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===Artifact 4 - The Worm's Teeth===
===Artifact 4 - The Worm's Teeth===
Made from the teeth of some gigantic animal and inlaid with moonsilver designs these paired knifes were created by Safiel and her Silver Pact teacher toward the end of her mentoring period. Easy to conceal, quick to draw, and possessed of a vicious edge they are her favored weapons.
Made from the teeth of some gigantic animal and inlaid with moonsilver designs these paired knifes were created by Safiel and her Silver Pact teacher toward the end of her mentoring period. Easy to conceal, quick to draw, and possessed of a vicious edge they are her favored weapons.
*Whenever the Worm's Teeth draw blood in battle they greedily drink of it to devour its strength. For the rest of the scene they gain a +1 bonus that can be applied to any of their characteristics except Speed. Up to four such improvements are possible at any one time, but all fade at the end of the scene.
Moonsilver paired short daiklaves: Spd 4, Acc +6, Dmg +7L (P), Def +3, Rate 3. Cause crippling effects, become stronger by drinking the blood of the enemy.
*Whenever the Worm's Teeth inflict two Health Levels or more the wielder may reflexively spend 3m to cause a crippling injury that leaves the wounded extremity or organ useless until the Crippling effect is lifted (cf. Exalted p. 152).
*Moonsilver paired short daiklaves: Spd 4, Acc +6, Dmg +7L (P), Def +3, Rate 3, M. One hearthstone slot each.
===Solar Bond 3===
===Solar Bond 3===
Safiel's Exaltation shares a strong bond with its Solar counterpart.
Safiel's Exaltation shares a strong bond with its Solar counterpart.
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**Night Sight (1)
**Night Sight (1)
**Feathers (1)
**Wings (4)
**Feathers (1)
**Wings (4)
**Wings (4)
**Talons (2)
**Inexhaustible (1)
*Eight-Tailed Mole Hound
*Eight-Tailed Mole Hound
**Burrowing (2-3)
**Burrowing (2-3)
Line 72: Line 79:
**Gazelle's Pace (3)
**Gazelle's Pace (3)
**Tireless (1)
**Inexhaustible (1)
**Armored Hide (3)
**Armored Hide (3)

Revision as of 15:17, 29 January 2011

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Biographical information

the deep southern desert


22nd Resplendent Fire, RY 752


hunter, spy, troublemaker

Hair color


Eye color







Full Moon


A female lion


The Silver Pact,

Full Moon desert hunter and warrior

A slender but wiry youth clad in the loose sand-colored robes of a desert tribe. With the face mostly hidden behind the veil it is only the very sharp-eyed that would notice the fine silvery tattoos marking the youth as one of Luna's Chosen. Someone of equally sharp mind might realize that the eyes are of unusual shape and color, faintly luminescent in deep amber and with a cat's slitted pupils. Of course a person like that would also know not to comment or otherwise arouse the wrath of the child of the Argent Madonna.


To find out what creature or phenomenon was responsible for the death of her family and tribe, and end it.


  • Self-sufficiency (pride)
  • Strength and wit (respect)
  • Luna (love)

(Intimacies in italic are protected by Charm effects)



PHYSICAL: Strength 2 (3), Dexterity 6 (7), Stamina 5 (6)
SOCIAL: Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 5
MENTAL: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 5

(Values in parentheses apply to the war form)


Favored Abilities

Martial Arts 5, Survival 5 (Desert +2)

Unfavored Abilities

Thrown 1, War 1, Presence 2, Integrity 3, Resistance 3, Occult 1, Craft (Water) 1, Athletics 3, Awareness 3 (Combat Reflexes +2), Dodge 3, Stealth 3, Larceny 1


Artifact 4 - The Worm's Teeth

Made from the teeth of some gigantic animal and inlaid with moonsilver designs these paired knifes were created by Safiel and her Silver Pact teacher toward the end of her mentoring period. Easy to conceal, quick to draw, and possessed of a vicious edge they are her favored weapons.

  • Whenever the Worm's Teeth draw blood in battle they greedily drink of it to devour its strength. For the rest of the scene they gain a +1 bonus that can be applied to any of their characteristics except Speed. Up to four such improvements are possible at any one time, but all fade at the end of the scene.
  • Whenever the Worm's Teeth inflict two Health Levels or more the wielder may reflexively spend 3m to cause a crippling injury that leaves the wounded extremity or organ useless until the Crippling effect is lifted (cf. Exalted p. 152).
  • Moonsilver paired short daiklaves: Spd 4, Acc +6, Dmg +7L (P), Def +3, Rate 3, M. One hearthstone slot each.

Solar Bond 3

Safiel's Exaltation shares a strong bond with its Solar counterpart.

alternatively: Manse 3

Heart's Blood 2

  • Cat
    • Night Sight (1)
  • Raven
    • Feathers (1)
    • Wings (4)
  • Roc
    • Feathers (1)
    • Wings (4)
    • Talons (2)
    • Inexhaustible (1)
  • Eight-Tailed Mole Hound
    • Burrowing (2-3)
  • Furnace Rhino?
  • Sleeper in the Sand
    • Chameleon Hide (2)
  • Simhata
    • Gazelle's Pace (3)
    • Inexhaustible (1)
  • Sandworm
    • Armored Hide (3)
    • Fire Adaption (1)
    • Deadly Teeth (2)
  • Abacasteri
    • Fire Adaption (1)
    • Solid Gold Body (4)
    • Corrosive Saliva (4)
    • Burning Blood (4)

Merits and Flaws

[+1 BP]

Legendary Dexterity (3)

Wanted 1

After a brief but eventful stay in the city of Paragon Safiel is no longer welcome there and her likeness has joined those of other wanted criminals in the bounty hunters' lists.

Enemy 3

Scarlet Whisper, the Solar serving the Perfect of Paragon, has a more personal stake in seeing to it that Safiel is punished for the disturbances she caused while in Paragon. Her failure to apprehend Safiel after she'd sworn to do so - at the time not yet knowing that she faced another Exalt - pains her deeply. Within the bounds of her oath to the Perfect she might even employ the power of her position to erase her shame.



Towering Beast Form (--, may assume shapes as large as a yeddim)
Deadly Beastman Transformation (5m, assume the warform, terrible man/lion hybrid)

  • Fur (1) - +1L/1B soak
  • Talons (2) - deal +2L damage with natural attacks
  • Fangs (1) - deal Lethal damage with natural attacks
  • Wolf's Pace - +2 base movement, +2 base jump distance, +1d to competitive running
  • Enhanced Sight - +2d to visual Awareness

Beast-Power Concentration (--, may gain DBT's enhanced physique and Gift charms without taking on bestial traits)
Hybrid Body Rearrangement (1m/mutation level, not committed, may assume qualities from any shape in the form library)


First Dexterity Excellency (1m/die, add up to Dex dice to a Dexterity action)


Third Stamina Excellency (4m, re-roll a Stamina action or double Sta for purpose of a static rating such as soak)
Ox-Body Technique (--, four addition -2 Health Levels, two additional Dying levels)
Bruise-Relief Method (1m/HL, instantly heal bashing damage. 2m committed with DBT: heal 1B/action)
Halting the Scarlet Flow (2m/HL, instantly heal lethal damage. 3m committed with DBT: heal 1L/action)


Third Appearance Excellency (4m, re-roll an Appearance action or double App for purpose of a static rating)


Essence & Health

Essence: 2
Personal: 20/20
Peripheral: 35/40 (46)
Committed to Charms: 5m peripheral (DBT+BPC: Bruise-Relief Method 2m, Halting the Scarlet Flow 3m)
Committed to Artifacts: 6m peripheral
Anima Status: None

Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -2 x6, -4, Incapacitated, Dying x7 (x8)
(wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or aggravated)

Willpower (4 BP)

OOOOO OOOO (Willpower 9/9)

Mental Dodge DV: 7

Virtues (4 BP)

Compassion: 3 -
Conviction: 3 -
Temperance: 2 -
Valor: 5 -

(Virtue Channels used: None)

Limit Break


Limit Condition:
Limit: ----- -----

Equipment & Combat

Join Battle: 10
DDV: 6
Soak: 3L/5B/0A

History & Personality

How old are you? I have seen the Sky With No Moon sixteen times. I have passed the rites, have chosen a calling, but have not yet chosen a mate. I have been graced by the Bloody Huntress and marked by the Elders of the Pact. Does that satisfy your curiosity?

Where are you from? I was born and raised in the Land, what the white-beards of the big cities call the Mare Saburae at the edge of the Firestream Delta. Life is hard there and dying is easy, but for the longest time I knew nothing else. We are not like the soft northerners, we survive and we prosper no matter what the Land throws at us while they only know how to die. I have traveled to the lands of the north and found paradisaical places where water is plentiful and green everywhere, where luxury abounds and chilled water is served in cool houses. But while I may visit there, I will always return the Land. It would not do to become soft and the Land in its own way holds great beauty as well.

What was your family life like? I was the third child of my parents, Nemiel and Siorcas of the Burning Tree sept.

How were you Exalted? A sandstorm hit the hunting camp of my sept. If you have ever been in one then you know what that eans. Men are scattered and die if they are unprepared or weak like northerners. But that time ... there was something even worse within the storm, something unnatural. A terrible unearthly voice, speaking no language of men or gods. A killing intent to paralyze the strongest arm. My friends tell me I'm too stupid to be afraid, but on that day I was terrified. When the blow came it was almost a relief - I could be excused then for not standing up again to fight.
When the storm had passed barely any sign of our camp remained, only tatters of tent cloth and a few scattered limbs. I myself was alive but with a stomach wound, the kind that kills slowly but surely, I knew it wouldn't be for long. What else could I do but search for my family and my friends? So I did, on two feet when I could manage and crawling when not. But ... no matter how far I circled I could find none alive. Few definitely dead either, but there was little comfort in that. The first day was stupefied numbness, the second pain beyond measure and thirst. The third and fourth day passed in a fevered haze. Into the fifth day I emerged in a brittle clarity, knowing that it would be my last. The best I could achieve would be to spare myself further pain and exertion. But I refused that thought. Seeing the beauty of the land with clear eyes, clinging against all odds to the hope that my family might still be alive somewhere, I continued. Through agony and weakness I went on.
Evening came. The moon rose in the sky. And I was still alive, if only by the barest thread. There was a cool hand on my shoulder then, a compassionate caress. "Safiel, my child," her silvery voice spoke, "you have come farther than anyone could expect of you. You can rest now, rest in peace." Rest? An end to the pain? It was a seductive thought. No one would blame me. But still, to give up? It was unthinkable. The sound I made was more animal defiance than human speech but she understood nonetheless, and though with inflamed eyes I could not see I'm certain that she smiled. "You choose more suffering then. More pain ... and also hope." Soft silver light penetrated my unseeing eyes then and cool lips touched my brow. "Fight, my child. Fight against the dying of the light." The next thing I knew was that she was gone again. But not without having left a part of herself within me: Exquisite coolness driving out fever, disease and all other weakness, flowing in my veins like liquid moonlight.

When did you meet your companions? Since my period of mentoring has ended I travel alone for the most part. People without the blessing of the Bloody Huntress cannot keep up with me and few would dare in any case. Once I'd have cherished the thought that outsiders fear me, but it does get lonely on occasion.

How has power changed you? How does power change anyone? I am stronger, faster, and there is no wound from which I don't recover within moments. I can take on the shapes of animals easier than changing my clothes. But all of those are superficial things. That which I know now goes far deeper: I have been chosen by Luna Herself, whom my people worship as the Bloody Huntress and the White Navigator, to be shield and spear to humanity. Unless slain in battle I will not die for thousands of years. There exists somewhere in the world one of the Solar Exalted who may one day enslave me despite this power of mine. How am I changed by knowing all of this? I really cannot say. Ask me again in a year or so, maybe I will have an answer then.

What do you think of mortals? Mortals? There are 'mortals' who are five, six times as old as I am. It may be well for one of the Elders whose lives are counted in centuries to speak so, but not for me.

What motivates you to be a hero?

Who or what do you worship?

What would drive you to commit murder?

Goals and Motivations


Banners and Designs

Sanctified Oaths

Custom Charms

Dakkareth's Custom Charms



XP gained: 0 XP
XP spent: 0 XP
XP unspent: 0 XP

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