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| =An Exalted Conversion Using Strands of Fate=
| | Great information! I use to have acirlycs and it's taken me about 6 months to get my nails back to normal! Patience is definitely key, now that my nails are normal I'm interested in getting OPI's Nail Envy to keep them strong. |
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| ==Character Creation==
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| [[SoF_Exalted/CC_Summary |Character Creation Summary]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Backgrounds |Backgrounds]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Mortal_Thaumaturgy |Mortal Thaumaturgy]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Anima_Effects |Anima Effects]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Powers |Powers]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Supernatural_MA|Supernatural Martial Arts]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Sorcery |Sorcery]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Example_Characters |Example Characters]]<br>
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| ==Rules==
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| [[SoF_Exalted/New_Advantages |New Advantages]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Mass Combat |Mass Combat]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Antagonists |Antagonists]]<br>
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| [[SoF_Exalted/Artifacts |Artifacts and Items of Power]]<br>
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| ==Resources==
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| [http://www.2shared.com/document/19JbzMnM/SoF_CS.html A PDF character sheet]<br>
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| [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?570196-FATE-SoF-Strands-of-Fate...for-Exalted Strands/Exalted thread on RPGnet]<br>
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| [http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Main_Page The Exalted Wiki]<br>
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| [http://voidstar.squarespace.com/strands-of-fate/ Void Star - Strands of Fate]<br>
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| [http://www.voidstar.me/storage/Strands%20of%20Fate%20Preview.pdf Strands of Fate preview]<br>
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| [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?548867-FATE-Strands-of-Fate-Generic-FATE-Core-Rulebook The Strands mega-thread on RPGnet]<br>
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| [http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?584360-FATE-Strands-of-Fate-mega-thread-II The Strands mega-thread II on RPGnet]<br>
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Great information! I use to have acirlycs and it's taken me about 6 months to get my nails back to normal! Patience is definitely key, now that my nails are normal I'm interested in getting OPI's Nail Envy to keep them strong.