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''"They all laughed at my theories! They called me mad! But now I'll have my revenge!"

''If only it were so simple. They laughed because you WERE mad. They laughed because your inventions crumbled when unveiled and your theories turned to gibberish. You wept when you saw your equations riddled with childish errors.
''But you know what you accomplished: you broke gravity's spell; you programmed a computer to dream; you banished death! These weren't delusions or lies!
''Maybe they were right.
''Or maybe just one more experiment will show you the truth. You can do everything you said. There's a price to pay, but you can do it. And you're not mad. The things you do...maybe they're not right. Maybe your peers would recoil in horror. But you're not mad. And you'll show them all.''
Genius: The Transgression is a fan-made role-playing game for the New World of Darkness. In it, players take on the roles of mad scientists and wonder-workers, driven to the brink of insanity by the secrets they have uncovered. Version 1.1 of the rules is available for free download as a .pdf file:[]
= Genius: The Transgression =
= Table of Contents =
== Prologue: Behold, The Secrets of Immortality! ==
== [[Genius_The_Transgression/Chapter_One:_The Cosmos|Chapter One: The Cosmos]] ==
== [[Genius_The_Transgression/Chapter_Two:_Character_Creation|Chapter Two: Character Creation]]==
== [[Genius_The_Transgression/Chapter_Three:Systems_and_Foundations|Chapter Three: Systems and Foundations]] ==
== Chapter Four: Special Rules and Systems ==
them; they can simply be manufactured. A person within a bardo can spend a point of Willpower instead of
any number of Mania points to activate and use native wonder-like manes, and can use them without penalty.
Other manes in a Bardo are not full wonders, but instead replicate more mundane technology: the clever and
ruthless Ape Empire of the Hollow Earth employs ingenious crossbows that, while not Katastrofi wonders,
are nonetheless deadly, while many Martians employ "lesser" radium guns that are about as dangerous as a
century revolver. If taken outside a bardo, most inanimate manes simply disappear. Those that survive
the transition become orphans.
Many geniuses make use of orphaned manes, using them to supplement their own abilities, and there is a
brisk trade in plundered super-science from different bardos.
The Crystal Spheres:
It's obvious that the Earth can't orbit the Sun, because we would all fall off, but the universe insists on not
being obvious, and almost before the Inspired existed in their recognizable modern form, geocentrism gave
way to a new model of the universe where the Sun stood immobile, encircled by planets, moons, and various
bits of cosmic detritus.
But don't tell that to the Christian and pagan "angels" that push the
planets around the Earth. They have
a difficult enough job, guiding the clockwork of the Crystal Spheres through its regular motions. Here, great
planes of shimmering translucent glass stretch on seemingly forever, guided by strange but intelligent manes
that take the form of winged beings of light. The worlds themselves aren't more than a few miles across, but
they too often team with life, including intelligent manes called Micros (especially Crystal Mars, which is
rarely more than a brief journey from the Martian Empire's naval base on Deimos). Dragonfly-riding Selenites
and beings of living fire on the surface of the Sun crisscross the Crystal Spheres, but most of this realm is
empty, bleak, and starkly beautiful.
The angels, or the "Megas" as less theologically-minded geniuses are prone to calling them, hint obliquely at
realms greater than their own, beyond the farthest Crystal Sphere. Geniuses have journeyed in vain, looking
to find if anything still remains of Dante's system of the Cosmos, whether there is an icy Hell somewhere near
the Hollow Earth, Purgatory's mountain in the Southern oceans, or some kind of Maniacal paradise still
offering bliss and salvation beyond the Circles of the World.
The Gray Plateau of Tsoska:
Utopian bardos are everywhere: little Shangri-Las and workers' paradises and anarchocapitalist Utopias are
tucked away in the world's hidden corners, hard to find and, once found, difficult for many people to leave.
Some decay as Mania leaves them, some grow corrupt; a scant handful find a way to remain pure. But one
thing is clear: Utopias are as numerous as the dreams that birthed them. But all the fascist dystopian shitholes
humanity feared during the age of the Communist peril seem to run together and form one place: Tsoska.
Somewhere in the bleak plains of central Asia stretches a dreary empire of fear, dirt, lies, and endless
surveillance. Tsoska is where Utopian dreams go to die. It first appeared as the dreams of early 20
socialists were replaced by the brutal realities of Communist totalitarianism, and ever since the Soviet
Union's collapse, it has been one of the more influential bardos, even more powerful, now, than its capitalist
counterpart, Voltt City.
Tsoska is an amalgamation of every badly-run empire in human history, magnified tenfold, the result of
bitterness and failed visions of brotherhood and harmony. Few buildings are over three stories in Tsoska. The
cities are gray and uninspiring; the government facilities squat and brutal. The people, who generally appear
to be of mixed European and Asian descent, have lined faces and cold, slow hands built for tedious manual
labor. A third, or a tenth, of 1%
it's impossible to tell
are part of Oversight, the counterespionage branch of
The Party, which controls all economic, social, and political activity in Tsoska. Fear is constant, and paranoia
is institutionalized.
But there are bright spots in Tsoska, and that is why the geniuses come. (Mostly the geniuses come because
the place is full of Igors looking for work, but the bright spots, they also help.) In Tsoska, a genius can find
hidden musical subcultures that move from one almost-empty state supermarket to the next after hours,
gifted scientists who never share their best work with The Party, and occult philosophical periodicals on the
afterlife and psychic powers, masquerading as science to avoid State suppression, all perfect for a mad
scientist's needs. And Tsoska isn't as dangerous as many other bardos: so long as a genius' paperwork is in
order and he can recreate the patina of gray weariness that coats everyone who comes to Tsoska, The Party
seems almost eager to show off its "accomplishments" to visiting foreigners, and a genius can learn much just
by being quiet and looking as if he expects to be impressed.
The Grid:
A two-dimensional holographic grid-plane stretching out to infinity, dotted with seas of deleted and
undifferentiated liquid data, roads of shimmering information, and glowing rectangular cities inhabited by
humanoid programs, the Grid is one of the newest and most fascinating of the bardos, the dim echoes of
science fiction's vision of the Internet, before the Internet became just another fact of life. The Grid contains
physical "metaphors" for every computer connected to the Internet wirelessly or through a land line;
generally, computers connected through a land line reside on the ground, while wireless contacts hover
unmoving in the sky, occasionally turning transparent or evaporating as contact is lost. This makes The Grid a
wonderland for computer hackers, who can visit target computers physically and rummage their secrets in
the same way. Of course, this is much more dangerous than regular hacking, as secure computers manifest
snarling defensive programs that can rip an intruder to shreds.
But the Grid isn't all business: here, geniuses mingle with a dizzying variety of net-life and localized programs
in an atmosphere of digital chrome and gleaming neon, where the needs of the flesh fade away and different
beings can meet mind-to-mind. These server-cities provide havens for data smuggling, rumor-mongering, and
simple camaraderie, while outside some of them lurk deadly viral swarms and forgotten treasures from an
earlier age of digital imagination.
Rules for the Grid:
Entering the Grid requires a computer with access to the Internet, a point of Mania, and (unlike with accessing
most other bardos) an Intelligence + Computer check. Leaving The Grid can be accomplished by touching an
"egress terminal," which are common in any inhabited area. A person can also leave instantly by spending a
Willpower. While in the Grid, anyone with a physical body leaves his physical body behind, comatose and
clinging to the computer. Disconnecting a person from the computer snaps him back to his body and drains a
of Willpower.
Duplicates of anything in the character's possession appear with the character in the Grid, including mundane
items and wonders that can be carried or worn. However, it's a one-way process: nothing in a character's
possession when she leaves the Grid transfers into the real world. A genius can create wonders while in the Grid,
though these wonders cannot be taken out of the Grid.
Damage is handled normally in The Grid, which generally conforms to the normal laws of physics. A person killed
in the Grid dies in reality. Once a person leaves the Grid, all damage received in the Grid is converted to Bashing
damage, which heals normally.
The Computer Skill gives anyone in the Grid an unusual advantage. A character can substitute her dots in the
Computer Skill for any Physical or Social Attribute while in the Grid.
Hollow Earth:
The Hollow Earth can be found about ten miles below the Earth's crust, and is best accessed via the North or
South Poles. Within the Hollow Earth, gravity attracts objects to the concave surface, while a strange false sun
hangs in the Earth's center, providing eternal daylight. Enormous mountains, far larger than anything
possible on the surface, rise up (or "inwardly") toward the inner sun, producing vast three-dimensional
mazes of twisting, utterly dark rocky passages inhabited by strange albino creatures and enormous vermin.
Those lands of the Hollow Earth drenched in pseudosunlight are drawn from every age of the Earth above.
Here, dinosaurs stride side-by-side with the earliest lungfish, while primitive humans live savage lives of
violence and passion, never rising far above barbarism. Thick jungles, jagged mountains, and sun-bleached
deserts offer an environment far harsher than anything found on the surface.
Many geniuses have wondered how the Hollow Earth, which is the largest bardo apart from the
comparatively barren Crystal Spheres, maintains its existence: the idea was never seriously considered by
science, and it does not attract the attention of pseudoscientists and science fiction writers like the Red Planet
does. The answer, many Inspired think, is found in the peculiar "errors" found in many flora and fauna of the
Hollow Earth: a genius might pass a "brontosaurus" with the wrong head, or meet a group of primitive
humans menaced by Piltdown Man. The Hollow Earth, say these geniuses, is a kind of clearinghouse for every
archaeological and paleontological misstep ever made by human science.
Once upon a time, no one thought that the continents could move. This posed the world's scientists with a
serious quandary: how did animals scatter all over the globe in the patterns that are seen today? For example,
how did the lemur (the little monkey-like animal) get to Madagascar? The answer seemed clear: land bridges
had helped them across, then fallen back beneath the sea. These land bridges could rise up over the ages and
disappear again, all the time. The land bridge that got lemurs to Madagascar was called Lemuria.
By the time evidence appeared to support continental drift and then plate tectonics, Lemuria had moved from
a convenient explanation to an ancient wonderland full of psychics and spiritual techno-beings, similar to the
stories of Atlantis and Mu, due to the imagination of Theosophists and other 19
century mystics and
spiritualists. And when it turned out that there had been no Lemuria, the manes there disagreed...violently.
Their time-traveling hijinks are recounted in further detail elsewhere; basically, if they are to be believed,
their work created our current timeline.
After the Last Invisible War, Lemuria was reduced to a smoldering wasteland: nothing remains today but a
few scorched fingers of land rising out of the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and whatever remains beneath the
waves. The intelligent inhabitants, a mix of serpent-people and apparently normal humans, are mostly dead
or scattered, though the remains of Lemuria are dangerous even without their xenophobic and devious
natives. Strange monsters dwell beneath the surface, emerging at night, while the remnants of ancient
Lemurian war-machines and cogitators still possess flickers of life and can awaken at any time to destroy an
unwary traveler. Only recently have geniuses (often mixed groups from the Peerage and Lemuria) begun to
return to Lemuria to explore it in numbers.
The Martian Empire:
Sometimes called Cydonia or Barsoom, the Martian Empire is located, naturally, on Mars, but not the frozen,
almost airless wasteland that we know. Supported by a sea of ever-shifting Mania, the Martian Empire's air is
breathable, if thin, and there walk the strange beings called Martians. Divided into three known castes (the
brain-on-a-stalk Overlords, the spindly Technikers, and the brutal but humanoid egg-laying Throgs), the
Martians threatened to conquer Earth less than half a century ago, and they still eye our world with cold
This avarice is tempered, now, with the knowledge that Earth stomped them in the last war: even were it not
for Inspired super-science, Earth science has advanced far since Percival Lowell read of Martian
decided that the canals channeled water from the icy poles to a dying civilization. Mars is not exactly safe, but
the Martians are more interested, now, in what a genius knows and what knowledge she is willing to trade,
than in destroying her as a threat to their plans.
And Mars is an extraordinary place, its dusty streets full of haggling merchants and exotic alien spices, its
people enlightened masters of sciences humans have never imagined, and its libraries possessed of arcane
and super-scientific wisdom. Even if the genius does not wish simply to grow rich on Martian sapphires by
filling her rocketship with fresh water (worth more than gold to the dry world), a lifetime can be spent
wandering the million-year-old universities and speaking with the incredible beings there.
Mad scientists who reach Mars are encouraged not to wander too far from the city, where the Mania can
sustain humanoid life, and are advised to have an escape plan ready at all times in case the warlike factions of
the Martian government take over and once again launch an all-out assault on the Blue Planet.
Space Station Colossus
The last of the great Space Age dreams, a vision drawn from Clarke, Heinlein, and thousands of other writers
during the Golden Age of science fiction, Space Station Colossus is an enormous O'Neill cylinder floating
between the Earth and the Moon near the L4 point. It flickered to life in 1984, when science fiction had largely
abandoned its starfaring dreams. When it first appeared, Space Station Colossus was a glittering jewel in the
heavens, ten miles long and containing fifteen separate counter-rotating sections. Today it is a run-down hole
in the sky full of unemployed mane dock workers, bitter Atomists trying to create one Utopia or another, and
failing mechanical systems. The air is stale, the lights flicker, and the "futuristic inventions" that litter its
vid phones, hover bikes, charming robotic assistants
never work right.
Despite its many faults, and despite its control by Lemurians with rather strange plans, Space Station
Colossus is a sight to behold. Not only is it one of the best recruiting-grounds for beholden in the known
universe, Colossus is a trading-post where Larvae, manes, and stranger things from the distant corners of
reality can be found. The "aboveground" markets are bustling and well-run, and if a genius cannot find what
she needs there, the deeper levels, close to the station's outer hull, are hives of criminality where anything can
be found for the right price.
Autocthon, Vulcan, Planet X, and Nemesis:
These elusive worlds did not last long enough in the scientific eye to generate enough Mania to exist fully, but
occasionally they flicker into existence. Little is known about them, as every time they appear, they seem
subtly or completely different. Autocthon (the alternate Earth on the far side of the Sun), Vulcan (the world
closer to the Sun than Mercury), Planet X (a possibly rogue planet beyond the asteroid belt), and Nemesis (a
sometimes a brown dwarf or black hole
at the edge of the solar system trailed by deadly comets)
flicker into existence just long enough, usually, to capture a passing rocketship and seek to drain it
of its
Mania. Should one of these worlds succeed, it might become fully solid.
A genius who believes that his worldview is the only correct one and that all others are mistaken, deluded,
lying, or conspiring against him is an unmada.
This attitude is, in theory, opposed to the notion in the Peerage that Mania is something outside regular
reality that impinges upon it. Nonetheless, some members of the Peerage are unmada. Other unmada are
rogues, typically lonesomes who barely understand who they are or what they're doing. (Not all lonesomes
are unmada, though: many realize that their wonder-working is not entirely "sane," even if they lack the
language to explain what's wrong with them.)
All Lemurians are unmada. The principle behind Lemuria is that one's worldview as a genius is correct and
that anyone who opposes it opposes you. To connect the many different contradictory philosophies of
individual Lemurians, Lemuria postulates an "
," a Unified Theory of Genius in which
every Lemurian's worldview is simultaneously valid.
Illuminated are also all unmada. Though they may seem perfectly cognizant of their nature, they nonetheless
twist reality merely by their existence as Inspiration spills from them into the mundane world.
An unmada experiences the following modifiers and special conditions:
Attempts to argue against them (usually Persuasion checks) based on external facts about the world,
or to change their mind with regard to facts about the world
but not about moral or Obligation-
based considerations
suffer a penalty equal to half their Inspiration.
An unmada suffers double the normal Jabir penalty.
An unmada loses one point of Mania per day instead of regaining one like other geniuses. The genius
cannot refuse to spend this point of Mania.
An unmada generates a field around herself, called an unmada field, its extent based on her
Inspiration. An unmada who cannot spend a point of Mania (see above) cannot sustain her field,
which collapses until she gets a point of Mania. (Once she has Mania, she immediately spends one
point to restore the field.)
Unmada Field
An unmada field extends around an unmada, covering an area based on her Inspiration. A mad scientist's
unmada field reflects the unmada's own beliefs, echoing her philosophy back at her and twisting reality and
perception so the unmada's worldview and aesthetic sensibilities are repeatedly validated.
This unmada field offers a rich environment for manes, who can remain stable (not orphans) if ideologically
compatible with the unmada's madness. Manes spawned by the genius' madness or drawn by compatible
nonsense inhabit the unmada field. They have no fixed number, but geniuses usually estimate a total number
of Size units of manes in an unmada field equal to genius' maximum Mania.
Nature of Local Manes
Same building
Small regular objects and plants
City block
Small animals, hand-held objects
Several city blocks
A few clever person-sized animals, many smaller
City neighborhood
A few intelligent creatures, several animals, many
smaller creatures
City directional location
Thriving ecosystem and small communities
Half of city
Thriving intelligent culture
Entire city
A few Inspired manes
The manes inhabiting an unmada field view their sustainer as a sort of liege. Maniacal animals treat him not
quite as a master, but as a source of safety and authority. An unmada automatically receives Allies (Unmada
Manes) with a dot rating equal to half his Inspiration. Manes can guard areas, report suspicious activity, pass
along information, or offer super-scientific advice (if intelligent). They will not be used as a personal army or
security force. A genius needs automata or beholden for lab work or muscle; unmada manes don't serve in
that capacity. These manes, of course, also have a vested interest in keeping a mad scientist crazy.
An unmada field follows a genius, though it may take time to re-establish the field if the genius moves a lot. If
a genius moves outside of his field, his effective Inspiration (for determining area of control and the richness
of the maniacal life there) begins at zero and increases at a rate of one dot per week until it reaches its
An unmada field is noticeable to geniuses. (See Detecting Wondrous Things, Page 292.) Even at low levels,
ripples of insanity swirl through a genius' home. Evidence against his world-view seems to disappear.
Arguments falter, growing confused and unconvincing. As an unmada's power grows, small objects appear
that satisfy the unmada's philosophical or aesthetic sense: one might find that the store next to an Etherite's
house sells tiny but functional toy electro-guns or more cars with fins tend to drive by, while traditional
Oracles find unsavory technology disappearing around them, replaced by simple, well-made machinery. A
powerful unmada is basically sovereign inside his own mind, immune to contradictory evidence
and surrounded by eager, fawning servants, happy to feed the echo doctor's delusions back to him.
Manes that match the genius' ideas appear constantly, reshaping the unmada field like fairy-tale brownies
until it resembles the unmada's ideal environment.
Going Crazy and Getting Better Again:
A genius becomes an unmada by failing an unmada check. Several types of frantic Maniacal work can trigger
an unmada check. (See Unmada, Brilliant Madness, Page 80.) Some geniuses deliberately cultivate madness,
repeatedly performing Deep Inspiration (see Page 83) without spending the Mania gained until they lose
their minds.
Snapping out of being an unmada is not easy. If the genius is a Lemurian, she must leave her baramin behind,
either becoming a rogue or joining the Peerage. This takes a full month for the subscription to run out.
Next, she must focus on "stoppering" the flow of Mania. This requires one point of Willpower per day for a
number of days equal to the genius' Inspiration. These points must be spent every day, in order, or the genius
must start again. During this time, an unmada's resident manes will grow increasingly frantic, attempting to
stop her from abandoning her psychological state.
Once the work is done, the genius must spend all her current Mania and make an Inspiration + Resolve check.
(A genius can spend her Mania on "nothing" at her normal expenditure rate.)
Dramatic Failure:
The genius' maniacal resolve hardens. She must make an unmada Check, which threatens
The genius cannot escape her unmada status. She may start again by spending Willpower again.
The genius escapes her unmada status. Her unmada field diminishes as if her Inspiration were
declining by one point per day until it is gone.
Exceptional Success:
The genius snaps back to full lucidity. Her unmada field disappears instantly and she
regains a number of Mania equal to her per-turn expenditure.
Suggested Modifiers:
Every point of Mania still in the genius' system (-1), the genius has fended off her
unmada manes (+1 to +3), the genius has risked Illumination in the past month (-2), the genius has left her
unmada field (+1), the genius still belongs to a Lemurian zotheca (-2), the genius belongs to an unmada-free
collaborative (+2)
Other Elements of Mad Science:
Detecting Wondrous Things:
While a genius can build Apokalypsi wonders to detect any Mania-based activity, her naked eyes can also
reveal information about wonders, manes, and other phenomena. A genius can detect the following
When someone is in the process of creating or modifying a wonder
When someone transfers Mania into a wonder or capacitor (and the target of that transfer)
When someone channels Mania into an object (and the target of that channeling)
When someone is performing Deep Inspiration
Whether or not the genius is in an unmada field, and the Inspiration level generating the field: "low"
(Inspiration 1-3), "medium" (4-6), or "high" (7+)
To gain more information, the genius can spend a minute examining the object. A genius also needs to analyze
an object this way if it is partially hidden (a mane in a long coat, for example) or if a wonder has the
"concealed" or "normal-looking" variables. Roll Inspiration + Wits.
Dramatic Failure:
The genius completely misinterprets what he's seeing.
The genius gains no further information, and cannot try again on that subject for the rest of the scene.
The genius gains more information, answering the following applicable questions:
Whether something is a wonder; its rank, primary Axiom, and any "support" Axioms of a wonder
Whether a wonder is an orphan
Whether something is a mane
Whether something is a Larva, and if it is a transgressive Larva
Whether something is a capacitor, and how much Mania it currently holds
A genius' Inspiration (low, medium, or high)
A Clockstopper's Acedia (low, medium, or high)
How much Mania someone or something has spent with its last action
Exceptional Success:
The genius gains even more information, answering the following applicable questions in
addition to those available from a regular success:
A wonder's faults
A wonder's creator (if the genius knows the creator)
What Axioms are influencing a person or object (Exelixi stat boosts, Metaptropi polymorphing, etc.)
The idea or philosophy that birthed the mane
A genius' catalyst, foundation, and highest Axiom
Whether or not a genius is unmada (this will not reveal Illumination)
A Clockstopper's highest Void
How much Mania a genius, mane, or automaton currently possesses
Suggested Modifiers:
Genius has a relevant Apokalypsi gizmo (bonus equals rank of wonder), genius cannot
touch subject (-2), genius takes only one turn in analysis (-2), genius has encountered a genuinely new or
unique phenomenon (-3), genius has encountered a "common" mad science phenomenon (+1), genius is
studying a member of his own foundation (+2), target is partially concealed (-1 to -3)
Other People Using Wonders
It's possible for a genius to loan out her wonders to others, and sometimes it's even useful: a whole squad of
beholden armed with venom-slingers and mechanical wings can do a genius a lot of good. However, it's not
always easy.
A mad scientist's own beholden suffer no penalty when using wonders that their Inspired master created.
Though they need the appropriate abilities to use many wonders effectively (Firearms for most weapons,
Medicine for many wonders of Exelixi, etc.), and may need Mania to power them, they have no difficulty using
the devices.
Another genius can use the wonder, but may suffer penalties to doing so. If the borrowing genius has an
Inspiration equal to or higher than the creator's own,
if the borrower can match all the Axioms needed to
build the wonder, there is no penalty. Otherwise the genius suffers a -1 penalty to using the wonder per rank
of the wonder.
Another genius' beholden suffer the same penalty as that genius when using another person's wonders.
Mere mortals
suffer a -1 penalty when using a wonder per rank of the wonder, and their clumsy manipulation
triggers a Havoc Check every turn of use.
Other metanormal creatures also suffer a -1 penalty per rank of the wonder, but they do not trigger Havoc.
The Universalist Merit removes this penalty for some or all wonders.
Installing Internalized Wonders
Some Inspired cannot resist installing wonders in their own bodies and minds. This is not easy, since either
the genius must do all the work beforehand, saving the actual installation for a single previously prepared act,
or she must trust another genius or one of her beholden to perform the experiment.
Installing an internalized wonder is an Obligation-7 transgression. If the Storyteller judges the operation to be
unusually dangerous or foolhardy (such as if the genius is rolling a chance die), it becomes an Obligation-5
These rules also apply to installing grafted wonders, though geniuses rarely graft wonders onto themselves.
To install a wonder, a genius must first construct it. This occurs normally. Then, either the genius or a trusted
assistant must install the wonder.
The person performing the installation spends one hour and rolls Inspiration + Intelligence + Medicine +
Laboratory Equipment.
If the wonder is a formulation or formula, not a physical wonder, replace Medicine with Academics.
The installer can also rush the job (replacing Intelligence with Wits). The penalty is -2 for a one-minute
installation and -4 for a one-turn installation.
Dramatic Failure:
The genius dies. The wonder turns orphan and tries to escape.
The wonder is installed incorrectly. It does not function, and the genius gains one fault.
The wonder is installed correctly.
Exceptional Success:
The wonder is installed correctly. The genius suffers only a single Health Level of Lethal
damage. (See "Recovery," below.)
Suggested Modifiers:
Genius engaged in self-installation (-5), genius engaged in self-installation but possesses
at least Automata-1 (-2), genius' own beholden performing installation (+1), every grafted or internalized
wonder already present (-1)
If a genius is conscious for this procedure (such as engaging in self-installation and not using Automata), all
damage received is doubled due to pain and trauma.
Removing a Badly Installed Wonder:
If the installation roll is a failure, the wonder can be removed. This requires the exact same roll as installing
the wonder.
Dramatic Failure:
The genius dies. The wonder turns orphan and tries to escape.
The wonder remains within the genius.
The wonder is removed and the installation can be tried again.
Exceptional Success:
The wonder activates as if a Success had been rolled on the original installation roll. The
genius suffers only a single Health Level of Lethal damage. (See "Recovery," below.)
Installing internalized wonders, or attempting to remove a badly installed one, is physically taxing on the
genius. Upon the conclusion of the operation, the genius suffers as many levels of Lethal damage as the rank
of the wonder. The rest of her Health boxes are filled with Bashing damage. If an Exceptional Success is rolled,
she suffers only one Health Level of Lethal damage, but the rest of her boxes still fill with Bashing damage.
Orphaned Internalized Wonders:
If the internalized wonder is a physical thing within the genius' body, it will attempt to dig its way out of a
genius and escape. Every turn, roll a number of dice equal to the wonder's rank. If it fails, the genius suffers
one Health Level of Bashing damage. If it succeeds, the wonder rips free (causing ten dice of Lethal damage)
and tries to escape. These rules also apply to grafted wonders, except upon tearing free grafted wonders
cause one automatic level of Lethal damage per point of Size plus ten dice of Lethal damage.
If the internalized wonder is instead some kind of "formulation" or idea without a physical form, it causes
mental instability and confusion. Every scene that the genius possess an orphan wonder of this sort, the
genius suffers a -1 penalty to all actions involving Mental Attributes per rank of the wonder.
If a genius should die with a physical internalized or grafted wonder, it will try to free itself in the same way.
(Though the genius probably will not care at that point.) Formulations or ideas normally die with their host
genius, since they cannot escape.
Geniuses often need to store, transfer, and trade raw Mania. Fortunately, Mania can be stored in specially-
designed devices called capacitors, which hold the energy for future use.
Any genius can build a capacitor; its construction is not tied to any Axiom. Building a capacitor works much
like building a regular wonder. Science is the key Skill used. Like any other wonder, building a capacitor can
benefit from beholden, it can be kitbashed, and so on. (See Creating a Wonder, Page 136.)
Capacitors differ from regular wonders in several ways:
Capacitors do not require bound Mania.
Capacitors do not have faults.
Capacitors suffer Havoc differently from other wonders. A capacitor that suffers Havoc rolls no dice;
instead it simply loses a point of Mania for every event that would require a Havoc check.
Capacitors cannot employ variables.
Capacitors cannot be orphaned. If a genius dies or abandons the capacitor, it continues to function
If the roll to build the capacitor is a Dramatic Failure, rather than becoming an orphan, the capacitor
explodes. Roll a number of dice of Lethal damage equal to the Generator's maximum held Mania
against everyone involved in the capacitor's construction.
A capacitor holds Mania based on its Size.
Max Held Mania
Moving Mania:
A genius can move Mania into a capacitor as fast as she can normally channel Mania, simply by touching the
capacitor. Getting the energy out again is just as easy: by touching the capacitor, the genius can pull a number
of points of Mania per turn equal to her normal channeling ability, based on Inspiration.
However, drawing Mania from a capacitor can be dangerous. Every scene, a genius can draw a number of
points of Mania from capacitors or other sources equal to her maximum Mania per turn. Beyond that, she
must make an unmada check with a penalty equal to the number of extra Mania points channeled that scene.
(See Unmada, Brilliant Madness, Page 80.)
Types of Capacitors:
Though the term "capacitor" implies that they hold some kind of electrical charge, that is not necessarily the
case. A genius can instead choose to make a codex (made of books and data) with an Academics check, a
compressor (made of wound springs of pneumatics) with a Crafts check, or a catabolizer (made with organic
material) with a Medicine check. A genius can also build a compounder (stored computer data) with a
Computer check
however, since mad
science only recently figured out this trick, few geniuses with a
Computer score of less than four dots know how to
do it.
Capacitors and Regular Work:
With Automata-1, a capacitor can be used to function like a regular power generator, allowing it to power
regular objects with its Mania automatically. In its capacity as a power generator, Mania provided by a
capacitor provides power for ten times as long as normal. This power source does not risk damage to the
technology. (See Spending Mania, Page 81.)
: An Optional Rule
Wonders are heavy and bulky. If characters attempt to carry an exceptional number of wonders on their
person, the Storyteller may use this rule to limit a genius' carrying capacity.
A person can always wear regular clothes and wear mundane articles (such as sunglasses or headphones)
without difficulty, ignoring their Size. A person can carry a number of Size points worth of other objects
(weapons, tools, armor, wonders, miscellaneous equipment or wearables) equal to her Size without difficulty.
She is considered Unencumbered. Carrying more than one's Size, up to one's Size + Strength, means one is
Encumbered and suffers a -2 penalty to Move. Carrying more than one's Size + Strength, up to one's Size +
Strength + Stamina, means one is Heavily Encumbered and suffers a -1 penalty to all Physical Attributes in
addition to the -2 penalty to Move. Carrying more than one's Size + Strength + Stamina means on is Extremely
Encumbered and suffers a -2 penalty to all Physical Attributes in addition to a -2 penalty to Move.
The maximum amount of stuff someone can carry and still move at all is left to the Storyteller's discretion, but
double one's Size + Strength + Stamina is a good guess. The Storyteller can also adjudicate based on how the
genius intends to carry all his equipment, though for most geniuses, rigging up harnesses and belts is no
Objects that must be worn to be used, such as goggles and armored suits, should be treated as half their
regular Size when worn.
The Strong Back Merit grants a +2 bonus to the character's effective Size for this purpose.
Encumbrance penalties to Attributes cannot reduce an Attribute below one dot, but they still reduce Speed as
if that Attribute were lower. The chart below lists the total penalties, including penalties to Move based on the
reduction in Physical Attributes.
Stuff Carried
Physical Attribute
Total Move Penalty
Up to Size
> Size to Size + Strength
> Size + Strength to Size
+ Strength + Stamina
Heavily Encumbered
> Size + Strength +
Damage and Healing:
A genius is physically human, meaning that the Inspired get injured and recover from injuries much as
humans do, barring the employment of wonders to protect or heal. Since a genius is a living being, she can
also suffer from deprivation, poisoning, and anything else that can affect a regular person.
Geniuses don't have any specific vulnerabilities. However, internalizing faults may produce vulnerabilities to
specific substances, such as lightning or fire, causing attacks from those sources to cause Aggravated damage.
Life Span
A genius has a normal human life span. The only way to avoid a natural death is through preserving one's
body with Exelixi, creating a clone body with Automata, transferring one's consciousness with Epikrato, or
similar mad science tricks.
Exelixi automatically extends a genius' lifespan by some amount: the genius gains 20 years of additional life
per dot of Exelixi. However, this only delays the inevitable. True immortality requires advanced (and often
unscrupulous) wonder-working.
How a wonder looks can be as important to a genius as what it does. This is not just a matter of style or
fashion; a genius' view of the world shapes what he creates, and what he can create. To many geniuses, the
artistry behind their creations is as important as their function.
Of course, some of a genius' aesthetic
just style. The ezine
Alloy Blend
is a popular online destination for
geniuses interested in the latest mad science fashions (and for completely mundane people who don't realize
how over-their-heads they are), and many smaller circulations exist for different styles and aesthetics.
Popular aesthetics change over time, but to geniuses, these aren't just fashion statements: an aesthetic is
everything a genius wants to be true and real and good about the wonders she creates.
To an unmada, an aesthetic is even more important. It is a picture of their philosophy, of what they think is
true. A medical Etherite who rejects the vulgar fallacies of modern genetic science simply
build a
wonder that resembles a modern genetic research lab: if he tried, his Inspiration would leave him.
Mechanically, attempts by an unmada to "disguise" a wonder, to make it resemble someone else's aesthetic or
a different aesthetic entirely, incurs a -1 penalty in the building phase. If the aesthetic fundamentally violates
the genius' approach to Inspiration or wonder-working, the penalty becomes -5 and building the wonder also
requires a
of Willpower.
Geniuses are welcome to select one of the aesthetics below or to create their own. Some geniuses combine
different styles, while others try to stick with functional creations, and others still are defined more by their
something like "sonics" or "mirrors"
than by a formal aesthetic.
Sometimes called Technomancer, this aesthetic replaces the normal trappings of science and technology with
a "magical" look, ranging from traditional alchemical laboratories (hence the term) to glowing "runes of
power." The latter was considered half-baked before it premiered by many older geniuses, though the
traditional "dirty mortar and pestle" look is popular with some Progenitors and Scholastics. Geniuses with a
specific cultural or ethnic identity or a specific interest in ancient cultures focus on specific Alembic styles,
such as Egyptian or ancient Chinese. It is also the most common Oracle aesthetic, alongside Crystal Future.
Some geniuses who favor this style sincerely believe in the unity of science and "magic" (however they define
it); others are playing around with semiotics and what it means to be a wonder-worker.
Black Plastic:
A modern organic style that came about around the same time as Digital Chrome, Black Plastic encourages an
organic look to its technology (even the non-organic stuff), usually casting everything in asymmetric black
rubber that is designed to unsettle viewers. Black Plastic is a perennial favorite, with its popularity oscillating
but remaining fairly constant in the Peerage. Progenitors are very fond of this aesthetic; they often
incorporate insect motifs into their creations. A combination of Black Plastic and Trash Praxis has recently
become popular; its most common nickname is Crawling Rusty Meat.
An outgrowth of the Functionalist anti-movement of the 70s, which basically said "Stop dressing up your
fucking wonders and just make sure they work," the Brutalist doctrine goes one step further, encouraging a
deliberately functional and inelegant look. Wonders in this school are made from pre-fab parts, if possible,
because that's cheaper, or unpainted (or camouflage) custom parts if necessary. Components look stripped-
down, ugly, and exposed. The Brutalist style is popular with Navigators and some Mechanists, and with many
militaristic and survivalist geniuses. Exposed metal and clashing combinations of alloys and polymers are
common in this style.
One of the oldest aesthetics that is self-consciously an aesthetic, clockwork is exactly like it sounds: geniuses
who adhere to this style favor mechanical devices if at all possible, using springs and muscles for power and
intricate assemblages of gears for moving parts. For Axioms where this maxim might seem inapplicable, such
as Apokalypsi, Inspired employ clever mirrors and prisms. This aesthetic is of course most popular with
Mechanists, though it is also popular with many older and more traditional Inspired. An older variant, called
Baroque, mixes Clockwork with rococo fashions; it is little-practiced today.
Crystal Future:
"Crystal Future" refers to the images of the future or of "lost" but advanced civilizations popular from the
century well into the mid or late 20
. In this Utopian vision, the streets are clean, machinery is powered
by crystals or other nebulous sources, and everyone wears togas and seems very calm all the time. Its
practitioners are an equal mix of sincere devotees and snickering parodists. This aesthetic is still popular in
Lemuria, especially among Oracles, as well as certain Etherites and those Mechanists focused on Apokalypsi
or Katastrofi. Among the Peerage, this aesthetic has a faintly sinister reputation, despite its squeaky-clean
appearance, as many of Lemuria's Secret Masters maintained this style before they were wiped out.
The current "far future" style, with the hard edge of reality coupled with the optimistic vision of a transhuman
future, is termed Extropic. In this aesthetic, the genius focuses on advanced speculative science such as
nanotechnology, gene-line body alteration, and digital consciousness. Extropy is as much a philosophy as an
aesthetic, and the actual appearance of wonders varies, though effort is put into making technology appear
elegant, unobtrusive, and functional. But the core of the Extropic aesthetic is not the appearance, but an
approach to technology that focuses on cutting-edge research and the blurring of the concept of "human."
Another perennial aesthetic, dating back at least to 15
century Italians imagining what Aristotle's wonders
might have looked like, Macedon sees surges in popularity every few decades. The current return to the
spotlight is probably the fault of "Greek-punk" movies and video games, just as the previous jump began
during Hollywood's Golden Age of sword-and-sandal flicks. The Macedon aesthetic uses as its starting-point
the steam-powered machines of Hero of Alexandria. Stylistic elements include the use of bronze instead of
more advanced metals, Hellenic friezes, and intricate mirrors to engage in long-distance communication and
attack. Variant styles, based on the ancient bronze-steam-and-glass wonders of Persia, Egypt, and India have
also seen intermittent popularity; these styles are distinguished from their Alembic equivalents by being
more explicitly technological, often sporting exposed Antikythera-style clockwork.
Digital Chrome:
"Cyberpunk" stylings are called Digital Chrome by mad scientists. Typical affectations include heavy chrome
or plastic cybernetics, thick plugs bolted into flesh, and chunky, bulky communication devices, coupled with
bright colors, neon, and vinyl. Digital Chrome was
look back in the 80s, though it has since declined in
popularity. It now sits between modern and properly retro, and has few new adherents, though geniuses who
catalyzed in the midst of that era (now in middle age) still sport the look. The colonization of the Grid may see
a resurrection of the
A popular style during the "golden age of science fiction" and a little bit beyond
from the late 40s to the late
"Oscilloscope" was the first aesthetic that actually received a name, rather than "that style that the
geniuses in California are into now" or whatever. Oscilloscope style focuses on plastic, aluminum, chrome,
atomic power, jets, and radio technology. Expect big computers, angular machinery in that off-beige "old PC"
color, and track suits. It is
uncool among modern geniuses, and practically marks one as an Atomist, for
whom the Jet Age and Space Age dreams have yet to die. A few young geniuses have begun wearing this style
ironically, or mixing it with Extropic, but the Oscilloscope aesthetic is still associated with earlier generations.
Home Grown:
While this aesthetic got its start among underwater-themed geniuses, it has spread onto land with the rise of
modern biotechnology. The Home Grown look features organic components, subtle curves, and
bioluminescent illumination, giving it a warmer and more humane appearance than Black Plastic. It is popular
among ecologically-minded geniuses in the Peerage as well as some Oracles, and is well-regarded among
geniuses for whom the biological sciences are of primary interest. Experiments with overlapping Home
Grown and Alembic led to a short-lived fad that is now referred to (contemptuously) as Fairy Princess.
Pod People:
This term was originally an insult, though many of its practitioners have co-opted the term as their own. Pod
People aesthetic includes a sleek, refined look, usually in all-white or some
other solid color, with rounded
edges, a "finished" appearance (in contrast to the rough appearance of many wonders), and a user-friendly
interface with as few buttons, gadgets, and doo-dads as possible. (A one-panel comic in
Alloy Blend
shows the
standard Pod People ray gun: a smooth-cornered hand-held white rectangle with a single black button
labeled "Kill.") This aesthetic also favors small, elegant devices, and practitioners often try to make handheld
wonders as small and unobtrusive as possible. Pod People aesthetic is sometimes held in low regard,
especially by Steampunks and Functionals; its adherents are thought to spend too much time polishing their
devices to look pretty, and not enough time working out the bugs. The style is most popular among Directors
and some Progenitors; it is extremely rare in Lemuria.
Ray Gun:
The most common term for the "retro-future" look that dominated mad science (and some sane science) from
the 1930s to the 1950s. Common elements of Ray Gun styling include fins and "fiddly bits" on Skafoi devices,
Jacob's ladders, big cylindrical robots, and a focus on electricity and chemistry. (Chrome and atomic power
are generally considered late Ray Gun or Oscilloscope) Ray gun fashions are, of course, huge among Etherites,
though it also has many adherents among Directors, who favor the classic image of power and confidence it
provides. Googie is a sort of West Coast "beachfront" ray gun style in pastel colors and eye-assaulting fonts;
Raygun Gothic mixes the classic Ray Gun look with baroque spires and exposed metal.
If Oscilloscope is not quite retro and Digital Chrome is just past its sell-by date, Steampunk is the current too-
for-school "big thing." All the kids are doing it: brass goggles, clanking mechanical servants, radium guns,
and rivet-covered work uniforms are currently all the rage among the postgrads. (The Martian Empire is
confused, but happy, that they are now "totally hip"). Steampunk is deliberately retro and it reflects a past
that never was: even the geniuses who
in the Victorian era dressed practically or in traditional fashion,
rather than the "brass rivet" look, and many wonders from that era actually affected a Baroque look (which
was, in its own time, deliberately retro and reflecting a 17
century aesthetic that
never existed).
Steampunk aesthetic is popular in the Peerage, particular among Scholastics. In Lemuria, it has begun to
eclipse Ray Gun styles for Etherites.
Trash Praxis:
First appearing in the 80s, Trash Praxis (named after the now-defunct magazine of the same name) is the
name for a style based on scavenging whatever one can in order to build one's wonders. Trash Praxis is
popular among geniuses
in impoverished nations (though
aren't making a damn fashion statement) and
with the poor, the disaffected, and the self-styled punks of the modern world. The Dumpster Diver Merit is
nearly a prerequisite for this aesthetic. It is rare in Lemuria, but many Artificers and no-nonsense Navigators
like the brutal effect of a wonder built out of trash and discarded normal machinery.
Named for the movie studio, not any sense of universal style, this aesthetic dates from an era before geniuses
thought much about "aesthetics" and just used what was at hand. In fact, it was nearly the last such style
before the 20
century ushered in a new sort of self-awareness among the Inspired. Resembling
Frankenstein's laboratory from the movies
(hence the name), this bubbling, crackling, cluttered look was
common in the 19
and early 20
centuries, especially among remote geniuses who were forced to use and
re-use specimens. An elegant aesthetic for a more civilized age, Universal has mostly been usurped by
Steampunk, Alembic, and other deliberately "retro" stylings on one side, and more modern functional
aesthetics like Oscilloscope or Brutalist on the other. Nonetheless, it was so common in Europe and America
for so long that old labs (some labs have been in continuous use for centuries) still feature the stitched
homunculi, sizzling Jacob's ladders, and stained beakers that came to symbolize "mad science" in the minds of
a century of movie-goers.
Time Travel
: almost always a bad idea. But that hasn't stopped many masters of Skafoi from building time machines.
And time travel is possible. It's not even all that difficult for a powerful genius, but it is phenomenally
Now, we're all grownups here and we all know what time travel is and what it does, but the question is, what
happens when I screw with the past?
What used to happen (and here the past tense gets in a bit of trouble), is that you got your ass kicked by the
transsapient gods who lived at the end of time. The
, as they were called, didn't like any time-
traveling blunderers whose actions might have prevented them from existing.
They were right to worry, because apparently someone annihilated them from the timeline. Now it's a kind of
temporal free-for-all, with mad scientists and arch-magicians and alien psychics from the black hole in the
center of the Galaxy all running about history, mucking things up. However, this did not (and again, the past
tense would like to apologize) last long. A détente settled into place, agreed to by various powerful factions
and enforced by a group calling itself the
Guardians of Forever
, the Terminals' former servants. This
not a fellowship, as it includes
much more than just mad scientists
allows others to "blow off steam"
by permitting minor changes to the timeline: a murdered wife rescued here, a genius' wretched younger
brother striking it rich there. The idea is that the relentless enforcement of absolute causal stasis is what
eventually forced the rebellion against the Terminals that resulted in
their destruction.
Nonetheless, the Guardians of Forever enforce the unfolding of the grand sweep of history: the dinosaurs
must perish, whether by an asteroid or a plague or a volcanic apocalypse. Rome will fall, as will the Spanish
Empire and the Eternal Terran Dynasty of Yao Ming. The Guardians' solution is simple and expedient:
whenever a major shake-up occurs, they travel back in time to shortly after the event (or sometimes during, if
they cannot fix the problem afterward) and juggle events around so things unfold as they always have. When
a furious genius went back in time and killed Helmut Schenk, the cruelest genocidal mastermind of the 20
century, as a child, the Guardians of Forever went back and elevated the art student Adolf Hitler to that same
It's not like they enjoy doing that. In fact, the genius who made the above "swap" committed suicide a week
later. But the Guardians have discovered that the Terminals were not acting entirely out of self-interest: the
timeline that leads to the Terminals' existence, despite its horrors, produces a universe of boundless life and
richness. It may be the best of all possible timelines.
However, there appears to be no going back to the way things were: the future is unstable, with constant
subtle shifts producing enormous effects, despite the best efforts of the Guardians, and scholars of time fear
that things will grow worse, as the eagerness of explorers to travel back in time outstrips the resources of
those determined to maintain the timeline. Even with an agent placed (it sometimes seems) once every ten
years, the Guardians of Forever are losing control of the universe.
So, can you travel back in time and kill Hitler? Yes. He's been killed six times: the Guardians gave up finding
new candidates and have just started cloning him. (There's a facility outside Hamburg in 1921, actually. Feel
free to drop by. They give tours.) Can you go back in time and ask out that pretty girl? Yes, and when you
come back to the present, you might be married to her. However, make sure that you come back to exactly the
point where you left, or you'll find that the other you is married to her. And of course, even if you merge back
perfectly, you won't have the set of memories from the timeline.
You can travel backwards in time, but you better have a good reason and/or take excellent care of the local
causality, or there's a good chance that a very angry Guardian will show up, while you're there or when you
get back, explaining to you what she will do to you the next time you go to "show the kids some dinosaurs"
and accidentally step on a bug.
Fortunately for minor blunders, though, time is pretty stable. The Terminals appeared to have created much
of our current timeline as a kind of "causality trench," and screwing things up requires a lot of effort.
You can go forward in time, too, but that's the least stable of all, and for a very good reason: the moment you
travel forward in time, you disappear from the timeline, and the future where you emerge is one where you
ceased to exist. Since you're a genius, and you probably changed the world in some important, if small way,
you cannot travel to your own future, since you
won't have been there
And yes, if you kill your own grandmother before your father is born, you will cease to exist. The universe, it
turns out, doesn't care that much if your grandmother gets shot in the head and there's no shooter. You still
. Ditto if you bring your past self into the future. (If your past self is in the future, he can't become your
present self, now can he?) Ditto if you kill your past self, or your presence gets him killed.
Other than that, though, you won't suffer too many directly dangerous effects from journeying in the past:
your memories won't be overwritten, and you won't simply "pop" out of existence
there seems to be some
kind of system in place that makes it very unlikely for the beating of the chaos butterfly's wings to knock a
genius out of existence, unless you accidentally kill off the entire human race or something.
The Cost of Making Changes:
"The gods had given me almost everything. I had genius, a distinguished name, high social position, brilliancy,
intellectual daring; I made art a philosophy, and philosophy an art: I altered the minds of men and the colour of
things: there was nothing I said or did that did not make people wonder." -Oscar Wilde,
De Profundis
Whether it was the work of the Terminals in creating a "causality trench," as many temporal scholars say, or
whether time is just naturally inelastic and inertial, causing changes is exhausting. To cause a change, a genius
must "fuel" it with his own Inspiration.
Making most minor changes that affect a single person (rescuing your grandfather, fixing your friend up with
that pretty blond) costs one point of Willpower and ten points of Mania. If the subject to be manipulated is
metanormal in any way, it costs one point of Willpower, as well as ten points of Mania per dot of the relevant
Metanormal Advantage.
More significant changes, from "family line" up to "village" requires an expenditure of one
of Willpower,
and ten points of Mania. If anyone in the affected area is metanormal, this costs ten points of Mania per dot of
Metanormal Advantage of the creature with the highest Advantage, plus 20 points of Mania and a Willpower
"Village" or "off-world colony" is about as large an area as the Guardians of Forever will tolerate before they
go back and fix things (and possibly kick your ass). Sometimes exceptions are made if the area has no long-
term viability (if you want to transport a whole doomed planet into the past, the Guardians won't care if the
planet burns up in the supernova or disappears five minutes beforehand, as long as the survivors don't affect
the timeline as they live out their lives). If permitted, these larger changes, up to redirecting the timeline of a
whole world, cost one dot of Inspiration, one dot of Willpower, and 100 points of Mania.
Failure to pay this cost to the timeline in short order will result in the regular timeline reasserting itself:
"rescued" people get killed off, relationships that the genius built that weren't there to begin with fall apart,
and generally things slide back to the way they were.
Alternatively, sometimes Guardians will crawl all over a site because of minor changes that might "jump the
trench" and produce significant future deviations. What triggers a butterfly effect in the timeline is never
clear, but occasionally a seemingly minor change will result in a lot of pissed Guardians popping out of the
temporal stream to stop a genius' plan.
The Temporal Tithe:
Maintaining the timeline costs money, and this comes in the form of the tithe for any change. This temporal
tithe is distinct from the cost paid to make changes; the former arises naturally from the nature of time and
time travel; the latter is a tax leveled by one's fellow beings. Geniuses who make changes will be visited by
one or more Guardians shortly after their change, who expect payment in the form of Mania. This is usually
ten times the amount the genius had to expend to make the actual change. The Guardians of Forever are in no
rush to receive payment, but refusal to pay can result in the Guardians going back and changing things or just
killing the offending genius. Picking a fight with a Guardian of Forever is usually a bad idea: they're
frighteningly powerful, and if there's trouble, they travel in groups.
However, it's becoming increasingly clear that not all Guardians of Forever are honest, and not all who claim
that title are who they say they are. Temporal protection rackets, con jobs, and shakedowns have been
reported "recently" all over the timeline. The Guardians seem to be losing their grip on their owner members,
as well as the timeline as a whole.
Really Stupid Time Travel:
Messing about with yourself from a
previous time travel jaunt is
about the stupidest thing you can do without
a death ray and a bottle of tequila. Whatever quantum coherence you naturally maintain is enough to keep
you in existence while you're operating in the same time frame as a previous jaunt, but it doesn't feel good.
While in any past time frame you function much like a mane, and can go up in a puff of Havoc if not careful.
In ordinary past or future time frames, this isn't a danger. However, when in a previously visited past time
frame, the danger is there. Merely being in that time frame causes you to suffer from a severe Derangement as
your memories get overwritten and scrambled. You must make a Havoc check (using your Inspiration as a
dice pool) if you directly interact with your past echo in any way, or if your past echo sees or otherwise
clearly detects you.
This experience is worse than mere physical discomfort. Interacting with your previous time-traveling self is
a hideously traumatic experience, as memories and ghost-thoughts tumble through your head, trying to sort
themselves out. Even the maddest scientist knows not to interact with his previous time-traveling self, even if
interacting with his younger self is perfectly fine.
== Chapter Five: Storytelling and Antagonists ==
== Appendix One: Samples Wonders ==
T’sais said doubtfully: “Yet I have heard Earth is a place of beauty,
and I would know beauty, even though I die.”
“How will you know beauty when you see it?”
“All human beings know beauty... Am I not human?”
“Of course.”
-The Dying Earth
, Jack Vance
Though powerful geniuses often build unique, baffling, one-of-a-kind wonders, other common devices recur
again and again, either because a genius copies a useful design, or because certain ideas just make sense:
flying machines, "ray" weaponry, healing devices, and long-range communicators have been popular with the
Inspired for thousands of years, and versions of these wonders have been found that date back to the dawn of
The sample wonders below are just that: samples. It is possible to build more or less powerful versions of
these devices, and many geniuses do, gradually upgrading existing wonders as they grow in Inspiration and
technical proficiency.
All wonders assume an Inspiration equal to the wonder's rank, unless listed otherwise. Wonders of Automata
also assume that the genius doing the building possesses or has access to the requisite Skills that the wonder
Construction: Lower of Crafts and Science
Requires: Katastrofi
Bound Mania: 1
Size: 1 (minimum Strength 1)
Damage: 5 Bashing (microwave heat)
Range: Melee
Roll: Strength + Weaponry +5
Initial Cost: 1 Mania to turn on
Variables: Melee Weapon, Only Against Organics
This sadistic weapon causes tremendous agony while barely leaving any sign of its use. Some geniuses use it as
a humane alternative to disintegrating their enemies, though it is most commonly found in the hands of
sadistic mad scientists, who use it to keep their beholden and servitors in line.
All-Purpose Genetic Recombinizer
Construction: Medicine
Requires: Exelixi
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 2 (stored in a rucksack)
Cost per Use: 1 point of Mania per dot added, up to 3
Range: Touch
Roll: Intelligence + Medicine
Variables: Flexible Organic Upgrade
This scary-looking device can be injected into the neck of any poor fool who looks eager for a genetic
scrambling. A successful Intelligence + Medicine roll grants up to a +3 bonus to any Physical attributes, a three-
dot Merit, or any combination of Merits and Attribute boosts that total three dots. Attributes or Merits cannot
be made higher than the genius' maximum, based on Inspiration.
Antiphantom Field
Construction: Lower of Occult and Science
Requires: Prostasia
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 6 (resembles a huge lantern)
Armor: 8 vs. ghosts
Initial Cost: 4 Mania per scene to activate
Variables: Barrier (ghosts roll Power vs. 9 dice to push through at 5' diameter, vs. 8 dice at 10' diameter, vs. 7
dice at 20' diameter, etc.), Charge-up Time (3 turns), Expandable, Increased Mania Cost (+2), Limited
Protection (ghosts), Shielding Device
A regular mainstay among Karnackis
Inspired ghost-hunters
the antiphantom field is a bulky device that
usually requires two people to carry into place. However, once activated it creates a powerful hedge to ghostly
intrusion. A typical ghost will batter its corpus into a puddle flinging itself at the barrier, allowing the people
within to perform experiments or engage in techno-exorcism.
Automatic Overdrive
Construction: Crafts
Requires: Exelixi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 2 (tool box)
Cost per Use: 2 Mania
Range: Touch
Roll: Intelligence + Crafts +1
Variables: Focused Mechanical Upgrade (Speed only)
This wonder can be applied to any kind of vehicle. A successful roll increases the vehicle's Safe Speed (and
linked stats, including Maximum Speed and Acceleration) by 40% for the duration of a scene.
Burst Boots
Construction: Crafts
Requires: Skafoi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 2 (boots)
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Cost per Use: 2 Mania per six hours of travel
Safe Speed: 16 mph
Maximum Speed: 24 mph
Acceleration: 8 mph/turn
Handling: Dexterity + (lower of Athletics or Drive) +1
Variables: Handling +2/Speed -20%
These devices are smaller than a jet pack, allowing them to be stowed more easily, with only a slight loss in
speed and maneuverability. They can be used as normal (if bulky) boots, but when activated they can grant a
mad scientist the power of flight.
Cogitator Overmind
Construction: Lower of Academics and Computer
Requires: Automata
Bound Mania: 4
Max Mania: 8
Size: 6 (fills a small room)
Health: 8
Speed: 0
Initiative: 5
Defense: 0 (would be 2, but it can't move)
Obligation: 7 (Paragon)
Variables: Cannot Move, No Manipulators
Automation Points: 24
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 5, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Mental Skills: Academics 4, Computer 4, Medicine 3, Science 4
Social Skills: Empathy 3, Persuasion 3
Merits: Eidetic Memory, Encyclopedic Knowledge
The cogitator overmind is an example of a highly intelligent and independent artificial intelligence, capable of
problem-solving and analysis. An automaton of this level of sophistication is often used to assist a genius with
his work, as its programmed knowledge often exceeds the genius' own merely-human memory. Upgrades to a
cogitator can feature an Apokalypsi system: while the current model possesses senses matching those of a
regular person's, an integral communicator would allow the wonder to connect to the Internet, massively
increasing its potential store of knowledge.
Corvid Transformation Chamber
Construction: Lower of Medicine and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
, Skafoi
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 6 (phone booth-shaped)
Roll: Intelligence + Science +2
Range: None
Cost per Use: 1 (2 for Size 2, 2 for racial flying speed of 15, 1 for +1 Dexterity, -2 for "no fine manipulators," -1
for "only one manipulator"; everything halved for the wonder being a transformation booth)
Variable: Specific Transformation (turns flesh into a crow and back again, +2), Transformation Booth
This cramped chamber turns any living creature into a crow, or at least a creature that's similar enough to fool
casual inspection. This corvid can then be sent on espionage missions: since many cities and wooded areas are
full of crows, they are surreptitious almost everywhere.
Disguise Kit
Construction: Lower of Medicine and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 1
Size: 1 (small bag)
Roll: Intelligence + Science
Range: Touch
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per 5 points of Size or fraction thereof
Variables: Specific Transformation (disguise only)
This simple wonder allows a genius to disguise himself. It can also be used to add significant cosmetic
modifications for novelty's sake or to confuse enemies. If the genius is trying to resemble a specific person, a
success means the subject gains one automatic success on any disguise attempts for the duration of the scene.
Doom Cannon
Construction: Lowest of Computer, Crafts, and Science
Requires: Katastrofi
Bound Mania: 5
Size: 30 (immobile)
Explosive Force: 6 Aggravated (8-again) (lightning/plasma)
Blast Area: 1,000 yards (¼ mile), Secondary Blast Area 2,000 yards (½ mile)
Range: Short range 500 miles, medium range 1,000 miles, long range anywhere on Earth
Roll: Intelligence + Firearms
Initial Cost: 4 Mania to charge up
Variables: Charge-up Time (20 minutes), Reduced Range (as heavy artillery), Explosive Weapon (free with
Katastrofi 5), Orbital Gun (+40 automatic damage to target, penalty to target anything below Size 30), Variable
This weapon demonstrates the upper bounds of destructive power a genius can muster if sufficiently
motivated. This weapon takes some time to charge up, but its attack is devastating, able to wipe away most
enemies or level a building. Anything within a quarter-mile typically eats enough Aggravated damage to result
in immediate death. Used as an orbital gun, it can take shots at Navy destroyers or other large targets.
This weapon is the sort of silly thing that a mad scientist might use to threaten a whole city with destruction.
Building this sort of wonder usually draws furious vigilantes, determined strike squads, and pissed-off time-
travelers who don't want their favorite vacation spot disintegrated.
Presumably a bomb (a one-use wonder) could cause even more devastation, over an even wider area, drawing
even more ire from the Inspired community.
Earth-Mars Courier Craft
Construction: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the cannons: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the scanner:
Computer. For the communicator: Computer.
Requires: Skafoi
, Apokalypsi
, Exelixi
, Katastrofi
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 14
Size: 50
Durability: 5 (30 with shields up)
Structure: 55 (80 with shields up; after 30 points of "bonus" Structure damage, the shields drop)
Initial Cost: 3 Mania to activate
Cost per Use: 3 Mania per six hours of operation; after which 4 Mania per week of operation
Safe Speed: 18,000 mph
Maximum Speed: 27,000 mph
Acceleration: 9,000 mph/turn
Interplanetary Speed: 3 AU/week
Stall Speed: 120 mph
Handling: Dexterity + Drive +1
Variables: Handling -2/Speed +20%
Twin Integral Laser Cannons:
Katastrofi 3. Size 6 each. Damage 8 Lethal (9-again). Roll Intelligence +
Firearms + 7 (9-again). Range 3 miles/6 miles/12 miles. Costs 3 Mania each to activate. Artillery.
Integral Long-Range Scanners:
Apokalypsi 2. Size 6. Range 1,000 miles (1 million miles in space). Roll
Wits + Computer +3. Onboard Storage.
Integral Medium-Range Communicator:
Apokalypsi 1. Size 3. Range 1 mile (1,000 miles in space). Roll
Wits + Computer +1.
Integral Energy Shield: Prostasia 1. Size 5. Durability x6. Costs 1 Mania. Shielding device.
Integral Life Support: Exelixi 1. Size 6. 1 Mania sustains up to 10 people for one day.
This is a basic "merchant vessel" that might be used either by human geniuses or Martian Technikers in an
Earth-Mars run. It possesses enough firepower to scare off pirates or deal with ground-based enemies, but its
guns lack the firepower to punch through heavy armor plating. Scanners and communicators are only of
middling quality in order to make room for additional storage space.
Ectoplasmic Locater
Construction: Lower of Computer and Occult
Requires: Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 1 (blinking screen)
Range: 1 mile
Detects: Ghosts, spirits, and gateways to their realms
Roll: Wits + Computer +1
Cost: None
Variables: Narrow Focus (phantom phenomena), Onboard Storage
This is a fairly standard "Karnacki sweeper," built to detect various kinds of incorporeal alien interlopers:
ghosts, "spirits," spectral minds, and other ethereal phenomena. It possesses recording and playback
capabilities, a USB hub, and a tolerably user-friendly interface for analyzing data.
Electrochemical Zombie
Construction: Lower of Medicine and Occult
Requires: Automata
Bound Mania: 2
Max Mania: 4
Size: 5
Health: 6
Speed: 7
Initiative: 1
Defense: 0
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
A fairly typical "goon" automaton, these electrochemical zombies can serve as massed shock troops. Geniuses
who specialize in their production (or in the production of similar automata) often take the Assembly Line
Merit in order to build up slavering zombie hordes to hurl at their enemies.
Electroscanner Goggles
Construction: Computer
Requires: Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 1 (goggles)
Range: 10 feet
Roll: Wits + Computer -1
Cost: None
Variables: Goggles
These goggles provide a heads-up view of all sorts of strange phenomena that might interest a genius. Typical
models feature a simple set of button-controls on the side, allowing the genius to focus on and scan particular
targets. Due to their small Size, their range is limited. Many electroscanner goggles employ the "narrow focus"
variable to provide data on a specific type of phenomena.
Energy Sword
Construction: Lower of Crafts and Science for Katastrofi, Science for Prostasia
Requires: Katastrofi
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 3 when deployed; 1 when not deployed (minimum Strength 3) (Prostasia is Size 0)
Damage: 5 Lethal (9-again) (fire)
Range: Melee
Roll: Strength + Weaponry + 5
Armor: Number of successes +3 on a Dexterity + Weaponry roll when taking an action to defend; otherwise no
Variables (Katastrofi): Collapsible, Melee Weapon (no Mania cost)
Variables (Prostasia): Integral, Shielding Device, Targeted Deflection
Initial Cost: 1 Mania to activate to bring to full Size. 1 Mania to activate for shielding.
This is actually two wonders in one. The first part contains a Katastrofi weapon that causes damage to anyone
struck with the glowing blade (Size 3, reduced to Size 1 when shrunk). The second part contains a "targeted
deflection" Prostasia shield that grants a protective bonus when used actively to defend the wielder (Size 0).
Functionally, the object is one unit: a small handle when shrunk, which springs into the form of a five-foot
blade of shimmering energy when activated. Activating the wonder is not too expensive, and it causes
impressive damage if the genius can get close, and a skilled user can switch between attack and defense as the
need arises. Upgrades to this weapon can cause Aggravated damage or add the "reflection" variable to its
shielding element.
Fear Wave
Construction: Academics
Requires: Epikrato
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 2 (handheld orb)
Range: 30 feet
Initial Cost: 3 Mania
Roll: Manipulation + Academics +1 vs. Composure + Metanormal Trait
Variables: One-Purpose Manipulator (fear only)
A successful attack with the fear wave subjects the victim to a bout of near-hysterical fear, almost certainly
causing him to flee a conflict. Geniuses use devices like this to clear out enemies that they don't necessarily
want to kill.
Feline Biomatrix Serum
Construction: Lower of Medicine and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
, Katastrofi
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 1 (syringe)
Range: Touch
Roll: Intelligence + Medicine -2
Cost per Use: 5 (1 for +1 dot in Strength, 2 for +2 dots in Dexterity, 1 for two-dot Fast Reflexes Merit, 2 for
claws, 1 for night vision, reduced Mania -2)
Variables: Limited Uses (4), Reduced Mania Cost (-2)
This wonder transforms the subject into a cat-like beast, hulking but nimble, with long, curved claws (2 Lethal)
and glittering cat-like eyes. The result is enhanced Physical Attributes and the ability to tear apart enemies.
This sort of wonder is often used on a genius' beholden before a fight begins, granting them superior combat
Hallucination Engine
Construction: Science
Requires: Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 2 (stored in a small briefcase)
Range: 20 feet
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per 5 Size points
Roll: Wits + Expression vs. Wits + Composure
A genius can unload this wonder just about anywhere and cause havoc with the fully real three-dimensional
illusions it generates. An onboard computer brain allows this wonder to function somewhat independently
once activated, with convincing illusions that react to stimuli in a simple manner. The illusions cannot, for
example, engage in
ad hoc
conversation, but they respond to events around them in a manner that resembles
intelligence. If controlled actively, the hallucination engine can attack people, draining Willpower due to the
sheer terror generated by the illusions.
Instant Air Bubble
Construction: Science
Requires: Exelixi
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 4 (2 for Exelixi, 2 for Prostasia)
Cost per Use: 3 for Prostasia shield. For life support, every point of Mania provides air for one person for one
Variables of Prostasia: Expandable, Integral, Shielding Device
Armor: 4 for one person, 3 out to 5', 2 out to 10', 1 out to 20'
This cylinder provides a sphere of clean, fresh air in a 20' sphere around its location. Not built for combat, it is
instead deployed when mad scientists are underwater or in a hostile atmosphere and, for whatever reason,
cannot use environmental suits.
Internal Cellular Repair Gland
Construction: Medicine
Requires: Exelixi
Bound Mania: 1
Size: 0 (internal)
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per level of Lethal damage or two levels of Bashing damage healed
Range: Self
Roll: Dexterity + Medicine -1
Variables: Internalized, Self Only
This gland is positioned just below the heart and allows the genius to heal herself with a moment's
concentration and internal somatic manipulations. It can only affect the genius, allowing for a quick patch-up
in the midst of battle. The wonder heals heals one point of Lethal damage or two points of Bashing damage per
success on the Dexterity + Medicine roll.
A common modification removes the "Self Only" limitation, allowing the genius to secrete healing fluid from
the pores of his fingers. This change increases the check penalty to -2.
Invisibility Cape, Version 1
Construction: Academics
Requires: Epikrato
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 4 (cape)
Initial Cost: 3 Mania
Roll: Manipulation + Academics vs. Wits + Composure
Variables: Many Minds (40' diameter), No Range, One-Purpose Manipulator (Invisibility Only)
Anyone wearing this bulky cape triggers a powerful "you don't notice me" reaction in anyone within forty feet.
Though the effect is not perfect
unusually strong-willed people may still notice the wearer
it is usually
enough to get around regular guards, especially when coupled with a bit of regular Stealth.
Invisibility Cape, Version 2
Construction: Lowest of Crafts, Medicine, and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 5
Size: 4 (cape)
Cost per Use: 1 Mania/5 points of Size
Range: Touch
Roll: Intelligence + Science +3
Variables: Attached Transformation, Specific Transformation (invisibility only)
This device works on entirely different principles from the first version of the invisibility cape, and while it
requires considerably more talent to create, it is also much more effective, granting the wearer true
invisibility: the wearer cannot be detected by any sort of vision.
Kepler-class Aetheric Gunboat
Construction: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the cannons: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the scanner:
Computer. For the communicator: Computer.
Requires: Skafoi
, Apokalypsi
, Exelixi
, Katastrofi
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 20
Size: 20
Durability: 24
Structure: 44
Initial Cost: 3 Mania to activate
Cost Per Use: 3 Mania per six hours of operation, then 3 Mania per week of operation
Safe Speed: 25,000 mph
Maximum Speed: 37,500 mph
Acceleration: 12,500 mph
Interplanetary Speed: 5 AU/week
Handling: Dexterity + Drive +5
Variables: None
Integral Twin Devastator Cannons:
Katastrofi 5. Size 5 each. Damage 7 Aggravated (8-again). Roll
Intelligence + Firearms +7 (8-again). Range 5 mile/10 miles/20 miles. Costs 1 Mania to charge up.
Artillery, Railgun (+20 automatic successes, -1 per point of Size difference below 15.)
Integral Medium-Range Scanners:
Apokalypsi 2. Size 3. Range 1 mile (1,000 miles in space. Roll Wits +
Computer +1.
Integral Medium-Range Communicator:
Apokalypsi 1. Size 3. Range 1 mile (1,000 miles in space. Roll
Wits + Computer +1.
Integral Nullification Armor:
Prostasia 3. Size 2. Durability x6.
Integral Life Support: Exelixi 1. Size 2. 1 Mania sustains a person for one day.
This potent warship is designed to travel interstellar space and destroy enemy vessels, especially vulnerable
cargo ships. The craft's whole front end is covered in cannons designed to rip through an unprotected ship's
hull: non-Prostasia Durability provides no protection against the devastator cannons' Aggravated-damage
attacks. Aetheric gunboats usually feature a crew of three: a pilot, a gunner who handles the cannons, and an
engineer to make repairs and navigate.
Future Car
Construction: Crafts. For the Armor: Crafts. For the Commlink: Computer. For the Processor: Computer
Requires: Skafoi
, Automata
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 10
Durability: 12
Structure: 19
Initial Cost: 1 Mania
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per six full hours of travel
Safe Speed: 75 mph
Maximum Speed: 113 mph
Acceleration: 38 mph
Handling: Dexterity + Drive +1
Integral Radio Comm:
Apokalypsi 1. Size 1 Range 1 mile. Roll Wits + Computer +1. Audio only.
Integral Prostasia Armor:
Prostasia 1. Size 1, Durability x4.
Integral Automata Processor:
Automata 1. Size 1. Cost 2 Mania/use. Max stored Mania 2. Rolls a
number of dice to drive equal to the genius' Drive Skill +1.
A useful wonder for a genius on the go, this car has a good supply of integral equipment, some protective
armor, and solid handling. It makes a good starter package for a new genius and can be upgraded with new
integral equipment or superior speed and handling. Most geniuses prefer to build these wonders at Inspiration
2 (at which point their performance is immediately superior to almost anything on the road), but the jalopy
above is a bare-minimum version.
The one dot in Automata allows the car to come when called vocally by the genius.
Knockout Gas Gun
Construction: Lower of Academics and Crafts
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 2 (heavy pistol; minimum Strength 3)
Explosive Force: 2
Blast Area: 10 feet, Secondary Blast Area 20 feet
Range: 20/40/80
Roll: Dexterity + Firearms
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Variables: Explosive Weapon (10' diameter), Continuing Damage, Increased Mania Cost (+1), Lingering Area
Damage (turns), Slow Reload (1 turn)
This bulky weapon fires gas pellets that can knock people out. The combination of continuing damage and
lingering area damage can bring down even tough foes in time.
Lightning Gun
Construction: Lower of Crafts and Science
Requires: Katastrofi
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 3 (rifle; minimum Strength 2)
Damage: 4 Lethal (9-again) (electricity)
Range: 300/600/900
Roll: Dexterity + Firearms +4
Variables: Variable Damage
Initial Cost: 3 Mania. Damage can be tuned down, overcharged, or can be converted to Bashing damage.
Initial Cost: 3
Cost per Use: If desired, additional Mania can be spent to increase damage: 1 Mania for 5 damage, 2 Mania for 6
damage, and 3 Mania for 7 damage, per shot.
A "lightning gun" is a type of ray gun that causes electrical damage to anyone targeted by it. This model
features a damage-variance switching, allowing the weapon to be "set to stun" and to be overclocked to cause
additional damage. This is a handheld model, about the Size (and usually the shape) of a bullpup rifle. Other
models might be pistol-Sized (Size 1, same damage but no variable damage possible) or backpack rigs (Size 4,
5 Lethal damage).
Love Potion
Construction: Academics
Requires: Epikrato
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 1 (small vial)
Range: Personal
Cost: 3 Mania
Roll: Manipulation + Academics +1 vs. Composure + Metanormal Advantage
Variables: In Pill Form, One-Purpose Manipulator (love only)
This handy if rather unethical device causes the subject to experience feelings of love toward the first person
he sees after drinking the concoction. The effect lasts for the duration of the scene, and can trigger anything
from an Obligation-8 to an Obligation-2 transgression, depending on what the genius and the victim do in that
Mechanical Wings
Construction: Crafts
Requires: Skafoi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 5 (large folded wings)
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Cost per Use: 2 Mania per six hours of travel
Safe Speed: 20 mph
Maximum Speed: 30 mph
Acceleration: 10 mph/turn
Variables: Hovering
Handling: Dexterity + (lower of Athletics and Drive)
These enormous wings stretch twenty feet across when fully unfurled. An ancient design, mechanical wings
are often made of brass, ivory, or bamboo, and sometimes feature real or synthetic feathers. The genius uses
his body to turn and maneuver.
Modifications to mechanical wings might make them entirely organic, requiring Medicine. Wings such as this
are often grafted to beholden.
Mole Machine
Construction: Crafts. For the bore: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the armor: Crafts. For the communicator:
Computer. For the life support: Medicine.
Requires: Skafoi
, Apokalypsi
, Exelixi
, Katastrofi
, Prostasia
Bound Mania: 8
Size: 16
Durability: 16
Structure: 32
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Cost per Use: 2 Mania per six hours of travel
Safe Speed: 15 yards per turn
Cruising Speed: 1500 (1,027 mph)
Handling: Dexterity + Drive + 3
Integral Earthshredder Bore:
Katastrofi 3. Size 4 (drill). Damage 6 Aggravated. Roll Dexterity +
Weaponry +6. Costs 3 Mania. Armor-Piercing 3. Melee. Railgun (+20 automatic successes, -1 per point
of Size difference below 15.)
Integral Armor Reinforcement:
Prostasia 1. Durability x4.
Integral Long-range Communicator:
Apokalypsi 1. Size 4. Range 1,000 miles. Charge-up time 3 turns.
Integral Life Support.
Exelixi 1. Size 1. One point of Mania sustains one person for 12 hours.
This is a fairly typical mole-machine with a useful set of equipment for exploring the Hollow Earth and places
beneath the soil. Mole machines like this have a somewhat shadowy reputation. This design, with few
variations, is used by Hollow Earth Nazis for conducting surface raids as well as certain Inspired bank robbers
for attacking banks and other institutions from below the ground.
Construction: Lower of Crafts or Science
Requires: Epikrato
, Exelixi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 1 (Epikrato 0, Exelixi 1; a single tool resembling a large screwdriver)
Initial Cost: 1 (Epikrato)
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per 5 Structure points restored (Exelixi) or 1 Mania (Epikrato)
Range: 10 feet (Epikrato only)
Variables of Epikrato: Integral
Roll: +1 to any mundane repair check; or Dexterity + Crafts -2 for Exelixi repairs; or Intelligence + Science for
This wonder is actually two wonders (requiring two points of bound Mania) in one package: a basic repair tool
and a "mechanical manipulator" based on Epikrato. A handy all-purpose device popular among many geniuses,
the multi-tool allows for hasty repairs as well as short-range manipulation. (Note that the genius cannot
perform repairs at range with this device; the level of Epikrato is sufficient only for basic manipulation of an
object). The wonder's small Size means that it is not tremendously precise.
Night on the Town Serum
Construction: Medicine (Exelixi), lower of Medicine and Science (Metaptropi)
Requires: Exelixi
, Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 0 (Internalized)
Roll: Intelligence + Medicine for disguise; Merit boost is automatic
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per 5 points of Size for disguise, 2 Mania for Merit boost
Shared Variables: Internalized, Self Only
Metaptropi Variables: Specific Transformation
This internalized gland is a combination wonder allows a genius to change her appearance, generally making
herself more attractive and assertive in the process, to make her more appealing to potential mates. The genius
gains two dots in the Striking Looks Merit, but other than that can appear however she desires, gaining three
automatic Successes to any disguise check.
More advanced versions of this modification might add dots in Composure or Presence, or replace or
supplement Exelixi with Epikrato, allowing for direct control of a person's emotional state.
Petrification Beam
Construction: Lowest of Crafts, Medicine, and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 2 (heavy pistol; minimum Strength 3)
Range: 20/40/80
Roll: Wits + Katastrofi +1, then Intelligence + Science +5 – target's Stamina + Metanormal Trait
Cost per Use: 1 Mania to activate for a scene, then 1 Mania per 5 points of Size or fraction thereof
Variables: Metaptropi Ray, Specific Transformation (flesh to stone)
This wonder is designed to turn an enemy to stone, petrifying the target. If at least one success is rolled, the
subject is turned to stone for the duration of the scene. An Exceptional Success can result in permanent
Portable Flame Screen
Construction: Science
Requires: Prostasia
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 4 (backpack)
Armor: 12 Health Levels of ablative armor vs. fire over a five-foot diameter
Initial Cost: 1 Mania per Health Level of ablative armor activated or restored
Variables: Expandable, Limited Protection (fire), Shielding Device
A useful device for geniuses who expect to be on fire at some time in their careers (hint: that's likely), the flame
screen creates a variable-diameter buffer around the genius that hedges out heat and flames. While continual
exposure to fire will eventually chew through the ablative force field, a genius with a steady supply of Mania
can remain safe in all but the worst blazes for several turns. Once fed with Mania (every point of Mania adds
one Health level), the portable flame screen loses protective Health level at a rate of one per day.
Powered Battle-Suit with Integral Energy Cannon and HUD Visor
Construction: Crafts. For the cannon: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the visor: Computer.
Requires: Prostasia
, Katastrofi
, Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 6
Size: 5 (heavy suit of armor)
Armor: 5
Cost: None
Variable: Heavy Armor (-2 to Speed, -1 to Defense, minimum Strength 2)
Integral Energy Cannon:
Katastrofi 2. Size 1. Damage 5 Lethal (energy). Roll Dexterity + Firearms +5.
Range 20/40/80. 2 Mania to charge up.
Integral HUD Visor:
Apokalypsi 2. Size 1. Range 100 feet. Goggles. Roll Wits + Computer.
This is a fairly typical "starter" battle suit for geniuses who have learned the basics of the relevant Axioms. It
includes a wrist-mounted blaster and a helmet visor with benefits such as low-light vision. Its solid design also
provides enough armor to deflect small arms fire, though it requires some Strength to move around
Powered Battle Suit with Integral Exoskeletal Rig and Jet Pack
Construction: Crafts. For the cannon: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the visor: Computer. For the jet pack:
Requires: Prostasia
, Katastrofi
, Apokalypsi
, Exelixi
, Skafoi
Bound Mania: 14
Size: 5 (heavy suit of armor)
Armor: 7
Variables: Heavy Armor (-2 to Speed, -1 to Defense, minimum Strength 4)
Cost: None
Integral Plasma Cannon:
Katastrofi 3. Size 1. Damage 4 Lethal (9-again). Roll Dexterity + Firearms +4.
Range 40/80/160. Autofire. Costs 3 Mania to charge up.
Integral HUD Visor:
Apokalypsi 2. Size 1. Range 100 feet. Roll Wits + Computer.
Integral Exoskeletal Reinforcement:
Exelixi 2. Grants +2 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, and +1 to Stamina
(maximum score based on genius' Inspiration). 4 Mania/scene.
Integral Jet Pack:
Skafoi 3. Size 5. Safe Speed 2,000 mph, Maximum Speed 3,000 mph, Acceleration
1,000 mph/turn. Handling Dexterity + (lower of Athletics and Drive) +2. Hovering. 3 Mania to activate.
3 Mania/six hours of operation.
This kind of combat suit is the sort of thing that powerful Inspired with a lot of money and drive end up
producing after years of experimentation. Able to fly and equipped with an incinerating cannon that can
reduce enemies to slag, this suit is heavy enough that many people need to activate the integral Strength boost
in order to move around easily.
Rather Tedious But Polite Robot Butler
Construction: Lower of Computer and Crafts
Requires: Automata
Bound Mania: 3
Max Mania: 6
Size: 5
Health: 7
Speed: 7
Initiative: 5
Defense: 2
Automation Points: 9
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 1
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 3
Physical Skills: Drive 3
Social Skills: Socialize 3
Some variation on this model is
de rigeur
for Inspired looking to entertain their fellows. Generally humanoid in
appearance, robot butlers can be used for social events when called upon or for manual tasks. They are fairly
clever, making them useful around the lab ("zombies" tend to make stupid mistakes that can prove fatal during
an experiment), and they can speak a few hundred words, allowing them to entertain guests and offer amusing
anecdotes during social calls. Robot butlers are not clever or innovative, but they have good memories and can
usually remember to deliver a message. More intelligent versions (Automata 4) are loaded up with superior
social Skills and proficiency with several million forms of communication.
Shrink Ray
Construction: Lowest of Crafts, Medicine, and Science
Requires: Metaptropi
Bound Mania: 3
Size: 1 (pistol; minimum Strength 1)
Range: 30/60/120
Cost per Use: 1 Mania to activate, then 1 Mania per 2 Size points shrunk (maximum 3 Size points shrunk)
Roll: Wits + Firearms, then Intelligence + Science +5 - Stamina + Metanormal Advantage
Variables: Metaptropi Ray, Specific Transformation (shrinking only)
This wonder, if it hits, can shrink a target to any degree desired. Shrink rays are more than just popular novelty
items: they can be used to eliminate a threat without having to kill anyone. Since it looks like a gun (with
Metaptropi, it can literally look exactly like a Colt .45 or something similar at no additional cost), just pointing
it at someone can stop a fight. It can also be turned on one's allies, shrinking them for use in espionage. The
shrink ray's effects normally last for one scene.
Storm Generator
Construction: Science
Requires: Epikrato
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 6 (back of a Winnebago)
Range: 1 mile away from wonder per point of Mania
Roll: Intelligence + Science +4
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per step of wind or precipitation; 1 Mania per additional ¼-mile of diameter
Variables: Storm Machine (+2)
This destructive machine can spread chaos over a city, demonstrating a mad scientist's power. For that reason,
most wonders like this are closely watched by the Peerage, which does not smile upon Maniacal lightning
Subdermal Communicator
Construction: Lower of Computer and Medicine
Requires: Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 1
Size: 0 (Internalized)
Range: 10 feet (cellular plan)
Roll: Intelligence + Computer -1
Cost: None
Variables: Internalized, One-Medium Communicator (audio only)
A useful wonder for the surreptitious genius, this hidden communicator is implanted surgically below the ear.
The communicator remains hidden even during active communications, allowing a genius to send messages
without being noticed. The tiny wonder usually employs a cell phone plan, since otherwise its range is very
Construction: Crafts
Requires: Skafoi
Bound Mania: 1
Size: 2 (handheld grapple-gun)
Initial Cost: 1 Mania to activate
Cost per Use: 1 Mania per 6 hours of use
Range: 20 feet horizontally and 10 feet vertically
Roll: Dexterity + Athletics
Variables: Bouncing, Clinging, Increased Bouncing Range
Whether it uses a diamondoid tip or sticky glue launched from a central reservoir, the super-grappler is
designed to move a genius around quickly, and is best used to make escapes or to suddenly change one's
elevation. Many geniuses build a matched pair, allowing them to brachiate around a vertical environment,
alternately shooting and sticking. (A clinging, hopping wonder cannot hop while clinging, meaning that using
just one results in a fall.) This wonder's range is increased by requiring a check to aim and fire the device.
Telekinetic Gauntlet
Construction: Science
Requires: Epikrato
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 1 (fits over one hand)
Range: 20 feet
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Roll: Normally. Can move Size 0 objects at 4 yards/turn, Size 1 objects at 2 yards/turn, and Size 2-3 objects at 1
yard/turn. In contested actions, Intelligence + Science + 1 vs. Strength + Dexterity.
Variables: Charge-up time (3 turns), Fragile
This mechanical glove fits over the user's hand and allows him to engage in almost any kind of telekinetic
manipulation. These basic versions are delicate and not particularly powerful, but they fit right over a single
Teleportation Gate
Construction: Science
Requires: Skafoi
Bound Mania: 4
Size: 15 (fills up a room)
Cost per Roll: 1 Mania per 5 points of Size
Roll: Intelligence + Science +4; number of successes depends on distance unless teleporting to another
Variables: Transporter
Teleportation gates allow a genius to get around the world easily. Keeping one at home also allows for easy
escape when things go wrong.
Throne of the Dark Lord
Construction: Computer
Requires: Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 5
Size: 12
Cost: None
Range: Anywhere on Earth
Roll: Wits + Computer +3
This enormous throne contains scanning equipment that can detect any conceivable sort of phenomena, at
instantaneous rates of speed, through any kind of material. It is used by masterminds and paranoids to keep an
eye on nearly anything that occurs.
UV "Sungun" Lamp
Construction: Lowest of Crafts, Occult, and Science
Requires: Katastrofi
Bound Mania: 2
Size: 4 (backpack rig; minimum Strength 3)
Damage: 4 Lethal (sunlight; only damages vampires, so 4 Aggravated vs. vampires)
Blinding: 3 dice are rolled to blind enemies; roll vs. Stamina + Metanormal Advantage. This can affect mortals,
too, and is treated as a "Lethal" attack for determining healing time
Range: 20/40/60
Roll: Dexterity + Firearms +4
Initial Cost: 2 Mania
Variables: Reduced Range, Only Against Specific Material; in this case, the weapon will only damage vampires
and other creatures vulnerable to sunlight
Many geniuses extend their Obligation to humanity to protecting it from the predation of "aliens" and
"mutants." To deal with a hemophage infestation, geniuses break out a weapon like this. It resembles a two-
handed flashlight with twin batteries mounted on the shoulders, and though it's nearly harmless to humans
(though there is an off-chance of blinding or dazzling one), it is fatal to blood-suckers, able to turn them to
cinders after a few sweeps. These weapons are favored over flame-throwers, another popular way of removing
a hemophage nest, since they are less likely to damage the surrounding environment.
Handheld versions are also common. These are Size 1. They cause 2 damage, but still roll 3 dice to blind.
Vat-Grown Hunter
Construction: Medicine. For Claws: Medicine. For Wings: Medicine. For Armor: Medicine.
), Katastrofi
, Prostasia
, Skafoi
Bound Mania: 8
Max Mania: 6
Size: 3
Health: 6
Speed: 8
Initiative: 3
Defense: 2
Armor: 4
Automation Points: 11
Variables: Biological, Decentralized Anatomy, Limited Battery Life (rest 16 hours/day), Low-Light Vision
Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 1
Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 1
Skills: Brawl 3, Athletics 3, Stealth 3
Integral Claws:
Katastrofi 2. Size 3 (two claws). Damage 7 Lethal (melee). Roll 13 dice. 2 Mania to
sprout claws.
Integral Membrane-Wings:
Skafoi 2. Size 3. Safe Speed 30 mph, Max Speed 45 mph, Acceleration 15
mph/turn. Handling +0. Roll 5 dice. Hovering. Reduced Mania Cost (-2; no Mania cost to operate).
Integral Scale Armor:
Prostasia 1. Armor 4.
This is the sort of monster that a genius might keep on a leash in case he makes enemies: it can be ordered to
seek out and kill enemies, and it does that very well, though it must rest frequently. These creatures are
normally built for function over form, and display a hideous combination of organic components from the
scattered corners of the animal world: fangs, claws, wings of different sorts of creatures, and a compact,
chitinous body that can deflect blows or absorb gunfire. Vat-grown hunters rarely speak, but they possess a
cruel, malevolent intelligence and are usually eager to do their master's bidding in exchange for Mania and
fresh meat. At this level of ability, they are best sent out in swarming packs; more powerful ones are effective
as solitary slayers.
Walking Eye
Construction: Lower of Computer and Crafts. For the Cannon: Lower of Crafts and Science. For the Scanner:
Computer. For the Armor: Crafts.
Requires: Automata
, Katastrofi
, Prostasia
, Apokalypsi
Bound Mania: 8
Max Mania: 6
Size: 5
Structure: 9
Speed: 9
Initiative: 5
Armor: 5
Defense: 2
Variables: No Fine Manipulators
Automation Points: 11
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 1
Social Attributes: Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 1
Physical Skills: Firearms 3, Brawl 3
Integral Pulse Cannon:
Katastrofi 2. Size 3. Damage 6 Lethal. Roll 13 dice. Range 300/600/1200. Costs
2 Mania to charge up.
Integral Scanner Unit:
Apokalypsi 2. Size 1. Range 100 feet. Roll Wits + Computer.
Integral Deflector Shield:
Prostasia 1. Armor 5. Costs 1 Mania. Shielding Device.
A standard combat support unit capable of assault, reconnaissance, and patrol, the walking eye resembles a big
sphere on top of many spindly legs. It has excellent senses, though it is sometimes too stupid to make the most
use out of them, and the cannon stored just beneath its central eye is deadly accurate.
Wonder Forge
Construction: Lowest of Computer, Crafts, and Science
Requires: Automata
Size: 10
Cost per Use: 4 Mania per rank of the wonder at a rate of one Size point per hour (5 Mania/minute, 6
Variables: Dynamic Factory (anything)
This incredible device can create any wonder that can be built with only the Computer, Crafts, and Science
Skills. (The wonder forge is literally a forge; a "wonder-womb" might include Medicine or other Skills.) It
requires schematics to build from in order to create a wonder. The forge can build wonders of up to Size 10. It
requires appropriate raw materials, though these can be stored outside the wonder itself. The wonder forge
can also create all sorts of mundane items, though without Medicine, it cannot create living t
== Appendix Two: The Fellowships ==
== Appendix Three: The Seattle of Tomorrow ==
== Epilogue: The Answer to Everything ==

Latest revision as of 06:37, 1 April 2016