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Okay I'm actually writing this on the 7th but want write down what happened on the 5th. Me and Micah and Mao (the *cute* japanese girl) had a picknic. It turned out that she was going to eat us! but then when we weren't scared she didn't. Anyway I think Micah is okay with sharing me. Oh right Mao agreed to go to a movie Sunday! Yea! Her hair is so pretty, and shes kind of exotic looking. Her spider form is really cool too.
Okay I'm actually writing this on the 7th but want write down what happened on the 6th. Me and Micah and Mao (the *cute* japanese girl) had a picknic. It turned out that she was going to eat us! but then when we weren't scared she didn't. Anyway I think Micah is okay with sharing me. Oh right Mao agreed to go to a movie Sunday! Yea! Her hair is so pretty, and shes kind of exotic looking. Her spider form is really cool too.

==September 7==
==September 7==
Okay, what happened today. Well our group of cheer leaders trounced the others. Andras hit on Micah's sister and we had dinner with every body. Sasha caught Micah crying with Hentai over her, but Micah said its nothing...and I have to trust her I think. I think I'm more together today. Most everyone seems happy, even Andras isn't acting up as much.
Okay, what happened today. Well our group of cheer leaders trounced the others. Andras hit on Micah's sister and we had dinner with every body. Sasha caught Micah crying with Hentai over her, but Micah said its nothing...and I have to trust her I think. I think I'm more together today. Most everyone seems happy, even Andras isn't acting up as much.

Revision as of 03:47, 2 February 2010

Michelles Elegant and Gothic Diary

(Note it is in Chinese written using the celestial/infernal writing system, except for when its not. :P)

Dear Diary: Why am I keeping a Diary Well I saw Michelle writing and thought it might provide a nice outlet. Sounds like something a therapist would say to do anyway. So my life sure has gone through a lot of changes lately.

I have met a bunch of totally cute guys and girls, and one of them is even willing to go out with me! I think the first thing I should talk about is Micah. The totally cute girl who is sitting just a few feet away from here. She's done so much for me already. [scratched out]but shes really a boy[/scratched out] There is also Hentai, who asked me out then dumped me like two hours later. I was really pissed, and read his mind. Ouch, he really is a *monster* I mean I hate my self some times, want to just scratch every thing away. but it must be so much worse for him. So I guess I forgive him. He really should tell her though, just disappearing must make her feel awful, like he threw her away cause she was spoiled.

He said she was his neighbor, I wonder If I can get peoples addresses from japan. I mean I bet people don't even believe her, think she just got attacked by a human and is making the rest up.

September 6

I am writing this while watching the girls and Hentai do cheer routiens. Micah looks really hot! Polly(or is it Sam, names are confusing) is *really* good at it though! Well we had our first day of classes, and then chose clubs, I didn't really find out whose in the soccer club, but I hope they aren't too good, cause I'm likely to suck. :P Mieling and Sarah still have truble with Micah. It just sort of creeps them out. It's not Proper! Things belong in thier proper places, people with boy parts are boys and those with girl parts are girls! Yeah well thats not what I belive. You heard her she's a girl in her head, and that's what matters. Anyway we met this cute japanese girl with long hair! Polly hit on her, but I think she didn't mean to, at least not right infront of Sam like that. I guess Polly and Sam really are going out! Her hair is just so buitiful black as the darkest night. I really want to kiss her, to feel her blood in my throat. Too bad I don't have fangs any more, or an anesethetic. My vines are aparently really painfull, at least that guy that attacted me thought so. So we just have to settle for making out. At least she's a girl with pussy! Jezze you don't have to put it so bluntly I thought you were a lady!

No *pussy* tell we get maried-su! Man that acent of yours looks even wierder in Celestial, are you trying to look like a retarded 4 year old. Why do you think I hate her so much? Cause of her accent?! Do you want your body to sound like a retarded 4 year old!? Moh, I think its cute-su!

Anyway I asked out Mao, which caused Micah and our's first [striked out]big[/stricked out] fight! That sucks, I alsmost wish I could just stick to one person, but I really dont think I can. It would be like those people who don't admite that there gay/bi. I'd end up fucking guys in airport restrooms. Not good. but it hurts to hurt Micah like this. I think though its resolved for now. But I need to find a way to make Micah feel special. Something big. I also don't know how to make love to a guy who wants to be a girl. Maybe Mina has ideas. Bye Bye blog not on the internet!


Okay I'm actually writing this on the 7th but want write down what happened on the 6th. Me and Micah and Mao (the *cute* japanese girl) had a picknic. It turned out that she was going to eat us! but then when we weren't scared she didn't. Anyway I think Micah is okay with sharing me. Oh right Mao agreed to go to a movie Sunday! Yea! Her hair is so pretty, and shes kind of exotic looking. Her spider form is really cool too.

September 7

Okay, what happened today. Well our group of cheer leaders trounced the others. Andras hit on Micah's sister and we had dinner with every body. Sasha caught Micah crying with Hentai over her, but Micah said its nothing...and I have to trust her I think. I think I'm more together today. Most everyone seems happy, even Andras isn't acting up as much.