Obid Bareng, Grinning Darkness: Difference between revisions

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*Anima status:
*Anima status:
*Compassion: 2
*Conviction: 4
*Temperance: 1
*Valor: 3
*(Virtue channels used: None)
*(Virtue channels used: None)
===Limit Break===
===Limit Break===
Describe your flaw and record here your limit
Describe your flaw and record here your limit

Revision as of 14:04, 23 September 2010

Streams of Change

  • Obid Bareng, Grinning Darkness
  • Caste: Changing Moon
  • Concept: Lunar Crime Lord
  • Grinning Darkness was chosen by Luna older than most. A handsome, stern looking man, closely cropped beard peppered with silver-grey, he is most often seen with a somewhat disapproving frown on his face.
  • The Lunar's totem animal is a ragged, black-furred street mongrel. When in his warform - as often as not he prefers the human-guise, it is a large, bipedal canine. His tell is a musky, not entirely unpleasant scent.


  • Protect What Is His




  • The Guild (Negative)


  • His Neighborhood





Describe here in full your Caste anima power. Also tell us your totemic form.



  • Strength 3
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 3


  • Charisma 5
  • Manipulation 3
  • Appearance 5


  • Perception 3
  • Intelligence 2
  • Wits 3



  • Survival: 3
  • Martial Arts: 5 (Unarmed x3)
  • Presence: 5 (Intimidation x3)


  • Integrity: 3
  • Investigation: 3
  • Athletics: 2
  • Awareness: 3
  • Dodge: 4
  • Larceny: 5
  • Socialize: 5


Solar Bond 3

Grinning Darkness was close to his mate, the last time the both of them walked Creation, but to truly bend him to her will required effort and time. At present, he has not yet met his mate, nor seeks to do so.

Allies 3

Three outcaste Dragon Blood are in Grinning Darkness's employ in one form or another. An Earth Aspect named Horus Janner, a former mercenary, works as his primary enforcer within the neighborhood. The Air Aspect Larissa Kaedon acts as an advisor, accountant and general assistant, while the Blushing Swan, a Fire Aspect, oversees the household affairs of the Manse, and acts as a Madam in his more vice-oriented business ventures.

Followers 2

Grinning Darkness employs a number of mortal retainers. At present, those directly under his pay include 2 runners, 10 mercenaries and 8 whores, 2 men and 6 women who work the manse.

Influence 2

The small neighborhood of River's Reach is where Grinning Darkness has settled, and his influence there is considerable. Outside the Council, it is unlikely anyone holds more sway with the people of the neighborhood, and in terms of day-to-day affairs, he is unrivaled.

Manse 4

The people of his neighborhood largely attempted to avoid the broken ruins of several buildings in the heart of the district, the area having always been endowed with an foreboding aura. The reason for this turned out to be a long-buried Manse beneath the streets, left to rot by the Council. Grinning Darkness has taken possession of it, and built an impressive sake house above it, the Roaring Dragon Inn, from where the majority of his business is conducted.

Reputation 1

Grinning Darkness' reputation among the Silver Pact is modest at best, and he sees no reason to pursue that further. As his influence grows in the Nexus however, this might change.

Resources 5

In the Nexus, crime pays. Well.

Tattoo Artifact 2

Hearthstone Bracers

Tatto Artifact 1

Moonsilver Reinforced Breastplate


Each Ability or Attribute

Charms for that Ability/Attribute (include short description and page #)


  • Essence:
  • Personal: /
  • Peripheral: /
  • Committed to Charms:
  • Committed to artifacts:
  • Willpower: /
  • Anima status:


  • Compassion: 2
  • Conviction: 4
  • Temperance: 1
  • Valor: 3
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break

Describe your flaw and record here your limit



  • Join Battle:
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak: L/B/A


  • Move:
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

  • -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons


  • Give us at least two or three short paragraphs


  • Give at least one short paragraph



Each Member


Each Circlemate


  • Earned: #
  • Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
  • Unspent: #