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'''School & Institutions of Freedom City'''
'''School & Institutions of Freedom City'''
* [[Freedom City University]]
* [[Freedom City University]]
  * FCU Faculty and Staff
    * [[Dr. Niya]]

'''Beyond Freedom City limits'''  
'''Beyond Freedom City limits'''  

Revision as of 07:41, 9 February 2006



Welcome to the TRIBE OF HEROES campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a face-to-face tabletop superhero role-playing game using the M&M system called "TRIBE OF HEROES". This site is a wiki which is a web page that can be editted by anyone with surfing the web! The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about our game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group. A "campaign series bible".


TRIBE OF HEROES Setting Background

Location of Freedom City within New Jersey

Set on the east coast of the United States - New Jersey - Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when superhero first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous since the late 1930s. Freedom City is a particular epicenter for superhumans, but they are found in other cities and places around the world.

A key event in Freedom City's history occurred during what became known as the Terminus Invasion. The extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega launched an invasion of the city, resulting in vast destruction and the deaths of several superheroes; including one of Earths' greatest heroes: Centurion. This event was also responsible for the formation of the current Freedom League.
For Freedom to survive, she needs heroes...

Freedom City Map:


  • [Quotes from the TRIBE OF HEROES Game Sessions] We try our best to have someone writing quotes they hear from other players, characters and NPCs. We don't always get them all and some will make little sense out of context but they greatly humanize the story looking back!
  • [TRIBE OF HEROES Game Inspiration Quotes] Herein we see multiple quotes that we've found that have meaning to our stories and styles.


  • Team Headquarters: ??
    • WHIPLASH (aka. ???)
      "________________ was ________________ until ________________. Now (s)he attends ________________, has recently joined a unique club called "TRIBE" and ________________ as ________________!" ... (as played by Karl)
    • MERCURIA (aka. Avarielle Naiya)
      "Ava was a normal but intelligent student at Franklin D Roosevelt Public High School until her mother began teaching her advanced bio-chemical theory. Now she attends the Hanover Institute of Technology, has recently joined a unique club called "TRIBE" and now she fights for justice as the silver-clad Mercuria!" ... (as played by Lissa)
    • SURGE (aka. Mary Todd Mathers)
      "Mary Mathers was a typical high school history nerd until a chemical accident hyper-accelerated her electrolytes, giving her the ability to transform into electricty and control machines. Now she attends Freedom City University, has recently joined a unique club called "TRIBE" and tries to make up for past misdeeds as the Surge, the Marvelous Mistress of Machinery!" ... (as played by Crys)
    • BREAKOUT (aka. Jack King)
      "Lycus was a brilliant trainee in Omega's special operatives school until he caught a glimpse of peace on the planet earth. Now he attends FCU as Philosophy student Jack King, has recently joined a unique club called "TRIBE" and keeps one step ahead of a past trying to hunt him down as Breakout, the man no trap can hold!" ... (as played by Jason)
    • DUNCAN (aka. ???)
      "________________ was ________________ until ________________. Now (s)he attends ________________, has recently joined a unique club called "TRIBE" and ________________ as ________________!" ... (as played by Morgan)


Good Guys

Current superhuman residents of Freedom City

Bad Guys


  • ???


  • ???

Science & Tech

  • ???


Projects & Plans

  • ???


  • ???

People & Groups

Notable areas, landmarks, institutions and businesses

Freedom City: Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts. Set somewhere on the east coast of the United States - possibly New Jersey - Freedom City's history dates back to colonial times when super heroes first appeared there during the Revolutionary War. People with super-powers have existed throughout Earth’s history, but have become more prominent and numerous in the waning years of the 20th Century. Catastrophic events have always befallen Freedom City, in the past it's heroes protected it from conquerors such as the extra-dimensional tyrant known as Omega, who has launched invasion attempts on the city in the past but has yet to maintain a beachead.

Neighborhoods & Burroughs of Freedom City

  • ???

Suburbs of Freedom City

  • ???

Specific Buildings, Parks or Locations around Freedom City

Corporate & Financial of Freedom City

  • ??

Emergency Services of Freedom City

  • ??

School & Institutions of Freedom City

 * FCU Faculty and Staff
   * Dr. Niya

Beyond Freedom City limits

  • ??

News & Events

Campaign Construction

Who are the TRIBE OF HEROES Player Heroes? ...

  • [Campaign Background]
  • Formula
  • Themes
  • Genre
  • Mood
  • Inspiration
  • House Rules
  • Easter Eggs


Freedom City is a fictional, city-based campaign setting for the roleplaying game Mutants and Masterminds. It was designed by Steve Kenson, whose design philosophy for the setting seems based-on and in honor of several classic comic book icons and concepts.


M&M RPG Wiki