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==Act listing==
==Act listing==
*Act I
*Act II
*Act III
*Act IV
*Act V
*Act VI
*Act VII
*Act IX
*Act X
*Act XI
*Act XII
*Act XIV

Revision as of 20:01, 3 June 2015

"More sacred than Gods and Goddesses is the embodiment of nature itself: The World Tree. But the Tree's destruction is at hand. Ancient dark forces from universes far beyond are seeking its destruction. Cannibal tribes rise from the south, threatening the stronghold of Daerum and all of Ethir! Never-ending dungeons, monstrous villains, bloody encounters, and action of epic proportions await you! Save the world (or more importantly, your skin)!

Prepare yourself adventurer. The world lies within your hands." -World Tree Introduction

The World Tree is a massive campaign built originally for D&D 4e in 2013 by user Tank7563. Now, it is a complete adventure for 5e filled with 14 potential "acts" or modules that make a single cohesive story surrounding the World Tree and Magnus' evil forces.

The World and the Planes

In the World Tree adventure, there are only a few characteristics that are different from the campaign. This concept is to be able to release the Dungeon Master and the players from the exact history of the realm by rewriting it, but allows for other adventures to be involved within the setting.

Religion and Deities

Worship of the gods has been a less than common occurrence, with only simple holidays to celebrate the greater deities. These deities have been described in different regions as being related to one another, with Katasis, goddess of the sun, and Vareus, god of moonlight creating them. Here is an excerpt from the lore:

"Katasis and Vareus fought for ownership of the skies for ten centuries; the sparks of their blades creating the stars in the dark sky. After the passing of the ten-day, they defeated one another, with the pieces of their spirits forming the sun and moon, greater and lesser deities, and the soul of the sentient beings."

Name Description Alignment Description
Penur God of Justice Lawful, Good Pictured as a large man with six arms, bald, and covered in glowing tattoos. It is said he can read the hearts of all beings. Worshiped by paladins, guards, military figures, some clerics, monks, and fighters.
Gielel Goddess of Luck Neutral Pictured as a woman with writhing gray hairs of tentacles. She is also sometimes pictured as a large wasp. Those who handle money are commonly associated worshiping Gielel; however, many others of all backgrounds worship her.
Hasdum Goddess of Healing Good Said to be a maiden with indigo eyes and white skin in human form. Doctors, alchemists, and some clerics, paladins, and druids worship Hasdum.
Muriel God of Hunting Neutral Often pictured as a tiger, Muriel has cat-like eyes, camouflage skin, and a sling. Druids, barbarians, and rangers worship him.
Adriel Goddess of Magic Neutral Adriel is often said to be a variety of beings, most often a cloud. Those who worship her are often associated as sorcerers and others who have "the gift" naturally occurring inside them.
Althum God of War Lawful, Evil Pictured as a large man in bright armor, often depicted next to Penur. He wears an amulet and carries an ax made of bear bones. His worship is associated with nations in war time and those who have an "inner-battle" to fight.
Gagaur God of the Underworld Chaotic, Evil Gagaur is depicted as having the head of a lizard carrying a skull. Worshiped by creatures of the Underdark and the Shadowfell.
Lolth Goddess of Deceit Chaotic, Evil An ancient goddess with many names, she is pictured as a woman with the body of a spider. She is worshiped by thieves, criminals, and some drow. (Note: in this setting, drow are said to be direct descendants of Vareus, not Lolth.
Nimrielye Goddess of Time Good Nimrielye is believed to be invisible. She is never depicted with the other gods, but is often found within the border or the key of the deities' depiction.
Ra-Orn Spirit of Nature Neutral The embodiment of the world tree, rather than the physical tree itself. Animus Mundi or spirit of the World.
Enweg Lesser God of Knowledge Good Enweg is pictured draped in a robe of scrolls working as a scribe. He is pictured within colleges and guilds where knowledge holds values, but is never depicted with the primary gods. Worshipers of him include wizards and those who seek training and knowledge of crafts or magic.


Races in the World Tree campaign are identical to races found within 5th edition, except for the history of the Drow (which are said to be decendents of Vareus, or "moon people"). Racism is not very significant in this campaign, with orcs being considered sentient beings (though many tribes are evil, not all share this alignment).

Within this adventure, a skill is added to the character sheet labeled History. This skill is based off of Intelligence and classes or backgrounds that would study history (such as Lore Bards, Knowledge Domain Clerics, Acolytes, etc.) gain proficiency in the skill.


Primarily, this campaign is centered between four "powers" or nations with smaller self governed lands. The World Tree begins within the country of Ethir, centralized in the continent of the "known world" (with the ability to add other continents and areas).


The northern most continent of the four, Kusha is known as the "land of merchants". Based loosely off of ancient middle eastern culture, the landscape is primarily comprised of desert and coastal landscapes with grasslands along the Ethirian border. Predominant races in this region include in order of population size: Humans, Half-elfs, Half-orcs, Tieflings, and Aarakocra. All other races are part of an extreme minority due to climate and emphasis on social values. More information will be added to this country as play continues in the area.

Points of Interest

  • Tribe of Sunbrothers: Located on the western shores of Kusha, next to the Trinity Islands. The Aarakocra tribe itself is very large, ranging from 30-45 members, led by chieftan Thraaka Sunbrother and shaman Kekko Sunsister.


The trading hub of the four powers, Ethir has been laid victim to more natural and man-made disasters than of the other powers combined. Ethir is landlocked except for its western border, with Kusha to the north, Old Axas to the south west, Ikhael to the south east, and unsettled territory passed the Khim mountains that divides the country. Ethir is closely related to the typical campaign social ideas, populations, culture, and government systems, containing the extensive Shunarai Woods, miles of grassland, frozen mountain peaks, and inhospitable lava pits.

Points of Interest

  • Daerum: The nations capitol as of the year 600. Daerum is located next to the grasslands and deserts southwest of the Khim Mountains, containing the largest magic college in the known world-the Daerum Wizards College.
  • Ael'Dea: Founded town after Daerum was the capitol in 603. Primarily elven and human based, but there are also large populations of dwarves and gnomes present. Serves as a safe haven between the coastal cities and the capital.
  • Thal: Location of the previous capitol and homeplace of the Thal Council (sometimes referred to as The Thal). Serves as a "utility city" between inland services and sea ports.
  • Huion: Per resident, Huion holds the highest crime rate and also holds the second highest population in Ethir (with the capital surpassing it). Huion is primarily known for its excellent artisan guilds and dark criminal undergrounds.
  • Valea: Beginning segment of the adventure, Valea is a small sea port on the western shores of Ethir. Those who visit this town do so for family and friends or for the Salty Dog Inn.
  • Grayhedge: An industrialized city, Grayhedge was carved by ancient dwarves and humans working side by side. Presently, Grayhedge is home to many poor and shady services and citizens.
  • Westernhaven: A small elven village west of Grayhedge, Westernhaven is known for its Festival of the Proud, where performers and participants gather from all over the four powers.
  • Kelvarland: A small village of druidic elves. Not much is known of them, but few have been allowed to study along with them, gleaning as much knowledge as they deem necessary.
  • Saltvale: Located southeast of the Danarus Pass, Saltvale is a small village of dwarves and humans, mining the salt from the heart of the Khim mountains and selling them to local traders and merchants.
  • Danarus Pass: The "pit of the mountain range" allows for travelers to easily travel over the mountain to the small villages of Ethir. Also is claimed to be a commonplace for the Gray Company
  • Shunarai Woods: A forest with perpetual darkness. It is said that many who attempt to travel through the darkness will never see the light again.
  • Khim Mountains: A mountain range in the center of the capital, forming a 3-armed star. Those who wish to travel over must be willing to suffer the negative degress of cold.
  • Tsar Outpost: An elven outpost outside of Thal. Only those who bear the mark of the Thal council can enter the premises of the mansion made fortress.


The innovation and craft of the four powers, Ikhael is home primarily to dwarves, gnomes, and drow of all kinds, with specific interest on technological advances and master architectural cities.

Points of Interest

  • None to be discovered yet.


Referred to as "Old Axas", Axas was predominately a war-like nation, being home to many orcs, goblins, gnoll, cannibals, lichs, and others who feast on sentient humanoid flesh. During the Time of Chaos, Axas was laid to waste by the armies of the Ashen Warrior, effectively annihilating this power into a wasteland, still unclaimed by the other three powers.

Points of Interest

  • None to be discovered yet.

The Trinity Islands

A small cluster of three hospitable islands located in the bay between Ethir and Kusha. The trinity islands are self governed, with each island varying from one another.

The Isle of Dread

A magnet for criminals and charlatans, this island is home to many pirate kings, criminal organizations, and refugees.

The Isle of Life

The Isle of Banishment

Act listing

  • Prologue
  • Act I
  • Act II
  • Act III
  • Act IV
  • Act V
  • Act VI
  • Act VII
  • Act VIII
  • Act IX
  • Act X
  • Act XI
  • Act XII
  • Act XIII
  • Act XIV
  • Conclusion