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'''Alan Triplemain  ''' <br>
'''Alan Triplemain  ''' <br>
A drunk gave us a large some of money to look for rare stones for him. We have to give the money back, give him the stones or wait for him to come kill us. As we cant enter Hale anymore.... <br>
A drunk gave us a large some of money to look for rare stones for him. We have to give the money back, give him the stones or wait for him to come kill us. As we cant enter Hale anymore.... <br>
The drunk returned. Raven en You have chose to help him beat some old ladys instead. If they can find them.  
* The drunk returned. Raven en You have chose to help him beat some old ladys instead. If they can find them.  

Revision as of 14:34, 18 December 2009

DnD Desert Raiders Campaign

DnD - Desert campaign - City of Dead3.jpg

Sessions Log

DM Notes

Do not read as player between DM'ing sessions.

10/06/09 - Session I - Caravan Caper

Initial Notes

  • Characters wake up in back of moving caravan cart.
  • Last memory was being left for dead by raiders/bandits.
  • Any prior acquaintances among party unknown at this point in time (no backstories yet)
  • Couple of kids are also riding in the cart and before long a scuffle breaks out between a few members of both groups.
  • Goblins involved actually manage to hold their own.
  • One kid, bruised and screaming, stumbles out of the cart and goes down in an ungainly heap.
  • This sufficiently alerts the remainder of the caravan, which pulls to a halt.
  • Goblins flee like rats from cart, dodging and climbing to stay hidden.
  • Some hide, some flee.
  • Scattered melee ensues.

Player Characters

  • (Deceased 28-10-2009) Trog \\\\\-\\\\\-\\\

  • maximum number: \\\\\-\\\\\-\\\\\-\\\\\-

- one "\" per game, 5 games per level


NonPlayer Characters

Occupation: Jeweler
Location: Hale
Will buy 8 bloodstone shards for 6gp each.

Big Al
Occupation: Weaponsmith
Location: Hale
Can't resist a bet.

Alan Triplemain
Occupation: Adventurer
Location: Hale
Payed to party to get him more mystical rocks within a few days

Occupation: Owner of the pub Nova
Location: Alice Springs
wishes to get a certain magical instrument



Stat generation

  • 4d6, drop lowest.
  • No re-rolling of 1's.
  • Roll two sets, pick one.

Desert Environment

Survival rolls for rations - base DC 15


Alchemist Fire is 250ml Clay jug holds 4000ml

Craft Alchemy Check to transfer to other container.



Its not for nothing that gobelins are unlike by most other races. The party is working hard to confirm this dislike.

Caravan of Palor
After the death of some of there members they might hold a grudge.

Alan Triplemain
A drunk gave us a large some of money to look for rare stones for him. We have to give the money back, give him the stones or wait for him to come kill us. As we cant enter Hale anymore....

* The drunk returned. Raven en You have chose to help him beat some old ladys instead. If they can find them. 

On our travels for a priest of Palor there was a slight discussion of opinions. Hireling goblins often causes some trouble. Having a large number of Palor followers die was probably not on his list acceptable outcomes.

The party seem to have a capture on sigh status in Hale

Burned down town
3 goblins enter a small town, a few hours later the whole town is burned to the ground. No survivors have been fount so far.

Unknown druid chick
After coming out of the tunnel under the burned down town the goblins chose to rest a bit in the storage room under the inn.
a group of four humans came to investigate and wanted to talk to whoever was there. After a short "conversation" the humans broke trough the door. Seeing that the battle didn't go to well 1 of the humans (druid chick) was able to escape.
The bard did carry a magical violin. Rumour is that the leader of a nearby camp has a magical violin.


Game Mechanics

Desert Environment

Temperature Bands and Heat Dangers

Cold Dangers

Conditional Temperature Variations


Natural Hazards



Basic editing options explained.

Although most thematically suitable options will be included in Sandstorm, this is the complete list.

Desert races receive racial feat: Heat Endurance. See Sandstorm for most recent version of this feat.

NB: this is at the cost of darkvision to low-light vision.

Useful stuff.
