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Created page with '[U]<B>Hunfrith Longthinker, Giant Bard and Sage</B>[/U] [ sblock=Character Sheet] [B]Hunfrith Longthinker [/B] Giant Bard and Sage, some 42 years old STR 10 (+0) DEX 11 (+0) …'
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[U]<B>Hunfrith Longthinker, Giant Bard and Sage</B>[/U]
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[ sblock=Character Sheet]
''Hunfrith Longthinker, Giant Bard and Sage, 42 years old''
[B]Hunfrith Longthinker [/B]
Giant Bard and Sage, some 42 years old

STR 10 (+0)  
*STR 10 (+0)  
DEX 11 (+0)  
*DEX 11 (+0)  
CON 14 (+2)  
*CON 14 (+2)  
INT 14 (+2)  
*INT 14 (+2)  
WIS 14 (+2)
*WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 15 (+2)
*CHA 15 (+2)

Class: Sage 2  
*Class: Sage 2, XP: 1,000
XP: 1,000
*Vitality Points: 22
Vitality Points: 22
*Wound Points: 14
Wound Points: 14
*Action dice: 3d4
Action dice: 3d4

BAB: +1    Melee +0    Ranged +0
*BAB: +1    Melee +0    Ranged +0
Defence: 15 (10 +1 Sage +3 shield +1 spear)
*Defence: 15 (10 +1 Sage +3 shield +1 spear)
Damage Reduction (Armour):  
Initiative +1 (1 Sage)
*Init: +1 (1 Sage)
Fortitude +4 (2 +2 Con)
*Fort: +4 (2 +2 Con)
Reflex +2 (2 +0 Dex)
*Ref: +2 (2 +0 Dex)
Will +4 (2 +2 Wis)
*Will: +4 (2 +2 Wis)

Lifestyle: 2 (Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 10silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
*Lifestyle: 2 (Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 10silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
Legend: 2
*Legend: 2
Reputation: 20
*Reputation: 20
Renown: 0
*Renown: 0

[U]Abilities & Feats[/U]
Abilities & Feats
Gia: [I]Large folk[/I]: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
* Gia: [I]Large folk[/I]: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
Gia: [I]Improved Stability[/I]: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip
*Gia: [I]Improved Stability[/I]: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip
Gia: [I]Natural Attack[/I]: Trample I
Gia: [I]Natural Attack[/I]: Trample I
Gia: [I]Sterner Stuff[/I]: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4
Gia: [I]Sterner Stuff[/I]: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4
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Loads (as Huge so Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb
Loads (as Huge so Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb
Stake 200s
Stake 200s
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[ sblock=Story]
<B>History: </B>
After the Eastern Horde was repelled, Hunfrith Longthinker came down from Kel Donlar and sat himself down for a week in the market place near to the Iron Hawks’ compund. After two days, some of the Kel Enlial common folk brought him water, apples and more apples, and finally some mead. An old maid sat with him and talked low to him. An idiot sat on his lap for the best part of a day telling passers-by that he was a Titan.
After the week was out (two market days had come and gone, the stallholders making do with his bulky presence and enjoying his serene smile), he finally spoke, in his rich bass. "I have decided the time has come to help you" he declared.
[ /sblock] 
[ sblock=Q&A]
[B]-Name another member of the Ancestral Hero pantheon, and what their general domain is.[/B]
Feth is the Master Chisel, the Titan who made many of the races we know today, carved out of rock. He is also known as the Counsel, due to his keen wisdom, though his enemies call him the Raven. Among his enemies are the elves. Though he considers the elves his children, he is the figurehead of their revolt.
Feth is worshipped by those who carve stone, who keep lore, or who offer counsel. His is also a brutal warrior with huge ham fists.
[B]-Do the Giants merely haunt Kel Donlar, or do they also still have some control in another of the cities in the region? If so, would you like to name it? (see #3 on [URL="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&t=k&msa=0&msid=116027968805698873356.000471e80caf1e770b10f&ll=51.618017,-68.57666&spn=1.701919,4.949341&z=8"]the map[/URL])?[/B]
The giants haunt Kel Donlar and maintain the Library, a huge complex built into the mountain side of twisting and connecting passages whose very design and aspect bears a message. The information stored within the library is enscribed on stone tablets or on the very walls. With time, the giants' numbers are dwindling. They know they must do something about this but they cannot leave the Library or it will be vulnerable. They do not even know if the other great cities of giants still stand. An [I]impasse[/I].
[B]-How long has Hunfrith lived, and if asked what might he say about his family?[/B]
Only some forty years, though you couldn't tell. His family? They are very proud of him but doubt that he will ever return.
[B]-How long ago does the Company's records claim it was founded?[/B]
A hundred and twenty-two. But this is untrue. Hunfrith himself has seen mention of the Iron Hawk, a heroic company of Titan warriors, in several of the main legends enscribed on the walls of the Library.
[B]-Tell me one important thing about your character's appearance (examples: baby-faced, heavily scarred, interesting tattoo, shock of red hair, always in full armor, etc.)[/B]
Although his features are fairly nomal (brown hair and beard, ruddy face and green-brown eyes) if large, Hunfrith has a beautifully serene smile. Quite catches the eye, this. [ /sblock]

Revision as of 18:12, 22 January 2010

Back to Heartstone Codex

Hunfrith Longthinker, Giant Bard and Sage, 42 years old

  • STR 10 (+0)
  • DEX 11 (+0)
  • CON 14 (+2)
  • INT 14 (+2)
  • WIS 14 (+2)
  • CHA 15 (+2)
  • Class: Sage 2, XP: 1,000
  • Vitality Points: 22
  • Wound Points: 14
  • Action dice: 3d4
  • BAB: +1 Melee +0 Ranged +0
  • Defence: 15 (10 +1 Sage +3 shield +1 spear)
  • DamRed:
  • Init: +1 (1 Sage)
  • Fort: +4 (2 +2 Con)
  • Ref: +2 (2 +0 Dex)
  • Will: +4 (2 +2 Wis)
  • Lifestyle: 2 (Panache 2 [+1 Appearance; Income 10silver] / Prudence 0 [15% savings])
  • Legend: 2
  • Reputation: 20
  • Renown: 0

Abilities & Feats

  • Gia: [I]Large folk[/I]: 2x2; Reach 2; Speed 50’
  • Gia: [I]Improved Stability[/I]: If standing on firm ground, +1 size cat for CC, Trample attacks & resisting Bull rush/Trip

Gia: [I]Natural Attack[/I]: Trample I Gia: [I]Sterner Stuff[/I]: Defending against Keen atks, they reduce by 4 Ba: [I]Well-rounded [/I]: Ba: [I]Beguiling[/I]: When taunt standard character, can change standard result for fixation for rounds =15 (Cha). Dmg interrupts Ba: [I]Encouragement[/I]: 1/scene Talk to teammate 1 min +1 morale saves Ba: [I]Free Hint[/I]: 1/session Free hint from GM or bonus action die Ba: [I]Practised Impress[/I]: If use action die to boost Impress but fails, get it back SaC: [I]Breadth of Experience:[/I] 4 bonus class skills with 2 free ranks Sa1: [I]Wise counsel:[/I] 1 action die to boost ally’s skill/save or damage (p.47) Sa2: [I]Assistance I:[/I] Half an ally’s skill check time (round up, min. 5 min.), but +1 error range (p.47) Lvl 1: [I]Shield basics:[/I] +4 to Bull rush + Phalanx stance Stance: [I]Phalanx stance:[/I] Allies have +1 Def+Ref; or +2 if I have guard +2 (i.e. shield)

[U]Proficiencies:[/U] Hurled weapons Edged weapons (forte) Blunt weapons (forte)

[U]Skills (ranks/stat/misc) [/U] [I](6+Int 2 = 8/lvl) Max 5 Total (4x8)+8+8 bonus=48[/I] Acrobatics** 5 (5/0Dex/0) Athletics** 5 (5/0Str/0) Bluff* 5 (3/2Cha/0) Crafting (Masonry) 6 (4/2Int/0) Disguise 2 (0/2Cha/0) Haggle 5 (3/2Wis/0) Impress** 7 (5/2Cha/0) Intimidate** 7 (5/2Cha/0) Investigate 7 (5/2Wis/0) Medicine 5 (3/2Int/0) Notice 3 (1/2Wis/0) Resolve* 5 (3/2Con/0) Ride 0 (0/0Dex/0) Search 3 (1/2Int/0) Sense Motive 7 (5/2Wis/0) Tactics 2 (0/2Int/0)

[I]* Origin skills. ** Bonus Sage class skills (gain 2 ranks)[/I]

[I]Interests[/I] Language: Donlar (the native tongue of Old Lil, though he speaks the archaic form) Study: Stone Study: History of the First Empire Study: Unborn Alignment: For Kel Donlar! (Paths from Beauty, Earth, Knowledge & Strength)

Gear Loads (as Huge so Str 20): Light < 200 lb / Hvy 201-600 lb / Over > 601 lb Stake 200s

[I]Padded moderate armour, giant, crude [/I] DR1 Cold 5 +2 resistances12lb 25s [I]Shield, tower[/I] 1d6 subdual (-) Giant, Guard +3 12lb 60s (p.177) [I]Throwing spear, Giant, Guard[/I] 1d10 lethal (19-20/16-20 vs. M) hurl, reach +1 20lb 35s = 120s Iron Hawk Standard +2 Intimidate or Impress 12 lb 40s =40s

Blanket Cold res 4 5lb 4s Canteen 1 lb 5s Pouch (50 coins) 2s 100ft hemp rope 20 lb 12s Stonecutter’s kit 10 lb 15s Doctor’s bag 2lb 20s Oil, 2 pints 2 lb 2s Torches 5 3 lb 2s Bandages 10 uses ½ lb 3s Rations 7 uses 5lb 5s = 70s!

Coin: 10s [ /sblock]

History: Text