Swordsandsandals: Difference between revisions

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No edit summary
Line 79: Line 79:
* Wounds: 0
* Wounds: 0
* Bennies: 3
* Bennies: 3

''' Attributes '''
''' Attributes '''
Line 87: Line 86:
* Strength d8
* Strength d8
* Vigor d6
* Vigor d6

''' Skills '''
''' Skills '''
Line 100: Line 98:
* Taunt d4
* Taunt d4
* Throwing d4
* Throwing d4

''' Edges '''
''' Edges '''
* Brawny
* Brawny

''' Hindrances '''
''' Hindrances '''
Line 110: Line 106:
* Heroic
* Heroic
* Loyal
* Loyal

''' Derived Statistics '''
''' Derived Statistics '''
Line 117: Line 112:
* Parry 6 (+2 with shield)
* Parry 6 (+2 with shield)
* Toughness 6 (+1 Armor)
* Toughness 6 (+1 Armor)

''' Gear ''' (load limit 64lbs)
''' Gear ''' (load limit 64lbs)
Line 124: Line 118:
* Quilted coat (+1 Armor on torso and limbs, weight 12)
* Quilted coat (+1 Armor on torso and limbs, weight 12)
* Armoured cap (+1 Armor on head, weight 1)
* Armoured cap (+1 Armor on head, weight 1)
* Blanket
* Blanket (weight 4)
* Flint and steel
* Flint and steel (weight 1)
* Knife
* Knife (weight 1)
* Waterskin
* Waterskin (weight 1)
* $80
* $80

''' Experience '''
''' Experience '''

Revision as of 17:09, 16 January 2016

The Stragglers' Odyssey



Agility d8

Smarts d8

Spirit d8

Strength d4

Vigor d4


Fighting d6

Healing d8

Knowledge (medicine) d8

Notice d8

Riding d4

Swimming d4

Throwing d6



Pacifist (minor)

Vow (minor): The Hippocratic Oath



Steady Hands


4 knives


Leather armour

Medium shield


Needle and thread


Ireneus is a man of comfortable birth and once-great prospects, who looked forward to a life of affluence and respect after he completed his apprenticeship as a healer. He was horrified to be sent to the front as a field medic, knowing all too well that his life of study and care for the sick hadn't in any way prepared him to fight for his life. He was relieved that the war was over almost immediately, but now there is a long stretch of wilderness infested with bandits and beasts between him and his comfortable bed...

He is slight, pale and tends to look somewhat lost when the conversation is on anything but diseases and the treatment of injuries, on which he is all the more confident in his opinions. He tries to remember the teachings and high standards of Hippocrates and apply them to his life, but he suspects that the Father of Medicine did not have quite so many people throwing javelins on him, nor such trouble getting hold of his daily bread. When caring for patients, he is calm, gentle and businesslike; when in battle, he fights with desperate determination to survive but also unhappily, feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with sticking sharp objects through the divine miracle that is the human body.


A fisher and aspiring wrestling champion from a small coastal village, a loudmouthed braggart who would be obnoxious if not for his gregarious affability and genuine selflessness. Went to war for the loot and the glory after a storm wrecked his boat.

  • Wounds: 0
  • Bennies: 3


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d6
  • Spirit d6
  • Strength d8
  • Vigor d6


  • Boating d8
  • Climbing d4
  • Fighting d8
  • Intimidation d4
  • Notice d4
  • Persuasion d4
  • Shooting d4
  • Swimming d6
  • Taunt d4
  • Throwing d4


  • Brawny


  • Big Mouth
  • Heroic
  • Loyal

Derived Statistics

  • Charisma 0
  • Pace 6"
  • Parry 6 (+2 with shield)
  • Toughness 6 (+1 Armor)

Gear (load limit 64lbs)

  • Medium shield (+2 Parry, light cover, weight 6)
  • Sword (Str+d6 damage, +1 damage on raise, weight 2)
  • Quilted coat (+1 Armor on torso and limbs, weight 12)
  • Armoured cap (+1 Armor on head, weight 1)
  • Blanket (weight 4)
  • Flint and steel (weight 1)
  • Knife (weight 1)
  • Waterskin (weight 1)
  • $80


  • Rank: Novice
  • XP: 0


Kleon, son of the Great Kleitos

A slender youth with not a whisker on his chin, wearing a black lion-mane mantled cloak far too long for him.

Attributes Agility d8 Smarts d6 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6

Charisma 0 Pace 8" (+1d10" on Run)* Parry 5 Toughness 4*

Skills Boating d4 Climbing d4 Fighting d6 Knowledge: Myths & Legends d4 Notice d6 Persuasion d4 Stealth d6 Survival d6 Swimming d4 Throwing d8 Tracking d4

Edges Fleet-footed

Hindrances Small (Major) Outsider (Non-Adult)(Minor) Loyal (Minor)

Background Kleon is 15 or 16, no longer a child, yet he has not yet grown into a man. He has practiced the ways of war for years with his father, and others, but has never fought in battle. Faster than anyone else in his camp, he throws well and frequently hunts the arid hills for a rabbit or bird to add to the communal pots, yet he is not big enough to wield the long spear and shield yet.

He is determined to return to his fathers lands, to see his mother again, and to one day take up the spear and shield and live up to the memory of his father's deeds.

Due to his age and size, his opinion rarely carries much weight, but he is determined to give it anyway. [/sblock]

More about Kleon



  • Agility d6
  • Smarts d10
  • Spirit d6
  • Strength d4
  • Vigor d6


  • Fighting d4
  • Guts d4
  • Investigation d8
  • Knowledge [History and Religion] d6
  • Knowledge [Battle] d6
  • Notice d6
  • Persuasion d4
  • Stealth d4
  • Shoot d6


  • Curious [major]
  • Loyal [minor]
  • Enemy [minor]


  • Jack of All Trades [roll untrained Smarts skills at d4 instead of d4-2]


  • Dagger [Str+d4, AP 2, thrown 3/6/12, weight 1, cost 100]
  • Bow with 30 Bronze Arrows and Quiver [Str+d6+1, 12/24/48, cost 150]
  • Quilted coat [+1 torso & limbs, weight 12, cost 120]
  • Normal Clothing [cost 20]
  • Lantern with oil [cost 30]
  • Pen and Inkwell with ink [cost 30?]
  • Several Scrolls [cost 10]
  • $40


Shamshir-addad was always very bright - but also a little too curious. While serving as a junior scribe in the household of the King of Hattusas, Shamshir came across some irregularities in the King's accounts. Investigating, Shamshir determined that the irregularities were due to one of the King's cousins hording tax returns instead of passing them on to the king. Thinking this revelation would bring him fame and honor, Shamshir revealed his findings to the King.

Things went...poorly, and Shamshir found himself exiled from his homeland and with a powerful enemy - Suppiluliuma, cousin of the King of the Hittites. Now in the company of a crew of sailors and mercenaries, Shamshir plies his skills and knowledge in the service of his newfound friends.



  • Small shield: Str+d4, Parry +1, weight 2, cost 25
  • Medium shield: Str+d4, Parry +2, light cover, weight 6, cost 50
  • Large shield: Str+d4, Parry +2, medium cover, weight 15, cost 200

A shield slung on one's back provides cover (but no Parry bonus) to its wearer.

The hand holding the shield can also hold up to 4 pounds of other items, like javelins, which can be "drawn" as a free action.

A shield can be sacrificed instead of a Benny to soak damage; it becomes unusable until repaired (which costs the same as a new shield).

Hunkering down behind a shield (spend an action, halve your Pace) increases its cover by one step (light to medium, medium to heavy).

Melee Weapons

  • Club: Str+d4, nonlethal at will, weight 2, cost 25
  • Dagger: Str+d4, AP 2, thrown 3/6/12, weight 1, cost 100
  • Sword: Str+d6, +1 damage on raise, weight 2, cost 200
  • Axe: Str+d6, AP 1, weight 2, cost 150
  • Mace: Str+d6, shaken enemies roll to recover at -1, weight 2, cost 150
  • Staff: Str+d6, Reach 1", nonlethal at will, weight 4, cost 50
  • Spear: Str+d8, Reach 1", AP 1, thrown 4/8/16, weight 4, cost 150
  • Pike: Str+d8, Reach 2", AP 1, 2-handed only, weight 6, cost 250
  • Maul: Str+d10, shaken enemies roll to recover at -1, -1 Parry , 2-handed only, weight 10, cost 50

When using a melee weapon in two hands, your Strength die type is increased by one step for purposes of Str requirements and damage rolls.

Any weapon without a listed range, even pikes, can be thrown with a range of 2/4/8.

Ranged Weapons

  • Sling: Str+d4, 8/16/32, cost 25
    • stones: weight 1/4, free (found along waterways; 1 hour to collect)
    • bullets: damage +1, weight 1/4, cost 1/4
  • Bow: Str+d6, 12/24/48, weight 3, cost 100
    • stone arrows: weight 1/5, cost 1/2
    • bronze arrows: damage +1, weight 1/5, cost 1
  • Javelin: Str+d6, AP 1, 6/12/24, weight 2, cost 75

Slings and bows cannot be used in close combat or while prone.

Javelins cannot be thrown while prone.

Bows require two hands to use.

Slings require two hands to use, but a hand holding a shield can also hold and load slingstones (see Shields, above).


  • Quilted coat: +1 Armor on torso & limbs, weight 12, cost 120
  • Scaled coat: +2 Armor on torso & limbs, -2 Stealth, weight 17, cost 175
  • Plate cuirass: +3 Armor on torso, -2 Stealth, weight 22, cost 350
  • Bracers: +3 Armor on arms, -1 Stealth, weight 6, cost 100
  • Greaves: +3 Armor on legs, -1 Stealth, weight 6, cost 100
  • Thick cap: +1 Armor on head, weight 1, cost 30
  • Light helmet: +2 Armor on head, -1 Notice, weight 3, cost 75
  • Full helmet: +3 Armor on head, -2 Notice, weight 6, cost 150