Its A Mad World Epic4E:LilyBloom: Difference between revisions
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==Character Ties== | ==Character Ties== | ||
* '''''Lilybloom taught Pardallion, the Azure Wind, how to love.''' When the World's Greatest Swordswoman (who was not that, then) visited the Feywild on an adventure to seek the Seed of Hope, she and King Summersky fell madly in love with each other. However, such love would have destroyed the young hero. Lilybloom taught her the gentle art of Love With No Regrets, so that instead of Lord Summersky having yet another failed romance and another heroine destroyed, the two departed each other as dear, affectionate lovers and friends. Glitterwing's clutchmate, Skysparkle, is Pardallion's arcane familiar as well, and both drakes are known for their sense of humor. This began a string of several epic ADVENTURES that Lilybloom and Pardallion engaged on. Pardie calls Lily her 'little sister', meaning that, literally.'' | * '''''Lilybloom taught Pardallion, the Azure Wind, how to love.''' When the World's Greatest Swordswoman (who was not that, then) visited the Feywild on an adventure to seek the Seed of Hope, she and King Summersky fell madly in love with each other. However, such love would have destroyed the young hero. Lilybloom taught her the gentle art of Love With No Regrets, so that instead of Lord Summersky having yet another failed romance and another heroine destroyed, the two departed each other as dear, affectionate lovers and friends. Glitterwing's clutchmate, Skysparkle, is Pardallion's arcane familiar as well, and both drakes are known for their sense of humor. This began a string of several epic ADVENTURES that Lilybloom and Pardallion engaged on. Pardie calls Lily her 'little sister', meaning that, literally.'' | ||
*''Lillybloom tricked Inwyt Son of Shadow into a scheme that was, even by that thief's rarefied standards, entirely mad. It involved obtaining a needle, which was hidden in an egg, which was inside a duck, which was inside a hare, which was inside an iron chest, which was inside a dragon, which was coiled around an oak tree, which was.... Well. Things ended well, if messily, and Inwyt walked away with a bag full of astral diamonds that turned out, upon closer inspection, to be made out of ice. In retrospect, he considers the whole of the experience to have been more than sufficient payment.'' | |||
==Appearance== | ==Appearance== |
Revision as of 17:49, 12 December 2011
Lilybloom is a character played by ShadowWhispers in the "It's a Mad Word" campaign.

Lilybloom, Painter of the World
| Lilybloom @ iPlay4e
"May I present to you, Princess Lilybloom Lunargleam, Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Moondrops and Sparkling Dew, Enchantress and Illusionist of the Summer Court, Handmaiden to Tiandra the Summer Queen, Adjunct to the Court of the Stars, Shiradi of Beauty and Laughter, Keeper of the Thousand Songs, and Artist and Creator of the Highest Order!" - Jeeves (Translated from the original Owlbear).
Height: 6"
Weight: 1 lb.
Age: Indeterminate; though obviously an adult and by all accounts centuries old, she has a neotonic appearance that makes her seem almost child-like
Alignment: Good
Deity: Like most fey, she gives token obeisance to Sehanine and Corellon, but she has little time to spare for gods.
- Lilybloom was born in beauty and light. The child of royalty in the pixie kingdom of Moondrops and Morning Dew, on the edge of the demesne of Senaliesse in the Feywild, Lilybloom lived her early life in comfort and wonder. The young princess was well loved by her people for her quick wits and radiant smile; Though like most of the pixie kingdoms that dot the forests of that plane, hers was not a large country by the standards of the other fey, it was no less her entire world in her youth than it would have been for a mortal princess.
- She served, as her people do, in tasks of making the Feywild shine. Like other pixies, the people of the Kingdom of Moondrops were tasked with the daily work of maintaining their world. An active princess, Lilybloom joined her subjects in their labors, and became enamored with the process; every flower she made bloom, every bit of dew spread just so along a leaf, was another step in making the world around her more beautiful. It was not long before the simple fulfillment of the tasks that were put before her was not enough; she added additional color and flair to the process, resulting in her kingdom becoming even brighter, more colorful, and more beautiful than any of those around it. But she was unsatisfied with perfecting only one small corner of the Feywild, and so . . .
- She sought the cities of the Eladrin, learning from the archwizards of Astrazalian the magic she would need to work her art upon the world. The haughty nobles of that city were unimpressed by her royal credentials from some rural fiefdom, and it was only through sheer persistance that she eventually secured tutelage from the master illusionist Tirisana, in exchange for a period of service to the eladrin as her familiar. Not too proud for this arrangement, Lilybloom agreed, and performed her tasks with enthusiasm and precision, all the while quietly observing the archmage in her practice. When the time came for her to become a proper apprentice, the pixie raced to full magus status in record time, for she had already learned more than most students do in years of study simply from watching. The two parted amiably upon the completion of her training, and she set out to put her skills into practice.
- LIlybloom travelled the Feywild, putting her skills to work and having ADVENTURES. She smuggled supplies under the bellies of golden-fleeced sheep to Shinaelestra, fooling the formorians besieging it into taking their wool as the prize. She negotiated a peace agreement between a group of satyrs and the dryads who objected to the satyrs' revels within their groves that led to several successful courtships between the two sides. She rescued a clutch of owlbear eggs from a gang of marauding spriggans, setting up a stable population of the creatures within her kingdom that remain her loyal supporters to this day. She arranged a series of tricks and pranks that led to a tribe of cyclopses drawing their masters into a protracted and costly war with another group of Unseelie that weakened both sides to the point where the other Courts were able to reclaim a bit more of the Feywild for the forces of light. She helped remodel a section of Senaliesse until it was so beautiful that even nymphs wept from joy upon seeing it. She led a group of faerie dragons into battle against the Goblin Kingdom; one of their number was so impressed with her that he swore to serve her as a familiar for so long as she desired. And many other deeds, too numerous to list.
- Impressed with the princess' deeds, Summer Queen Tiandra invited her to return to Senaliesse to serve on her court. One does not perform such acts in a world such as the Feywild where narrative weight has literal metaphysical importance without attracting notice, and Lilybloom was honored by the Summer Queen's attention. At Tiandra's request, she at last swore her first oaths of service to the great Courts, first to the Summer Court, but also to the Court of Stars, where she became one of the Summer Queen's attendants and advisers. While at first the relatively static nature of the latter offended her desire for universal improvement, it was here she was introduced to the myriad songs of world, and to the history of the Court itself. Drawing on this new knowledge, she came to grasp the subtleties of the Court, and through song and art, she began to take a more active roll in trying to shape its present and its future destiny. She emerged then as one of the most consistent voices within the Court against the machinations of the Winter Court, taking every opportunity to promote the ideals of the Summer Court. But the Court of the Stars has interests beyond only the Feywild, and so . . .
- In service of the Court of the Stars, Lilybloom journeyed to the mortal realm, finding it in even more dire need of greater beauty than her home. Her time in the mortal realm had an enormous impact on the pixie princess. While there were things in the Feywild that were merely imperfect, or that were grand in ways that simply offended her aesthetic sense, the mortal world was dingy and broken. Its people lived lives that were so short that they were almost inconceivable to her, and their world had seen so much pain in so short a time that her heart broke just to see it. And so when her tasks in the realm of Men ended, she returned to the Court and requested of Tiandra that she be allowed to swear a new oath, becoming a Shiradi of Beauty and Laughter, a champion of those aspects across not only her own plane but every other.
- Unsatisfied with the limited scale of her efforts there, she began to experiment with grander magics . . . A new oath was not her only step, however; while her previous magics had been fundamentally about changing the world around her or the perceptions of others (which, to her mind, is the same thing), her new practices led her to consider creation as well. After all, if this world is flawed in ways that make it impossible for see the true beauty in all things, then what else is there to do but create a new one where that beauty is natural law? In her own little pocket of reality, the seeds of Lilybloom's dreams have been planted; now, her efforts are directed towards ensuring that, in time, they will blossom into the world that has always existed in her heart.
Character Ties
- Lilybloom taught Pardallion, the Azure Wind, how to love. When the World's Greatest Swordswoman (who was not that, then) visited the Feywild on an adventure to seek the Seed of Hope, she and King Summersky fell madly in love with each other. However, such love would have destroyed the young hero. Lilybloom taught her the gentle art of Love With No Regrets, so that instead of Lord Summersky having yet another failed romance and another heroine destroyed, the two departed each other as dear, affectionate lovers and friends. Glitterwing's clutchmate, Skysparkle, is Pardallion's arcane familiar as well, and both drakes are known for their sense of humor. This began a string of several epic ADVENTURES that Lilybloom and Pardallion engaged on. Pardie calls Lily her 'little sister', meaning that, literally.
- Lillybloom tricked Inwyt Son of Shadow into a scheme that was, even by that thief's rarefied standards, entirely mad. It involved obtaining a needle, which was hidden in an egg, which was inside a duck, which was inside a hare, which was inside an iron chest, which was inside a dragon, which was coiled around an oak tree, which was.... Well. Things ended well, if messily, and Inwyt walked away with a bag full of astral diamonds that turned out, upon closer inspection, to be made out of ice. In retrospect, he considers the whole of the experience to have been more than sufficient payment.
Even by pixie standards, Lilybloom is tiny, standing only six inches high; in fact, her fairy dragonling familiar/attendant Glitterwing is almost twice her size. But few people notice, for the little fairy has more than enough spunk and confidence to make up for her small stature; she's royalty in several ways, and she acts the part. The fact that she usually rides in style atop the elaborate headdress of her owlbear manservant Monsieur Owlbert Wintersong Loratio Bearnard Esteban Antillion Renfeld the Third (or "Jeeves," for short) certainly helps, of course.
Lilybloom dresses to match her station; her glorious enchanted robes woven from solid moonlight would not be out of place in the galas of the Summer Court (in fact, she's won Best Dressed at the Grand Promenade thirty years running!), and her golden hair hangs in long and luxurious curls, framing an almost child-like face. Her eyes share the same color, and shine like pools of coalesced hopes and dreams. Her wings are delicate and curved like a butterfly's, and sparkle in the light like blue diamonds. All told, she's like an incarnation of everything beautiful in the Feywild.
Her magical implement of choice is a colorful paintbrush, comically large in her hands, from which drips a rainbow pigment, made from actual rainbows.