Carter Wynn: Difference between revisions

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Line 26: Line 26:
*Deception: 2
*Deception: 2
*Drive, Wheeled: 0
*Drive, Wheeled: 0
*Gun Combat, Slug Pistol: 2
*Gun Combat, Slug Sidearms: 2
*Gun Combat, Slug Rifle: 2
*Gun Combat, Slug Longarms: 2
*Mechanic: 1
*Mechanic: 1
*Medic: 1
*Medic: 1
*Melee, Martial Arts: 1
*Melee, Martial Arts: 1
*Melee, Small Blade: 1
*Melee, Blade: 1
*Persuade 1
*Persuade 1
*Pilot, Spacecraft: 4
*Pilot, Spacecraft: 4

Revision as of 15:47, 9 August 2013

Beyond the Zone

  • Smuggler
  • Thief
  • Assassin


  • Str 7
  • Dex 9
  • End 9 (+1 End - Muster out term 4)
  • Int 9 (+1 Int - Muster out term 1)
  • Edu 8
  • Social 6
  • Roll 1d6, add the result to your attributes anywhere you like, to a maximum of 12 in any single att. Note the amount less than 6 that was rolled — this number will generate bonuses during career paths. Rolled a 5## (added to attributes) Used them for picking 3 events and qualifying for 2 careers later.

Final Skills

  • Smuggler-Bootlegger - Rank 1
  • Intruder-Burglar - Rank 1
  • Organized Criminal - Assassin - Rank 2
  • FERA - Operations - Rank 0
  • Athletics, Co-ordination: 0
  • Broker: 2
  • Computers: 1
  • Deception: 2
  • Drive, Wheeled: 0
  • Gun Combat, Slug Sidearms: 2
  • Gun Combat, Slug Longarms: 2
  • Mechanic: 1
  • Medic: 1
  • Melee, Martial Arts: 1
  • Melee, Blade: 1
  • Persuade 1
  • Pilot, Spacecraft: 4
  • Recon: 1
  • Sensors: 1
  • Stealth: 3
  • Streetwise: 0
  • Vacc Suit: 1
  • Zero-G: 1


  • Nolan Barrett - Expert Thief
  • Tayna Calder - Underworld Contact


  • TL10 Improved Cloth armour 5 1kg Port/planet/combat
    • TL9 Heavy Arm Protectors - 2 2kg Combat
    • TL9 Heavy Leg Protectors - 3 2.5kg Combat
    • TL9 Light Infantry Helmat - 5 2kg Combat
    • TL8 Improved Flak Jacket - 6 2kg Combat
  • TL10 Armotech Crew Jacket 5 2kg ship/port/planet
  • TL10 Combat Environment suit 3 2kg Planet
  • TL12 Skinsuit Ship
  • TL11 Targeting Holographic HUD 2500c total
    • +2 DM# 1750c, 0 mass
    • Pickups for 2 weapons, 250c each
    • Toughened Sights - extra durability 1.5x cost
  • TL 13 Heavy Gauss Sniper Rifle - 16,000c, 9kg
  • TL 13 Navy Gauss Pistol - 700c, 0.7 kg
  • Thieve's Tools, 6kg
  • Disguise Kit, 12kg


Weapon Name Damage TL Mag Auto Recoil Range Mass
Heavy Gauss sniper rifler# 5d6 AP 13 20 No 0 rifle 9
Gauss pistol# 3d6+2AP 13 50 4 0 rifle 0.7
Stealth Dagger 1d6+2 8 - - - - -


Background skills

  • Drive: 0
  • Medic: 0
  • Zero-G: 0

Term 1 Drifter: Smuggler: Bootlegger

  • Pilot: 1, Sensors: 1, Mechanic: 1, Broker: 1, Vacc Suit: 1, Deception: 1
  • Survival: Yes (rolled 7)
  • Event: #1# Picked 56: An outlying community establishes a smuggler’s haven with your help. Gain Persuade 1.
  • Advancement: Yes (rolled 9): LVL 1 - Trader
  • Skill Benefit: Broker +1
  • Deception: +1
  • Contact with Foxtrot during term - Melee (small blade) 1
  • Muster Out: roll 4 +50,000c , 2 +1 Int
  • Age: 22

Term 2 Intruder - Burglar

  • Qualify: #2# - used roll
  • Service Skills: Athletics: 0
  • Specialist Skill: Stealth: 1
  • Survive: Yes (Roll 7)
  • Event: #3# Picked #34: You are on the wrong side of a gang war. Gain Gun Combat 1, gain an Ally.
  • Ally - Nolan Barrett - Thief
  • Advancement: Yes (Roll 8): Experienced Thief
  • Skill Benefit: +1 Benefit Roll
  • Stealth: +1
  • Muster Out: 2 (Thieve’s Tools), 3: Ally, 2 (Thieve’s Tools)
  • Age: 26

Term 3 - Organized Criminal: Assassin

  • Qualify: #4# - used roll
  • Service Skills: Streetwise: 0
  • Specialist Skill: Recon: 1
  • Survive: Yes (Roll 10)
  • Event: Roll 41: The Organization extends its reach offworld. Gain Pilot 1.
  • Advancement: Yes (Roll 8): Rank 1 - Soldier
  • Skill Benefit: Membership in Organization
  • Melee?: 1
  • Age: 30

Term 4 Organized Criminal: Assassin

  • Specialist Skill: Gun Combat?: 1
  • Survive: Yes (Roll 11)
  • Event: #5# Pick: The organization sends you offworld. Gain Pilot 1
  • Advancement: Yes (Roll 10): Rank 2 - Soldier
  • Skill Benefit: None
  • Stealth: 1
  • Muster Out: 2 (+1 End), 1 - 1,000
  • PC Contact: he was sent to Fenris to take out one of the Technarchs, and Jay Murlow was his local contact. Gain Gun Combat+1
  • Age: 34

Term 5 FERA: Operations

  • Survive: Yes (Roll 10)
  • Skill: Gun Combat (Slug Rifle): +1, Medic 1, Zero G 1
  • Event: Rolled 10 - You spend a great deal of time on the fringes of known space. Roll Survival 8+ or Pilot 8+. If you succeed, gain a Contact in an alien race and one level in any skill of your choice. Rolled 7+Pilot 3. Pilot+1


  • Carter Wynn - a pilot and merc from the zone worlds. Carter is evasive about his less than savory past. The most people will get form him is that he's "been around" and that he's "picked up a few things here and there." Like most from the zone worlds, he doesn't ask too many questions either. You do what you have to do to survive out here.

Carter was born on a nothing backwater in the zone worlds. When the fall came, his family died in the food riots that swept through many worlds. A friend of his father and small time criminal, Galvin Jann took Carter in before he was old enough to fend for himself. Galvin saw how bright and tough a kid Carter was, and took him along with him as he did what he could to make his way in what was left of society. As Carter grew, he learned what he could from wherever he could. He was always reading and learning. He knew he had to be smarter and stronger if he wanted to make it in the Zone Worlds. As a teen, be started helping out with some of Galvin's jobs, and learned to be a fair driver, and also how to patch up a person who didn't get out of the way fast enough when the slugs were flying.

Right around the time Carter turned 18, Galvin finally scored big enough to buy a smuggler ship. He took Carter along for the ride and for the next four years, they got into trouble all over the zone worlds. Carter picked up a lot from Galvin and the other lowlifes on board the "Basilisk". In those years, he learned how to pilot and crew the ship, and how to work deals with all kinds. The crew of the Basilisk helped establish a smuggler's haven where other 'free businessmen' could operate. What they didn't know at the time was that moment would be when it all started to go sideways.

One average day, Carter went to find out why Galvin was late to leave for a job. He found Galvin dead in his room, which had been tossed. The thugs that had done it were still around. Apparently their smuggler's haven had been set up in a contested zone between two rival gangs, and they were cleaning house. One of the crew on the Basilisk - a "specialist" named Nolan Barrett had really taken a shine to 'the kid' and when he realized the gangs were looking to sterilize the place, came looking for Carter. A massive running firefight ensued, and Carter had to kill his first person, and his second, and still more. At last, Nolan and Carter escaped. The smuggler's ring and the Basilsk were gone. Nolan took Carter along as his partner and showed him over the next few years the finer points of breaking and entering.

After a few years of running jobs with Nolan, Carter had a chance to run a solo job for Tayna Calder. For the first time, he was working for Federation Intelligence as a freelancer. The job went flawlessly until the end, when he was forced to take someone out and make it look like an accident. The way Carter had improvised to get the job done earned the friendship of Tayna Calder, and the attention of Federation Intelligence.

The Ocano Corporation offered Carter a job as an 'asset'. The job was to take out the leader of a rival gang. Carter balked at the notion until he learned that the leader he was to take out had been responsible for killing Galvin and half the crew of the Basilisk - the closest thing he once had to family - when they shut down their smuggling base. Carter took the job and completed it flawlessly. The hit was a work of art that sent a message to the others that he was coming, and that the 'Ocano Syndicate' does not easily forget a lost turf war. The hit on the boss turned into a series of hits on the leadership of the gang that had ruined his life. By the time he had killed his way through those responsible for the deaths of his friends, he realized he had changed. The Ocano Syndicate offered him membership in their organization as a 'soldier'. You don't turn something like that down, so Carter didn't.

The next few years were filled with soul searching as Carter was now a means for removing obstacles his bosses had deemed a nuisance. The fact that he didn't care anymore was what frightened him. He reached out to what few friends he had when he could, to try and find a way out. Nolan told him to run. Tayna told him about FERA.

One day Carter finished a job, and never went back. He sent a note to his bosses that simply said, "It's done. So am I".

He joined up with FERA as operational crew. With his piloting skills they didn't ask too many questions. It suited Carter fine.