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===Limit Break===
===Limit Break===
'''Flawed Conviction''' <br>
'''Flawed Conviction''' <br>
'''Deliberate Cruelty''': The character wholly embraces cruelty. Her conscience vanishes, and she uses terror and cruelty to accomplish her goals, with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. She casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.
'''Deliberate Cruelty''': The character wholly embraces cruelty. Her conscience vanishes, and she uses terror and cruelty to accomplish her goals, with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. She casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.<br>
'''Partial Control:''' The character can moderate her cruelty when necessary. She casually intimidates and tortures wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However, she can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would be less effective. She still suffers from a one-die penalty to other Social interactions.
'''Partial Control:''' The character can moderate her cruelty when necessary. She casually intimidates and tortures wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However, she can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would be less effective. She still suffers from a one-die penalty to other Social interactions.<br>
'''Duration:''' One full day
'''Duration:''' One full day<br>
'''Limit Break Condition:''' The character is subjected to severe stress or backed against the wall.
'''Limit Break Condition:''' The character is subjected to severe stress or backed against the wall.<br>


Revision as of 01:01, 14 January 2011

You want camel? Silly question, everyone want camel. They call me crazy, because I claim to sell dreams, but what possession fulfils the dreams of any red-blooded son of the desert more than a thoroughbred camel, that ultimate expression of freedom, upon which he may roam forever in comfort and safety across the endless sands! Buy one camel, and I throw in your heart's desire, absolutely free of charge. Although you might owe me a small favour.

Shades of Grey.

  • Makhmoud "Crazy" Hassan
  • Caste: Eclipse
  • Concept: Used camel salesman
  • Tanned, lean, hawklike face, guileless grin, piercing grey eyes, speaks really quickly


  • To provide others with what they require most at a fair price.









Seal oaths for 10m 1wp; diplomatic immunity when dealing with gods, spirits, Raksha; learn non-Solar Charms for +2m and x2 XP. A pair of scales surrounded by a mandala of numbers, the wheel of light evocative of the Eclipse caste mark



  • Strength 2
  • Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 2


  • Charisma 3
  • Manipulation 1
  • Appearance 3


  • Perception 5
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wits 3



Bureaucracy 3
Linguistics 1
Ride 5
Socialise 3


Medicine 3
Investigation 1
Presence 4 (+3 making deals)
Integrity 4
Melee 5 (+3 spears)


Awareness 5
Resistance 0
Athletics 1

Backgrounds (6 pts left)

Resources 5

All those sold camels really add up.

Backing (the Guild) 3

Hassan has considerable clout as a roving auditor for the Guild.

Artifact 1

Orichalcum reinforced breastplate

Artifact 2

Orichalcum skin-mount amulet

Manse 3

The Freedom Stone


Each Merit

Describe the Merit and it's cost


Each Flaw

  • Describe the Flaw and it's cost


Bureaucracy 3

All Excellencies
Insightful Buyer Technique

Linguistics 1

All Excellencies
Sagacious Reading of Intent

Ride 5

All Excellencies
Master Horseman's Techniques
Worthy Mount Technique

Socialise 3

All Excellencies
Wise-Eyed Courtier Method
Mastery of Small Manners

Medicine 3

All Excellencies
Flawless Diagnosis Technique
Wound-Mending Care Technique
Ailment-Rectifying Method
Wholeness-Restoring Meditation

Investigation 4

All Excellencies
Evidence-Discerning Method
Judge's Ear Technique
Courtier's Eye Technique
Knowing the Soul's Price

Presence 4

All Excellencies
Irresistible Salesman Spirit

Integrity 4

All Excellencies
Integrity-Protecting Prana
Epic Zeal of Compassion
Phoenix Renewal Tactic (Compassion)

Melee 5

All Excellencies
Dipping Swallow Defence
Bulwark Stance
Heavenly Guardian Defence
Call the Blade
Glorious Solar Saber
Hungry Tiger Technique


  • Essence: 5
  • Personal: 0/25
  • Peripheral: 52/56 + 6/6 skin mount
  • Committed to Charms: 5m IPP, 20m IAM
  • Committed to artifacts: 4m breastplate
  • Willpower: 10/10
  • Anima status:


  • Compassion: 4
  • Conviction: 3
  • Temperance: 2
  • Valor: 2
  • (Virtue channels used: None)

Limit Break

Flawed Conviction
Deliberate Cruelty: The character wholly embraces cruelty. Her conscience vanishes, and she uses terror and cruelty to accomplish her goals, with only contempt for any perceived or exhibited weakness. She casually tortures and mutilates prisoners to sow terror and inspire obedience. This cruelty causes a minimum two-die penalty on all Social interactions not involving fear or intimidation.
Partial Control: The character can moderate her cruelty when necessary. She casually intimidates and tortures wherever effective and is incapable of kindness. However, she can show restraint and indifference when cruelty would be less effective. She still suffers from a one-die penalty to other Social interactions.
Duration: One full day
Limit Break Condition: The character is subjected to severe stress or backed against the wall.



  • Join Battle:
  • Dodge DV:
  • Parry DV:
  • Soak: L/B/A


  • Move:
  • Dash:


  • Join Debate:
  • Dodge MDV:
  • Parry MDV:

Health Levels

  • -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
  • (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)


List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons


  • Give us at least two or three short paragraphs


  • Give at least one short paragraph



Each Member


Each Circlemate


  • Earned: #
  • Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
  • Unspent: #