathy, Teleport, Warmth, Wisdom.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Watcher of the Weak, entitling them to learn the following eleven spells.

Watcher of the Weak

Dispel Magic, Fasten, Knot, Lesser Geas, Relieve Madness, Repair, Resurrection, Sharpen, Toughen, Shatterproof, Stiffen.

A mage who learns 6 of the above spells becomes a Watcher of the Mighty, entitling them to learn the following 6 spells.

Watcher of the Mighty

Bless, Great Geas, Rebuild, Testament to the Angel of Death, Touch of Solidarity, Tread of the Living Earth.

Secret Spell: Testament to the Angel of Death (VH)

Testament to the Angel of Death is a spell for raising the dead. Except where otherwise noted, this spell functions as Resurrection (GURPS Magic, p.94). The spell will only work if the caster would genuinely prefer for the subject to be alive again (and not for any indirect reason, such as being paid for a resurrection). General good will towards people or even specific goodwill towards people of a certain notation would be insufficient, but the mage might be able to raise somebody because they are a friend, or fights for a cause that the caster believes in, or is in some way an individual that the caster greatly admires. The “one try” limit does not prevent a mage from trying Resurrection where Testament has failed, or Testament where Resurrection has failed.

The spell requires the caster (and any assistants in a ceremony) to verbally give reasons as to why the subject should be allowed to live. Any language may be used, but the pronouncements must be loud and clear. Social skills and spells, like Fast-Talk, Public Speaking or Glib Tongue are useless when addressing the Angel of Death, only sincerity matters.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 50. One try.

Time to Cast: 8 hours.

Secret Spell: Touch of Solidarity (VH) Regular

Damage inflicted on the subject is inflicted on the caster instead. The caster and subject must grab each other by the wrist for this spell to take effect.

Duration: Until the next full moon or the caster terminates the spell or falls unconscious.

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 2 hours.

Secret Spell: Tread of the Living Earth. (VH)

The caster may heal a number of people equal to twice their margin of success by touching them on the forehead with their fingers. Each individual touched will be healed for 3 HP. Tread of the Living Earth will not heal the subject further unless they are wounded again or a day passes.

Duration: 1 hour.

Cost: Variable. For each FP spent, the mage may heal one individual 3 HP.

Time to Cast: 5 seconds

Litany of Refusal

Cost: 12 points

Style Prerequisite: Will 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Litany of Refusal is a scholastic style, focused on protecting humans from evil spirits. The basics were laid down over a century ago by a disparate group of mages pooling their knowledge to put down the demon Uzzschael, who had unleashed a plague of murder and cannibalism. While stylists study folkloric, religious, and occult traditions for the useful information they provide, the style does not endorse any particular view of the universe, since the founders were more concerned with stockpiling magical secrets than laying out a philosophy. The Litany freely plunders tricks from other styles with little regard for the cultural or religious significance of the “trick” in its original context. In some worlds, this could be worth a negative reputation for profaning sacred things. In theory, mages study this style because they want to help people. In practice, it is also an excellent style for those who wish to make money, especially if they don’t mind exaggerating their client’s problems a little. Also, while Litany of Refusal does not teach the adept how to summon evil spirits, it is a very useful secondary style for mages who wish to traffic with Dark Things.

Required Skills: Exorcism, Hidden Lore (Demon Lore), Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore), Mental Strength, Occultism, Research, Thaumatology, Theology.

Required Spells: Astral Block, Counterspell, Final Rest.

Perks: Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Knower of Names, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Castigation, Chains of Binding or Knives of Compulsion), Secret Words, Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: True Faith, Reputation (Caster Out of Evil Spirits).

Disadvantages: Cursed, Code of Honor, Enemies (Demons, Spirits and their Cults), Pacifism, Reputation (Heartless Shyster).

Skills: First Aid, History, Interrogation, Physician.

Apprentices begin their studies at the level of The Consecrated, entitling them to learn the following ten spells.

The Consecrated

Astral Block, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Final Rest, Purify Air, Scryguard, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Shield, Suspend Spell.

When the mage has learned 6 Consecrated spells, including Astral Block Counterspell and Final Rest, they become Exorcists, entitling them to learn the following sixteen spells.


Amulet, Armor, Detect Poison, Fear, Identify Spell, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Nightingale, Purify Water, Recover Energy, Scrywall, Seek Magic, Sense Observation, Talisman, Terror, Watchdog.

When the mage has learned 8 Exorcist spells, they become Wardens, entitling them to learn the following twelve spells.


Analyze Magic, Materialize, Reflect Gaze, Resist Disease, Resist Fire, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Resist Water, Scryfool, See Invisible, Solidify, Turn Spirit.

When the mage has learned 6 Warden spells, they become a Watchman, entitling them to learn the following eleven spells.


Affect Spirits, Astral Vision, Coolness, Dispel Possession, Iron Arm, Magic Resistance, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Resist Sound, Turn Zombie, Warmth.

When the mage has learned 6 Watchman spells, they become one of the Ordained, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.


Banish, Bind Spirit, Delay, Dispel Magic, Entrap Spirit, Pentagram, Reflex, Remove Curse, Repel Spirits, Resist Acid, Resist Enchantment, Soul Jar, Spellguard, Spell Shield, Spell Wall, Suspend Curse, Suspend Magic.

A mage who learns 8 Ordained spells becomes a Harrower, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.


Bless, Castigation, Chains of Binding, Hang Spell, Knives of Compulsion, Link, Suspend Magery.

Secret Spell: Castigation (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

Castigation may only be cast on spirits and demons. If Castigation is not successfully resisted by a target, then any immediately follow Banish spell cast on that target is resisted at a penalty equal to the degree by which the target failed to resist Castigation. Castigation is quite painful for the subject, even if resisted. There is no Shock Penalty, but the spell may convince the subject to go home even if not successfully Banished. Or it may just really make them mad.

Cost: 10

Time to Cast: 10 minutes

Secret Spell: Chains of Binding Special

Chains of Binding functions the same way as Entrap Sprit (GURPS Magic p.157) unless otherwise noted. The main difference is that Entrap Spirit is temporary, whereas Chains of Binding will hold the sprit until someone lets them go.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: Spirit’s (ST+IQ) divided by 2.

Secret Spell: Knives of Compulsion (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

This spell causes a spirit intense pain in order to make them tell the truth. For every point by which the subject fails the contest, the mage is at +1 to Interrogation. On a critical success by the caster or critical failure by the subject, the subject will tell all they know unless magically prevented from doing so. Mages may have strong moral qualms about if and when it is appropriate to use such a spell.

Duration: 1 minute.

Cost: Spirit’s (ST+IQ) divided by 5.

Time to Cast: 10 seconds.

The Low Road

Cost: 18 points

Style Prerequisite: DX 10+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Low Road is the magical art of robbing graves, as unromantic and practical a style as has been developed. Whether the craft was originally developed by sages who grew greedy or thieves who grew magically sophisticated, it is today a criminal tool and a highly effective and profitable one at that. Mages of this school are very rarely open about it and generally pass themselves off as either urban poor or comfortable idlers of independent means. They generally shun fame and recognition, moving on if they become too well known. Being driven by money rather than by love of the work, they are frequently willing to turn their hand to tasks other than grave robbing if they pay well, so may be found among adventurers, thieves who prey on the living, and even security experts.

Required Skills: Architecture, Archaeology, Climbing, Cryptology, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Hidden Lore (Tombs), Hidden Lore (Undead Lore), Forced Entry, Lockpicking, Occultism, Research, Search, Stealth, Traps.

Required Spells: Climbing, Light, Measurement.

Perks: Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Flexible Ritual (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Corpse Smart), Intuitive Cantrip (Intuitive Illusionist), Kill Switch, Knower of Names, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Graveweird, Slumber of the Earthen Bed, Touch of Avarice).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved DX and IQ.

Advantages: Acute Senses (Any), Catfall, Double-Jointed, Languages, Night Vision.

Disadvantages: Cursed, Enemies (Undead), Greed, Overconfidence, Nightmares, Reputation (Suspicious Behavior).

Skills: Fast-Talk, Heraldry, Merchant, Metallurgy, Symbol Drawing, Thanatology.

The student begins their study at the level of Magpie, entitling them to learn the following fifteen spells.


Apportation, Astral Block, Climbing, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Light, Measurement, Scryguard, Seek Air, Seek Earth, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Suspend Spell, Tell Time, Ward.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells including Climbing, Light and Measurement,, they become a Black Dog, which entitles them to learn the following twenty spells.

Black Dog

Continual Light, Great Ward, Know Illusion, Infravision, Levitation, Lockmaster, Locksmith, Mage Sight, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Mage Stealth, Night Vision, Seek Magic, Sense Observation, Sense Spirit, Silence, Slow Fall, Tell Position, Wallwalker, Test Load.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells, they become a Banisher, which entitles them to learn the following fifteen spells.


Alarm, Identify Spell, Dark Vision, Earth Vision, Flight, Hush, Light Tread, Know Location, Materialize, Poltergeist, Relieve Sickness, See Invisible, Shape Earth, Turn Spirit, Wizard Eye.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells, they become a Graveworm, which entitles them to learn the following fifteen spells.


Affect Spirits, Ancient History, Astral Vision, Cure Disease, Dispel Illusion, Earth to Air, Hawk Flight, History, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Scryfool, Shatter, Solidify, Turn Zombie, Wizard Hand.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells, they become a Taxman, which entitles them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Banish, Delay, Dispel Magic, Displace Spell, Graveweird, Link, Reflex, Remove Curse, Repel Spirits, Slumber of the Earthen Bed, Touch of Averice, Suspend Curse, Suspend Magic.

Secret Spell: Graveweird (VH) Regular Resisted by Will

The subject can tell when they are being observed by the undead. Nothing about the location or nature of the observer can be determined – the subject can just tell that they are being watched. Graveweird is an unpleasant sensation for most normal people.

Duration: 8 hours.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 5 minutes

Secret Spell: Slumber of the Earthen Bed (VH) Area, Resisted by Will

Undead in the spell’s area of effect are at -4 for rolls to notice anything. This will has no effect on undead who are restlessly active, only those who are dormant, or resting, or dozing or in some other way in a state analogous to sleeping or being only partly awake. Any attempt to place an undead creature in a dormant state (killing or destroying them is not “placing them in a dormant state”) is at +2 to skill.

Duration: 1 hour

Base Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 5 Minutes

Secret Spell: Touch of Avarice (VH) Regular

The caster can tell whether they are touching rare metals or stones with a successful Per roll. On a successful Metallurgy or Jeweler roll (as appropriate) they can identify the type. As a side effect, they can tell by touch whether what they are touching is metal, or rock, or neither. This does not count as a spell “on”.

Duration: 8 hours

Cost: 3

Time to Cast: 3 seconds.

Path of No Path

Cost: 12 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Animal Empathy or Frightens Animals, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Path of No Path teaches that human beings have fallen out of harmony with the natural world, wounding our souls, and that it is only by becoming one with nature once again that we can become whole. The journey back to nature is one that every human must take alone, finding their own way, and it is a journey that may take multiple lifetimes. A natural affinity for magic is viewed as evidence that the possessor has come far in previous lifetimes. The magical art of Path of No Path is not necessary for the journey, but is regarded as an extremely useful tool which greatly enhances the seekers chances of success. While practicing Path of No Path generally brings about changes in the wielder, the changes vary depending on the subject’s nature – some grow gentle, some violent and wild, some become obsessed with food and sex, some with protecting the natural world.

Required Skills: Camouflage, Climbing, Herb Lore, Hidden Lore (Wilderness Spirits), Naturalist, Stealth, Survival (Any), Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision.

Perks: Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, Any type of wild animal), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, Melee Spell Mastery (Any), Mighty Spell (Any melee), No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Secret Spell (Creature of the Land, Metamorphosis or Rage of the Wild).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX, IQ and HT.

Advantages: Absolute Direction, Acute Senses (Any), Catfall, Combat Reflexes, Hard to Kill, Outdoorsman, Perfect Balance

Disadvantages: Berserk, Bestial, Bloodlust, Callous, Hidebound.

Skills: Esoteric Medicine, Jumping, Running, Survival (Any), Thaumatology.

The student of the Path of No Path begins their studies as a Supplicant of the Beast. This entitles them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Supplicant of the Beast

Beast-Soother, Climbing, Detect Magic, Find Direction, Haste, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision, Seek Plant, Seek Water, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Shield, Test Food.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells, including Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell and Keen vision gains the Eyes of the Beast, an achievement enabling them to learn the following twenty-four spells

Eyes of the Beast

Alertness, Beast Seeker, Beast Speech, Armor, Beast Summoning, Detect Poison, Hide, Hush, Identify Plant, Instant Neutralize Poison, Lighten Burden, Might, Neutralize Poison, Nightingale, Night Vision, No-Smell, Pathfinder, Purify Food, Purify Water, Quick March, Recover Energy, Sense Observation, Silence, Watchdog.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells gains the Breath of the Beast, enabling them to learn the following twenty-four spells.

Breath of the Beast

Bless Plants, Blossom, Blur, Boost Health, Boost Strength, Conceal, Forest Warning, Gloom, Heal Plant, Hide Path, Light Tread, Mage-Stealth, Plant Growth, Plant Vision, Predict Weather, Rejuvinate Plant, Relieve Sickness, Remove Contagion, Resist Disease, Resist Poison, Tangle Growth, Vigor, Walk Through Plants, Warmth.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells attains the Soul of the Beast, enabling them to learn the following sixteen spells.

Soul of the Beast

Beast Link, Coolness, False Tracks, Freedom, Invisibility, Plant Form, Plant Sense, Plant Speech, Protect Animal, Remember Path, Shapeshifting (Bear), Shapeshifting (Boar), Shapeshifting (Crow), Shapeshifting (Deer), Shapeshifting (Hawk), Shapeshifting (Wolf).

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells becomes an “Animal”, enabling them to learn the following spells.


Arboreal Immurement, Creature of the Land, Enchant, Metamorphosis, Rage of the Wild. At this rank, Shapeshifting spells that transform the subject into a mundane animal that lives in the wild should generally be available. The mage could learn Shapeshift (Badger) or Shapeshift (Salmon) if they wish, for example. As always, the GM has final ruling.

Secret Spell: Creature of the Land (VH) Regular

If the caster makes an appropriate Survival (Wilderness) skill roll, they will receive the following benefits while in the wild. The caster is at +2 Per and has an additional +2 to Tracking. All attempts to detect the caster, including spells and Tracking, are at -2 to skill. The caster travels 100% faster when off-road and on foot. This does not affect combat Move.

Duration: Until sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 5 minutes.

Secret Spell: Metamorphosis (VH) Regular

Cast immediately before the caster casts a Shapeshift (Animal) spell on themselves, metamorphosis will have the following effects. The Shapeshifting spell will be cast at +4 to skill. The Shapeshifting spell will not cause IQ decrease. The duration of the Shapeshift (Animal) spell will be until sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 2 minutes.

Secret Spell: Rage of the Wild (VH) Regular

This spell function as Beast Summoning (GURPS Magic, p.30) except where noted. Any summoned beast will immediately attack anyone the caster likes, fighting to the death. The caster can change the target of the beast’s attacks at will, but failure to will an attack on a target the beast can sense will terminate the spell. If the GM rules that the animal summoned was in close proximity to pack mates, 1d animals will arrive instead of one.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Prayers of the Red Angels

Cost: 13 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 11+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Prayers of the Red Angels is a military style, designed to provide blessings and healing to soldiers in battle. Though they have little in the way of offensive magic, they can greatly enhance the effectiveness of friendly combatants around them. In theory, mages of this school are not combat troops but physicians. They traditionally enter battle armed only with a knife and regard direct attacks on their persons by the enemy to be dishonorable. In practice, they are recognized as the dangerous battle-mages that they are and may be singled out for attack. Mercenary mages trained in the Red Angels school often cultivate an image of being a healer rather than a soldier, since healers are welcome in more places. A few mages of this school become generals themselves, making strategic use of their battle magic while commanding bandits, mercenaries or regular troops.

Required Skills: First Aid, Judo, Knife, Physician, Riding (Horse), Soldier.

Required Spells: Block, Haste, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Lend Energy, Shield.

Perks: Better Magic Items (Healing), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Aid), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Reduced Footprint 1, Sacrificial Block Spell (Any), Scroll-Reading, Secret Spell (Angel’s Blessing, Bloodrage or Call to Formation), Secret Words, Spell Resistance (Mass Daze), Spell Resistance (Mass Sleep).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Military Rank, Reputation (Brave Physician).

Disadvantages: Pacifism (Cannot Personally Kill), Reputation (Hypocritical Mercenary), any Physical Disadvantage that can be explained by injury (e.g. One Hand, One Eye) or Mental Disadvantage that can be explained by trauma (e.g. Phobias, Flashbacks and Nightmares).

Skills: Running, Staff, Symbol Drawing, Tactics.

Apprentices are admitted to the order at the level of Acolyte. At this level, they are trained in medical and military skills and taught the following 6 spells.


Block, Haste, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Lend Energy, Shield.

Acolytes are promoted to Cherabim when they have learned all six Acolyte spells. This entitles them to learn any of the following seventeen spells.


Armor, Blade Turning, Bravery, Deflect Missile, Hardiness, Keen Taste and Smell, Lend Vitality, Might, Minor Healing, Missile Shield, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Shade, Share Energy, Stop Spasm, Turn Blade, Umbrella.

Cherubim are promoted to Ascendant when they have learned 8 Cherubim spells including Armor and Minor Healing. This entitles them to learn any of the following nineteen spells.


Alertness, Awaken, Boost Health, Boost Strength, Grace, Hold Breath, Instant Neutralize Poison, Major Healing, Perfume, Relieve Addiction, Relieve Sickness, Remove Contagion, Resist Disease, Resist Water, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Restore Memory, Share Vitality, Vigor.

Ascendants are promoted to White Guard when they have learned 8 Ascendant spells including Major Healing. This entitles them to learn any of the following 27 spells.

White Guard

Balance, Boost Dexterity, Boost Intelligence, Cadence, Coolness, Cure Disease, Great Healing, Halt Aging, Healing Slumber, Instant Restoration, Instant Regeneration, Iron Arm, Reflexes, Regeneration, Relieve Paralysis, Resist Lightning, Resist Sound, Restoration, Restore Hearing, Restore Sight, Restore Speech, Stop Paralysis, Strengthen Will, Warmth, Wisdom, Teleport, Shield.

White Guards are promoted to Battle Angels when they have learned 8 White Guard spells, including Strengthen Will. This entitles them to learn any of the following seventeen spells.

Battle Angel

Atmosphere Dome, Cleansing, Delay, Force Dome, Enchant, Force Wall, Halt Aging, Powerstone, Reflex, Relieve Madness, Remove Curse, Resist Acid, Resist Pressure, Resurrection, Suspend Curse, Utter Dome, Weather Dome, Youth.

Battle Angels are promoted to Seraphim when they have learned 8 Battle Angel spells. This entitles them to learn any of the following five spells.


Angel’s Blessing, Bloodrage, Call to Formation, Link, Utter Wall.

Secret Spell: Angel’s Blessing (VH) Area

Everyone within range who the Seraphim wishes to protect is at -1 to be hit from all attacks. The spell has no effect on anyone the Seraphim does not wish to protect.

Duration: 1 minute

Base Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 10 seconds.

Secret Spell: Bloodrage (VH) Area

Everyone within range who the caster wishes to inspire will be filled with an anger that provides them with +3 on any Will check not to flee or retreat from combat. The spell has no effect on anyone the caster does not wish to inspire. The spell only works on those who are trying to work up the will to stay – if somebody genuinely wants to leave, the spell will not stop them.

Duration: 1 minute

Base Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 4 seconds.

Secret Spell: Call to Formation (VH) Area

When the Seraphim sounds the Call to Formation, everyone within one yard who they wish to heal is healed for 1d for every two energy the mage has devoted to the spell. Those further away divide the healing total by two times their distance in yards, rounded down. The spell has no effect on those the Seraphim does not wish to heal. The call must use loud incantations, even if the caster would not otherwise have to use incantations at all.

Cost: Any amount up to twice Magery level per second. Call to Formation heals 1d burning damage per full two points of energy.

Time to Cast: 1 to level of Magery seconds.

Pure Circle of Shining Illumination

Cost: 7 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Society of Practical Historians was founded centuries ago by sages with a passion for archaeology. However, it did not take students of this school long to realize that the style developed by the society, the Pure Circle of Shining illumination, had particularly practical and profitable applications. The skills that allow a historian to penetrate a dangerous environment and return with items of historical interest are the skills that allow an adventurer to penetrate a dangerous environment and return with treasure. Today, the Society mostly attracts students who are looking for wealth, though the heavy emphasis on academics quickly weeds out those seeking easy money. Less pragmatic schools might sneer at such mundane ambitions, but it cannot be denied that the school produces both brilliant sages and wizards of temporal power.

Required Skills: Archaeology, History, Literature, Research.

Required Spells: Light, Scroll.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Huge Subjects, Intuitive Cantrip (Any), Magical Weapon Bond. Mighty Spell (Any melee or missile), Power Casting (Any missile), Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Evocation of Sulfurous Corruption, Impenetrable Armor of the Arch-Mage or Wings of the Golden Phoenix), Wizardly Dabbler.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Wealth.

Disadvantages: Callous, Enemies (Monsters), Greed, Miserliness, Reputation (Glorified Bandit).

Skills: Cryptology, First Aid, Geology, Innate Attack (Jet), Innate Attack (Projectile), Knife, Mathematics, Merchant, Occultism, Staff, Symbol Drawing, Thanatology, Throwing (Knife).

A mage joins the society at the level of Journeyman, entitling them to learn the following twenty-three spells.


Apportation, Beast-Soother, Climbing, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Far Feeling, Find Direction, Ignite Fire, Foolishness, Haste, Keen Vision, Levitation, Light, Magelock, Measurement, Scroll, Seek Air, Seek Earth, Seek Fire, Seek Water, Shield, Simple Illusion, Sound.

When a mage has learned 8 Journeyman spells, including Light and Scroll, they are promoted to Thaumaturgist, entitling them to learn the following twenty-eight spells.


Continual Light, Create Air, Create Fire, Daze, Detect Poison, Flight, Glue, Identify Plant, Identify Spell, Infravision, Lockmaster, Locksmith, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Mystic Mist, Night Vision, Purify Water, Recover Energy, Seek Pass, Shape Earth, Shape Fire, Silence, Sleep, Slow Fall, Tell Position, Test Load, Wallwalker.

When a mage has learned 8 Thaumaturgist spells including Continual Light, they are promoted to Sorcerer. This entitles them to learn the following twenty-three spells.


Body of Air, Blur, Complex Illusion, Create Water, Darkness, Flame Jet, Hawk Flight, Hush, Fireball, Flash, Know Location, Lightning, Manipulate, Spider Silk, Mass Daze, Mass Sleep, Pathfinder, Rain of Fire, Seeker, Shape Air, Shape Water, Trace, Wizard Eye.

When a mage has learned 8 Sorcerer spells including Fireball, they are promoted to Wizard, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.


Ancient History, Earth to Air, Explosive Fireball, Explosive Lightning, Fire Cloud, History, Inscribe, Invisibility, Fire Cloud, Remember Path, Shocking Touch, Teleport, Wizard Hand.

When a mage has learned 7 Wizard spells, including Explosive Fireball, they are promoted to Archmage, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.


Control Air Elemental, Control Earth Elemental, Control Fire Elemental, Control Water Elemental, Delay, Dispel Magic, Enchant, Evocation of Sulfurous Corruption, Impenetrable Armor of the Arch-Mage, Link, Mapmaker, Staff, Summon Air Elemental, Summon Earth Elemental, Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Water Elemental, Wings of the Golden Phoenix.

Secret Spell: Evocation of Sulfurous Corruption (VH) Area

Causes a cloud of flesh-eating acid to engulf an area. The acid will burn any living organic tissue, but is completely harmless towards everything else. This is unfortunate if fighting something not composed of organic tissue, but often handy for rubbing out the opposition while leaving the treasure unscathed. Creatures in the cloud take damage on their own turn. If less than an entire second is spent in the area, damage is halved, round down. Manufactured armor protects normally up to a number of seconds equal to its DR. After that, the armor can be considered to be slick or wet with acid.

Duration: 10 seconds

Base Cost: 1 to Magery level; the cloud inflicts on point of damage per second for every energy put into the base cost. Same cost to maintain.

Time to Cast: 1 to Magery level seconds, depending on base cost.

Secret Spell: Impenetrable Armor of the Arch-Mage (VH) Regular

The mage’s skin becomes hard like rock, providing DR, cumulative with any other DR the mage may have, including from the Armor spell. The mage takes half damage from non-magical weapons made of wood, such as clubs, staffs and primitive spears.

Duration: One Minute.

Cost: 2 + (twice the DR given up to a maximum of 6). Half that to maintain.

Time to Cast: 1 second

Secret Spell: Wings of the Golden Phoenix (VH) Regular

He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day. If Wings of the Golden Phoenix is cast immediately prior to the caster casting Teleport on themselves, that Teleport spell is at +3 to skill for the purposes of defeating anti-magic/anti-teleport systems only. The caster may only teleport themselves – no friends and no more treasure than they can carry. The caster must teleport to relative safety, never into equal or greater danger.

Cost: 0

Time to Cast: 1 second

Riding the Lightning

Cost: 8 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The origin of the mages who call themselves Those Who Ride the Lightning is lost in folklore. They claim to have been founded by an itinerant scholar who was overtaken by a storm on the road one day, was struck by lightning, and decided that he liked it. The style offers mastery over energy in all its forms, emphasizing the need to feel the power channeling through one’s body and mind. Some mages master the style just for the rush, others because it offers a unique insight into fundamental forces, and others because it offers fast lethality. Mages who study this style can grow to be excitable or even manic and some are quick to anger. Not a few are experience junkies in general, driven by the opening of their senses to seek bigger and better thrills.

Required Skills: Meditation, Thaumatology.

Requires Spells: Apportation, Haste, Levitation, Light, Recover Energy.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Blood Magic, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Kindle), Intuitive Cantrip (Mystic Gesture), Life Force Burn, 1-5, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mighty Spell (Any melee or missile), Missile Spell Mastery, Power Casting (Any), Psychic Guidance (Any), Secret Spell (Heavy Nerve Buzz, Riding the Static, Rushing Brain Shock or Touch of Life), Secret Words, Special Exercises (FP may exceed HT by 100%).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved HT.

Advantages: Acute Touch, Combat Reflexes,

Disadvantages: Bad Temper, Berserk, Impulsiveness, Overconfidence, Reputation (Not Sane).

Skills: First Aid, Symbol Drawing.

A student begins their studies as an Attendant of Lightning, requiring them to learn the following 5 spells.

Attendant of Lightning

Apportation, Haste, Levitation, Light, Recover Energy.

When all 5 spells have been learned, the mage becomes a Will Worker, entitling them to study the following twenty-two spells.

Will Worker

Continual Light, Deflect Missile, Distant Blow, Flight, Glue, Grease, Great Haste, Hinder, Hold Fast, Increase Burden, Infravision, Jump, Lighten Burden, Lockmaster, Locksmith, Long March, Poltergeist, Quick March, Shape Earth, Shape Light, Slow Fall, Wallwalker, Warm.

A mage who has learned 8 Will Worker spells becomes an Ascendant One, entitling them to study the following seventeen spells.

Ascendant One

Air Jet, Flash, Glow, Hawk Flight, Heat, Light Jet, Light Tread, Lightning, Manipulate, Shape Air, Shape Water, Slide, Slow, Undo, Wall of Wind, Windstorm, Winged Knife.

A mage who has learned 8 Ascendant One spells becomes a Transformed One, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.

Transformed One

Air Vortex, Body of Lightning, Explosive Lightning, Lightning Armor, Lightning Missiles, Lightning Stare, Lightning Weapon, Lightning Whip, Pull, Repel, Resist Lightning, Shocking Touch, Spark Cloud, Spark Storm, Wall of Lightning, Warm, Wind, Wizard Hand.

A mage who has learned 8 Transformed One spells becomes a Sage of Thunderbolts, entitling them to learn the following thirteen spells.

Sage of Thunderbolts

Ball of Lightning, Charge Powerstone, Dancing Weapon, Delay, Enchant, Freedom, Link, Heavy Nerve Buzz, Powerstone, Riding the Static, Rushing Brain Shock, Staff, Touch of Life.

Secret Spell: Heavy Nerve Buzz (VH) Regular

While under the effects of this spell, the caster has the benefits of the Lightning Armor spell and the Advantages High Pain Threshold and Very Fit. Their touch does 1d+1 electrical burn damage, whether they want it to or not. Many mages find being the subject of Heavy Nerve Buzz to be quite pleasurable.

Duration: 1 minute

Cost: 10 to cast, 5 to maintain

Time to Cast: 10 seconds.

Secret Spell: Riding the Static (VH) Regular

The caster opens their senses and draws on the ambient energy all around them to replenish themselves. Use of this spell requires a successful Meditation roll, after which the mage stands, twitching in ecstasy. They are so distracted from the world around them that they are for all intents and purposes asleep and will remain so until they recover all FP or someone wakes them up. If the mage knows this spell at level 15 or higher, they recover 1 FP every 2 minutes. If they know it at 20 or higher, they recover 1 FP every minute.

Duration: Until at full FP or woken up.

Cost: None

Time to Cast: 1 minute.

Secret Spell: Rushing Brain Shock (VH) Regular

The caster gives their own brain a shocking jolt of electricity to make up for lack of sleep. The immediately suffer the effects of the Daze spell with no possibility of resistance and for ten minutes thereafter will be at -1 DX and IQ, but +2 Will. For every point by which they made their spell roll, they may go without 1 hour of sleep with no ill effects, but also may not fall asleep for at least that many hours. Many mages find being the subject of Rushing Brain Shock to be quite pleasurable.

Cost: 1.

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Touch of Life (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

An arc of electricity springs from the caster’s fingers (or a metal tool) to the subject, automatically striking, at a range in yards equal to the casters ST / 10, rounded up. If the subject fails a HT roll, they suffer 1d electrical burn damage. Armor does not protect, though a human being or large object suddenly thrust between the caster and the target could be used to block.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Rituals of the Outer Darkness

Cost: 14 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Rituals of the Outer Darkness is the art of dealing with demons. Demon-worship is strictly forbidden as is entering into a demon’s service, though negotiations and deals with demons are tolerated. Mages have many reasons for wanting to study demons. The mage might be an altruist, learning how to cast out the enemy, they might be a cynic, sure that the quickest route to power must be through the dirtiest of deals, or they might just be scholars, driven by curiosity about the most deceptive of realms. The fundamental texts of the school make no comment on what the style is for or what a student ought to be doing with their skills. They simply explain the subject matter in painstaking detail in a dry, academic style. The training of an adept is academically grueling, and students looking for a quick route to power are soon disappointed. For those with sufficient talent and perseverance, however, the school as a great deal of power of offer. Mages of this school, if they must identify themselves as mages as all, often present themselves as exorcists first and foremost. After all, people can jump to conclusions when they find out that you associate with demons.

Required Skills: Cryptology, Exorcism, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Hidden Lore (Demon Lore), Occultism, Research, Theology.

Required Spells: Astral Block, Detect Magic, Fear, Foolishness, Scroll, Scryguard.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Better Magic items (Meta-Magic or Necromantic), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Knower of Names, Magical Lawyer, Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (The Book of Names, Breaking the Gates of Perdition, Call of Damnation), Spirit Contract.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Languages, Oracle, Patron (Demon).

Disadvantages: Cursed, Enemies (Demons, the Law and Villagers with Pitchforks), Reputation (Meddler in Unwholesome Things), Secret (Demon Mage).

Skills: Alchemy, Hidden Lore (Demons), Hidden Lore (Spirits), History, Literature, Mathematics, Symbol Drawing, Teaching.

An apprentice begins their studies as a Squire of the White Tabard, at which level they are required to learn the following 6 spells.

Squire of the White Tabard

Astral Block, Detect Magic, Fear, Foolishness, Scroll, Scryguard.

A mage who has learned all 6 Squire of the White Tabard spells becomes a Knight of the Red Sword, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Knight of the Red Sword

Amulet, Daze, Disorient, Forgetfulness, Identify Spell, Madness, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Recover Energy, Panic, Scrywall, Summon Spirit, Talisman,Terror, Weaken Will.

A mage who has learned 7 Knight of the Red Sword spells becomes a Lord or Lady of the Iron Tower, entitling them to learn the following fifteen spells.

Lord / Lady of the Iron Tower

Analyze Magic, Command, Dream Sending, Dream Viewing, Encrypt, Fascinate, Mass Daze, Materialize, Mindlessness, Permanent Forgetfulness, Permanent Madness, Scryfool, See Invisible, Solidify, Turn Spirit.

A mage who has learned 8 Iron Tower spells becomes a Baron or Baroness of Lamentations, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Baron(ess) of Lamentations

Affect Spirits, Astral Vision, Dispel Possession, Dream Projection, Drunkenness, Enthrall, False Memory, Magic Resistance, Mass Suggestion, Nightmare, Oath, Sickness, Spell Shield, Suggestion.

A mage who has learned 7 Lamentations spells becomes a Duke or Duchess of the Burning City, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.

Duke / Duchess of the Burning City

Banish, Bind Spirit, Command Spirit, Delay, Dispel Magic, Enchant, Entrap Spirit, Great Geas, Lesser Geas, Pentagram, Powerstone, Remove Curse, Repel Spirits, Soul Jar, Spell Wall, Staff, Summon Demon, Suspend Curse.

A mage who learns 8 Burning City spells becomes a Prince or Princess of Fiends, entitling them to learn the following 8 spells.

Prince / Princess of Fiends

The Book of Names, Breaking the Gates of Perdition, Call of Damnation, Curse, Hang Spell, Lich, Link, Reflex.

Secret Spell: Breaking the Gates of Perdition (VH) Special

This is a particularly powerful demon summoning ritual. It is in all ways like Summon Demon on p. 155 of GURPS Magic, except where noted. The spell requires a human skull, or the site of a murder or haunting.

Duration: Until the demon’s task is done or 3 hours, whichever is less.

Cost: 1 point per 12 character points used to build the demon. Minimum energy cost is 25 (though this will not always summon a 296 point demon). The spell requires a human skull, or a preserved human finger, or the site of a murder or haunting. Parts of living creatures do not suffice.

Time to Cast: 30 minutes.

Call of Damnation (VH) Regular

Once Call of Damnation has been cast at a location, the next Banish spell cast at the same location is at +2 effectiveness. Demons at the location are at -2 on any non-magical roll to deceive, such as by using Acting, Fast-Talk or Law. The spell requires a human skull, or a preserved human finger, or the site of a murder or haunting. Parts of living creatures do not suffice.

Duration: Until the next time Banish is cast at the location or night falls, whichever comes first.

Cost: 10

Time to Cast: 10 minutes.

The Book of Names (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will+2

Cast in the presence of a demon, the spell will reveal the demon’s True Name. The spell requires a human skull, or a preserved human finger, or the site of a murder or haunting. Parts of living creatures do not suffice.

Cost: 8

Time to Cast: 5 minutes.

Secrets of the Esoteric Order of the Silver Sword

Cost: 26 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

In theory, the Esoteric Order of the Silver Sword is a society of gentlefolk devoted to the protection of the realm, religious observance, and scholarly pursuits of all kinds. In practice, most order members are more concerned with the pursuit of magical secrets or simply with getting ahead in the world. The order suffers from endless internal intrigue, a tendency among some members to be glory hounds, and a tendency among other members to let their curiosity overpower their sense when investigating supernatural phenomena. The society is obsessively secretive and understanding of hidden things brings a great deal of status of members. It is whispered that their most secret texts, known to only the innermost circle, promise power over the gods themselves.

Required Skills: Alchemy, Astrology, Cryptology, Falconry, Heraldry (Nobility), Hidden Lore (Demon Lore), Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore), History, Judo, Lance, Literature (Esoteric), Literature (Poetry), Melee Weapon (Broadsword), Mental Strength, Occultism, Philosophy, Research, Riding (Horse), Savoir-Faire, Shield, Symbol-Drawing, Thaumatology, Theology, Wrestling.

Required Spells: Scryguard.

Techniques: Cavalry Training (Any), Combat Riding, Counterattack (Broadsword), Hook (Broadsword), Spinning Strike (Broadsword), Staying Seated, Targeted Attack (Broadsword Swing / Leg), Targeted Attack (Broadsword Swing / Neck), Targeted Attack (Broadsword Thrust / Vitals), Targeted Attack (Broadsword Thrust /Chink Vitals). Note: Grip Mastery (Broadsword) may be taken as a martial style perk.

Perks: Astrological Ceremonies, Better Magic items (Weapons), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Blood Magic, Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Intuitive Cantrip (Magical Analysis), Intuitive Cantrip (Mystic Gesture), Knower of Names, Life Force Burn, 1-5, Magical Weapon Bond, Melee Spell Mastery (Any), Mighty Spell (Any melee), Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, , Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Ascending The Throne of The Universe, Invocation to The Four Corners of The Universe, or The Shining Litany of Divine Names), Secret Words, Shaman’s Trance, Spirit Contract.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Allies (Other order members), Autotrance, Channeling, Combat Reflexes, Enhanced Parry (Broadsword), Medium, Oracle, Reputation (Chivalrous Knight), Status, Wealth.

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Chivalry), Enemies (Rival Occultists), Glory Hound, Impulsiveness, Overconfidence, Reputation (Worryingly Secretive).

Skills: Axe/Mace, Brawling, Knife, Mathematics, Spear, Staff, Teaching.

Mages are first initiated into the order at the level of Initiate of the Veil, entitling them to learn the following spells.

Initiate of the Veil

Astral Block, Detect Magic, Final Rest, Scroll, Scryguard, Sense Foes, Sense Life.

A Mage who has learned 4 Initiate spells, including Scryguard, becomes a Render of the Veil of stone. This entitles them to learn the following twelve spells.

Render of the Veil of Stone

Amulet , Identify Spell, Mage Sight, Mage Sense, Might, Recover Energy, Seek Magic, Sense Emotion, Scrywall, Summon Shade, Summon Spirit, Talisman.

A Mage who learns 6 Veil of Stone spells becomes a Render of the Veil of Darkness, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.

Render of the Veil of Darkness

Analyze Magic, Boost Health, Boost Strength, Compel Truth, Encrypt, Grace, Hide Emotion, Hide Thoughts, Materialize, Persuasion, Mind-Reading, Scryfool, See Invisible, Resist Pain, Solidify, Truthsayer, Turn Spirit, Vigor.

A mage who learns 8 Veil of Darkness spells becomes a Render of the Veil of Clouds, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.

Render of the Veil of Clouds

Affect Spirits, Ancient History, Astral Vision, Boost Dexterity, Command Spirit, Compel Lie, Dispel Possession, Divination (Astrology), History, Magic Resistance, Message, Mind-Search, Mind-Sending, Spell Shield, Skull-Spirit, Telepathy, Turn Zombie.

A mages who learn 8 Veil of Clouds spells becomes a Render of the Veil of Suns, entitling them to learn the following sixteen spells.

Render of the Veil of Suns

Animate Shadow, Banish, Bind Spirit, Charge Powerstone, Delay, Enchant, Pentagram, Powerstone, Presence, Remove Curse, Repel Spirits, Resurrection, Spell Wall, Staff, Summon Demon, Suspend Curse.

A mage who learns 8 Veil of Suns spells becomes a Render of the Veil of Stars, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells.

Render of the Veil of Stars

Ascending the Throne of the Universe, Bless, Curse, Hang Spell, Invocation to the Four Corners of the Universe, Link, The Shining Litany of Divine Names, Reflex, Wraith.

Secret Spell: Ascending The Throne of The Universe (VH) Information

Through ritual and meditation, the mage achieves a state of mystical ecstasy. At the GM’s discretion, the mage may have visions offering insight into the nature of some problem involving magic, supernatural creatures (including gods) or philosophy. Ascending the Throne of the Universe will never help the mage solve mundane problems. Information given will generally be in the form of allegorical dreams which will require interpretation. The GM should keep in mind that in order for the spell to be worth learning, it must at least occasionally be able to provide information that regular divination spells cannot. This spell requires a stick, a cup or bowl, a blade and a small drawn pentacle.

Cost: 6

Time to Cast: 2 hours

Secret Spell: Invocation to The Four Corners of The Universe (VH) Regular

Successful performance of this ritual generates 4 points of energy +1 point for every mage participant. This energy may only be used to magically summon, banish or bind extra-planar beings at the location at which the Invocation ritual was performed and dissipates after an hour. Invocations may not be stacked. This spell requires a stick, a cup or bowl, a blade and a small drawn pentacle.

Duration: 3 hours.

Cost: 0

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

Secret Spell: The Shining Litany of Divine Names (VH) Regular

Successful performance of this ritual at a location ensures that the next Bind (Spirit) spell cast at the location by a non-spirit is resisted at -2. This spell requires a stick, a cup or bowl, a blade and a small drawn pentacle.

Duration: 3 hours.

Cost: 0

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

The Seven Books of Ivory

Cost: 14 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Before his death, the great mage-king Kessek wrote a treatise on the art of war-magic, seven volumes long. No copies of the original Seven Books of Ivory still exist, but the magical style they encoded lives on thanks to the painstaking work of scholars and the military needs of monarchs who want to harness Kessek’s art to make themselves dominant on the battlefield. A mage of this school does not seek to damage enemy troops directly, but to manage their own troops to devastating effect. The technique is compared by Kessek to chess, to walking a tightrope, and to the skill of a spider who can sense every movement in her web and responds with lethal force. Mages who master The Seven Books of Ivory are employed by regular armies and mercenary companies alike, though they sometimes offend other battle-mages with their arrogance. There is a tendency for members of this school to grow alienated from other people, viewing them as assets to be used. Legend has it that in the style’s most secret writings, Kessek sums up his philosophy with the observation “Life is like a game of chess. You must be the player, not a piece, and you must win”. Legend also has it that Kessek was murdered by his wife, the queen.

Required Skills: Broadsword, Games (Chess), Riding (Horse), Savoir-Faire, Shield, Soldier, Staff, Strategy, Tactics.

Required Spells: Counterspell, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Shield.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Area Spell Mastery (Any), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Muffle), Intuitive Cantrip (Screen), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mana Compensation, Reduced Footprint 1, Sacrificial Blocking Spell (Any), Sanctum 1-2, Secret Spell (Feeling the Ground, Rapid Deployment, White Sacrifice).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Military Rank, Reputation (An Officer and a Gentleman).

Disadvantages: Overconfidence, Reputation (Callous Manipulator), any Physical Disadvantage that can be explained by injury (e.g. One Hand, One Eye) or Mental Disadvantage that can be explained by trauma (e.g. Phobias, Flashbacks and Nightmares).

Skills: Animal Handling, Broadsword, Mapmaking, Public Speaking, Symbol Drawing.

Apprentices begin their training at the level of Pawn. They are required to learn the following 9 spells.


Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Keen Hearing, Keen Vision, Levitation, Shield, Simple Illusion, Sound.

When a Pawn has learned all 9 spells, they are promoted to Queen’s Pawn. This entitles them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Queen’s Pawn

Armor, Create Air, Create Fire, Daze, Flight, Forgetfulness, Hinder, Identify Spell, Keen Taste and Smell, Mage Sight, Minor Healing, Mystic Mist, Recover Energy, Sleep.

When the mage has learned 7 Queen’s Pawn spells, they are promoted to Knight. This entitles them to learn the following twenty spells.


Alertness, Analyze Magic, Command, Complex Illusion, Create Earth, Create Water, Flash, Frost, Hawk Flight, Major Healing, Mass Daze, Mass Sleep, Perfect Illusion, Rain of Fire, Rooted Feet, Shape Air, Shape Water, Stop Bleeding, Wall of Wind, Windstorm.

When the mage has learned 8 Knight spells, they are promoted to Rook. This entitles them to learn the following seventeen spells.


Air Vortex, Blink, Clouds, Cold, Control Illusion, Create Acid, Fog, Freeze, Ice Slick, Lightning, Peaceful Sleep, Rain, Rain of Stones, Spark Cloud, Spark Storm, Teleport, Wind.

When the mage has learned 8 Rook spells, they are promoted to Bishop. This entitles them to learn the following 7 spells.


Delay, Dispel Magic, Enchant, Powerstone, Rain of Ice Daggers, Sandstorm, Staff.

When the mage has learned 4 Bishop spells, they are promoted to BattleMaster / BattleMistress. This entitles them to learn the following 6 spells.

BattleMaster / BattleMistress

Feeling the Ground, Hang Spell, Link, Rapid Redeployment, Reflex, White Sacrifice.

Secret Spell: Feeling the Ground (VH) Regular

The caster places their bare palms on the bare earth, to feel for the vibrations caused by concentrations of large animals, like soldiers and horses. Assume that the caster can roughly estimate the numbers and positions of soldiers as if he were overlooking the unobstructed battlefield from a hill on a clear day. Soldiers who stay absolutely still cannot be detected.

Duration: 1 second.

Cost: 1/1

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Rapid Redeployment (VH) Special

Everyone in the area of effect recovers energy as if the subject of a Recover Energy spell. Does not stack with Recover Energy.

Duration: 1 minute.

Base Cost: 1/1

Time to Cast: 10 seconds.

Secret Spell: White Sacrifice (VH) Blocking

If an ally dies within two yards of the caster and the caster immediately casts White Sacrifice, the caster will regain FP equal to half the dead ally’s ST, rounded down. The spell will work on mercenary allies, but will not work if the “ally” was intended to betray the mage, or believed themselves to be betrayed by the mage. The mage may not perform more than one White Sacrifice per second.

Duration: Instant.

Base Cost: 0

Time to Cast: 1 second.

The Sickness

Cost: 8 points

Style Prerequisite: Magery, (not One College Only).

The Sickness is black-magic for hurting people with, custom made for the cruel, the nihilistic, the vengeful, or the oh-so-self-righteous. The core text of the school is an anonymous long, meandering, surreal poem composed of bleak words jumbled together without any clear structure or meaning. Mages are free to read into the poem whatever they want and arrive at radically different interpretations. Some get by just by chanting the thing, subscribing to no particular philosophy and just riding a mood. Most mages who study the style are initially attracted by its dark imagery, which somehow resonates with their deeper feelings. However, no particular feelings are required for a mage to study or use the style and a mage may grow out of the emotions that brought them to The Sickness in the first place, without this impeding their magic. Most stylists die young, driven by black emotions to live dangerously. This may be just as well, since a learned mage of The Sickness style is in a position to do great harm to the people around them.

Required Skills: Hazardous Materials (Magical), Thaumatology.

Required Spells: Counterspell, Debility, Detect Magic, Scroll, Scryguard.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Area Spell Mastery (Darkness), Blood Magic, Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Intuitive Cantrip (Controlled Disadvantage, any bodily or negative mental disadvantage), Life Force Burn 1-5, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Carrier, Glance of Despair, or Scourge of Sickness), Spirit Contract.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ or HT.

Advantages: Autotrance, Channeling, Medium, Night Vision

Disadvantages: Appearance, Chronic Depression, Enemies (Victims and Their Families), Frightens Animals, Laziness, Lifebane, Reputation (Spreader of Woe), Social Disease.

Skills: Climbing, Running, Stealth, Streetwise, Survival (Urban), Symbol Drawing.

Apprentices begin their studies at the level of Penitent. They are required to learn the following 5 spells.


Counterspell, Debility, Detect Magic, Scroll, Scryguard.

When apprentices have learned the 5 Penitent spells, they become a Walker in Twilight. This entitles them to learn the following fifteen spells.

Walker in Twilight

Amulet, Decay, Frailty, Infravision, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Night Vision, Quick March, Recover Energy, Scrywall, Sense Observation, Sense Spirit, Summon Spirit (Ghost), Silence, Steal Might, Talisman.

When the mage has learned 8 Walker in Twilight spells, they become a Cold One. This entitles them to learn the following fourteen spells.

Cold One

Blackout, Blur, Darkness, Dark Vision, Frost, Gloom, Hide, Hush, Icy Weapon, Scryfool, See Invisible, Shape Darkness, Steal Energy, Steal Vigor.

When the mage has learned 7 Cold One spells, they become a Walker in Night. This entitles them to learn the following twenty-six spells.

Walker in Night

Body of Shadow, Cold, Control Zombie, Find Weakness, Freeze, Frostbite, Ice Dagger, Ice Slick, Ice Sphere, Icy Touch, Icy Missiles, Invisibility, Magic Resistance, Resist Cold, Shatter, Sickness, Pestilence, Skull-Spirit, Slow Healing, Spell Shield, Steal Vitality, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Weaken, Weaken Blood, Zombie.

When the mage has learned 8 Walker in Night spells, they become a Gaunt One. This entitles them to learn the following twelve spells.

Gaunt One

Animate Shadow, Banish, Delay, Dispel Magic, Enchant, Icy Breath, Mass Zombie, Pentagram, Rotting Death, Rune, Spell Wall, Summon Demon.

When the mage has learned 6 Gaunt One spells, they become an Ashen One. This entitles them to learn the following 6 spells.

Ashen One

Carrier, Curse, Disintegrate, Glance of Despair, Link, Scourge of Sickness.

Secret Spell: Carrier (VH) Regular

When an Ashen One casts Carrier, they contract or cure themselves of any one disease that they have ever recovered from.

Duration: Instant.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 2 seconds

Secret Spell: Glance of Despair (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will.

The Ashen One can bring despair to people just by making eye-contact. No incantations or gestures are required. The one who meets the Ashen One’s gaze must resist with their Will or make a Fright Check at a penalty equal to the margin by which they lost the contest of spell skill against Will. The victim is being forced to contemplate their own life in the grimmest, most depressive light, a process that can cause life-long psychological damage.

Secret Spell: Scourge of Sickness (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

If an Ashen One casts Scourge of Sickness in the presence of the victim while in possession of something the victim once owned, they can take magical control of any illness the victim already has, making it better or worse at will. They retain this control for as long as they keep the item on their person or in their Sanctum, no matter how far distant they are from their victim.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 10

Time to Cast: 3 seconds


Cost: 16 points

Style Prerequisite: ST 11+, DX 12+, HT 11+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The purpose of Soulblade is to perfect the mage as a warrior. Such perfection is not achieved simply through learning to kill, but through self-discipline and excellence in traditional fighting arts. In theory, the practitioner cares only for honor and glory, living without fear of death or desire for riches. In practice, there are as many reasons why mages seek training as there are reasons why mages want to be able to kill, and even the most sincere apprentice may discover in time that life has better things to offer a skilled warrior than self-discipline and restraint. Thus, practitioners of Soulblade can be found among adventurers, mercenaries and bandits, as well as anywhere else where warriors are badly needed or well-rewarded.

Required Skills: Hiking, Judo, Jumping, Karate, Knife, Literature (Poetry), Meditation, Philosophy, Riding (Horse), Running, Melee Weapon (Two-Handed Sword), Savoir-Fair.

Required Spells: Armor, Haste, Shield.

Techniques: Back Strike (Two-Handed Sword), Counterattack (Two-Handed Sword), Feint (Two Handed Sword), Targeted Attack (Two Handed Sword Swing / Arm), Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Swing / Neck), Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Swing / Skull), Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Thrust / Vitals), Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Thrust / Vitals Chinks). Note: Grip Mastery (Two-Handed Sword) may be taken as a martial perk.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Better Magic items (Weapons), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Magical Weapon Bond, Melee Spell Mastery (Any), Mighty Spell (Any melee), No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Reduced Footprint 2, Secret Spell (Blood of Heroes, River Leaf Cut or Willow Cut), Secret Words, Spell Dualist.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX, IQ and HT.

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Perfect Balance, Reputation (Chivalrous Warrior), Weapon Master (Two-Handed Sword), Status.

Disadvantages: Callous, Code of Honor (Seek Glory), Enemies (Rival Warriors), Reputation (Violent Fool).

Skills: Artist, Axe/Mace, Body Control, Breath Control, Broadsword, Calligraphy, Fast-Draw (Two-Handed Sword), Heraldry, Power Blow, Spear, Staff, Symbol Drawing.

The student begins their studies at the level of Squire, entitling them to learn the following fourteen spells.


Armor, Bladeturning, Block, Climbing, Counterspell, Deflect Missile, Detect Magic, Hardiness, Haste, Scryguard, Sense Danger, Sense Foes, Shield, Ward.

A mage who has learned 7 of the above spells, including Armor, Haste and Shield becomes a Knight of the Way, entitling them to learn the following nineteen spells.

Knight of the Way

Boost Strength, Catch Missile, Flight, Great Haste, Great Ward, Hide Emotion, Jump, Levitation, Mage Sight, Might, Minor Healing, Missile Shield, Neutralize Poison, Recover Energy, Reflect, Shape Earth, Stop Spasm, Turn Blade, Vigor.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes an Honorable Crane, entitling them to learn the following sixteen spells.

Honorable Crane

Boost Health, Grace, Hawk Flight, Hide Thoughts, Hold Breath, Major Healing, Reflect Gaze, Resist Disease, Resist Fire, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Resist Water, Return Missile, Reverse Missiles, Scryfool, Shape Metal.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes an Honored Storm Dragon, entitling them to learn the following twelve spells.

Honored Storm Dragon

Balance, Blink, Body of Metal, Boost Dexterity, Catch Spell, Coolness, Iron Arm, Reflexes, Resist Cold, Resist Lightning, Resist Sound, Warmth.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Revered Celestial Tiger, entitling them to learn the following twelve spells.

Revered Celestial Tiger

Blood of Heroes, Delay, Dispel Magic, Freedom, Link, Reflex, Resist Acid, Resist Enchantment, River Leaf Cut, Sharpen, Throw Spell, Willow Cut.

Secret Spell: Blood of Heroes (VH) Regular

The caster may only cast Blood of Heroes when they are struck for damage, in which case, they may cast it immediately as a free action. The caster recovers from Stun and Shock and gains ten temporary hit points. The caster may not cast Blood of Heroes again until they have completely recovered all lost hit points. The spell does not require incantations or gestures.

Duration: HT minutes after the caster next rests.

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 0 seconds. May be cast as a free action.

Secret Spell: River Leaf Cut (VH) Regular

Any time that the caster is attacked by an unseen opponent, they will sense the attack coming unless the attacker resists with Will. When the caster senses attack, they may spend 1 FP to attempt to Fast-Draw a weapon, 1 FP to face any desired direction, 1 FP per parry to parry and 1 FP to attack their assailant. An opponent who is unseen even when being faced (such as invisible opponent or one in a dark room) may be parried and attacked without penalty but all damage goes to a random hit location.

Duration: Until the caster next sleeps.

Cost: 0

Time to Cast: 5 minutes.

Secret Spell: Willow Cut (VH) Blocking, Resisted by Melee Weapon or Will

The caster may only cast Willow Cut when they make a successful parry with an edged weapon, in which case, they may cast it immediately as a free action. If the spell is successful, instead of parrying their opponent’s weapon, they parry their wrist, doing full swing damage.

Cost: 3

Time to Cast: 0 seconds. May be cast as a free action

Ten Thousand Mirrors

Cost: 20 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

Ten Thousand Mirrors was developed by mages who studied insanity, aided by mages who were suffering from it. While it has always been a therapeutic art in theory, curiosity, ambition and the dangers posed to sanity by dealing too closely with its opposite have greatly broadened the original project. In other words, while some mages of this school strive hard to cure the afflicted, others have used their power to dominate other human beings, to explore the stranger facets of reality, or just to do really, really crazy things. Most practitioners are functional, at least on the surface, which permits the school to survive and attract students. However, there are enough skeletons in the closet for adepts of the Ten Thousand Mirrors to habitually cultivate secrecy about their activities and many pass themselves off as simple scholars.

Required Skills: Cryptology, Detect Lies, Dreaming, Hazardous Materials (Magical), Hidden Lore (Dreams), Hypnotism, Interrogation, Literature (Poetry), Mental Strength, Mind Block, Occultism, Psychology, Research.

Required Spells: Fear, Foolishness, Scryguard, Sense Foes, Simple Illusion, Sound.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Flagellant’s Blessing), Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Better Magic items (Communication and Empathy), Better Magic items (Mind Control), Flexible Ritual (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Intuitive Cantrip (Controlled Disadvantage, any mental), Knower of Names, Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Obscure True Name, Sanctum 1-2, Scroll Reading, Secret Spell (Embrace of Madness, Moment of Clarity, or Reconstructive Mind Surgery), Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ, Improved Will.

Advantages: Allies (mad ones), Autotrance, Reputation (Dedicated and Learned Physician), Voice.

Disadvantages: Delusion, Enemies (Patients, Patients’ Families, Rival Practitioners of Ten Thousand Mirrors), Megalomania, Paranoia, Phobia, Reputation (Mad Doctor).

Skills: Intimidation, Savoir-Faire, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing, Teaching.

Apprentices begin their studies at the level of Student, which requires them to learn the following 6 spells.


Fear, Foolishness, Scryguard, Sense Foes, Simple Illusion, Sound.

Mages who have learned all 6 of these spells become a Wiseman or Wisewoman, entitling them to learn the following twenty-four spells.

Wiseman / Wisewoman

Bravery, Counterspell, Daze, Detect Magic, Disorient, Dull Hearing, Dull Taste and Smell, Dull Vision, Forgetfulness, Identify Spell, Illusion Disguise, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision, Know Illusion, Madness, Panic, Recover Energy, Scroll, Sense Emotion, Sleep, Terror, Ward, Weaken Will.

Mages who have learned 8 of the above spells become a Truth Sayer, entitling them to learn the following twenty-seven spells.

Truth Sayer

Alertness, Berserker, Command, Compel Truth, Complex Illusion, Dream Sending, Dream Viewing, Dullness, Emotion Control, Encrypt, Fascinate, Hide Emotion, Hide Thoughts, Loyalty, Mass Daze, Mass Sleep, Mental Stun, Mindlessness, Mind-Reading, Perfect Illusion, Permanent Madness, Persuasion, Restore Memory, Scryfool, Seeker, Truthsayer, Vexation.

Mages who have learned 8 Truth Sayer spells become Knights of the Empathic Order, entitling them to learn the following twenty-four spells.

Knight of the Empathic Order

Avoid, Compel Lie, Dream Projection, Drunkenness, Ecstasy, Enthrall, False Memory, Glib Tongue, Hallucination, History, Inscribe, Lesser Geas, Lure, Memorize, Mass Suggestion, Mind-Search, Mind-Sending, Nightmare, Oath, Peaceful Sleep, Strengthen Will, Suggestion, Telepathy, Will Lock.

A mage who has learned 8 of the above spells becomes a Mind Surgeon, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.

Mind Surgeon

Charm, Communication, Delay, Embrace of Madness, Enchant, Enslave, Great Geas, Great Hallucination, Hang Spell, Insignificance, Link, Moment of Clarity, Presence, Recall, Reconstructive Mind Surgery, Reflex, Relieve Madness.

Secret Spell: Reconstructive Mind Surgery (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

Over the course of a grueling ritual, the Mind Surgeon replaces the subject’s memories with any memories desired, provided that they can communicate with the subject in a language they both understand. The subject must be present throughout the entire casting, which thus generally requires the use of physical restraint. The subject’s memories have not actually been erased and will return if the subject receives a Dispel Magic or Remove Curse. While the subject’s memories have changed, their basic personality has not. So, for instance, while the caster can give the subject a memory of always having been very brave, this will not transform the subject into a truly brave person.

Duration: Permanent

Cost: 20

Time to Cast: 8 hours.

Secret Spell: Embrace of Madness (VH) Regular.

The subject is at +3 to Dreaming skill and if Dreaming successfully, can cast any Dream spell in their sleep. This state can be addictive, leading the mage to spend more and more time in their own dreams and possibly leading to hallucinations and delusions in real life. The degree to which the mage loses control, if at all, is a role-playing choice for the player to make. Not every Mind Surgeon gets addicted and every addict’s addiction is different – it all depends on their personality.

Duration: 8 hours or until the mage wakes up, whichever comes last.

Cost: 12

Time to Cast: 3 hours.

Moment of Clarity: Moment of Clarity (VH) Regular, Resisted by Philosophy, Theology or Will.

The caster causes the subject’s mind to be absolutely objective for a moment, something the human mind is not built to do. The shock can easily drive a human victim insane. The subject must make an immediate Fright Check at -8. On a critical success of the Moment of Clarity spell, the subject gains a new mental Disadvantage, chosen by the GM, to reflect the psychological damage. While the choice lies with the GM, if the subject is a PC, the player may have useful suggestions with good role-playing justifications based on their character’s personality. On a natural 3 or 4 on the resistance roll, the victim gains a philosophical, religious or mystical insight of some kind. In some gameworlds such an insight might be justification for the development of supernatural powers. Mercifully, the moment of clarity lasts only for a second and the subject can rarely remember just what they saw.

Cost: 6

Time to Cast: 1 second.

The Unbinding

Cost: 11 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

There are many reasons why a mage may seek to specialize in the art of transformation and the teachings known as “The Unbinding” do not endorse any particular motivation or philosophy. If anything, the school revels in diversity of thought, just as the student is expected to revel in diversity of shapes. A mage may train in this style because they seek wisdom through viewing the world from different perspectives, or to lose their sense of self by coming to recognize what an arbitrary thing the sense of self is, or they might even be driven by the sheer fun of being able to turn into lots of different things. Some transformationists become subject to mood swings and personality shifts, or grow so open to new ideas that they become impulsive. Others grow alienated from humanity, seeing themselves as no more innately human than innately anything else.

Required Skills: Body Control, Breath Control, Meditation, Physiology, Thaumatology.

Required Spells: Climbing, Detect Magic, Haste, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision.

Perks: Brute Force Spell (Any Shapeshifting), Fast Casting (Any Shapeshifting), Elixir Resistance, Flexible Ritual (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Controlled Disadvantage, any physical), Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Secret Spell (Form of the Formeless, Turning the Bone Wheel, Unbinding the Shackles of Flesh).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX, IQ and HT.

Advantages: Any physical, with GM permission.

Disadvantages: Absent-Mindedness, Delusions, Impulsiveness, Lunacy, Reputation (Strange and Unpredictable).

Skills: Acrobatics, Judo, Symbol Drawing, Teaching.

The student begins their studies at the level of Apprentice, requiring them to learn the following 6 spells.


Climbing, Detect Magic, Haste, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision.

A mage who learns all 6 spells becomes a Shaper, enabling them to learn the following sseventeen spells.


Cadence, Clean, Colors, Copy, Dye, Great Haste, Haircut, Hair Growth, Identify Spell, Might, Knot, Recover Energy, Restore, Shape Earth, Shape Fire, Soilproof, Stop Spasm.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Transformationist, entitling them to learn the following twenty spells.


Alertness, Ambidexterity, Beast Speech, Balance, Body of Air, Body of Metal, Earth to Stone, Flesh to Stone, Grace, Hold Breath, Shape Air, Shape Metal, Shapeshift, Shape Water, Shape Plant , Spider Silk, Stone to Earth, Stop Bleeding, Vigor, Water to Wine.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Mutemancer, entitling them to learn the following twenty-five spells.


Alter Body, Alter Visage, Alter Voice, Body of Water, Body of Ice, Body of Lightning, Body of Stone, Body of Wood, Contract Object, Earth to Air, Earth to Water, Enlarge, Find Weakness, Lengthen Limb, Permanent Shapeshifting, Reflexes, Rejoin, Reshape, Shapeshift Others, Shatter, Shrink, Shrink Object, Stone to Flesh, Transform Object, Weaken.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Transmutationist, entitling them to learn the following twenty-two spells.


Body of Flames, Body of Slime, Body of Wind, Enchant, Enlarge Other, Extend Object, Fasten, Flesh to Ice, Gauntness, Great Shapeshift, Partial Shapeshifting, Repair, Rune, Sharpen, Shatterproof, Shrink Other, Stiffen, Toughen, Transform Body, Transform Other, Weapon Self.

A mage learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Transubstantiationist, entitling them to learn the following 10 spells.


Corpulence, Delay, Enlarge Object, Form of the Formless, Know True Shape, Link, Powerstone, Reflex, Transmogrification, Turning the Bone Wheel, Unbinding the Shackles of Flesh.

Secret Spell: Form of Formlessness (VH) Regular

While the caster is the subject of this spell, any spell they cast to transform their own body (including the various Body of X spells) will cost 2 fewer Fatigue. If Form of Formlessness is known at 15+, 3 fewer Fatigue, if 20+, 4 fewer Fatigue. This cannot reduce the casting cost below 3.

Duration: 8 hours

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 10 minutes

Secret Spell: Unbinding the Shackles of Flesh (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

The caster removes their soul from their own body and places it in another body or a vessel that they are touching. Vessels already containing souls (or spirits, minds or awarenesses) will resist with Will. If they lose, they inhabit the caster’s discarded body. If the caster inhabits an inanimate object, they observe the world around them, but can take no action that requires bodily movement, including speaking. The GM is likely to require the player to devote earned experience to paying for any difference in character point value between the two forms.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 per 25 lbs weight of the new vessel.

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

Secret Spell: Turning of the Bone Wheel (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

By ritually slaughtering a human or animal in the presence of a pregnant human or animal, the caster can transfer the soul of the killed into a fetus. From the time of birth, the subject will retain all of their old IQ and memories. If a PC is reincarnated in this way, the GM is likely to require the player to devote earned experience to pay for any difference in character points between the value of different forms.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 1 for each point of the subject’s Will.

Time to Cast: 3 hours.

Way of the Drake

Cost: 11 points

Style Prerequisite: DX 12+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Way of the Drake is the unsubtle art of blasting people on the field of battle. Evolved from a variety of military styles used by specialists in magical artillery, its function is to kill as many soldiers as possible at a distance. Military training is an integral part of the style and it is only taught in well-organized armies and at the House of the Drake, a mercenary training academy established by the style’s founder. For a fee, the House of the Drake will prepare the student for a career as a military artillery specialist and graduates of the school are in great demand. Of course, not everyone who goes to the trouble of learning the style wants to be in the army for the rest of their life. There are many reasons why someone might seek the power to kill, and Drake graduates can be found among adventurers, bandits, troubleshooters and organized criminals. In theory, the Way of the Drake has at its heart a strict code of conduct, emphasizing professional loyalty, courage, and obedience to orders. Some graduates take the code seriously while others treat it as a joke.

Required Skills: Body Control, Forward Observer, Innate Attack (Projectile), Judo, Riding (Horse), Soldier, Tactics.

Required Spells: Climbing, Ignite Fire, Shield.

Perks: Adjustable Spell (Spell Variation, Any attack spell), Area Spell Mastery (Rain of Fire), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intuitive Cantrip (Kindle), Intuitive Cantrip (Screen), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Mighty Spell (Any missile), Missile Spell Mastery, Power Casting (Any), Psychic Guidance (Any), Reduced Footprint 1, Secret Spell (The Eyes of Fire, Firestorm, Heavy Flame Burst), Secret Words, Special Exercises (FP my exceed HT by 100%).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved DX and IQ.

Advantages: Absolute Timing, Combat Reflexes, High Pain Threshold, Military Rank, Reputation (Tough Professional).

Disadvantages: Bad Temper, Code of Honor (Military), Pyromania, Reputation (Slaughterer of Humans), any Physical Disadvantage that can be explained by injury (e.g. One Hand, One Eye) or Mental Disadvantage that can be explained by trauma (e.g. Phobias, Flashbacks and Nightmares).

Skills: First Aid, Heraldry, Innate Attack (Jet), Symbol Drawing.

Apprentices are admitted at the level of Serpent, at which they are trained in basic military skills and basic defensive magic. An apprentice has access to the following ten spells.


Apportation, Block, Climbing, Counterspell, Fear, Ignite Fire, Levitation, Shield, Suspend Spell, Ward.

The apprentice must learn 5 spells of Serpent level including Climbing, Ignite Fire and Shield before learning Salamander spells. Becoming a Salamander gives them access to the following twenty-four spells.


Armor, Blade Turning, Create Fire, Deflect Missile, Extinguish Fire, Flight, Great Ward, Hardiness, Hinder, Magelock, Minor Healing, Missile Shield, Mystic Mist, Rain of Fire, Recover Energy, Reflect, Sense Observation, Shade, Share Energy, Shape Fire, Spasm, Terror, Turn Blade, Umbrella.

A Salamander is promoted to Basilisk after learning 8 Salamander spells, including Rain of Fire. This entitles them to learn any of the following twenty spells


Clumsiness, Fast Fire, Fireball, Fireproof, Flame Jet, Hawk Flight, Heat, Hold Breath, Major Healing, Reflect Gaze, Resist Disease, Resist Fire, Resist Pain, Resist Poison, Resist Water, Reverse Missiles, Rooted Feet, Slow Fire, Smoke, Stop Bleeding.

A Basilisk is promoted to Wyvern after learning 8 Basilisk spells, including Fireball. This entitles them to learn any of the following twelve spells.


Balance, Breathe Fire, Explosive Fireball, Fire Cloud, Flaming Armor, Great Healing, Iron Arm, Magic Resistance, Reflexes, Resist Lightning, Resist Sound, Warmth.

A Wyvern is promoted to Drake after learning 6 Wyvern spells, including Explosive Fireball. This entitles them to learn any of the following twelve spells.


Delay, Displace Spell, Dispel Magic, Enchant, Powerstone, Remove Curse, Resist Acid, Spellguard, Spell Shield, Spell Wall, Staff, Suspend Curse.

A Drake is promoted to Azure Wurm after learning 6 Drake spells, including Spell Shield. This entitles them to learn any of the following 8 spells.

Azure Wyrm

The Eyes of Fire, Firestorm, Hang Spell, Heavy Flame Burst, Link, Maintain Spell, Penetrating Spell, Reflex.

Secret Spell: The Eyes of Fire (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

Azure Wyrms can set people on fire just by looking at them, causing them to take 1d-1 fire damage per second until the flames are extinguished. No words or gestures are required, but the subject must be within (spell skill x 10) yards and the mage must be able to see them.

Duration: Instant.

Cost: 1.

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Firestorm (VH) Area

A flaming wind howls around the enemies’ position, causing 1d fire damage per second. A medium or large shield can be sheltered behind to provide 1 and 2 DR respectively, provided that it is not used for any other purpose.

Duration: 2 minutes.

Base Cost: 1 to cast (minimum 3). Same cost to maintain. For double based cost, it does 2d per second and shields are useless.

Time to Cast: 1 minute, 20 seconds.

Secret Spell: Heavy Flame Burst (VH) Missile

This feared spelled produces a massive fireball. The Heavy Flame Burst is ½D 30, Max 60, Acc 1. It can be thrown at walls, floors and other easy targets at +4 to hit, in order to catch foes in the blast. The target and anyone within one yard of the target takes full damage. Those further away divide their damage by two times their distance in yards, rounding down.

Cost: 2 + any amount up to twice Magery level per second. Heavy Fire Burst does 1d+1 burning damage per full two points of energy.

Time to Cast: 1 to level of Magery seconds.

Way of the Wolf

Cost: 14 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 12+, Animal Empathy, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Way of the Wolf is the art of the hunter and it originated not in the library but the forest. None recall how the style originated as its students care little for history – they may have been roaming the woods for centuries or even millennia. While it is certainly a practical art for those who wish to keep their families fed, those who master it have generally moved on from such mundane concerns and seek to better understand their environment, or to protect it, or to exploit their skills for money. Mages of the Way of the Wolf school are often solitary creatures and may sometimes forget how to interact with other human beings. Out in the wilderness, they are free to grow as eccentric as they like and some of them are odd indeed.

Required Skills: Bow, Camouflage, Climbing, First Aid, Naturalist, Stealth, Survival (Forest), Tracking, Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Find Direction, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision.

Perks: Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Gut of the Dragon), Limited Energy Reserve 1-5, Magical Weapon Bond, Mana Compensation, Melee Spell Mastery (Any), Mighty Spell (Any melee), No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Secret Spell (Eye of the Predator, Hunter’s Tread or Survivor’s Purge).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved ST, DX, IQ and HT.

Advantages: Absolute Direction, Acute Senses (Any), Allies (hunting beasts), Combat Reflexes, Hard to Kill, Night Vision,

Disadvantages: Loner, any Physical Disadvantage that could indicate injury from a hunt gone bad (e.g. One Eye, One Hand).

Skills: Area Knowledge (Wilderness), Herb Lore, Traps, Veterinary.

Students begin their studies at the level of Walker in the Woods, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.

Walker in the Woods

Beast-Soother, Climbing, Detect Magic, Find Direction, Haste, Ignite Fire, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, Keen Vision, Seek Air, Seek Earth, Seek Fire, Seek Food, Seek Water, Sense Danger, Tell Time, Test Food.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above, including Find Direction, Keen Hearing, Keen Taste and Smell, and Keen Vision, they become a Hunter or Huntress, entitling them to learn the following twenty spells.

Hunter / Huntress

Detect Poison, Great Haste, Hawk Vision, Hinder, Identify Plant, Identify Spell, Jump, Lighten Burden, Mage Sight, Mage Stealth, Might, Neutralize Poison, No-Smell, Purify Water, Quick March, Recover Energy, Seek Magic, Sense Observation, Silence, Tell Position.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above, they study the Tread of the Wolf, a discipline consisting of the following twenty-one spells.

Tread of the Wolf

Alertness, Analyze Magic, Beast Seeker, Boost Health, Boost Strength, Grace, Hide, Hide Path, Hold Breath, Hush, Know Location, Light Tread, Pathfinder, Plant Vision, Pollen Cloud, Prepare Game, Purify Food, Resist Poison, Seeker, Rooted Feet, Vigor.

When a mage has learned 8 of the above spells, they become a Shadow of the Forest, which entitles them to learn the following eighteen spells.

Shadow of the Forest

Balance, Boost Dexterity, Conceal, Delay, Eye of the Predator, False Tracks, Far Hearing, Forest Warning, Hang Spell, Hunter’s Tread, Invisibility, Link, Predict Weather, Reflex, Remember Path, Survivor’s Purge, Tangle Growth, Walk Through Plants.

Eye of the Predator (VH) Regular

The caster is at +2 to any bow shot fired at any living target who doesn’t know the caster is there. If the mage’s Eye of the Predator skill is at 15+, they are at +3, if at 20+, +4.

Duration: Until one arrow is fired, or the sun rises or sets.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 3 seconds.

Hunter’s Tread (VH) Regular

The mage is at -2 to detect in any way – whether by direct perception, tracking, or by magical means. This does not count as a spell “on”.

Duration: Until the sun rises or sets.

Cost: 6

Time to Cast: 1 hour.

Survivor’s Purge (VH) Regular, Resisted by HT

The caster must touch the subject’s bare skin with their bare fingertips for the entire time the spell is being cast. Resistance by HT is automatic. If the subject is not successful, they are very violently ill, taking 1 point of damage and being unable to do anything but vomit for HT/2 rounded down seconds, as sweat streams from their pores. Their system will be purged of all normal poisons, toxins or drugs. It will not cure an addiction, nor a hangover.

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 2 seconds.

Weave of Balance

Cost: 8 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Judges of Uhll, masters of the Weave of Balance style, claim to have once ruled the lost city of the same name. They say their rule was one of justice, peace and happiness. The Judges of Uhll dispense with the idea of codified laws on the grounds that every rule has an exception. Instead, they believe that it is better to consult a wise and just person to weigh the case and come to a considered decision. The Judges of Uhll generally consider themselves to be wise and just people, exactly suited to the task. Of course, Uhll no longer exists and the Judges have no official status anymore. This suits the philosophy of the order very well. Since they dismiss the idea of law in the first place, they have no qualms about illegally standing in judgment over anyone they can. Of course, such vigilante activity is dangerous, and some judges find that they prefer to just accumulate wealth and power. The Judges of Uhll rarely announce themselves as such. They usually have secondary trades, with the legal profession and organized crime being particularly lucrative.

Required Skills: None.

Required Spells: Apportation, Debility, Dull Sense, Fear, Foolishness, Itch, Levitation.

Perks: Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Knower of Names, Mana Compensation, Sanctum 1-2, Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Executioner’s Strike, Judgement of Uhll, Sinner’s Confession), Willful Casting.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Reputation (Vigilante Hero)

Disadvantages: Code of Honor, Enemies (Friends and Family of the Judged), Reputation (Murderous Vigilante).

Skills: Hiking, Riding (Horse), Streetwise, Symbol Drawing.

Apprentices begin to study the Weave of Balance at the level of Aspirant, requiring them to learn the following 7 spells.


Apportation, Debility, Dull Sense, Fear, Foolishness, Itch, Levitation.

After an Aspirant has learned these 7, they are promoted to the level of Advocate, entitling them to learn the following eighteen spells.


Climbing, Daze, Disorient, Flight, Forgetfulness, Frailty, Hinder, Madness, Mage Stealth, No-Smell, Panic, Quick March, Recover Energy, Silence, Sleep, Spasm, Terror, Weaken Will.

A mage who has learned 8 Advocate spells in promoted to the level of Inquisitor, entitling them learn the following twenty spells.


Clumsiness, Dullness, Hawk Flight, Fumble, Gloom, Hide Path, Hunger, Hush, Mass Daze, Mass Sleep, Mental Stun, Mindlessness, Pain, Permanent Forgetfulness, Permanent Madness, Rooted Feet, Strike Dumb, Stun, Tanglefoot.

A mage who has learned 8 Inquisitor spells is promoted to the level of Magistrate, entitling them to learn the following twenty-three spells.


Agonize, Choke, Control Limb, Deathtouch, Drunkenness, False Memory, Invisibility, Nauseate, Nightmare, Paralyze Limb, Peaceful Sleep, Retch, Roundabout, Sensitize, Sickness, Strike Blind, Strike Deaf, Strike Barren, Strike Numb, Thirst, Total Paralysis, Weaken Blood, Wither Limb.

A mage who has learned 8 Magistrate spells is promoted to the level of Watchman, entitling them to learn the following 9 spells.


Corpulence, Curse, Delay, Executioner’s Strike, Gauntness, Judgment of Uhll, Link, Sinner’s Confession, Staff.

Secret Spell: Executioner’s Strike (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will and HT

The Watchman points a finger and accuses their target of guilt, with no other incantations or gestures being required. The target must first resist with their Will, with failure requiring a second resistance roll against HT. If the target succeeds in the HT roll, they suffer a second of pain, sufficient for a -2 Shock Penalty. If the target fails, they suffer a heart attack as described in GURPS Campaigns p.429. The target does not have to be guilty for the spell to work, but the GM may wish to have targets with a guilty conscience resist at a penalty.

Duration: Instant

Cost: 4

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Judgment of Uhll (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

Cast on a freshly decapitated head, the Judgment of Uhll prevents the head from dying. A head so preserved will continue to live unless destroyed by violence, having no more need for air, food, water, or blood. The heads cannot speak as they have no lungs, but they can move their eyes and lips. The head does retain use of mental skills and can cast any spells for which it needs neither incantations nor gestures. The heads are not undead and will not decay. The judges are known to use this as a punishment to intimidate people with.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 2

Time to Cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: Sinner’s Confession (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

When a Judge of Uhll casts Sinner’s Confession on someone, the Judge names something that the target must confess to, and the subject will thereafter confess to having done it whenever asked. The spell works just as well on the innocent as on the guilty. The target may know perfectly well that they didn’t do what they are confessing to have done but they simply cannot deny their guilt.

Duration: Permanent.

Cost: 6

Time to Cast: 30 seconds.

The Wise Way

Cost: 8 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Wise Way is said to have been taught to a family of peasants by fae folk, in thanks for their help in returning a stolen fae child. Whether this is true or not, it is certainly a peculiar art, one most often mastered by eccentric people. To outsiders, practitioners can seem sloppy in their studies, or even whimsical in their attitude towards magic. However, mastering the Wise Way takes a great degree of work and practitioners are very knowledgable. Graduates seeking to earn a living as a mage may decide to be secretive about their background, presenting themselves to the world as simple healers. In some worlds, such secrecy may be mandatory, depending on the public view of those said to traffic with the fae.

Required Skills: Dancing, Dreaming, Esoteric Medicine, Herb Lore, Hidden Lore (The Fae), Musical Instrument (any), Naturalist, Thaumatology, Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Beast Rouser, Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Scryguard, Simple Illusion, Sound.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Mystic’s Stupor), Better Magic items (Illusion), Blocking Spell Mastery (Any), Elixir Resistance, Far Casting (Any), Flexible Ritual (Any), Frightening Side Effects (Any), Huge Subjects, Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, Any type), Knower of Names, Mana Compensation, No Gestures (Any), No Incantations (Any), Obscure True Name, Reduced Footprint 2, Sanctum 1-2, Scroll Reading, Secret Mage, Secret Spell (Eyes of Morning Dew, The Fair Speech or Paths of the Red-Eared Fox).

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Acute Senses (Any), Allies (Fae), Luck, Night Vision, Oracle, Outdoorsman, Patron (Fae), Voice.

Disadvantages: Alcoholism, Curious, Delusions, Enemies (Fae), Impulsiveness, Lecherousness, Overconfidence, Phobias, Reputation (Weird and Dangerous).

Skills: Area Knowledge (Rural), Artist, Occultism, Streetwise, Symbol Drawing, Tracking.

The student begins their study at the level of Apprentice, requiring them to learn the following 8 spells.


Beast Rouser, Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Foolishness, Scryguard, Simple Illusion, Sound.

An apprentice who has learned the 8 apprentice spells may study the twenty-two spells of the Book of Autumn.

Book of Autumn

Amulet, Apportation, Conceal, Magic, Forgetfulness, Hinder, Identify Plant, Ignite Fire, Illusion Disguise, Illusion Shell, Madness, Mage Sense, Mage Sight, Phantom Flame, Recover Energy, Seek Plant, Sense Emotion, Sense Mana, Sleep, Talisman, Recover Energy, Voices.

A mage who has learned 8 Book of Autumn spells may study the twenty-three spells of the Book of the Morning Star.

Book of the Morning Star

Beast Speech, Bless Plants, Complex Illusion, Create Water, Dream Sending, Dream Viewing, False Aura, Fascinate, Hide, Hide Emotion, Hide Thoughts, Hide Path, History, Mass Sleep, Perfect Illusion, Permanent Forgetfulness, Permanent Madness, Scryfool, See Invisible, Seeker, Shapeshifting, Suggestion, Truthsayer.

A mage who has learned 8 Book of the Morning Star spells may study twenty-one spells of the Book of Spring.

Book of Spring

Ancient History, Blight, Create Food, Dream Projection, Dry Spring, Ecstasy, Enthrall, Glib Tongue, Hallucination, Lesser Geas, Lesser Wish, Lure, Mass Suggestion, Nightmare, Oath, Peaceful Sleep, Permanent Shapeshifting, Pestilence, Phantom, Shapeshift Others, Water to Wine.

A mage who has learned 8 Book of Spring spells may study the fourteen spells of the Book of the Evening Star.

Book of the Evening Star

Charge Powerstone, Charm, Create Object, Delay, Duplicate, Enchant, Great Geas, Great Hallucination, Great Shapeshift, Powerstone, Remove Aura, Remove Curse, Staff, Wish.

A mage who has learned 7 Book of the Evening Star may study the 8 spells of the Book of Summer.

Book of Summer

Curse, Eyes of Morning Dew, The Fair Speech, Great Wish, Hang Spell, Link, Paths of the Red-Eared Fox, Reflex.

Secret Spell: Eyes of Morning Dew (VH) Regular

By sprinkling their eyes with morning dew, a mage who has studied the Book of Summer can see invisible entities, such as fae, ghosts and spirits of nature. The morning dew need not be fresh. This does not count as a spell “on”.

Duration: 1d minutes.

Cost: 0

Time to cast: 1 second.

Secret Spell: The Fair Speech (VH) Area, Resisted by IQ

Anyone within the area who can hear and understand the mage and who fails to resist with IQ responds to the caster’s use of Fast-Talk or Public Speaking as if the caster’s skill was two levels higher. The caster must tell at least one lie, but it need not be a major one.

Base Cost: 2 to cast, 1 to maintain.

Time to Cast: 2 minutes.

Secret Spell: Paths of the Red-Eared Fox (VH) Regular

By following forest animals who have a touch of the fae about them (requiring a successful roll against Tracking or an appropriate magical substitute), the mage can find their way to the world of the fae, whatever that might mean in the campaign. The point of crossover from one world to another is never clear, as the forests of this world and the world of the fae are continuous. A number of people equal to (spell skill / 2) rounded down may follow the mage through for up to half an hour, provided that they can see the mage or otherwise track their movements (such as by the Tracking skill or following the only road). The caster does not get to choose who may follow, or whether anyone may follow at all. On the other hand, anyone with Magery who rolls Per + Magery will notice the crossing between worlds in time to turn back. The spell will only function in a forest that contain animals which, in the GMs judgment, could have had some association with the fae.

Cost: 4

Time to cast: 1d hours.

Words of the Child of Rowan

Cost: 19 points

Style Prerequisite: IQ 13+, Magery, (not One College Only).

The Children of Rowan are rural mages, falling under the heading of what are dismissively known as “hedge magicians”. While the power of such magics is often underestimated due to the number of dabblers in rural areas and anyone who expects a fully trained practitioner of the Words to be a bumpkin or a pushover is in for a rude shock. Words of the Child of Rowan requires years of hard study, practice and observation of the natural world and the mage who masters it is in a position to be a great benefit to their community, or a terrible curse, or to just leave home altogether for a life of adventure and use their formidable powers to grow rich. While many mages have strong codes of honor regarding the treatment of humans or nature, the school does not embrace any particular moral philosophy and practitioners with a callous or sadistic may be greatly feared for the curses they can inflict.

Required Skills: Animal Handling, Diagnosis, Esoteric Medicine, Exorcism, Farming, First Aid, Herb Lore, Hidden Lore (Folk Magic), Hidden Lore (Spirits), History (Folk Oral), Literature (Folk Oral), Naturalist, Physician, Survival (Forest), Veterinary, Weather Sense.

Required Spells: Beast Rouser, Beast Soother.

Perks: Afflicted Casting (Mystic Stupor), Elixir Resistance, Frightening Side Effects (Any), Intimidating Curses, Intuitive Cantrip (Aid), Intuitive Cantrip (Corpse Smart), Intuitive Cantrip (Eye of the Storm), Intuitive Cantrip (Friendly Undergrowth), Intuitive Cantrip (Good with Animal, any mundane), Intuitive Cantrip (Intuitive Illusionist), Knower of Names, Obscure True Name, Secret Spell (Laying the Ghosts of Winter, The Old and Venerable Rites of Spring, Raising Up the Spirits, or Whisper to the Angry Grave), Shaman’s Trance.

Optional Traits

Attributes: Improved IQ.

Advantages: Absolute Direction, Autotrance, Channeling, Luck, Medium, Night Vision, Oracle, Outdoorsman, Reputation (Wise Healer).

Disadvantages: Alcoholism, Appearance, Enemies (Other Hedge Mages), Enemies (Spirits), Gluttony, Lecherousness, Reputation (Witch).

Skills: Area Knowledge (Rural), Area Knowledge (Wilderness), Cooking, Symbol Drawing, any craft skill.

The student begins their studies at the level of Childe, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.


Beast Rouser, Beast-Soother, Counterspell, Detect Magic, Final Rest, Foolishness, Simple Illusion.

A mage who learns 4 of the above spells including Beast Rouser and Beast Soother becomes a Brother or Sister, entitling them to learn the following fifteen spells.

Brother or Sister

Bless Plants, Blight, Detect Poison, Forgetfulness, Identify Plant, Minor Healing, Neutralize Poison, Night Vision, Recover Energy, Relieve Sickness, Sense Emotion, Sickness, Sleep, Stop Bleeding, Stop Paryalysis.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Father or Mother, entitling them to learn the following seventeen spells.

Father or Mother

Command, Major Healing, Mass Sleep, Persuasion, Relieve Paralysis, Relieve Sickness, Resist Disease, Restore Hearing, Restore Memory, Restore Sight, Restore Speech, Remove Contagion, Resist Poison, Strike Dumb, Truthsayer, Turn Spirit, Vexation.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes an Honored Father or Mother, entitling them to learn the following twenty-five spells.

Honored Father or Mother

Clouds, Cure Disease, Divination (Augery), False Memory, Fog, Great Healing, Forest Warning, Healing Slumber, Lesser Geas, Paralyze Limb, Pestilence, Predict Weather, Rain, Shapeshifting, Slow Healing, Stop Healing, Strike Barren, Strike Blind, Strike Deaf, Strike Numb, Total Paralysis, Turn Zombie, Weaken Blood, Wither Limb, Wither Plant.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Grandfather or Grandmother, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.

Grandfather or Grandmother

Dispel Magic, Gauntness, Great Geas, Relieve Madness, Remove Curse, Storm, Suspend Curse.

A mage who learns 8 of the above spells becomes a Elder, entitling them to learn the following 7 spells.


Bless, Corpulence, Curse, Laying the Ghost of Winter, The Old and Venerable Rites of Spring, Raising Up the Spirits, Whisper to the Angry Grave.

Secret Spell: Laying the Ghost of Winter (VH) Area

If cast in the last half of winter, this functions as Bless Plants (GURPS Magic, p. 161), except where otherwise noted. At any time of year, the spell tends to annoy ghosts if the area of effect includes their burial grounds. Clever mages have been known to find ways to exploit this annoyance effect.

Base Cost: 0.5 of a FP.

Time to Cast: 2 Hours

Secret Spell: The Old and Venerable Rites of Spring (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

If the caster can transfer an item at least the size of a pin or a human hair from one individual to another, the receiver will fall in love with the original owner and remain in love for as long as they have the item in their possession. The victim must already know the person they are to fall in love with and reaction modifiers for beauty or ugliness should be applied to the spell skill. This spell does not generally cause people to change their sexual orientations and PCs should never be required to do so. For the purposes of this spell, the victim is only in possession of the item if they have a close association with it, such as by wearing it or keeping it at work or at home (or, for the rich, that area of work or home that you spend your time in). At the GMs discretion, class-conscious victims may add Status and / or Wealth to their resistance roll, depending on how snobby they are and about what. The GM may apply similar bonuses when the love crosses other social or personal boundaries. The victim does not necessarily fall out of love when the spell ends, but the relationship gets no more magical support.

Duration: Permanent

Cost: 1

Time to Cast: 3 seconds to cast the spell on the item to be transferred. The item must then come into the victim’s possession before the next moonrise.

Secret Spell: Raising Up the Spirits (VH) Regular, Resisted by Will

The subject is occasionally exposed to minor but frightening supernatural effects at night. The GM should be creative in coming up with fresh oddness. Objects may move without being touched, strange noises might emerge from the attic, animals may behave in an unusual way, or people may have strange dreams or weird hallucinations. Victims with feelings of guilt relating to the dead or to demons will suffer hallucinations formed by these feelings, tailor made for them. Victims with latent psychic powers who are suffering from guilt or self-disgust will have these latent powers turn against them, producing additional frightening effects. The spell will not take effect until the victim has received a warning from the caster, though the warning can be anonymous and as obscure as the caster likes.

Duration: Until the caster terminates it.

Cost: 8

Time to Cast: 8 hours

Secret Spell: Whisper to the Angry Grave (VH) Regular

The caster causes a dead body to rise from the grave and seek revenge in a manner of its own choosing. Dead people who don’t want revenge for anything will not rise and the caster has no control over what the subject wants revenge for. The caster may tell truths at the gravesite in order to convince the subject that it should want revenge. For example, an otherwise peaceful corpse might grow angry to learn that its only child has been murdered. The caster must be touching the corpse, the coffin, or the grave for the spell to function. The subject will have all of the abilities it had before it died as well as +5 ST, +5 HT, +10 FP (may not be used to power spells), Night Vision 9, Very Fit, no need to breathe, eat, drink or sleep, and an immunity to bleeding, stun and shock. The risen will be single-minded in pursuit of revenge. They can be informed but they cannot be negotiated with and are not likely to listen to anything not directly related to their vengeance. Risen who get their vengeance just want to go back to their graves.