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Mission Generator
Yup, that shulod defo do the trick!
== Key ==
; (thing) : must select from list
; <thing> : may include
; [thing] : must arbitrate
; PC : Player character
; NPC : Non player character
; character : any character
== Mission ==
<4/10; Travel to (stage) in (area) and> learn from (individual) that they must>
<2/10; Prevent (antagonist) from>
<2/10; get help from a group of (individual)s to>
'''Travel to (stage) in (area) and [1-6; (effect) (item) / 7-0; (influence) (individual)]'''
<2/10; but really have to [1-6; (affect) (item) / 7-10 (influence) (individual)]>
<9/10; for [1-2; pre-paid/ 3-4; instant/ 5-0; promised] (item)>
'''despite attempts by <2/10; 1d4+1> (antagonist<nowiki><s></nowiki>) to stop them'''
<1/10; with an unwanted (individual) companion)
<2/10; But the characters cannot be noticed>
<4/10; Within a time limit>
<2/10; despite rivals with same goal>
<3/100; but goal has already been achieved> by (individual)
== (stage) ==
<2/10 abandoned>
1-4; Public House
5; Vehicle
6-7; Utility
8-9; [Character's] home
10-12; Historic site
13-15; Research institute
16-17; School
18-20; Temple
21-26; Base
27-29; Warehouse
30; Graveyard
31-32; Mountain
33-34; Island
35-36; Swamp
37-38; River
39-40; Forest/Bush/Jungle
41; Desert
42; Plains
43-44; Road
45-46; Camp
<4/10; with unfriendly locals>
<1/10; with defenses>
<1/10; which is underground>
<2/10; which is contested by 1d4+1 (group)s>
<1/10; during a natural disaster>
<1/10; where they get trapped/ambushed>
== (individual) ==
<4/10; a representative of>
<1/10; a group of>
<1/10; the SO of>
<3/10; a foreign>
1-4; Patron
4-7; Leader
8-10; Noble
11-12; Criminal
13; Enemy
14-15; Tradesman
17-20; Ally
21-23; Police Officer
24-25; Beaurocrat
26; Relative
27-29; Mentor
30-31; Academic
32-34; Priest
35-36; Radical
37-39; Military Officer
40-41; Mercenary
42-45; Trader
46; Device (artifact, AI, etc)
<2/10; who is hiding identity>
<1/10; who is pretending to be another (individual)>
<1/10; who plans on their failure>
<1/10; who lies to them about the mission>
<1/10; who is only doing this for entertainment>
<1/10; who is using PCs as a diversion>
<1/10; who they will never see again>
<1/10; who is being controlled by another (individual)>
Hey, subtle must be your midlde name. Great post!
== (influence) ==
<1/10; must get equipment to>
<2/10; must learn how to>
1-3; Rescue
4-5; Kidnap
6-8; Inform
9-10; Interrogate
11; Mislead
12-14; Contact
15-18; Protect
19-20; Retrieve (item) from
== (item) ==
<1/10; bugged>
<1/10; sabotaged>
<1/10; part of>
<6/10; multiple>
1-3; Weapon
4-5; Armour
6-7; Technology
8; Research
9; Installation
10; Cause of Phenomenon
11-12; Equipment
13-14; Vehicle
15; (Stage)
16-18; Cash
19; Blackmail
20; Pillage
21; Document
22; Favour
23; Key
24; Tuition
25; Artwork
26-27; Supplies
28-29; Information
30-31; Evidence
32-34; Trading Goods
35; Slave
36; Title
37; Their Lives
<1/10; with secret properties>
<1/10; which [1-6; is no longer/7-10; never was] there>
<1/10; which has been switched>
<1/10; with a time limit>
<2/10; which is stolen>
== (area) ==
list will have to be written solely by GM; depending on campaign, this may be a group of towns, states, nations or planets.

Revision as of 07:36, 12 August 2011

Yup, that shulod defo do the trick!