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Criticals and fumbles are quite common in the T:EPT combat system. This table makes most fumble results fairly minor.
Criticals and fumbles are quite common in the T:EPT combat system. This table makes most fumble results fairly minor.

Fumbles (d20)
'''Fumbles (d20)'''
1. Eh? Beg pardon sarge? If using Team points you cause the loss of 1d10 due to forgetting the plan, lose all benefits of Formation fight manouver for self and others in formation. If not using such team tactics, treat as 2-3 below.
1. Eh? Beg pardon sarge? If using Team points you cause the loss of 1d10 due to forgetting the plan, lose all benefits of Formation fight manouver for self and others in formation. If not using such team tactics, treat as 2-3 below.

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Criticals (d20)
1. Follow me! Gain your Cha in Team points through inspirational shouting/heroic looking blows/general bravery etc. If using formation, all comrades in formation gain +1 to next attack
1. Follow me! Gain your Cha in Team points through inspirational shouting/heroic looking blows/general bravery etc. If using formation, all comrades in formation gain +1 to next attack

Revision as of 21:49, 21 June 2006

Criticals and fumbles are quite common in the T:EPT combat system. This table makes most fumble results fairly minor.

Fumbles (d20)

1. Eh? Beg pardon sarge? If using Team points you cause the loss of 1d10 due to forgetting the plan, lose all benefits of Formation fight manouver for self and others in formation. If not using such team tactics, treat as 2-3 below.

2-3. Inept attack, -1 on next attack and next defence: Can move to Total Defence strategy

4-5. Poor attack, -2 on next attack and next defence: Can move to Total Defence strategy

6. Clumsy attack, -3 on next attack and next defence: Can move to Total Defence strategy

7. Rubbish attack, -4 on next attack and next defence: Can move to Total Defence strategy

8. Dire attack; opponent gets to immediately counterattack - can defend, but remember -2 for each defence after first

9. Damage weapon: Opponent gets to use Attack Weapon on you for free. if in unarmed combat, take crit. damage to fighting limb

10. Badly damage weapon: Opponent gets to use Attack Weapon on you for free, with additonal x2 to damage. If using unarmed combat, take crit damage to fighting limb

11. Stumble: lose 4 initiative next turn and -2 defence; if opponent makes a Dex save he can immediately get a free attack; if opponent is using Str in combat he knocks you over.

12. Twist ankle: save vs surprise or lose 4 initiative next turn, plus take 1d10 damage to leg, lose half speed: if opponent makes a Dex save he can immediately get a free attack.

13. Sprain wrist: save vs surprise or lose 4 initiative next turn, plus take 1d10 damage to arm, -1 attack until healed

14. Wheredigo? Distracted in combat, make a surprise saving roll, if fail -4 att and -2 defence

15. Fall over! Make surprise roll, and suffer -4 attack until can get up again.

16. Drop weapon/shield. Can recover it later if you live.

17. Stab yourself. Take 1-3 damage x weapon multiplier

18. Armour comes loose! Make surprise roll, now suffering Partial Armour 2

19. Throw self in front of weapon. Your dodge/parry was so poor you add x2 to your opponents damage multiplier on his next hit

20. Accidentally hit a comrade; -1 respect points, even if it is an accident. Resolve as a normal attack, but comrade must make a surprise roll or suffer -2 to his defence; also lose 2d10 team points - nothing disrupts teamwork like friendly fire.

Criticals (d20)

1. Follow me! Gain your Cha in Team points through inspirational shouting/heroic looking blows/general bravery etc. If using formation, all comrades in formation gain +1 to next attack

2. Fierce attack: +2 to next attack as you drive opponent back. Opponent may got to Total Defence

3. Really fierce attack: +4 to next attack as you overwhelm opponent's feeble defence. Opponent may got to Total Defence

4. Crunch! Damage opponents weapon/shield as per attack weapon fight maneuver. (Can ignore this and just whack him if you like)

5. Wham! add x1 damage multiplier

6. Whammo! add x2 damage multiplier

7. Wrong footed him: reduce opponents initiative as per Out-manouver attack. If using Out-manouver already double Initiative loss. (Can ignore this and just whack him)

8. Damage armour: You cut straps holding enemy's armour on, he has to make a surprise roll and is now suffering Partial Amour 2

9. Damage arm - opponent suffers crit. damage to arm. If exceeds 2x opponents Shock value arm is broken or otherwise rendered useless, if 4x SV arm is severed! Extra -1 to attack for any lesser dmage in any case.

10. Damage leg - opponent suffers crit. damage to leg. If exceeds 2x opponents Shock value leg is broken or otherwise rendered useless, if 4x SV leg is severed! Half speed in any case, if leg is broken/severed, opponent falls over.

11. Kick in the goolies: Make an extra brawling/unarmed combat attack against opponent.

12. Riposte attack: Make extra attack against opponent at -2 on att roll.

13. Knockback: If go to using Str in combat, +2 bonus to Str

14. Luck: +1 to add to any roll in any round of this combat only. Cannot be used to turn an ordinary hit into a critical, but can be used to avoid fumbles.

15. Boo! Surprise target; he must make a surprise check or lose -4 on next attack and -2 on defence.

16. Trip: Target must make Dex save or fall over.

17. Thud! Hit target on the head: extra x2 damage, target has to make a surprise check, if do more than Shock Value damage he is dazed and loses 4 initiative, -2 attack and -4 defence for rest of fight, if 2x SV or more he is knocked unconscious.

18. Chop! add x1 damage multiplier

19. Kerchop! add x2 damage multiplier

20. Choice of one of effects above.