Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Silver 5I: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "Silver 5I Origin: Radioactive/Prescient ==Attributes== Str 6 (-2) Con 18 (+4) Dex 12 (+1) Int 11 (+0) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 7 (-2) ==Skills== Acrobatics +8 Athletics +9 Cons..."
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Radiation Eyes (Standard Action, Ranged 5, +11 vs Fort, 1d10+18 radiation damage, target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until end of next turn)
Radiation Eyes (Standard Action, Ranged 5, +11 vs Fort, 1d10+18 radiation damage, target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until end of next turn)

Will finish soon
Thwarted Defense (Standard Action, Melee weapon, +10+weapon accuracy vs. AC, 1(W)+10 damage, target can't shift until end of my next turn.)
Hawking Portal (Move action, close burst 10, you and one or two allies in burst, Each target teleports to any other square in the burst, then regains hit points equal to 5 plus your level)
Instinctive Shift (Immediate Interrupt, When an adjacent enemy hits me, +4 to all defenses against the attack, if it misses, shift 1 square)
GAMMA ERUPTION(Standard Action, Ranged 5, One creature, +11 vs. Fort, 2d10+14 radiation damage, target is weakened until the end of my next turn)
===Omega Tech and Equipment===
Omega Tech card
Hypno Ray You did NOT see a blue walrus-man stealing the data disks. It was definitely Venus and swamp gas. Weapon: 1-handed ranged; Power: Encounter; Standard Action Close Blast 5; Target: Each creature in blast; Attack: Level + 6 vs Will; Hit: The target is stunned (save ends). Until the end of the encounter, the target is susceptible to suggestion, and anyone making an Interaction check against the target gains a +10 power bonus to the check.
===Alpha Mutations===
Bold are current
Psychic reversal
Extra arm
==Time slide==
Hands of time
Neutron emission
All a Dream
==Das Gamma Auge==

Latest revision as of 02:46, 6 September 2011

Silver 5I Origin: Radioactive/Prescient


Str 6 (-2)

Con 18 (+4)

Dex 12 (+1)

Int 11 (+0)

Wis 16 (+3)

Cha 7 (-2)


Acrobatics +8 Athletics +9 Conspiracy +7 Insight +10 Interaction +9 Mechanics +7 Nature +10 Perception +10 Science +11 Stealth +8


AC: 27

Reflex: 21

Fortitude: 23

Will: 21


Map, local Water purifier Climber's kit Riding horse

Light Armor: Overalls with metal plate over vulnerable areas. Heavy 1-H Melee: Mattock Shield: Hammered flat beer keg Heavy 1-H Ranged: .45 magnum revolver

Scavenged Omega Tech[edit]

Autodoc +5 HP, Mk1 Power Armor AC 8 +1 Ref and Fort, Diskthrower 1-H light ranged Dex/Int +3 2d8, Force Shield +1 shield bonus to AC; +2 shield bonus to Reflex; you gain resist 3 to all damage while you aren’t granting combat advantage


Initiative: +12

HP 65

Bloodied 33

Basic Attacks[edit]

Mattock Chop: Attack +13 vs AC, 1d10 +11 Physical, Melee 1

Revolver Shot: Attack +13 vs AC, 2d6 +11 Physical, Ranged 10

Diskthrower Shot: Attack +11 vs AC, 2d8 +8 Physical, Ranged 10


Mutant Type: Dark, Psi, +2 to Dark Overcharge

Gamma Tolerance: (Gain resist 15 radiation)

Radioactive Critical: (target is weakened until end of next turn)

Third Eye Awareness: (Gain +2 to opportunity attacks and +4 to initiative)

Prescient Critical (+1d10 damage and grants combat advantage until end of next turn)

Radiation Eyes (Standard Action, Ranged 5, +11 vs Fort, 1d10+18 radiation damage, target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until end of next turn)

Thwarted Defense (Standard Action, Melee weapon, +10+weapon accuracy vs. AC, 1(W)+10 damage, target can't shift until end of my next turn.)

Hawking Portal (Move action, close burst 10, you and one or two allies in burst, Each target teleports to any other square in the burst, then regains hit points equal to 5 plus your level)

Instinctive Shift (Immediate Interrupt, When an adjacent enemy hits me, +4 to all defenses against the attack, if it misses, shift 1 square)

GAMMA ERUPTION(Standard Action, Ranged 5, One creature, +11 vs. Fort, 2d10+14 radiation damage, target is weakened until the end of my next turn)

Omega Tech and Equipment[edit]

Omega Tech card Hypno Ray You did NOT see a blue walrus-man stealing the data disks. It was definitely Venus and swamp gas. Weapon: 1-handed ranged; Power: Encounter; Standard Action Close Blast 5; Target: Each creature in blast; Attack: Level + 6 vs Will; Hit: The target is stunned (save ends). Until the end of the encounter, the target is susceptible to suggestion, and anyone making an Interaction check against the target gains a +10 power bonus to the check.

Alpha Mutations[edit]

Bold are current

Psychic reversal Confusion Extra arm

Time slide[edit]

Redirection Hands of time Duality Neutron emission All a Dream

Das Gamma Auge[edit]