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* Influence (Extended action (variable) * basic skill utility) | * Influence (Extended action (variable) * basic skill utility) | ||
* Effect: Describe to the DM how you attempt to influence the target, then make a Diplomacy check vs. the target’s Sense. On a success, you influence the target into adopting a desired attitude, belief or action. | * Effect: Describe to the DM how you attempt to influence the target, then make a Diplomacy check vs. the target’s Sense. On a success, you influence the target into adopting a desired attitude, belief or action. | ||
===Intimidate=== | ===Intimidate=== |
Revision as of 18:52, 9 July 2012
Skills are more specific abilities that your character can learn. All characters in this game share 18 broad skills, which determine your success at most actions outside of combat, and many actions within combat. Each skill is based on an ability; if you are untrained in that skill, your check value for that skill is equal to your D20 roll + your ability modifier for that ability. If you are trained in that skill, you gain a +3 proficiency bonus to all skill checks for that skill. Certain actions may be performed by any character (trained or no), while other actions may only be performed by trained characters.
Strength Skills
Athletics is used when running, jumping, climbing, swimming, or performing feats of strength. Your Athletics skill check is based on your Strength modifier. The Athletics skill incurs an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.
- Feat of Strength (At-will standard action * basic skill stunt)
- Effect: Describe to the DM the action you want to perform, then make an Athletics check. On a success, you succeed at the desired action; on a failure you do not accomplish anything noticeable.
- Climb (At-will move action * basic skill utility)
- Effect: Make an Athletics check.
- Success: You move half your speed.
- Failure: You do not make any progress. On a critical failure, you lose your grip and fall.
- Jump (At-will move action * basic skill utility)
- Target: One destination square within a number of squares equal to your speed
- Check: Athletics vs. 10, + 5 per square of distance that you leap over
- Special: You gain a +2 stance bonus to your roll for each square that you moved through this turn before making the jump, but may not abort the jump if you moved more than 4 squares.
- Success: You land in the targeted square.
- Failure: You may choose to jump a number of squares equal to the check result divided by 5 towards your destination square and land prone, or abort the jump. On a critical failure, you misjudge the distance and jump into the wrong square.
- Sprint (At-will move action * basic skill stance)
- Effect: Move your speed and then make an Athletics check as you enter this stance. Until you end the stance, you double your base speed and gain an additional stance bonus to speed equal to the check result divided by 5, but double all armor check penalties and suffer a further -2 penalty to all attacks and defenses. This stance ends automatically at the end of any turn if you moved less than 4 squares during that turn. At the end of each turn that you maintain this stance, you must make an Endurance check vs. a DC equal to half the number of squares moved, or suffer 1 damage from fatigue.
- Swim (At-will move action * basic skill utility)
- Check: Athletics vs. DC
- Success: You move half your speed
- Failure: You do not move, or are swept by the current. On a critical failure, you suffer 1 damage as you begin to drown.
- Break Grapple or Restraints (At-will standard action * basic skill saving throw)
- Save: Athletics vs. restraint’s DC, or vs. the attacker’s original Grapple check value if grappled.
- Success: You break the grapple or restraint.
Constitution Skills
Endurance is used when braving pain, weather, extremes of temperature or environment, performing feats of endurance, staving off hunger or thirst, or holding your breath. Your Endurance skill check is based on your Constitution modifier. The Endurance skill incurs an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.
- Maintain Concentration (At-will free reaction * basic skill utility)
Trigger: You take more damage than your Constitution modifier from a single hit while in a stance Check: Endurance vs. the amount of damage you have taken. Success: You do not break the stance. Failure: You are forced to end the stance.
- Stabilize (Automatic Reaction * basic skill saving throw)
Trigger: You begin your turn while suffering from the dying condition. Save: Endurance vs. 10 + twice the damage you have taken in excess of your Hearts Success: You are no longer dying (unless you take further damage), but are still unconscious so long as you are at 0 Hearts. On a critical success, you regain ½ Heart. Failure: You are still dying.
- Shrug it Off (Automatic Reaction * basic skill saving throw)
Trigger: You would take ongoing damage. Save: Endurance vs. the check result of the effect that caused the condition. Success: You take the ongoing damage, and the condition ends. On a critical success, you take no damage and the condition ends. Failure: You take the full ongoing damage and continue to suffer any of its other ongoing effects. �
Dexterity Skills
Acrobatics is used when tumbling, balancing, performing feats of agility, or escaping from bonds. Your Acrobatics skill check is based on your Dexterity modifier. The Acrobatics skill incurs an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.
- Feat of Agility (At-will move action * basic skill stunt)
- Effect: Describe to the DM the action you want to perform, then make an Acrobatics check. On a success, you successfully pull off the stunt; on a failure you may fall or suffer some other effect determined by the DM.
- Balance (At-will move action * basic skill utility)
- Check: Acrobatics vs. DC based on conditions
- Effect: You may move half your speed across a rope, ledge or other narrow or unstable surface.
Failure: You do not make any progress. On a critical failure, you lose your footing and fall.
- Break Fall (At-will immediate reaction * trained skill utility)
- Trigger: You would take falling damage
- Check: Acrobatics (no DC)
Effect: You reduce your falling damage by one fourth of the check result.
- Escape from Grapple or Restraints (At-will standard action * basic skill saving throw)
- Save: Acrobatics vs. the restraint’s DC, or vs. the attacker’s original Grapple check value if attempting to break a grapple.
- Success: You are no longer grappled or restrained.
Stealth is used to hide, move silently, and remain unseen. Your Stealth skill check is based on your Dexterity modifier. The Stealth skill incurs an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield.
- Hide (At-will move action * trained skill stance)
- Check: Stealth (no DC)
- Effect: While you are in this stance, you count as hidden to anyone whose Spot defense is less than your original check result.
- Special: Whenever you move more than 2 squares, all opponents gain a +5 bonus to their Spot defense to notice you until the beginning of your next turn. If you move more than 5 squares, this bonus increases to +10. Any creature which notices you continues to notice you as you move, until you make a new Stealth check.
Thievery is used to pick locks, pick pockets, disable traps, and perform sleight-of-hand feats. Your Thievery skill check is based on your Dexterity modifier. The Thievery skill may incur an armor check penalty if you are wearing armor or a shield, unless the action requires little or no full-body movement.
- Sleight of Hand (At-will standard action * trained skill stunt)
- Effect: Describe the sleight of hand trick you attempt to pull off, then make a Thievery check vs. the higher of the target’s Spot or Sense. On a success, you may pick the target’s pocket, palm an item near the target, or perform some other act of legerdemain. On a failure, the target notices you, and you provoke an attack of opportunity while performing the action (although in most non-combat situations, your target will likely use the attack of opportunity to perform a grab rather than attacking outright with a weapon).
- Delay Trap (At-will minor action * trained skill utility)
- Check: Thievery + 5 vs. the trap’s DC.
- Success: The trap becomes disabled until the end of your next turn.
- Failure: The trap is still active. On a critical failure, you trigger the trap.
- Disable Trap (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)
- Check: Thievery vs. the trap’s DC.
- Success: The trap becomes disabled until it resets.
- Failure: The trap is still active. On a critical failure, you trigger the trap.
- Pick Lock (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)
- Check: Thievery vs. the lock’s DC.
- Success: The lock is opened.
- Failure: The lock is still closed. On a critical failure, you break the lock, which cannot be opened until destroyed or repaired.
Intelligence Skills
Arcana is used to understand the laws and principles that govern the world. All magics, whether ultimately divine, arcane, or primal, follow certain arcane rules; the Arcana skill may thus be used to identify and explain them. Wizards use the Arcana skill in conjunction with their access to an arcane power source to perform their magics. Because armor tends to interfere with the gestures and innate sensitivity necessary to interact with magical energy, the Arcana skill incurs an armor check penalty to all non-knowledge checks if you are wearing armor or a shield. Your Arcana skill check is based on your Intelligence modifier.
- Arcane Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)
- Check: Arcana vs. the obscurity of the information.
- Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of arcane trivia that is applicable to the situation at hand.
- Detect Magic (Extended action (1 minute) * trained skill utility)
- Target: The area within Wisdom squares around you
- Check: Arcana vs. a DC determined by the aura or effect’s subtlety.
- Success: You become aware of any magical effects or auras within the area for which your check result exceeds that effect or aura’s DC, and their likely power source (primal, arcane, or divine).
- Special: You may make this roll for a particular effect or aura once per encounter or short rest.
- Read Magic (At-will minor action * trained skill utility)
- Target: One magical effect or phenomenon that you can see.
- Check: Arcana vs. a DC determined by the effect or phenomenon
- Success: You become aware of that effect’s power source (primal, arcane, or divine), and gain a general sense of what it does. On a critical success, you gain a precise understanding of the effect and all its likely consequences.
- Dispel Curse or Enchantment (At-will standard action * trained skill saving throw)
- Target: One curse or enchantment that has been cast upon you or an adjacent ally or object.
- Save: Arcana vs. the curse or enchantment’s check result
- Success: You dispel the curse or enchantment.
Craft is used to construct or appraise items, weapons, armor, and architecture. Your Craft skill check is based on your Intelligence modifier.
- Appraise (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)
- Check: Craft vs. the obscurity of the information.
- Success: You notice some particularly useful bit of crafting detail that is applicable to the situation at hand.
- Craft Item (Extended action (8 hours) * trained skill utility)
- Check: Craft vs. the design’s crafting difficulty
- Success: You may craft a mundane item, weapon or armor from raw materials. The check result is the percentage of the item’s base market cost that is saved by making it yourself.
- Failure: The results are flawed and the materials used are wasted.
- Repair Item (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)
- Target: One damaged mundane item, weapon or armor.
- Check: Craft vs. the difficulty of the repair
- Success: The item is repaired.
- Failure: The item is still damaged. On a critical failure, the item is ruined beyond repair.
- Rig Contraption (At-will standard or extended action * trained skill stunt)
- Effect: Describe the device you attempt to improvise, then make a Craft check. On a success, the contraption performs as expected. On a failure, it doesn’t work. On a critical failure, some kind of mishap occurs.�
History is used to remember historical facts and useful information. Your History skill check is based on your Intelligence modifier. When you perform any Knowledge check, you may substitute History for any other knowledge skill at a -10 penalty.
- Ancient Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)
- Check: History vs. the obscurity of the information.
- Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or historical detail that is applicable to the situation at hand.
- Translate Text (At-will minor action * trained skill knowledge)
- Target: A passage written in another language that you can see.
- Check: History vs. the obscurity of the language and subject matter.
- Success: You understand a sentence or two; you may continue performing this action to translate more of the passage.
- Failure: You need more time to translate. On a critical failure you get the translation entirely wrong.
- Special: In scene time, you may make a single roll to translate an entire document as an extended action, taking approximately 5 minutes per page.
Wisdom Skills
Heal is used when tending to the sick or injured. Your Heal skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.
- Stabilize Ally (At-will standard action * trained skill utility)
- Target: One dying ally (Heal vs. Moderate DC)
- Success: The target gains the +2 teamwork bonus to all Endurance saving throws until the beginning of your next turn. The target may immediately make one Endurance saving throw to stabilize. On a critical success, the target automatically stabilizes and regains ½ Heart.
- Failure: You provide no benefit.
- First Aid (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)
- Target: You and your adjacent allies
- Check: Heal (no DC)
- Effect: You and your allies regain a total number of Hearts equal to one fourth the check result, divided evenly among each wounded ally.
- Special: If you perform First Aid during an extended rest, the party regains Hearts equal to half the check result, instead. You may distribute these Hearts as you see fit.
- Treat Disease or Poison (Daily extended action (1 hour) * trained skill utility)
- Target: One diseased or poisoned creature
- Check: Heal vs. the affliction’s DC.
- Success: The affliction’s progression is halted for one day, and the target gains an additional Endurance saving throw to shake off the affliction with a +2 teamwork bonus. On a critical success, treat the affliction as if the target had automatically succeeded at an additional Endurance saving throw.
Insight is used to read moods, sense motives, and gauge the truthfulness of statements. Your Insight check also determines your Sense defense value; your Sense is equal to your Insight check + 10. Your Insight skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.
- Sense Motive (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)
- Check: Insight check vs. 10 + the target’s Bluff bonus.
- Success: You gain an accurate read of the target’s current motives and attitude.
- Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on a particular creature, unless they perform an action that the DM deems provides new insight into their motivations.
- Sense Influence (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)
- Check: Insight vs. a DC of 15 + twice the Rank of the influencing effect.
- Success: You notice that something about the target is ‘off’, and may use an Arcana, Religion or Nature check to determine the source of the influence.
- Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on a particular creature, unless they perform an action that the DM feels strongly suggests outside influence.
- Detect Illusion (At-will minor action * basic skill saving throw)
- Target: One perception that you believe to be an illusion.
- Save: Insight vs. the illusion’s check result
- Effect: The DM will compare your saving throw to the check value of any illusion you might be perceiving; success allows you to accurately gauge whether what you are experiencing is real, while critical success allows you to pierce the illusion and briefly glimpse what is underneath.
Nature is used to gather food and resources in the wilderness, identify and track animals, navigate the wilds and avoid natural hazards. Barbarians use the Nature skill in conjunction with their access to a primal power source to perform their magics.
- Nature Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)
- Check: Nature vs. the obscurity of the information.
- Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or natural detail that is applicable to the situation at hand.
- Forage (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill utility)
- Check: Nature (no DC).
- Success: You gather enough food, water and other resources for one person to eat well for one day. On an exceptional success, you find enough for five people. If you are searching for specific ingredients or materials, the DM may assign a DC to the task based on the rarity of what you're looking for within the area.
Perception is used to examine your surroundings, spot hidden things, and detect unusual sounds, odors or tastes. Your Perception check also determines your Spot defense value; your Spot is equal to your Perception check + 10. Your Perception skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.
- Search Area (At-will minor action * basic skill saving throw)
- Target: One square within a distance of twice your Wisdom modifier that you can see.
- Check: Perception vs. any Stealth check results or Spot DC’s
- Effect: You notice any hidden creature, item or detail within a number of squares around the target square equal to your Wisdom modifier for which your saving throw exceeds that detail’s Spot DC or Stealth check value.
Religion is used to understand the nature of gods, religious ceremonies and rituals, and ethical standards. Priests use the Religion skill in conjunction with their access to a divine power source to work their miracles. Your Religion skill check is based on your Wisdom modifier.
- Divine Lore (At-will free action * trained skill knowledge)
- Check: Religion vs. the obscurity of the information.
- Success: You remember some particularly useful bit of lore or religious fact that is applicable to the situation at hand.
- Sense Alignment (At-will free action * basic skill utility)
- Requirement: You must have succeeded on a Sense Motive check against the target earlier in this encounter or scene.
- Target: One creature (Religion vs. 10 + the target’s Bluff skill)
- Success: You gain an reasonably accurate read of the target’s probable alignment.
- Special: You may only perform this action once per encounter on any given creature unless they perform an action that the DM deems provides new insight into their ethical values.
- Break Curse (At-will minor action * trained skill saving throw)
- Target: One curse or affliction that has been placed upon you or an adjacent ally.
- Save: Religion vs. the curse’s check result
- Success: You break the curse.
Charisma Skills
Bluff is used to fast-talk, lie, cheat, or seduce. Your Bluff skill check is based on your Charisma modifier.
- Create Diversion (At-will action * basic skill utility)
- Target: One creature (Bluff vs. Sense)
- Success: You manage to trick the opponent into paying attention to something else. You may immediately choose to either gain combat advantage against that enemy until the end of your next turn, or to immediately use the Stealth skill to attempt to hide from the target.
- Special: Each time you attempt this during an encounter, you suffer a -5 cumulative penalty for each time you have already attempted it.
- Attempt to Deceive (At-will standard action * basic skill utility)
- Effect: Describe how you attempt to deceive your target, then make a Bluff check vs. the target’s Sense defense. If you succeed, you manage to trick the opponent into believing what you say.
Diplomacy is used to influence others with tact, etiquette, and social grace. You may make a Diplomacy check to change people’s opinions, to negotiate a deal in good faith, to inspire goodwill, or to haggle with a patron, or to comport yourself with etiquette and tact. Your Diplomacy skill check is based on your Charisma modifier.
- Haggle (Extended action (1 minute) * basic skill utility)
- Target: One merchant (Diplomacy vs. Sense, +5 per 10% price adjustment)
- Success: You may adjust the cost of one good you are selling or purchasing by the desired amount.
- Negotiate Surrender (At-will free interrupt * basic skill utility)
- Target: One creature which would hit you or an ally with an attack (Diplomacy check vs. the target’s Sense)
- Success: You may attempt to halt combat and negotiate the surrender of your allies.
- Special: You may only perform this action vs. opponents who are intelligent and willing to accept a surrender.
- Influence (Extended action (variable) * basic skill utility)
- Effect: Describe to the DM how you attempt to influence the target, then make a Diplomacy check vs. the target’s Sense. On a success, you influence the target into adopting a desired attitude, belief or action.
Intimidate is used to bully, frighten, or coerce others into doing your bidding. Your Intimidate skill check is based on your Charisma modifier.
Intimidate (At-will minor action * basic skill utility)
- Target: One creature (Intimidate vs. Will)
- Success: You may mark the target, force the target to surrender if bloodied, or coerce the target into taking some other action with the DM’s approval. On a critical success, the target becomes Dominated until the beginning of your next round if you are at least one Rank higher than it.
Perform is used to sing, dance, act, or woo a crowd. Your Perform skill check is based on your Charisma modifier.
- Perform (Extended action or at-will standard action * basic skill utility)
- Target: One crowd (Perform vs. highest Will)
- Success: You influence the crowd’s mood favorably towards you and your allies.
Streetwise is used to find out social details about an location, including who’s important, what areas are dangerous, and where to acquire goods or services. Your Streetwise skill check is based on your Charisma modifier.
- Local Lore (Extended action (5 minutes) * trained skill knowledge)
- Effect: Describe how you attempt to interact with the locals, then make a Streetwise knowledge check vs. a DC determined by the DM. On a success, you find out some particularly useful bit of lore or social detail that is applicable to the situation at hand.