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Acrobatics Expert d8
Acrobatics Expert d8
Criminal Master d10
Criminal Master d10
Combat Expert d8
Combat Expert d8
Covert Expert d8
Covert Expert d8
Technology Expert d8
Technology Expert d8
Milestone: Reformed Criminal
1XP - Reference your criminal past
3XP - Break the law in the pursuit of heroic goals
10XP - Your former life becomes exposed and you are punished or absolved
Milestone: Mind Games Survivor
1XP - Refuse to do what someone tells you
3XP - Overreact violently to being manipulated or lied to
10XP - Let someone get close, or shut them out completely

Revision as of 12:53, 6 May 2015



Peter Petrovich AKA Apex

Superhuman Strength d10 Superhuman Durability d10 Big Teeth d10 Enhanced Stamina d8 Enhanced Senses d8

SFX: Rampage: Step up or double any RAGING THEROPOD power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the Doom Pool equal to the normal rating of the power die.

SFX: Multipower: Use two or more RAGING THEROPOD powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.

Limit: Giant Dinosaur: Earn 1 PP when affected by dinosaur-specific complications or limitations.

Limit: Conscious Activation. If Stressed Out by mental or physical stress, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown RAGING THEROPOD. Recover RAGING THEROPOD when stress is recovered or you awake.


Autofire Blaster Cannons d8 Rocket Pods d8

SFX: Area Attack: Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add a d6 and keep +1 effect die.

SFX: Unload: Add Autofire Blaster Cannons and Rocket Pods to your next roll, then shutdown WEAPONS PLATFORM. Take an action vs. the Doom Pool to recover WEAPONS PLATFORM.

Limit: Overload: Shutdown highest-rated power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Limit: Conscious Activation. If Stressed Out by mental or physical stress, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown WEAPONS PLATFORM. Recover WEAPONS PLATFORM when stress is recovered or you awake.

Combat Expert d8 Menace Expert d8 Science Master d10 Tech Master d10


Solo d8, Buddy d10, Team d6

Distinctions: Former Criminal, Not Just A Pretty Face, Deafened Tinkerer

SALVAGED GEAR Sonic Blasters d10 Powered Gauntlets d8 Jump Boots d10 Radar Sense Headgear d8 Enhanced Durability d8

SFX: Danger Sense (spend 1PP to add/step up Radar Sense and reroll all dice on a reaction)

SFX: Multipower (use multiple Salvaged Gear powers in a pool at one step down per additional power)

SFX: Burnout (double or step up Sonic Blaster for one action, or spend 1PP to do both; if the action fails, shutdown Sonic Blaster, recover with opportunity or transition)

SFX: Collateral Damage (add d6 to the doom pool to create a Salvaged Gear stunt)

Limit: Gear (shutdown a Salvaged Gear power and take 1PP; recover with action against the doom pool)

Limit: Vulnerabilty (step up stress inflicted by sonic attacks to earn 1PP)

Limit: Deaf (earn 1PP whenever hearing difficulties cause a complication)

Acrobatics Expert d8

Criminal Master d10

Combat Expert d8

Covert Expert d8

Technology Expert d8

Milestone: Reformed Criminal

1XP - Reference your criminal past

3XP - Break the law in the pursuit of heroic goals

10XP - Your former life becomes exposed and you are punished or absolved

Milestone: Mind Games Survivor

1XP - Refuse to do what someone tells you

3XP - Overreact violently to being manipulated or lied to

10XP - Let someone get close, or shut them out completely


Distinctions: Fanatical Transhumanist, I’ll Show Them All!, Wrong Side of the Law


Gravimetric Blast: d12 Superhuman Durability: d10 Supersonic Flight: d10 Superhuman Reflexes: d10 Telepathy: 6

SFX -- Counterattack: On a reaction against PHYSICAL STRESS attack action, inflict PHYSICAL STRESS with your effect die at no PP cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1. Immunity: Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease, poison, fatigue, or old age. Life Support: Suprema doesn't need to eat or breathe, and can survive indefinitely in the most hostile environments unless her Superhuman Durability is shut down. Multipower: Use two or more POSTHUMAN powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.

Limit – Exhausted: Shutdown any POSTHUMAN power to gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Specialties -- Combat Expert: 8 Crime Expert: 8 Medical Master: 10 Science Master: 10


I AM INVINCIBLE! 1 xp – When you taunt a villain with a d12 power and choose them as your singular foe 3 xp – When you inflict trauma on your foe 10 xp – When you single-handedly best your foe and force them to admit your superiority before others, or they single-handedly best you, forcing you to acknowledge your inferiority

We Can Be Better 1 xp – When you convince a baseline human to improve themselves 3 xp – When a human you’ve improved becomes a recognized Hero or Villain 10 xp – ???

Smart teleporter

Story So Far

At age 9, Jack Lewis' school science fair project - a scale model of a nuclear fuel reactor - won him first prize after the panic died down when the model began glowing.

At age 12, Jack was routinely defeating the old men in the park that played chess. His parent insisted that Jack finish high school at the same pace as the rest of his classmates despite the college textbooks he had been carting home from the library, or the bruises from the bullies. They wanted to be sure that Jack wouldn't be seen as not 'paying his dues', that he wouldn't be seen as having earned his place when college came calling for him. And they were certain that he was going to go to college, the first of his family to do so.

Seeking a way to deal with the other, rougher kids in school, Jack found the gym and boxing. Training his mind came easy, the work in the ring was a challenge that he found he had been missing. The licks he took in the ring - and on the schoolyard - became another way for him to pay his dues.

Going to college on a scholarship in their physics program, Jack excelled academically while he continued to work in the ring as a way to keep himself challenged. There he met Clay Briggs, another physics student with a similar interest in martial arts. The two bonded over their shared interests, becoming frequent sparring partners as well as working in the lab.

It was their collaboration that led to the accident that changed Jack. Working with an experimental particle accelerator on a project they believed could change the field of subatomic theory, they were caught in an explosion when the accelerator overloaded. Jack had tried to get Clay out of danger, and the resulting energy discharge changed him. Jack found that he was able to manipulate the density of subatomic fields in objects, creating powerful force fields or greatly enhancing the force of his strikes. Further, Jack found that he could teleport, disassembling and reassembling himself in an instant.

The accident forced both Jack and Clay out of the program and the university, something that Clay blames Jack for. With the resentment Clay felt souring their relationship, the two of them have drifted apart. For his part, Jack has been trying to find a way to use his new abilities to make a positive difference in his home city, cleaning up the streets and working to protect the residents. The falling out with Clay troubles him, but any attempt he's made to reach out to his former friend has gone unanswered so far.

Lesbian stripper ninja

Story So Far

An American great grandfather that served in WWII running a POW camp, and post-war working to transform Japan. Becomes close friends with the head of a ninja clan. The two of them agree that moving forward, it would be best if both cultures understood each other better, so an agreement is made to pick a child from each generation to be raised by the other family. The Japanese kids learn about American culture, business practices, and so forth. The American kids learn about Japanese culture (modern and traditional), and get trained as ninjas. My character would be the first girl sent over to study in Japan - but although female ninjas aren't common, they aren't unheard of either, so she's accepted. Mostly (still kind of has to push through some misogynistic crap now and again). And she's a lesbian. Not a slut, not by any means, but she likes girls.

Upon reaching Master status in her late 20's, she comes back home to the US, which she's visited from time to time, but doesn't know terribly well. She makes the mistake of coming out to her (very rich, very conservative) family as a lesbian, and immediately gets disowned. Strapped to pay the bills, few marketable skills you can actually put on a resume, no capital to set up a dojo (teaching a... sanitized... version of the art), she eventually becomes a stripper to pay the bills. It's unsavory work, especially when you don't like guys (and have to pretend otherwise), but it pays very well, and she can work a stripper pole like you wouldn't believe. There's also the advantage that with a phone call, you can disappear from work for days or weeks on end, with a quick audition you can get immediate work in almost any city, the hours are flexible... and everyone just naturally assumes you have a substance abuse problem, so no one bats an eye when you're flaky in your social life... it's almost ideal for supporting a super-heroine.

Events So Far

Important Thread Links

Initial Interest Thread[1]