The Vorpal Sword Went Snicker Snack Cecile: Difference between revisions

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*Eldar Language              : 6
*Eldar Language              : 6
== Gear ==
*Light Power Armor (BQ, Hex wards 4)
*Plasma Pistol (GQ)
*Eldar powersword (Master crafted, Unique)
*Dark Eldar Shadowfield (Rating 12/3)


Revision as of 18:37, 18 August 2012

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Character Sheet


  • BOD: 4
  • AGI: 4
  • REA: 4
  • STR: 4
  • CHA: 6
  • INT: 5
  • LOG: 4
  • WIL: 5
  • EDG: 4

Derived Attributes

  • Essence: 6
  • Initiative: 9
  • IP: 1
  • Matrix Initiative: 4
  • Matrix IP: 1
  • Physical Damage Track: 10
  • Stun Damage Track: 11
  • Composure: 11
  • Judge Intentions: 11
  • Lift/Carry: 8 (75 kg/70 kg)
  • Memory: 9


  • Bilingual (High Gothic)
  • First Impression
  • Guts
  • College Education
  • Fame (10)
  • Trust Fund (20)
  • Trustworthy
  • Code of Conduct (Sworn Soldier)

  • Big Regret (secret)
  • Day Job (15)
  • Dependent (15) (Supports Family)
  • Vendetta

Active Skills

  • Athletics skill group  : 3
  • Biotech skill group  : 2
  • Close Combat skill group  : 4 (Blades 5 : Sword 7)
  • Electronics skill group  : 2
  • Firearms skill group  : 3 (Pistol 4)
  • Influence skill group  : 6
  • Mechanics skill group  : 2
  • Outdoors skill group  : 3
  • Stealth skill group  : 5
  • Dodge  : 5
  • Intimidation  : 6
  • Perception  : 5

Knowledge Skills

  • Common Lore  : 5
  • Underworld Lore  : 5
  • Cold trade  : 6
  • Forbidden Lore  : 5
  • Scholastic Lore  : 5
  • Xenos Lore  : 6 (Eldar)
  • Eldar Language  : 6


  • Light Power Armor (BQ, Hex wards 4)
  • Plasma Pistol (GQ)
  • Eldar powersword (Master crafted, Unique)
  • Dark Eldar Shadowfield (Rating 12/3)


Inquisitor du Châtillon is an unusual Inquistor; for whilst many Inquisitors deploy a menagerie of disguises and personas, Cécile is the rare Inquisitor whose Inquisitorial presence is the disguise, as her Throne Agents would well be aware. For this Inquisitor is nothing more than a guise of Comtesse Cécile du Dauphiné, one of the preeminent businesswomen and crime lords of the Sector.

This is not an inherited position, rather the result of over a century of torturous labors over the minutiae of business, treacherous maneuvering, elaborate betrayals, and a string of dubious alliances. Her rise from a simple planetary noble could even give argument to her being the very rarest of things in the Imperium, a self made woman.

Cécile made her start in business like so many young nobles; founding a small trades guild on her homeworld out of desperation at her slim inheritance prospects. What began on a whim, however, soon became an all consuming obsession. This obsession, in turn, rapidly became frustration at the dictates of the Lex Imperialis and stranglehold on trade held by ancient Sector Houses, Chartist Captains, and other dignitaries. Cécile turned to crime, as papers became forged, investments turned to ponzi schemes, and wages turned to bribes.

The wealth accumulated from this petty crime soon became much more as Cécile began to invest in, and subsequently take part in the Cold Trade on the fringes of the sector. Capital was provided to Rogue Traders and more dubious operations, archaeological investigations were undertaken, and yet more profit was earned.

Cécile herself does not know when exactly she became involved with Lord Inquisitor Haldis and the Inquisition, a fact that she has declined to mention to her acolytes. It could have been at any point in the several decades she spent managing and expanding her criminal enterprise, which eventually took on the name the Eventide Syndicate. However, recruited she most certainly was, and openly approached whilst on the cusp of starting a small underworld war for control of the Cold Trade. This she was dissuaded from doing, and encouraged to take her business in other directions.

This she did, during two decades as an acolyte and contact. The Eventide Syndicate grew yet further, moving into political manipulations, high status alliances with Rogue Trader families, and the all important trade in secrets and information.

Eventually, the Inquisition imposed cap on the expansion of her criminal enterprise backed the ever-driven Cécile into a state of distinct boredom, and she began to leave the day to day operations of her empire to subordinates, and taking a more active hand in small scale operations. This proved particularly good for her reputation as a crime boss, but far better for her prospects as an acolyte.

She began to receive more direct supervision and instructions, and also working with other individuals from the Inquisition. It was also not long before she became an Interrogator, and was torn away from the Eventide Syndicate for the longest she had ever left it.

Whether Haldis intended to force her to adapt, evaluate her further, or simply build her skills is uncertain, but Cécile was assigned as his liaison to the Deathwatch. Cécile rapidly found that gang scum and Kill Teams operate on entirely different levels, gaining both a healthy respect for the Adeptus Astartes and a very brutal lesson in her own combat abilities at the same time. It also could not be denied that serving alongside the Deathwatch was not the best use for her skills, but neither could it be denied that she managed to be successful.

True to form, of course, she took all the lessons that she learned from Deathwatch service and applied them immediately to the Eventide Syndicate on her return; and as a result the Syndicate's Kill Cells of hardened mercenaries forced through rigorous training as teams are feared throughout the underworld of the sector.

It was perhaps a decade after the conclusion of her Deathwatch secondment that she was elevated to the rank of Inqusitor- and of course immediately used her new resources to cement her place in the sector's underworld even further. Ongoing entanglements and competition with Rogue Trader dynasties aside, Cécile contents herself with the knowledge that she likely has more influence over the sector's Cold Trade than any other single individual. Meanwhile, she prunes, monitors, and maintains healthy competition amongst other organizations as the bulk of her ongoing work.


Cécile is a beautiful woman of middle years dressed in the very height of Imperial fashion, favoring vicious tight-lacing and elegant bustles to augment her figure. Both her clothes and jewelry demonstrate fantastical wealth, yet even that is eclipsed by the sword at her side. Clearly of Xenos manufacture, its organically beautiful lines are enough to make the most hardened Magos weep at their utter sublimity.

Each and every aspect of her appearance, from her elaborately worn hair to mirror-shined boots speaks to meticulous care and utter perfectionism.