WS:Magic Items: Difference between revisions

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Line 294: Line 294:
| 11
| 11
| '''Pearl'''
| '''Pearl'''
| Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4)
| 11 points of Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4)
| 0
| 0
| 2
| 2
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| 1
| 1
| 11
| 15
| '''Ivory'''
| '''Ivory'''
| +1 Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4)
| 15 points of Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4)
| 0
| 0
| 2
| 3
| 6
| 6

Revision as of 09:39, 14 January 2006

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Magic Items

Cost to build

The cost of a magical item is based on several factors:

The cost of the original unenchanted item, the magical power(s) Active Points, Real Cost, Principles of Magic and, if buying from a shop - the type of shop.

The Formula

Cost = ((Active Points * Real Cost * 5 * Rare Materials modifier) / (# Principles fulfilled)) * Shop modifier

The price is in shillings (1 shilling = 12 pennies)

Active Points

Based somewhat on KillerShrike's ideas-

Do not include the active points of the original item. If you are building an item with powers inside a power framework, you can work the active points out based on the framework-

  • Multipower: Consider a MP as a single Power Construct with Active Points equal to the Pool, +10 Active Point for every slot in the Multipower
  • Elemental Control: Consider it a single Power Construct with Active Points equal to the largest Power in the EC, +5 Active Points for each additional Power in the EC
  • Variable Power Pool: Consider it a single Power Construct with Active Points equal to the Pool plus the Control Cost

Rare Materials

Items with very high active points must be made out of increasingly rare materials. Therefore certain levels of techonology and trade ability are required in order to get the item, and there are correspondingly inflated prices to create them.

Total Active Points Usual location Cost multiplier
<30 AP villages 75%
30-60 AP towns 100%
60-90 AP cities 125%
>90 AP port cities and capitols 150%

Real Cost

As the Real Cost of an item is a factor in the pricing formula - it is important to include as many limitations as you can, to reduce the Real Cost.

Principles of Magic

Count how many Principles the item fills, as this reduces the overall cost. On average an item will fill 3 principles-


Different parts of the body and types of item are attuned to different types of power. What type of item do you want created?

Item type Enchantment best suited to it
Armour Protection
Belt Physical improvement
Boots Movement
Bracelets Allies
Bracers Combat
Cloak, cape, mantl Transformation, protection
Eye lenses, goggles Vision
Gauntlets Destructive power
Gloves Quickness
Hat Interaction
Headband, helmet Mental improvement, ranged attacks
Jewellry Protection, discernment
Phylactery Morale, alignment
Potions Changes to Self
Robe, Ring Changes to Self
Scrolls Single use
Shirt Physical improvement
Staves Defensive
Vest, vestment Skill improvement
Wands, Rods Ranged attacks
Weapon Destructive power

More commonly known as "karma". It has also come to be called "the threefold law" since many believe that one receives in return "three times" what one puts out. If you sow good, you shall receive three times good in return, and if you sow ill you shall suffer three times the ill. This is, however, in violation of the Principle of Equilibrium. Any perception that "three times" is returned is purely psychological. Does the item give you side effects? Are these side effects compulsory?


Also known as the Law of Contact, which embodies the concept that objects once in contact will remain in contact regardless of their degree of separation. "Contagious magic is founded on the association of ideas by contiguity,". Does the item require touching, is it "no range", have a delayed or gradual effect or does it use a suitable trigger?


Known and defined by science in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Because of entropy, it is more difficult to introduce order than it is to introduce disorder into a system. Does the item cause disorder or reduce energy?


Also known as the Law of Balance, states that for anything to exist in reality it must be capable of being canceled by its opposite. This automatically implies that an opposite of equal power, or opposite powers totaling an equal power, must also exist. Does your item have an AVLD? Is it conditional, limited or vulnerable or susceptible?


Also known as the Law of Likeness, states that like things attract like things, and that like affects like. To put it another way, "Homoeopathic magic is founded on the association of ideas by similarity,". Do the powers mimic the item or effect of the item or the target? Is it similar to a voodoo doll?


While the range of possible outcomes that may occur for any given event are infinite, it is probability which determines the likelihood of the outcome. However, magic works to shift probability in favor of the spell caster's desired outcome. Does the item have an activation roll, variable effects or is it subject to luck?


Knowledge of a thing brings control of a thing. Does the character understand the concepts and forces involved in the item?


Everything has an opposite, and where this opposite is observed to be contrary to a thing, it may be used to drive out, exorcise, dispel, or counter that thing. Are you investing an item of one element with powers of its opposite?


Anything which can be done may likewise be undone. Can the item be counteracted easily?

Price to buy and licensing

Type of shop Time to build License Cost modifier
Temple of Welund 120% Fully licensed 100%
High Temple of Welund 110% Fully licensed 90%
Guild Alchemist 130% Fully licensed 120%
Independant Alchemist 200% Fully licensed 110%
Black Market 400% Unlicensed 130%
Dwarf Settlement 120% Unlicensed 80%
Dwarf City 100% Unlicensed 50%
Elf 50% Unlicensed 30%

Building an item

With thanks to Jkeown and the Caleon campaign

Bonus to DCV
Active Points Prefix Power END Real Cost
5 Sturdy +1 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 1
10 Fine +2 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 2
10 Strong +1 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 with DCV; vs Ranged Attacks Only (-1) 0 3
10 Grand +2 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 2
15 Valiant +2 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 with DCV; vs Ranged Attacks Only (-1) 0 4
15 Glorious +3 with DCV ; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 3
20 Blessed +3 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 with DCV; vs Ranged Attacks Only (-1) 0 5
20 Awesome +4 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 4
25 Saintly +4 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 with DCV; vs Ranged Attacks Only (-1) 0 7
25 Holy +5 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) 0 5
30 Godly +5 with DCV; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real Weapon (-1/4) plus +1 with DCV; vs Ranged Attacks Only (-1) 0 8
Resistance to Effects
Active Points Prefix Power END Real Cost
3 Tawny Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
3 Azure Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
3 Crimson Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
3 Ochre Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
11 Pearl 11 points of Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 2
3 Beryl Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Poison (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
3 Coal Armour (1 PD/1 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) 0 1
6 Jasmine Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
6 Lapis Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
6 Burgundy Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
6 Tangerine Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
15 Ivory 15 points of Mental Defense; Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 3
6 Jade Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Poison (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
6 Jet Armour (2 PD/2 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Spells (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
19 Pyrite Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 6
19 Cobalt Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 6
19 Garnet Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 6
19 Coral Aarmour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 6
13 Crystal +3 Mental Defense (8 points total); OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) plus Mental Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 5
19 Viridian Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Poison (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus LS (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents); Only vs First Phase of Delayed Effect Poisons (-1) 0 7
32 Crysolite Armour (4 PD/4 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Acid (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 9
32 Sapphire Armour (4 PD/4 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Cold (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 9
32 Ruby Armour (4 PD/4 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Fire (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 9
32 Amber Armour (4 PD/4 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Lightning (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) 0 9
19 Emerald Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Only vs Poison (-1/2), Real armour (-1/4) plus LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents); Only vs First And Second Phases of Delayed Effect Poisons (-1/2) 0 8
13 Diamond +3 Mental Defense (8 points total); OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) plus Mental Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 5
52 Obsidian Armour (4 PD/4 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 50%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) 0 19
29 Ebony Armour (3 PD/3 ED); Independent (-2), OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) plus Physical Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) plus Energy Damage Reduction, 25%; OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4), Only vs Spells (-1/4) 0 10
6 Topaz Armour (2 PD/2 ED); OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
9 Prismatic Armour (3 PD/3 ED); OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 1
12 Skull Armour (4 PD/4 ED); OAF (Weapon; -1), Real armour (-1/4) 0 2

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