Norrathians: Hexblade class: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 03:06, 20 January 2006

Background Information
Hexblades are masters of deception and manipulation, skilled in the social arena as well as with martial combat. They combine fighting prowess with the arcane power of enchanters, and use these abilities to serve the Hexblade Order as spies, infiltrators, enforcers, and advisors throughout all of Norrath. Hexblades rely on tactics, strategies, and planning in battle more than others, as they are usually only lightly armored and not as deadly as warriors or rogues. Hexblades trick their foes in battle, and use scare tactics to overcome dangerous odds, while holding their enchantment spells ready to help allies, weaken foes, and bend reality. The abilities of a hexblade tend to focus on more urban and civilized environs, keeping them generally out of purely wilderness areas, except when the need arises to travel.
Very few know of the Hexblade Order, or are familiar with the powers and intentions of those it trains. Hexblades infiltrate positions of power and influence, scheming to change the world without drawing attention to themselves. Hexblades are good-intentioned, but follow their own rules, often bringing them in conflict with those who enforce the law, or who wish to keep their destinies unaltered. With forceful personalities and supreme focus on lofty and far-reaching goals, hexblades are a frightening and inspiring addition to adventuring parties, and earn respect wherever they go, even if they are never quite trusted.
Hexblades are competent fighters who rely on skills, deception, and spells to make up for their limitations on armor and weaponry. Hexblades excel at manipulating opponents and tactical combat, and most often rely on more dedicated fighters for protection. At lower levels especially, hexblades must rely on others during combat, as the magical training they receive does not allow enough time to become as effective in combat as warriors, or even rangers.
At higher levels, hexblades use arcane enchantments to twist the odds in combat. They share certain magics with enchanters, and are able to augment allies, deceive opponents, and seriously hamper foes. While enchanters are far more powerful at charming, illusions, and raw arcane power, hexblades make a valuable asset to any group, and have the ability to free up enchanters and other spellcasters to be more crafty about spell selection.
Hexblades live a life dedicated to long-term goals and the influential machinations dictated to them by the Hexblade Order. Only when they receive their first mission are hexblades sent out in the world, and they are called upon to report back often, to receive new orders and to deliver reports. Hexblades often serve as emissaries and diplomats, especially in hazardous areas where dangerous travel would scare away most gentry. It is not unheard-of for hexblades to disguise themselves in order to infiltrate hostile lands. Because of this unpredictability, finding a hexblade is extremely difficult, as they could be anywhere and look like anyone.
The driving force behind a hexblade is to influence the world in the appropriate manner, to make it better, safer, or more prosperous for those living in it. Hexblades often call upon the services of others and instigate quests, or lead groups on adventures. Rarely do they quest simply for some powerful item, but instead engage in crusades to solve distant problems, or to ensure that powerful items do not get used for evil by ending up in the wrong hands. Hexblades often have information (and informants) that put them in danger, and that gives them positions of power that other classes would dread.
Few questing groups know how much they need the aid of a hexblade until they are lead by one, or infiltrated by one. Most groups rely instead on other classes for the skills that hexblades possess because they are simply unaware of hexblades. Druids and rangers especially undervalue hexblades, because hexblades excel at fighting more intelligent foes.
Hexblades can belong to any religion, as the hexblade guild operates for the benefit of all of society. They see themselves as being apart and separate from most of society and churches, with religious concerns considered secondary to the hexblades’ duty and craft. For this reason, most are agnostic.
Many hexblades who do choose a god follow the Tribunal or Bristlebane. There have been rumors that within the hexblade order there exists a cult dedicated to Terris Thule, the dream scorcher.
Culture and Training
It is rare for a hexblade to begin training at a very young age. Because the majority of Norrath is unaware of the presence of hexblades, very few seek out the training. Instead, hexblade agents active in different parts of the world select promising candidates who excel at studies and combat alike, and invite them to begin training. This field training serves as a sort of screening process, to ensure that unstable or evil-hearted candidates do not receive the full training. Once the field agents deem a recruit to be ready, they travel to the estate of the Hexblade Order. This training is intensive and lasts a number of years, with few hexblades re-entering the outside world until they have completed the training.
Because hexblades are by no means a well-known group, hexblades usually have an easy time passing themselves off as other classes, and integrate themselves into a society in as beneficial a way as possible, if they put down roots for very long. Those who have had dealings with hexblades respect their social skills and the power of the position of the Hexblade Order, but few outright trust hexblades. Those who know what hexblades are all about know that rarely do hexblades tell the whole truth of what they know, and even allies and friends are liable to get manipulated. Some make it a point to treat all hexblades as enemy spies and infiltrators, outlawing them completely. However, because the Hexblade Order is not currently well-known, this is uncommon.
Hexblades may work openly and make themselves known in more influential social circles if it fits their plans. However, hexblades operating in societies in which they would be otherwise unwelcome or attacked have skills that allow them to deceive and infiltrate the ranks of those who would prefer to be enemies with a hexblade. Though rarely do they earn respect because of their class or training, hexblades excel at earning respect where it is most needed, especially in urban areas or more civilized lands.
Adventuring hexblades normally fill the role of leader, unless they are assuming a false identity. Because of their flexibility and extreme focus on more far-reaching goals, hexblades help keep groups of adventurers fixed on the quests at hand. Hexblades sometimes clash with paladins who value more the means than the end, and some rangers and druids hold too strongly to their sense of individuality to accept the focused drive of a hexblade leader. While supporting other leaders, hexblades often serve as valuable advisors, and influence others in the group to ensure cohesion, unity, and harmony.
Hexblades can be of any alignment, but because of the social structure of the organization and the type of training involved, most people drawn to the life of a hexblade are of a more neutral alignment, with most being neutral good or true neutral. Lawful good hexblades are uncommon, but sometimes the hexblade’s duty to society pulls in this sort of person. Evil hexblades rarely make it very far through training, and those who do are usually the most cunning and deceptive, otherwise they would never be allowed to learn the craft. These are the more corrupt members of the order, and are usually severely dealt with by other hexblades if caught transgressing.
Class Rules
The game rules for playing a hexblade are listed below.
Many Hexblades fight with lighter weapons and the Weapon Finesse feat, and because hexblades are limited in choice of armors, a high Dexterity bonus is very important. For hexblades who use larger weapons, a high Strength is very valuable for combat effectiveness. A hexblade’s magical abilities are based on his Intelligence, and at later levels this also improves his damage, making it an important ability. Charisma is used to augment the hexblade’s enchantment spells, and his force of personality helps overcome armor penalties on spellcasting, making Charisma another important attribute. Constitution increases the hexblade’s fortitude as well as the amount of physical punishment he can withstand.
Because all hexblades serve the hexblade order and its goals, only a select few are allowed to begin training in this class. Humans, erudites, and high elves can be hexblades, but a few gnomes and half-elven races (excluding those from barbarian or wood elf stock) have also been accepted to the Order.
Hit Dice
A 1st-level hexblade starts play with hit points equal to 10 plus his Constitution modifier. Thereafter, he receives 1d10 + Con modifier hit points at each hexblade level.
The hexblade’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alcohol Tolerance (Con), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Channeling (Con), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (monster lore [humanoids]) (Int), Knowledge (monster lore [rallosian]) (Int), Language (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sneak (Dex), Taunt (Cha), Trade Skill (all) (Int or Wis), and Use Rope (Dex)
At 1st level a hexblade receives a number of skill points equal to (5 + Int modifier) x4. He gets an additional 5 + Int modifier skill points at each hexblade level after 1st.
Hexblades begin play with (4 x Int modifier) bonus ranks in any Languages.
Starting Proficiencies
Hexblades begin play proficient with all simple and martial weapons in the one-hand blunt, one-hand slashing, piercing, archery, and throwing weapon categories. They also begin with the Armor Proficiency (light and medium), and Shield Proficiency feats.
False Speech
Due to training, hexblades are able to secretly communicate bits of information to one another more easily. When passing secret messages, the hexblade gets a bonus to his Bluff check equal to 5 + hexblade level. A hexblade also gains a +5 bonus to his Sense Motive check when trying to intercept and understand secret messages being communicated.
Unflappable Confidence
At 2nd level a hexblade gains an inherent resistance to spells that affect the mind, giving the hexblade a +4 bonus versus fear and spells or spell-like abilities with the [Mind-Affecting] or [Fear] descriptor.
Haunting Gaze
Starting at 3rd level, when a hexblade succeeds in an intimidation check with the intent to scare or demoralize the opponent, the duration of the shaken effects last a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + half the character’s hexblade level.
Insightful Strike
At 7th level, when using the Weapon Finesse feat, the hexblade applies his Intelligence modifier (if positive) to damage rolls, in addition to his Strength modifier. This does not apply if the hexblade is using his Str modifier for his attack bonus.
A hexblade’s bonus damage granted by Intelligence only applies against living creatures with discernable anatomies – undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to a hexblade’s insightful strike damage. The extra damage from insightful strike is not multiplied when a critical hit is scored.
Force of Personality
The hexblade’s intense personality and military training combine, allowing him to use his presence and forceful nature to overcome some of the encumbering aspects of armor. When the hexblade casts a spell with a somatic component, he may ignore 5% per positive Charisma bonus on all arcane spell failure rolls. If the hexblade’s Cha modifier drops his chance of failure to 0%, no roll needs to be made (such as a hexblade with a Cha modifier of +3 wearing armor with an arcane spell failure chance of 15%).
Additionally, the hexblade may ignore the arcane spell failure penalty on shields that strap to the arm, such as the buckler, but not on other shields that are held in the hand. When holding a weapon in each hand, the hexblade always has at least a 5% chance at spell failure when casting spells with a somatic component, no matter what his Charisma bonus is.
The hexblade, starting at 6th level, has the ability to execute backstabs in the same manner as a rogue, dealing bonus damage of a multiple of d8 rather than d6. This damage is +1d8 at level 6 and plus an additional 1d8 for every 8 levels past 6th.
Improved Feint
At 8th level a hexblade gains the Improved Feint feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet all of the usual requirements for the feat. If he already has this feat, he instead gains Uncanny Feint as a bonus feat.
At 9th level a hexblade gains the Parry feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet all of the usual requirements for the feat.
Double Attack
At 12th level a hexblade qualifies to take the Double Attack feat (he does not gain Double Attack automatically, but may now purchase it normally).
Feint Mastery
At 15th level a hexblade gains the Feint Mastery feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet all of the usual requirements for the feat.
At 16th level a hexblade qualifies to take the Riposte feat (he does not gain Riposte automatically, but may not purchase it normally).
Area Intimidate
At 20th level the hexblade may use the Intimidate skill to intimidate all enemies within a 20-foot radius that can see him, whether or not he threatens them in melee combat. The hexblade makes one Intimidate check, and the result is opposed individually by every enemy within 20 feet of the hexblade. The hexblade may elect to use the Intimidate skill on only one opponent if he desires, or on all enemies in the area. He may not selectively intimidate multiple opponents within the area.
Beginning at 21st level, a hexblade begins to gain access to disciplines, special combat abilities that allow the hexblade to display amazing battle prowess. Each discipline is taxing and requires great concentration, making it impossible for a hexblade to use more than one discipline at once.
Additionally, after a hexblade stops using a discipline he may not resume its use or begin using another discipline until a period of time has passed, allowing him to recharge his body and refocus his thoughts. The amount of time he must wait after using a given discipline is listed in each discipline’s description. The hexblade is free to fight and engage in other strenuous activity during this period between discipline uses, but cannot shorten the period even with devoted rest.
Resistant: At 21st level a hexblade gains the Resistant discipline. This discipline allows the hexblade to inure himself to the ravages of acid, cold, disease, electricity, fire, magic poison, and some attacks. The hexblade may activate the Resistant discipline as a free action, gaining a bonus of resistance (10) to all of the aforementioned attack types (see “Spell Special Effects” in Chapter 8: Using Magic in the Player’s Handbook for more information on resistance). This discipline lasts for one hour once activated, though the hexblade may end it early if he wishes. The hexblade may not activate another discipline for 12 hours after the Resistant discipline ends.
Fearless: At 24th level a hexblade gains the Fearless discipline. This discipline allows the hexblade to ignore the effects of shaken, frightened, or panicked conditions, as well as anything defined as a fear effect (certain spells or abilities with the [fear] descriptor have effects other than fear that may still affect the hexblade, but the fear effects of the spell will not). Activating this discipline is a free action that may be taken at any time (even when it is not the hexblade’s action). This discipline lasts for one hour once activated, though the hexblade may end it early if he wishes. The hexblade may not activate another discipline for 12 hours after the Fearless discipline ends.
Swashbuckling: At 27th level a hexblade gains the Swashbuckling discipline. This discipline allows the hexblade to make all iterative attacks at his full attack bonus for 3 rounds (i.e., as if his weapons had a delay of 0), as long as he is using a single one-handed weapon. Activating the Swashbuckling discipline is a free action. The hexblade may not activate another discipline for 12 hours after ending the Swashbuckling discipline.
Presence of Awe: At 30th level a hexblade gains the Presence of Awe discipline. This discipline allows the hexblade to suddenly gain an irresistible glamour, making him the focus of attention for those around him. This glamour depends on the personality of the hexblade, and is extremely unique to the individual, exuding an aura of courage, beauty, leadership, craftiness, nobility, bravado, intelligence, or whatever aspect of the hexblade’s personality is most characteristic. Whoever sees a hexblade use this discipline never forgets the moment, or the hexblade, and the experience is remembered as a very impressive moment, even for enemies.
This discipline allows the hexblade to far more easily succeed certain skill checks in combat. When making a Bluff check to feign in combat, the hexblade automatically succeeds versus humanoids, gains a +15 versus nonhumanoids (but the -4 penalty is still active), and may make a normal feign attempt versus nonintelligent creatures at a -10 penalty (normally this is impossible). When making an Intimidate check to demoralize opponents, the hexblade gains a +20 bonus, and the shaken effects increase to a -6 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. While this discipline is active, even opponents immune to fear effects can be intimidated, but without the other bonuses this discipline grants to the skill check. Finally, because of the attention he draws to himself when using this discipline, he automatically fails Sneak checks, but he gains a +5 bonus to Taunt checks and cannot be Bluffed or Taunted. This discipline does make the hexblade the center of attention, but not in a threatening way unless he attempts to attack or Taunt those around him, therefore this discipline does not otherwise draw attacks from opponents unless the enemy had not previously noticed something to fight.
Activating the Presence of Awe discipline is a free action. This discipline lasts 1 minute once activated, though the hexblade may end it early if he wishes. The hexblade may not activate another discipline for 24 hours after the Presence of Awe discipline ends.
Starting Package
Studded leather armor, 2 daggers, scimitar, buckler, shortbow, 20 arrows, courtier clothes, backpack, bedroll, candle, flint and steel, hooded lantern, ink (1-ounce vial), inkpen, 10 sheets of parchment, mapcase, belt pouch, 2 days’ rations, rope (hemp, 50 ft.), sealing wax, sewing needle, soap, waterskin, whetstone, 12 gp.
Starting Gold: 6d4x10