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==Hugaar and Pasin Unite== | ==Hugaar and Pasin Unite== | ||
One of the first acts of mankind was to '''join Hugaar and Pasin'''. United, they set to reconquer the '''wilderness''' from the '''goblins''', driving them into the mountains and deserts, and to expel the wild predatory '''dragons''', driving them west. | One of the first acts of mankind was to '''join Hugaar and Pasin'''. United, they set to reconquer the '''wilderness''' from the '''goblins''', driving them into the mountains and deserts, and to expel the wild predatory '''dragons''', driving them west. When most of this bloody work was done, however, a '''great army''' of giants and witches came from the north and the exhausted Empire changed hands. | ||
=Empire: The Second Cycle= | =Empire: The Second Cycle= |
Revision as of 21:05, 27 January 2010
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Empire of the Sun and Mooon. Hatha. Pashnaar. Empire of the Twin Stars. Empire of All the World’s People. Land of the Sun. Empire of a Thousand Years. Empire of the Blessed Womb. Empire of the Giants’ Seed. The Brothers’ Kingdom.
The essence of the Empire is Union. Union between Hatha and Sird, between Huth and Newelaar, between Sirdehaar and Hugaar, between Hugaar and Pasin, between East and West.
You cannot understand the Empire without understanding this.
The Age of Giants
In the Beginning – The Time of Giants, Hatha and Sird, The Making of the World and the Birth of Man (Sons of Lorn), Calla Queen of the Witches and Huth the First of the Gods.
The Making of the World. The Brothers Hatha and Sird
The First Giants, the Rend, were great workers of stone, and were driven by a great impulse. They strode across the world carving out mountains and valleys we see today. They wrought things of great beauty out of stone. To help them in their labours and people the world, they carved sons out of the rock.
The names of most of the Rend are now lost, but two stand out and are known to this day. They are the brothers Sird, wrought of basalt, and Hatha, wrought of granite. Sird was carved first, he was the stronger and the more cunning of the pair, and the better craftsman. He is power and might in its starkest, most imposing form, and is desire, anger and vengeance. Hatha was wrought after his brother and was the wiser of the two, the more thoughtful, the lover of beauty.
The pair made great mountain ranges together and wielded massive iron clubs in fierce battles with other Rend. They constructed the Rendwall which binds the east of the world, and made the great plain to the West which later became the Plains of Fire. In the south they carved out a great rents in the ground and this later became the oceans. They wrought great clubs of iron they had pulled from the ground, and used these to fight fierce battles with the other giants.
Sird’s desire and anger had transformed into a slow cunning. He had learned to pound his club, Niddighugger, into an edge, and to hone this edge on the rocks. Hatha, considering himself wiser, stood apart from his brother and accused him of folly. This greatly angered Sird, so the obsidian Giant struck his brother almighty blow with his great edged club and cut him open.
The Blood of Hatha: Water and Ice. Sird the Rendking
The two brothers had fought one another many times before, and had fought the other Rend. But this was new. Hatha was cut open by the Niddighugger's iron blade and it was water which spilled forth from his wound; so much water that it filled the valleys, covered the lowest lands, and filled even the great rent in the ground, giving rise to the Oceans and the Seas.
Hatha and Sird never again quite understood one another, but from this act, much of the world was made. Sird called himself the Rendking, cowing his subjects with his new weapon. Hatha was now creeping along the lowest grounds, his body long gone, having now no substance but Water. To show how different he was from his vanquished brother, Sird moved up to the highest of the mountains and built himself a great castle. Still he loved his brother, so he took some of Hatha’s blood, the new thing water, with him. Filling his helm with water, he bore it up to his mountain fastness. But there, Hatha showed a cold indifference to his brother and the water froze and spilled out of the helm, turning Sird’s mountain retreat to ice and snow. At first, Sird was indifferent. He used the ice to carve for himself a throne, to spy better upon the world. But in his isolation, only receiving occasional visits from below, he spoke to the ice and sent it south, in glaciers or in ice floes, to bring him news of the world. To his dismay, the ice never returned.
The Crafting of the Sun
When Sird had made his geat blade of iron and sharpened it on the rocks, he had noticed that he also made great heat and sparks of light. So, seeking to relieve himself of the cold, he took his weapon and struck it against the rocks, many many times. He wore whole mountains down with his iron and gathered the heat up into a great bright burning ball. This ball of burning fire and light he named the Sun.
When he was done, though, the Rendking found he had no control over this new thing. In truth, the Sun was the first being to see Sird for all had been darkness before, and it told the King what a gnarled old creature he was and that he was too ugly to be in the Sun's radiant presence. Worse, the Sun told Sird that the only beautiful thing about him was his mantle of ice and snow; that is to say, Sird’s vanquished brother. So as not to risk melting this thing of beauty, the Sun said it would leave Sird's gloomy realm and take a place in the sky where it could gaze at things of beauty in the world. This it did.
The Sons of Lorn – Man
While King Sird was up his icy fastness, his subjects, the other Giants, were still driven to craft things out of rock. Now, though, they began to mix Hatha’s blood with their stone and they began to craft new wonders. Sird himself never did this and is known as the hardest, least malleable of beings. But the other Giants, themselves sons of the First Giants, began to make their own sons out of this mud. These were new, smaller, softer and suppler things and one of them, a Giant named Lorn, noticed that the smaller and softer he made his sons, the cleverer they were, until they themselves could work the mud and make their own sons. This was Man, although the first of the Men were great towering beings, larger even than our brothers we now give the name giants, or Sons of Lorn or Rendsons.
The Daughters of Hatha – Woman
While a part of Hatha was up in Sird’s Castle of Ice, he was mostly down in the lowest places of the world, unable to lift himself up and walk as he had once done. He saw his brothers and cousins, the other Giants, making things of stone, and regretted that he no longer could. He saw them take some of his waters and use them to make the new softer things, but he gave that no thought. Not yet. Instead, frustrated, he would fly into great rages and beat upon the stone, trying to do what he had been born to do, but he could do very little, only pound it into pebbles. The more he beat at the stone, the more formless it became.
Eventually, his rages died down and he grew calmer. He found he could little affect stone, as he had once down, but he could at least imagine forms. These forms, once imagined, began to speak to their father in whispers. This greatly pleased Hatha; he gave these spirits names, and so they became ever less formless, the first, and most powerful, of the Witches. Their whispers became the winds and they could fly freely through the world. They told Hatha of his brother, they told him of the Sons of Lorn.
The First Great Magic and the Wedding of Man and Woman
One thing that the Witches learned was that the Sons of Lorn were able to craft their own sons, replicas of themselves, out of rock and water. This was something the Witches were not able to do. Seeing that these sons of the giants would eventually be far greater in number than themselves, they grew jealous of the craft and thought to steal it. These Witches were great enchantresses. They went among the sons of the giants and stole an item from each and every one of them. Then they weaved a great magic, a great spell which they used to wrest this power from the giants.
When the Sons of Lorn, in their rage, drove the Witches back into the Seas, they found they could no longer craft sons. But this was the first time the Witches had cast a great spell together, and it was imperfect. They were unable to wield this great power they had stolen. Inevitably, after ages of fruitless hostility, the Sons of Lorn and the Daughters of Hatha realised that they would only ever be able to wield this power in unison.
The Gods' Age
The First of the Gods and the end of the Giants. Huth’s Vow and Betrayal. Pasin and Newlaar. Huth builds the Mountains of the Stars. The Sun is Captured and Huth weds Newelaar. The Moon. The last of the Gods is born.
Queen Calla. Huth is born
While the Sons of Lorn and the Daughters of Hatha were peopling the world, the Gods were born. Queen Calla was one of the most powerful of Hatha’s first daughters. It was she who invented language and had shown the others how to cast the first great spell. She was proud, though, and wanted a husband to match her, not one of these Men made out of mud.
So it was that she flew up to Sird’s Castle of Ice and there sought audience with her uncle. At first, the Red was angry and threw great boulders at her, or tried to cut her with his great iron sword. But this was no trouble to her, for she simply became the wind and laughed at her uncle. Eventually he tired, and sat down to listen to Calla. This was the moment of her victory, for as soon as she began to speak, the old Giant was enchanted and seduced. So was born the first and greatest of the Gods, Huth.
There were many Gods. Children of Calla and Sird, they built a court around their father’s icy throne and filled it with laughter and with tales of adventure. Soon Sird had forgoten all about the other Giants, and so their time ended. The remaining giants and their sons dispersing to the south, to the east and to the west, where they built kingdoms of their own. Only a few remained, among these Lorn the Father of Man. Calla herself is known as a Goddess, as are Hatha and Sird. The common man or woman often does not know who was first a Giant, a Witch or a true God, and it makes little difference except to the greybeards who devote their lives to such matters. Even some of the first Men are now called Gods, while some great kings believe they can travel up to the Castle of Ice and live with the Gods
Many Gods were born and a few died. They invented many of the things we know today: music, poetry, art, the rules of war, wine, gold and silver, languages. The greatest of the gods was named Huth. First and most beloved son of Sird and Calla, he was a beautiful god, strong and clever, fiercely loyal and given to great passions.
Huth’s Vow to Queen Calla
Huth grew to be a great God. He was the pride of his father Sird but in the world, he acted as his mother’s agent, for he loved his mother above all things. Of the many great events enacted by Huth, one of the greatest was that he sought his uncle and grandfather, Hatha, and made peace with him on his mother’s behalf. After this, he sought to show her his love by gifting her with the most beautiful thing in the world. He swore to her that he would capture the Sun and bring it bound to her in the Castle of Ice.
Huth meets Pasin
Huth travelled down, out of his father’s mountainous realm, Sirdehaar, to wamer lands where the Sun might more easily be found. He took with him a tribe of giants, some of the younger and more venturous of his father’s subjects. He had heard tell of a place called the Land of the Sun, so it was to this place that he led his band.
Huth’s wanderings are the stuff of legend. Many were the travails he had and many were the contests won. But eventually he found himself in a beautiful land, a warm place of flowing wine, where the people had made instruments which sang even more beautifully than the sighings of the winds, and told great tales which matched even Huth’s own epic journey. Here, he saw that the Sun could indeed be seen lingering, and Huth thought he could understand why. Huth concluded that he had arrived in the Land of the Sun, so he asked to meet the lord of this land, the god Pasin.
Huth had made no secret of the purpose of his quest, so Pasin knew that he had to be very clever. If this strange northern god took the Sun out of the sky and carried it north, the grapes would wither and Pasin’s people would have to go about in furs. Pasin spoke to Huth and learned that his resolve was great; he would not easily be dissuaded from his task. So Pasin vowed to help Huth, to be his boon companion and to do his all to help capture the Sun. Huth was greatly pleased, most especially when Pasin told him of the Sun’s habits.
Huth and Newelaar
The Sun was, as ever, proud and vain. Every day, as it travelled overhead, admiring things of beauty in the lands below, it would pause at the edge of Pasin’s realm, above the Placid Sea. Here it gazed upon the most beautiful thing in the world: its own reflection. Huth begged his new friend to take him to this Placid Sea and Pasin, of course, did so.
But there was one thing that Pasin had neglected to tell Huth. His sister, the Goddess Newelaar, resided at the Placid Sea and was perhaps the most beautiful of the Goddesses. With Huth’s first look, his heart was taken. He vowed to himself that he would make this goddess his, and he was moved to swear to her all kinds of oaths, make all kinds of promises. When he finally asked her what in the world he could give her to make her his, she replied that only one prize would make her his. The Sun.
The Star Mountains
Blinded by love, Huth swore that he would do exactly this. He would build a great tower into the sky and there would capture the sun for his goddess. So began the construction of the first of the Star Mountains, on the shores of the Placid Sea. This was the first time such an undertaking had been taken on since the Rend had roamed the world. But Huth had with him his twelve companions, themselves sons of the world builders, so before too many lifetimes had passed, his mountain was up among the clouds.
During this time, his companions had themselves met twelve of Newelaar`s handmaidens, Hathari nymphs. Just as their lord had done, each had fallen deeply in love with his respective nymph and they had, emulating their mistress, bid each of their suitors to gift them a star. So, while Huth built his own tower, his companions each built their own, each one a demonstration of love. Each of these towers, built on the shores of the Placid Sea, was of such dimensions that they each became a mountain, the Star Mountains. Each of these giants, each of his brides, and each of the stars, is a story in its own right. INSERT LINK
Huth’s Gift
When Huth finally finished his mountain, he reached for the Sun and siezed hold of it. Despite the agony of holding the ball of flame, he brought it down to Newelaar and proferred it to her as his wedding gift. With perhaps the most beautiful smile which ever adorned a face, the goddess told her suitor that he had shown the depth of his devotion and he must now place the Sun back in its place. This he did and the two were wed.
Calla’s Anger. The Moon and The Bastard God
Although the nymphs bore many children to Huth’s companions, his own marriage to Newelaar was barren. Eventually, he learned from the goblin seer Herak that his mother, Queen Calla, had laid a curse on the union and that the fruitless union was but the first consequence of the curse. Huth had always been one for appeasement so he sought out old Hatha for advice. His uncle and grandfather, knowing his daughter better than any, told Huth that only a gift from Newelaar, one of equal beauty to the Sun, would appease his mother. Newelaar agreed to this.
To craft her gift, the goddess inspired herself on the Sun. She herself had seen the Sun gazing upon its reflection day after day so she constructed an image of the Sun, one of the same size and the same form, but crafted out of her own silvery substance. This was the Moon and Huth took it north to his mother. Although partly consoled by the gift, Queen Calla was by nature vengeful. She took the gift and gave it a place in the sky, but demanded one more gift of her son, that she, his mother, carry the seed of Huth’s firstborn rather than his bride.
Thus, although Huth and Newelaar had many children, Huth’s firstborn was the Bastard God, Umer.
The Age of Chaos
City States in Conflict. Enslavement by the Divine Majestrix. The Curse of the Witches of the North. Hugaar and Pasin Unite.
The City States
What followed was a dark time for Mankind. Although Huth had founded his beautiful granite city, Hugaar, nestled among the Star Mountains, and Pasin’s home, Pashnaar, too was growing, there was no unity. These and other cities formed their own governments and fought over lands and trade routes. The lands between were wilderness, the territory of predatory goblins. The Tribes of Sirdehaar too were disunited, wading through century-long blood feuds.
Mankind Enslaved and the Dragons
Hugaar, Pashnaar, and the other states at the centre of the world were ripe for picking. Saurian merchants were increasingly to be seen, accompanied by hired guards. But they were just preparing the ground for what was to come. A great army of lizards came from the south and, in a bloodless war never quite understood to this day, enslaved mankind, halting only at the foothills of of Sirdehaar.
While the Saurians had lived in the cold (for them) centre of the world, they had entertained dreams of conquering the frozen north. As they require heat to live, however, they had sought to change themselves to carry their own heat with them. They conducted great magics in which volunteers ingested fire. Although many died in this ritual, some survived and became dragons.
The Witches of the North
Although centuries of subjugation to the Divine Majestsrix followed, there are no records or memories of this time. The dominance of he Saurians was such that they were able even to control the memories of their subjects. What we do know of this time is that many many people were taken south as slaves or as food. Eventually the Witches of the North, taking pity on their southern cousins and fearful lest the dragons move north, united and created a great curse on the Divine Majestrix. The disunity which had always characterized the human tribes now became a feature of the Saurians. Their hold over humankind, bit by bit, crumbled.
The Saurian Legacy
It was if mankind awoke from a dream. Much of our culture took years to be reconstructed from fragmented memories, but Hugaar was now stronger than ever before. Although the Saurians had gone, they had left behind some of their most valuable inventions: arithmetic and geometry, and an administrative hierarchy which they had taught to their slaves and had left in their hands.
Hugaar and Pasin Unite
One of the first acts of mankind was to join Hugaar and Pasin. United, they set to reconquer the wilderness from the goblins, driving them into the mountains and deserts, and to expel the wild predatory dragons, driving them west. When most of this bloody work was done, however, a great army of giants and witches came from the north and the exhausted Empire changed hands.
Empire: The Second Cycle
The Dominance of Sirdehaar and Devotion to the Bastard God. The First Invasions of the Visters. Transfer of Power. First Year of Pasin. The Wars of Descent. The Spring Assassinations. Pogroms and Decay.
Dominance of Sirdehaar
King Tullis came south and west from the Tegayet Plateau, southern Sirdehaar, with an army of men, of giants and of witches, drawn from several of the most powerful of the tribes of Sirdehaar. Claiming descent from Umer, the Bastard God, he claimed Hugaar as his birthright. He wed the queen of Pasin name?, herself descended from Huth and Newelaar, to form a new royal line. He ascended Mt. Huth and built a great tower at the top of the mountain. There, he used a net, crafted by his witches, and carried by his giants, to capture the Sun as a gift for his queen.
The queen was wise and knew that he had to set the Sun free, but she told Tullis to take some of the Sun's powers. This was done and the Sun was set free. The queen gained the power of Sight, and Huth the power of Fire. Tullis instituted worship of the Emperor and Empress as Gods, and placed Umer highest.
Invasions from the West
At first, the Empire was poorly administered. Unprotected, the porous western borders allowed a series of invasions by hordes of Visters.
YP 1-62 Transfer of Power
to Pasin, calendar begins, “1st Year of Pasin” Poor administration continues, softened by life in Pasin Huth as the main religion predominates again, the Bastard God loses power.
YP 63-121 The Wars of Descent
fights over bloodline, ends with all of the prominent nobles killed in a series of assassinations one spring – coins the saying, “When the spring snow melts, Death knocks at the gate.” Institution of Senate and of the first Vice-Emperor
YP 122-148 War of Unification, Pogroms and Decay
The empire is collapsing. In an effort to halt this, the Emperor launches the War of Unification, an unsuccessful attempt to unite the doctrine of the Sturian Church into a coherent whole. Scapegoats are identified, whether religious or racial, and the population at large engages in enthusiastic and bloody murder.
Empire: The Third Cycle
Pasin Opens its Gates to Huth’s Blood. Conquest and Expansion. Marriage to the East. The Twin Star Empire. Silver and Gold. Prophecies and the End of the World.
YP 149 Pasin Opens its Gates
The Spring snows melt and for the second time, a northerner name ??? arrives to claim the Empire, this time riding a drake and escorted by a bodyguard of Visters. He claims direct descent from Huth but many simply call him Death.
YP 149-312 Renewal, Conquest and Expansion
One of the usurper's first acts is to put the majority of the Empire's bureaucrats to the sword, in a week which turns the river ???? red. The survivors are put to work reconstructing an administrative system but it is stretched to the limit.
The Emperor's right han man is the Archon (name???), a theologian of note who is later canonized. Although the Emperor's reach is weakened by the thinly stretched administration, the Church is considerably strenghtened through a series of reforms, most notable of which is a new freedom of worship across the Empire. The Church is revitalised and, led by several new orders of holy knights and renewed enthusiasm on the part of the Sirdehaar tribes, the Empire begins a new period of expansion and conquest.
YP 313-349 The Inglorious War. Marriage
The Emperor leads an army into Alaya to 'reclaim' the lands occupied by the 'invaders'. He has the backing of theologically watertight documents which prove the heretical nature of the Alayan church. After skirmishes and devastation of the countryside, a siege begins at the City of Mages. This lasts eleven years and ends when the Emperor, who is already wed to a Sirdehaar itch, weds an Alayan princess and names her Empress. Half of the army is comprised of Sirdehaar tribesmen, and these quit in disgust for home. As they have earned very little booty in the campaign, many groups detour through Hugaar itself, spilling much blood and pillaging at least a dozn minor cities.
With the marriage, the Emperor founds the Empire of the Twinned Stars.
YP 350-462 Twin Star Empire
The Empire now has two centres, Pasin in the west, and the City of Mages in the east. For a time, his works well, but a rivalry steadily grows. The Empire neither expands nor declines. In the west, the Sirdehaar tribes send much more modest forces to guard the borders from the Visters, or cease to deal with Imperial representatives in any form. Vister raids increase. To the east, the sea represents a natural barrier to expansion and citizens turn their throughts to peaceful pursuits such as agriculture and arts.
A number of religious issues also threaten to divide the Empire. The comparative religious freedom is taken too far by some and the Church, based in Pasin, grows ever less tolerant. In remorte regions, heresies are preached, while in th major population centres, cults become fashionable, even among more notable families.
On the eastern seaboard, a federation of city states is created around Saphet. For the next century, they frequently switch allegiance from Sirdehaar to Pashnaar.
YP 463-498 Silver and Gold
Perhaps sensing that the Empire is set to break itself in two, the Emperor reveals that he has been told in a dream to travel over the sea; that the lands at the foot of the Rendwall are rightfully his. Over seven years, he builds an army on gifts and promises and from Alaya build the largest fleet of ships ever seen. In 471 the Empire invades the far east, though with very few ontingents from Sirdehaar.
By 490 the coastal lands are pacified an the bulk of the army has returned home with loot or has taken parcels of land in the new territories. It is increasingly difficult to raise an army for new conquests so the Emperor turns to Sirdehaar. A new, small but highly capable force is united and travels up into the mountains above the coast. In an epic campaign, they find and take the valley of Potomanchu, and soon the Empire is flooded with silver and gold. Initially, the bullion heads mostly north into Sirdehaar. With the Sird skill for working metal, many items of great beauty are created. But, the Emperor swiftly decrees that the land of Potomanchu is his and his alone. It was his father, after all, who had the dream whichled the Empire over the sea. Privateers begin to operate from the coastal city states of southern Sirdehaar.
In 496, Emperor Leo III was assassinated.
YP 498 Prophecies and the End of the World
It is the 498th Year of Pasin. The attentions of Emperor Rhamnus II are in the south and east, with tales of wars against the Saurians and of new lands to conquer. At home, priests and scholars vigorously discuss their interpretatons of ancient texts, while the last two years have seen barbarian incursions from the west. New creeds and cults arise. An ancient prophecy is remembered: “Huth will rise and fall thrice, then the Worm and the Devil will fight for the World. The Pale Man will show the future in Silver and Gold.”
Interpretations abound.
Imperial Line
- Hatha
- Huth
- Umer
- ...
- Tullis I
- ...
- Leo III d.496 m.Pacine (of Alaya)
- Rhamnus II 496- m.Dava (of Sird)