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=Player Characters=
=Player Characters=
* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Inerrant_Benevolent_Luminary|Inerrant Benevolent Luminary]]'' of the Orichalcum caste, played by [[User:KreenWarrior|KreenWarrior]]

* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Scrupulous_Liquidator|Scrupulous Liquidator]]'' of the Moonsilver caste, played by [[User:EnigmaticOne|EnigmaticOne]]
* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Scrupulous_Liquidator|Scrupulous Liquidator]]'' of the Moonsilver caste, played by [[User:EnigmaticOne|EnigmaticOne]]
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* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Reified_Focus_of_Possibilities|Reified Focus of Possibilities]]'' of the Starmetal caste, played by [[User:Metal_Fatigue|Metal Fatigue]]
* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Reified_Focus_of_Possibilities|Reified Focus of Possibilities]]'' of the Starmetal caste, played by [[User:Metal_Fatigue|Metal Fatigue]]
* ''[[Godbound:_Blood_and_Oil:Inerrant_Benevolent_Luminary|Inerrant Benevolent Luminary]]'' of the Orichalcum caste, played by [[User:KreenWarrior|KreenWarrior]]

Revision as of 11:57, 3 May 2017

Awaken, Champion. Arise from the vat of chemical broth in which you were formed, and begin your service. Know that you have been Exalted above all others - your soul chosen among uncounted millions for its history of heroism and singular achievement, not in a single reincarnation but across many. A body was crafted for you by the arts of all five Sodalities, with bones of unyielding metal and flesh of synthetic clay. Finally, the creation was infused with the holy power of Autochton the Great Maker, the god within whose mechanical body resides our entire civilisation. Now, you will live forever, ageless and eternal, and wield power beyond the dreams of any mortal.

But you were not created for your own benefit, but for the good of the metropolis of Loran, and all of Autochtonia beyond. For a thousand years, we Loranei have dwelt in our city of domes and tubes in the depths of the Elemental Pole of Oil. We have kept out of the religious squabbling and bitter strife among the Eight Nations, and spent our efforts exploring the endless ocean around us in our submersibles, seeking out the priceless chemicals and fuels attainable only by our fearless workers and cunning scientists. But that time is coming to a close, for the systems of the Great Maker are failing, and the blights of the Void grows ever stronger in the darkness of the Reaches below.

For the survival of all, the time has come to open our gates to trade with the Eight Nations. Without their might to defend us, we must surely fall before the Voidbringers and the gremlin hordes - and without our boundless chemical wealth, they will soon be unable to power their machines and feed their peoples. But as the emissaries of the mightiest empires in Autochtonia approach, they bring peril as well as opportunity. Surely, they will squabble and scheme among themselves for a greater part of our riches; just as surely, they will watch with greedy eyes for an opportunity to seize those riches by force. And the Void, too, will not stand idly by as we work to avert the doom that it embodies.

You and your brothers and sisters have been created to stand guard against these dangers, by wit and by might. Your creation has exhausted Loran's store of the Magical Materials; you are the first of our Champions, and until our fortunes vax great as we hope they will, no more will join you. Loran's future is in your hands, and as it stands or falls, so does Autochtonia.

Blood and Oil is a campaign within the setting of Exalted, using the rules from Godbound. It is Game Mastered by Baeraad.

Main links

Player Characters


Non-Player Characters

  • Driss, Celebrant of Loran
  • Honn, Autocrat of Loran
  • Jurr, Luminor Councillor of Loran
  • Bech, Conductor Councillor of Loran
  • Hesha, a Kamaki Arch Lector and ambassador to Loran
  • Gerdin Vorak, a gamma-subroutine in the upper Reaches
  • Groll, a scout of the Deepcurrent tribe of Oilkin

House rules

The Alchemical Exalted function by the standard Godbound rules except as noted below.

  • At character creation, you must choose an inherent Word. It needs to be one of two that are associated with your caste.
    • Orichalcum: Command and Might
    • Moonsilver: Alacrity and Deception
    • Jade: Artifice and Metal (like Earth, only without the limitations regarding using it on metal)
    • Starmetal: Knowledge and Time
    • Soulsteel: Endurance and Passion
  • You need to learn Words and Gifts before you can install them. You start with 2 Words in addition to your inherent Word, and 6 points' worth of Gifts. You gain 2 points per level that you can spend on new Words and Gifts.
  • Words and Gifts need to be installed in slots. You start with 6 slots. A Word takes up 3 slots, a major Gift 2, and a minor Gift 1. You gain 1 additional slot per level. Your inherent Word takes up no slots (and can not be uninstalled). In order to have a Gift installed, you must also have the Word installed that it belongs to.
  • For your Facts, choose two that each describe one of your previous incarnations. The third should describe the specific role you were constructed to fill, or the position you have been assigned in some part of Loranei society.
  • You can not learn the Wealth Word by any means. If the Autochtonians had the technology to generate endless resources, Autochtonia wouldn't be in the mess it's in. All other Words are fair game - some fit better than others, but the ones that seem out of place are just assumed to be strange, experimental technology that you were the first Alchemical ever to be outfitted with.
  • You gain Effort as quickly as a regular Godbound, starting with 2 and gaining 1 more per level.
  • Alchemicals can learn Strifes normally. No particular Word is required to learn any Strife - if it becomes relevant, the techniques of a Strife are considered Gifts of the Alchemical's inherent Word. Techniques take up the same number of slots as their cost (so 1 slot for the the entrance technique, 1/2 slot for each lesser technique, 1 slot for the finishing technique). For a particular technique to be installed, all its prerequisite techniques must first have been installed (so the entrance technique must be installed for any lesser technique to be installed, and all other techniques must be installed for the finishing technique to be installed).
  • Spending or committing Effort triggers anima displays. 1 Effort can be spent or committed "invisibly" at level 1, and the amount increases to 2 Effort at level 3 and 3 Effort at level 6. Spending or committing 1 Effort above this limit causes anima display at the "4-7 motes" level, 2 above causes anima displays at the "8-10 motes" level, 3 above causes anima displays at the "11-15 motes" level, and 4 or more above causes the effects of the "16+" level. The anima effect remains while the Effort is committed or the spent Effort continues to have mechanical effects - thus, an anima display might be decreased by uncommitting one or more points of Effort, and anima displays caused by Effort spent to activate a temporary effect immediately disappear when the effect does.
    • Why? Because I've always thought that it's freaking idiotic that Exalts glow more the less powerful they are, and it's a GM's perogative to turn his pet peeves into house rules! :P