Lord-Captain Victoris Cornelius Peregrinus: Difference between revisions

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Delacroix (talk | contribs)
Line 42: Line 42:
  WP: 45 (+15 Advance) = 60
  '''WP''': 45 (+15 Advance) = '''60'''
  BS: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
  '''BS''': 25 (+/- 0) = '''25'''
  S: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
  '''ST''': 25 (+/- 0) = '''25'''
  T 43 (-3 Savant) = 40
  '''TG''' 43 (-3 Savant) = '''40'''
  Ag: 40 (+/- 0) = 40
  '''AG''': 40 (+/- 0) = '''40'''
  Int: 30 (+10 Advance) = 40
  '''IN''': 30 (+10 Advance) = '''40'''
  Per: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
  '''PE''': 25 (+/- 0) = '''25'''
  Will: 35 (-5 Noble-born) = 30
  '''WP''': 35 (-5 Noble-born) = '''30'''
  Fel 42 (+5 Noble-born, +3 Savant, +10 Advance) = 60
  '''FE''' 42 (+5 Noble-born, +3 Savant, +10 Advance) = '''60'''


Revision as of 16:00, 7 July 2012

Main Page
"Courage is as much the mark of a gentleman as courtesy."


Name: Victoris Cornelis Peregrinus; Victor Peregrin in the vernacular. He occasionally answers to "Pen", a nickname he earned while in school.

Career Path: Rogue Trader

Gender: Male

Description: The soul binding has left Rook blind, bald and looking far older then he actually is. Rook’s general clothing consists of heavy blue robes regardless of temperature. A concealed pouch hides his las-pistol. The force staff is continuously held as a walking stick even though he rarely leans on it. Rook has a habit of keeping his non-functioning milky-while eyes half open. He opens them fully when either something has taken his interest or he wants to threaten.

History: A bookworm of slight physical stature, Pen, nicknamed for his habits in school, isn't anyone's idea of a dashing starship captain, which is probably why so many of his enemies are dead. Born on the lush garden-world of Elysia IV, he was brought up the youngest son of the planetary nobility: while he had been assured of a much more well-rounded education than that of his older brothers, who had been packed off to military academy as soon as it was seemly, he was also in no danger of inheriting anything worth having. Aware of this from a young age, he quickly developed keen mercantile instincts, and was known as something of an information- and contraband- broker at his elite boarding school, capable of supplying anyone anything, for the right price. He developed networks of friends and debtors, and became adept at always coming ahead. In his schooldays he was known for convincing others to do his schoolwork for him, while he pursued his own interests. Too brilliant to be occupied for long with the syllabus, which he scorned as paltry and unworthy of his attention, he devoted his attention to the study of the stars, which to him promised freedom from the tiresome, ritualised formalities of the caste-nobility.

His aspiration of reaching them, however, came at the point of a sword. His family was, unbeknownst to them, of ancient extraction and was a cadet branch of a Rogue Trader dynasty. House Peregrine, since the defection of its patriarch Calidus Peregrine to the side of Chaos two hundred years ago, had fallen into disfavour. It had been deserted by its allies, its interstellar empire picked apart by its enemies. For two centuries the dynasty had fought a rearguard action across the galaxy, losing ship after ship and scion after scion; Pen's family remained the last viable branch of the house with a genetic signature pure enough to inherit the dynasty's ancient Warrant of Trade.

Pen, tinkering with an ancient family crest that depicts an unfamiliar device, triggers a gene-scanner and an attached beacon that calls across the stars to those loyal to the Peregrines. But their former friends are now foes. And so their rivals descended on Elysia in force. Seeding the atmosphere with Ork spores from orbit, they scorched Elysia to the bedrock in a "cleansing" attempt that had reached its terminal stages by the time the local Imperial Navy could respond. Pen, however, had been spirited off-planet with only moments to spare by loyal retainers of his dynasty, who responded to the distress call.

Even today, Pen remains haunted by how his carelessness resulted in the loss of everything he held dear. While he hasn't lost his curiosity and drive to explore, he is now fiercely protective of his honour and his name, and those who shelter beneath it. He will keep faith with his follows, he vows, and let his enemies know his wrath. He's beginning to build a name for himself as a canny negotiator, a trustworthy ally and partner, and an absolute demon with a sword.

Combat Stats

Insanity: 1d10
Wounds: 1d5+13
Fate: 2/3/4 1-3/4-9/10 +1 
CC Power Sword: 60%, 1d10+7E, Pen 5, +15 Parry, 75% chance of destroying opposed weapon, 3kg
BC autopistol: 25%, 30m, 6 rd auto fire, 1d10+3I, Pen 1, Clip 18, full-action reload, 2.5kg, never jams
 - expander rounds
BC Stormtrooper carapace armour: all slots 6AP, wt 7.5kg
Frenzy: +10 to WS, TG, WP, ST; immune to Fear, pinning, stunning, Fatigue; cannot Parry or retreat

Origin Path

Chosen by Destiny
High Vendetta
Haunted by his Own Sins


WP: 45 (+15 Advance) = 60
BS: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
ST: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
TG 43 (-3 Savant) = 40
AG: 40 (+/- 0) = 40
IN: 30 (+10 Advance) = 40
PE: 25 (+/- 0) = 25
WP: 35 (-5 Noble-born) = 30
FE 42 (+5 Noble-born, +3 Savant, +10 Advance) = 60


Acrobatics (Ag)
Awareness (Pe)
Barter (Fe)  
Command +20 (Fe)  
Commerce (Fe)
Common Lore (Imperium, RT, Koronus Expanse) (Int)
Charm +20 (Fe) 
Deceive (Fe) 
Dodge +10 (Ag)
Evaluate (Int)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (Int)
Inquiry (Int)
Intimidate (Fe) 
Literacy (Int)
Logic (Int)
Pilot (Spacecraft) (Ag)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader, Underdecks) (Int)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy, Heraldry, Legend) (Int)
Speak (Low and High Gothic, Trade Cant) (Int)


Air of Authority
Dark Soul
Die Hard
Enemy (Ecclesiarchy)
Iron Discipline
Leap Up 
Renowned Warrant 
Sound Constitution x3 


BC autopistol
CC power sword
BC stormtrooper carapace
Fine clothing
Xeno-pelt cloak

Other traits

+1 PF
+10 Interaction vs authority, formal situations, xeno-species and alien cultures
+10 to visible ally within earshot as free action
Infuriated by threats to himself or those under his charge

XP Expenditure

Origin Path (300xp)

Haunted by His Own Sins (300xp)

Characteristics (1550xp)

WS +15 (850xp)
IN +10 (350xp)
FE +10 (350xp)

Rank 1 (1000xp)

Ambidextrous (200xp) 
Awareness (100xp)
Common Lore (Rogue Trader) (100xp)
Dodge (100xp)
Pilot (Space Craft) (100xp)
Renowned Warrant (200xp)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader) (100xp)
Speak (trade cant) (100xp)

Rank 2 (1800xp)

Barter (200xp)
Charm +10 (200xp)
Command +10 (200xp)
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse) (200xp)
Deceive (200xp)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) (200xp)
Intimidate (200xp)
Sound Constitution x2 (400xp)

Rank 3 (1800xp)

Acrobatics (200xp)
Charm +20 (200xp)
Command +20 (200xp)
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) (200xp)
Scholastic Lore (Legend) (200xp)
Secret Tongue (Underdeck) (200xp)
Sound Constitution (200xp)
Iron Discipline (200xp)
Leap Up (200xp)

50xp unexpended