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(The Crew of the U.S.S. Argosy)
(The Crew of the U.S.S. Argosy)
Line 646: Line 646:
*Chief Engineering Officer: Subcommander Maricus -Romulan [male] (NPC)
*Chief Engineering Officer: Subcommander Maricus - Romulan [male] (NPC)
Notes: Starfleet Intelligence has linked his family to reactionary parties in the Romulan Senate.
Notes: Starfleet Intelligence has linked his family to reactionary parties in the Romulan Senate.
*Assistant Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Gurrallnt -Horta [male] (Cowboy Energy)
*Assistant Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Gurrallnt - Horta [male] (Cowboy Energy)
Notes: Doesn't like the nickname "Pebbles"  
Notes: Doesn't like the nickname "Pebbles"  
*Engineering Officer: Centurion Hota - Romulan [male] (NPC)
*Engineering Officer: Centurion Hota - Romulan [male] (NPC)

Revision as of 18:18, 16 March 2014

This is a wiki page for organizing and collecting information for the play-by-post game "Star Trek: Odyssey", using Decipher's CODA rule set.

The GM is Vektunaxa.


Taris Barel, Romulan Helmsman

Species: Romulan

Species Abilities:

  • Skill Focus (Keen Hearing)
  • The Discipline of D'era
  • Glory
  • Surveillance

Profession: Starship Officer (Flight Control Officer- Command)

Professional Abilities: Starship Duty, Astrogation, Natural Navigator (+4 to Astrogation rolls), Surfing Space-Time


  • Strength: 6 (+0)
  • Agility: 9 (+1)
  • Intellect: 10 (+2, Favored)
  • Vitality: 7 (+0)
  • Persuasion: 11 (+2)
  • Perception: 8 (+1, Favored)


  • Quickness: +1 (Favored)
  • Savvy: +3
  • Stamina: +0
  • Willpower: +2

Species Skills:

  • Culture (Romulan) 3
  • History (Romulan) 3
  • Specific World (Romulus) 3
  • Language: Federation Stnd 6
  • Language: Romulan 5


  • Propulsion Engineering +2
  • System Engineering +1
  • Space Science +1
  • Computer Use +1
  • Administration +1
  • Athletics +1
  • Repair +2
  • System Operation (Flight Control) +5
  • Computer Use +2
  • Space Science (Astrogation) +5
  • System Engineering (Flight Control) +2
  • Energy Weapons +2
  • Survival +2
  • Starfleet Self Defense +1
  • Influence +1
  • Negotiate +2
  • Inquire +1
  • Persuade +1

Health: 7


Courage: 3

Edges: Skill Focus (3D Thinking), Promotion x3 (Lieutenant Commander)

Flaws: Low Pain Threshold, Proud

Personal Development: Engineering Brat

Professional Development: Hot Shot Pilot

Diego Montoya, Human Chief Medical Officer

Species: Human

Species Abilities:

  • Adaptable (+2 to either Stamina, Quickness, or Willpower)
  • Human Spirit (+1 Courage)
  • Skilled (Add +2 skill levels to one skill, or +1 to two skills)

Profession: Starship Officer / Starship Medical Officer

Professional Abilities: Starship Duty, General Medicine (+2 to Medicine tests)


  • Strength 7 (+0)
  • Intellect 10 (+2)
  • Agility 8 (+1)
  • Vitality 8 (+1)
  • Presence 10 (+2)
  • Perception 8 (+1)

Species Skills:

  • Culture (Human) 3
  • History (Human) 2
  • Politics (Human) 4
  • Specific World (Earth) 3
  • Federation Standard 6
  • Vulcan 4
  • Spanish 4
  • Orion 2
  • Klingon 2
  • Ferengi 1

Professional Skills:

  • Administration +2
  • Athletics +2
  • Computer Use (Retrieve) +2
  • Energy Weapons +1
  • First Aid +4
  • Influence +2
  • Life Science (Microbiology) +3
  • Medicine (General Medicine) +5
  • Repair +1
  • System Operation (Medical) +4
  • Trivia +2
  • Unarmed Combat +1

Non-Professional Skills:

  • Fencing +2
  • Gymnastics +2

Edges: Confident, Promotion 3 (Lt.-Cmdr), Command (CMO)


  • Quickness +1
  • Savvy +3
  • Stamina +1
  • Willpower +2

Defense: 8

Health: 8

Courage: 4

Renown: 1

Personal Development: Diplomat's Child Professional Development: Ship's Doctor

Melissa Bainbridge, Human Operations Officer

Species: Human (Adaptable, +2 to Willpower; Human Spirit, +1 Courage; Skilled, +1 to Engineering: System and Repair)

Profession: Starship Officer - Operations Officer

  • Strength 5 (-1)
  • Agility 6 (0)
  • Vitality 7 (0)
  • Intelligence10 (+2) Favoured
  • Perception 10 (+2) Favoured
  • Presence 12 (+3)
  • Stamina 0
  • Quickness +2
  • Willpower +4
  • Savvy +3 Favoured
  • Health 6
  • Defence 7
  • Initiative +2
  • Athletics 1
  • Computer Use (Encryption) 3
  • Engineering Systems (Communications) 6
  • First Aid 1
  • Knowledge: Culture (Human) 4
  • Knowledge : History (Human ) 4
  • Knowledge : Politics (Human) 3
  • Knowledge: Specific World (Quandor IV) 3
  • Language: Federation Standard 6
  • Language: Klingon 6
  • Language: Ferengi 2
  • Language: Orion 2
  • Observe Listen 2
  • Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons 1
  • Repair (Communications) 4
  • Science: Physical (Mathematics) 1
  • Science: Space 2
  • System Operation (Communications) 7
  • Unarmed Combat: Starfleet Self-Defence 1

Edges: Promotion 3 (Lieutenant-Commander), Command

Professional Abilities

  • Duty Officer (+2 levels per pick for Systems Operation during advancements, -4 on rolls not involving the Communication specialty)
  • Station Proficiency (Reroll one System Operations roll per game session, taking the better roll)
  • Level-headed (Ignore penalties due to distractions when rolling any professional skill while at her duty station)
  • Eyes on the board (Add perception modifier to System Operations rolls).
  • Cross Trained (add intelligence modifier when using professional skills of other starfleet elite professions)

t'kor Idrani, Andorian Science Officer

Species: Andorian

Species Abilities:

  • Antennae (Detect subtle environmental changes and pinpoint faint sounds)
  • Keth: Clan Aldin; provides a bonus to a Science skill, along with a specialty.
  • Redundant Circulation: Less vulnerable to cold (+2 to Stamina rolls against cold), but more vulnerable to poison (-1 to Stamina rolls against poisons)

Profession/Elite Profession: Starship Officer / Starship Science Officer

Edges: Innovative (Technophile professional ability), Skill Focus: Keen Hearing (from antennae), High Pain Threshold

Flaws: None

Professional Abilities:

  • Starship Duty
  • Journeyman (Can use all Science skills untrained, automatic specialty with each Science skill)
  • Technophile (Double equipment bonuses and lessen equipment penalties for Construct, Engineering and Repair tests)


  • Strength 9 (+1)
  • Intellect 10 (+2)
  • Agility 8 (+1)
  • Vitality 8 (+1)
  • Presence 8 (+1)
  • Perception 8 (+1)

Cultural Skills:

  • Culture +4
  • History +5
  • Politics +3
  • Religion +2
  • Specific World +4
  • Federation Standard +6
  • Andorian +6

Professional Skills:

  • Athletics +3
  • Computer Use (Retrieve) +3
  • Energy Weapons +1
  • Repair +2
  • Unarmed Combat +2
  • Construct +1
  • Investigate +2
  • Life Science (Xenozoology) +3
  • Physical Science (Physics) +3
  • Planetary Science (Planetology) +3
  • Space Science (Stellar Cartography) +5
  • System Operation (Sensors) +2

Non-Professional Skills:

  • Dance +1
  • Sculpture +2
  • System Engineering +1


  • Quickness +1
  • Savvy +1
  • Stamina +1
  • Willpower +2

Defense: 8 Health: 9 Courage: 3 Renown: 0

Personal Development: Artistic Upbringing

Professional Development: Basic Science Officer


  • One Pet: 'Oba' an Andorian Capybara

Lieutenant-Commander Gurralnt, Horta Engineering Officer

Species: Horta Species Abilities: Acid attack Silicon Lifeform: Resistant to effects of stun. Silicon Metabolism: Immune to most disease & poison, but standard medicine is penalized

Profession: Starship Officer Professional Skills: Athletics, Computer Use, Energy Weapons, Knowledge*, Repair, Survival, Unarmed Combat* Professional Ability: Starship Duty Elite Profession: Starship Engineer Professional Skills: Construct, Engineering, Physical Science, System Operation Professional Ability: Engineering Certification: Gain skill specialty for each Engineering skill

Attributes: Strength 9 (+1) Intellect 10 (+2) Agility 4 (-1) Vitality 15 (+4) Presence 5 (-1) Perception 7 (+0)

Cultural Skills: Culture 5 History 6 Politics 5 Religion 3 Specific World 6 Federation Standard 5

Professional Skills: Computer Use +3 Construct +3 Repair +5 Physical Science +3 Energy Weapons +1 Propulsion Engineering +5 Structural Engineering +5 System Engineering +5 System Operation +3 Unarmed Combat +1

Non-Professional Skills: Planetary Science +2

Edges: Curious (+5 on Academic tests when spending Courage), Eidetic Memory (+2 to Academic tests) Flaws: Gullible (-2 Savvy reaction penalty)

Reactions: Quickness +0 Savvy +0 Stamina +4 Willpower +4 Defense 6 Health 16 Courage 3 Renown 0

Personal Development: Frontier Upbringing Construct +2, Repair +1, Physical Science +1, Planetary Science +1 Professional Development: Troubleshooter Computer Use +2, Construct +2, Energy Weapons +1, Propulsion Engineering +3, Repair +2, Structural Engineering +3, System Engineering +4, System Operation +2, Unarmed Combat +1 Construct +1, Repair +1, Physical Science +1, Propulsion Engineering +1, Structural Engineering +1 Edge: Curious Advancement 1: Promotion Edge, Miracle Worker Professional Ability (Skill tests with System Engineering take half the time) Advancement 2: Promotion Edge, Eidetic Memory Edge, Physical Science +1 Advancement 3: Computer Use +1, Repair +1, Propulsion Engineering +1, System Engineering +1, Structural Engineering +1 Advancement 4: Skill Focus (Craftsman) Edge (+1 to Construct and Repair tests), Planetary Science +1, System Operation +1

Lieutenant-Commander Siddartha, Vulcan Counselor

Species: Vulcan Species Abilities: Bonus Edge: Skill Focus (Keen Hearing) Bonus Edge: Psionic Enhanced Rapid Healing: Self-hypnotic trance increases healing rate Mind-Meld: Skill level 1 Nerve Pinch: Stun opponent by making an Unarmed Combat skill test

Profession: Starship Officer Professional Skills: Athletics, Computer Use, Energy Weapons, Knowledge*, Repair, Survival, Unarmed Combat* Professional Ability: Starship Duty Elite Profession: Starship Counselor Professional Skills: First Aid, Influence, Inquire (Interview), Medicine (Psychology), System Operation Professional Ability: Pathos (Ignore social penalties when using Inquire (Interview))

Attributes: Strength 7 (+0) Intellect 8 (+1) Agility 8 (+1) Vitality 7 (+0) Presence 10 (+2) Perception 10 (+2)

Cultural Skills: Culture 6 History 4 Politics 2 Specific World (Earth) 5 Federation Standard 6 Vulcan 6

Professional Skills: Computer Use (Retrieve) +2 Energy Weapon +1 First Aid +2 Influence (Charm) +3 Inquire (Interview) +5 Medicine (Psychology) +3 System Operation +3 Mind Meld +4

Non-Professional Skills: Entertain (Drama) +2 Social Sciences +1

Edges: Cultural Flexibility (+2 to social tests involving other species) Flaws: None

Reactions: Quickness +2 Savvy +3 Stamina +1 Willpower +1 Psi +2 Defense 7 Health 7 Courage 3 Renown 0

Personal Development: Artistic Upbringing Entertain +2, Computer Use +1, Federation Standard +1, Social Science +1 Edge: Cultural Flexibility Professional Development: Ship's Counselor Computer Use (Retrieve) +1, Culture +2, Energy Weapon +1, First Aid +2, Influence (Charm) + 1, Inquire (Interview) +3, Medicine (Psychology) +3, Earth +2, System Operation +1 Influence (Charm) +2, System Operation +1, Inquire +1, Mind Meld +1 Advancement 1: Promotion Edge, Pry Secrets Professional Ability (Can reroll Inquire (Interview) once per game session and use better result) Advancement 2: Promotion Edge, Detect Falsehood Professional Ability (Can make automatic Savvy test to detect lies) Advancement 3: Promotion Edge, Mind Meld +2, Drama specialty for Entertain Advancement 4: Ship's Counselor Professional Ability (+4 to Psychology tests), System Operation +1, Inquire +1

Centurion H'daen Valdren, Romulan Security Officer

Species: Romulan Species Abilities: Bonus Edge: Keen Hearing D'Era: +1 to all extended or combined tests Glory: Enhanced benefit from Renown Surveillance: +3 affinity bonus to Inquire tests from Observe skill, and +1 to all Savvy tests

Profession: Starship Officer Professional Skills: Athletics, Computer Use, Energy Weapons, Knowledge*, Repair, Survival, Unarmed Combat* Professional Ability: Starship Duty Elite Profession: Starship Security Officer Professional Skills: First Aid, Inquire, Investigate, Observe, System Operation, Tactics Professional Ability: Security Protocols (Affinity bonus of half Computer Use skill to System Operations (Tactical) skill tests)

Attributes: Strength 8 (+1) Intellect 8 (+1) Agility 10 (+2) Vitality 7 (+0) Presence 8 (+1) Perception 9 (+1)

Cultural Skills: Culture 5 History 3 Politics 4 Specific World 4 Federation Standard 4 Romulan 6

Professional Skills: Martial Arts +4 Observe +2 Computer Use (Hacking) +2 Energy Weapons +4 Repair +2 System Operation (Tactical) +4 Tactics (Space) +6 Athletics +1 Inquire +2

Non-Professional Skills: Influence +2 Armed Combat +1 Grenades +2

Edges: Competitive (+1 bonus to all opposed tests), Shrewd (Bonus when spending Courage on Savvy reactions), Martial Artist (Additional actions with unarmed combat attacks at reduced penalty) Flaws: Intolerant to Remans (Must spend 1 Courage, with no benefit, to engage in social skill tests with Remans)

Reactions: Quickness +2 Savvy +1 Stamina +1 Willpower +1 Defense 9 Health 8 Courage 3 Renown 0

Personal Development: Senatorial Upbringing (Custom) Martial Arts +2, Observe +1, Influence +1, Armed Combat +1 Professional Development: Tactical Officer Computer Use (Hacking) +2, Culture +2, Energy Weapons +3, Repair +2, System Operation (Tactical) +4, Tactics (Space) +2, Martial Arts +2 Observe +1, Inquire +2, Athletics +1, Tactics +1 Advancement 1:Shrewd Edge, Promotion edge, Tactics +1 Advancement 2: Command edge, Promotion edge, Tactics +1 Advancement 3: Promotion edge, Energy Weapons +1, Grenades +1 Advancement 4: Grenades +1, Tactics +1, Influence +1

Inactive PCs

Jaro Tomas, Bajoran Engineering Officer


Species: Bajoran (Artistic, +1 to Crafts; Faithful, +2 to Religion (Bajoran); Pagh, +1 to Courage)

Profession: Starship Officer - Engineering Officer

  • Strength 9 (+1)
  • Agility 7 (0)
  • Vitality 7 (0)
  • Intellect 10 (+2) (Favored)
  • Perception 7 (0)
  • Presence 5 (-1)
  • Stamina +1
  • Quickness 0
  • Willpower +2 (Favored)
  • Savvy 0
  • Health 8
  • Defence 7
  • Initiative +2
  • Computer Use 4
  • Construct 2
  • Craft: Sewing 1
  • Engineering: Propulsion (Warp) 3
  • Engineering: Structural (Metallurgy) 3
  • Engineering: Systems (Power) 2
  • Knowledge: Culture (Bajoran) 3
  • Knowledge: History (Bajoran) 2
  • Knowledge: Politics (Bajoran) 2
  • Knowledge: Religion (Bajoran) 4
  • Knowledge: Specific World (Bajor) 3
  • Persuade 1
  • Ranged Combat: Energy Weapons 1
  • Repair 6
  • Science: Physical 3
  • Survival 1
  • System Operations 2
  • Unarmed Combat (Brawling) 3

Edges: Alert, +2 to Initiative; Fit, +1 to all Physical Tests; Innovative (Ability to be purchased)

Professional Abilities

  • Starship Duty (Engineering Officer)
  • Engineering Certification (Can use all Engineering group skills Untrained)

Michael A. Flannagan, Human Chief Tactical Officer

Species: Human

  • Adaptable (+2 to either Stamina, Quickness, or Willpower; added to Willpower)
  • Human Spirit (+1 Courage)
  • Skilled (Add +2 skill levels to one skill, or +1 to two skills; I used Knitting and Piano)

Profession: Starship Officer Professional Skills: Athletics, Computer Use, Energy Weapons, Knowledge*, Repair, Survival, Unarmed Combat* Professional Ability: Starship Duty Elite Profession: Starship Security Officer Professional Skills: First Aid, Inquire, Investigate, Observe, System Operation, Tactics Professional Ability: Security Protocols (Add half of Computer Use as affinity bonus to System Operations (Tactical) tests)


  • Strength 8 (+1)
  • Intellect 8 (+1)
  • Agility 10 (+2)
  • Vitality 8 (+1)
  • Presence 7 (+0)
  • Perception 9 (+1)

Cultural Skills:

  • Culture 5
  • History 3
  • Politics 3
  • Religion 3
  • Coventry Station 4
  • Federation Standard 6
  • Cardassian 2

Professional Skills:

  • Computer Use (Hacking) +4
  • Repair +3
  • System Operation (Tactical) +5
  • System Engineering +1
  • Energy Weapons +4
  • Tactics (Space) +2
  • Starfleet Unarmed Combat +3
  • Athletics +1
  • Observe +2
  • Investigate +2

Non-Professional Skills:

  • Knitting +2
  • Piano +2

Edges: Meticulous (Bonus to extended tests), Promotion (Lieutenant), Promotion: Command (Security Officer) Flaws: None


  • Quickness +2
  • Savvy +1
  • Stamina +1
  • Willpower +3
  • Defense 9
  • Health 9
  • Courage 4
  • Renown 0

Development and Advancement Personal Development: Scientific Upbringing

  • Computer Use +2

Repair +1, System Operation +1, Systems Engineering +1

  • Edge: Meticulous (bonus to extended tests)

Professional Development: Tactical Officer Computer Use (Hacking) +2, Culture +2, Energy Weapons +3, Repair +2, System Operation (Tactical) +4, Tactics (Space) +2, Starfleet Unarmed Combat +2 Athletics +1, Observe +1, Investigate +1, Energy Weapons +1, Unarmed Combat +1

Advancement 1:

  • Edge: Promotion (Lieutenant)
  • Edge: Command (Security Officer)
  • Professonal Skill: Observe +1

Advancement 2:

  • Non-Professional Skill: Knitting +1
  • Non-Professional Skill: Piano +1
  • Professional Skill: Investigate +1

The Crew of the U.S.S. Argosy


  • Commanding Officer: Commander Taris Barel - Romulan [female] (Gamer940).
  • Executive Officer: Major Griyara Ponack - Romulan [female] (NPC)


  • Chief Flight Control Office: Centurion Kaius - Romulan [unknown] (NPC)

Notes: Politically well-connected and favored by Romulan High Command.

  • Flight Control Officer: Centurion Duvon - Romulan [male] (NPC)

Notes: Isn't particularly noteworthy, but Taris does actually remember him from the same Romulan grammar school she attended.

  • Flight Control Officer: Centurion Nuri - Romulan [unknown] (NPC)

Notes: Has set numerous records on the Romulan amateur circuit, but has only moderate experience in larger vessels.


  • Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Melissa Bainbridge - Human [female] (Ricas Kibu)

Notes: Recently bond-mated to t'Kor Idrani & dating Pilar Cortes.


  • Chief Engineering Officer: Subcommander Maricus - Romulan [male] (NPC)

Notes: Starfleet Intelligence has linked his family to reactionary parties in the Romulan Senate.

  • Assistant Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Gurrallnt - Horta [male] (Cowboy Energy)

Notes: Doesn't like the nickname "Pebbles"

  • Engineering Officer: Centurion Hota - Romulan [male] (NPC)

Notes: Heavily specialized in forced singularity power plants, but has less experience in other areas of engineering. He is also likely to be more amicable on board.


  • Chief Tactical Officer: Centurion H'daen Valdren - Romulan [male] (NPC)
  • Security Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Veshlk - Undetermined species [unknown] (NPC)

Notes: Has experience dealing with Romulans, having served with the embassy staff for a year.

  • Security Officer: Lieutenant-Commander Huto - Undetermined species [unknown] (NPC)
  • Security Officer: Lieutenant Jiens - Nausicaan [unknown] (NPC)

Notes: Less experienced, but as a Nausicaan makes an imposing figure.

  • Security Officer: Ensign Pilar Cortes - Human [female] (NPC)

Notes: Formerly an enlisted crewman aboard the [I]USS Earhart[/I], but was granted a field promotion to full Ensign for acts of valor during the retaking of Betazed. Is currently dating t'Kor Idrani & Melissa Bainbridge.


  • Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Diego Montoya - Human [male] (Fred)

Notes: Extremely fond of Zorro holo-novels.

  • Ship's Counselor: Counselor Siddartha - Vulcan [male] (TrumpetDC)


  • Chief Science Officer Lieutenant-Commander t'Kor Idrani Imaru - Andorian [female] (VodouChild)

Notes: Recently bond-mated to Melissa Bainbridge & dating Pilar Cortes. Has one pet, Oba, an Andorian Capybara [male]

  • Assistant Chief Science Officer: Centurion Vreenak - Romulan [male] (NPC)
  • Science Officer: Lieutenant Tambrin Dahl - Elaysian [female] (NPC)

Notes: Head of Astrometrics.

  • Science Officer: Centurion Sela - Romulan [female] (NPC)

Notes: Head of Planetary Sciences.

  • Science Officer: Lieutenant M’rraale - Caitian [male] (NPC)

Notes: Head of Life Sciences.

  • Science Officer: Centurion Navek - Romulan [male] (NPC)

Notes: Head of Cultural Sciences.

  • Science Officer: Ensign Zall Trieste - Alpha Centaurian [female] (NPC)

Notes: Junior botanist, six months out of the academy on her first deep space assignment. Lt-Cmdr t'Kor refers to her as "the fidgety one".

  • Science Crewman: Yeoman Sharshonna - Gorn [female] (NPC)

Notes: Chief Science Officer's Yeoman. Lt-Cmdr t'Kor originally requested a Klingon, but was denied.

  • Scientific Civilian Aide: Professor Yor Devale - Caldonian [male] (NPC)

Notes: Head Theoretician & Archivist. Professor of Computational Analytics at the Institute of Scientific Research, Caldonia & former instructor of t'Kor Idrani. Brews his own Caldonian Honey Mead.


U.S.S. Odyssey

  • Captain Ra-Garda, Efrosian, commanding officer
  • Commander Akun Zabo, Iotian, executive officer
  • Lieutenant Mera Iskan, Human, Security
  • Ensign Tul, Napean, Security
  • Lieutenant Amitabh Rapuri, Human, Engineer
  • Dr. T'Prani, Vulcan, Doctor
  • Ensign Cherste, Velorian, bridge officer/helm
  • Lieutenant Umarev, Andorian, bridge officer/ops

The USS Memphis

  • New Orleans Class Frigate (Second Design Refit)
  • Starfleet Registry: NCC-61882
  • Officers and Crew: 325
  • Ship's Motto: Imaginari. Cogitare. Facere.
  • Unoffical Motto: The Blue is True
  • Launched: 2365, Beta Antares Fleet Yard, Antares B
  • Last Assignment: Primary Mission: Scientific survey and mapping mission of several newly detected dark matter nurseries along the border of the Gorn Hegemony to be conducted in cooperation with the Gorn Science Authority. Secondary mission: Diplomatic mission to blunt advances by Klingon envoys to bring the Gorn into the Klingon Empire. The ship vanished in route, never arriving at destination.
  • Declared Lost: 2371

Senior Staff

  • Commanding Officer: Captain Rixx Jaro, Bolian [male]
  • Executive Officer: Commander Vijay Ramaswamy, Human [male]
  • Chief Operations Officer (2nd Officer): Lieutenant Commander Klaw, Betelgeusian [male]
  • Chief Diplomatic Officer (3rd Officer): Lieutenant Commander Alanni, Deltan [female]
  • Chief Tactical Officer/Security Chief: Lieutenant Keval Ch'Reiji, Andorian [male]
  • Flight Control Officer: Ensign Melnis, Benzite [male]
  • Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant T'Vall, Vulcan [female]
  • Chief Medical Officer: Doctor M'isha, Caitian [female]
  • Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant t'Kor Idrani Imaru, Andorian [female]
  • Ship's Counselor: Lieutenant Sarai Yisrael, Human [female]