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*If the unit is commanded by a Terrestrial or has a Terrestrial special character, this charm allows the Righteous Soldier to contribute to Terrestrial Charms with the Cooperative keyword, even if he is not a Terrestrial Exalted. Upon learning Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique, the Righteous Soldier picks one Terrestrial Charm with the Cooperative keyword, to which he can contribute motes using Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique. He can learn to contribute to other Cooperative-keyworded Charms by paying 6xp (5xp if MA is favored) for each additional Charm. He must meet the Ability and Essence minima for such Charms in order to learn how to contribute to them.
*If the unit is commanded by a Terrestrial or has a Terrestrial special character, this charm allows the Righteous Soldier to contribute to Terrestrial Charms with the Cooperative keyword, even if he is not a Terrestrial Exalted. Upon learning Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique, the Righteous Soldier picks one Terrestrial Charm with the Cooperative keyword, to which he can contribute motes using Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique. He can learn to contribute to other Cooperative-keyworded Charms by paying 6xp (5xp if MA is favored) for each additional Charm. He must meet the Ability and Essence minima for such Charms in order to learn how to contribute to them.

*In order to actually contribute motes, the Righteous Soldier must pay 1wp and twice the number of motes he wishes to contribute. This is because the Terrestrial serving as the focus must then filter out the inappropriately-aspected motes through his anima before applying them to the Cooperative Charm.
*In order to actually contribute motes, the Righteous Soldier must pay 1wp and twice the number of motes he wishes to contribute; this counts as his Charm use for that action. The Terrestrial serving as the focus must then filter out the inappropriately-aspected motes through his anima before applying them to the Cooperative Charm.

*Except as noted above, the Righteous Soldier must follow all normal rules regarding participation in Cooperative Charms.
*Except as noted above, the Righteous Soldier must follow all normal rules regarding participation in Cooperative Charms.

Revision as of 23:35, 26 November 2010

Righteous Soldier Style

This Terrestrial Style is an art new to the Third Age, devised by a circle of young Solars and a Terrestrial lieutenant for the new Deliberative's legions. It is intended for use by soldiers, enlightened mortal soldiers especially, and for that reason it is very - one might say brutally - short and to the point. It has no elemental association. Its form weapons are the short sword, straight sword, spear, longbow, self bow, and their artifact equivalents. The style is compatible with armor and shields. The style requires Archery 1, Melee 1, and War 1.

Armor-Lightening Technique

  • Cost: 3m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Simple
  • Keywords: Combo-OK, War
  • Duration: One scene
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • One of the first lessons learned by the Righteous Soldier is how to move quickly and without tiring in his armor. As long as the cost of this Charm remains committed, the Mobility penalty and Fatigue value of the armor he is wearing are reduced by 1. Removing his armor ends this Charm.
  • This Charm can be invoked simultaneously with Righteous Soldier Form without a Combo by spending an additional point of Willpower.

Hard-Hitting Assault Maneuver

  • Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 1, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
  • Keywords: Combo-OK, War
  • Duration: Instant
  • Prerequisite Charms: None
  • The Righteous Soldier strikes hard at the command of his officers, adding 2 dice to the raw damage of an unarmed attack supplemented by this Charm.
  • In mass combat, if every soldier in the unit (barring commanders and special characters) activates this Charm at the same time, it increases the unit's Close Combat Damage or Ranged Attack Damage rating by 1 for a single attack.

Righteous Soldier Form

  • Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
  • Keywords: Form-type, Obvious, War
  • Duration: One scene
  • Prerequisite Charms: Armor-Lightening Technique, Hard-Hitting Assault Maneuver
  • The Righteous Soldier reinforces his body and mind with Essence, allowing him to soak lethal damage with his full Stamina and adding his (Essence/2) dice to Valor rolls to resist fear.
  • In mass combat, this Charm increases the lethal soak of the unit by one third of the Righteous Soldier's Stamina, and its Morale by (the average Essence of the unit/2) as long as every member of the unit (barring commanders and special characters) has it active.
  • Righteous Soldiers can also learn to assume the form of various special roles:
    • Relay (1xp): An Righteous Soldier acting as a relay in a mass combat unit with this form charm active counts as 2 relays.
    • Hero (2xp): An Righteous Soldier acting as a hero in a mass combat unit with this form charm active adds 1 to their unit's Close Combat Rating, in addition to their normal abilities as heroes.
    • Sorcerer (2xp): An Righteous Soldier acting as a sorcerer in a mass combat unit with this form charm active adds 1 to their unit's Ranged Attack Rating, in addition to their normal abilities as sorcerers.
    • Commander (Essence 3, 3xp): An Righteous Soldier who is in command of a mass combat unit increases his War rating by 1 while this form charm is active.

Fearlessness-in-Righteousness Method

  • Cost: 3-5m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
  • Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, War
  • Duration: One scene
  • Prerequisite Charms: Righteous Soldier Form
  • When commanded by the righteousness and glory of the Exalted, no man need be afraid. As long as he is following the orders of a Solar Exalt, the Righteous Soldier may commit 5 motes in order to make himself immune to non-magical fear. If the Righteous Soldier is being commanded by a Terrestrial Exalt in the service of a Solar, or by a Solar personally, the cost of this charm drops to 3 motes.
  • In social combat, this Charm can be activated in Step 2 to perfectly defend against natural mental influence designed to inflict a state of fear. When used in this way, its Duration is Instant. The Righteous Soldier must still be following the orders of a Solar in order to use the Charm in this way.
  • In mass combat, this Charm grants perfect morale as long as every member of the unit (barring commanders and special characters) has it active - unless the unit is affected by a Charm, a spell, or some other magic that forces a rout check, in which case the morale of the unit should be calculated normally.

Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique

  • Cost: -- (2+m,1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Permanent
  • Keywords: War
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Prerequisite Charms: Fearlessness-in-Righteousness Method
  • The Righteous Soldier harmonizes his essence with that of his commander (or with his unit, if he is the commander); members of the unit and the commander can share motes among each other with a touch, as if they benefited from the Eternal Vow merit.
  • If the unit is commanded by a Terrestrial or has a Terrestrial special character, this charm allows the Righteous Soldier to contribute to Terrestrial Charms with the Cooperative keyword, even if he is not a Terrestrial Exalted. Upon learning Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique, the Righteous Soldier picks one Terrestrial Charm with the Cooperative keyword, to which he can contribute motes using Commander-Unit Harmonization Technique. He can learn to contribute to other Cooperative-keyworded Charms by paying 6xp (5xp if MA is favored) for each additional Charm. He must meet the Ability and Essence minima for such Charms in order to learn how to contribute to them.
  • In order to actually contribute motes, the Righteous Soldier must pay 1wp and twice the number of motes he wishes to contribute; this counts as his Charm use for that action. The Terrestrial serving as the focus must then filter out the inappropriately-aspected motes through his anima before applying them to the Cooperative Charm.
  • Except as noted above, the Righteous Soldier must follow all normal rules regarding participation in Cooperative Charms.