Save or Die: Difference between revisions
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''(two-by-two)'' | ''(two-by-two)'' | ||
Vector ( | Vector (7/7 hp) | | ||
Stoop (5/5 hp)* | Elisa (6/6 hp) | Stoop (5/5 hp)* | Elisa (6/6 hp) | ||
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'''Stoop Broadshoulders.''' AL N; AC 9; HD d6; hit points 5; #AT 1; DMG dagger (1-4); ML 6 (7 if treated nicely) | '''Stoop Broadshoulders.''' AL N; AC 9; HD d6; hit points 5; #AT 1; DMG dagger (1-4); ML 6 (7 if treated nicely) | ||
'''Stinky.''' AL L; AC 7; HD d6; hit points | '''Stinky.''' AL L; AC 7; HD d6; hit points 4/6; #AT 1; DMG bite (1-4); ML 6 | ||
'''Hurk (charmed goblin).''' AL C; AC 6; HD 1-1; hit points 6/6; #AT; 1; DMG hand axe (1d6); ML 7 | '''Hurk (charmed goblin).''' AL C; AC 6; HD 1-1; hit points 6/6; #AT; 1; DMG hand axe (1d6); ML 7 |
Revision as of 06:39, 23 March 2016
A play-by-post game using homemade dungeon crawl adventures. This uses the 1981 version of Dungeons & Dragons, edited by Tom Moldvay (B/X series).
Marching Order
Vector (7/7 hp) |
Stoop (5/5 hp)* | Elisa (6/6 hp)
Osseous (1/1 hp) | Vadim (3/3 hp)
Ned (2/3 hp)** | Remius ( 3/3 hp)
-** Dog handler
Party Move: 60’ (20’)
Stoop Broadshoulders. AL N; AC 9; HD d6; hit points 5; #AT 1; DMG dagger (1-4); ML 6 (7 if treated nicely)
Stinky. AL L; AC 7; HD d6; hit points 4/6; #AT 1; DMG bite (1-4); ML 6
Hurk (charmed goblin). AL C; AC 6; HD 1-1; hit points 6/6; #AT; 1; DMG hand axe (1d6); ML 7
Current Maps
Player Characters

Nervous Ned
Played by Walkie Talkie Noise Decoder
- Level 1 Thief
- S 10; I 10; W 10; D 12; Co 7; Ch 13
- HP 3; AC 7; AL N
- XP: 39 (1,200 needed)
- Money: 15 gp, 1 ep, 40 sp
- Equipment: leather armor, sling (29 stones), Knobbly club, dagger, thieves’ tools, standard rations, coins in a sock.
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (386 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 reaction due to charisma
- Thief Abilities: open locks 15%, find & remove traps 10%, pick pockets 20%, move silently 20%, climb walls 87%, hide in shadows 10%, hear noise 1-2 on 1d6
- When striking unnoticed from behind, a thief gains a bonus of + 4 on "to hit" rolls and inflicts twice the normal amount of damage
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character
Osseus Pyrus
Played by Vektunaxa
- Level 1 Magic-User
- S 6; I 16; W 14; D 10; Co 7; Ch 9
- HP 1; AC 9; AL ?
- XP: 42 (2,500 needed)
- Money: 48 gp, 1 ep
- Equipment: dagger, backpack, oil (4), iron spikes (12), small hammer, tinderbox, wineskin, standard rations, wolfsbane (1 bunch), mirror, 2 small sacks
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (129 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: -1 to hit, damage and opening doors due to strength; +2 added languages due to intelligence; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -1 hp per hit die due to constitution
- Magic-User Abilities: Spells — charm person (1st); sleep (1st; memorized)
- Prime Requisite: +10% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character, plus two other languages — ?, ?
Vadim Zolvenko
Played by thirdkingdom
- 1st Level Magic-User
- S 11; I 17; W 8; D 4; Co 11; Ch 12
- HP 3; AC 11; AL N
- XP: 42 (2,500 needed)
- Money: 15 gp, 1 ep
- Equipment: dagger, lantern, tinderbox, oil (2), standard rations, backpack
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (106 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 added languages due to intelligence; -1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -2 to hit with ranged weapons, and +2 AC penalty due to dexterity
- Magic-User Abilities: Spells — charm person (1st); sleep (1st)
- Prime Requisite: +10% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character, plus two other languages — ?, ?
Elisa Banderova
Player by MonsterMash
- 1st Level Fighter
- S 10; I 11; W 10; D 13; Co 15; Ch 10
- HP 6/6; AC 6; AL L
- XP: 39 (2,000 needed)
- Money: 16 gp, 1 ep
- Equipment: leather armor, short sword, spear, long bow, quiver with arrows (17), backpack, oil (4 flasks), tinderbox, standard rations, wineskin
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (387 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 to ranged attacks and -1 to AC due to dexterity; +1 hp per hit die due to constitution
- Prime Requisite: no bonus to earned xp
Vector Maximus
Played by Space Cowboy
- 1st Level Dwarf
- S 16; I 11; W 14; D 6; Co 15; Ch 9
- HP 7; AC 3; AL L
- XP: 28 (2,200 needed)
- Money: 43 gp, 1 ep
- Equipment: plate mail armor, shield, long sword, hand axe (2), backpack, iron spikes, small hammer, standard rations, wineskin, oil (5), rope, tinderbox, 10’ pole
- Encumbrance: severely encumbered (884 coins) — 30’ (10’) movement rate (80+ of this can be given to Stoop to raise movement to 60’ (20’))
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -1 to ranged weapon attacks and +1 AC penalty due to dexterity; +1 hit point per hit die due to constitution
- Dwarf Abilities: 60’ infravision; detect masonry on 1-2 on d6
- Prime Requisite: +10% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), Dwarven and the alignment tongue of the character plus gnome, kobold and goblin
Remius the Golden
Played by Mr. Kent
- 1st Level Cleric
- S 16; I 13; W 17; D 8; Co 13; Ch 14
- HP 3; AC 5; AL L
- XP: 21 (1,500 needed)
- Money: 15 gp, 1 ep
- Equipment: chain mail armor, shield, warhammer, holy symbol, backpack, standard rations, wineskin, oil (2)
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (627 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; +2 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -1 to ranged weapon attacks and +1 AC penalty due to dexterity; +1 hit point per hit die due to constitution; +1 to reactions due to charisma
- Cleric Abilities: turn undead — skeletons (7), zombies (9), ghouls (11)
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character + one additional
Retired Heroes
Dim the Gregarious
Played by The Hooded Ronin
- Level 1 Fighter
- S 13; I 7; W 6; D 8; Co 14; Ch 12
- HP 9; AC 3; AL L
- XP: 41 (2,000 needed)
- Money: 4 gp
- Equipment: hand axe, plate mail, shield, sword, backpack, rope, standard rations, wineskin
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (788 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 to hit, damage and opening doors due to strength; -1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -1 to hit with ranged weapons and +1 AC penalty due to dexterity; +1 hp per hit die due to constitution
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character
Memorial of Dead Heroes
Demius the Ultra-Righteous slain in battle with fire beetles
Played by Mr. Kent
- Level 1 Cleric
- S 13; I 8; W 15; D 14; Co 6; Ch 11
- HP 5; AC 3; AL L
- XP: 0 (1,500 needed)
- Money: 10 gp
- Equipment: chain mail, shield, war hammer, holy symbol, standard rations, backpack
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (620 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 to hit, damage and opening doors due to strength; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; +1 to hit with ranged weapons and -1 AC bonus due to dexterity; -1 hp per hit die due to constitution
- Cleric Abilities: turn undead — skeletons (7), zombies (9), ghouls (11)
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character
Magnus Soulbreaker slain in battle with fire beetles
Played by Space Cowboy
- Level 1 Dwarf
- S 16; I 9; W 14; D 9; Co 13; Ch 11
- HP 5; AC 4; AL C
- XP: 0 (2,200 needed)
- Money: 1 gp
- Equipment: longsword (1d8), hand axe (1d6) x2, chain mail armor, shield, backpack, lantern, oil (3 flasks), tinderbox, wine skin, rope, standard rations
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (715 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 to hit, damage and opening doors due to strength; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; +1 hp per hit die due to constitution
- Dwarf Abilities: 60’ infravision; detect masonry on 1-2 on d6
- Prime Requisite: +10% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), Dwarvish, and the alignment tongue of the character, plus the languages of gnomes, kobolds, and goblins
Posting Protocol
Dice Rolls: When action or clues take place, state directly in character what your character is doing. I'll make rolls as the DM behind the screen. There will be tons of rolls made, so I won't bother linking dice roller results. If you want to preemptively roll a first attack roll or make a saving throw knowing that one wis coming up, feel free to do so. But generally, I'll be handling rolls.
The Dangerous Job of Adventuring: There is lots of assumed things happening each turn. These include careful exploration, mapping, being quiet, and resting briefly for at least one turn per hour. Faster movement than normal is possible, but not assumed. Let me know that your characters are going to run for it. Likewise, assumed actions does not include searching for traps and secret doors and the like. Be specific when describing attempts to do these special things. Anytime you wish to do something not among the default of assumed things, it must be stated.
It all comes with a cost — searching takes time. Being careless risks death. Time = lost resources and the potential for more dangerous encounters.
Combat: This will happen frequently. Be sure to be clear about such things as maneuver descriptions and combat tactics, such as forming lines to protect spell casters and ranged combatants, etc. You can even come up with standard modus operandi to save time. I may run multiple rounds of combat until events trigger a need for new tactics or orders. Stating what you want in the long term can be helpful, such as "continue melee until I'm down to 3 hp".
There's a few general maneuvers to note:
- defensive movement only allowed (up to 1/2 movement rate) allowed and still make an attack
- fighting withdrawal is moving 1/2 rate backward; attack allowed
- faster than 1/2 speed is considered retreating speed, and grants a +2 bonus to the opponent and negates shield bonuses
- cover can provide -1 to -4 in penalties to the ranged attacker
Character Death
PC's will probably die in this adventure. When this happens, choose a new one (by character generation or pregen selection), and the character will be introduced within the adventure as soon as possible, possibly in a harrowing circumstance requiring the party's rescue, assistance, or what have you. I'll also try to keep this area stocked with pregens.
Repository of Fresh Recruits
I'll try to keep this area stocked with ready pregens.
Squab Dmini
- Level 1 Halfling
- S 9; I 8; W 11; D 11; Co 17; Ch 10
- HP 8!!!; AC 6; AL N
- XP: 0 (2,000 needed)
- Money: 0 gp
- Equipment: leather armor, shield, short sword, daggers (3), 2 small sacks, standard rations (double amount), wineskin (full), lantern, tinderbox, oil (4)
- Encumbrance: lightly encumbered (440 coins) — 90’ (30’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 to hit points per hit die due to constitution
- Halfling Abilities: +1 to missile attacks; -2 to AC when being attacked by larger than man-sized creatures; +1 to personal initiative; 10% chance to be noticed in the wilds or 1-2 on d6 chance in dungeons when hiding
- Prime Requisite: none added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and halfling
Lotharia Autumnsbreath
- 1st Level Elf
- S 7; I 10; W 14; D 12; Co 9; Ch 10
- HP 3; AC 5; AL L
- Spells: charm person
- XP: 0 (4,000 needed)
- Money: 37 gp
- Equipment: chain mail, sword, dagger, long bow, quiver with arrows (20), iron rations, 2 small sacks, wineskin, wolfsbane (1 bunch)
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (617 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: -1 to hit due to strength; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom
- Elf Abilities: infravision to 60'; find secret doors on 1-2 on d6; cannot be paralyzed by ghouls;
- Elf Spells: charm person (1st-level)
- Prime Requisite: none added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), Elvish, Orc, Hobgoblin and Gnoll
Pavel Sznegovich
- 1st Level Thief
- S 10; I 10; W 11; D 13; Co 11; Ch 11
- HP 2; AC 6; AL N
- XP: 0 (1,200 needed)
- Money: 1 gp
- Equipment: leather armor, short sword, short bow, quiver with arrows (20), backpack, oil (4 flasks), tinderbox, standard rations, wineskin, lantern
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (318 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 to hit with ranged weapons and -1 to AC due to dexterity
- Thief Abilities: open locks 15%, find & remove traps 10%, pick pockets 20%, move silently 20%, climb walls 87%, hide in shadows 10%, hear noise 1-2 on 1d6; When striking unnoticed from behind, a thief gains a bonus of + 4 on "to hit" rolls and inflicts twice the normal amount of damage
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character
Remius the Golden
- 1st Level Cleric
- S 16; I 13; W 17; D 8; Co 13; Ch 14
- HP 3; AC 5; AL L
- XP: 0 (1,500 needed)
- Money: 0 gp
- Equipment: chain mail armor, shield, mace, holy symbol, backpack, standard rations, wineskin, oil (2)
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (610 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +2 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; +2 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; -1 to ranged weapon attacks and +1 AC penalty due to dexterity; +1 hit point per hit die due to constitution; +1 to reactions due to charisma
- Cleric Abilities: turn undead — skeletons (7), zombies (9), ghouls (11)
- Prime Requisite: +10% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), and the alignment tongue of the character + one additional
Miriel Silverstream
- 1st Level Elf
- S 13; I 13; W 10; D 13; Co 10; Ch 7
- HP 2; AC 4; AL L
- XP: 0 (4,000 needed)
- Money: 30 gp
- Equipment: chain mail armor, sword, short bow, quiver (20), backpack, oil (5), mirror, standard rations, tinderbox, torches (6), water skin
- Encumbrance: moderately encumbered (610 coins) — 60’ (20’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: +1 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; +1 to ranged weapon attacks and -1 AC bonus due to dexterity; -1 to reactions due to charisma
- Elf Abilities: infravision to 60'; find secret doors on 1-2 on d6; cannot be paralyzed by ghouls;
- Elf Spells: floating disc (1st-level)
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), Elvish, Orc, Hobgoblin, Gnoll, and Goblin
Pellene Trechius
- 1st Level Magic-User
- S 6; I 15; W 14; D 14; Co 8; Ch 11
- HP 1; AC 8; AL N
- XP: 0 (2,500 needed)
- Money: 18 gp
- Equipment: daggers (3), backpack, oil (5), holy water (1), iron spikes, small hammer, lantern, tinderbox, small sack, standard rations, wineskin
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (128 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: -1 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; +1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; +1 to ranged weapon attacks and -1 AC bonus due to dexterity; -1 hit point per hit die due to constitution
- Magic-User Spells: read languages (1st-level); shield (1st-level)
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), alignment, and Gnoll
Andrey Rubikov
- 1st Level Thief
- S 7; I 8; W 7; D 13; Co 14; Ch 5
- HP 2; AC 8; AL N
- XP: 0 (1,500 needed)
- Money: 0 gp
- Equipment: daggers (4), crossbow, case with 30 quarrels, 50’ rope, 2 small sacks, thieves' tools
- Encumbrance: unencumbered (180 coins) — 120’ (40’) movement rate
Special Abilities
- Ability Scores: -1 to hit and damage and opening doors with strength; -1 to saving throws vs. spells due to wisdom; +1 to ranged weapon attacks and -1 AC bonus due to dexterity; +1 hit point per hit die due to constitution; -1 reaction due to charisma
- Thief Abilities: open locks 15%, find & remove traps 10%, pick pockets 20%, move silently 20%, climb walls 87%, hide in shadows 10%, hear noise 1-2 on 1d6; When striking unnoticed from behind, a thief gains a bonus of + 4 on "to hit" rolls and inflicts twice the normal amount of damage
- Prime Requisite: +5% added to earned xp
- Languages: speaks Common (Thyatian), alignment, and Gnoll
Community Treasure
- pp: 0
- gp: 0
- ep: 0
- sp: 0
- cp: 0
- 0
- 0
Rare or Magic Items:
- none
Other Items:
- iron key (worthless)
Total weight of goods: 1 coins
House Rule Repository
There aren't any!
Okay, maybe just one — XP divided immediately among party after encounters and treasure.
Time Tracking/Notes
Here, I'll record progress in terms of time for the purpose of tracking resources and making wandering monster checks. Late fall — sunrise: 7:50; sunset: 16:50.
- 16:40. Party evacuates dungeon.
- 16:30. Vector examines north door and listening attempts made. No wandering monsters. Ned clubs away to open a hole in the door. Goblin attack!
- 16:20. Vector removes western door. Elisa supplies oil to Vadim. Osseus refills lantern. (Expires 20:30) Treasure find.
- 16:10. Party enters area #6. No wandering monsters. Vector searches around north door.
- 16:00. Rest.
- 15:50. Vector continues wall work. No wandering monsters.
- 15:40. Vector widens outer east wall crack.
- 15:30. Bed searches pool. No wandering monsters.
- 15:20. Continues to eastern outer wall.
- 15:10. Move to investigate hole in eastern outer wall. Monster attack! Party vanquishes 7 giant rats.
- 15:00. Rest.
- 14:50. Examination of stairs in area #3. No wandering monsters.
- 14:40. Search complete.
- 14:00. Ned begins exhaustive search in area #2 for traps and loot. No wandering monsters.
- 13:50. Party returns to area #3 to break through to area #2. Dim breaks in. No wandering monsters.
- 13:40. Party exits to peer through breach in NW corner of outer wall.
- 13:30. Party searches north door. No wandering monsters.
- 13:20. Party reconvenes to area #3. Dogs sent to trigger traps. Search fireplace discovering subterranean channel and voices.
- 13:10. Ned searches the gaping hole. No wandering monsters.
- 13:00. Ned takes Snarl through the front entrance to investigate the outside hole to area marked #4.
- 12:50. Party enters area labeled #3. No wandering monsters.
- 12:40. Ned and Vector search east door. No traps found. Door stuck.
- 12:30. Arrival at the keep. Oil expires 15:50.
Day 5
- 13:10. No wandering monsters. The party retreats the dungeon.
- 13:00. Ned listens at the east door, hearing nothing.
- 12:50. No wandering monsters. Ned investigates chandelier. Magnus investigates fireplace. Dim guards west doorway. Beetle attack! Dim and Elisa wounded; Magnus and Demius died. Search of pile finished.
- 12:40. Enters keep.
- 12:30. Arrival at the keep. Marching order set up. Vadim & Osseus light lanterns (expires: 16:30).
Day 1